Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 290

Chapter: 290

Having learned many things from Luke, Encia promised to help Tia talk to him when she someday woke up, and then parted ways with Luke.

To be precise, it was more about giving up her spot for Luke, who wanted to spend time next to the statue.

Returning to her room, Encia began to organize the swirling thoughts in her head.

Let’s set aside the fact that the wealth of the Romanian Empire comes from statues the size of a person.

It might have been a big deal to others, but it really wasn’t important to Encia.

Back in her room, Encia started to think about magic.

Magic. All knowledge of what it could do was neatly folded up and shoved to the corners of her mind.

Things she had taken for granted until now. Ways of using magical power. All those stereotypes were folded up and sealed away.

The first thing that came to her mind was magic. What could be done with it?

Ordinary wizards used it by transforming into elements.

Elven elemental magic uses magical power to empower spirits.

Dwarves create magical items using the magic within magic stones.

Lizardmen’s sorcery is similar to elven magic in that it uses spirits, but let’s skip that part.

Monsters pull off magical feats using the magic stones within their own bodies.

Ultimately, even though all of this power came from the same source, they wielded it in various ways.

Judging from that perspective, one could conclude that magic is an unpredictable and ever-changing force.

A power that changes according to the user’s will. The ability to control clouds and change the weather. The capability to scatter fire and lightning. Even a power that could replace the life force of living beings.

Magic was… possibility.

If that’s the case… what’s impossible?

For a moment, she thought that if she could use magic, maybe she could even create new life! But Encia hesitated at the thought; after all, blaspheming against—what could be Tia’s goddess of life—made her uncomfortable.

Anyway, magic held immense potential.

If she could tap into that potential, she might solve the dilemma she was currently facing.

Specifically… it might even create the talents Encia was searching for.

With that, Encia walked toward a spot in Sirius.

In that sparsely populated, not-so-safe area was none other than a slave market where buying and selling happened.

There, Encia was looking to find what she desired.

“Well, it’s quite a remote place,” she muttered.

“I guess it can’t be helped. Not everyone welcomes the existence of slaves,” a man standing near the entrance remarked with a mischievous grin.

“The priests of the Church of Life say that every life has equal value, but that’s far from the truth. Would a little rabbit and a human have the same worth?”

“But with the Church’s might so high, folks like us—non-mainstream people—have no choice but to settle in these out-of-the-way locations.”

“Can’t be helped since she’s the Goddess of Life and the Church of Life, right?”

Since she cherishes all life equally, the same must go for slaves.

Thus, it’s only natural that the stronger the faith in the goddess, the greater the antipathy towards slaves.

“So what brings a wizard like yourself to this shoddy little slave market?” the man inquired.

“Because I need a slave,” Encia replied casually.

“Well, if you’re here, then you can’t really buy much else. I won’t pry into your purposes for needing a slave. If you kindly tell me what kind of slave you need, I’ll find you one.”

Encia nodded to the man’s words.

Rather than picking through each slave trader on her own, this guide would be much easier.

“First, I need a female slave who’s young.”

“If it’s a child, what age are you looking for?”

“Um… I’d like a child under 10 years old, please.”

“Under 10? That’s a tough request, but I understand. Though I can’t guarantee we have any that fit.”

With that, the man stationed at the slave market entrance headed inside and returned a while later.

“Fortunately, there appear to be several slaves that meet those criteria. If you want, I can fetch one for you.”

“Is it really necessary?”

“Well, some folks come here needing slaves but don’t want to set foot in a slave market.”

Encia nodded slightly at his words. They probably believed entering a place where people are bought and sold would tarnish their soul.

But she couldn’t understand the mindset of needing a slave while thinking that way.

“Wouldn’t it be better to see them in person and make a choice?”

“Absolutely. You want to examine the slave’s condition and health in person. We’ll choose the best for you, but there’s always the chance they won’t match what you’re looking for.”

“Then I’ll look and choose myself. Just guide me.”

After saying that, Encia took a silver coin from her clothes and tossed it to him, who caught the coin mid-air and grinned widely.

“This is quite a tip for just a guide. Since it’s like this, I’ll make it worth your while.”

With a smirk, the man led the way through the slave market while Encia trudged along behind him.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

The man seemed knowledgeable about the slave market, sharing many details with Encia.

One trader specializes in catching slaves from across the snowy northern plains. Another dreams of acquiring slaves from different races, which is totally out of the question. One is a bit of a pervert, so it’s best not to approach him. At least the one that does business “with integrity” is worth considering.

Most of his chatter was easily ignorable, but the information about the honest trader was indeed valuable.

“Welcome in! What kind of slave do you need?”

The slave trader glanced at Encia as she stepped into the building, then greeted her with a grin.

After all, no one could think otherwise after seeing the luxurious robes that implied she was a wizard.

Surely, no one would want to risk angering someone who could hurl fireballs at the slightest provocation.

“I’m looking for a young girl slave,” Encia stated.

“A girl slave? You’re looking for quite the rarity. Well, I might have something available.”

The trader opened an inner door and led her through.

“Please follow me.”

Beyond that door were several rooms, and behind the wooden bars of each room were slaves dressed in rags.

“If it’s a young girl, the only one here is that one in the corner. There aren’t many younger child slaves since not many ask for them. And if it’s a girl, the numbers get even lower.”

At the trader’s comments, Encia looked over at the girl huddled in the corner.

A young girl with jet-black hair in clothes that were practically rags.

With thin hands and feet—probably from not eating enough—she wasn’t moving at all.

“Um… I’ll take that girl.”

“Really? You’re deciding that quickly?”

“There aren’t many options, so it’s fine since she simply needs to be a young girl.”

“If that’s your choice…”

And thus, Encia bought the young slave for the cost of three silver coins.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Master, please wake up.”

“Ugh… So annoying…”

“Master! I said get up!”

A black-haired girl yanked the blanket away, causing the silver-haired woman to tumble out of bed, having been buried under the covers.

“Ow… that hurts.”

“Breakfast is ready, so hurry and wash up. You need to eat breakfast!”

“It’s annoying…”

“Your mother insisted I make sure you eat breakfast!!”

In response to the black-haired girl’s insistence, Encia let out a whimper.

“When I first brought you home, you were just like a doll. How did you end up like this?”

“It’s because I can’t trust you, Master. I appreciate you taking me in as a slave and even giving me a name, but I didn’t expect your lifestyle to be this chaotic.”

“I didn’t care when I was alone!”

“Well, you’re not living alone now, so please be mindful. Your parents can’t be here forever checking on you.”

“Ugh… What a twist of fate.”

Encia sighed while watching her disciple, Cecil, stubbornly attempt to tidy up the bed.

When she first brought her, she was merely sitting in the corner with lifeless eyes. Why had her personality changed so dramatically?

Had it been from healing Cecil’s wounds and frail body while practicing magical life force conversion?

Had it been because Encia created a beautiful night sky with a little magical light when Cecil couldn’t sleep due to a gloomy expression?

Or maybe it was due to Encia frequently displaying her untrustworthy side during their time together?

While teaching her as a disciple and saying she too could become a wizard?

Though she cannot pinpoint what the cause was…

“Wash up quickly! The soup will get cold!!”

Despite the myriad of annoyances, her life had indeed gotten more convenient.

Encia nodded slightly, reluctantly coming to terms with it, and headed toward the bathroom.

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