Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 4 – Chapter 5 – Part 5 – Shifengu, Minamoto no Raiko and Amaterasu

Mount Olympus


"…So, do you mind telling me why you're all in my home?"

I turn my head towards Hestia with a suspicious look as she turns away pretending to not know why. I sigh and shake my head… This little, she heard my squealing about my date with Jin and decided to invite so many people here to talk about it…

"Come on Hepy ~ tell us the details ~"

"Why am I here…?"

Demeter, Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea and Amalthea were all invited here with Hestia. I wasn't sure how to feel about all of this…

"I— Was I that obvious…?"

They all looked at me strangely as I asked.

"I mean, he helped you with that eye of yours. I guess that's reason enough to feel some affection towards him?"

Artemis says in a more questioning tone, Demeter starts to poke her while giggling—

"You just haven't met your prince charming yet, Artemis…. Hmmm? Mmmmm, didn't you have that short night time rendezvous with Jin in—"


"We had a small competition!"

Artemis glared at Demeter as she giggled at the Goddess of Hunting.

"Hmmm ~ when will you go on your date, Hephaestus?"

Amalthea turns and asks me.

"I-I do not know. Jin said he would contact me via text when he has some free time in his schedule. We will head to the Shinto Gods realm for it since he may have found another capable Blacksmith..."

Amalthea nods and continues—

"Did it cross your mind that he may have fabricated the reason so he could spend more time with you?"

I shake my head. The thought never crossed my mind, but when I think about it, it makes me blush…

"Ara? That certainly made you blush. How innocent."

I-I feel like this is just some kind of interrogation at this point. I look at Hestia for help, but that woman was just smirking at me. Two can play at that game.

"…It seems Hestia has been training her cooking skills in order to impress Jin. Why is that I wonder…?"

As I finish saying that, all of them turn to Hestia as she had a surprised yet panicked look on her face. I smile at her as she frowned.

"O-Of course! He said my cooking wasn't good enough so I've been practicing so when he tastes it again, he'll say that it's delicious! I mean… Aphrodite, you feel the same way, right?!"

Hestia looks at her fellow Goddess but much to her dismay, Aphrodite just shrugged her shoulders.

"I accepted that on that day I was horrible at cooking. I may try to improve on it if I find a significant other in the future. But as of now, I have no desires. Hmm? Is that why you're improving your cooking skills, Hestia?"

"H-Huh?! N-No! I just want to prove him wrong! Only Hep is in love with that guy!"

Hestia denied it quite hard, causing the other Goddesses around her to look at her strangely. Artemis sighs and gets up.

"Having romantic feelings for a man is beyond me. It's only because he's trying to unite the supernatural that I respect him, or at the very least tolerate him. Gathering a harem… What kind of foolish thing is that…?"

Artemis says while walking away and out of my home. In the past she would have said harsher words towards them, but she really does 'tolerate' him, doesn't she? Aphrodite is next to get up.

"I have a positive opinion on the man, however, much like Artemis… 'Love' would not be the right word to use in how I feel about that man. He has my utmost respect, and only that."

After saying that, Aphrodite left the room as well. I felt conflicted about what they were saying, maybe I'm just blinded, do I really feel that towards Jin? H-He did help me with a problem that I had all my life…

Even when I showed it to him, he wasn't disgusted by it. Maybe if I did show that defect more, I would have found someone who would have accepted me long before Jin? But the thought of doing so and being rejected time and time again…

"You seem to be in deep thought, Hephaestus. Did what those two say make your feelings for the boy waver?"

I was brought out of my thoughts by Amalthea as she had a serious expression on her. No, it felt like she was glaring at me a bit. Why?

"It's normal to think like that, I mean, he was only here for a few days, correct? And you also had limited contact with him. So, it makes sense if you are unsure of your feelings. Even if he did help you with 'that'."


"I have lived a long time, longer than most of you and I have seen many things. Including your current leader falling for many Goddesses over the years, but he did eventually come to pick Hera and has been very loyal to her since."

Amalthea smiled to herself, perhaps she was remembering fond memories of a young Zeus…?

"Did you know he was rejected a few times when he first started to fall in love? Then he succeeded in finding someone but it wasn't meant to be so they have to part ways. This happened many times, and he eventually landed on Hera...You know how that ended up."

Demeter, Hestia and I nodded.

"Then, why did you do that to Jin when you first met him, Amalthea?"

Amalthea paused for a thoughtful look and started to think of her own answer. Yes, what she did that day was strange. She just kissed him without warning. Now to some, a kiss may mean nothing or it can mean a lot. What is my opinion about it? I think it depends on the person.

What if Jin k-kissed me right now…? I closed my eyes and thought of the scenario, but every time I did, my face burned up and I couldn't continue imagining it. So, perhaps to me, it meant something special.

I opened my eyes back up and look at the other two, they were also sporting small blushes. Did they do the same thing as I did?

"Truthfully, I do not know. Perhaps I may have wanted to tease Zeus? Maybe I did it on the spur of the moment? I do not know; I may need to meet him again and confirm it myself. But, he doesn't seem like a bad catch."

Amalthea nodded, seemingly saying that last part not only to us but to herself. She turns to Demeter—

"How about you, Demeter? Were you not quite smitten and clinging to him when you accompanied him during his stay?"

"I simply wanted to tease him ~ but seeing as how he wasn't getting flustered at all it made me want to keep trying ~ boys his age should be blushing up a storm or be embarrassed about seemingly anything after all ~"

Demeter gave a convincing response, but I could see that Amalthea didn't believe her reasoning, in all honesty I can never tell what she's really thinking…

"Hestia's answer is quite obvious so we won't need to go into detail in that regard."


Hestia looked at Amalthea with complete shock, she didn't know how to respond so she didn't. She just stared slack-jawed at Amalthea.

"Oh yes, Jin did not meet all the Gods when he came here, yes?"

We nodded, but Amalthea flashed a troubled smile.


"Freyja has returned, wouldn't that make his next visit here, a little more special?"

I froze and so did the others…. Freyja, huh? I wonder what kind of opinion Jin will have of her…



Goddess Danu


In light of recent news, and the winds telling me. It seems like Jin has departed to the realm of the Shinto Gods. He may be forming an alliance there as we speak. I wonder when he'll come back to Ireland…?


"You really pick the weirdest places to stay in, Danu ~"


Áine has been following me rather incessantly the last few weeks. I do not know why though, perhaps she sees me as a way to meet Jin? If that's her line of thinking then she has a better chance of meeting him if she stuck with Scathach, though…

I heard that she had moved in with Jin in his home in Japan. However, I am not sure how she managed to travel from Ireland to Japan so quickly. However, if it's Jin, anything is possible.

"Did you need something from me, Áine?"

"Am I not allowed to visit a fellow Goddess and friend, hmmm? Also, you're not exactly in the most hidden of places, Danu ~ you've been in easier to spot places since you let Jin find you ~ and you even helped out that team from the Fallen Angels ~ though I would say that makes sense since we're in the alliance now ~"


It is true that I helped team Slash/Dog. I did recognize Natsume and Shigune from that group of people; therefore, it was pure coincidence that I ended up doing so. Otherwise, I may only have assisted them as they neared the end of their battle.

"So, where is our miracle boy currently at?"

"…Japan, he is visiting the Shinto Gods, an alliance with them is nigh. I can't wait, we'll get to experience some Japanese culture here in Ireland ~"

Áine was skipping around, happy with what Jin was doing but not necessarily too fond of the man.

"At least he's good for something ~"

I sigh and shake my head.

"Oh, did you know? A certain someone is—"


A certain sound reverberated throughout the area, it's a sound I hadn't personally heard in a very long time but it felt nostalgic. I look behind Áine and she follows my gaze. There stood another person.

The woman has hip-length light-blonde hair that is tied in the back by a white bow with bangs hanging over her forehead, blue eyes and a pretty well-endowed figure.

She is wearing a white sleeveless sweater with a white shirt underneath paired with a pink ribbon. Her pleated skirt is crimson and she wears black knee-high socks with black shoes.

"Well color me surprise if it isn't Miss Cana Cludhmor, I haven't seen you in the longest time! That's a lot less than Danu here! Where have you been?"

I see, Cana Cludhmor, the inventor of the harp and the Goddess of music, inspirations and dreams. I haven't seen her since…

"Hi hi, Áine! Goddess Danu! It's been a long time ~"

She walks over and hugs Áine, she also hugs her back. She then stands in front of me and we share a hug. She's as cheerful as always…

"What brings you here, Cana?"

She answers me without her smile leaving her face.

"I've heard many things in the last few months and it's definitely piqued my interest! Not only did a group of Gods form 'The Gaelic Alliance'. They even allied themselves with other factions and pantheons, but a certain man did it too! I wish to know more about him. You two seem close to him!"

To this, Áine started laughing out loud, confusing Cana.

"Yes, we did spend some time with him while he was here in Ireland, even Scathach! Did you know? She moved in with him to Japan!"

Cana looked shocked, as if she didn't believe what she was hearing, it would be a stretch to say a human managed to do that, yes?

"Hmmm, I guess he really has to be something different if he can do that…"

"He also beat her in a sparring match, so yeah he's quite something."

"Heeee…. Now I want to meet him! When do you think he'll come back?"

When, that is a good question. I take my phone out to see my last text messages from Shigune, Lavinia Reni, and Natsume. It's been only a few days but I am also curious. Perhaps I should ask him? I do have his number…

"Danu and I have his number so we can simply text or call him and ask."

"Please do! But he does requests, yes?"

"Yep ~ if he isn't planning on coming here for a while. I do have a personal request for him ~"

Áine 'smiled' but since Cana isn't aware of the difference, she didn't think much of it. But I knew that she was planning something for Jin. Áine isn't physically strong nor is she too gifted in the use of magic, but she can hold her own if needs be.

She did have to in case that happened to her again, she didn't want to feel as hopeless as she did back then.

"Personal request? What is it?"

"A date, he did say he took the Seraph Gabriel of Heaven on one ~"

"Oh! You like him?"

"Huhu ~ of course ~"

"Hmmm ~ then can I meet him before you go?"

Áine nodded sagely and gave Cana a thumbs up.

"I don't see why not? But as I said I still need to ask him and see if he accepts."

The two of them started talking about Jin in whatever way they knew. I looked down at my phone and started to type a message to him…


Jin Skyward

Bzt ~

I was already awake as I watched the early morning residents of Takamagahara going about their daily routine. Suddenly my phone buzzed so I took it out and read the message that was sent. It was from Goddess Danu.

|Hello Jin, I hope you're doing well. I am. This may come as a surprise, but when do you plan on returning to Ireland?|

Yeah, no kidding, that's pretty sudden…

|Uhhh, unless I get a request or find a reason to come back, not any time soon. Why do you ask?|

|Oh, I was just wondering. If you do, please be wary of Áine…|

Áine? Hmm, she has been overly friendly to me so that's why was holding her at arm's length, but seeing as how Danu is also telling this…

|I'm guessing you can't tell me why, so sure, why not? Thank you for the heads-up, Danu.|

|Yes, and thank you, Jin. Until we meet again.|

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~

I put my phone away and looked back at the noise. I could see that Suzaku had woken up and had some bed hair on her. I chuckle at her and summon a mirror in front of her. She blushes and gets up to fix her hair.

I look back at the streets of Takamagahara and feel someone stand beside me after a few minutes. I feel them put a hand on my shoulder and lean on me.

"How long have you been up?"

"Since five in the morning, I think? I was in my soul and the dragons were rowdy, so I couldn't really relax in there to pass the time, so here I am."

'They are still at it. If my physical body was here, I would put them in their place…'

[Try it harlot!!!!!!! Oraaaaaaaaa!!!!!]

Boom! Boom!


'Calm yourself, Velgrynd.'

Suzaku then hugs me without saying a word. We enjoy this moment of silence between us. I turn around and hug her back.

"I should be able to speak with Amaterasu regarding your clan's situation by the end of the day. Of course, I will need to bring this up last since I need to speak about that stupid gang we had to deal with…"


"If all goes according to plan, we can have all three of them back in the clan. Though it won't be all sunshine and rainbows. There will be pushback, but I'm sure you're aware of that."

I'm sorry, Suzaku, but if they don't listen to Amaterasu then I'll do something you may not like. But if they accept but do shady shit in the background, then I will also take action. I hope you forgive me, but these are just hypothetical scenarios.

I've never been one to use force to people I like, and even when I did, I didn't like it. Haaa…

Poke ~

"You're making a scary face there. I would like to say I know you a lot more now, Jin. Whatever decision you make in regard to my clan. I'll support it, even if Aunt Shuri doesn't…"

I look back at Suzaku was I really making such a face…? Well, I'll trust her word for it. Nevertheless, it's encouraging that she's willing to support me.

Shuffle ~ Shuffle ~

"Jyin?! Jwin?! Where's— Ahh! N-No don't flirt so early in the morning!"

Akeno had woken up and started to try to get up but—

Smack ~ Thud ~

"Kya ~"


She was stumbling towards us when she forgot that Shigune was still sleeping and tripped over her. She woke up the poor girl by falling on top of her. Shigune looked like the wind was knocked out of her.

"What are you doing…?"

Suzaku and I stop hugging and I help Akeno up. Using this opportunity she hugged me and wouldn't let go. They seemed to be staring at each other with some intensity, so I feel like a strange rivalry will develop between them.

"Are you okay, Shigune…?"

She weakly and tiredly nods her head, with that everyone was awake and our day started…

"I did sense you three here, why did you guys come here so early?"

Once we got to the dining room of the Inn, Yoshitsune, Benkei and Yoichi were already there and were also having breakfast. Uwabami then brings out our food too, she didn't even need to hear it from us since we basically ordered the same thing the last few days…

"Well, it's your last day here Jin-san, we would like to spend it with you as much as possible. So, here we are."

Yoshitsune answers my question while Benkei nods along. She had a slightly bigger gourd today. We sit down and start eating our breakfast. Uwabami comes back out and starts speaking to me.

"So, Jin! I have thought about it. How is this design?"

Then she walks over to me and hands me some drawings she made for herself. If I'm being honest, they didn't look terrible. They were basically just blueprints and some general drawings of how she wanted this place to look.

"I'm not architect or planner, so you have to run this by them…"

"You're intending to do this normally? Can't you just do your thing and change it?"

...I mean, yeah I can, but wouldn't it be more, I don't know, professional or better to proceed through the proper channels…?

"I'll make a copy and go over it another time, and I'll consult someone who knows how this stuff works before I go snapping my fingers and making it happen."

Additionally, I have compensated for that with magic and with my powers. If I hadn't, my house in Kuoh would probably just collapse since I didn't know anything about it.

Cúntóir: Answer: I have been filling in those gaps, Jin.

.....Oh, right. Sorry Cúntóir, I completely forgot about that, so what do you think of the blueprints?

Cúntóir: Answer: Processing...

So, with the help of Cúntóir, I summoned an eraser, ruler and pencil. I changed certain parts of the blueprint so that it would cause this place to fold in on itself. Magic was used to compensate for those areas where she wanted to look a little more... 'Fancy'.

Once I was done redoing her design and blueprints with the updated measurements, math and other technicalities, I handed it back to her and got back to eating. Thanks, Cúntóir.

Cúntóir: Answer: I require a reward.

Um, okay? What do you want…?

[Here it comes…]

{Brace yourselves…}

Smack! Smack!


Cúntóir: Answer: I want a kiss.


'Be quiet Rudra.'

Yes, I will do that when I dive back into my soul again. I heard a weird squeal that came out of her before they became quiet. I look back up and Uwabami was waving the pieces of paper while looking quite happy with herself.

"I'll take that as a yes? We can do the remodeling after I graduate and get my own restaurant set up in Japan."

"Yes!!!!! I'm going to be ri— I mean, my business will boom!!!"

She did not try to hide her true intentions…well whatever, it works out for both of us. Though, I say all this like it's years away, but in reality, it's only a couple of months away. I'm both excited and nervous.

"Ahh, today is your last day isn't it, Jin? So, today you'll go to the Tengu realm, huh? Tengudō, that's what it's called. Their city of residence is called Shifengu. Not many know why the city is named that, but Sōjōbō is an eccentric man, but his lover is a little stricter."

Tengudō? Shifengu? Strict lover with what those guys said about Sōjōbō yesterday and having a unique lover, whatever that means. I'm more curious now. I should ask Sara about it before we go back.


Suddenly my ring glows and out came Shaula. Everyone who had no idea about her or the Electa stared at her for a few seconds before looking at me in confusion.

"Jin-sama ~"

She forces her way onto me and hugs me. Now she sits in front of me while hugging me, making it difficult to eat breakfast. They kept staring at me, oh right, an explanation—

"Here is Shaula, one of my subordinates. She's—"

Chu ~

She kisses my neck and keeps going, I just shake my head and continue speaking.

"An energetic woman… A magician you could say. Anyway, I'm going out on a limb here and assuming you want to come along?"


Shaula answered straight away without any hesitation making the girls who knew her giggle at her.

"Hmmm, you keep your subordinates in that ring? Seems a bit weird, Jin-kun."

Benkei points out and Yoshitsune nods.

"It's pretty cool in there though? I can change anything I want in there. I can make food appear out of thin air and eat it, unlimited drinks, read any book I want to read, watch any shows. It would be weirder for me or the other Electa to move out of them…"

The three historical figures and Uwabami stare at Shaula blankly, said girl just went back to hugging me and I continued eating without paying much mind to it.



"Tch, I tried. I would even sell you my body."

"Like a dead corpse?"

Before she could continue, I shut it down immediately as everyone else looked at me strangely. Well, it did stop her, so it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

".....N-No! You have a strange sense of humor sometimes, Jin-kun."

Yeah, let's call it unique, so no one else will question me about it or call me strange. I would rather be called weird than psychotic, though is it any better? After that small debacle we finished our breakfast at a relatively fast pace.

"I want you to come back again, do you hear me?!"

"Well yeah, we have to discuss the plans and renovations, Uwabami."


"That's not what I meant!"

I laughed at her as she lightly smacked me on the head.

"Alright, alright, I'll come back before all of that starts. I need to do another quick check and see if we can expand both inside and outside."

Happy with this outcome, she bids us farewell before heading back inside. What a demanding woman since we had to pass by those two again, I might as well check up on them before I leave. We passed Kathleen's shop and we exchanged small pleasantries.

"I'll be back with Hephaestus sooner or later, better get some products ready."

"Yes, I have some in storage that I believe will blow her mind."

Quite humble and modest but confidence in her skills, you don't find that many like that. Some are just way too modest while some are arrogant as hell. Neither works and not just in blacksmithing but in well, anything really.

"Is that so? I'll take your word for it then, see you soon."

"Yes, until we meet again, Jin-san."

She waves to us as we keep walking, for some reason there's a strong breeze today and the Sakura trees' leaves are flying everywhere, is something happening…?

We eventually reach both novel shops and I check up on Yae first, much to Kogitsunemaru disappointment.

"Nothing new today unfortunately ~ I heard from the grape vine that it's your last day today, Jin?"

Yae prances around her shop while fixing some novels around and stands beside me while peering into my face. She nodded at me as I looked at her.

"Yeah, it is. If all goes according to plan, the alliance with the Shinto Gods will happen, as well as a future cultural exchange with the other factions and pantheons."

"A cultural exchange, fufufu, perhaps I can gain valuable material from that. I fully support your endeavor, Jin ~"

She winked at me before prancing away. What the hell was that about? I shrug before leaving the store with everyone else and going to Kogitsunemaru's.


"Good day to you, Jin. I don't have any new stock today. Is it true that it's your last day here?"

The same question and I answered the same way as I did with Yae. Kogitsunemaru nods understandingly and looks around at his shop.

"I will gain new customers then. This alliance isn't such a terrible thing after all."

I cock a brow—

"You were against it?"

"Well, I wasn't for or against it. I just didn't have an opinion, I guess? But meeting and speaking with you changed my perspective, so I'm for it now!

He smiles at me, and I laugh, I see. So that's his thoughts on the matter, well at least he's for it and I'm kind of increasing everyone's business this way, right? This includes both Kitsune and Oni realms as well.

"Is that so? Glad to hear that. Anyway, we'll get going since we have one last pit stop before I leave. See you around, Kogitsunemaru."

"Yes, please come back to my shop when you next visit!"

I wave at them as we leave the shop and go towards the castle. When we got there, Sara and two other Tengu were there.

"Yo, Sara, what's wrong?"

She turns around and nods at us.

"Benkei-sama. Today I won't be in my post, I heard that the Midd— Jin-sama is en route to my race's realm, with that said, Amaterasu-sama told me to volunteer to be an extra guide there."

Huh, what a coincidence. Well, this makes it easier…

"Neat, I was going to ask you to accompany us to the Tengu realm. Uh Tengudō and Shifengu right?"

She seemed a bit surprised but nodded.

"Yes, that's what the realm and our city are called. However, I would rather call it a medium-sized town rather than a city. In any case, please follow me."

Sara turns around and I quickly go beside her as Akeno and Shaula are attached to me.

"So, anything special to look out for in your realm?"

She glances at us and looks back forward. We continue walking as we enter the castle and go down the stairs.

"You may have heard but you need to be able to fly, or need to be powerful enough to jump to high and elevated terrain. Our 'city' is in the middle of waterfalls. On all sides are cliffsides and waterfalls run down them."

"Sōjōbō-sama picked this place because it would make it more difficult for enemies to invade us or monsters that couldn't fly to attack us. Shirayuki-sama sometimes appears from the bottom too."

"Wait what? I thought she was bound to Zyoto?"

"It may have been like that many years ago, however, per Amaterasu-sama's request Shirayuki-sama has been appearing in all realms, however, the most difficult realm to go to are the Kitsune and Takamagahara since they lack large masses of water. So, she has to be in her human form."

I look back at Yoshitsune and she looks away nervously. Benkei starts to lightly pat her on the back while laughing.

"Yoshitsune sometimes forget details, hahaha!"


"Also, human form, huh?"

Benkei started laughing behind me, which made everyone stare at her strangely. She was apparently pointing at me with her gourd.

"Shirayuki-sama is a female and once this guy heard of her having a human form, he became even more interested! Jin-kun, you never cease to amaze me."

Why can't I be curious about how she looks before someone assumes that I just want her in my harem?

{[No comment.]}

That's not helping!!

"I'm just curious about her human form…"

I looked at them but they didn't believe me. I just sigh and leave it at that, whatever…

'Another dragon...'

Velgrynd muttered—

'Ophis, Irene, possibly Tiamat, and now Shirayuki. Velgrynd, you have a lot of competition and not just from his normal hare— Ow, ow, ow!'

'And what is that supposed to mean, Rudra?'

The quarrel between them didn't matter in the end since we eventually reached the teleportation room. Yoshitsune's group entered first, followed by Akeno, Suzaku and Shigune and finally mine which was Sara, Shaula and I.



Fwshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~

"This is certainly something. We're not even inside a building…"

"Fūjin-sama requested as so."

Sara says next to me as the rest of us stare at the view ahead. We were on a floating platform with no walls or railings anywhere, however, the platform is quite substantial, so there is no chance of anyone falling.

In front of me was a vast expansive blue sky with multiple floating rocks, or tiny islands that had buildings on top of them. Looking down, there was the quaint town or city that Sara called Shifengu.

What she didn't tell us was that the city island was connected to the side of the waterfalls via stairs and houses. This was because it gradually rose up, so in a way, you wouldn't need to fly or be physically fit to get to Shifengu. On the sides of the waterfall were also some houses scattered along it.

One structure stood out the most and it was the castle where I will presume Sōjōbō resides in. In front of the castle was a large circular courtyard. Away from that, it looks like a normal city with markets, vendors, houses, and other businesses.

Further down there was the same large pool of water that could definitely fit a large snake dragon like Shirayuki. I look back up and could see mountains in the far distance and…

"Hey, what's that to the north-west?"

I point in that direction and everyone else follows, Sara nods—

"That's, that's where a single Tengu lives. She's...… If you wish to know more, feel free to visit it, Jin-sama. Neither I nor anyone else can do it justice by saying anything. You will need to hear her own story and judge it for yourself."


I glance at her as she sighs heavily and says just one word.


I look at Akeno as her eyes widen. A hybrid, huh? I wonder what her deal is…

"I see, well I'll have to take a look at it later then. For now, let's focus on the main city."

"Yes, of course."

Spreading out her black feathered wings like those of a fallen angel, Sara leaves the platform we were on and flies down towards the city. However, she slowed down to wait for us. Anyone who could fly did so. I looked at Benkei, Yoshitsune and Yoichi as they hadn't moved from their spot.

"Can't fly?"


I nodded—


From my shadow came out my shadow soldier Kaisel. He flies into the sky and then floats in front of the platform we were on. The three of them stare in awe.

"Hop on, we'll go down with his help."

I stepped onto Kaisel's back and the others soon joined me. Once we were all on, we flew towards everyone else. Thanks to Reni and Rose's help, Suzaku and Shigune can fly on their own. Whether they use magic or in Suzaku's case using fire manipulation to conjure wings on her back made out of flames.

She can fly with no trouble, having practiced that during both our trips to the [Pocket Dimension].

"Where do we land?"

"By the market area, please…"

Sara says and then looks at Kaisel. I get it…

"I know, I won't have Kaisel land, we'll float above and jump down."

Sara nods and we continue on. It didn't take us long to arrive near the island and everyone else lands. I order Kaisel to just stop above it, many of the Tengu there were staring at us, Benkei, Yoshitsune and Yoichi jump down first and then I do. When I jump Kaisel also disappears back into my shadow.

I landed on the ground and the area was a little larger than I expected. From afar, it seemed small but being down here makes it feel larger. I look around to see a normal marketplace, Tengu and some other youkai as well as humans being there. Several of the stalls sold food, other general goods, and even tengu masks.

"Please follow me."

Sara says to get our attention, I guess she lets us look around a little bit before getting our attention. She starts to walk away and we follow her—

"Oh, it's Sara-nee-chan!"


"Uwoooo!! My Tengu Baby booty—"

Slam! Bam!

Sara dropped kicked a random male Tengu who was saying strange things. She had a look of pure annoyance more than anything. The people and kids who were calling out to her stiffened and ran away…

"Ignore the idiot, he's a stalker of mine. Let's go."

"Uh, right."

I summon a healing slime and throw it at the guy. He immediately perks up and looks around while shouting Sara's name. After climbing a flight of stairs, we reached the circular courtyard.

"This place really is smaller. Is there more to your realm? Apart from the structure in the back and the pool of water underneath this place."

Sara stops, looks at the ground and nods. She brings out her wings and flies up, gesturing for us to follow her as she lands on top of a building's rooftop. Everyone either flies up or jumps up. Once we were on the rooftop she pointed in a certain direction. We followed her finger.

From a distance, we could see a floating structure— A house on top of a large mass of rock. It had plants around it and several mini waterfalls. The house looked to be Japanese or Chinese inspired, by green and red walls and a black roof.

"That is where Fūjin-sama lives. As you know she isn't here right now so it wouldn't be wise to go over there. Perhaps in a future visit?"

Once she was done with that, she flew back down. Everyone else followed her but I stayed for a few extra seconds looking at the place. That's where she lives, huh? I'll take note of it then. After that, I flew back down.

We resumed our walk up, but were then stopped by two Tengu's, one male and one female. They looked like guards.

"Oh? Well, if it isn't little Sara, why did you— Is that the Ketsu Dragon?"

The female tengu starts to speak but stops when she sees me. The male tengu also looks at me with a hint of surprise before bursting into laughter.

"You brought the Dual Dragon Emperor with you? Well color me surprised!"

He patted Sara's shoulder while he said this. She looked a little annoyed, but said nothing and just tolerated it.

"Ah, that guy is Sho, and Anzu is the name. It's nice to meet the Middleman and Dual Dragon Emperor!"

Anzu is a woman with platinum blonde hair and pale blue eyes. She wears a small black crown on her head as well as having two purple roses on there. She wears a black and white gothic Lolita dress with frilly black toe stockings leaving her barefoot.

She did not look like your traditional tengu as she was mostly wearing western clothes. However, Sho looks more like your typical tengu as he wore a more traditional set of clothing.

Sho has long black hair that's tied into a one-sided ponytail and has red eyes. With it, he wears a black, white and golden off shoulder cut out long sleeve t-shirt with arm guards, paired with wine red pants that are modified cut out hakama with patterns in gold and black and brown getas.

"Yeah, the pleasures mine, anyway can we see the Sōjōbō or is he busy?"

"Sōjōbō-sama isn't busy, but a certain person is meeting up with him, it should be fine, right Sho?"

"Yeah, they won't be long, hurry on and enter."

They parted to let us through and Sara started to walk forward. She pushes the large doors open and once inside it was quite opulent. This may be the most luxurious place I've been in the past few days, with polished brown walls and floating balls of fire everywhere.

It's certainly not like Shuten's weird ass house or Inari's open plan home. Though I didn't really venture 'inside' it since we were mostly outside. There were multiple portraits of the King and he certainly looked handsome. Another male was present in some of them, was it his brother? Or maybe a general or something?

"Follow me. It isn't far."

Sara says to us as we took in the interior view. She turns left and proceeds to walk away. We quickly followed after her. There were multiple rooms around the castle but all the doors were closed. I scanned the castle and felt many auras within it.

We climbed up some flights of stairs, turned a few corners and eventually ended up near the top of the castle. We stood in front of a unique shaped looking door as it was painted red. Sara glances at us and then pushes it open.

The inside of the room was even more fancy looking as it had a large green and black carpet rug, banners on the walls, a few weapons and tools. There was a large chandelier on the ceiling as well as candles around us.

Other tengu guards were present, and I assume the King and his commander as well? And a female human was also here… Wait, isn't she—

"Oh! Raiko-san!"

Yoshitsune says but then covers her mouth. Everyone turns towards us once she said that and they had surprised but happy expressions on them.

"Oya? If it isn't Yoshitsune-kun, Benkei-kun and Yoichi-kun. Hmm? Are these… No, is that the Dual Dragon Emperor? Huhu, to think you would visit my realm today on your last day. I'm honored."

The man speaks from his throne.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am the King of the Tengu Sōjōbō, beside me is my husband, Surasu, and the lady in front of you is none other than Minamoto no Raiko."

....Wait, HUSBAND?! T-The man that was beside the King of Tengus is his husband? He's gay?! Wow! I never would have thought of that! Now that's certainly interesting!

The King of Tengu, Sōjōbō wore what is called the 'Sokutai of the Emperor' it's basically what they wear, his was golden in color. He had blond hair and yellow eyes. He had some sort of helmet that looked like the top half of a tengu's head, and that had long white hair.

Beside him, his husband, Surasu has long black hair tied in a ponytail. He has red eyes, but his right eye was covered with a dark eye patch. He wore a modified nagagi kimono which was mostly grey, black and red. He had a stoic but calm look on him.

She has very long hair, which she ties at the very end. She appears to wear some kind of a latex bodysuit, with a piece of cloth draped over her chest, with a heart-shaped insignia, linked to her collar.

A similar piece of cloth is found over her crotch, tied by a rope around her waist. Raiko possesses some armor in the form of tight gauntlets and grieves, elbow and knee-length respectively. Her Katana is seen sheathed, connected to her by another sort of rope.

"Welcome to Tengudō and Shifengu, Middleman!"

"…Welcome, please enjoy your stay."

Both had different ways of welcoming me…

"Thank you, Sōjōbō, Surasu. I will enjoy myself here today."

He sagely nods and looks back at Raiko.

"Our discussion has essentially come to a close, Minamoto no Raiko, shall we end it here?"

King Sōjōbō asks her and she nods. He turns back to us with a kind smile.

"Sara, I trust that you can guide them in our realm? We do have a small event happening, Sky ball. It's essentially basketball for tengu's. Will you watch a game…"

"Jin, Jin Skyward."

"Then, Jin. Please have a look at our sport if you have time!"

"Will do, it sounds interesting."

Sōjōbō then looks at his husband before laughing and then being smacked by Surasu. They certainly have the same dynamic as Sirzechs and Asteri. Raiko walks past us but looks at me with a mysterious glint in her eyes.

Sara gestures for us to leave and so we do. Raiko follows us out, once outside, she turns to me.

"Jin Skyward, was it? As you heard I'm Minamoto no Raiko. It's a pleasure to meet you…"

"Yeah, the feelings mutual so—"

"May I accompany you?"

"—Sure, if you don't have anyth—"

"I'm free!"

….Alrighty then. I nodded, and Sara started to lead us out again.

"It's been a while, Raiko-san, how have you been?"

Raiko is walking in front of us with Yoshitsune's group while mine was behind them. Sara was leading everyone at the front. We just listened into their conversation.

"I have been well, Yoshitsune-kun. I trust that all have you been well too?"

"Yes! Where have you been during all this time, Raiko-san?"

She smiles at her and puts a hand on her cheek while sighing—

"I have been doing what I usually do. Traveling the sub-realms of Takamagahara, helping those in need, stopping troublemakers and the like. Just doing my own job, my self-imposed job."

She glances back at me while saying that and so did Yoshitsune. I then ask her.

"Raiko, why do you want peace?"

She briefly looks at me and then looks back in front of her. She doesn't answer me for the next few minutes, most likely thinking about on how to answer my question. I would have thought that she would have one since she's essentially doing what I'm doing but just in this realm.

"I have lived a long time. Since becoming essentially immortal. I have seen conflict throughout human history and experienced some of them first hand. This is also the case with the supernatural side. It's always violence…"

"Even when I was still human and in my own time period, I was tasked with tracking Shuten Doji down, you probably heard what happened to her, right? If so, then not all of it. I would assume she told you to hear the rest from me?"

I nodded and that made her sigh with some frustration.

"Large scale or small-scale wars, active or cold wars, it doesn't matter. War is war and the ones who suffer the most are the innocent by stands, the civilians who want nothing like that to happen."

We were nearly through the castle as Raiko continued with her rant.

"World War two, Mongol Conquest, World War one, The Manchu Conquest of China, and Napoleonic Wars. I haven't even included the smaller scale ones, and don't get me started on the supernatural's… The famed Great War of the Devils, Fallen Angels and Angels…"

"When will it end? When will they be satisfied? Will there really be any heroes? Any winners? That's why I support what you're doing. It's something I wanted to do, but I was too much of a coward to do myself. I didn't have the power, the support, the backing… How did you start it, Jin?"

Jesus Christ lady, that's heavy. I literally started this out of my own selfishness, you are probably already aware of it. I want a harem, peace and lazy days. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I mean you already know my other object to wanting to unite the supernatural, yes?"

She nods.

"Then yeah, that's about it. I realized along the way that if the supernatural keeps on being hostile to one another we'd eventually just blow each other up, and that'll be in a bigger scale than the human's world wars…"

Not to mention the multiverse and omniverse being real. I'll be doing something about that once I evolve. I will literally make it impossible for world travel to occur for ANYONE ELSE OTHER THAN ME and my lovers, of course…

I mean, other psychos from other universes finding out that the omniverse is real? They'll definitely get a conquering boner and try to, well conquer it. It's a problem I would rather not deal with, so I'll nip that bud when the time comes…

"So, in my mind. Peace equals easier time in making a harem, and peace will make it so that we'll have an easier time spending our days with zero conflict. In turn this will make it easier for everyone else."

I chuckle and look at her—

"I really only did this out of my own selfish needs and wants. But in a way, it does good for the rest of the supernatural. I mean, I chose this role to have an easier time meeting women, though it evolved into meeting just people in general."

"I get to make friends and potentially new lovers, going on mini adventures and exploring new places. I mean that's a pretty swell job, right? I also get some money out of it. Though I don't need it so I just dump it into an account that I'll eventually just donate to charities."

Since I have unlimited funds for myself anyway, so what I get for being the Middleman is useless, the information isn't too bad though…

"I know most people thought of me as crazy when I first announced this but hey, look at where it is now! My next stop is the Egyptian Mythology, even if not all of them want me there. Don't ask, it's complicated, it involved some past wielders of my Sacred Gears."

We eventually reach the outside and greet the two tengu guards again. We start walking away and Raiko speaks up again.

"I see, even if that's how you view it. It's still admirable in my eyes. Even after being introduced to the supernatural and staying in this realm. Shuten Doji and I clashed many times, Amaterasu-sama eventually forced us to stop…"

She shivered slightly—

However, as she probably mentioned, over time, I got over that hate and now we can tolerate each other and work together. In an ideal world I would be able to make up with her, but I can't see it happening maybe it's impos—"

"Leave it to me, I got a way with people! Hey, maybe you'll become best of friends, eh?"

I interrupt Raiko as she looks back at me like I was an alien, she then shows me a sad smile while shaking her head.

"The miracles of the Middleman, well, I'll keep an open mind then…"

Gyu ~

"If it's Jin, he can make it happen ~"

Akeno says while hugging my arm even tightly, I chuckle at her making her pout a little.

"Hmm-mmm, I agree with Akeno! Jin-sama can just brain wa—"


I cover Shaula's mouth while glaring at her, she freezes and starts to furiously nod. I will not mind control anyone! Well, maybe villains. Mind control, huh? Hey Cúntóir? Can I mind control people with Nyarlathotep's blood?

Cúntóir: Answer: Unfortunately, no. However, once you evolve, then yes, it will be quite easy.

Mmm, I more or less expected that. I look back at everyone as they were staring at me strangely, I sigh and stop covering her mouth.

"Anyway, let's keep the heavy talk for another time, shall we? When's that Sky ball starting?"

I look at Sara as she nods.

"It will start in a few minutes. The teams should be ready. It usually lasts a few days but since you won't be here for too long, you will only see a match or two since they last as long as regular basketball matches."

This was happening just above and to the right of the market area, much to my surprise. Once we got there the place was already quite crowded, did other youkai travel here for this…?

"It's as you think, Jin."

Sara says in front of me, we were walking towards some empty seats and sit down on them. She turns to me and continues.

"It's a relatively popular sport in our realm and many come here to watch it. It happens twice a year. This will be the second time and many that couldn't make it here the first time have come for the second."

Sara then proceeds to explain the rules to us, and it's essentially just handball. But, you know tengu's and flying in the sky. They can use magic, or whatever powers they have to attack and defend. So, it makes it a little more interesting.

"Handball but for the supernatural, let's see how it goes then…"

Dooom!! Booom!! Booom!! Kshhhh!!!


This was a lot more chaotic than I initially thought, even though they couldn't move once they had the ball, they would resort to brute force most of the time. Whoever was stronger would usually overcome whatever defensive spell or tactic the other team did.


"Oraaa!!!!! Gooooo!!!!!!!"

Yoichi was really into it. It wasn't immediate, but after a few minutes he also started screaming along with the other fans. Benkei had threatened to knock him out but Yoshitsune told her not to and to let Yoichi enjoy this…

So, we've been watching for the last forty minutes and he's been screaming out occasionally. Two teams were playing, the Sky Kings and Feather Lickers. The Sky Kings were clearly winning, and it sounded like they were one of the favorites. The Sky Kings have five points while Feather Lickers has two points… The game was also set to end at the sixty-minute mark.

I glance at everyone else to see their reaction. But to my immediate left was Akeno staring at me smiling, so she wasn't too invested in this. Beside her was Shigune and she just looked confused so she was mostly playing with Poh.

Benkei and Yoshitsune did watch occasionally, but they were mostly discussing things among themselves. To my right was Suzaku, Raiko and Sara. Suzaku and Raiko were actually watching it like me, and Suzaku would occasionally grip my arm when a tense or exciting moment happened. Sara just looked as serious as ever.

Shaula was on my lap as she refused to sit anywhere else. I could still see but I had to move my head around from time to time…


She sees me looking at her and gives me a questioning look.

"Your thoughts?"

"I am a fan of the Sky Kings, but the Feather Lickers aren't a bad team. However, since they came across the champions this early, they don't stand a chance as unfortunate as that sounds."

Ah, so they were the champions. Well they did well to get two points or goals off them, and so, the game eventually ended with the Sky Kings getting one more point making it six to two. It was their victory.

"I've never had time to watch those games so seeing them today was something. I may become a regular."

Yoichi says as we left the stadium that the game was played in. Outside there was a huge crowd around the team as they did just win. Sara looked like she wanted to go there and get something signed. She did buy a shirt before we left.

"Go ahead, we're in no rush…"

I pat Sara on the shoulder as she looks at me and everyone else, they also had no problem with it.

"Thank you."

She scurries off to join the other fans eager to meet the team. I turn to the others—

"So, where to next, Jin-kun?"

"Well, to that hybrid that Sara mentioned. There's a reason I'm curious, and I'm not the only one. We'll fly over there while riding Kaisel so don't worry about it."

Benkei drank from her gourd as a response…do they know anything about it? I look at Yoshitsune but she shakes her head, then to Raiko and she just smiled at me.

"She is one of the people I couldn't help, if you can, that would be great Jin. Do I need to make a formal request? Oh, but we're not in an alliance yet…"

Raiko seemed troubled. I see, so she knows the person over there then? And she couldn't help them? I look at Akeno… It's kind of the same as her, right? But are hybrids rejected here? Or is it her specifically? I'll just ask Sara on the way there.

After a few minutes Sara came back looking satisfied as her shirt was signed. I tell her in where I was going next and she changed back to being serious.

"I see…"

I tell her on how to get there, the same with everyone else— So we jumped up to the highest point in the area and I summoned Kaisel again. Once he was out, we all jumped onto his back.

"Take us to that, Kaisel."

He makes a grunt and immediately started flying in that direction, the terrain below us was mostly marsh land or small areas with solid land, a few grass and tress but it was mostly inhabited. In the distance was a lone tower.

"This certainly feels like a prince going to save a princess trapped in a castle, the only thing missing is a dragon."

[Did someone call for a dragon?!]

The [Boosted Gear] appeared as Ddraig asked enthusiastically.


[Yeah, I guessed as much. I just got done reading a series so I was taking a break…]

"Then try these."

I summon some books in his home in the [Boosted Gear].

[Hoho, these seem interesting, I'll give them a try then, Partner.]

With that done, the Sacred Gear was dismissed, everyone was looking at me strangely.

"I didn't know your relationship with the [Welsh Dragon] was that casual, Jin."

Yoshitsune says while the others who didn't know agreed.

"Yeah, well if you're stuck with each other you tend to try to get into a more, friendly relationship. Anyway, Sara. Can you tell us anything about this hybrid you mentioned?"

She nods and think about it for a minute, once she was done, she begins to speak.

"Her name is Inaie, she's a half youkai (tengu) and half fallen angel. Now we have had hybrids in the past and they are generally accepted, but in her case, she was hated from the start."

She stops to look at us—

"It would be best if you find out yourselves."

A half tengu and half fallen angel, huh? I wonder why she's hated then. I glance at Akeno and she was frowning already. I guess she's also eager in finding out, if possible, maybe she can be the star in this? Two hybrids that can help each other, well, ideally.

I then turn my attention to Raiko but she was expecting me to do this as she shook her head, so no information from her. Whatever, we're not too far now.

Kaisel then increased his speed and we reached the place in record time, the area round the tower was mostly dry land and Kaisel landed on it. We jump off and he returns to my shadow. We look around and could see it was rather well maintained.

There was a flower garden to its right, and a vegetable patch for growing her own vegetables. At least she isn't starving, maybe Sōjōbō sends her food every month? Was she forced out her by everyone else? Or did she go here just to get away from the hate?

"Then, Raiko-sama and I will lead you, everyone please follow us."

Sara says and Raiko start walking towards the brown wooden door. We do so and they push it open, once inside. It was well, a spiral wooden staircase up. When I look up there were multiple levels to this place.

They walk up and we follow. The first area we come across was a sort of living room area, a few couches, a table and shelves of books, we keep on walking and the second area was a kitchen area, the usual things were there but no Inaie.

So, we kept on walking up, and the third level was mostly storage, some boxes and storage containers here and there, it seemed like there was a section that had a lower temperature. We were pretty high up now so the next area should be the last one.

We quickly get up there—

"Raiko-sama? Sara? What are you two doing he—....."

A voice starts to speak but when the rest of us came up she went silent and was staring at us with a blank expression. Her eyes dart around to each of us, I can tell she recognized Benkei, Yoshitsune and Yoichi so she let her guard down a little.

Inaie has silver-white hair and red eyes, the latter of which are purposefully shown to have narrow, slit pupils. She wears a black headband with black lace trimming. Each side of the headband ends with two black bows; the headband also sports a black rosette on top. A black neck ribbon is tied around her neck, and her dress is white and black.

It has a matching rosette on the chest just like the one on the headband. The top part of the dress also has black lace trimming and features white ruffles trimming. The sleeves of the dress are puffy on each of the shoulders, while on the arms they fit the first half, the lower arms feature three-layered white ruffles.

A ribbon and several strips of cloth from the dress hang off around her elbows. The skirt is white with ruffled trimming, layered with black diamond-shaped pieces. The two front layers feature white inverted crosses. Between these two layers is a crisscrossed ribbon. She also wears a pair of black boots with matching rosettes like those on the headband.


"Hello Inaie, we've come here to visit you, and we also brought the Middleman."

Sara gestures to me and we stare at each other, while we did that I used [Observe] on her...…. I wasn't expecting that. [Daughter of Kokabiel] was her other title, the first one was [Tengu of the Tower]. I don't and never will see Kokabiel as someone who would love someone, then she must be…

"Jin Skyward, nice to meet you, Inaie."

I hold my hand out but she just stares back at me unblinking until—

"Why are you here?"


"Yoichi, Jin-san, can both of you leave please?"

Yoshitsune tells us, I look at her and everyone else… I see, alright sure.


"Huh? Why wou—"

I just grab Yoichi and start to walk away. I glance at Akeno and she nods. I'll leave it to her then, Yoichi tried to protest, but I teleported us back outside.

"W-Why did we have to leave?"

"Girl's thing just let them do it. Even though they asked me to help, seeing her like that she wouldn't open up easier, especially to guys. So, let's leave it to the girls, Yoichi."

He grumbles and crouched down, I walk over near the edge of the land and look out. It was quite far away from Shifengu. I guess we'll just wait here until they get us.

Akeno Himejima

"Inaie? I'm Akeno Himejima and I'm—"

Both my fallen wings and devil wings are on display. Her eyes widen in silent shock as she stares at them. The ones who didn't know were also staring. I was once ashamed of these, but I am not anymore, Jin. My friends and comrades accept me and I have learned to accept myself.

"I'm a Devil and Fallen Angel hybrid. But I was once human so, I was half human half fallen angel but then I was reincarnated as a devil."

She silently stares and keeps on listening, so I continue—

"I was exiled from my clan because of being a Fallen Angel, you know? My mother who died because of their hatred and for my father not being there to save us. I hated myself, hated my fallen angel heritage and hated my father. But I was reincarnated as a devil not too long after and I put that problem away for the longest time."

"Well, to cut a long story short. I found someone who accepted this side of me even after he was attacked that day by three rogue fallen angels. I was sure he would hate me, but he didn't. He resurrected my dead mother; help repair my relationship with my father and gave me back my family…"

"Help me accept my powers, and gave me new friends and comrades while also strengthening my old and current ones. Inaie, you don't need to be ashamed of yourself or blood. Whoever that was from originally, you are your own person and not them…"

I stop to look at Inaie as she was looking at the ground, she finally looks up and a single tear falls from her eye—

"I am a hybrid of a tengu and a fallen angel. Hybrids are usually accepted, but the one who called himself my father is nothing but despicable. Heh… He's dead now though. You should know him, right? His name is Kokabiel, a fallen angel from Grigori."


I was left speechless, Kokabiel?! …Jin does he know? …Yes, he probably does. His eyes did widen earlier but he said nothing. Kokabiel, from the looks of it, Inaie is probably around her early twenties or just about to enter it…

"I'm a child born out of wedlock, well, let's go with sexual assault instead. My mother committed suicide when I was around five years old. Because a few weeks after I turned five, 'father' came back and attacked our realm."

"How he managed to come back here and how he managed to go undetected from the Gods was still an unknown, but seeing as how he was connected to another fallen called Azrael? And everything that's been happening lately… It's no surprise."

"Sōjōbō-sama, Surasu-sama and Shirayuki-sama were here at the time of the attack and repelled them. Especially Shirayuki-sama, she was the main reason in forcing him back. Due to this attack, and people finding out I was his daughter—"

She choked up trying to say the rest. I walk over and hug her as she started to shake uncontrollably and cry into my arms. I— We can more or less understand what happened after that. Inaie eventually calmed down and continued.

"After that day, many of the youkai and humans of Tengudō started to treat us badly, of course, not everyone did so but the one who didn't were also started to being mistreated, my mom couldn't take it, so she…"

She paused and continued.

"So I made a decision to leave."

"Sōjōbō-sama eventually found out I had come here and started to assist me by sending food over every month. Honestly, he sends too much sometimes and I can't store them all. The ones who were also kind to me found out and started helping Sōjōbō-sama. I can't help but be forever grateful to him. But—"

"—You've been lonely, right? I can only imagine spending most of your life alone and fending for yourself, even I had people my age and adults that I could interact with…"

Rias, Sirzechs-sama, Asteri-sama, Grayfia, Venelana-sama and everyone else in the Gremory mansion… I had it lucky, while Inaie, she had no one after her mother died, so that's why I— No, we'll—

"You've held on for a long time, but you can start a new, I'll be your friend, Inaie."

She looks up at me and I smile at her. Just like what Jin did for me… I'll also show her a helping hand…

"Not just her, Inaie-san, I'll be your friend!"

Shigune says and walks over to hold her hand, Suzaku-nee-san and everyone else crowded around us and gave her our support. Overwhelmed by this, Inaie started to cry again. We waited for her to stop and began talking about the future.

"—How about moving over to Jin's home?"

"…The Middleman's? But…"

"Jin will be okay with it! You need more people to interact with! And if we tell Sōjōbō-sama about this he'll be okay with it!"

I wasn't sure if he would be, I was just being optimistic, but the small instance that I saw him. He looked like a kind and gentle person. He cares for Inaie so he'll surely—

I look at Suzaku-nee-san, Shigune and Shaula. They all nodded.

"Jin-sama will definitely let you stay! He won't let any be alone, he has a lot of people there, well most of them are his harem but still! Maybe you can, er, wait you may be too old for school but, but… Ah— His restaurant! You can get employed there!"

"Yes, you live on your own so you surely know how to cook… Jin's a wonderful cook and is planning on starting in his own restaurant when he graduates from high school."

"B-But if he doesn't have that opened up yet what will I do to be useful…?"

"My friend and teammate, Natsume. Her sister lives there and she basically doesn't do anything! So, it'll be fine, Inaie-san!"

I look over at Shigune and giggle, if she heard that right now, she would go off on you! Though Natsume would agree…

"Why not ask the man himself? Jin-sama and Yoichi-sama are both downstairs."

Sara-san says, Inaie nodded.

"Then let's go ask him ~"

Raiko-san was the first one to leave the room followed by the rest of us…

D-Did I do the right thing…? Jin would have done the same thing, right? I wasn't too sure, but I felt like I did…

Jin Skyward

"Jin, thanks for giving me that bow and goggles the other day, but since I've always used a regular bow how does maintenance work for a compound bow?"

Yoichi brings out the bow I had given him when we dealt with the troubles of Zyoto and looks over it. Both of us were sitting on a bench I summoned while looking at the scenery in front of us.

"Normally you'd go through a process, you should also know the basic stuff since you're an archer, but you don't need to worry about that. I made it so that you won't need to worry about maintenance."

"Heee? That sounds cool, thank. I didn't get to use it, but all I need to do is pour some mana into it, right?"

I nod.

"Yeah, you'll use your mana as a basis for creating mana arrows to shoot out. The more you feed it the more powerful and further it will fire."

Creak ~

I was going to continue when we hear the door behind us creaking and opening. We turn around to see all the girls coming out, I look at Akeno and she gives me a happy smile plus a thumbs up.

[The reliable Himejima.]

{First wife powers.}


I hear those two dragon's high-five each other, quite rare of them… Yoichi and I get up, I also remove the bench and we walk over to them. Once in front of each other again—

"Inaie, hybrid tengu and fallen angel, nice to meet you."

She puts out her hand while being a little embarrassed. I smile and shake her hand.

"Jin, nice to meet you, Inaie, so mind telling me of what happened?"

Inaie nodded and told me of what had happened to her so far, the thing with Kokabiel, and how she ended up here...… I see, well, the ones who supported her definitely will be rewarded, unless they King Sōjōbō already did.

"I see, and sure why not? I don't mind, but I want you to think about being employed for me. You may want to change careers or find you might find other interests while you're living with me. So, just keep the offer at the back of your mind for now, alright?"


"Good. Anyway, when do you want to move in? Anytime is fine I can just come back and get you with Akeno."

"I still need to pack things, tell Sōjōbō-sama about it and check if anything else is needed to be done…"

I nod and summon a smartphone and a piece of paper with my and Akeno's numbers. I hand them to her and explain that they're for her and she can contact me through that, as well as Akeno.

"I-I have no idea in how to use this…"

Akeno trots over and starts to show her in how to use it. I look at Sara and she nods.

"I will go back to Sōjōbō-sama and explain the situation then."

I appear beside her surprising her.

"I'll teleport you there. We'll join you shortly."

She nods and I touch her shoulder and she's teleported back to Shifengu. I turn back to everyone and see Raiko had broken away from the group and waving her hand, gesturing for me to join her. I do so—

"What's up?"

"May I join you too?"

"Join me?"

I look at her confused and she sighs.

"Join you in your home. I am a wanderer and do not have a permanent place of residence. As you also know I heavily support what you are doing, so I want to be part of it. I want to see you do your job as the Middleman, be there by your side and provide assistance when I can."

"Will Amaterasu be fine with it? I mean I don't mind, but you know, you've been part of this realm for the longest time, wouldn't your help be indispensable to the ones living here?"

She shakes her head—

"Amaterasu-sama set us free when we came here. I only did this because I wanted to, also most of the time my help here is minor, helping small things like moving large objects, helping clean places, and even promoting Yae's books once. Your job seems to be a bit more…"

She trails off and looks at me.

"…I'll run it by Amaterasu, but I sure don't mind. But like Inaie, just get anything done before we do go back to my home. You know I'm a student so I only get to do requests when they do come, other than that…. You'll need to find things to do on your own. Hobbies, jobs and the like."

"I'm a good cook. I also only have these on me. I travel light and as I mentioned I don't have a permanent home. I slept in the wilderness or when the ones I helped offer to let me stay the night."

Why's everyone bringing up cooking with me…? I know I'm going to have a restaurant but Jesus Christ…

"Alright, alright, like I said earlier I'll talk to Amaterasu about it…"

I turn my attention towards where everyone else and notice that only Yoichi and Shaula were left here and they both were minding their own business. I sense that the rest had gone back into the tower. I gesture with my head and we walk back over to them.

"Are they perhaps beginning to pack?"

I ask the both of them and they nodded. I look at the tower and the summon android fairies, and send them in.

"Those are?"

I tell Yoichi and he seemed amazed by them. Shaula comes over and hugs me from behind, Yoichi and I start talking about what we were previously talking about— Which was bow maintenance.

A few minutes later, boxes started to float out of the door and started to pile up on the side. They vary in sizes but were mostly small to medium. This went on for a few minutes and the girls eventually came out of the tower.

I asked Akeno and Shigune to store her boxes in their rings so it'll be easier for them to unpack it all since I'll take Suzaku back to Kyoto before finally going home. They were fine with it and did so.

Inaie looks at the tower one last time and sighs… You can still come back here you know. She turns to look at me and shakes her head.

"I do not wish to come back, Jin-san. This is a place that holds lonely memories, I'll move on with my life from today, and thank you for accepting me into your home."

She bows to me and I wave her off, we should get back to Sara, while it's still only around the afternoon and the day isn't ending yet. It should be fine in going back to Takamagahara and just spending the last few hours there.

"It's fine. Anyway, let's go back to Shifengu and we won't let them bully you out, though we'll probably mainly in the castle of Sōjōbō. Without further ado! Gather round ~"

Shaula who was already hugging me decided to fully wrap herself around me, everyone else joined me and I decided to teleport to the circular courtyard.


"Yo, is Sōjōbō in?"

"Oh, Middleman-san, yes, they're expecting you."

I nod and walk forward, I felt both of them looking at Inaie but said nothing. I can tell they didn't feel any hatred for her but weren't particularly happy in seeing her either— I guess neutral would be the word for it.

Inaie stayed with the girls as they chatted to themselves. Shaula had gotten off me and was walking beside me, Raiko also joined my side. I glance at her, if Amaterasu does give me and her the okay then she'll be going with me in my requests and visits, right? Those will be interesting…

I quickly navigated through the hallways of the castle and came back to the same door as earlier. Sensing three people in there I knock on it.


I pushed the doors open and see Sōjōbō, Surasu and Sara there, once they see me with Inaie and the group behind me both rulers smiled, Sara looked at us with her usual stoic look.

"Hello and I'm back with someone, and the Sky ball was entertaining. Anyway, I brought someone with me."

"Yes, I can see… Welcome back Inaie. I have heard from Sara, are you comfortable with our arrangement?

"Yes! I want to explore the world beyond our own, as well as the human world! I have been in that tower for most of my life, so this is a new opportunity for me. B-But I am grateful for your help over the years…! I-I don't know how I can ever repay you…"

Sōjōbō and Surasu look at one another and nodded, they both left their spots and walked over to Inaie. I and everyone else took a step back to give them some privacy. Seeing as how Sōjōbō and Surasu were both taller than her, they both knelt down to her level.

"…Inaie, I blame myself for how you were treated. At the time, I was busy with other things in our own realm and as well as the others. Truthfully, I should have kept a better eye on the happenings of my realm and people."

"But I tried to compensate by helping you any way I could. Since I also couldn't prevent your mother's death… That's something I will never forgive myself for."

Surasu silently put a hand on Sōjōbō's shoulder. Sōjōbō sadly smiles at Inaie—

"This may be presumptuous of us, but over the years, even if we were far apart… We started to see you as our own daughter"

Inaie's eyes widen in surprise.

"…Did you know we would sometimes personally check up on you? We had to be discreet about it so you wouldn't see us. We silently watched you grow up, we wished we could have been there alongside of you every day, but maybe it was just my own cowardice preventing me. Forgive me. But even if it's quite late for it, would you like to be mine and Surasu's adopted child…?"

...Are they sure we should be here for this…? This seems a bit, you know, a bit too private for so many of us to see…

Inaie looks at both of them silently before she slowly nodded. The both of them had a look of relief, and they then had a family hug. After a minute of that they finally got up and turned their attention towards us.

"Jin, please look after her."

"I will."

"I know most of the tengu here won't accept her because of what Kokabiel did but—"

I stop him and put up a finger. He looks at me confused.

"They will. Maybe not today, tomorrow, in the coming weeks— But I'm confident that they will in the future. I'll— No, She, Inaie will prove to them that she isn't like Kokabiel and will be the one to change their minds."

"…Fufu, then I do hope it does come true. I want my daughter to be able to freely move in her own realm she was born into."

Sōjōbō chuckles at me as he lightly pushes Inaie back to us. I catch her and look back at them—

"Off you go now, and please try to visit us from time to time, Inaie. You'll always be welcome here, and I'm sorry again for not being able to directly help you—"

"It's fine… D-Dad, don't worry about it that much, you did help me with food so it really was helpful. But like I said, I need to go out and expand my horizons. I'll visit here as frequently as I can…"

She looks back at me and I nodded.

"Easy enough. Anyway…We should get going. I gotta check up on those Gods and see if they're done with reading all the documents."

"Very well, do take care now."

Inaie runs back to them and hugs them both one last time while whispering something in their ears. They smile as she walks back to us. I nod to them one last time before turning around with everyone else and leaving the room.

Once outside at the courtyard I summoned Kaisel out of my shadow, shocking Inaie.

"Hop on, we'll be taking the teleporter back to Takamagahara."

Everyone quickly jumped onto Kaisel's back and we flew back to the floating platform to teleport back to the main realm, Takamagahara.


Once we teleported back to Takamagahara we immediately ascended the long staircase up.

"Inaie, did you have lunch yet? Because we haven't…"

Inaie shook her head to my question, great, I guess we can all go eat then. I look at Yoshitsune's group—

"I know a good place, Jin-san. Let's go over there, they're also cheap… Though you don't really worry about that aspect of your life, do you?"

"Fufu, he doesn't. He's basically a billionaire already~"

They go back and forth with how much money I currently own until we reached the surface. Once there Sara stops—

"This is as far as I go. Please enjoy yourselves."

"You didn't eat lunch yet though?"

"I will be fine."

The others tried to sway Sara but she was adamant in staying and going back to her usual job. Seeing as how she wouldn't budge; we gave up and let her have her way. Yoshitsune was the one who was leading the group and started to walk in a direction we hadn't gone before.

She takes a few turns and finally we stop at a small building that had 'Steak n Bake' above it. We enter it and there were only a few other customers there, there were two that stood out. Two females, and they were both Oni's.

One was an Oni with grey hair, black horns and she wore a nun's outfit, she has a necklace in the shape of a cross and even eyes which were pale blue— Her pupils were in the shape of crosses. She had a tall and slim build and had a calm aura around her.

The other Oni is a tall girl of slim build and considerable height. She has red skin, long pointy ears, and two small horns protruding out of her forehead. Her silver hair is cut short and styled and she dresses in a fashionable ensemble of jeans, tank-top, overcoat and a fur wrap draped over horned spaulders. She also has red eyes, and her nails are painted black.

The two of them were speaking to one another as we approached the counter where the owner was, he was a human who had black hair, green eyes and looked Europeans more than anything, he was also quite tall. If I had to estimate he was around 5'11 in height. He wore the typical bar attire.

"Harika-san, Rohe-san, Mizan-san. Hello."

Yoshitsune greets the two of them Oni and the owner. They look up and wave at her.

"Oh, hello there Yoshitsune. Are you here for lunch? It's not everyday all three of you eat together."

"Well, we're on our last day of guiding Middleman-sama here, Mizan ~"

The owner now called Mizan looks at me and nods. He takes out some menus and hands them to us, we each take one and go over what we wanted to order, to my surprise a lot of normal dishes here, though he is human.

We all take a seat. I glance to my said and could see the two female Oni's looking at me.

"So this is the Middleman, huh? He's pretty tall. I'm Rohe by the way.

"It's nice to meet you, I'm Harika."

"Call me Jin, pleasure to meet you two."

The nun was Harika and the fashionable one was Rohe. We order our food and start talking to them.

"Do you two know each other?"

"Yes, we're friends and are in Takamagahara for a day trip. However, we were not aware that Yoshitsune-san was the Mid— Jin-san's guides. Is that why you haven't been here for the last few days?"

Yoshitsune nods to them and they start to catch up a bit. Shaula was a bit fidgety beside me and I look at her.

"…Ahahaha, sorry, Jin-sama. I-I haven't gotten much action so I feel a bit restless…"

"It's fine, just don't go too crazy. I'll spoil you later."

She had a weird look of excitement and immediately became stiff… Is this her way of stopping herself from moving around? What a weird girl. Even though I was the one who made them. I let them have a lot of freedom.

Even during the recent fifteen years in the [Pocket Dimension] she and the rest of the Electa were given the okay in coming out. The ones who took advantage of that were Aurelia, Lianne, Elsa and Shaula herself.

Even still, I can feel that Shaula feels a bit of out of place from time to time. She had that look, I naturally let it play out and see if she could form bonds with everyone, she did— Kind of… She was just a bit hesitant, she's friendly enough to gain a lot of friends or acquaintances though.

Our food eventually came and we started to eat it and it was pretty good. Inaie looked like she was a starved dog as she ate it quite quickly, and then had a look of disappointment when she was done.

"Go ahead and order more, I can pay for it."

She blushes and then ordered more food. The owner just laughed at her enthusiasm and happily made her seconds, and then thirds… The same with Shigune. I feel like we just got another glutton in my home…

"Harika, why do you dress up like a catholic nun? Don't you worship the Shinto Gods, or at least… I don't know, Shuten Doji?"

I sprung this question to the Oni nun and she stops her conversation with Benkei and looks at me. She ponders the thought for a few seconds before answer me.

"I just choose to, we have freedom here. We know that the Gods are real, so I choose to pray for all of them. I just found this outfit comfortable…"

She blushed at the last part making Rohe beside her laugh. An Oni nun that prays to all types of Gods, huh? Will that include me? I inwardly snort at the thought. I silently ate the rest of my lunch as everyone else spoke amongst themselves.

In the end… Inaie ate more than Shigune, we stopped at five servings even shocking Shigune in the process. I paid for everyone's meal and we parted ways with Rohe and Harika as they went back to Zyoto.

A few hours later

We decided to just walk around Takamagahara and explore the city a bit more. We even stopped by Uwabami's inn, Kathleen's smithy and the two novel shops. The day was slowly coming to a close and I decided it was time to finally meet the Shinto Gods again.

We slowly approached the castle and Sara was there to greet us.

"Are you meeting with the Gods again, Jin-sama?"

"Yeah I am. Time to see what their decision is."

"Yes, very well. Please follow me."

So we followed Sara back into the castle and she led us to the same door as last time. This time we had two new additions. Inaie and Raiko. She pushes open the door and goes in before us, she stands at the side like before, Yoshitsune's group does the same thing too, Raiko also joins them.

I glance Inaie as she's pulled back by Suzaku and joins the girls. I stepped forward and could see the Shinto Gods there sitting calmly and the documents in a neat pile.

"Welcome back, Jin. I trust your stay here has been pleasant?"

"Yeah, it's been a fun one. So, what's your decision?"

Amaterasu nods and looks at her fellow Gods and Goddesses, they each started to nod in response. She looks back at me and smiles.

"After careful consideration we wish to join the alliance, Jin Skyward. However, .is there another document we are meant to sign?"

I grin and snap my fingers as a document appears in front of her as well as a single pen.

"Everyone needs to sign this, after that I will also sign it. Once that is done, you are officially part of…the DxD Alliance."

"The…DxD Alliance…?"

I nod—

"That's what I call this alliance. I'll run it by everyone else eventually, it's what I unofficially call it…"

She nods and signs the document and the passes it along. Every other God also signs it until it was done. I walk over and sign it myself, once that was done, I put all the documents away into my [Inventory].

"With that, I welcome you. You are aware that you will need to add your own to it eventually, yes? Though that's Azazel's responsibility in contacting you guys."

"Yes, we are aware, thank you very much, Jin. Will you go back then?"

Amaterasu asks me, I shake my head and look at her.

"May I speak with you in private? I have a few things to discuss with you…"

Amaterasu gains a surprised look, the other Gods also look at me in wonder, Fūjin and Raijin squint their eyes at me. It seems like what Suzaku said was true, they seem to care a lot for Amaterasu.

"Can it not be discussed here?"

I shake my head—

"It's personal."

"I understand. Please follow me then."

Amaterasu gets up and walks behind her, I walk around the table and join her. She opens a sliding door and there was a balcony out there. To our surprise, Raiko runs over to us and joins us. We didn't stop her, so now she's here. I glance at Suzaku and she looked a little tense.

She closes the door and I put a sound barrier around us. She looks at me strangely but doesn't probe further.

"I guess we can start with Raiko then? I mean she did follow us…"

I look at Raiko as she smiles at me…

"Raiko? What may it pertain to?"

"You know what Raiko has been doing, yes?"

She nods.

"Well to put a long story short, she wants to, um, accompany me? You know what, Raiko you go ahead and tell her…"

She giggles beside me and tells Amaterasu her reasoning and why she wants to go with me. In the end Amaterasu nods and closes her eyes. Raiko becomes a little nervous as we patiently wait for her answer.

She eventually opens her eyes—

"I have no issue with that, Raiko. As I told you many years ago, you choose how you want to live life now, you aren't bound to your code as a warrior or captain, or anything like that. Choose what you want to do. If this is what you want, then so be it. Trust in your own judgment."

"Yes! Thank you very much, Amaterasu-sama!"

She bows as she was quite delighted with the outcome. Alright then, the thing with Suzaku and the Himejima clan.

"Then onto the last thing…"

They turn to look at me and I sigh. I tell Amaterasu about the Five Principal clans of Japan, how things are, and what happened to Akeno, Tobio, Suzaku, Shuri and Baraqiel. I recount to her what had happened to Akeno and Shuri in detail, even the small details I knew about Tobio, and how Suzaku has been trying to change things but…

"So, I was hoping you could help me out a bit. I know I said to Suzaku that I wouldn't try any kind of forceful way, but I've considered it as a last resort. I've met them briefly and even if it was during that event in Kyoto, they were still quite wary of me."


During all that time, Amaterasu and Raiko listened to me seriously and carefully, they had a range of emotions during that time, most of it was out of pity and sadness. Others were out of anger. In the end, Amaterasu sighed.

"When I and the other Gods decided to bestow them those Sacred Beasts, it was out of love and worry. We hoped that each clan that received the blessings would use them to protect themselves, their clan and the people around them."

"I wasn't aware of how much they had change and added multiple rules and systems to them, but if what you said was true then...… Jin? May I speak with Suzaku and Akeno?"

I nodded and activated the communication function on the rings and told Akeno and Suzaku to come over here. A few seconds later I felt them on the other side and I opened the door. They came in and stood face to face with Amaterasu.

"She wants to speak with both of you. Go on and tell her of what happened. I already did but, it would be better to hear it from both of you."

The two nodded and Akeno started with her story from her perspective, and how things have been for her. This mostly involved the clan and not me, then Suzaku added her own perspective, what happened to Tobio and how she's been trying to change the rules and systems of the Himejima clan.

She also adds that she's not too sure in how the other clans operate but would assume that they operated the same way. Suzaku then bows— No, she goes into a dogeza position in front of Amaterasu.

"Please, I beg of you, Amaterasu-sama… The only wish I have is to bring those three back into the clan, as well as any others over the years before I became head. I do not want them being shunned by their fellow family members. They're all good people."

Akeno does a pretty low bow and joins in with her cousin. While in truth Akeno doesn't really care if she's brought back to her clan or not since she's satisfied with her current life. It may mean something to Shuri and it definitely matters to Suzaku.

She also wants to do good by her cousin Tobio, even if they did only meet and interacted very briefly. But the two of them do have mutual respect for one another. Amaterasu looks at the two girls and then back to me.

She then walks over to Suzaku and urges her to stop doing her dogeza. She then hugs her much to Suzaku's surprise and gestures for Akeno to join them, she is then brought into the hug—

"While I can't promise anything, I will try to convince them in a civil way, but if they refuse to listen then please come and tell me so we can find a different way in reforming them."

"T-Thank you very much, Amaterasu-sama…!"

Suzaku stutters out of shock and Akeno also thanks her. They stay in the hug for a little more time before breaking away from each other. The two of them stand beside me as Amaterasu stands up and looks at us.

"Perhaps I need to visit the human realm again. I will do that in the future, will you three accompany me? I will visit Japan, go to your clan as well as experience current Japan."

The two Himejima's look at me and I chuckle.

"Sure thing, take this and contact me when you want to do that then, er, you have a smartphone, right?"

Amaterasu just smiles at me and nods. Oh, good I didn't seem like an idiot there.

"Well then, if that's all shall we go back?"

We nodded and left the balcony and joined up with the rest. Shigune and Inaie had joined up with Yoshitsune's group and I give them a thumbs up. Shigune smiled our way and did it back. The rest were just confused.

As I got to them, I canceled the barrier back at the balcony. I look back at the Gods and they were already speaking to Amaterasu, probably asking about what we spoke about.

"Well then, Jin. I will see you in the future, the same with Akeno and Suzaku, yes?"

"Sure thing."

As we left the room—

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean, Amaterasu?!"

"W-What did he do to you in there?!"

Fūjin and Raijin started to asked her question after question. Inari tried to calm them down by saying I wouldn't do anything too suspicious, yeah like that'll help…

Once we got outside, I turn to face everyone.

"Well, this is goodbye for now. We'll be going back home; it's been an enjoyable stay."

"Yes, please do come back, Jin-san."

"Bring some alcohol, will you?"

"Farewell, Jin."

The historical trio gave us their goodbye's, Sara just bowed to us, and we finally left the Shinto Realm, Takamagahara.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward household

"Home sweet home, but we're outside."

I had teleported us back home but outside, I wanted Inaie to see the front of the house she'll be living in. I tell them that and they laugh at me.

"I see, thank you, Jin-san."

"Don't worry about it. Anyway, Shigune, Akeno, can you help her with the unpacking?"

"Yes, I don't mind."

"Yes ~"

Shigune and Inaie go into my home first. Akeno turns to me and kisses me on the cheek, she looks at Suzaku and winks before going into my home where—

Boom! Boom! Crash! Thud!

…It seemed Chaos awaited them. I turn to Suzaku—

"To your clan or apartment?"

"…Apartment please…"


Outside Suzaku's apartment door

"When do you think Amaterasu-sama will come and visit Kyoto…?"

"It should be soon, I'm guessing, after my exhibition match with Sairaorg? Or even the Rating Game between Rias and Sairaorg."

"I-I see…"

Suzaku seemed a bit off, her heartbeat was quite elevated. She turns around and opens her door but doesn't go inside.

[It's happeni—]

Smack! Thud!

Cúntóir: Answer: Be quiet.


She turns back around and lays her head against my chest while wrapping her arms around me. I return the hug.

"Thank you, Jin while it hasn't happened yet, you did keep your promise…"

"I am a man of his word after all! Though it did take a bit of time, sorry about that."

She just shakes her head on my chest. We stand there silently until she looks up at me, it was perfect, the timing and the set-up. We lean in close and—

Chu ~

We share our second kiss. Unlike the one in the hot springs this seems a little more. I guess meaningful? Back then, Akeno kind of forced it out of us, but this one is by our own volition. It's still Suzaku's kiss but…she's a little better than her first time, but we had to eventually part.

We stare at each other smiling, I guess she sees this as the 'first' one, much like Shigune.


"I love you…"

She declared her love for me and we kiss again. I hug her tighter, as does she. I felt my heart at ease again, I'm not sure if I've been doing too many things right, but not many things have been going wrong so I'll take it…

We separated again and just stare at each other.

"I love you too, Suzaku…"

I feel her hug tighten even more and she bumps foreheads with me. Heh, she's using my tactic, huh?

"Good night, Jin…"

"Yeah, good night…"

She gives me one last peck before going inside her apartment. I was left to stand out there, but I felt strangely at peace with myself. I look up at the night sky and sigh…

"…Learn to love and forgive myself, huh…?"

I repeat the words that both Elsha and Rudra told me months ago, am I getting to that place? I wasn't sure, but I think I am. I felt a bit of the 'burden' I had left me. I chuckle to myself and prepare to teleport back to Kuoh.



"…Love you too, dumbass."


Ignoring Azathoth's cryptic message and weird numbering, I finally go back to Kuoh, feeling a sort of lightness in my heart. My fight with Sairaorg starts soon, I better give everyone a good show.

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