Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 169: The Joy of Taking Shortcuts

TL: Etude

On the day of the winter solstice.

Early in the morning, snowflakes fell, deepening the chill in the air.

Ren Ziqiang sprang out of bed, excited about the cafeteria selling dumplings today, and called the entire dormitory to go eat together.

Jiang Qin had scheduled the dumpling and hot pot feast for Room 208 for tonight, but they couldn’t skip meals during the day. Besides, he felt quite hungry, so he decided to join them.

However, the taste of the cafeteria’s dumplings was indescribably bad.

One bite revealed an overpowering scent of spices, yet the meat flavor was absent. The filling was juicy, but the greasiness somehow spoiled the texture.

“Ugh, even dogs wouldn’t eat this. Is this just frozen stuff? And they dare call these handmade dumplings?”

Cao Guangyu dropped his chopsticks, his face full of disdain.

“Bro Cao, if you find it disgusting, just say so. Why say even dogs wouldn’t eat it?”

Zhou Chao, with a half-eaten dumpling in his chopsticks, looked as gloomy as the bottom of a pot.

“It’s good enough to have something to eat. With so many students at Linchuan University, the cafeteria aunties would need the arms of a Qilin to make you purely handmade dumplings. But technically, hand-cooked can be considered handmade, a classic marketing strategy.”

Jiang Qin revealed the truth, nonchalantly stuffing two more dumplings into his mouth, undeterred by Cao Guangyu’s sarcasm.

He wasn’t overly picky about flavors, thinking that filling the stomach was enough. Someone as fussy as Old Cao was either spoiled from childhood or just a chronic complainer.

This problem could be easily fixed – a few days of hunger in the mountains would do the trick.

After emptying the plate of dumplings, Jiang Qin turned to look at the snowflakes fluttering outside the window. Instead of focusing on the few snowflakes, he saw several girls from the Finance Class 3 approaching.

Leading the group were Song Qingsong, Jiang Tian, and Jian Chun, the three beauties, followed by Pan Xiu and Liu Xiaojun, the supporting green leaves.

Last in line was Zhuang Chen, carrying bags and milk tea.

When the two groups met, except for Ren Ziqiang and Pan Xiu, who had gone their separate ways, the remaining eight greeted each other naturally.

“Have you noticed? Our four guys from the class seem to have turned into aloof male gods.”

Liu Xiaojun found a seat and whispered.

Song Qingsong’s eyebrows shot up: “Jiang Qin has always been a male god. Does he even need to change?”

“Cao Guangyu seems to have found someone too, a senior from the Medical Department.”

Zhuang Chen showed off his gossip knowledge, skillfully shifting the topic away from Jiang Qin.

“Zhou Chao hasn’t changed, just getting fatter.”

“Ren Ziqiang has also become aloof, not even greeting us just now…”

As the words fell, everyone involuntarily glanced at Pan Xiu, who pursed her lips, looking aggrieved.

Since last month, Ren Ziqiang had stopped paying her any attention. Whether in class or by chance encounters, he acted like a stranger to her.

Pan Xiu didn’t understand what she did wrong. After days of inquiries, she got no response.

Unlike her, who had fewer admirers due to her beauty, losing one made a significant difference to her. So now, whenever she heard Ren Ziqiang’s name, her mood soured.

“Speaking of making dumplings, do you think Jiang Qin could have a solution?”

Just when everyone was silent, Jian Chun, who had been quiet, suddenly spoke up.

Jiang Tian blinked, then brightened up, “You’re right! If it’s him, he’ll definitely have a way!”

“Why would he? He’s not a magician, capable of doing everything?” Zhuang Chen couldn’t help but make a sarcastic remark.

Jian Chun ignored him and turned to Jiang Tian, “Tian Tian, why don’t you ask him?”

“Why don’t you go?”

“Jiang Qin probably dislikes me, if I ask him, he surely won’t agree.” Jian Chun’s eyes dimmed slightly.

Just then, Jiang Qin, having finished eating, was heading to the tray return area when Jiang Tian called out to him, “Jiang Qin, could you please help us with something?”

“What do you need?”

“We’re looking for a place to make dumplings.”

Although the winter solstice wasn’t a legal holiday, it held significant weight in Linchuan traditions; otherwise, the school cafeteria wouldn’t have closed five windows just to sell dumplings.

Of course, many students wanted to make dumplings with friends to celebrate the winter solstice.

Unfortunately, the dormitories at Linchuan University only had power sockets with limited capacity. Making dumplings was feasible, but boiling them would trip the circuit, and even a transformer wouldn’t help due to the power limit. It would probably take all night to cook them.

Jiang Qin pondered for a moment, “Actually, the cafeteria’s dumplings are quite good. Just make do with those.”

“We want to make some ourselves, not just for us but also to give to Grandma Liu at the fruit stand.”

Jian Chun couldn’t help standing up to add, her voice tensely nervous, “I… I bumped into her last time, and she didn’t blame me. I want to do something I can, as she’s busy with her stall and taking care of her son, leaving her no time to make dumplings.”

After a moment of thought, Jiang Qin spoke up, “Why don’t you just find a classroom in secret?”

“We tried, but the study rooms are occupied, the lecture halls are locked, and the small classrooms are risky. Plus… the cadres just sent out a notice, strictly forbidding students from cooking dumplings or having hotpot in classrooms.”


“We won’t take too much time.”

Jiang Tian’s implication was to ask if they could use Room 208, hoping that if Jiang Qin agreed, she could also let him taste the dumplings she made herself.

Jian Chun, although trying hard not to think about it, couldn’t help but feel excited at the thought of Jiang Qin eating the dumplings she made.

Unfortunately, Room 208 was also making dumplings, and with over a dozen people, it was already chaotic enough, not to mention Professor Yan and the others.

Not wanting to bring in more people to add to the chaos, Jiang Qin took out his phone and called Zhu Feng to ask if they could borrow a classroom to cook some dumplings.

After a while, he hung up and spoke again.

“Our college has a craft club in B704. It was just canceled recently, and its activity room has been empty. You can use that place. Zhu Feng will leave the key on the windowsill later.”

“Oh, and make sure to be careful with electricity. Unplug everything when you’re done, and clean up before you leave.”

“Also, could you do me a favor? Prepare a portion of dumplings for Zhu Feng and Old Lu. I’ll give you another address. Deliver a portion to Principal Zhang at the school office and tell them I made them. If they’re not there, just leave it.”

After giving instructions, Jiang Qin put away his phone and heard Cao Guangyu calling him from behind. He then turned and left the cafeteria.

Jian Chun and Jiang Tian exchanged glances, their breaths slightly hitched.

Oh my God, the person who just announced in the group that students are forbidden to cook dumplings or have hotpot in classrooms was Zhu Feng herself! She said that in previous years, students who thought they were above the rules would get caught, not only losing points but also being fined. She wouldn’t spare anyone!

Jiang Qin directly asking her for a classroom to cook dumplings was like walking into the lion’s den, and yet Zhu Feng agreed?

“Can we really cook dumplings in a classroom?”

“That’s impossible, Zhu Feng just sent out a notice!”

“Let’s stop eating and go check it out?”

After a while, they arrived at B704, nervously touched the window, and indeed found a key.

Knowing it was left by the student council president, they still felt like thieves, barely making a sound as they cautiously opened the door and entered without a noise.

Just then, footsteps approached from outside the door, causing everyone’s hearts to leap into their throats.

Zhu Feng arrived expressionlessly at the doorway and glanced inside, scaring Jiang Tian and the others so much they hardly dared to breathe.

“Do you have a pot?”

“We haven’t… bought one yet.” Jiang Tian answered truthfully.

Zhu Feng coughed softly, lowering her voice, “I have an electric cooker in my office, usually used for heating food. If you want, you can come with me to get it.”

Jian Chun, stunned for a moment, regained her composure, feeling unexpectedly honored, “I’ll go with you to get it, thank you, senior.”

“No need to thank me. If it weren’t for Jiang Qin specifically calling me, I would never allow such a thing. When you go back, don’t mention it to anyone, and be careful when you’re cooking.”

“Okay, senior. We’ll make sure to keep the door closed and not make a sound.”

Jian Chun followed Zhu Feng out of the classroom, and halfway through, she couldn’t help but ask, “Senior, isn’t it a rule that if caught, there are penalties and fines? Won’t this cause trouble for you?”

Zhu Feng glanced at her, “During the debate competition, I owed Jiang Qin a favor, but he didn’t have anything for me to help with. Consider this as returning the favor. Remember to tell him.”

“Okay, senior.”

Zhu Feng pursed her lips, adding, “Make sure to tell him, and mention that I lent you the electric cooker.”


Later, Jian Chun returned to B704 with the electric cooker, leaving everyone inside exchanging bewildered looks.

This was the influence of Jiang Qin.

Just a call and he had secured a classroom for a strictly forbidden activity, even arranging for a pot. It was incredibly cool.

Remembering how Jiang Qin had made the call with an expressionless face, it truly embodied the persona of a cool and reserved male god who spoke little.

“Dude, when Zhu Feng came, I was so freaked out. Who knew she was just asking if we needed a pot?”

“Jiang Qin really lives up to being my idol. Taking shortcuts is truly joyful!”

“I’ve never seen Zhu Feng give face to anyone like that…”

Hearing everyone’s amazement, Zhuang Chen in the back felt a mix of emotions.

Jian Chun’s wish, which he couldn’t fulfill, was easily managed by another man, making him feel inadequate. And indeed, he felt powerless.


Just if.

If he had been the one making the call, what would Jian Chun think?

“Zhu Feng, this is Zhuang Chen. Prepare a classroom for me. I need to cook dumplings. Yes, right away, and bring a pot too!”

“Jian Chun, I’ve arranged everything. Let’s have a delightful winter solstice tonight!”

Zhuang Chen, after fantasizing, felt a tingling excitement, even imagining Jian Chun looking up to him in admiration.

But back to reality, he felt a void.

Turning to look at Jian Chun again, she was sharing her conversation with Zhu Feng with Jiang Tian, her face wearing a touching smile.

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