Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 4 – Chapter 2 – Part 2 – Instinct, Temporary alliance and another appears



Jin Skyward

"Hey Odin, is this that request you were meant to give to me a while back?"

"...Yes. Take it as another one from me, Jin-boy. Also, what did that orange-lad mean by 'father'?"

"...Dead or alive?"

"Alive if possible."

I look at Loki who scoffs at me, Ignia had a grin on him and waved at me.

"Jin Skyward, is my father, though don't mistake it, I am not his biological child."

Azazel nods and explains to everyone who Ignia is. The girls who knew who I truly was immediately figured out who the 'mother' was. Azazel flapped his black wings and exited the wagon.

"...Loki. A Norse God."

Rias says that next to me.

"If it isn't Loki-dono. To meet you in a place like this. Do you have some business with us? On this wagon is the chief God of Northern Europe Odin-dono. You know what the consequence of your actions are, right?"

Azazel asked calmly. The God called Loki then spoke while crossing his arms.

"Nothing much. Our chief God left our organization to get in touch with other factions, and that is very painful to endure."

...A thing a textbook villain would say, Azazel changed the way he spoke.

"You are quite arrogant to say that up front, Loki."

He was pissed, even if he looks like that, Azazel likes peaceful days, so he seems to hate those who come and selfishly disrupt the peace. Hearing Azazel, Loki laughs heartily

"Fuhahahaha, if this isn't the Governor-dono of the fallen angels! Normally I wouldn't want to meet you or the devils, but it can't be helped. –Along with Odin and the others, you shall receive my punishment."

"So it's okay for you to get in touch with other factions? That's contradictory."

"It's okay if it's to destroy other factions. I don't agree with the idea of peace. It is your religion that stepped foot on our soil and spread the Bible after all."

".....There's no point saying that to me. Say that to Michael or the deceased God from the Bible."

Azazel replies like that while scratching his head. True, he doesn't get involved in that sort of thing. He's an inventor and a pervert. He ain't religious.

"Either way, it is a problem for the chief-God Odin to negotiate with the Gods of the Far East. Then we won't be able to have the day of 'Ragnarök'. –What is it you wish to obtain by trading for the information regarding Yggdrasil?"

Azazel points his fingers and then asks.

"I will ask you one thing! Are your actions connected with the Khaos Brigade? That Ignia fellow is beside you after all. Wait, if I remember, you weren't an Evil God-sama who would answer honestly."

"Oh please. I came across this fellow, we sparred, and I lost. But he said he wanted to meet the Middleman, so he followed along."

It seems that Loki didn't join up with Khaos Brigade, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Now then… How should I deal with this?

Hearing that answer, Azazel loosened the tension in his body.

"...So you are not from the Khaos Brigade. But this is also a problem in its own way. I understand, geezer. So this is the problem that the North faction faces, huh?"

When Azazel looked towards the wagon, the geezer had just gotten out of the wagon with Rossweisse. He activated a magic circle under his feet, and he moved in the air along with the magic circle.

"Hmm. There are still a few hard-headed people and that's the current situation we are facing. There are fools like this one who come out like this."

Geezer says that while stroking his white beard.

"Loki-sama! Your actions exceed your authority! By pointing your fangs at the Chief God! This is unforgivable! You should make an argument at the official meeting!"

Rossweisse changed from the business suit to her armor immediately and then said that to Loki. But the enemy didn't listen.

"A mere Valkyrie shouldn't get in my way. I'm asking Odin. Are you still planning to continue doing something which is outside our Norse world?"

Odin who was urged to answer, did so in a normal manner.

"Yup. Talking to Sirzechs and Azazel is ten thousand times more interesting than talking to you. I want to know more about Japanese Shinto. They also have an interest in our Yggdrasil. After Jin makes peace, I'm thinking of exchanging our cultures by sending out each of our messengers."

Hearing that, Loki smirks.

"...I have confirmed your plans. Such a foolish act. –Let's have a display of powers here then."

Loki powers up and sends his killing intent at us— However, the Gremory peerage is beyond him in raw power, so he was a bit surprised by them having next to no reaction.

"I agree. Let's power up then."

Loki cocks a brow at me and Ignia laughs, but his grin immediately fades and a look of panic appears.

"Ah… Shit. You're on your own, Loki."

Ignia quickly left but was stopped by Greed. Ignia didn't look happy as I felt his emotions start to rise— Panic, that's what he was feeling.



My black hair turned silver, as did my eyes— A complex silver and blue aura consisting of rippling, fire-like energy without the sparking particles of the magenta color surrounding my body. But the aura eventually disappears. That's because… It fades when you mastered it…

—Autonomous Ultra Instinct, or Perfected Ultra Instinct.

"Hohoho! Jin-boy, what is this?"


"Oh come on! Why use that, father?! A shit! Hey, I was talking— Arghh!! Dammit!"

Greed started to attack Ignia and he was forced to fight back. Ignia was a rank below Greed, so he'll be fine. But I have other shadows nearby on standby so it'll be fine.



I had appeared in front of Loki and punched him in the gut. I saw the light in his eyes fade away - he briefly fainted, but regained consciousness as he was launched away. Once he did, he clutched his stomach and tried to heal himself, but had no luck.

Considering that I added [Anti-healing] to the punch, you can't recover from that, Loki. You who is so arrogant and full of pride… I wonder how he'll feel when being beaten by a mere 'human'. He had a look of fury on his face like he wanted to kill me.

"Pests….! Very well, I'll call it!"

He spread his robes and shouted loudly.

"Come out! My adorable son!"

Loki shouted. After a moment of silence… A rift is created in space.


The thing which appeared from the distorted space is… An ash-grey wolf! A giant wolf which looks like it is 10 meters tall appears in front of us.

"Fenrir, huh?"

"Jin! Be careful! That's Fenrir! It has fangs that can kill Gods! If you get bitten, I don't think you will be able to survive!"

Azazel warned me. Hmmm, so, what's your opinion, Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: Useless, that thing cannot pierce your skin, or get past your [True Infinity].

I guess as much, though… Vali will need him and Le Fay will become close friends with him later…

"That's right. You should be careful. This one is among the most horrible monsters I have ever created. After all, this one's fangs are something that can kill any God."

"I haven't tried it, but it should be effective against Gods from other religions. It can give mortal wounds whether you are a high-class devil or a legendary dragon."

"I'll take my chances. Come here, dog."

Don! Boom!

I appeared beside the God-killing wolf and punched him on the side, but they failed to react in time and I sent him flying. Loki looked at me and he started to activate his Norse magic but—

Slice! Kshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I made a small motion with my right hand and cut off his right arm— An abnormal amount of blood started to gush out of it. The Evil God had a look of shock— What had happened didn't register in his mind for the next few seconds… Until—


He howled in pain; his eyes became bloodshot and his rage rose up even more!

"You lot take care of Fenrir. I'll deal with him… I can revive the dead after all… I'll torture him a bit."

If I let him continue his stupid speeches, he'd point at Rias and say he'd kill her. However, I knew that, so I would have to take my own action against him. Neither Greed nor Ignia seemed bothered by their small fact, both seemed to enjoy it.

Now then—!!

Fwsh! Fwosh! Kabooooom!!!

Multiple magic circles in the color of pink appeared and fired their beams at me, I dodged them—Ignia also joined in and fired his own flames at me. I also easily dodged them but I was forced to fly back since they purposefully created a large explosion at where I was.

"Ufufu ~ Ignia ~ you should be more careful with our small guest here~"

A purple rift opened up and out came a woman… She felt exactly like Ignia… Is she one of Nyarlathotep's children? She had long pink hair that reached her legs, and magenta-colored eyes. A one-piece white dress with black markings on them. She also had a black crown around her head.

She had two black feathered wings behind her with some sort of… Large accessory on her back— Near her hips were extensions for her skirt? They were black and purple in color.

"Tch… So you're here. Lapis. I had it under control."

Ignia floated beside the now woman called Lapis. Lapis just chuckled at Ignia who looked even more annoyed.

"Of course, you did ~ Hmmm? ~ oh? Is that daddy? Hi daddy!!"




"Hmm ~ he's not that talkative, oh well! Daddy! My two other brothers are the leaders of this stupid organization called Khaos Brigade! ~ Ignia and I are the other two leaders ~ below us are the 'puppet' leaders, hehe ~"

"Hmmm~ we can't fight him right now, and this idiot Evil God can't fight at all~ let's run away, for now ~ Daddy's in his Perfected Ultra Instinct and we can't hit him at all ~ we'll shove some Azrael blood in him later ~ Bye bye ~"

"Daddy, I know what you're thinking, but you won't be able to stop me ~ mother made me that way~ can I have a kiss? ~"


I put my hand out and start to remove her powers but— Nothing happened…. What?

"Mother told a lie you know… While she can't make more of 'that' she can bestow a little bit more power~"

Cúntóir: Answer: While it's a minuscule amount, something like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000001%, it's still there. She has a minuscule amount of 'Outer God' blood in her. You cannot remove or seal her powers, Jin. I believe she's the one who got through the barrier, the 'tool' …It shouldn't be possible unless… She used up most of her powers… Perhaps that's why she didn't fight you that time…. No, to be more accurate, she had no power either.

....What a psycho, so will she eventually recover?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes. However, with Azathoth the one sealing her, she can't leave no matter what. If she uses all of her power or beyond it. But she already did… With the creation of her 'children'. Her power, Lapis rank is peak Multiversal, while teetering on Omniversal.

So, she may be the boss, huh? Makes me wonder about the other two then…

"Bye-bye, chu ~"

She waved at us one last time before disappearing back into the purple rift with Loki and Ignia. I quickly appeared before her but she sent out an attack that I dodged. By the time I looked back, the rift was gone.

"Ah! Fenrir's disappeared too!"

I turn back to see that Fenrir had also disappeared, everyone was more or less left a bit confused…

"We certainly came at the wrong time, huh?"

I look to my right side and see Vali with Bikou. They really did come here, huh? Talk about late timing dude.

"Why do you look like that, Jin?"

"…Don't worry about it."

I go out of my Perfected Ultra Instinct and revert back to what I usually look like… Haa… So, that Lapis woman is basically a very small and miniature Outer God. I close my eyes and look into the future.


<Hi hi, Jin-chan!>

"You made a new Outer God?"

Once I said that the eye looked alarmed and turned to Nyarlathotep, who started to laugh.

<Ahahahaha! It's a tiny amount, I doubt you could even call her one! However, I suppose Lapis-chan is a Pseudo-Outer God, you could say? Ahh! You met our children? They're adorable, right?! Who else? Ignia-chan?! Ah! You reacted! So just those two, huh?! Hehehehehe! Chu~ chu~>


I turn away and start to fade away, she started to spot nonsense and Azathoth looked at me… In a way, I understood what he was telling me.

<This is your next trial, deal with it.>


When I opened my eyes, everyone was just staring at me strangely.

"…I forgot to turn off the tap at home."


They stare at me dumbfounded at my stupid excuse, of course, none of them believed me but didn't pursue it as they knew I would say more bullshit.

"Let's go back to my home and talk about plans."

Since they left and I can't track them… Then there's no point in embarking on a wild goose chase. They agreed and we headed back to my home.


Skyward household

We were in the living room; everyone was there including the girls. I had asked them if they wanted to help and they said they would. Now it was the Gremory peerage, myself, my harem, Team Vali, Odin, Rossweisse, Azazel, Baraqiel, Kanami, and the Sitri peerage.

Rias had called her earlier and they were here with us. Saji looked nervous as hell as he was already sweating.

"Odin is touring Japan… His original goal was to meet with the Shinto Gods, but that's been left to Jin but he will continue his tour and better the relations between Norse and the Three Great Powers, but in order to do that, you will need to take down Loki, correct?"

Vali said it without hesitation after looking around at everyone.

"I would have said you wouldn't be able to fend off Loki, Fenrir, and Ignia with these members, but… Jin is here so I don't know what to say, but I don't think Ignia teamed up with Loki, if what you said earlier about them meeting by coincidence then…"

Azazel continues.

"We can assume that Ignia and that Lapis woman put Azrael's blood in him, how much more powerful will he become?"

They all look at me and I sigh.

"As to where Loki belongs... Maybe Middle or High Tier, given that he is at least God-class. Depending on how much of Azrael's blood he consumes… I can estimate peak God-class, so on par with Shiva, or at least Dragon God-class but still weaker than Ophis and Irene."


They repeated. Oh right, I didn't tell them that's Great Red's real name…

"Irene Belserion, Great Red's real name. Anyway, if we assume that he's at least Dragon God-class, then the girls are the only ones who can compete with Loki in our next confrontation."

"Regardless, we'll need everyone's cooperation here."

No, we don't… We just need a few of them. I just need to remove Loki's powers and that's that… Well whatever. They're hyped up so I can let them proceed with their plan. I'll just end it quickly next time.

Next day

Most everyone slept in my home. I had blocked access to the training facility, but everything else was fine. The same group of people were here. Odin and Rose were in another room contacting their homeland and telling them of the situation at hand.

It felt weird having Team Vali here though, and they had briefly returned back to their own base and brought Le Fay here too. Kuroka had basically left their team but had agreed to work with them for the time being. They're not on bad terms or anything, hell, they act like she never left.

With Azazel, Sirzechs, and my word, Team Vali gets a pass so they won't get arrested by the Three Great Powers… For now. Therefore, they should vanish once this is done.

"First of all, Vali. What is your reason for cooperating with us?"

Azazel who is standing in front of the whiteboard asks Vali a question that they all wanted to know. Especially Reni...who had not stopped lightly glaring at him since last night.

Vali makes a creepy smirk and then speaks.

"I just want to fight Loki and Fenrir. Bikou and the others have already agreed to it. Does this reason not satisfy you?"

Azazel nods.

"I guess that makes sen—"


They freeze once I say that, they look over at me and I look at Vali blankly, I could feel a bit of panic rising in him but he maintains his cool.

"What do you mean by that, Jin?"

"I can detect when people lie or tell the truth. Now, for privacy reasons and or unless I need to interrogate someone for something… I keep my mouth shut, but I can't do that here. Tell them your real reason, Vali. Because I know."

Vali frowns as everyone looks back at him, Bikou slaps his knee and starts laughing, Arthur nods and Le Fay was giggling to herself.

"Better give up Vali nya, Jin won't let this go nya~"

"….Since Kuroka left our team, we need more members. We have prepared… Something to catch and tame Fenrir. We will add him to our team."

The room becomes shocked as they stare at the original descendant. Azazel just sighs and rubs his forehead in annoyance.

"….I won't even ask how since you won't tell me…. Haaa… Whatever."

"Let's put this matter of Vali to rest for now. Let's move on to the countermeasure against Loki. I plan on asking a certain someone in how to deal with those two."

"You are planning to ask about Loki and Fenrir?"

"Yeah there's a certain...individual out there that knows a lot about Loki and Fenrir. I'll ask them in how to deal with them."

"Is it Midgardsormr?"

I said that while leaning back on the couch. Azazel seemed a bit surprised but nodded.

"Yes, one of the Five Dragon-Kings, 'Sleeping Dragon' Midgardsormr."

I see, so we're still proceeding down that route, huh? I don't mind...I want to meet the guy too.

"Well, that's an obvious choice, but will Midgardsormr respond to our call?"

Azazel answers Vali's question.

"We will open the dragon-gate with the Two Heavenly Dragons, the power of the Dragon-King Fafnir, Vritra, Tannin, and Jin since he's half a Dragon God. We will just summon Midgardsormr's consciousness over there. His actual body is sleeping in the depths of the ocean in Northern Europe."

"Umm...w-why am I included in this...? Sorry but everyone else are monsters and I'm just… Well, me."

Saji asks timidly. He does have the Sacred Gear of Vritra after all.

"Well, I will have you come as one of the factors needed for a successful outcome. Leave the majority of it to me and the Two Heavenly Dragons. Hold on until I get in contact with Tannin."

"I will find Shemhazai and talk to him about the countermeasure for this. You guys stay on standby until I come back. Baraqiel, follow me."

"Roger that."

Azazel and Baraqiel leave the living room after saying that. The Occult club members and the student council members are left behind. And also, the members of the Vali team.

"Red Dragon Emperor!"

Bikou puts his hand up.

"What's up?"

"Two questions! What was that flashy transformation you did last night? And can I go to the indoor pool?!"

....How do I answer this? Bikou looked at me expectantly. Even the ones who left just a few minutes ago walked back...

"To the question about the pool, I don't mind, go ahead… As to the 'transformation'.... That's classified."

He shrugs but is satisfied with the answer, but Vali persists. I don't blame him, I've been showing weirder and weirder things...

"If we have to cooperate, we need a bit of honesty, Jin. You forced it out of me, at least tell us something about that."

.....I mean, he has a point, I guess? Well, whatever... I'll keep it vague. Also, I doubt they can learn it... Unless I provide them with direct instruction.

"It's called 'Ultra Instinct' or the one I used was 'Perfected Ultra Instinct' or 'Mastery of Self-Movement'. Anyone can learn it, but it may take you millions or billions of years."

""Master of Self-Movement?""

Bikou and Vali repeat, they were clearly confused…. How do I explain this… Let's go with that then… I look back at them and nod.

"(Perfected) Ultra Instinct. It effectively allows for each and every part of the user's body to think and move independently of all the other parts."

"As opposed to how a person normally has to think about their movements beforehand and let the command travel from the brain and through the nervous system, a sequence which wastes precious fighting time, as command signals only travel through the nerves so fast."

"With each part of the body able to think and act on its own, the user of this technique is able to automatically react to any situation or threat with the appropriate move with impeccable timing."

"They don't even need to acknowledge the threat; meaning the user can still fight effectively, even if they are focusing on something else. Ultra Instinct is about your body moving freely on its own."

Bikou shakes his head as if he is experiencing a headache.

"Man, that sounds like something out of a fantasy novel or anime…hey! Screw the pool, let me experience it, actually!"

So, everyone else was curious about it too so… While we waited for Baraqiel and Azazel to come back— We were in the back garden and I was about to spar with Bikou and Vali. Since they're the ones who asked about it, they'll be the ones I'll be…. Well dodging.

In order to prevent neighbors or anyone else in the area from seeing what we were about to do, I covered the backyard with an illusion barrier. That would just cause more problems.

"Ready Self-moving Dragon Emperor?!"

Bikou shouted. What kind of title is that? Haaaa… I nodded regardless. Grayfia was the arbitrator. She looked both at them and at me.

"Let the match, begin!"

They didn't attack me yet since they wanted me to transform… Jesus Christ… Whatever. I closed my eyes and entered my Perfected Ultra Instinct form. Like before, my hair and eyes turned silver while the aura didn't appear this time. I opened my eyes again and stared at the two guys.

Bikou whistles and then dashes forward!

"First come, first served, Red Dragon Emperor! Extend, Nyoi-bō!!"

Ruyi Jingu Bang, or Nyoi-bō as Bikou named it, is a famous magical staff that belonged to the original Sun Wukong. The staff extended toward me and I dodged it easily. Bikou ran towards me and followed up with a kick, which I also dodged.

"Tch— Ah!"

I grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him back at Vali. He regained his balance midair and landed gracefully. The two looked at each other and decided to attack me at the same time!

"Balance Break!"

{Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!}

Vali entered his Balance Breaker state and dashed towards me, followed closely by Bikou. Vali appeared behind me and Bikou in front of me. Both punched me, but I dodged them automatically.

Ultra-Instinct plus Cúntóir's [Future Prediction] basically made me invincible, if I added Observation Haki to that mix… Well whatever. As I thought of those things, I had been dodging all of Bikou and Vali's attempts at hitting me. I guess I can afford for my mind to wander, huh?

Bwsh! Fwsh! Bam! Gan! Don!

"Man, this is annoying!"

"…I can't use [Divide] on him, I doubt my other abilities will work so I won't even try…"

Fwsh! Fwsh! Fwsh!

"Go Jin~ fight Vaa-kun~"

Reni cheered the both of us on, I look at her briefly and wink. She just giggled at me— This annoyed the two of them as well as made the others laugh.

"Should I go [Juggernaut Drive]?"

"{Are you dumb?}"

Both Vali's Albion and I ask him at the same time, Bikou just laughed at his leader being called that.

"Even if you do try to enter it, I'll just knock you out before you finish chanting."

"Huh?! Isn't there a rule not to do that?"

Vali…. This isn't an anime… Well, I mean… Maybe, but still. I will do that, for any future opponents that will have a chant or whatever, I will punch them and then let them continue.

"Would you like to find out?"

Vali grumbled something but kept on attacking me… This carried on for the next few minutes before I jumped further back.

"That's enough, right? Let's call it—"


"—Let's call it, game."

I turned my neck as Arthur had crept behind me and tried to stab my neck. A couple of gasps were let out by the crowd but I just shook my head. I turn to look at him and he nods.

"My apologies, I just wanted to make sure it was true."

"I already sensed you; you know? Well, whatever."

Then, he nods again at me and dismisses Excalibur Ruler. Bikou puts away his staff and Vali comes out of his Balance Breaker state. I also leave my form. Grayfia looked confused as to what to announce. I put my right arm up and said.

"It's my overwhelming victory."

"Like hell it is!"

"Hell no!"

Both Bikou and Vali immediately responded, eliciting another round of laughs from the crowd. Grayfia just shook her head at me.

After Azazel returned, Saji, Vali, and I teleported from my residence using the transportation magic circle, in order to summon that Dragon-King we talked about. Even though we made special preparations, we still need to succeed in summoning his consciousness.

The place we arrived at was a white space. Is it those places where Rating Game holds its games? When I look around, there isn't anything remarkable, but there was. A huge dragon was waiting for us.

"It hasn't been that long since we last met, all of you."

"...Former Dragon King, Tannin. Hello."

Tannin nods at me and looks at Saji.

"...So, the one over there is Vritra, huh?"

Saji was trembling while being looked at by everyone, especially Tannin.

"D… D…. Dragon.... A Dragon King! An Ultimate-class devil...!"

It seems like his feelings were mixed with nervousness and admiration.

"Why so nervous, Saji? From what I've heard from Ddraig, he's a pretty chill Dragon King."

"J-J-J-Jin-senpai! He's the Ultimate-class devil Tannin-sama! H-Have you never heard of him?!"

I mean...I have, and yeah, he's chill… Saji then says it while pointing his finger at me.

"Ultimate-class devils are those that only the chosen ones can become in the Underworld. Add to that, the current top 10 rankers in the Rating Game are all Ultimate-class devils."

"The amount of contribution, the results in the game, your ability, you can finally reach that rank when you receive the best-estimated value in all of those areas. For the devil, it is the best ranking there is."

Saji said that in a fervent tone. I also knew that. Thank you very much for the explanation, Saji...

Ultimate-class, huh? I guess… At this point in time… It means something, but it will become irrelevant soon. I'll take the girls back to the [Pocket Dimension] after my visit to Asgard.

"...White Dragon Emperor. The moment you show the slightest suspicious movement, I will bite you apart without hesitation."

Tannin glares at Vali. Vali just grinned bitterly. Azazel activated the spell immediately and drew his personal magic circle on the ground. A light runs through it, forming a special symbol.

"But, will that guy actually come? Even I only met him two or three times."

Tannin says while sighing, heh even he has his doubts, huh?

"If the Two Heavenly Dragons are present, then he will respond, whether he wants to or not… Also, Jin will make it easier to contact him."

Azazel says that while drawing the magic circle. This catches Tannin's attention.


Azazel stops and points at me.

"This brat is a hybrid. He's half human, half Dragon God… Midgardsormr can't ignore something like that, add the Two Heavenly Dragons and two more Dragon Kings? Yeah, I doubt it."

Tannin gave me a surprised look and eyed me with more curiosity, but he then rolled his eyes.

"We'll see. That guy basically never moves. He's the type that will only move at the end of the world. He is sleeping till his role is to start."

"He has come up to the surface at times, but even at those times, he continued to sleep. Several hundred years ago, he finally declared that he would continue to sleep until the end of the world."

Makes you wonder how the hell he was even declared a Dragon King. But spending all his time down there, huh? But that will never come since I'm here, sorry dude.

"The base of the magic circle is completed. Now everyone, stand where I tell you."

Having been urged by Azazel, we all stood on top of the points with the unfamiliar symbols on them. Apparently, the symbol below all of us represents the marks of the Two Heavenly Dragons and the Dragon-Kings.

As soon as Azazel confirmed that we were at the points given, he used the small magic circle in his hand and began the last part of the process.


Through the magic circle, shallow light runs, and where I am positioned, I can see a red glow, and where Vali is standing, I can see a white glow. The one Azazel is standing on glows gold in color. The one Saji is standing on glows black in color. The one old man Tannin is standing on glows purple in color.

[Each of them reflects the color of each dragon.]

Ddraig says.

[They aren't here right now but the blue represents Tiamat, and the green represents Yu-long.]

Blue, huh? Tiamat… She won't be the only blue-haired dragon in my life, huh?



Sorry, Ddraig, Rudra. I'm interested, I would like to meet this Dragon King. You don't want to, but I do. Hell, even if it means finding her treasure you lost. Also… I'll meet her sooner or later.

[...Do want you want… Haaa....]

{Blame yourself.}

[Shut up, Albion.]


Cúntóir: Answer: Jin, you can…one moment…


Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, it's possible… We can make contact with Velgrynd… If you and Rudra wish to meet her… Though not physically… Then… After all this is over, come to your soul.


Make contact? Did I hit some sort of requirement or something? Well, whatever… I'll take it I guess. I need to at least get to know the chick.

I know, I know. I'll be there when this crap with Loki is over. Then the magic circle was activated. But there wasn't any response, and we stood there for several minutes.

Interesting. I would have guessed he would have responded because of what I am. However, is that giant dragon just literally in a deep enough sleep that he didn't wake up?

A projection of something starts to appear. The projection appears to form a shape above us.

I was a bit surprised, like when Cúntóir told me my own dragon form's size. Because the vision keeps on expanding. When I looked, Saji had an even more surprised reaction than me. What appears in front of us is a gigantic monster which appears to fill the whole space.

The novels didn't justify how fucking thicc this guy was… No, he's a chonky boy! He's bigger than Irene!

[Excuse me?!]

How did you hear that?! Wait, no, Irene!!! .....She didn't answer me… Haaa.... Women...

I look back at the dragon. He appears to be a huge dragon. Although it has a dragon-like head, it appears as though its long body is coiled. There are two types of dragon in this world, Western and Eastern. Midgardsormr seems to be of the Eastern variety.

"This guy has the biggest body out of all dragons. It must have five or six times the mass of Great-Red."

"Yeah, definitely he's a lot bigger than Irene..."


What a lazy dragon… I mean I am too but… At least I'm a little bit more active...

"As I thought, he's sleeping. Hey, wake up, Midgardsormr."

When Tannin calls out to him, the gigantic beast opens its eyes.

[...…This nostalgic pulse of a dragon. Fuaaaaaaah....]

A single loud sigh. Wow, what a huge mouth! It's so big that it can swallow all of us whole...

Cúntóir: Answer: You can swallow the sun if you transform, Jin.

I know, but like… Haaa… You really had to ruin it there, huh?

[Oh, it's Tannin ~ It's been a while.]

He's quite laid back; I think I can vibe with this guy. He then looks around us.

[…..Even Ddraig and Albion are here..... Also, Fafnir, and Vritra….? Is it the end of the World?]

"No, it isn't. We came here today because there are things we want to ask you so we summoned your consciousness to this place."

Tannin starts but...Midgardsormr starts to fall back asleep. Wow, what an interesting guy.

[....Gu…. Gugogogogon...….]

"Don't sleep! Geez, you and Yu-long never fixed your lazy attitude so I can't stand either of you!"

Tannin loses his temper, and Midgardsormr opens its big eyes once again.

[…..You are always angry Tannin... So what is this thing you want to ask me about?]

"I want to ask you about your brother and father."

Tannin says.

"Eh? I thought we were here to talk about Fenrir and Loki...?"

Saji was confused and looked at Azazel. I just smirked, and he looked at me even more confused.

"Saji, Midgardsormr is a dragon created by Loki."

Tannin and Azazel nod, and Tannin continues for me.

"Hmm, even though it had enormous power, due to its gigantic body and its lazy attitude. Even the Norse Gods didn't know how they can use him so they ordered him to sleep in the depth of the ocean. They told him to do something at least when the end of the World was to come."

"S-So that's why he is called the 'Sleeping Dragon'.... He really is indeed a huge sleeping dragon."

Saji nodded and looked at the dragon again in awe. Midgardsormr answers Tannin's question.

[So it's about 'Wanwan' and 'Daddy'. Okay ~ Daddy and Wanwan are beings I don't care about anyway….. Ah, but Tannin. Tell me one thing.]

"What is it?"

[Aren't Ddraig and Albion going to fight?]

He looked at Vali and I with its huge eyes. Tannin looks at Azazel and I, so I answer for him.

"I already kicked Vali's ass a number of times, he can't defeat me so he has to train a bit more, but I'm not interested in our rivalry. But for now, we're teaming up to beat Loki and Fenrir."

Midgardsormr smiles at my answer.

[Hee, interesting….. I was wondering about it because both of them are standing together without fighting. I guess this current Ddraig is stronger, huh?]

I chuckle at the giant dragon and Vali clicked his tongue. After saying that, he answered his question.

[Wanwan is more troublesome than Daddy. You would die most of the time if you were bitten by his fangs. But he has a weakness. The magic chain [Gleipnir] created by the Dwarves can capture him. You can seal his movement with that.]

Wanwan, huh? An interesting nickname by Midgardsormr, but if we take into account his size...then yeah 'little doggy' is accurate.

"We have already checked that. But from the reports from the North, the [Gleipnir] didn't work. That's why I thought about getting another method from you."

Should I make my own [Gleipnir]? Or just make [Enkidu (Chains of Heaven)]? Like the Noble Phantasm...? I already have my [Mana chains] and [Mana Rope] and they basically function the same way...

[…..Hmm, maybe Daddy enhanced Wanwan. If that's the case then ask the Dark Elves living in the Norse World. If I remember, their elder knows a technique to power up the magic residing within the Dwarves' items. I will transmit the location of the place where the elder is living to the Sacred Gears of Ddraig and Albion.]

Azazel looks between Vali and I. I shake my head as he looks at me strangely.

"I haven't fully explored Asgard yet, I plan on doing so when all this is behind us. Just like what I did with Irish Gods and Greek Gods."

Azazel nods and then points at Vali.

"Alright, send the information to the White Dragon Emperor then."

"I've already met a dwarf there, I'm curious about the dark elves of Asgard… I've heard a bit of the structure of Asgard from Rose a few days ago."

I spoke my mind, I've only met one dark elf in the Greek Gods realm and the other Elves in Ireland, I wonder where else they reside in this world? Does Nienna belong to the ones in Asgard? I'll know when I visit...

"The majority of them hid themselves in the other world due to the major change in the human world. Small groups of them still live in secret areas of the human world though."

Vali receives the information and then speaks.

"-I received the location. Azazel, show me the world map using the holographic vision."

When Azazel opens his mobile phone and uses it, the holographic image of the world map appears on the screen. Vali pointed at a certain point. Azazel then sends the info to the rest of Vali team.

"...Hoooo, you actually know that much."

Tannin says it to Midgardsormr with admiration.

[Yeah. When I went up to the land, the Elves and Dwarves took care of me.]

How does that work...? Isn't he a little too big for that? Unless he can use transformation magic or can just change size at will.

"-So how do we take care of Loki?"

Tannin asks about Loki this time. I join in.

"We either get Mjolnir or I personally take care of him. Knowing that he's powered up by Azrael's blood, then he's probably at Dragon God-class."

They nod but Midgardsormr was just confused so he added.

[Yeah ~ Daddy would probably be okay if you use Mjolnir against him.]

Hearing Midgardsormr, Azazel put his hand under his chin.

"In other words, we basically have to attack him normally, huh? But will the God of Thunder Thor lend us his Mjolnir if that shitty-geezer Odin asks him…..."

"I doubt Thor will let us borrow it. That is one of the weapons only Gods can use."

Vali says that at Azazel's opinion. I again add in.

"I can probably ask for a favor from Thor, we're… At least from my spar with him, in good terms, but if not, I can just make my own Mjolnir."

They blankly stare at me. I shrug and proceed to create my own Mjolnir in front of them. They just sighed and I put the hammer in my [Inventory].

[Haha, this Ddraig is really something, huh? But there is another way. Ask the Dwarves and Dark-Elves I mentioned earlier. They should have received the replica of Mjölnir from Odin.]

"Thank you, Midgardsormr. Your knowledge will be helpful to us."

Azazel thanked and smiled at the giant dragon.

[No, no. Talking like this at times is fun. Now ~ I'll be going then. I'll be sleeping again. Fuaaaaa ~]

Midgardsormr makes a big sigh. The vision starts to turn off.

"Yeah, thanks."

It seemed like Midgardsormr's big mouth smiled at the Tannin's gratitude.

[It's okay. Wake me up again if something happens.]

After saying that, the vision turns off completely, and he finally disappeared. Midgardsormr. He's an interesting Dragon King, I can definitely vibe with him, I like sleeping too… Even if I don't get tired.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

"How'd it go?"

Odin asks as we come back to my home, Azazel goes over to him and tells him of what had happened. Everyone else listened intently.

"So, that's the plan? Hohoho, certainly it will be interesting. Jin-boy! Show me the Mjolnir you made!"

I shrug and summon it; I gave it to Odin and he examines it. After a full minute, he nods and gives it back to me with an amused smile.

"You are certainly full of surprises, Jin… It's really like the original. I will inform Thor of what happened, depending on his reaction… We may need to get the replica."

I guessed as much; I mean I just literally made his signature weapon for shits and giggles…but hopefully, he'll be a good sport about it.

"If that's the case then I'll get going with Odin. Vali go with your team to retrieve [Gleipnir]. The rest of you can take it easy until then, or do what you want. But don't over strain yourselves or train too hard. We need all of you in your best condition."

They agreed with Azazel. Vali team immediately left, Kuroka came over to give me a kiss and made me forcefully grope her for good luck… Sheesh, what an energetic cat girl. Azazel and Odin start to leave, Rose gets up to follow them and Odin starts to wave her off.


"No need, Rossweisse. I have Azazel with me and I'm only going back to our homeland briefly, it would be a waste for you to come with me. Stay with your boyfriend."


Rossweisse turned red again, so they took that chance to slip away. When do I… No, I'll do it after I speak with Göndul, if I ask now Rossweisse will probably run away as she did in the [Pocket Dimension]… Maidens are complicated…


Since we were going to confront Loki soon… Everyone just stayed in my home, which also means we'll be skipping school until the time comes. Sona didn't like that, so she went to school today with her peerage.

When they came back, they told us what happened, which was nothing, it was boringly normal. Everyone had split off into their own groups and mingled, so I was left on my own… Haaa… In a house full of people I'm alone… How sad is that?

"Whatever… I'll sleep early then."

Jin's soul


I was in the same part of my soul where I met Belzard and Elsha, the endless blue sky was above me with the blue surface of the water beneath me. The clouds above me were slowly floating around, how does that work?

"Elsha? Belzard? Cúntóir? Ddraig? Albion? Rudra?"

...….Nothing, why am I here? I was going to speak with Cúntóir about Velgrynd so… This doesn't make sense.

Swish ~




I hear two voices behind me, one sounded like a man and the other was a woman. I didn't recognize either of them and when I turned around, I was greeted by two individuals I didn't recognize.

The man has the body of a 55 years old man. His white hair is slicked back with a single strand hanging over his right eye. He also has a mustache. He wears a white blue military shirt with a black top underneath. He has white skinny jeans with professional-looking black shoes.

The woman is a very beautiful pale-skinned girl with hip-length silver hair that has bangs hanging over her face where it mostly hangs over on the right side and clear sky-blue eyes.

She carries a medium-sized curse pistol with a knife attachment, similar to a bayonet, and appears to be a very skilled shooter with it. She wears a jacket-like trench coat, with a white button-up shirt and black skirt. She is seen wearing a blue pendant gemstone with red ribbons. She also has golden chains looped around her left shoulder.

"Who are you two?"

They both smile at me and looked at me curiously. They walk around me— Observing me like some sort of animal.


"So, this is the current wielder of Albion, huh? Interesting! We've been watching you like Belzard and Elsha, Jin."

The man speaks, and the girl also nods...… So... These two are past wielders of [Divine Dividing], huh? Interesting…

"I'm Garrett! Garrett Ritter! Some say I'm the strongest wielder of [Divine Dividing] in the past since I did kill three of the past wielders of the [Boosted Gear], haha!"

He looks at me and I stare at him in surprise… He killed three other Red Dragon Emperor's, huh? That's one more than Belzard…

"I mean, I'm an old man, right? But! My reign ended when a young Belzard killed me, that boy had a lot of potential… We've spoken and he's the strongest Red Dragon Emperor, huh? Not including you or Elsha-chan."

Garrett looks at me and then to the young woman. She nods and speaks.

"I'm Amaris Eunhwa and before you ask, I'm half Irish half South Korean. I guess I'm the second-strongest White Dragon Emperor? Though I would call myself an Empress instead. I have the same kill count as Belzard."

"We've been in contact with Cúntóir, you're an interesting fellow, Jin. We've also spoken to Albion… He really wants to stretch his legs, and no, he doesn't mean by just coming out of the Sacred Gear."

I was planning on using him more since I did reveal I have my own [Divine Dividing] and that will spread across the supernatural sooner or later. Also, we're past a certain point so I don't really care…

"Sure thing. I already planned on it."

"Excellent! Now then, Ketsu Dragon and Oppai Dragon! Show us even more fun things! Amaris! Show him your ass—"


"Do not let him affect you, Garrett…. Haaaa… Jin, we'll be watching you along with those two… I will also fight back like Elsha if you choose to try to bring me back."

...You're already expecting me too….?!

They both smile at me before vanishing… Ahh shit…

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

"Jin? Jin!"

Shake~ Shake! Shake!!


I was being violently shaken by…. Sona? W-What? What's she doing here…? I look around me and I'm still by myself… Is it morning? No….



"Ahh— Yeah, sorry… I'll get up."

Sona shakes her and turns around to leave my room. I got up and lazily hug Sona from behind making her yelp.

"J-Jin? What are you doing…?!"

"I woke up from my power nap… Help me."

"…I'm not sure if you're reliable or not…"

"So-tan is reliable."

She sighed at me again but also helped me out of the room. I was just lazy right now… Well after I met two of the past wielders of [Divine Dividing]… Can you blame me? Amaris and Garrett, huh? Can't wait to interact with them more…

Next day

The next morning. We finished our breakfast and gathered at the hall in the basement. All of us and the Sitri group aren't going to school today. Well, I made temporary clones of everyone. They worked like my Avatar. Once the school day is over, they'll vanish and the memories will go into every one.

The decisive battle against Loki is closing in, so we have to take some rest. All the members of our group were feeling down because they were looking forward to school life. I don't get it… I mean I like Kuoh, more fun there than at my old school… I think? Unless I enjoyed the rampant drug, sex, and other crap over there… Japan is just usually straighter and more proper.

It seems like Sona also felt frustrated that she can't go to school. It's probably because she is the Student Council President so she must feel that 'Something might happen while I'm not there'.

Soon enough, Azazel appeared while muttering. He has a very unpleasant expression on him.

"Here is the present from Odin the geezer. The replica of Mjölnir. Geez, that shitty geezer was actually hiding this thing. But that Midgardsormr, I can't believe he actually knew about this."

"How did Thor react?"

When I asked, Azazel laughed at me.

"He was shocked and amazed, but in the end, he didn't really mind, in his mind, you're worthy, Jin. Man, what's up with you and getting buddy-buddy with almost any God or Goddess you meet?"

Infinite Charisma and Luck? Who knows… At least I think it's me not treating them like they're beneath me or being an asshole… Even if I can be at times. Though, some of them are suspicious of me or not so trusting.

"Anyway, It's the replica of the legendary weapon wielded by the Norse God of Thunder, Thor. This has the lightning of a God running through it."

Everyone looked at it in interest. They're not too amazed since… Well, I show a lot of random and crazy shit around here...

"Yes, Odin-sama said he will lend this replica of Mjölnir to Jin. Here you go."

What I received from Rossweisse is a normal hammer. It has gorgeous ornament and design on it though. Once I had it, I put my aura through it.


A single flash. After that, the hammer gradually starts to get bigger…. I eventually stop so it doesn't get too big. Interesting, it's a lot more… Flexible than the one in the MCU.

"Bikou, good timing. I received a message directed to you."

Azazel then looks at Bikou.

"Huh? To me? From who?"

Bikou points at himself and looked confused.

"-It goes 'Fool. I will punish you as soon as I find you'.

It was from the Shodai. It seemed like he was looking for you with Yu-long."

"T-That shitty geezer is... So he found out about me being a terrorist. On top of that Yu-long too!"

Bikou started sweating a lot after hearing what Azazel had to say to him… Haaa… You got what you deserve my guy.

Though, I never thought that this guy who is always laughing would become so panicked. Shodai… That's definitely the First-Generation Sun Wukong.

"Bikou, should we go to your homeland one more time? It might be interesting to meet Yu-long and the First-Generation Sun Wukong."

"…..Don't do that, Vali. Putting aside Yu-long who seems to be retired, the first-generation geezer is a real monster. He can still be considered active. That geezer, has mastered Senjutsu and Youjutsu so he's really strong..."

I'm quite interested in personally meeting the First-Generation Sun Wukong, seeing as how worried Bikou is...

"Alright, I'll be going over our plan one more time. First, we'll wait for him to show up at where our meeting will be held, he doesn't know we changed it for Jin to do the alliance, then the Sitri group, Lavinia Reni and Grayfia will use their powers to transfer you guys to a different location along with Loki and Fenrir."

"The place you guys will be transferred to is a demolished stone pitting site. The one taking on Loki will be Jin. We will counter him with him since he nearly killed and captured him before. The ones taking on Fenrir would be the other members of the Gremory team and Vali team who will use the chain to capture it. Vali you lead them."

"The rest will be there for backup, knowing Loki, he won't fight with just himself and Fenrir, so everyone else will take out whatever he brings with him."

"After that.... We'll see, Vali said he plans on adding Fenrir to his team, but I don't know about that. The fangs of that wolf can crush a God. Even if it is the Chief-God Odin, he will die if bitten by those fangs. We have to stop that from happening at any cost."

Vali scoffs but doesn't fully answer Azazel. Anyway, that's our plan. The Sitri group with Reni and Grayfia will transfer us along with the enemy, they'll shortly join us after, then I will take on Loki. I'm leaving Fenrir and whatever else he brings to the other guys. I will also have my shadows and Lianne on standby.

I'll finish it quickly, I won't let him escape, that was a mistake on my part. But my gut is telling me that those two won't help Loki out this time around, but Odin wants him alive, so I'll just seal his powers up and go from there.

"Now, since we left the chains to the elder from the Dark-elves, we just have to wait for it to be completed, so what is left is... Saji."

Azazel calls Saji.

"What is it, Azazel-sensei?"

"You are also important for this strategy. You do have the Vritra Sacred Gear after all."

Saji becomes so shocked that his eyes were about to pop out at Azazel's words.

"Pl-Please hold on a second! I….. I don't have insane power like Jin-senpai and the White Dragon Emperor!? I won't be able to fight by taking on a God and Fenrir! I thought I just have to transfer everyone with President and others!"

He's panicking. I don't blame him, as he is right now...he isn't much help, but Grigori does have 'them'. Azazel sighed while knowing that.

"I know. I won't say to go fight in the front lines as you are now, as harsh as it'd hinder them. But! You will play as the support! Especially for the Gremory peerage and Vali team."


"For that, you will need a bit of training. There is something I want to try out. Sona, I will borrow this guy for a bit."

Azazel asks Sona.

"That's fine, but to where?"

"I'm taking him to the fallen-angels territory in the Underworld. -Grigori's institute."

Azazel has a cheerful face on him… I see he's doing that, huh?

"You're doing that, Azazel?"


Azazel sighs annoyed at me; the rest got even more confused.

"How do you even know about it? Did the Slash/Dog women tell you?"

He looks at the girls and they shook their heads, now he just looks confused at me.

"Penemue wouldn't, the same with Shemhazai and Baraqiel… How do you even find these things out? ...whatever go ahead and tell them, tch."

They all look at me and I shrug.

"Grigori has the rest of the Vritra's Sacred Gears. Saji will go and train before they shove all the other parts into him— Or they'll put it in him before training, either way… He'll be 'complete' by the time he returns to us."


Saji screamed while Azazel dragged him into his own teleportation circle with an evil grin.

"Jin-senpai! President Sona!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heeeeeeeeeelpppppppppp!!!!!!!!!"

I saluted Saji as he disappeared.

Since I was given the hammer Mjolnir to work with, I was messing around with it in the backyard, I had locked away the training facility for the time being since Bikou might accidentally lock himself there for the next one hundred years.

I was messing with it, shrinking it and making it bigger. Everyone was doing their own thing, whether it be light training, chatting, or whatever. Some did come and follow me out here. It was the Slash/Dog girls with Kanami.

I had thought of it last night but— Not everyone is ready to face a Dragon God-class being like Loki, that's why I'm taking him on by myself. Fenrir… He should be in his own ranking and somewhere around Deity class. I'm worried about everyone but…

Griselda, Irina, Kanami, and anyone else that's not at least God-class and up won't be too useful. Knowing Vali, he'll be using his [Juggernaut Drive] and fighting Fenrir in another space. But… Griselda and Irina have the rings so they should be fine, Kanami on the other hand… I might as well, she's Natsume's sister after all.

I start walking over to the girls as they were sitting on the bench chatting. They notice me and wave to me.

"Jin ~"

Reni got up and hugged me and I hug her back. She goes to my left side and I look at Kanami, she tilts her head confused.

"Kanami, sorry but I'll be blunt… If you go into this fight, you'll die."

She freezes and stares at me, Natsume frowns but I can tell she agrees with what I said. I sigh and summon a ring. Both sisters' eyes widen, Kanami looks at the ring and at the ones that the girls had— She then blushes.

"Wait, wait, wait. Have you heard from Natsume on what it does?"

She shakes her head. Natsume then tells her what it does and she's obviously amazed. I put it in her hand.

"Put it on… No, keep it. It should keep you safe for the foreseeable future. Especially in the upcoming fight."

"…..I-I… Um… T-Thank you, Jin-san."

"Don't worry about it. Everyone else should be fine since they're taking on Fenrir in a giant group. The girls can cover for the rest.

In the last floor of my house— The upper deck, where the open air jacuzzi was Azazel and I were there, suddenly—

"Azazel, I have returned."

It was Vali.

"Ah, so it's you. How is it?"

Vali put his hand forward at Azazel's word and then activated a small magic circle in the air. This is….. The emblem carved on the magic circle resembles the ones used by the Norse Gods.

"I learned quite a bit of Norse magic. I should be able to withstand Fenrir's attack for some time."

What Vali is carrying in his hand is a book that he has been reading this whole time. What a diligent guy. He learned some Norse magic in this short time? He's gifted through and through. A hybrid, the White Dragon Emperor, and now this. Azazel nods after confirming that.

"Alright, I've been working on something for a bit now… I'll go rest up."

Azazel puts away whatever he had with him and gets up to leave. Vali and I were left there.

He and Bikou tend to just go out of my home, they're probably exploring Kuoh or something, they probably also don't want to associate with me that much, I don't know why though. I mean, yeah, they're terrorists, but still...



I call out to him and he looks up from the book he was reading.

"What do you think of the current world you live in? Is it boring? Is it painful?"

He smirks.

"I just find it boring. That's why I can't feel anything but joy for this joint battle. Then how about you, Jin? Is peace really all you truly are after? Not including your harem."

"....Yeah, I have no other goals. If I achieve peace, I can enjoy my days peacefully with my lovers. Constant fighting is bothersome after all."

"I guess we look at things differently, huh? Well, I do have one more aim."

He looks at me seriously.

"I will surpass you."

Yeah no, not happening...sorry Vali. I can admire your determination though.

"Yes, yes. It certainly is wonderful. I can feel the youth from you two."

Odin the geezer appeared out of nowhere. Did he finish his business? He, for some reason, was emotionally moved by our conversation.

"The red and white of this generation are unique. The ones in the past were all wild horses. They rampaged in every location, they started the battle between the red and white selfishly while destroying the surroundings, and then died. They activated [Juggernaut Drive] when they felt like it. Just think how many mountains and islands were blown away."

Geezer says that while sighing. Rossweisse who is behind him then adds.

"Certainly, one of them is a Harem-seeking dragon, and the other one is a terrorist which makes a very dangerous pairing. But you two are calmer than I thought."

Rossweisse looks at me and smiles, she had an apathetic look when she looked at Vali.

"I thought fighting each other immediately is the way of the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor."

"By the way, White Dragon Emperor. What part do you like?"

Here it is!!!!!!! Rossweisse facepalms but I tap my lap and she with a red face comes over and sits on it making Odin laugh.

"What are you talking about?"

"The women's body part that you like? Jin-boy over here loves breasts, butts, and thighs. That's why I thought you also have a fetish like that."

"No comment, I'm leaving."

Vali begins to walk away when—

"He likes hips, so the butt. He's also a Butt Dragon, the Butt Dragon Emperor."

Vali freezes and then his Albion cries out.


The two dragons within me start cackling at the other Albion's despair. Vali quickly leaves without saying anything. Odin nods sagely while stroking his beard. He also leaves.

"I guess it's you and me, Rose."


"Time to flirt a bit."

She said nothing but got redder. She wraps her arms around my neck and—

We shared a quick kiss. Rossweisse wasn't used to it so she was completely red while doing this. It took a bit of coaxing but… She's quite affectionate when the time comes.

"Huhu, my oh my, who would have thought Rossweisse was this affectionate."

"….That doesn't count…"


She didn't say anything else but buried her face into my neck. How adorable.


I was laying in bed with a couple of the girls. The rest were asleep, the ones who were still awake were Valerie and Rias. Quite a few of them expressed their worries, I guess?

They have fought 'Godly' beings in the [Pocket Dimension], however, I never explicitly told them that, in their mind, they just fought regular monsters. But what we're facing soon is a God, an Evil God, though… I'm the one fighting him— They're dealing with Fenrir.

'He's still known as the God-Devouring Wolf, Jin.'

I know, I know, but how will that affect them? Will it affect Dragon God-class beings? I mean… They're not Gods, but… Haaa…

'They have your rings.'

I know, I mean the others…I'm worried about all of them, but yes, I have those rings as a safety net. Haa...what to do—

Grab~ Squish~ Boing~

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a soft sensation in my right hand. I look to my right and see…Rias looking at me, she had made me grope her… I gave her breast a few light squeezes making her blush.

"While I like this, Rias… What's the special occasion…?"

"…Didn't I promise you that I would let you touch them after that signing event…? Also, you looked… Tense, I could see some uneasiness in your eyes."

Grab ~ Gyu ~

I felt my other arm get hugged— I turn to look and it was Valerie, she was also staring at me while hugging my arm. They were in between her breasts…nice.

"You have a lot of plans and trained us a lot, Jin…I know some of the newer girls aren't in the same power as us but… The rings can help with that, the same with your shadows, Lianne and the others as well as us."


"Haa... Yeah, you guys are right… I'll just do what I can when the time comes."

I feel a tug on Valerie's side… I stare at her and she had an expectant glint in her eyes…. Right, yeah… This is kind of romantic, right? I lean towards her and capture her lips. She happily kisses me back, after a few seconds we pull away and she had a satisfied smile on her—


I feel Rias tug me back and was a bit huffy. I chuckle and kiss her too… This goes back and forth for the new few minutes before we fell asleep.


"Yo, geezer. The fake meeting is starting soon. Our preparations are progressing accordingly as well."

"So it's you Azazel-boy. ...Hmmm."

"What is it? You rarely have such a serious face on you."

"....I started to think that my ways of governing are causing trouble to those in my homeland and the young ones here."

Azazel shakes his head.

"I hated the Norse guys who have old ways of thinking and shunning themselves doing nothing. But you came out. The Chief God himself came out to the front stage. You came to us as well, we're trying to create peace among the Three Factions."

Azazel laughs.

"It's like what Jin calls them, I heard it from Ajuka. He calls them 'Boomers'."

I was confused so Azazel-boy explains the new word to me, I also chuckle… Yes, 'Boomer', huh?

".....I am a geezer, perhaps a 'boomer' too, after all. Sometimes I feel like listening to the thoughts of the young ones, Jin-boy's world is very appealing.... -And also, by thinking about the future of the young ones in my World, I think that I need to prepare a new path for them."

.....Yes, just like a certain harem-seeking dragon that's making the waves in the supernatural as of now...a new path, a path with less war and more peace.

"Try to make that dream real, geezer. You came here to talk to the Japanese Gods for that reason, right? But we did leave it to Jin in the end, once he's done with it… We all can send our own messengers there, a cultural exchange… No doubt he'll get some female Shinto Gods in his harem."

We both laugh at that. If it's him, there's a high chance of that happening.

"You looked around this country under their religion while saying you were sightseeing, though that did turn into a reality. We will help you with it."

"Hmm. I know that even if you don't tell me. ..... I will make you tag along with me in drinking sake today, youngster."

"Haha, yeah! Though for all the shit I give Jin, he's doing all of us a favor, even if it's mostly for his own selfish needs...."

"Harem for peace, huh? Hohohoho! The audacity of Jin-boy!"

Next day

"The 'Thigh', 'Oppai' and 'Butt' maid café, are all rejected, Jin."

Rias rejects my idea again. We were in the living room and were discussing what we might do for the upcoming School Festival. We should be confronting Loki tonight, we all skipped school today too.

"If we do that, Jin-senpai… Other male students will see those… Parts of President, Akeno-san, and Ingvild-senpai."

.....?!?!? I completely forgot about that! What a shock! A shocking revelation just happened! Reject all of it, Rias! They all laughed at me, my face was too obvious.

"You know, Jin. Using an ecchi theme certainly seems like we can get lots of customers. But the student council won't allow it, and the teachers will also reject the idea."

There's also that hurdle, well whatever… I don't want those guys to see those sides of theirs… But seeing our line-up. Rias, Akeno, Ingvild, Asia, Shirone, Xenovia, and Irina… We'll get a lot of customers, regardless of what we do…

Kiba is famous in his own right, the same with Gasper… He has his… Fans…. The same with me, though it's mostly from the clubs and a few other students.

"…..How about a contest to find out who is the most popular girl in the occult research club, for example?"

It's something I blurted out without thinking much... Then the girls look at each other.

"I'm curious which one of the Two-Great-Onee-sama's is the most popular~."

Gasper says, then Rias and Akeno look at each other.

""There is no doubt I am the most popular.""

Rias and Akeno's words overlap each other, and then they glared at each other! They both have a smile on, but they have a very intimidating aura around them.

"Ara, President. Did you say something?"

"You too, Akeno. Didn't you just say something I can't ignore?"

These two need to calm down… It feels like they might start actually fighting... Like this, the two of them started to have a quarrel and the meeting was dismissed. It was decided that we would choose what to do for the school festival on another day.

Will we really be able to decide this before the second year's school trip? Azazel was looking at our meeting quietly while sitting on a different couch drinking green tea this whole time, but now he is looking outside the window where it is getting dark.

"It's dusk… huh?"

Hearing that, the relaxed and easy-going mood vanishes. The time for the battle draws near.

"It's still too early for a Ragnarök. You guys, we're going to protect our peace, go all out for this."


They all shouted and I look back out the window. I felt Ingvild squeeze my hand, I was sitting beside her after all.... Let's get this done and over with.

The time for battle.

The sun has already set, and it's night.

We were on the rooftop of a high-rated hotel building in the suburb where the place of the meeting of Odin and the Japanese Gods will be held. If that was going to happen of course.

They told me that the Japanese Gods won't be coming here, they are expecting my visit down the line so they're in no rush. First Norse, then Shinto Gods. After that… Egyptian Gods.

On the rooftops of the surrounding buildings, the members of the Sitri group are positioned on standby. I could also discern a person standing afar.

Saji should come late with his [Vritra Promotion] and make it easier for their fight with Fenrir.... I wonder if that wolf got Azrael's blood too.... Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: No, I can still feel his presence, it's faint but...I can feel it.

Azazel has to pretend to be the middleman for the meeting so he is staying beside Odin.

Replacing Azazel, who can't participate in this battle, Baraqiel is on standby with us on the roof. Rossweisse is also participating in this battle so she is wearing her armor while on standby. Everyone in my household were also on standby at various places.

And very high up in the sky, Tannin is there! If he flies up there like that, he will be seen by humans and it could make things chaotic, so he has a spell cast on him so that normal humans won't be able to see him.

Vali and his team are waiting for the battle, a bit further away from us.

"It's time."

Rias says that while looking at her wristwatch.

The 'false' meeting should have 'started' on one of the floors. We had a few of Azazel's subordinates dress up and look the part of 'Shinto Gods'.

"No tricks, huh? You have my respect."

Vali made a bitter smile.

Break! Break!

The sky above the hotel started to become distorted, and a big hole was created. The one who appeared from the hole was the Evil-God Loki and the giant ash-grey wolf, Fenrir! …..They appeared to us head-on. He's dumb, did his ego grow because of the new power?

"Target confirmed. Mission start."

When Baraqiel-san said that from the small communication device on his ear, a gigantic barrier-type magic circle was activated around the hotel.

The Sitri group led by Sona with Reni and Grayfia activated the magic circle in order to transfer us, Loki, and Fenrir to the battlefield.

Loki senses that, but he just showed a smirk and didn't retaliate.

We were then covered in light...

When we got there it was just a spacious field. It's filled with rocks. If I remember, this was supposed to be an abandoned ancient mine. Apparently, it isn't used now. Since I knew where the battle was going to be, I had my shadows all over the place already.

Lianne and the rest are ready to come out anytime.

I confirmed that everyone made it here safely. Led by Rias, everyone is here including Irina. Baraqiel and Rossweisse are also here. Vali and his team are also here a bit away from us. And, in front of us are Loki and Fenrir.

I stare him down.

"You're stupid, you know that?"

Loki laughed. I could see he got his arm back, all shiny and new. His rank is also Dragon God-class, though it's at the lowest… The girls could take him on as a group and come out victorious.

"There is no need for me to flee. All of you will retaliate anyway, so I finish you all here and then I can go back to the hotel. It's just a matter of time. Even if he does or doesn't participate in the meeting, I will have Odin disappear."

"You're insane."

Baraqiel says that.

"Hah! The insane ones are you! ...No, it's the Red Dragon, he wanted peace...and conveniently, an alliance between each faction. To begin with, when the Three-Great powers recorded in the Bible decided to have an alliance, everything became distorted."

"There's no use in talking to a soon-to-be-sealed God."

I enter my Perfected Ultra Instinct and Loki frowns.

"That troublesome form again… Hah, I am more powerful since last time, Red Dragon, prepare yourself!"

Baraqiel started to cover his hand with the holy lightning. From his back, 10 black wings appeared.

{Vanishing Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!}

Vali is also enveloped in a spotless white plate armor. His team and the Gremory peerage get ready to confront Fenrir. It doesn't seem like Xenovia is using her Sacred Gear. Everyone else looked ready.

The girls stand back, I could see that the Sitri group was teleported here with Reni and Grayfia. Everyone's here… Let's start this, Loki.


Loki powered up… Yeah, it's really there, huh? He grinned at everyone but they didn't seem surprised which made him a bit disappointed.

Don! Swosh!

Loki disappeared and reappeared in front of me. He tried to punch me in the face but I dodged it swiftly. He gained an annoyed expression… I could also hear the rest of them starting their fight with Fenrir.

Loki clicked his tongue and flew backwards, he looked at Fenrir… The Wolf sensing its father and creator looking at him howled!

"Nyan ~"


At the same time Kuroka smiled, magic circles are activated around her, and a very big and thick chain comes out of it! –The magical chain, [Gleipnir]. It was fortunate that we received it earlier than we anticipated, but because it was very hard to carry it, Kuroka hid it inside her personal territory.

Having been led by Tannin and Baraqiel-san, my comrades and Vali's comrades grabbed onto the chain and then threw it towards Fenrir!

"Fuhahahahaha! It's useless! Countermeasures against [Gleipnir] were already—"

Leaving Loki laughing out loud behind, the magical chain which was enhanced by the Dark Elves wraps around Fenrir's body as if it has its own consciousness!


The giant wolf howls painfully, which echoes throughout the area.

"Fenrir captured."

Baraqiel says that while looking at Fenrir which can't move its body....

The Dark Elves whom we never met sure did an outstanding job. I can't wait to meet them. If Fenrir's movements are sealed, the group can defeat it with ease as long as they don't let their guard down.

I just need to beat the shit out of Loki and get on with it. Loki spread his arms wide.

"Their specs are lower, but…..."

The space on both sides of Loki becomes distorted. From the distortion created in the space, a 'new' thing appears. Ash-grey fur. Sharp claws. Eyes without any emotion. And a very wide-opened mouth!

"Sköll! Hati!"

It howls loudly towards the sky as if it responded to Loki's call.


The cloud under the night is blown away, and a full moon giving out a gold color appears. Having the moon shine on them, the two giant beasts... No, the wolves howled.

"I changed a Jötunn woman living in Járnviðr to a wolf and made it breed with Fenrir. As a result, these two were born. Their specs are quite a bit lower than their father's, but their fangs are the real thing. They can easily kill a God, and all of you."

Midgardsormr must have had no idea about this… Well whatever I'll deal with— No, the girls are here for this reason, I'll let these to them.

Loki kept on laughing— I put my hand towards him as he looks at me confused, and I stole his power!


Loki quickly started to plummet to the ground, a look of panic on his face. He kept on trying to fly— Trying to activate his powers— His divinity, but it never came.

Boom! Crash!

When the dust settled Loki was coughing up blood and both his legs and an arm were bent in an unnatural way, blood was pouring out of them. He had a look of disbelief… Haa… I land on the ground and stare at him— A lot of anger present on his face.

"What did you do?!?"

"…How does it feel…to be 'human', Evil God Loki?"

Vali Lucifer

What is this…? In front of me was… Pure and utter chaos, were we even needed? The Gremory group was playing with Fenrir's children with Lavinia and Jin's harem sometimes helping out… How powerful are they? I floated there in my Balance Breaker state not sure in what to do.

"Well…do we even need to do anything?"

I glance to my side and see Bikou there as he also looked at the scene in front of us.

"It seems I may be the one lacking in training…"

Arthur was also watching with us along with Le Fay. My comrades had complicated expressions.

"Nyahaha ~ you can blame Jin for our increase in power nya~ no one can catch up with us…. If they don't rely on Jin."

Doom! Doom! Doom!!!!!!!

The [Knight] of Gremory Kiba Yuuto blitzed around the battlefield, almost like he was playing with the children of Fenrir. The one called Hati had all its tendons cut and could only defend itself but wildly biting around itself.

It was also being restrained heavily by the [Bishop] of Gremory Gasper Vladi… He was using his Sacred Gear quite efficiently. Each time Hati tried to bite, he was stopped.

The other, Sköll was also being toyed by the other Gremory members. Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Koneko Toujou and Ingvild Leviathan. Their other [Bishop] was used as a support.

Bang! Skwsh! Don! Bzzzt!! Flash!

Small balls of [Power of Destruction] were being rapidly being sent towards Sköll, as well as flashes of Holy Lightning. Kuroka's little sister was hitting it with aura bullets while also punching it from time to time….

This wasn't a fight… It was a one-sided beat down… It doesn't matter. I have my own objective…I approach the currently trapped Fenrir and start to chant.

Rias Gremory

"Let's end this, everyone."


I start to charge up my [Power of Destruction] Kamehameha, Akeno was also readying her own attack. Koneko and Asia had stepped back. Yuuto and Gasper had hit the other Wolf known as Hati towards the one we were fighting…

We plan on ending their lives at the same time. I look at Akeno and she was ready, Asia puts her hand out to us and enchanted our power—


"Raging Bolt."

Dooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two battered and weakened wolves didn't have the strength to move or run away— And our attacks hit them!

Once the attacks ended, and the dust had settled… The two children of Fenrir were gone, they were dead.




"President… Look."

Koneko points towards… Fenrir and Vali Lucifer. He was flying towards it. What's he doing?

"I, who am about to awaken—"

<They are going to be blasted away!> <They certainly are going to be blasted away!>

Voices that do not belong to Vali echo in the area… A chant? He's chanting? …Jin mentioned this before… One of the special powers of both the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing]….

He called it the [Juggernaut Drive]. The [Juggernaut Drive] temporarily removes the seal placed on the Heavenly Dragons, but the users will lose their sanity while their lives are devoured by the power.

Can Vali Lucifer negate such an effect?!

"Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God—"

<The dream will end!> <The illusion will begin!>

"I envy the 'infinite' and I pursue the 'dream'—"

<Everything!> <Yes, give us everything!>

"I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy—"

'''"""""""And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise!!!!""""""""""

{Juggernaut Drive!!!!!!!!!!}

The whole abandoned mining ground was shining with a bright light. A huge output of light is flowing out from Vali and started to engulf Fenrir too!

"Kuroka! Transfer me and Fenrir to the allocated place!"

Vali who is glowing with light tells her to do that. Kuroka also smiles hearing that, and directs her hand at Vali, then starts to move her fingers in the air. So...this is what [Juggernaut Drive] looks like?

Ah, the magical chain meant for capturing Fenrir also got transferred to Vali's place! Kuroka must have done that. If the chain is used well, then the current Vali should be able to finish it off!


Vali, who has turned into a giant mass of light, and Fenrir get wrapped by many sashes which look like they're made from demonic power. Vali and Fenrir start to synchronize with the scenery of the night, and then disappeared from the area!

Jin Skyward

"…Looks like Vali is using his [Juggernaut Drive]… Your son won't win."

"...…..Red Dragon Emperor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Loki screamed as he started to crawl towards me, it looked pitiful… Like a crippled man angrily and slowly coming towards me…

"Alright… Let's—"

"Jin, wait!"

I turn—

Ompf!! Boing ~ Boing ~

I received a face full of Valkyrie titty. Then—

[Hello, Oppai Dragon.]




Cúntóir: Answer: ....

Chichigami-sama!!! I wasn't expecting this!! Holy shit!!

[?! P-Please calm down…. I'm using this Valkyrie's breast in order to communicate with you…!]

[A-As you know I am the Breast Fairy which serves Chichigami-sama. –The God who rules all Oppai. Your love and craving towards Oppai has summoned me… As well as other, perverted fetishes…]

Oh, you're not her….. I instantly deflate…



[Kill me.]

{Kill me first.}


[…Please don't be too disappointed…Chichigami-sama will communicate with you in the future…]


[…Oppai Dragon, Breast Dragon Emperor, Jin Skyward…that 'God' did not only interfere in the Draconic Deus… But also… Our own… We are losing this war much faster… Please… Power up everyone in your world.]

[….Or else they will lose.]

Hello? Hello?!

Grope ~ Grope ~ Squeeze ~ Squeeze ~


I look up and I was basically molesting Rossweisse… Who had tears in her eye while also holding herself back from moaning.

"I can explain, so please don't scream or hit me."


I tap her head and relay what just happened to me. I grab her shoulders and say seriously.

"Rose, you're my Oppai Queen."


She went completely red and fainted! I caught her! I turn back to Loki who was looking at us with confusion and uncertainty! Fuck you dude! She's, my Valkyrie! And I'm adding the Goddess of Breasts to my harem!!!!!!!!!

[Partner…there are more pressing matters…]

I know, I know… Looks like Nyarlathotep messed with Evie Etoulde and their Evil Gods… Shit, I guess I have to help them too… Fuck it, whatever. I look at Loki and use my [Mana Ropes] on him, he falls to the ground and starts to curse me out.

I look at my [Inventory]… I had a couple of powers with me now, Ares, and Loki… What would happen if I mix these two together? Cúntóir?

Cúntóir: Answer: An even more powerful power will be born, the God of War from the Greek Mythology and the God of Mischief of the Norse Mythology. I do not know what it will turn into, however, it will be on par with a Dragon God-class being.


"Oh, right…. Saji."

He really did appear after the battle…A giant magic-circle which appears on the ground. From the center of it, a black-flame shapes into a dragon.

[Jin-kun. Can you hear me? It's me Shemhazai.]

I heard a familiar voice from the microphone I have on my ear for the little mission.

"Yo. The one who sent that big black dragon was you Shemhazai?"

[Yes. I was told by Azazel that I have to send Saji-kun to that location after Saji-kun's training was completed.]

"Haha, he really did turn into Vritra. Don't worry about it, I'll get him out of that state."

[Really? I see! That's good, I will leave him to you then!]

Saji in his [Vritra Promotion] started to go wild and attacked everything in sight. Haaa… What a troublesome junior. With Rose in my arms, I temporarily put Loki in the [Lavender Box] and flew towards the rampaging Saji.

Everyone else was dodging his wild attacks, the ones who couldn't were being helped by the others.

[Leave Saji to me, I'll revert him back to normal. Just dodge his attacks for now.]

I communicated to everyone and I got a variation of answers. I arrived by the Black Dragon and he tried to hit me, but I dodge them all.

[Saji, can you hear me?]


Oh! I got a response!

[Saji. It's me, Jin.]

[…...? What's happening to me right now.....? I don't know why, but my body feels so hot that it might burn out....]

[Get a hold of yourself! You came to the battlefield… Albeit it after it in a really cool and flashy way! And now you're just wildly attacking everyone else— Our allies!]

[....What should I do?]


[Plus Ultra!!!!!!!!!!!! Go beyond your limits!!!!]

[....H-Huh? E-Excuse me....?]

[You'll run out of steam soon… Just focus on restraining yourself and not attack anything that just moves!]


Saji did just that, his wild flailing and attacking almost immediately stopped but the giant Black Dragon was still shaking violently. I wanted to give him a bit of training but...let's not push our luck.

I reach out and touch the long body and used [Snatch]. Draining the remaining energy and stamina of Saji… His [Vritra Promotion] started to disappear.


"Yo, Saji."

I woke up my friend who was unconscious at the center of the battlefield. He reverted back to his original appearance from the black-dragon state.

"Naa…. Is that you Jin-senpai? What happened to the battle?"

He was struggling to get up so I touched his shoulder and healed him. He immediately had no problems in doing so, he started to look around.

"It actually ended before you got here… You did show up real flashy-like and well… Started to attack us."

Saji cringed and shook his head.

"...I see. I wasn't very focused as I was barely conscious at the time…. But, I heard your voice. I was happy. While I was suffering from my body which was getting burned, your voice came to me. It gave me lots of moral support."

"Is that so? Well, I can't support you forever so you better get a hold of that new power of yours, Saji. I know you can do it."


The place around us was in ruins, while the battle didn't last long...everyone did let a bit loose since we were in an isolated area. There were giant craters in the ground and other areas with a lot of damage.

Griselda, Irina, and Kanami were all sitting on rocks or fallen pillars as they were panting… I guess they had a lot on their plate, huh?

I'll invite them with me to the [Pocket Dimension] soon. Vali and his team already disappeared, and Kuroka was still here. I look at her and she shrugs… Right she wasn't too heavily involved in their planning this time so she won't know where they went.

I turn around and reverse time on the area, the destruction started to repair itself.

"Good thing with your mysterious powers, Jin, was it?"

Tannin stands beside me as I slowly start to finish the repairs.

"I guess so, it's just convenient this way."


"So that's the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor, huh? We have also confirmed the Vritra and the Holy-demonic sword. Vritra is in a burst state, but it's heading towards a new path. The Holy-demonic sword is an irregular thing just like the information we have says."

"It was right for us to come and observe them. It seems like the technology team's theory will be able to gain positive proof."

"That the percentage of Sacred Gear possessors who get involved with the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor even once will have an irregular awakening at a different level."

"Grigori's technology is also a threat. –So have you found a way to defeat the [Juggernaut Drive]?"

"I think we can stand up to them using a Sacred Gear which increases its consumption rate. We don't have demonic powers and if it consumes their lifespan, we can aim for that then."

"The problem is the Red Dragon Emperor and Middleman. According to rumors, he has found a different way to use his Sacred Gear. As o what? We don't know. White Dragon Emperor is also a problem in that regard."

"...…I got a call from Cao Cao just now. Hmm, oh my this is..."

"What happened? Is it perhaps…..."

"Yeah, the Dragon-eater was found. –With this, the 'infinite' will end. We also confirmed where she is at the moment, but it will be difficult in kidnapping her."

Vali Lucifer

"The [Juggernaut Drive] which I haven't used in a while burned me out as it was dangerous. If I can, I want to reduce the number of times I have to use it. Otherwise, I won't last at this rate. So, what happened on your side, Arthur?"

"It seems like I can do something about it by using the power of this Excalibur which controls 'ruling'. To Fenrir that is."

"It has restrictions, so Fenrir's power will decrease quite a lot... But even if you had your eyes on its fangs, you sure have a weird taste for taking in such a dangerous monster to our team."

"Vali, we received a call from Cao Cao."

"Bikou, what did he say?"

"To make it short 'We will act on our own. Just don't get in our way'. That's what he said."

"Cao Cao. Let's hope that nothing happens to both of us. Though we won't hold back if you were to come at us."

"But man, Jin sure is something, huh? That Self-movement thing, having both [Boosted Gear] and his own [Divine Dividing] and fusing a Balance Breaker state. What an interesting guy!"

"He's my biggest obstacle now, probably bigger than Great Red… Kuku, Jin Skyward… No, if he's serious about Lavinia, then… Aniki. I'll catch up to you eventually."


[I'm sorry I can only say it to you through this communication circle, Azazel. You saved my family again!]

"Yeah. But you know Sirzechs, this was quite easy… Jin, he really powered up his harem… I almost didn't recognize some of them, from what Baraqiel told me."

[But it seems like the 'Oppai Dragon' saved the day again.]

"Man, he is filled with mysterious powers, that guy Jin. But I feel strangely okay with it. Anyway, we're going with 'that' right?"

[The one where we had a 'talk' about a promotion, right?]

"The discussion about that is rising for Kiba, and Akeno-chan, right?"

[Yes. Kokabiel's attack, the terrorist attack during the Three-Great powers negotiation meeting, and the terror by the Old-Satan faction. Rias and her group prevented all of them.]

[There are enough achievements for a promotion. And also preventing Loki's attack is a big achievement. You can say that the promotion for the two of them is guaranteed.]

"Well, their achievements are top rank among the devils who have been living in peace for a while. Akeno-chan is Baraqiel's daughter. Kiba has the irregular Holy-demonic sword. They are all excellent and promising devils. In terms of power, they already have that of high-class devils."

"It's all due to Jin's help."

[Yes, that's right. Their powers have grown exponentially over the last few months.]

"How about giving all of your sister's peerage a promotion then?"

[Hmmm… I will discuss it with the other Satans… Jin-kun can't really gain any more popular down here...unless he does something else that's outrageous. He's not a Devil, after all, promotion and such things are out of reach for him.]

"He's grown a lot in a small amount of time, I guess… As messed up as it sounds, Lavinia Reni getting injured like that, kicked him in gear, but he still has room to grow. What's the situation with your sister and him?"

[.....I heard of that, and yes… I do agree, but I doubt something like that will happen again. He's become a bit jaded, in regard to my sister? I'm not too sure. They have not made it official yet.]

"Yeah, well it'll happen eventually, all those girls are smitten with him. Vice-versa too."

[Yes.... Also, it's about the Hero faction. Did you find something?]

"No, Jin has sent me and Grigori information on the Sacred Gear possessors he's killed...we also had captured a few that tried to attack us. They all had unnatural deaths."

[?! All of them?]

"Yeah. The cause of it was Azrael's blood."

[So they drank it as we thought.]

"No, that's not it. The possessors themselves didn't drink it. –I hypothesize that they put the blood onto their Sacred Gears once they materialized it. That somehow stimulates it."

"Most likely, instead of the possessors it forcefully drags out the hidden potential power of the Sacred Gear. Instead of its attack power, it was made to stimulate the unknown factors of the Balance Breaker which still has many hidden factors about it. It's the most delicate and dangerous way of doing it."

"If it goes wrong the Sacred Gears will break. They keep on repeating such forceful experiments. I checked the remaining leftovers of the blood, but it is made to stop working if either the possessor dies or if the possessor reaches Balance Breaker."

"Something like increasing the number of those who can use Balance-Breaker, including us, it is a feat we cannot copy right now even if we want to."

[...So those are the methods to increase the number of those who can use Balance-Breaker, huh? If the Sacred Gear goes into a 'burst' mode and breaks, then the possessor will die.]

[Either way, it's a method which they don't mind because the possessors would die if they can't reach Balance Breaker.]

"Bargain sales of Balance Breakers are scary, but the thing we have to be the most cautious about is the birth of a new Longinus. Jin knows of a few...but won't say where… Haaa… I think he's monitoring them personally, so we can leave it to him as well."

[...This will become messy. We need countermeasures against Sacred Gears. If I think about it, the ones who will cause the biggest nuisance are Sacred Gears with variant types of special abilities.]

"If it's a simple power-type then it will be easy to deal with. But it's a pain since there are many abilities which can seal off and kill power-types. Sacred Gears are interesting, but they are scary because of it."

[The Parting gift of the God of the Bible, useful to the humans when used right, or dangerous… They've been supporting the supernatural in the shadows over the years, but...]

"They're starting to become a problem, and an obstacle, huh?"

Jin Skyward

After School

Occult Research Club


It's been a few days since then… I was given an invitation by both Odin and a messenger from the Shinto Gods. The letter basically said I could come whenever and they will await my visit. But I have to show this letter to the guards when I enter their realm. It's currently stored in my [Inventory].

"You guys sure have been busy lately, huh?"

The second-year girls and Kiba have been busy buying things to get ready for their trip to Kyoto… I'll be joining them there, with the pretext of checking up on Yasaka, Kunou, and Sharon. But before that… I'll be going back to Asgard.

I had told everyone about my plans so they were currently talking about what kind of underwear to use. They were also free to stay in Yasaka's home since they basically know each other.


In other news… I was comforting Rossweisse, just like in canon… Odin left her. She was currently depressed and I was cuddling with her. The professional Valkyrie was gone and I was left with a blubbering and adorable Valkyrie in my arms.

Shirone was a little annoyed but a few head pats and candy did the trick…

"Uuuuuuuuu ~! Horrible! Odin-sama is so horrible! To leave me behind!"

"Fired! This must mean that I'm fired, doesn't it!? I worked so hard for Odin-sama and he left me in Japan! Just like he says, I can't do my job properly! I'm a virgin! I'm a woman where my age equals the number of years, I haven't had a boyfriend!"

We've kissed you know… We went on a date you know, also we'll be going back to Asgard soon…

"Isn't Jin-san your boyfriend, Rossweisse-san? You are being spoiled by him right now…"

Asia points this out and Rossweisse stops her little tantrum to look at me and blushes. We are kind of unofficial right now…

"Mou, don't cry Rossweisse. I made sure that you could work in this academy."

Rias rests her head on top of my head and looks down at Rose.

"...Uuuu… R-Really?"

"Yes, just like you wished for. You want to be a teacher, correct? And not a student?"

"Of course….. Despite my appearance, I have already graduated from school in my homeland by skipping grades. Even though I'm still young in age, I am qualified to teach students."

Yeah, I already knew of that...the forbidden relationship will start soon! Hehehehe....



Leave me alone! Let me have my weird fantasies… Both dragons just sighed at me.

"But will I be able to live in this country….? But if I returned home, others would get mad and say 'You must be brave to show your face when you returned after Odin-sama's arrival.' And I probably would have my position removed…...! Uuu… And I was finally able to find a job where I could have a stable life!"

She's quite depressed. Certainly, she would look like a complete idiot if the Chief God, who she was supposed to be escorting, arrives home before his bodyguard.

"Ufufu, so that's where this plan would come in."

Rias got closer to her, and took out a document of some sort and showed it to her.

"If you come to the Underworld now, you can get privileges like this and privileges like that."

Rossweisse was shocked after looking through the documents.

"Really!? There is this much insurance…. And there are tax refunds!"

"That's exactly it. Also don't you think that a service like this and a system like this is wonderful too?"

"It's amazing! So D-Devils get paid this much...! The base salary is totally different from ours! Even if you compare them to Valhalla, these have better requirements!"

She's bribing the Valkyrie! My Valkyrie! Rias… She really seems like an insurance woman now….. So this is what you call a 'whisper from a devil'? Devils do make contracts with humans with greed as their job after all.

This is the way of a High-class devil, Rias's expert way of convincing people! I think she has a natural talent for doing this. This is what you would call a devil.

"By the way, if you come under me then you will also get these benefits."

"....I heard that one family member of the Gremory household promoted to a Satan and that the specialties made within the Gremory territory are very popular and are receiving high sales for it."

"That's true. You can even do that job for your career. The Gremory's are looking for very talented people."

Rias who is continuing to bribe Rossweisse takes out a crimson... Chess piece from her pocket.

"-That's how it is, so won't you become my servant so you can start a business in the Underworld?"

"I think you will be able to become a magic cannon member by attaining the [Rook] piece and with that magic of yours. I just hope that it would be possible with just one chess piece."

They look at Rias in shock— Rossweisse looked a bit unsure, everything was so tempting. She then looks at me.

"Hmm… I won't stop you from becoming her [Rook] Rose, but you're aware of what I plan to do for the future, right?"

"…Start a restaurant? Both in the human world and supernatural world?"

I nod.

"Yes, that will also mean… I'll need a secretary type of person… Someone beside me, Sharon is busy and Grayfia prefers being a maid and I don't want to burden her like what Sirzechs did… Haha… Anyway, I was thinking of asking you for that position, Rose."


She looks at me with wide eyes, I glance at Rias and she was huffy… Hehe sorry, Rias…


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