Wife, Please Stop Running Away!

020 : Inspecting the Husband’s Room (Part 2)

Shit, I am hungry.

While Lin Mian Mian is happily and grudgingly cursing and praising Yan JinLong's 'upright high school' pictures, he suddenly heard the living being inside his stomach grumble. The sound is so loud that Lin Mian Mian almost got scared out of his wits. Well, this is his usual hunger call so Lin Mian Mian quickly dismissed the fun time and started searching for food.

The riches inside the room glimmered before the sight of the ger but the person itself ignored their pretty calls. Lin Mian Mian hummed as he stood up from the corner and quickly searched for an exit. He was caressing his flattened stomach endearingly while murmuring sweet nothings to it, trying to ease the hunger by reciting names of fast-food gourmet.

He wanted to eat pizza, burger, and fries. These are the common but really suited his taste. Also, since he can't afford high class meals he would only eat these greasy food and some instant noodles and ramen. He is also fond of eating cold sweets like ice creams and jellies, and if you offer him a huge cake? Well, he will accept it with all heart and stomach.

His appetite is really big ah!

Though, he indeed missed eating these comfort food. Since he transmigrated, all he eaten are all natural and healthy. The kids will only serve him the best food ignoring the money they used in exchange of getting quality products. Lin Mian Mian could not also suddenly act and cook a burger, right? People will surely be suspicious for just suddenly being able to make a delicacy in one try that will surely sell out in a few hours.

Oh well, Lin Mian Mian is not worried at all.

Earlier, when he brought the box lunches for the emperor, he made sure to make a lot of servings enough for two people. No, it should be servings for three people: one serving for the emperor and the rest is for him. Even though Lin Mian Mian is considered as a free loader inside the palace, he is still the one who cooked so he thought he should take the seventy five percent of the shares as labor compensation.

Plus, Lin Mian Mian knows how frail this person's body is. By just seeing the thin arms and legs, he could not help but to wonder what kind of diet the original Lin Mian Mian is having. Even though Lin Mian Mian is not the macho man on his original world, he was still a bit plump and fleshy that it made a good substitute to the wonderful muscle buns and six-pack. His body's constitution that allows him to remain slim and fit despite the hoard of food he eats daily helped him gain the appearance.

But this body is almost all bones and sticks ah! Despite the refined appearance and beauty, he was too thin for his body preference. People need not to become thin to look beautiful. Just a little bit of meat and fat is good. That's why he decided to change the thin appearance of the original body and give it some meat. Since this body has the same constitution like his own body from the previous world, he is not worried to eat double extra servings.

And for the emperor? Bah, he already has those good muscles, why should I give him more? Lin Mian Mian already had forgotten the first plan of feeding the emperor until he becomes huge and fat due to his internal struggle with food.

He walked towards the open window. The curtain waved smoothly in the wind giving off a dreamy atmosphere. Lin Mian Mian looked over and found the window facing a huge courtyard. It seems that this is the said garden owned by the late emperor. It was his gift to his empress, and passed on to the son who become the emperor.

Lin Mian Mian would appreciate such sight but he can't eat the beautiful flowers and the butterflies so he exited the incoming dramatic monologue he was planning to do. He instead walked towards the nearby door and forcefully pushed it open! FREEZE! IT'S THE POLICE!

Just kidding. Lin Mian Mian isn't the type to show his not-so aggressive nature. Instead, he tried to unlock whatever lock there is on the door and slowly pushed it outside. This opened him to another room that still has the same ambiance with the bedroom. Though, he recognized this one.

Well, isn't this the place where they made the acrobatic freestyle exercise earlier?

He walked out the room and scanned the whole place. Indeed, this is the room where he was earlier. Even though it is dark, Lin Mian Mian could somehow picture out the objects around the room due to the shadows. Also, from the looks of the closed large door that was in front of the study table, this is the only possible entrance to the Emperor's study.

The study room of the Emperor looks almost the same on how he imagined it. There is this large table in the middle part of the room with its back facing a floor-to-ceiling window draped with thick colored curtains. There are inkbottles and an ink grinder on the table, as well as some writing materials and scrolls of fresh papers. Two books are folded neatly on the edge of the table coupled with gold paperweights.

There are two large shelves filled with books on the left side of the room. Lin Mian Mian looked at the book titles and noticed that most of them are political management and accounting budget whatsoever. He nodded, understanding what those titles meant. After all, his work on the previous world is in line with this one. Maybe his knowledge about business management is far better than these books.

Another decoration found inside the study room is the square table surrounded with three large chairs. Lin Mian Mian stared at the closest chair blankly before scenes of the earlier explicit content flooded on his mind again.

Wait, wait, wait... isn't this the chair where...

He smirked. The scene that he played out earlier on his mind seems to be really copying the usual gay office affair where the president fucks the poor assistant on its table without considering the possibility of being caught. It's just that the setting is based on a historical fantasy drama where the characters are emperor and a male consort.

And Yan JinLong is that perverted Emperor, and Lin Mian Mian is the male consort.

Somehow, the scenes played on his mind automatically reminded him that he is the bottom of all of these affairs...

He coughed, almost copying the ill-death cough of Minister Chang to ease the blood rushing on his head.

The emperor's study is empty so Yan JinLong must be on some other places doing his job. He turned around, trying to erase the question about that chair - if ever the emperor cleaned it from their mess - and moved around to the other side of the room where he found another passage. Though, there was no door dividing the rooms but instead a curtain made up of circular beads was placed on the doorframe.

Lin Mian Mian parted the curtain triggering a thin whistle from the beads rubbing. This room is not larger than the study room but is more comfortable to look at. The whole room is decorated with soft colored palette combined with a few decorative plates and vases. An open sliding paper door is on the other side exhibiting to a patio leading towards the garden. This must be the garden that he saw on Yan JinLong's room earlier.

In the middle of the room, a low table was placed. A small potted succulent plant was on the center together with the unused tea set. Four knee cushions are on the each sides of the low table that serves as the chair for the occupant. Somehow, this reminded Lin Mian Mian the image of a usual Japanese tea room. It's just that the floor is not made up of tatami but wood planks carpeted with soft red wool.

Though, normally, people would admire the scenery for a while before muttering some suggestive points. However, Lin Mian Mian ignored all the beautiful things aside and went over to look at the littered objects above the low table that the maids must have forgotten to clean. He hovered over the familiar looking containers for a while until he recognized all of it.

Isn't this... isn't this!

Isn't this the lunch box that he made for the emperor?

Lin Mian Mian kneeled down, hastily looking over the box lunches, and opened them one by one. Both of his mind and stomach rejoiced from the discovery and are ready to consume whatever is inside the containers. He was beaming with energy as he lifted the covers up. But the wonderful childish smile that he was having was easily turned upside down when he found that all the lunch boxes empty.


Did that stupid al'mighty sex fiend emperor ate all of his food?

Did he? DID HE?

The first thing Lin Mian Mian wanted to do right now is to flip the table!

How- how dare he eat all the food that he brought? How dare he eat that unfair share of food that was meant for him? That was for three people for goodness sake! What kind of appetite does that emperor have?

He had already eaten Lin Mian Mian, yet, he was still able to finish that lot of food? Lin Mian Mian wanted to cry, and at the same time, attack the emperor for his thoughtlessness. Lin Mian Mian had long forgotten that the ingredients that he used was paid by the money from Yan JinLong's pockets, and that he was really like a wastrel spending without working on it.

But do you think Lin Mian Mian will accept any argument? Of course, no, not now that he was especially hungry. For a person that eats five times a day, missing one schedule already feels like death! Lin Mian Mian is also a warrior ah! He needs food to replenish energy!

While Lin Mian Mian is slowly becoming an adorable ball of rage, his servant Lu Mao heard a shuffling coming from the room. Servants are not allowed inside the Emperor's chamber lest they were called. Thus, when he thought that his master is already awake he called out. Lin Mian Mian heard the familiar young voice of one of his babies and calmed down. He slumped on the nearby cushion before letting Lu Mao in.

"Master Lin, are you alright?" The first thing the servant asked. Lu Mao was there when Lin Mian Mian was dragged in by the monster. He somehow guessed what could have happened between his master and the 'legal husband' behind closed doors.

"I'm all right, don't worry. Nothing happened between us..." yet, nothing yet.

Lu Mao heaved a sigh of relief. "Then, is there anything master wanted to do?"

"Xiao Mao, what happened to these?" Lin Mian Mian pointed to the empty box lunches. "These are eaten by...?"

"Oh, it was eaten by His Majesty, Young Master," Lu Mao replied with a very happy expression.

Lin Mian Mian was surprised by the happy smile of the little kid. Usually, when they are talking about Yan Jinlong, it was Lu Mao who always has a worried and gloomy expression. Why does he look happy now?

"Xiao Mao, tell me," Lin Mian Mian gestured the little child to come closer.

Lu Mao was used to his master's caring attitude so he did not think twice to step over the servant-master boundary and sat beside the space Lin Mian Mian patted. He looks up to the ger with his child like eyes.

"Well..." Lu Mao narrated the story.

Earlier, the servants from the Lin Courtyard were taken by Minister Chang. He made them rest to the other room where usually only important guests were allowed to stay. The number of one adult and four children waited for who knows long before a summon from another servant called them. Minister Chang left and went to to study as what he was instructed while the children waited before the door of the Emperor's chambers.

On their previous life, these children never had the chance to come inside the Emperor's chambers. They can only walk on the hallways where their master is allowed to stroll. That is why Lu Mao was very nervous. With a voice that still sounds like a girl, Lu Mao announced the arrival of the Lin Courtyard servants. There is no answer at first, and then Yan JinLong responded, "Come in."

Lu Mao headed the way, as he was the unspoken leader of the gang, though he never raised his head up. It was a crime to look eye to eye with the emperor. This is to remind the status of each individual and the roles they are assigned. The Kings will always at the peak of the summit so it is normal for them to look up, while those who are under the mountains could only kneel. If they look up, they will be blinded by the light that will cause them death.

However, Lu Mao was still able to witness a rather heartwarming scene before him.

Lin Mian Mian, the master that will forever look beautiful and ethereal, was comfortably tucked in on the Emperor's bed. He was sleeping soundly that one could only dare to watch from afar afraid that their noise will wake the angel up. He is already beautiful when awake, and still more beautiful when sleeping. His long eyelashes gave way to the outstanding beauty with the pink cinnabar accenting the form of his natural caramel-colored irises.

On the other hand, Yan JinLong is sitting on the edge of the bed watching his sleeping wife with gentle eyes. His calloused hand reached out to the face of the fine jade and somehow caressed the ger's pink cheeks. He set a strand of hair that was hanging loose to the side before leaning down to give the wife a warm kiss on the forehead. It wasn't a kiss to the lips but it fully showed his love towards the sleeping person.

Lu Mao, somehow, has the urge to take a picture of this fleeting memory. Even though he held a grudge against the emperor, he can't ignore the fact that things started to change from the usual - it is as if the former world did not exist at all. In this lifetime, Lin Mian Mian is receiving the love that he deserved to which Lu Mao wished with outmost desire. He wanted to protect his young master but of course, his happiness is the top priority.

If things indeed have changed, can he let go of the past life's grievances and let this couple be together? He was skeptical but seeing this scene before him made him realize that the only one who could protect Lin Mian Mian is Yan JinLong.

Will Lin Mian Mian be happy together with him?

The emperor watched Lin Mian Mian for a while before facing the servants. Lin Mian Mian's servants are still kids ranging from ages ten to thirteen. Remembering how his wife treated these young kids, Yan JinLong practiced a rather gentle voice to talk with them. After all, if he wanted Lin Mian Mian to love him then he needs to show that he also like all Lin Mian Mian likes, including the people inside his circle that he trusted very much.

Yan JinLong found the servants bowing and noticed the bags they were carrying. Lu Mao, with his two lives, understood the look and quickly answered that satisfied the emperor.

"This is Young Master Lin's homemade dishes for the Majesty," Lu Mao responded.

"Oh?" Yan JinLong was amused by the quick-witted youth. No wonder Lin Mian Mian liked this kid. "Then, bring it to me."

Yan JinLong moved to the resting room where he usually takes his lunch when he lazes around. The four children placed the box lunches on the table and unwrapped the cloth. They opened the container first before taking a step back to return to the bowing position. Yan JinLong was pleased upon seeing the well-mannered servants and took a look to the lunch his wife cooked.

"Did he cook all of this by his own?" Yan JinLong asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Lu Mao replied.

Yan JinLong was just amazed. He knows that Lin Mian Mian knows how to cook considering that the ger was trained to become a wife. But he never thought that that person's cooking skill could reach up to this level.

The food is simple but Yan JinLong can see the fresh color coming from the vegetables and fruits. The vibrant color of the food made it look plastic and unreal, yet the good smell and the warmth coming from the food proved that it is real. Nobody knows the concept of insulation in this world yet, so Lin Mian Mian made a makeshift insulator to make the food warm after a few hours.

Yan JinLong took a taste. He was almost blasted up to the oblivion after tasting the first bite. A myriad of flavors spread out on his mouth reminding him of the changing seasons. He took another bite, and another bite, and another... he almost ignored all the children watching him as he gobbled up the food in a majestic manner. The children hid a sneer.

Indeed, nobody can refuse their master's good cooking!

It's not only looking good, it also tasted best! Nobody could ever stop eating after tasting the first bite. Yan JinLong is very satisfied that he did not notice that he finished eating the whole lot. Lin Mian Mian needed to eat a lot due to his big appetite, but Yan JinLong eats more. After all, Yan JinLong works the most exhausting job so in order to recuperate he needed to eat a lot. All the food that he eats never landed as fats because his daily exercise erases it.

How about Lin Mian Mian?

He was just idling around but still eats a lot. Well, Yan JinLong wanted to pamper whether he like it or not so it's already a given.

Lu Mao explained all the details to Lin Mian Mian, his happy expression matched his age. Lin Mian Mian is also smiling but on his mind he was really mad to the emperor. So he really ate everything without considering the wife?

Little did Lin Mian Mian thought that what he just did made Yan JinLong's love to him increased. It's the same with the saying "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Lin Mian Mian proved that Yan JinLong's survival needed him and his cooking. Yan JinLong's big appetite can handle both.

"His Majesty then gifted the young master a set of new cloths. The Majesty also wanted to give young master two sacks of gold pellets but his majesty is afraid that Young Master will not accept such luxury so the Majesty let young master decide what young master wanted to have."

If he wished for freedom, will he abide?

Lin Mian Mian shook his head helplessly. He patted the head of the little servant and said: "Let's think of the response later. For now, will Xiao Mao help me clean these boxes and return to our home?"

"We are already returning?" Lu Mao was surprised. "Will not Young master Lin stay?"

"There's nothing else to do here. I wanted to return so I can whip out something good to eat," Lin Mian Mian decided.

"Is Young Master Lin hungry?" Lu Mao could hear the occasional groan of his master's stomach but never thought that it was really coming from his master. "His Majesty told us to prepare snack in case young master wakes up. Would young master want to-"

"Okay, where is it?" Lin Mian Mian is already hungry so he pulled Lu Mao to bring him to the snacks.

Lu Mao chuckled as he watches his master hurry towards the food.


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