Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

012 : The Most Favored Concubine

Yin Mei Mei is the most favored concubine. Amongst the twelve, Yin Mei Mei carries two princes; both are on the age of maturity. The third child is a princess, age five, but said to be one of the brightest and prettiest amongst the five princesses.

Taking this fact into account, Yin Mei Mei is considered as the highest Lady on Court next to the Empress Dowager. This made the other woman on the harem to treat her with respect, though, as a formal account and rational decision to not make enemies on the foreign ground. After all, nobody wanted to oppose a soon to be powerhouse and the Empress of the court.

Her promotion for being the Empress is still unknown but there are already rumors pertaining her position to the court. The rumors are plenty, saying that the Emperor is only waiting for her oldest son to pass the age of maturity before announcing her as the Empress, or the Emperor is just only waiting for the decision of the court to approve the request. There's also a story about how the Emperor already declared Yin Mei Mei as the Empress and is only hiding the news to everyone to keep the woman safe.

Whatever is true or not, the fuccboi who is busy shopping some beauties did not deny it. The all-famous and respectable Minister Chang also did not clarify the issue making the rumors grow more horns and false fruits. This topic became the usual casual opener on the commoner's daily supply of street gossip.

However, this notion of strange words was then evicted the moment another rumor emerged from the dark. And it all started after the wedding day of the thirteenth concubine.

It was said that after the Night of Consummation, Emperor Yan JinLong suddenly refused to attend on his daily court meeting and stayed inside the Lin Courtyard to serve his wife. Unlike the rumors about Yin Mei Mei that only started after constant observation and subtle hints, Lin Mian Mian's deal this time is much realistic that ideal. That is because rather than spreading it as 'rumors', it was announced on the court. And the one who announced the Emperor's absence is Minister Chang who, is in fact, a very credible source.

It only needed a second to pass the story from one mouth to the other. Honestly, this spread of the rumor is faster than your internet connection. If only these ancient people have the power of the smart phone, the royal scandal could have reached a million likes and million shares with the comment section filled with supporters and bashers. Then, the news channel will use this material as a topic and invite the said actors to the stage to know if the deal is true or not.

The reporter would ask, "Is it true that your Highness favored the new wife very much?"

Yan JinLong will then sat up straight, sneak a glance to his wife with a smile, and answers with glistening eyes, "Is it not already obvious?"

It is really indeed obvious ba! Originally, Yan JinLong treatments to his concubines are equal. Nobody might able to believe it but to the women who have slept with the Emperor knows it very well. Yan JinLong is a romantic; he would serenade a beauty all day with his most beautiful voice and charming smile, and during the night, he would indulge the beauty to eternal bliss and pleasure. This is like a daily activity that the women on the harem experiences, not changing a bit from the schedule.

However, this treatment was not executed with Lin Mian Mian. Yan JinLong will not sing songs to Lin Mian Mian in the morning. Instead, he is quiet, rather want to show his feelings through actions than to speak the words. He would feed the ger, help him take a bath, stroll with him around the courtyard, and often times joins him on a meal. Only a few words are exchanged during these activities, yet, the intimacy increases in each day always feeding the dogs until they fatten up.

Nobody is dumb enough to not see the difference of the treatment. Plus, Yan JinLong's increase of absences made Lin Mian Mian a very special case. Emperor Yan JinLong did not once skip the court meetings because it is one of his important duties as the Emperor. Yet, for the fucking love's sake, he is becoming a dreamy man who has finally had his metal walls melted by a small fire.

Well, this is not the news that made the whole kingdom explode to oblivion. The serious blow that made all the dogs die due to obesity is when the precious Lin Mian Mian called the emperor on his name very intimately.

Why ah? Not all concubines can call the fuccboi 'Jin'! And Lin Mian Mian can just simply utter it like eating a candy ah! How biased!

This, again, added fuel to the wildfire consuming the hearts of the nation aflame. Though, the new wife is not a foreign person. The nation already knows who Lin Mian Mian is. After all, he is the only child of the late General Lin who is once reigns as the strongest person in the world.

The sudden death of General Lin made a huge impact to the nation especially to his only child. Lin Mian Mian, who is known to be very delicate like a lotus, is now left alone with no relatives and parents. He is the remaining descendant of the Lins and the one who would be the head of the Lin household.

So when they heard that the emperor is marrying the son, they are bit perplexed. It is true that Emperor Yan JinLong is a man of the dragons that could command the skies and the seas. But he is a fuccboi and famous for his legendary debauchery. If this delicate Lotus will come to his garden, will Lin Mian Mian be tainted by the ugly schemes of the Imperial Family? Also, despite Lin Mian Mian's higher status, there is still the rumored mistress Yin Mei Mei that may sooner get the Empress throne.

All of these speculations created conspiracies making the Imperial court the usual melodramatic entertainment inside the minds of the carefree commoners. Well, this can be said a novel worth story of the life of Emperor Yan JinLong that will be sooner written on the history books as [The Fuccboi On The Ancient : The Secrets of The Twelve Concubines of Yan Harem]. This became the most memorable thing in history that even the modern people can't expect that such ancient human is romantic.

But this story is on the part further in the future that will not be told in this story.

The new wife living on the Lin Courtyard is unable to know this news due to his voluntary house arrest to avoid meeting any insects on the road. However, this news wrecked Yin Mei Mei like the wrecking ball busting her ovaries. Not only Lin Mian Mian carried power over the military, but also Yan JinLong's infatuation towards this ger is still really concentrated having Yin Mei Mei in a very dangerous situation.

What if Yan JinLong will suddenly announce Lin Mian Mian's promotion as the Empress?

Yin Mei Mei thought that Yan JinLong has all the reasons to proclaim Lin Mian Mian as the Empress. After all, Yin Mei Mei's high status is only due to her constant flirting with the emperor. If ever Yan JinLong is not interested with her kind of beauty, she would be one of those concubines who are sitting on the lowest part of the food chain gnawing rags.

In addition, Lin Mian Mian is a full-fledged noble. His origin can be traced back to the heroes of the older times, considered as having the golden blood of the warriors flowing on his veins. If only he was born as male, Lin Mian Mian will no doubt become a very promising warrior and would fight side by side by his father general. Now that he has become a ger, he could only marry and give heirs, bringing him down to house making.

But this disadvantage did not really affect Lin Mian Mian. He might have not become a warrior but he is a perfect bride. The light coloration of his cinnabar did not lessen the number of suitors. This is due to his outstanding skills on the five main subjects and his beauty that exceeded the eyes of the goddess. Also, by the fact that Lin Mian Mian could only give birth to sons brought higher chances of continuing the family name up to the farthest generation.

Yin Mei Mei is furious! She can't let this ger take the throne from her. She was only a few steps away from her goal. A little bit more, her sons will become crowned princes, and she will be the queen. But Lin Mian Mian arrived.

Her demise had arrived.

That's why, when the news about the commotion on the borders was brought inside the palace, Yin Mei Mei quickly called the other concubines and told them to divert the Emperor's attention from the new wife. In this way, they did not only made the new wife less valuable, they could also get the Emperor's attention and become the new one-month material. Yin Mei Mei knows that these concubines are dumb with brains residing on their huge breasts so they agreed parading their flesh in front of the regime.

It's just that Yin Mei Mei did not expect that Yan JinLong would totally reject the green tea bitches directly sending them to the cold palace.

What a terror!

Yin Mei Mei is not dumb so she knows that Yan JinLong had finally fallen to a person. She won't let the things to develop so instead of attending the Emperor, she would wait outside the Imperial Court and wait for someone to arrive.

Lin Mian Mian is the new wife who is known as very kind and caring, so she expected that the ger would come and serve the emperor. Then, if that happens, she will block the ger saying that the emperor did not want to see him and he shall return. And if Lin Mian Mian will truly continue, she will call the guards who are already familiar with the emperor's current mood.

It's just that another expectation was turned to ruins. Lin Mian Mian did not visit the emperor at all!

What is kind ba? What is gentle and caring? Lin Mian Mian did only not see the emperor; he even refused to go out from his courtyard when some concubines invited him out! Lin Mian Mian shamelessly rejected all the offers saying that his foot was trapped in a never-ending pain of stepping in a Lego.

What the fuck is a Lego ba?

So what would Yin MeI Mei feel? Who knows? She, her self, did not know what to feel. Should she be happy that the famous Lin Mian Mian is also lazy bitch who would rather hide than seek? Or should she feel mad because all the waiting and plans that she thoroughly created was put to waste? Yin Mei Mei, as one of the most beautiful in the harem, suddenly became the second victim of Yan JinLong and Lin Mian Mian.

The first one is Minister Chang Jie.

So, the concubine decided to rest. When she was about to fall to complete rejuvenation, another news has wrecked her intestines making her vomit her viscera and soul. The moment that she thought that the infatuation was diluted by space and limited time contact was then again destroyed and was brought out by the most holder of grudge, Minister Chang.

[Emperor Yan JinLong is in poor health. He was truly in a very bad mood giving the generals the hard time to joke around him. Even Minister Chang Jie was not spared with his nonsense scolding. So to ease the dragon inside the Emperor, he was thrown inside the Lin Courtyard to meet his new wife. Just then, the next day, the emperor returned late with all smiles and energy creeping everyone out!]

Ah? What is this development? It's not the new wife who came to visit the emperor, it was the otherwise!

Yin Mei Mei can still have the authority to stop Lin Mian Mian because she was a senior. But Yan JinLong? Even if Yin Mei Mei will kneel and kiss the emperor's feet, Yan JinLong will never stop from meeting the new wife. Also, he is the master of all, how could a mere Yin Mei Mei can stop the emperor from living?

With the abrupt news, Yin Mei Mei was not able to prepare. She just ran out from her bed and carried whatever lifesavers she could carry. She waited upon the doors of the Imperial Court waiting for the new wife to come. Yet, the night has come, and still Lin Mian Mian is still out of sight.

Is somebody trolling her? Did not Minister Chang tell them about the unusual affection being exchanged between the two? And after the encounter that might give Yan JinLong the reason to shackle Lin Mian Mian, it would be weird if the new wife will not appear. And He did not really appear!

What is wrong with all of these people? Are they all losing common sense?

Yin Mei Mei's patience is running out!

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