Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 310

The physical abilities of the majority of beastmen are quite superior when compared to other races, except for the lizardmen.

Anyone who has researched the physical differences among various races would know this as common knowledge.

Elastic and strong muscles that are incomparable to humans. Thick and sturdy skeletons that are hard to damage. Well-honed senses and sharp reflexes, too.

Excluding the lizardmen, beastmen possess superior physiques compared to other races.

One of the factions of beastmen, the Jo-in, is no different; their physical abilities are known to be almost on par with other beastmen.

The difference lies in the fact that Jo-in have large wings for flying.

There are variations between individuals, but Jo-in with wings measuring around 2 to 3 meters in length can fly without relying on their magic, making them an extremely rare race.

However, it’s widely argued that their flight is physically impossible, based on the fact that their bodies are not suitable for flight.

Jo-in, engaging in the intense activity of flying, generally have well-developed muscles and sturdy skeletons to support those muscles.

Moreover, with their large wings covered in dense feathers, Jo-in typically weigh more than most large beastmen. Therefore, it is academically believed that it’s physically impossible for these heavyweight Jo-in to soar through the skies with their wings.

Despite this, the Jo-in were able to take flight. They spread their wings and rode the wind upwards.

Unless they contracted the unique disease among Jo-in known as feather loss disease, they were indeed achieving what was deemed physically impossible.

Many scholars have investigated why the flight of the Jo-in is feasible, but so far, no one has pinpointed the exact cause. But I am different.

Having cohabited and socialized with the Jo-in for a long time, I finally discovered the biggest secret that allows them to fly.

When I think about it now, it was a remarkably simple secret, leaving one to wonder why the scholars who studied the Jo-in until now failed to notice it.

The reason is quite simple. The secret was something so obvious to the Jo-in themselves.

It was like an ingrained custom embedded in their ecology that constituted the essence of their flight.

– On the Jo-in, the winged residents.

The author of this book spent decades amongst the Jo-in, researching them, and is famous for having succeeded in fleeting flight using a tool mimicking the Jo-in’s wings.

“Y-yes, I did it! I’m flying!!”

As a Jo-in empowered by Sylphid flaps their wings, their body slowly lifts off the ground.

With just the right amount of wind wrapping around their wings, the Jo-in begins to rise slightly from the ground.

Sylphid watches the flying Jo-in with a serious expression… Oh wait, on closer inspection, that’s not serious, that’s actually a tense face.

Watching the Jo-in flap their wings with a face mixed with concern, Sylphid looks like a parent watching their child by the water’s edge.

“Oooh, oooh….”

The rising Jo-in continues to flap their wings, and the wind lifts them higher.

Climbing higher and higher. The wings catch the wind and push the body upward.

Soaring to unreachable heights, gliding freely through the sky.

Their wings, with Sylphid’s help, were fulfilling a role they had never managed to achieve until now.

“Phew, how is it? Mom?”


I smiled at Sylphid, whose face was slightly tense, and ruffled her hair. To an outside observer, it might look like the younger child was patting the adult’s head, but… who cares.

If a child achieves a result, it’s a parent’s role to praise them.

“Right now, you’re a bit nervous because it’s your first success, but as you gradually lend your wind to more and more people, you’ll become accustomed to it. Then you’ll be able to freely lend your wind to the numerous wings without worrying at all.”

“Many people… Can so many people come to believe in me?”

“Who knows? That depends on the Jo-in and you.”

I gazed at the Jo-in who had begun to lift off the ground, one by one.

Wings that had previously been mere decorations, now accomplishing their purpose. Those bound by gravity becoming free.

This sight was immensely pleasing.

“Flying is something many people aspire to. Perhaps even those who aren’t Jo-in might dream of soaring in the sky.”

Breaking free from countless restraints and flying freely is certainly a dream many share.

If one could fly by becoming a believer of Sylphid and borrow their winds… who would refuse that?

Dreaming of the vast sky is what many lives desire.

“Those who wish for wings and want to fly… won’t they come to believe in you?”

“Those who want to fly…”

“Exactly. Those who wish to fly freely. I hope you become their strength.”

It would be regrettable for those who dream of flying to be unable to do so.

Those wishing to fly will come to believe in Sylphid, and Sylphid, in turn, will reward that faith by lending them their wings.

Perhaps even those without wings might come to believe in Sylphid… but anyway.

“In the future, you will become the god of those longing for wings. Help those who wish to fly.”

“Can I… really do that?”

“If you can’t, who can? You are the most suitable for it.”

Shamash is the god of law and justice and cannot take sides, while other children have their caregivers, and I am already sufficiently looking after enough, so only Sylphid, being in the freest position among them, could help others take flight.

“It is a task that only you can accomplish.”

After a brief period, the Jo-in settled on the cliff where they trained their flight with Sylphid.

Perhaps due to Sylphid spending considerable time here, the energy of Sylphid lingered thickly in the surrounding area. It felt like Sylphid’s sanctuary, to some degree.

That’s probably why the Jo-in chose to settle here.

To be honest, while there are plenty of better places, it didn’t quite make sense to settle here… but hey, if they like it, who am I to argue?

Still, I figured I should lend them a little help. In such a harsh environment, securing adequate food would not be easy.


“Are you hiring Jo-in as messengers for the Church of Life?”

“Yup. Although I’m not saying we’ll do it right away.”

Just a few hundred, at best. In a situation where creating a reasonably sized village would be the end of it, wouldn’t it be a problem if we took too much labor force?

I meant to do it once we’ve established ourselves, and the population growth stabilized.

“Fortunately, thanks to the cliff environment, it’s relatively safe from external dangers. Thus, it might be wise to have the Church of Life supply the necessary food and other items, and in the future, hire potential messengers from among them.”

There was no land around the cliff suitable for farming, so food would be in short supply.

Even if they gathered food through hunting or foraging, there was no guarantee they could gather enough.

Therefore, I was thinking it would be best to hire the Jo-in through the Church of Life to provide the necessary supplies.

“I can trust mom, but… the Church of Life… um…”

“To be honest, without this help, I think it would be tough for them to survive. If it were a better environment, it wouldn’t have been hard…”

While the area was somewhat barren and windy, perhaps that’s what made it suitable for maintaining faith in Sylphid.

It may be a harsh environment to live in, but for those wanting to fly, there couldn’t be a better place.

“Anyway, let’s support them with the necessary supplies through the Church of Life, and those who wish to may find work there. Oh, they don’t have to work for the Church of Life if they don’t want to.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. Everyone should have the freedom to choose their own paths.”

Given that they are free-flying Jo-in, if they were to do business, they’d likely become good merchants.

While they can’t carry many goods, they would have unmatched strengths when it comes to transporting small quantities of items quickly.

Or they could become soldiers and carry out scouting missions excellently. Scouts who can reconnoiter regardless of the terrain are valuable assets.

With their avian traits, their vision should also be good. Hmm, that’s nice. Very nice.

Or they could work as messengers. After all, the advantage of flight will shine in various roles.

I think highly of the potential of these Jo-in, and I just want to sprinkle some support preemptively. wink

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