Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 3 – Chapter 8 – Part 1 – Altaria, Little Olympia and Mount Olympus


Sixth Heaven

Jin Skyward

I had teleported directly into Michael's office, luckily for me or us, he was there. He was busy reading through documents. He looks up and sees both Valerie and I.

"Hey there, Michael."

"Jin-kun? It's been a while; how can I help you?"

"So, I was invited to Mount Olympus by the Greek Gods. I was wondering if you guys could lend me an angel to bring with me. I have a Devil, Serafall, and a Fallen Angel, Penemue, so I just need an Angel."

"Hmm I see. May I ask why you want to bring an angel with you to Mount Olympus?"

A valid question and I nod.

"Eye witness? I was formally a human and have read much mythology about the Greek Gods, but few portray them in a positive light. So, if some try to hurt me, and I retaliate, I'll have at least one representative from each of the Three Great Powers as witnesses that I retaliated in self-defense."

Michael listened to what I had to say and nodded along. It seems he is satisfied with my explanation and appears to be in agreement with me.

"Hmmm, I see no problems with that, however—"

Open ~ Slide ~


"Hmm, Red Dragon Emperor, you are here."

"Middleman, Jin Skyward. Salutations."

I turn around and see that the other three Great Seraphs had come into Michael's office. I could feel that Uriel and Raphael had started to trust me a little bit more since they weren't as on guard as they were before.

"Hey there, Uriel, Raphael, and Gabri—"

Gyu ~~

Gabriel walks up to me and hugs me tightly; it has been a little while since we last saw each other… I hug her back as tight. Both Uriel and Raphael look to the side awkwardly as I hear Michael chuckle behind me.

"I missed you ~"

Gabriel had brought out her wings and wrapped us in them. I found this… Strangely adorable. I hear the two other Seraphs cough and Gabriel reluctantly breaks off our hug. I explain to them why I am back here again.

By the end of it, Gabriel had a very excited and expectant look on her face as she looked over my shoulder at Michael.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel, I cannot let you go there… As you know, all four of us are swamped with work."


Michael looked like he was in pain too and genuinely felt guilty about not letting her go. Gabriel had been hugging my arm as I could feel her mood getting worse and worse.


She silently let go of my arm and left the room. Oh, geez, I'll go speak with her…

"I understand Michael, I'll go and speak with her about it. Though, I still need someone with me."

Michael gave me a thankful look and nodded.

"Well, we are in the final stages of completing our own reincarnation process, which will fully transform humans into reincarnated angels. I have a few in mind— We are planning to call it our 'Brave Saints System'."

So, they were about to finish it, huh? So Ajuka gave them his research on the Evil piece system, I can assume Azazel did the same with his Sacred Gear research.

"I see, that's quite impressive, so have you done it yet? Or are you waiting until it's fully done?"

"Today is the last day before our scientist completes their work. Would you like to know who the candidates are? I mean, the ones who will be accompanying you to Greece."

"Ones? So, you're sending more than one, huh?"

"Seeing as how I can't send Gabriel with you… I feel two reincarnated Angels will suffice."

I see no problem with that… But I can't be with Gabriel which sucks…

Knock ~ Knock ~

"Excuse us."

I turn around again as I had turned back to Michael earlier. When I do— The ones I see coming through the door were…Griselda Quarta and Irina Shidou…. They were the ones accompanying me to Greece?

Where the hell is Dulio? Don't tell me the guy set off somewhere around the world to find delicacies… Geez, I know you're doing it for a good reason… But dude…

"Jin-san, it's been a while."

"H-Huh? B-Boss Jin!"

Michael, Uriel, and Raphael gave Irina a strange look as Griselda sighed and shook her head.

"Yeah, it's been a while, are these the two that will be turned into reincarnated angels?"


"…Why don't I just turn them into Pure Angels?"


The room falls silent at what I said, all of them were staring at me in shock, the same with Valerie who had stayed silent the entire time.

"Why are you shocked? I even said I could fix the system, and I even revived Ddraig, the [Welsh Dragon], why does anything surprise you at this point?"

Michael let out a nervous chuckle as he nods his head.

"You have a point, Jin-kun. We really shouldn't be too surprised at this point… But I must decline, we wish to see if our own reincarnated system works."

I nod and summon the same necklaces I made for the Four Great Seraphs months ago. They had the same function. Gabriel can't fall anymore since I changed that a few months ago or during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension] it was one of them…

I hand the necklaces to the two and explained what they do, they happily accepted them, Irina looking at me like I was the next God of the Bible or something…

"Thank you, Jin-san."

"Leave it to Boss Jin to create new miracle items!"

Irina, please call me Jin, I'm just a year older than you…

[Old ma— Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!]

'It never gets old, burnt dragon tail.'

[Screw you, Rudra!]

"Anyway, I'll need the both of you… Starting tomorrow."

Both Griselda and Irina looked at me blankly, Irina turned red as Griselda put a hand on her cheek.

"This is quite troubling; I am a nun and soon-to-be Angel. Now I'm being proposed to by a younger man, who's quite infamous."

"B-B-Boss Jin! I can't do anything like that!"


What the hell are these two talking about?

{You haven't explained to them why you were here.}

Ah— Right, well time to do that then. I chuckled at them and explained why I was here. They understood and awkwardly laughed at themselves.

"I see, If Michael-sama has given his approval then I shall accept and finish this mission."

"M-Me too!"

"That's reassuring then, but I'll wait until the two of you become Angels… For now, I'll get going."

I take Valerie with me and let her leave through the door first. The two look at me in confusion but I just shrugged my shoulders. I'll leave the explanation to Michael.

It had been a while since I last walked down Six Heaven, it's still the same as ever— Well it would have been weirder if it changed at all.

"It's incredible up here it's so pure…?"

Valerie was looking around Sixth Heaven, also known as 'Zebel'. This is where Seraphs such as Michael, Gabriel, and I would assume Raphael and Uriel reside too.

Seventh Heaven is the home to the Sacred Gear System and God's system as well as where Big G used to live when he was still alive.

Fifth Heaven was the former home of members of Grigori before they fell, now it's filled with research institutes and where the Brave Saint System is being created at.

Fourth Heaven is where the Garden of Eden is and where the legend of Adam and Eve began. The Tree of Wisdom is also there.

Third Heaven, the home of the souls of the dead who have been taken to Heaven. It's so vast that it's almost immeasurable and it is the Heaven worshipers believe in. It is also connected to Purgatory.

Second Heaven, a place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned.

Finally, the 'first floor' of Heaven, First Heaven, where the Brave Saints and low-level Angels generally reside. It also serves as the front lines of Heaven's defenses.

"Pure white? Yeah, it's almost blinding. But it's easy enough to find your way around."

I lead Valerie down a few hallways and turns, we finally arrive in front of Gabriel's room.

"I'll wai—"

"Nah, come in with me."

She can defend herself but I would rather not take chances. There are angels who have found a loophole and can sin without falling… That is why Qlippoth attacked them in the future. I gave a hint to Michael a few months ago, but it seems he didn't look too far into it.

I'll deal with it when the time comes. It shouldn't be too far… Once I fix God's system, they should start to fall the next time they sin.

Knock ~ Knock ~

When I knocked on Gabriel's door… She didn't answer, but I could feel her in there.

"Gabriel, I'm coming in with Valerie."

I grab the handle, twist it, and go inside her room. When we stepped into her room, it was both girly and plain. It was mostly white, including the bed, bed frame, pillows, and bed sheets.

Gabriel lay in bed hugging her pillow, still upset about what Michael said earlier. Valerie strolled over to her and sat on the bed.



While she did respond, she was still upset. Valerie tried a few more times only getting a few 'Uuuu's' in response from the Angel. Valerie looked back at me defeatedly and shook her head, she gets up and takes a seat on a chair in the room and pulls out her book.

Looks like it's up to me then… I approach the grumpy Gabriel. Time for a different approach. Excuse me, I'm sorry, and forgive me, Gabriel. I look at her ass and reach out and grab a handful.

Squeeze ~ Squeeze ~ Grope ~ Grope ~


Feeling a strange sensation for the first time she yelps quite loudly, she quickly moves away from it and looks back at me, then to my hand. I did the squeezing motion while blankly staring at her.

"Bad! Jin! You need permission for that!"

She lightly glares at me. Yeah, sorry, I know. But since you didn't respond to Valerie, I tried a different approach.

"I know, I just needed to get your attention."

I scoot over to her, grab her hand and pull her to me. She doesn't resist— But actually hugs me, I hug her back.

"Are you that upset about Michael refusing to let you go?"

"Mmm…. I wanted to go with Jin…"

"But he did say you were busy, has there been a lot of things to do since the Three Great Powers came together?"

Gabriel hugged me tighter and started to rub her face against my chest. This certainly was adorable.

"Mmm. Azazel gave his research on Sacred Gears to us and Ajuka from the Devils gave his research on his evil piece system to us. Our scientists and researchers have been hard at work… Brother Michael told you about our Brave Saints system, right?"


The Brave Saints also known as the Royal Users, are a set of 13 cards used by the Angels to increase their ranks by reincarnating other beings into Angels. The Brave Saints are based on the Evil Pieces system of the Devils, albeit being based on a suit of playing cards rather than chess.

"Aren't you also upset that I can't be there with you?"

She looks up at me while asking that question, she was still pouting.

"Yes, I am, but it can't be helped. Michael has already… Shown me the two who will be coming with me."


"Griselda Quarta and Irina Shidou, they're human exorcists that will be reincarnated into Angels… Tomorrow? I mean if everything goes well."

"Griselda… I was thinking of making her my Queen, also Mirana Shatarova as my Ace."

It seemed she approved of them? I didn't think Gabriel had already selected them as her candidates… If what the novels said were true, then all future members of her brave saint will be women.

"Mmm! Yes, all my future members will be women! No seducing them! ….No, you're already interested in Griselda, aren't you?"


How do… What the…

[Hey, Partner. What if— And this is a big what if. What if Nyarlathotep gave everyone in your harem and future lovers the ability to… Read your mind or I don't know, face for when you think of lewd and inappropriate shit?]

...I hadn't taken into consideration. The frequency of it all. Let me just…


<Hmmm? Jin-chan!! Did you miss me?! Chu chu chu!!!>

I looked into the future and was brought back to this place. Azathoth was still there, as was Nyarlathotep.

"Did you do something to the girls? Like, give them the ability to read my lewd thoughts or something?"


<Ahahahahahahahaha! You finally figured it out! Yes, I did. Why didn't you suspect it sooner? There have been a lot of times they've done something to you when you thought of lewd things, haven't they?


I left, man, I can't even think of this shit without them knowing…

Can I get rid of it, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yesn't, but do you want to? It's not exactly… World-ending or hurting them, it's one of her more… Stupid pranks.

I agree it's stupid, it's dumb but I like having my thoughts you know!

"Jin? Jin!"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I was talking to Cúntóir, anyway… Don't be too upset, okay? I'll bring a gift for you from Greece."


Instead of agreeing with what I said, Gabriel demanded a kiss instead… I wonder if she would fall if I didn't change that in her. Laughing to myself, I kissed her... I should move our relationship a bit forward…

"Mmm…. Mmmhm?!"

Our kiss began innocently enough, a normal one, but when I used my tongue to push past her lips, Gabriel was startled. Her previously shut eyes had opened in surprise, a new and strange feeling. I licked her lips as well as her tongue.

"Mmmhm?! Fuuaahh… J-Jin— Mhmm!"

As I kissed her and moved my tongue inside of her mouth, Gabriel wasn't sure what to do. However, she started to move hers towards the end, but I stopped and pulled away from her.

When I looked back at Gabriel, she was completely red in the face as she stared at me confused at what just happened.

"How was it?"

"…Fueeh? ….Jin…? Jin…?"

She was confused, my, how innocent… I wonder how our first time will turn out… I chuckle and pull her back into a hug.

"Let's just say that will happen more from now on, unless you hate it, Gabriel."

She shakes her head with a blush on her face. I'm glad she isn't against it.



"…More… Please…"

I didn't expect this, but I was happy to do so. Gabriel closed her eyes and waited for me. I captured her lips again and she initiated the tongue licking.

"Nnnh…! Nn, ish…. Dish… Kisshing…too...?"

I didn't answer her but kissed her harder. I could see that Gabriel was liking this more and more as she melted and relaxed more.-

"Chuu…Nn, hafuu… Nhaa, kisshing me like this…"

"Of co—"


Suddenly I was pulled away. I turn to see Valerie blushing while also feeling a little jealous… Right… I forgot she was here… Woops.


"My bad, haha."

"Haa… You two just went and forgot about me… But you're okay now, right Gabriel?"

"Ah… Yes, yes, I am! Thank you, Jin! I-I'll head over and apologize to Brother Michael for leaving like that…"

Gabriel panicked slightly, she started to fix her pillow and bedsheets, gave me a peck on the cheek before walking out of the room. That was the right course of action, right?

Valerie was not amused by this as she shook her head at me, apparently disappointed.

"…We should go back and speak with Michael, maybe you can speed up the completion of the Brave Saints System?"

I was still sitting on Gabriel's bed when Valerie started to walk out. She seems really jealous right now. I don't blame her though. Her kiss was a bit abrupt and sudden. In fact, she told me to find a better time for the next one. Right now, we're alone. Isn't it the 'right' time?

I got up to grab her arm and pull her back to me. She let out a small 'kya' and was surprised by it. She looks at me a little flustered.

"W-What? Mmmh?!"

I capture her lips as she looks at me in surprise. She struggles for a little bit but eventually stops. I could feel her kissing me back too. I pull away with a small smirk as she cutely glares at me.

"…I said a more romantic setting…"

"This isn't one?"

"No… But I forgive you."

I snort, grab her hand and walk out of Gabriel's room.

Valerie and I got back to Michael's room with Gabriel apologizing to Michael as everyone looked at her with smiles. They notice me and I put my hand up to greet them.

"Michael, I'll go and fix God's system. It's in Seventh Heaven, right?"

"Yes, let me accompany you then… Will you be changing anything with the Sacred Gear system?"

I shrug, if I do, a lot of the things that have happened may be erased or at least brought back to zero. But I'll see once I take a look at both systems. I don't want to remove the [Balance Break] on anything, otherwise, I would be nerfing so many people.

But I may increase the outputs for miracles, blessings, and other things.

"…Everyone can come with us too, this is a rare opportunity. Jin-kun, Seventh Heaven is the location of Father's System as well as the Sacred Gear system. Gods, Angels, Fallen Angels, and to an extent humans are the only creatures that can go up there."

That makes sense, while he had deep love for humankind and his angels, maybe to an extent for the fallen as well, since they were once his children too. I can negate it, so don't worry. I snap my fingers and a barrier forms around me.

"This barrier can negate it, so just stand here if you're unsure."

I look at Valerie, I'm ninety-nine percent sure she would be fine, even as a Dhampir. I changed a lot of things for the girls during the five years in the [Pocket Dimension].

Michael nods as he gestures for everyone to gather around him. Once we do, we teleport to it.

Seventh Heaven

"...Talk about being flashy."

In front of us was a giant room, incredibly huge, the ceiling seemed to go up forever. In front of us was a throne, white, gold and silver. Behind it was the sky, an ever-golden light shining onto the throne.

To the left, was...I don't even know how to describe it, a stand with a blue orb on it. In front of the stand were holographic monitors, which I will assume are made of magic or whatever the hell Big G used to use.

To the right, was the same thing, but the orb was red. Besides the giant monitor, there was an open door. I will assume that's where he made the first Sacred Gears— The Longinus.

"On the left is God's system, and on the right is Sacred Gear. I'll take a look at the room later. I'll start with the system Big G used to maintain."

Nodding to myself, I began to walk forward, and as soon as I did, I felt a powerful pressure attack my barrier… It sensed Valerie and tried to kill her. Fortunately, I'm stronger, so this thing won't just break.

"Looks like God of the Bible had another system in place to eliminate anything that's not God, Angels, Fallen Angels, or Humans, quite paranoid, wasn't he?"

I noticed everyone looking around, did they not come here that often?

"You guys didn't come here that often?"

Michael shook his head.

"I and the Four Great Seraphs have seldom visited this place. Father was the only one to come here, he spent many hours here doing his duties. We mainly resided in Sixth Heaven and also ventured to Fifth, Second, and First Heaven."

"Even during the Great War or any other strife, Father came down to address us or give orders. We only came here a handful of times during the Great War and other times… It's still amazing to be up here… As well as nostalgic."

"I see."

Michael explained this to me as we arrived at the blue orb. I take a look at it and then touch it with my right hand…


When I touched it, I could see many settings, menus pop up in my head. However, the holographic monitors in front of me didn't change. Maybe I can only change these settings in my head and then put them into the system?

Let's give it a try then. Man, this guy was so limiting, having Pure Angels fall from grace if they lust after one another or another being? Angels have limited growth and potential… I did change Gabriel's potential so she's basically out of this thing.

The percentage of miracles that are set to happen, the number of times they can be achieved, by whom, where, and by what. The items that can cause damage to devils, vampires, and the like— 'Evil beings'.

"Can you change anything, Jin-kun?"

Michael asks me and I turn to look at him.

"Hmm? Sure, I can, sorry for being silent...but man, Big G really limited Angels. Only growing to a certain level of power? Set potential? Can't do the deed? And other stupid things…"

"Anyway, I'll change some stuff. While you guys can make reincarnated angels soon, you'll be able to make Pure Angels again. Well, through sex that is."

I had kept my hand on the orb while I spoke with Michael. I then turned around and changed some things. Hmm, let's see… Let's do something like this:

1. Allow Pure Angels to procreate with each other or other beings without falling. (Regardless of whether it is done out of pure love or lust.)

2. Miracle and blessing rates were changed to fifty over fifty.

3. Angel rank potential changed to 'Super Angel'.

Those are just some of the things I changed. The most noteworthy ones are, of course, both parties need to consent. In other words, if angels force themselves onto another being or a fellow angel, then they'll still fall.

In the past, miracles and blessings were highly dependent on God, who was now dead, so they happened by chance or at random. Since I changed the settings, it can happen a lot more frequently, but it is still at random.

In addition, I added a rule that those things will be granted to true or pure believers. However, they must have a pure or sincere heart, so anyone who tries to play the system will not succeed.

I believe it was necessary to change the potential ranks for Angels. Truthfully, they were limited to Ultimate-class to Satan-class. Michael and the rest don't really train or have time for it, they're stuck at their current ranks for who knows how long.

'Super Angel' ranges from Low Tier God-class to Peak of God-class in terms of rank, so any angel-whether pure or reincarnated— Can have the potential to stand at the top.

"I can give you full control of the system without getting fatigued, Michael. Do you want it?"

Michael looks at me, then back to the other Seraphs, they nod and he turns back to me.

"I will decline, Jin-kun. I trust that whatever you change will benefit our race."

Talk about having trust in me, sheesh. I nod and then apply the changes to the orb. It glows for a brief second before the monitors turn on. We look up and see the potential changes I was about to make.

Underneath it, it was 'Accept/Decline'. I turn to look at everyone else and wait to see how they respond. Hopefully, they have no problems with it.

"I don't see any problems with it, Jin-kun. But what about the blessed items that cause harm to devils or 'evil beings'?"

No need to worry about that, I added a setting to be able to identify whether a being is part of the alliance or not. This is in addition to whether they have gone rogue or stray. So, while they still do a considerable amount of damage, it won't be instantly fatal to them."

"If an angel and a devil were sparring and both were for the alliance, then they'll just receive minor to heavy damage but won't die or it won't be fatal."

I explained it to everyone and they nodded. Michael seemed satisfied.

"That sounds reassuring."

"Right, so you guys okay with these changes?"

I glance at them as they step away to discuss it. I look at Irina, Griselda, and Valerie… The system in here stopped attacking Valerie too. I also applied that to God's system. Since the alliance consists of the Three Great Powers and beyond, I see it as unnecessary.

"Jin-san, I am— We are aware of your relationship with Gabriel-sama. Is that the reason why you changed the procreation rule?"

"No, I already fundamentally changed Gabriel. Prior to changing this, we could have sex without her falling. This is just for any Pure Angel that wants to fall in love and start a family, as well as the re-population of the Angels."

I stare at her intensely, and I do the same with Irina.

"Any angel, whether pure or reincarnated."

Irina turns red, understanding my implication, while Griselda just smiles at me.


"Please don't hit on soon-to-be reincarnated Angels… If you weren't planning to change this— They would have fallen immediately because of you… Haa, you and your lust, Jin."

Valerie pinched my side and sighed disappointedly at me. Hey, I just implied that… They can find love without worrying about turning into fallen angels. It had nothing to do with me, no sir, not at all!

[Do you smell that, Albion, Rudra, Cúntóir?]

{Yes, it's quite potent.}


Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, the smell of… 'Bullshit.'

......Screw you guys.

Eventually, the Four Seraphs return. They seemed happy and content so I can just assume they're fine with it.

"We've discussed it at length, Jin-kun. We're fine with these changes, however, if we come up with more in the future. Will you come and do the changes for us?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

As I turned around and applied the settings to the system, they gave me grateful looks.


The entire area gets covered in a bright golden pillar of light; this carries on for around twenty seconds before dying down. On the screen, it said 'Changes applied – success' indicating the changes were successful and didn't fail.

"Alright then, I'll check over the Sacred Gear system."

I teleport us to the other side, they were a bit surprised but quickly adjusted. I reach over and touch the red orb…


It seems like bugs are few and far between. Azazel in the novel theorized that the Balance Breaker was a bug since the God of the Bible as well as the original Satans died. Later, Loki and Sun Wukong suggested that perhaps they were not bugs, but rather intended features of Big G.

It wouldn't be too far fetched to imagine that the supernatural might reveal themselves to humanity at some point? Perhaps the more evil and corrupt supernatural beings? So, God made the Sacred Gears System for humans to fight back?

But it still had flaws, since hybrids can exist— Or the supernatural can just use some sort of mind control or manipulate said individual of that Sacred Gear to join them, or other ways.

Now, for one of the biggest mysteries as to why only humans can be born with Sacred Gears and not other races.... It's simple. This is because according to this, God made it that way, he didn't want other species to become even more powerful.

If they're already above normal humans with guns and their military, what would happen if they were given these powerful items? Even more so the Longinus. Humans wouldn't stand a chance; they would soon become extinct.

Ironically, if I tried to fix or change anything in this, it would literally 'break the balance'. I shake my head and sigh.

"Is something wrong, Jin-kun?"

"No, it's that… I don't see any reason to change anything. Heck, if I do— It may change everything we know. The Balance Breaker state is an intended designed by the God of the Bible, a way for humans to fight back."

"I found nothing that was a bug. It's all been planned out by him—the Balance Breaker State, it's just up to the wielder in where they take it to. X Side, Abyss Side, Crest Side, Subspecies, the [Juggernaut Dive], and the [Breakdown the Beast]."

"But given the rate at which the world is going, and with the current wielders. New Longinus may be discovered— No, the 'normal' Sacred Gears out there may evolve into New Longinus… I am aware of one so far, heh, she's one of my lovers, actually."

I look at the door and walk towards it. Everyone else follows behind me. When we entered the room, it was full of tools and materials scattered about. It seems like Big G was a tinkerer kind of God.

Well, he did need to make those items out of something, then power them up with a consciousness, a soul, or something else. There were various bits and bobs scattered around the place. It seemed like he wasn't finished creating Sacred Gears.

I wonder how many Longinus he intended to make? I doubt he would stop at just thirteen. Before I died… I'm sure there were eighteen in total, five additional Sacred Gears evolved into the New Longinus… If I count my 'Grand Chariot' as part of that, then nineteen.

"As of right now— Officially, there are the thirteen original Longinus. I created a New Longinus a few months back, it's being wielded by Xenovia Quarta. Ingvild, also wielders one of the newer ones, there are four more that are unknown."

I know where they are, I know who wields them, but I'll just say I don't know where they are currently. I'll do something about it when I come across them.

"…With that said, I doubt Big G wanted to stop at thirteen, from the looks of it, he was still making more. But I guess the Great War got in the way of that."

And sealing Trixhexa.

"Yes, it does seem like that, Jin-kun… Since you're finished with this, what do you plan on doing now? Will you head to Mount Olympus right away?"

"No, I just got back from Kyoto. I'll take the rest of the day off since your Brave Saints System won't be finished until tomorrow. I'll come back then. Maybe we can go then?"

Michael nods and looks at Irina and Griselda. They also nod.

"I see no problem with that."

"I'll go with what Sister Griselda says!"

"Valerie and I will go back home then. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Take care."

Gabriel runs to me and hugs me; I pat her a bit before she lets go of me. We walk back out and stand in front of the throne, man this thing looks weird to me…

The Four Seraphs kneel and pray, together with Griselda and Irina. Valerie and I stand there awkwardly.

Should I create a new leader or a guardian for them? A being that's basically the same as Lianne, Antares. So, they can monitor and lead Heaven? They'll do all the tedious work that I'm too lazy to do, but any suggestions that may change the supernatural world will be run by me first.

"…Hey Michael, how about I create a powerful leader for Heaven? One that can control the system just like Lianne and Antares you saw."

They stopped praying and looked at me with confusion.

"Yes, or No?"

"Are you suggesting you lead Heaven, Red Dragon Emperor?"

I ask again, but Uriel asks me a question instead… Well if you look at it that way, then yeah, I'll be leading Heaven in a way… But I don't want to… Ugh, what to do…

"No, Michael will still have the last say in everything. The being I'll create will be… A guardian in a way, they can influence the system as I can. If any trouble happens, they can contact me right away, though Gabriel can do that quite easily."



Michael answers my question with no hesitation. Uriel and Raphael are a bit shocked as they stare at him in disbelief. He looks at them with a calm smile.

"Brothers. Jin has not done anything but good for us— And the other Three Great Powers… I will trust him in this once again."

"Me too!"


The other two Seraphs stare at Michael and Gabriel with complicated expressions. I don't blame them, I've spent next to no time with those two, I have built a healthy relationship with Michael through my own actions and through Gabriel.

Gabriel is a no-brainer since she's one of my lovers and has put her trust in me… She'll mostly follow what I say most of the time. Of course, within reason.

"Very well. If Michael is that confident in you, I shall put my trust in you too."


I nod and walk forward I crouch and touch the ground, do it Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: Creating new life… Processing image… Appointing power level…

Cúntóir: Answer: Creation of new life complete.

Suddenly, a magical circle appeared on the ground, and from it rose the newly created being. A twenty-two-year-old woman with long blonde hair tied into a low ponytail on the left side and blue eyes. She wears a black and white dress with a cloak, dark blue stockings, and brown boots.

She kneels on one knee and bows her head in prayer. She looks up at me with a smile, she then calls out my name while releasing all sixteen golden wings behind her. I'm sure she can do more, but I guess that's what she wants to show them.


Name, name… What to name her… Oh, that will do.

"Altaria, that will be your name."

I gave her a motherly vibe and personality; she will go out of her way to look out for everyone. I think that fits her appearance as well as her role here in Heaven.

"Altaria Skyward, ready for her duties."


Wait, wait no, no, I did not… Gabriel and Valerie short-circuited as they stare blankly at Altaria. She then starts to giggle softly.

"Forgive me, I was teasing them, Jin-sama."

"R-Right… Anyway, Michael this is Altaria, she'll be… Well reside her from now on, if you need anything changed in the System, tell her and she'll do it."

I won't mention that she'll be informing me beforehand. Altaria retracts her wings as she stands up and releases her golden aura.

Rumble! Rumble! Shake! Shake!

"By the will of my creator and master, Jin Skyward-sama. I have created a new barrier around Heaven, anyone that's listed as an enemy to the Three Great Powers, as well as Jin-sama, cannot enter…. There also have been Pure Angels that have been dealing with Khaos Brigade, they have fallen earlier on."

"Wha— They what?! Where?! When?!"

"They have fled, there was a loophole in the system before I fixed it. Once that was fixed, they started to turn into fallen and fled Heaven. It seems like Khaos brigade had plans to invade Heaven."

Uriel was shocked and immediately started to ask questions, but I stopped him and explained as Altaria nodded along, the rest were shocked.

"…To think our fellow Angels…"

I look at Michael seriously.

"As I said months ago, Michael. The world is changing, not every pure or nice person you see is doing it for that reason alone… Not all angels you know and see have the same thoughts and opinions as you or the Seraphs."

"Perhaps since they were my brothers and sisters…I put a bit too much trust in them, this will be a learning experience, I'm sorry, and thank you, Jin-san…. Altaria-san."

Michael looked troubled but tried to move past it as best as he could.

"Don't worry about it, anyway, can you guys leave first? Valerie just wait back with Gabriel. I want to talk with Altaria for a bit."

Michael nodded along with Gabriel, Griselda, Irina, Uriel, and Raphael. The other two male seraphs were a bit hesitant but agreed to do so in the end. Gabriel and Valerie started to chat right away as they started to walk away.

Irina and Griselda glanced back at me as I gave them a thumbs up, making Irina laugh, they finally left the room. I turn back to Altaria as she tilted her head not to sure on why I wanted to speak with her.

"You may already know, but any changes to the system… Inform me of them before you do."


"Also, this."

I summon a ring, like the ones I had for the girls, and give it to her. She looks at it while smiling, then puts it on her left ring finger. I look around to make sure there were no other loopholes here, but I couldn't sense anything. The same with the Angels that recently fell.

"Thank you, Jin-sama. I shall perform my duties to the highest order."

"Sure. It may be a bit lonely, but this will be your home from now on… But if you do want to speak, use the communication feature and contact me, or you can always just teleport to where I am."


She was giving me one-word answers so I felt a bit awkward, well whatever I'm done here anyway. I'll come back tomorrow and see where I go.

"Best of luck then."

She didn't verbally answer but bowed to me and sat on the throne. It… Fit her in a way, she creates a book and starts reading away, I guess she won't be too lonely here.

Japan, Kuoh


Skyward household

"So, will you guys be busy tomorrow or…?"

"Mission….. Jinnnnn!!"

Gyuu ~

"I'm going out again… Sorry Jin, we didn't get to go everywhere today."

Reni bear hugged me upset about having another mission tomorrow, and Ingvild was busy, no problems then.

"Sure thing, have fun… And Reni I won't be in Greece for too long you know…"

"Get some souvenirs please…"


Reni happy with my answer starts to purr like a cat. Ingvild beside me laughed at her antics, Valerie was a bit tired, I don't know why but she's already sleeping. I was contacted by Rias earlier saying they were doing fine and asked if I was going to join them for dinner, but I said I wasn't.

I did tell them that I was going to Greece tomorrow… I don't know how long I'll be there but, seeing as how long I was in Ireland… There may be some fuckery at foot. I also still have Scathach's duel to do.

Hopefully, things go smoothly…

Next day


Sixth Heaven

Valerie, Serafall, Penemue, and I were back in Michael's office, Irina and Griselda were also there, they had their white robes on as well as the weird black tight looking battle suit. They looked quite erotic with them… Especially Griselda since she's quite curvy.

You chose the wrong occupation, woman, that body is made to sin… When I said that, Griselda looks at me with a smile as Irina shivered beside her.


"Ready then?"

Both newly reincarnated angels answered by letting out their wings. Griselda had six while Irina had two. So she had three pairs of wings while Irina had one, the difference in strength…

They then retracted them, I look at Michael and he nods, Gabriel was clinging onto me as Serafall was seriously glaring at her…. I tend to forget that she considers Gabriel as her biggest rival.

I kiss Gabriel on the forehead as she sadly lets go of me, the girls that were going with me gathered around.

"Let's get going then."


I checked out the mountain if there were tourists there and there is since it was summer. I decided to teleport to a more secluded part of the mountain. The highest peak of this mountain is called 'Mytikas' or 'Nose' in human mythology, that's where the Greek Gods reside.

I look around and see that we were surrounded by trees. I had teleported us near the bottom of the national park. I'm assuming that at the peak is where the barrier between the human realm and where the Greek Gods reside.

The ruler of Mount Olympus is Zeus, who was the Chief God of the Greek Pantheon until he sealed himself in the Isolation Field Barrier. His son; Apollon, became the new Chief God of the Greek Pantheon and ruler of Mount Olympus.

I will be preventing that from happening. But that's in the future, for now, I'm just meeting them and making new connections. I look towards the top and could feel a strange energy coming from it. I could also feel multiple signatures around this small town.

The town is called Litochoro. It is located at the base of Mount Olympus, on the western shore of the Thermaic Gulf. The town is a popular destination for those wishing to climb Mount Olympus as almost all climbing routes begin to the southwest of the town.

"So many humans are climbing this mountain, how do we get to the barrier or go through it without causing a ruckus?"

Penemue asked while looking at me. I nod.

"I'll do what I did in Ireland by the Giant's causeway, I'll just make them all fall asleep for a few seconds and we go through. Anyway, let's make our way there slowly… Just blend in with the tourists."

I came out of the woods; I released a little blast of aura through the mountain range so that any officials will see us as normal tourists and won't question why we were going certain ways.

"Phew… It's pretty hot here, huh? And it's only rocks everywhere…"

"At least there aren't too many humans at our current location, Serafall Leviathan."

"Mmm, I guess you're right."

Serafall and Penemue started to speak with one another, I don't think they've interacted that much in the novels… Or did they? I can't remember too much. I look over at Griselda and Irina, both already covered in sweat…. But it's kind of erotic.

"Are you two holding up? While the climate here is mostly Mediterranean in type, it's still quite hot— Especially during the summer."

"B-Boss Jin, I'm d-doing fine!"

"…I will not lie and say I am quite warm."

I nod and go back over to them, I touch both of their robs and apply a temperature-changing effect on them, much like Valerie's as she's fine. Hot? You'll be cooled, Cold? Warm it up, baby. The two immediately had relief wash over them.

"As expected of Boss Jin! Thank you, amen!"

"Thank you, Jin-san."

"No problem, but please just call me Jin, Irina, being called Boss Jin sounds weird."

She goes into a cute thinking pose before nodding.

"Then, Jin-senpai!"

Good enough, I can't stop her from calling me that, at least it's more reasonable. I nod and flash step back to where I was. As we make our way up, we go past a few tourists making their own climb up.

I look around and see the view from here and it's pretty incredible. I could see the small town below us and further beyond was the sea.

"Jin! Cool me down too!"

"I would appreciate that as well… Jin."

Penemue and Serafall call out to me… I hadn't given Serafall her ring yet, I'll do it tonight. I flash step toward them, touch their clothing, and do the same thing I did earlier.


"A Levi-tan chu for you~"

Serafall kissed me on the cheek after I did that, and Penemue had an amused look on her.

"You even have the Satan Leviathan in your harem?"

"Well, we're not official yet, but I plan on doing so tonight."

I reply back to Penemue, I could see Serafall turn red and laugh it off. Penemue also chuckled at her reaction. I go over to Valerie who was silently admiring everything around her.


I pick her up and flash stepped further ahead. I could see a little cliff or a side of the mountain just jutting out, she'll have a better view from there. We arrive there and I put her down, she lightly glared at me but turned to look at the view.

Luckily when I did all of that, there were no tourists in sight, even the ones we had passed had stopped and were looking back down the mountain.


"Pretty cool, huh? I wonder what the supernatural Mount Olympus will look like?"

"…Perhaps… 'Mystical'?"

Mystical, huh? Who knows? I had seen cool places in the Irish mythology worlds, I'm curious about the ones for the Greek Gods, not so much the Realm of the Dead since I'll kill Hades in the future.

I can't do it now since it'll look like a random attack from me. For now, he hasn't done anything to warrant that kind of action from me. After looking at the view for around two minutes, the others catch up to us, so we joined back with them.

Generally, it takes around two to three days to complete the full hike up this mountain, stopping at certain refuges stops to prepare for the next part of the climb. We got a few strange looks as she ascended since we didn't have anything but looked like we were having a breeze going up.

But using a bit of my powers… I made it look normal for them so the looks stopped.

We had made considerable progress as we made our way up the mountain, we were nearing the peak since at times I just carried the girls and flash stepped up until we came across a normal group of tourists.

I had some protest from Penemue initially but she liked the wind blowing into her so didn't care too much afterwards. Since we were near the top, we walked normally the rest of the way.


Irina screamed as she tried to get an echo in her voice, Griselda lightly smacked her on the head as she didn't want her trainee to just be screaming beside her, it also got a chuckle out of other tourists.

Valerie was ahead of us with Penemue and Serafall, during the climb the three of them had been talking about… Well, I have no idea, girl things? They do sometimes look back at me.

"Excuse me…"

Griselda grabs my arm and hugged it; I was taken off guard as she looked a bit woozy?

"Are you okay?"

"Boss Griselda skipped breakfast because she was excited to go on this trip— Ow!"

Irina told me the reason as to why Griselda was feeling weak, but in doing so, she got smacked quite hard by her. I shook my head and chuckled. I summoned a bit of food, just a ham sandwich, and hand it over to her. I also summon a bottle of water.

"Thank you and I'm sorry, I have not been to Greece yet so…"

"Don't worry about it, I can understand the feeling."

She smiled as she ate the sandwich while still holding onto me. Irina went over to my other side since she didn't want to get hit again. I put my hand on her head and healed it, she seemed thankful.

Griselda finished her food and drink quite quickly but also seemed to perk up almost instantly, but didn't let go of me. I mean I didn't mind so, whatever. We continue the rest of the climb like this.

"We reached the peak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Irina screamed. We indeed reach the top, in only a few hours since we did have to pretend to be normal humans going up. All around us were mountain ranges, above us clouds and the sun as well as a few tourists who laughed at Irina's enthusiasm.

She and Valerie walked around a bit exploring the area, Penemue and Serafall were speaking to each other while pointing at the town below.

I stood by with Griselda still clinging to me. She was teased by Serafall and Penemue earlier but she took it in stride and doesn't seem too bothered by it.

I glance to my left and could feel magical there, it must be the barrier that separates the human realm and the 'real' Mount Olympus. I had a conversation earlier with Cúntóir and she said it was around three or four in the afternoon, so night was approaching.

While I mentioned there were tourists, there weren't much, a few— No, most of them had started to descend back so they could retreat to the last refuge for the night.

"Night is approaching, we can cross the barrier then. Let's just relax here for now."


Griselda said nothing but she probably did agree with me. I start walking and find a large enough boulder and sit on it, Griselda joins me.


We had been relaxing at the peak for a few hours until the sun went down and no more tourists were here or at least had gone back down to set up camp. For whatever reason, Griselda stuck by me during those few hours.

I didn't mind, more company, but I could have just passed the time with the Dragons, Rudra, and Cúntóir. I had gathered everyone at where the barrier started, I look back at them and they were ready, so we walked through it.



Everyone was left speechless, in front of us was a long and wide terrain. Large hills, trees, small leaks, and some houses were everywhere. Beyond that was… A large mountain, above that mountain was a floating city which was high above the clouds.

I could see some waterfalls coming down from it, it was also had different layers, at the top there was a sort of castle structure. There were lightning strikes constantly hitting the mountain top. So that's the real Mount Olympus, huh?

Then, what the hell is in front of us? Is this some kind of city or town? Do the Gods here let them stay here? This is quite something then… So I can assume not all of them are assholes.

"Oh? New visitors? Welcome! To the small town of Little Olympia!"

In front of us was a young man in old Greek clothing, a tunic? Or cloak? I think they're called peplos or chiton I'm not entirely sure though… I think the Chiton is worn by men and the Peplos is worn by women. He had curly green hair, green eyes, and had two big front teeth.

Anyway, it was mostly green and he wore some sandals with them, he had a bright smile and a had a 'welcoming' aura. He looked like a walking broccoli.

"Little Olympia? Is the floating island thing Mountain Olympus then?"

"Precisely! In front of us are the gates towards Little Olympia, it's quite large so get ready to be surprised!"

He says happily and starts walking towards it. Now that I look at it closely, in the center of the city I could see there was a huge tower, the city also had walls surrounding it in a circular shape. The walls were quite high and were mostly peach or grey in color.

"So, what's Little Olympia like?"

Irina asked, and the guy let out a 'huhuhu' type of noise and starts to speak.

"It's where the Gods come down to relax! While they do relax over at Mount Olympus, they come here for more… 'Human-like' activities? There's a gladiator-style arena in this town where we occasionally hold tournaments called 'Tournament of Power'."

"The mightiest mortals will win a favor from the Gods and they can wish for… Well nearly everything. You can't wish to become a God, but you can ask to be trained by them! Though not all Gods are in favor of this."

"But! The leader of our pantheon, Zeus-sama is a great guy! He's friendly and quite easygoing. Don't believe any of that nonsense your books in the human realm say, while some Gods are accurate… Some aren't."

"There are many shops and inns here, as well as normal houses that residents live in. We use human currency as many of us go to and from this realm and to the human realm."

Hmm, interesting, this is such a weird setting. We were slowly approaching the gates and I could see guards there…. Ugh guards again. The green-haired guy gets to go without being stopped, but we were.

"Halt! State your business."

I summon the invitation I received from that messenger of theirs and hand it to the guard. The two of them read it and their eyes widen, to add to it… I summon the [Boosted Gear] and they nod furiously.

"Middleman-sama! Welcome to Little Olympia!"

"Please go ahead! The Gods are waiting for you!"

My invitation was handed back to me as the green-haired man was stunned to his spot. I tap him on the shoulder and he comes back to us.

"Holy moly, you're the Middleman! Haha! Lucky me! My family owns a shop please come and buy something from us!"

Talk about a change in personality. The houses here were mostly made out of stone, the roofs with redwood, they oozed some 'magic' out of them, so they're not normal houses.

"What's that tower in the middle for?"

Valerie asked the man as she points at it, she nods sagely at her question.

"That's the Tower of Heaven! It has many high and luxurious shops in there! Each level is a different shop! While at the top is a teleporter that will bring you to the top of Mount Olympus! You'll need a sort of invitation to use it, but seeing as you have one, then you can use it!"

"There are many shops in there that sell armor and weapons! The Goddess Hephaestus also goes there on occasion, but she mostly stays in her own workshop in Mount Olympus!"

Goddess Hephaestus? …..Goddess????? I thought Hephaestus was a guy? Hello? Oh no, please don't tell… They're like from…

"Oya, oya? Tehami-boy, who might these lovely people be?"

In front of us was a man. The man has blonde hair and orange eyes. He wears a feathered hat. He is slender and of medium height with skinny arms and legs sticking out of his clothes, with orange hair with flowing locks. He also has effeminate looks and an overwhelming charm.

"H-H-Hermes-sama!!! T-this man is the Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman! He's brought his harem here to meet the Gods!"

The now named man called Tehami tells the God Hermes…he looks awfully like the one from Danmachi….huh? D-Danmachi? Wait… Hephaestus is a Goddess here… Hermes looks like the one from Danmachi… Oh, god don't tell me…

"Oh! The great Middleman has graced Little Olympia with his presence and his harem of beautiful women!! ….Oya? Why does he look….. Pale?"

Calm yourself, Jin… Deep breaths… Slow down, don't kill him. I calm myself and look at God Hermes in front of me and nod. I put my hand out for a handshake.

"Jin Skyward, Middleman and Red Dragon Emperor. I was invited here so… Here I am."

He smiles at me and shakes my hand enthusiastically.

"I am ~ Hermes a God you could say ~ it's nice to finally meet Mister Thor Beater and Rogue Fallen Exterminator supreme! I'm sort of a messenger for the Gods here, I guess I can take over then. Nice work, Tehami~"

"Y-Yes! Mister Jin! Please come and visit my family's shop!"

Tehami then ran away at full speed, he turned a corner and disappeared. We were left with the God Hermes as he smiled at me.

"This is Valerie, Serafall, Penemue, Griselda and Irina. They'll be accompanying me if that's okay."

"No problemo! Come, come, we'll go up the Tower of Heaven and get to Mount Olympus quicker that way! You're in luck Jin-Jin, Miss Hephaestus is in there today! We can all go back together!"


He then turns around and starts walking in front of us. I follow him as everyone else walks beside me.

"Why did you look so pale earlier, Jin?"

"…It's nothing I thought I saw him from somewhere before, but just mistook him."

Valerie asked beside me as I just sigh, I more or less know what to expect in this realm then… DxD Greek Gods, some based on my old world and… Danmachi Greek Gods. This may become a lot more hectic than I imagined.


"Yes, c'mon let's not fall behind."

The girls didn't believe me but it was not the time for that. As Hermes strolled through the streets he was greeted by the residents. Much like Asgard, this place— Little Olympia had more than just Gods and Goddesses residing in it.

Humans, elves, dwarves, other creatures, youkai, and all types of supernatural beings were walking around the streets. They all seemed to like Hermes so they went out of their way to greet him. Some even went up to him to chat briefly.

We eventually reached the 'Tower of Heaven' and the guards in front of them let us through thanks to Hermes, he whispered that I was the Middleman and they had no problems letting us through.

Once inside there was a sort of reception area, I was quite a few beings in here just standing or sitting around, a few asking the receptionist a question. To the left of the reception desk were stairs going up, to its right were stairs going down but it was blocked by a sign saying 'No entry'.

To the left side of the room was a bulletin board, I could see advertisements, flies, and other posters up, even some requesting help and you'll be paid. To the right was an elevator? Above us was a big chandelier powered by magic as it just floated there.

"As you can guess, this is the reception area, there are seven levels in total including this one, so six more above us. Each level is a different suited as I mentioned before, we'll be going to the 5th floor since that's where she is."

Hermes explained and gestured for us to follow him to the elevator. Even here he was greeted like a celebrity. He pressed a button going up and after a few seconds the elevator came, we all stepped inside and it quickly went up, we arrived and he left first.

When we stepped through, I could see multiple doors, leading into different rooms, but what it was obvious that what was being sold here were just armor, weapons, and other items of that sort. Hermes was already walking in front of us but soon stopped by a door.

He pushes it open and we follow him inside. The inside was a lot different from the outside, it does fit the 'expensive' shop look. Red carpet as flooring, gold, red and blue wallpaper with glass cases covering the more expensive weapons and armor.

A few armors stand with some armors being put there as a preview. There were only a handful of customers here since this place is supposedly expensive.

"This is the second most expensive shop here, the most expensive one is the last door before we take the next flight of stairs up. –Ah, there she is, heeyyyy Hephaestus!!"

Hermes tells us as he looks around the shop, but he eventually spots his target and started to shout her name, she looked a bit annoyed by seeing him but still nodded in our direction. We make our way there and he introduces us.

"Ya! I wanted to come across you today, Hephaestus, I've brought an interesting guest. This isssss Jin Skyward! The new Middleman, well? Surprised?!"

Hephaestus has a crimson eye and red hair reaching to the neck. She has a rather sharp face and slender body with an eye patch over her right eye. She wore a white shirt with one button unbuttoned making a bit of her cleavage show. Black skinny fit pants, knee-high brown boots, as well as wearing elbow-high gloves.

She had a little attachment on her belt where she had her hammer with her. She had a small look of surprise as she looked at me and the girls behind me.

From what I can remember, she has a complex due to her deformity on her right eye, belittling herself as a woman with no charm and having resigned to not getting a partner. Hestia and Welf were the only ones to see it and not run away in horror, in turn making her fall for him.

[Easy way to win her over, huh?]

{Do not be scared or offer to heal or fix it}

'You two… A maiden's heart is more complex than that.'


Cúntóir: Answer: They're hopeless single dragons, leave them be, Rudra.

"Jin Skyward, pleasure to meet you."

I put my hand out for a handshake, she stares at it for a few seconds before shaking it.

"Likewise, Sir Middleman. I hope you have a pleasant stay here."


Suddenly a small girl hugged the Greek God of Smithing….

"Hestia… Please don't just suddenly hug me from behind…"

Hephaestus let out a frustrated sigh as she turns around to the now pouting…Goddess Hestia.

Hestia is a beautiful and petite Goddess with a youthful appearance. She has blue eyes and mid-thigh length black hair tied into twin tails that reach down to her mid-thighs. Her hair is tied with hair accessories that feature blue and white petals along with bell-shaped ornaments. She has a small frame (4'7').

Her usual attire is a white mini dress with a blue ribbon around her neck and one tied under her breasts around her arms, and a pair of white gloves. She was barefoot.... Why? Doesn't that hurt to walk in just your bare feet? Who are you trying to appeal too?

"Hmmm?~ oh, Hermes…. Hmmmm? Who are they?"

Hestia reluctantly agreed to Hephaestus's complaint, she looks behind her to see Hermes and then us, and she points at us asking both Gods.

"The Middleman, he got an invitation here, so he's come to visit… With what I'll assume is his harem."

"That's right."

Hephaestus explained and I confirmed while nodding sagely.


"As far as I know, only Serafall and Valerie are in your harem. The rest of us are just here to accompany you!"

Penemue smacked me with a clipboard…. I have no idea where she pulled that out of. Hermes laughed at what just occurred, it's almost comical— Like a planned-out skit due to my zero reaction to being hit.


Hestia then trots over to me, circling me and poking at me, since I was 6'3 and she was 4'7… The size difference was quite notable. Almost like an adult towering over a child.

[My God, you're like a lolico—]

Smack! Thud!

'…He's knocked out, Cúntóir, was that really necessary?'

What the fuck happened?

'Albion has fled, meanwhile Cúntóir hit Ddraig quite hard and is currently knocked out.'

...Alright then.

"Hmm-hmm, you pass!"


"Don't mind her, Jin. She can be a bit… Quirky, anyway, I'm taking him and his girls to Mount Olympus with me, will you ladies join us?"

I have no idea what Hestia meant by me passing so I just shrugged it off, the two Goddesses look at one another and nodded.

"We are pretty much done here, so let's go!"

Answering for the both of them, Hestia pumped her fist up as Hermes chuckled and gestured for us to leave the shop. During all this time, the shop clerk had a bored look on his face. I guess he's used to this kind of thing.

We left the shop and Hermes resumed guiding us, we reach a doorway with a flight of stairs going up or down, we obviously went up them, there were some vertical rectangular shapes cut out as would-be windows.

We reached the final level— The seventh level of the tower, once there were another pair of guards and that was it, there were the rectangle windows and a few pot plants, but that's it.

"God Hermes, Goddess Hestia, and Goddess Hephaestus welcome back... Will those guests be going with you?"

They nod and Hermes gestured for me to show the invitation, I walk up and give the guard my invitation. He nods and gives it back to me.

"Welcome, Sir Middleman, please go ahead. You brought some… Companions, yes?"


He nods again as both guards tap their spears to the ground and let us through… There was a small little platform that had a symbol on it, a bolt of lightning, probably because of Zeus. He is their current leader.

We all stand on it, it's a little cramped but we all fit. I was at the back with Valerie, Serafall and Griselda squeezed up against me. Hermes opted to be at the front.

The platform underneath us glowed until we blipped out of existence— In a form of a lightning strike.

Mount Olympus

Entrance platform

"I wasn't expecting that."

"It's cool, right? Being teleported around by those with lightning strikes! I'm still quite excited about it! Anyway, we're on the first floor, the entrance platform you could say. Most Gods and Goddesses reside here on Mount Olympus, including me~"

"I see."

In front of us was a giant man-made… Pool? Lake? Whatever it was, there was a big waterfall that was coming from the top, just below that castle-like structure I saw earlier. Above that was another pool of water as well as stairs to the right of it.

It seemed there was a path to the left that then goes up to the right… Why make it so long? At least the path was made of stone and it was quite well maintained. There were small trees that were trimmed to the exact same shape, vertical ovals.

"Now follow me, ladies and gentlemen!"

Hermes went ahead of us, he seemed quite excited… Maybe because I'm about to confront the Greek Gods? Well, more of them. Probably some troublemakers too… He's looking forward to the conflict. He's not that innocent, huh? Little sadistic bastard.

"Hey, hey, Jin! Is it true that you became the Middleman because you wanted a harem?"

Hestia runs up and in front of me, she starts walking backwards and asks me that question quite excitedly. Griselda was still latched onto my left side; the rest of the girls were behind taking in the scenery.

We were above the clouds after all, all around us, we could see for miles on end, mountain ranges, forests, lakes, and other naturally made structures.

Hephaestus was to my right, she also looked interested in my answer. Though it's quite obvious at this point… I have a literal nun attached to me, isn't that already risky?

"Yeah, it is. I want a harem, if working towards uniting all of the supernatural factions and pantheons means peace… Then it's worth it, since I can just laze around with my lovers."

"Oh! I like the honesty! So, how many?"

How many…? I haven't kept count… Let's see…

"Officially I have fourteen right now, unofficially twenty others and more that I haven't met yet."

"Pfft— More that you haven't met yet? That's pretty ballsy of you, so to the ones you have an idea of, how many?"

"….Forty-seven women… For now."


Hephaestus was left speechless, as well as the rest of the girls… And apparently hearing me, Hermes was howling with laughter. There's still more, in the future, who knows who'll I'll meet? But from my personal… Count it's that many.

"For now…? For now?! Jin! That's so many!"

Serafall screamed from behind me, when I turned around, she was furiously pointing at me, in a way silently screaming 'Me! When?!'. I did say I would try to make it official tonight, or was that the day before? I'm not too sure anymore.

"Hahaha! Forty-seven women in total for now? You're going to be on par or exceed certain God's harems of the past, Jin. I wish you luck on that."

We finally made it past the path and we went up a little hill, when we got up it, there was a large entrance with some pillars above and beyond it looked like an arena? It was quite large seeing as how we can see it from here.

"That's where some beings that ask to be trained to go for… Well, training. If they won the 'Tournament of Power' they are trained there by the God or Goddess they chose. Though most of the time it's them getting a training regime and left to their own devices. Only being checked up on occasion."

"Currently, there are no apprentices or trainees so it's quite empty and barren. The other use is… If Gods or Goddess here have differing opinions, want it to be pushed? Fight it out, whether it be an outright brawl or fighting in a different way."

"The most entertaining one is a cooking competition since most Gods and Goddesses suck at cooking since we have our servants and staff do that. It's a lot more amusing to have them cook. Of course, we other Gods are the ones that have to eat the food made… Haha, that's the worst part!"

….Food Wars but with Gods who suck at it, interesting. So, you're saying all the Gods here are masochists?

To our immediate right was a building, in front of us before the giant entrances were large bushes and a fountain in the middle. To our right was the path that continued one. Hermes finished his little explanation and started to walk that way so we followed him.

To my left was a small waterfall, looking up it was just coming out of a man-made hole… We kept going and went up some stairs. To my immediate right was… A large tree trunk?

"What happened to that?"

Irina pointed at the destroyed tree trunk, Hermes and Hestia laughed at the question, making the girl confused.

"One drunken night many years ago— Though he's nearly drunk every night though. Zeus, our current leader was drunk. He had a little… Quarrel with his wife, Hera. Ah, mind you, he only ever married her. Don't believe those human myths! Anyway, he drunkenly struck it with lighting— We never removed it as a reminder to him."

….Draconic Deus is really playing Zeus to be a good guy, huh? Then who are the assholes here?

"So, who are the asshole Gods I have to look out for?"

"Pfft— Hahaha! Nice question! I was waiting for you to ask, Jin-Jin!"

"Hmm~ to answer your question, there are many… But the ones who are here today are~ Hades, Erebus, Nyx, Tartarus, Ares, Athena, Eris, Hecate, and finally Atë. They're the ones here with the other Gods and Goddesses that are somewhat normal, that being said… Let me contact Zeus."

He summons a circle and speaks through it, sounds like he's informing Zeus of my arrival and to gather up all the current Gods and Goddesses here today. He turns back to me after dismissing the circle and gives me a thumbs up.

"Hestia, Hephaestus, and I will be there. You'll be meeting a lot of us there, Jin-Jin. Look forward to it."

Finished with our little talk, we continue on our journey to the top, we pass by two buildings of the same structure and design, these are apparently homes to some of the God, we turn left and go up some stairs, then we come by another home and then go up another flight of stairs.

"Strange, there are no birds here."

Valerie spoke up…. That's true I haven't seen any birds or animals here too far, while down at Little Olympia there were quite a lot of them.

"What animal would dare to come near such a treacherous place? A place of Gods and Goddesses where a plethora of Divine Energy is located at as well as the constant lightning strikes at the mountain below this place and the winds barrier around it. Unless they are looking for a place to pass quickly."

….Valerie looked at Hephaestus awkwardly at her rather blunt reply. Hestia lightly smacked the Goddess on the back and laughed.

"Don't mind her, she can be a bit blunt and grumpy at times. But she's kind at heart, just get close to her! Not that many have!"

"…Ah, um, sure…"

We arrive at a relatively large area with a building to our left, the waterfall from earlier that connected to the bottom two pools of water was also running past here. A small bridge that connects to the connecting path that seemed to go underneath this place.

"How do we get up there?"

Hermes points at where the waterfall starts.

"See that mini waterfall above the bigger one? We'll be teleported up to that platform, the teleportation platform is in that building over there. I can see you're curious on where this path leads to…"

We look up at what he was pointing at and yes, it does seem like a platform is there, interesting. I'll admit I am also curious about where the rest of the path takes us.

"We'll keep that a secret, for now, shall we? Maybe Zeus will tell you~"

Keeping the area, a secret from me, that's understandable. Hermes chuckled to himself and then turned to walk towards the building. It wasn't a long walk and we arrived there in a minute, this time no guards were here.

"No guards are here since…well, it'll take a lot to get here from the entrance guards at Little Olympia, to the guards by the teleporter in the Tower of Heaven. They see no point in appointing guards here."

Greek Gods are powerful, however, the only one to be in the top ten in canon is Hades himself. Everyone else just falls short of it. But I'm sure they should be in the top thirty or twenty.

We step onto the platform again as we are teleported away in a flash of lightning. Once we arrived at the little platform Hermes takes a huge gulp of air.

"I've been meaning to ask, it's nighttime out in the human realm, but daytime here, why?"

"It usually follows the time in the human realm, huh? Wasn't it dusk earlier?"

Hermes looks at Hestia and Hephaestus and they also become aware of the strange phenomenon, then Hestia smacks her hand with her fist—figuring out why it was daytime again.

"Nyx! She probably figured out you were here through her own means!"

Nyx, huh?

Nyx is the Primordial Goddess of the Night and the younger sister of Erebus in Greek mythology and one of the creators of Thanatos, Hypnos, and Oneiroi. Nyx and her brother joined Hades and the Alliance of Hell to eliminate the DxD team, Longinus users, chief gods of each mythology, and Ajuka Beelzebub.

She also kidnapped Ingvild and used her Sacred Gear to try to control, Ddraig, Albion, Ophis, Great Red, and Crom Cruach, the Crescent Circle Dragon.

"Or it could be Erebus, he is another Primordial God, of Darkness and is the older brother of Nyx., creator of Thanatos, Hypnos, and Oneiros."

Hephaestus adds to Hestia's comment as the Loli Goddess nods.

"Whoever it is, we'll just get them to change it back, I doubt Zeus is liking this change either. It's messing with everyone's internal clock. Now, let's go we're nearly there."

Hermes leads up into a hall— More like a Grand entrance hall, bigger and flashier than what the Gremory, Astaroth, and Sitri had to offer. Flags propped up everywhere, 'fancy' colors. Red, yellow, gold, purple, and white.

The walls also had paintings of people— Probably the Gods here… I could tell one, it was Nyx. Looking around there were also Hestia, Hephaestus, and Hermes on there. In front of us was a mini statue of Zeus made out of white marble.


I was the only one to comment since the rest of the girls were staring in awe, Hermes just chuckled and started to walk away. Behind Zeus's statue were two staircases that went the same way, he went up them and we followed.

Through the door were more hallways and staircases, so we silently followed after him while admiring the structure of the place. Throughout the hallways were stands with the heads of gods made out of the same white marble from earlier.

"Well, I better change."

I was meant to do that earlier in the morning but held back since we were going to go up Mount Olympus in Greece. Penemue, Griselda, Irina, and the three Gods look at me funny. I shake my head and snap my fingers.

I had changed into my black suit with the gold tie that I wore for the Peace Conference. Since I have a feeling, I may need to be a bit more… Authoritative? I'll go with this look, my usual look is a bit more casual, even though it's still a bit formal looking.

Griselda wore her nun outfit with the white rob, and Irina her outfit she wore during the Kokabiel events. Valerie wore her usual outfit, Serafall her business outfit, Penemue a black and purple shirt, with a black skirt, black nylon tights and black pumps…. How she managed to climb a mountain with that, is beyond me.

"Oh! You can change clothes on the fly? That's amazing!"

Hestia comments as I look at her strangely. She couldn't? She could see my confused expression and puffy up her cheeks.

"No, I can't do that! I'm the Virgin Goddess of the Hearth! Not the snappy fingers Goddess that make clothes appear out of thin air!"

Can we make that into a title? Sounds interesting, I nod at the angry loli Goddess and we continue on our way, it didn't take too long to arrive at a relatively large door…

"Beyond here is where they all should be at. It's quite spacious inside, we can expand it if the need arises if other Gods join us, or other beings. Jin and your companions, are you ready?"

I glance at everyone as they had serious looks on them, seeing this I nod at Hermes as he smiles and pushes the door open. We wait for the three Gods to go through before going in ourselves.

Once inside, I close the door behind us and all heads turn to us, Hermes bows and introduces us… I could see a lot of Gods and Goddesses here, the ones that Hermes mentioned and a few more that I wasn't expecting.

"I'm here Old man, Zeus!"

"Hyahahahaha! Stop calling me old man, you old man. So, that's the rumored Middleman, huh?"

Zeus laughs at what Hermes called him making the other Gods roll their eyes, some had amused smirks, while few had zero change in expression. Zeus looks at me with a wide grin, I could feel he was genuinely excited about this.

"Yes! Allow me to introduce to you, Jin Skyward, Middleman, and this generation's Red Dragon Emperor, in the flesh!"


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