Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 10 – Part 1 – Restless Days of an Outer God*


Jin Skyward

I teleport with Meruem to Grigori, and we appear in the lobby. However, a lot of the fallen angels around us start to look at him with curiosity. But Meruem doesn't pay them much mind, so I start walking away and he follows me.

"The territory of the fallen angels… Why have you brought me here, father?"

He asked sounding a bit confused.

"You'll see soon enough, don't worry too much."

I didn't want to spoil it for him, so I just kept it vague. Meruem thankfully didn't question it, so that's one of the few aspects I like about him. Maybe it's also due to me being his 'father' that he isn't questioning it.

[Or maybe your status too? I mean, realistically you're kind of known for helping people, Partner.]

Fair point, but let's leave that for now. I had been following Azazel and the rest of the Electa's auras and they seemed to be in the meeting room along with… Mittelt, Penemue and Raynare? Why are those two here? Well, apart from working here… I'm confused as to why they're in this meeting.

We quickly arrived at the meeting room and I touched the door and it slides open.

"Yo, I'm here."

"Took you long enough!"

Azazel complained, although he wasn't, that bothered by it. I was surprised that Slash/Dog wasn't here, but I'll just assume they're in their bar or on a mission. But Lavinia didn't call or text about it…

"Who… Is that?"

Azazel points at Meruem as we both enter the room and the door behind me closes. I point my thumb at him.

"This is Meruem, one of my 'children' like Ignia. To put a long story short, he wanted to find out why his 'mother' made him, so I brought him to Grigori. Anyway, don't probe him or do anything unnecessary, Azazel. Let him live here for a bit."

After saying that, the room fell into stunned silence. I don't blame them. What I just said to them must have been shocking.

"C-C-C-C-C-Chil— You have kids with someone?!"

Raynare screamed while pointing at me. Which made me facepalm. That's what you're hung up about?! That I have a kid?! Not the fact that he's one of the leaders of the current Khaos Bri— You know what… Never mind.

"No… Ray, I'll explain what's up later…"

I tiredly say to her as she goes red from the nickname I gave her.

"Wait, hold on Jin, I don't mind having a new ally, but… Is he willing to cooperate?"

Azazel asked while staring at Meruem, who had no change of expression. Apart from him and Raynare who were a bit skeptical, the rest were fine with it, even Penemue, much to my surprise.

"Probably after a certain time. Anyway, let him live here for the time being."

I turned back to Meruem as he was making a face like I was the insane one.

"This will be very beneficial for you. This place has a lot of characters you can interact with. They range in a lot of personalities, anyway, that blonde midget over there will be the one taking care of you."

I pointed at Mittelt as her face paled. The small fallen angel started shaking violently.

"Hmm, did I say before that Ignia was a double agent for me? Anyway, Meruem. Give this place a chance, let's say… Two months, and if it doesn't work come find me."

I inform him and he nods. He's a lot more obedient than I thought. However, he may just be trying to find that reason of his... But if it doesn't work out, I'll probably be forced to kill him. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

"Anyway, I'll get going, Azazel. Take care of my kid for me, alright?"

I winked at him and he sighed. I looked at Penemue and Raynare. Penemue pushes Raynare towards me. I guess she isn't leaving just yet. I grab Raynare and pull her closer. Looking at the rest of the Electa they also come back to my ring.

"Oh right, those guys…"

I looked at the exiled members that the Electa brought earlier. They were still asleep.

"You already heard from my subordinates, right? Just keep them in the new cells, and interrogate them for me. I'll come and speak with them individually down the line to get more information out of them. However, I doubt they have anymore."

"Fine, fine… Tch, we have to look after your kid though…"

"Don't complain, Azazel. I literally reinforced Grigori, made Grigori two and upgraded those cells. I think letting Meruem here stay for two months as a test trial shouldn't be a problem."

He complained, but I pointed out all the things I had recently done and he couldn't come up with anything, so he sighed and accepted it in the end.

"Anyway, see yeah."

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

Once we arrived ho—

"You have kids?!"

Raynare asks again and I sigh. I tell her what's up with them, but that just confuses her. So I poke her head and give her any relevant information, including my existence, the omniverse and everything in between.

Thud ~

"Y-Y-Y-Y-You… W-W-W-W-What is…. Oh my god…"

Raynare fell on her ass and clutched her head. Her eyes had widened and she was staring at the ground while lightly hyperventilating. I crouch down, touch her head and calm her down. She looks back at me.

"You're a what?!?!"

"Your daddy."


"Take this seriously!"

She took out a paper fan from behind her back and smacked my head. I was a bit surprised that she did the 'Gremory move' as I dubbed it since Asteri does it quite a lot with Sirzechs.

"I am?"

Raynare shakes for a few seconds before bolting away while screaming.


She screamed Asia's name and ran up the stairs and I heard some commotion, and due to that noise, Gabriel popped her head out of the dining room.

"Jin? Jin!"

The adorable Seraphim waddles over to me and hugs me.

"Hey, Gabriel. I'm back. Did anything happen while I was away?"

I ask her, but she shakes her head. Not too many people here. I wonder where everyone is? I could feel the ones in the [Training Facility], some upstairs, in the living room and kitchen.

"Raiko and Inaie are training in the facility, Grayfia and a few are in the kitchen, and Kuroka and others are in the living room. Are you going away again?"

She looks up looking a bit upset. Why must she do this? My heart can't take it…

"I won't be for today and tomorrow; I have a few things to get done."

I don't have anything for tomorrow, but I should go to the familiar forest to get Asia a familiar, probably Xenovia too, and I'll take this time to meet Tiamat. I wonder how that meeting will go? Either way, I'm dragging Ddraig with me.

[Partner… Please… Uuuuuooooooo… I'm not ready…!]

'Suck it up you wuss.'

Velgrynd quips back, but then I hear some explosions with Velgrynd just laughing and mocking Ddraig.

[Dammit! If I could only hit you!!]

'Eat it, stupid!'

I won't be going back on this decision, Ddraig. I need to meet her sooner or later. Anyway, I also need to… I take my phone out, date, date, date…

|Hey, how does a date sound in two days?|

I asked Kuisha via text, and it didn't take her too long to text me back. I kept patting Gabriel's head all the while.

|Yes! I'm free, Jin-sama… Um, where do you wish to meet at?|

Place, huh? Where should I bring her…? I've brought a lot of the girls all over the world at this point, but… Hmm…

[Why not the Underworld? Didn't you check it with Cúntóir for Gasper?]

{He has a point.}

Hmm. Well, I might as well, right? Although the thing that I worry about is being recognized too much by the children so it might make it less of a date, but I'll tell her then.

|How about Lilith? I haven't been there much, but it sounds like it would be fun.|

But it took Kuisha a while to respond, so I stepped into the living room with Gabriel, and when I got there, I found Kuroka, Ingvild and Valerie. Each one of them was doing something different. As I sat down with Gabriel my phone buzzed.

|Yes, I don't mind, Jin-sama. Is twelve in the afternoon okay? I have some prior commitments before that. I was just informed just now…|

|Sure thing, so it's set then… I'll try to research more before we meet up.|

|Wait! Um please let me lead you around! I know it's typically the male's responsibility but I want to show you Lilith, the parts I like.|

I wasn't expecting that, but I welcomed it all the same. Gabriel during all this time had been watching me text with Kuisha.

|Are you sure?|

|Yes! I insist!|

|Alright, Kuisha. I'll leave it to you.|

|Thank you very much!|

After that short exchange, I put my phone away. While I texted Kuisha, Kuroka came over and laid her head on my lap.

"Welcome back nya. Texting someone?"

"Yeah, just someone from Sairaorg's peerage."

"Ah, another one bites the dust nya… Pet me."

Kuroka deadpans and immediately requests pets. I snorted at her but petted her anyway. I glanced at Gabriel since she had been silent since I started texting Kuisha. She seemed to be in thought so I didn't interrupt her.

"What has everyone been up to?"

I ask the currently purring cat girl.

"I've been eating and lazing around… The usual, as you should know! My job isn't near yet!"

She says quite proudly. I mean she has a point, and I did basically hire her at this point, but Jesus Christ. I lightly pinch her nose making her complain.

"Nyaaaa!! What was that for?!"

"Do you at least help Grayfia and Raiko with food or cleaning?"

She meekly nods.

"Y-Yes, since Grayfia said I might be a waitress or something she started to teach me some things during the morning or afternoon. Today she gave me the day off, so I'm just lazing around nya."

"My bad."

As an apology, I started to stroke her hair and pet her, which got a few purrs of approval. That's on me for assuming, but I seriously need to… No, I'll do that now. I take my phone out and open my chat with Zeoticus.

|Hello, Zeoticus. I was wondering when we could speak with each other since I've come up with a few ideas for my menu and the name for the restaurant.|

After sending that I turned back to Kuroka who had her eyes closed still enjoying the petting. I turned to look at Gabriel who was now looking at me.



"When is my second date coming?"

After Gabriel said that, both Ingvild and Valerie looked at me. Um, I took you two out on a date not too long ago, you know... But yeah, Gabriel has a point. We haven't gone on a date since then, huh? I don't include when we went to the Faerie Kingdom since that was business related.

I had a few people to take out on a date too. Damn, who would have thought having a large harem would be so much work…? Said no one ever… I turned back to face the Seraphim.

"Soon, I have Rias to take out soon, tomorrow I'll go with Kuisha… So you're after that, is that alright?"

I asked her and she was more than happy with it. However—

Lick ~ Suck ~

I looked back down at Kuroka as she had grabbed my hand and started to lick and suck on one of my fingers. This also caught Ingvild and Valerie's attention, and I wasn't sure what to do. Go with it? Stop her? I glanced at Gabriel and she was a bit too happy to notice, yet.

......I've been away for too long. Let's go with it. This may make me into a giant pervert though. Sorry, Gabriel and Valerie! And anyone else that might come into the living room!

Lime Start

Kuroka who kept on sucking my finger was getting a bit into it. I glanced at the two hybrids and Valerie was the one blushing, Ingvild just looked a bit awkward. I mouthed to them 'Sorry' before removing my finger from Kuroka's mouth which made her a bit upset, but—

I moved her head and pulled my zipper down making her eyes widen, but she licked her lips before helping me with her own hands. I looked back up and saw both girls' eyes widening at what was about to happen. Ingvild was changing her gaze from me to Gabriel.

With one hand on Kuroka's head, and the other on Gabriel, petting her and using an effect on her to keep her distracted… She won't notice. My member was finally pulled out of my pants by Kuroka, and it lightly smacked her face.

"Thanks for the meal nya ~"

She said quietly as she also caught on to the fact that I didn't want Gabriel to catch on to what we were doing.

"Mmmpch… Chllp…"

Kuroka gives my member a playful kiss and lick, just to tease me. Kuroka carefully rolls her tongue around the rim of the head, painting it delicately with her saliva. Gently, she wraps her tongue around my most sensitive points and caresses them with love.

Whenever her tongue isn't making contact, she's quietly planting soft kisses on my member.

"Ahh… You twitched…"

Kuroka huffs with glee and immediately inserts my member into her mouth again.

"You're back up, aren't you…? Nnnmmmh, don't hold it, just let it out nya…~"

She sucks a little harder, coaxing out more of my precum. This ecstasy makes it feel like she's going to suck everything I got stowed away in my loins.

"Jin's milk… Shhllp… Shoot it… Give it to me nya ~"

I didn't think I was that horny or backed up. However, I felt my own orgasm coming, and fast… Screw it, I give into lust and let myself go. I gently held Kuroka's head in place. She knows what's coming and starts to lick my head all over.


Splurt ~ Splurt ~

I quietly uttered and released my pent-up lust into her mouth. Kuroka was more than happy to drink it all up.

"Mmmm…! Mmmh… Mmmfh… Hffh…"

Kuroka stops to look at me for a moment to make eye contact before she swallows my semen. That… Made me even more hard and horny. Damn this erotic cat girl… She was basically asking me what else I wanted out of this.

I nudged her head with my hand and she stretched her tongue out again, licking my already hard tip. However, Kuroka quickly swallows most of my member and starts to bob her head and trace her tongue along my member. On reflex, I jerk my hips forward.

"Obbh?! Nngh… Agh… Euhh…"

She gave me a playful glare before resuming. I don't think she hated that, no, she probably enjoyed it… Kuroka, along with Akeno are probably the freakiest while we do it. Lavinia is getting there, but she prefers really lovey-dovey sex…

Other than that, it varies, but I suspect Asia is telling Akeno something since she's become a bit aggressive when we do it. Like asking to be spanked and all of that…

As I thought of all that, I felt Kuroka speeding up her strokes. Instead of long deliberate strokes of her mouth and tongue, she's making them shorter. This is enticing me to cum again, and I'm not too far off.

Especially the place and situation we're in. Both Ingvild and Valerie were watching us while blushing furiously. However, when I made eye contact with Ingvild she gave me a lustful gaze, almost asking if she could join her.

I gave her a quick and curt nod. I increased the effect on Gabriel so she wouldn't notice Ingvild leaving her seat. Valerie briefly came back to reality, as she saw Ingvild leaving her spot and joining Kuroka. Ingvild then knelt down in front of me and lightly moved Kuroka's head. The cat girl more than happy to accommodate.

Kuroka stops sucking my member and begins to lick the tip. Ingvild joined in and started to plant some kisses along my shaft.

"In-nya ~"

Kuroka playfully called out, and the two came to a silent agreement. In the next moment, Ingvild swallowed my head and half my member while Kuroka focused on licking what was left for her. The noise was starting to get louder as both Ingvild and Kuroka were doing their best to please me down there.

"Mmbh, nngh…! Iht got bigger…"

Ingvild managed to mutter as she kept on bobbing her head up and down.

"Nyahaha ~"

Kuroka licked and sucked at the end of my shaft and started to do the same to my balls. But this was way too much for me…

"Sorry, Ingvild… I'm cumming…!"

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Nnnbhhhhh?! Nnngghh?!"

I came right there and then. Ingvild is still sucking me off. Her eyes widen and pull away as I start to shoot it into her mouth. When she pulled away Kuroka changed her position so she could get a face full of cum. The two of them stuck their tongues and moved to positions where it wouldn't fly everywhere.

In turn, most of my cum landed on their faces, tongues and inside their mouths. I felt myself sink back into the couch, satisfied with both of my releases.

"So… Much…!"

"Nya… Nyaaa ~~"

Both girls were still taking it all in. I let out another satisfied sigh, but Valerie's eyes were even wider than before and she wasn't staring at me. I see her… Looking beside me, and I slowly turn to see… Gabriel looking at the end scene. Ingvild, and Kuroka were covered in my semen.

Gabriel seemed confused at first, but her face slowly turned red as she saw my member still erect. Cum was also oozing out of it, and both girls were still blissfully unaware.


I felt her start to shake, her breathing starting to get ragged. The two started to clean themselves and—


Kuroka looked at Gabriel and the two just stared at each other. Ingvild became confused by her reaction and looked the same way, but she turned red as she saw Gabriel blushing at them. Since I didn't want this to get awkward... I snapped my fingers and cleaned them up.

After that I put my dick away and zipped up. I look back at Valerie and she looks even more horrified...…What, why? I turn my head to the door and—

"Ah, fuck…"


Grayfia was looking at me with cold dead eyes, while Raiko was blushing behind her.

"Jin. Can we speak for a quick moment?"

"…Uh, yeah, sure…"

Grayfia pulled me into the kitchen and scolded me for a bit. That may not have been my most brilliant idea. The horny definitely took over.

Lime End.

A few hours later

Boom! Boom!

"Is that all, Inaie?!"

Scathach shouted as she sparred with the hybrid. Inaie was struggling to keep up. As of right now, we had it set to two years in here, and ten minutes outside. Raiko was also here and she was being put through her own hell by Lianne.

After Scathach found out that Inaie wanted to train and get stronger, she decided to help her. So now Scathach is her trainer, and Lianne is focused on Raiko. I had decided to stop here for the time being.



Feeling my phone buzz, I took it out and found that Zeoticus had finally sent me a text.

|Greetings Jin. I will be free in a few hours. If you are still awake by then, how about you come here and we can talk about details?|

In a few hours, huh? I only have school tomorrow… So it's fine.

|Sure thing, Zeoticus. I'm free.|

|Excellent, around midnight to one in the morning, please come over.|

Quite late but it's doable. I put my phone away and look back at the explosions in front of me.

"They're certainly working hard…"

It should be around four hours before I go over to the Underworld to speak with Zeoticus. What should I do? I glanced around and saw that they were quite immersed in their training, so I left the place.

I teleported back up to the entrance hallway. I took a peek at all the rooms and everyone seemed to be busy with their own thing as well. So taking this opportunity to be a bit normal, and even though it was a bit late in the day... I changed into a tracksuit and decided to go out for a run.

I followed the same path I had taken when I first came into this world. Since it was near the end of the day, there were some people coming home from work, and other people out just enjoying the day. They didn't pay much attention to me, and neither did I to them.

Once I got to a local park, I was a bit surprised to see some familiar faces. I stopped to stare at them… It was the Sitri peerage, they were training here, huh? But I could feel a barrier around the park, one that made humans stay away and some sort of illusion magic.

I stepped through it and it caught their attention. They got ready to fight, but saw me and calmed down.

"Jin? What are you doing here?"

Sona asked me.

"I was out for a run, saw you guys and decided to come and watch."

I explained myself and took a seat on one of the benches. She nods and faces her peerage; gives them instructions and they start doing some warm ups. Saji looked determined all of a sudden, so he was pushing himself during the warm-up.

"Gen-chan, stop trying to show off in front of Jin-senpai!"

Ruruko scolded him, and he awkwardly chuckled. Ah, so that's why he was being weird… But he ran up to me.

"Jin-senpai! Spar with me, please!"

He bowed while saying this. I wasn't expecting this so I just stared at him without saying anything… A spar, huh? I don't have anything better to do…

"Sure, why not?"

I agreed to it and he was quite happy. Sona walked over while sighing. Tsubaki was also behind her.

"Why did you accept?"

"…I'm bored, I got nothing else to do… Also, I'll be heading to the Underworld in like four hours for a meeting with Zeoticus about my restaurant. You know, thinking about my future and all that..."

I informed her. She was curious but agreed and didn't ask me about it. In times like this I really appreciate Sona being lenient about certain things I do. Finally, I got up and started walking past them, but I also remembered another point. I turn back and look at Tsubaki as she stares back at me.

"A certain incident happened in Kyoto and the Five Principal Clans were attacked by a new faction of Khaos Brigade. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the Shinra clan and others are willing to adapt new rules and systems thanks to Suzaku Himejima."

"If you want, you can probably rejoin your clan again, but if you're not interested, you don't need to. I'm just informing you just in case."

Tsubaki looked a bit surprised by what I said, but she nodded in the end without saying anything. I finally left to go join Saji who was waiting with Ruruko, Momo and Reya. The others were looking at us from a distance.

"So, how do you want this to happen, Saji?"

"No Sacred Gears! I want to get better in my regular state, so some hand-to-hand combat, and maybe magic?"

He proudly said, although he sounded uncertain when he said magic... I didn't mind, I was also curious if he would be able to achieve his [Malebolge Vritra Promotion], since he didn't absorb any dragon blood from me. Instead, he achieved it because he absorbed Issei's blood during their first Rating Game.

[Why not help him out?]

{Giving him the 'ability' to unlock it.}

You two sound like you want it to happen…


Battle maniacs… Fine, I'll see what I can do. I'll 'give' him a 'chance' to reach it. Saji will still need to train his ass off to get it.

"Alright Saji, let's get to it. Momo, do you mind being the arbiter?"

"I don't mind."

Saji and I jump away from each other. Momo looks at the both of us and puts her hand up.

"Are both fighters ready?"

We both nodded.


"The first strike wins!"

Saji yelled and sprinted towards me. He was going all out, using all his natural physical abilities right now. He arrived in front of me and sent a punch towards me! But it was a fake and he disappeared from my sight, and was sending a kick towards my side instead!

Making a small adjustment, I moved to the side and dodged his attack. He grinned, and a magic circle appeared beneath me.


From it came a large fireball! However, I swatted it away and sent it back to Saji. He was expecting this and dodged it. However, I don't think that barrier could hold it, so I dashed to it and extinguished it.

"Be careful, Saji. We don't want to accidentally burn a house down."

"You hit! But I understand!"

He's not wrong, I did indeed smack it away. Landing on the ground I dash back towards him and we exchange a few blows. Of course, he's the one attacking while I deflect and parry his attempts at hitting me.

Don! Pa! Don! Pa!

"Let me hit you!"


I've been on the defense the entire time, so I'll hit back once. Let's test his durability… I take a small step back and disappear from Saji's vision. He instantly becomes alert and starts to look all around him, but he couldn't find me. Using this as an advantage, I appear behind him and cock my arm backwards.


He jumped back and fired an ice attack at me. But the target that he hit burst into a puff of smoke.




Using moderate power, I punch him on his back and he tumbles forward and crashes into the ground. However, he quickly gets up and dusts himself off. Even though I was holding back, he did well in withstanding it.

"Not yet! Let's keep going!"

Even though Saji said that, the wind was knocked out of him. He was trying his best to stand straight. I guess the punch affected him more than I thought, but he still stood back up, at least that hasn't changed one bit.

"Alright, let's go."

Don! Don! Don!

Punch, kick, punch, kick, and the use of magic attacks. Saji did his best to match my speed. However, every time he thought he was getting the hang of it, I increased it a little, and it forced him to adapt. He was a quick learner which surprised me. Perhaps all that training during the summer vacation did a lot for him. No, that can't be the only reason. He has to be still training even before now.


I hear a war cry from Saji as he sends another punch at me. Swiftly dodging it, I let it graze my hair and punch him in the gut. He flinches but doesn't fall down, so I follow it up with a roundhouse kick to the chin. This sends Saji up and then back down a significant distance away.

"I can still…!"

I walked over to him as he was struggling to get up and sighed once I reached him.

"Saji, chill. We're sparring, remember? This isn't a life and death battle…"

"Ah— A-Ahahahaha… My bad."

Seemingly remembering the original reason for the sparring match, he awkwardly laughed. I sigh again, take out a ball of slime and throw it at him. He thanks me and gets up.

"Oh, one more thing."

I put a fist to his chest and smirked. I then transferred a small amount of draconic energy to him. Saji jolts a little and appears surprised by what I did.

"W-What did you do, Jin-senpai?"

"You've been training hard, Saji. So I gave you a surprise gift. When the time is right, you'll have an easier time achieving your [Balance Break], but that doesn't mean it'll be easy to achieve. So keep up your training."

Saji stares blankly at me for a few seconds before comically bursting into tears.

"Jin-senpai!!!! Uwooooo!!!"

He tries to hug me but I keep him at bay with my hand…

"You don't need to go that far, man. Just keep up your work ethic. Anyway, I'll just watch you guys for a while before I leave. Don't mind me…"

I walk back to the bench and watch them resume their training. While I didn't do much but watch, I did text with Akeno and Shigune during that time. Some of them sometimes came up to me to ask for advice. I'm not exactly the best at that but I still did my best, and the dragons gave me some help too. So, an hour passed by just like that.

"Alright everyone, let's take a fifteen-minute break!"

Sona shouts and summons some refreshments and sandwiches. Saji like the animal he is ran up to the sandwiches first and basically shoved an entire slice into his mouth, and began to choke…

Ruruko, the ever-so attentive girlfriend, started to smack— No, never mind she dropped kicked his back and the sandwich came out.

"Are you trying to kill me?!"

"You tried to do that yourself! I saved you!"

The young couple argued back and forth while everyone else started to eat their portions. I didn't move from my spot and sat there amused by the show I was getting, but both Momo and Tsubaki came up to me.

"Oh, hey Momo, Tsubaki."


"Good day to you, Jin. I would like to speak with you."

Momo greeted me quite nervously, but I could kind of guess why Tsubaki was here. I gestured for them to join me and so they did.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Tsubaki?"

I wrap my arm around Momo's shoulder and she blushes. Tsubaki nods and speaks.

"Please tell me what happened during the attack."

Nodding, I proceeded to tell Tsubaki in detail about what happened, about the exiled clan members and the two Shinra's, and Chiyo's 'death'. She seemed sad about it but kept silent the whole time. By the time I finished telling her about it, she was staring at the ground.

"I see… Thank you for telling me, Jin. I… It will take some time to process this all. I will come back and speak with you in the future."

Unlike her usual self, she wore a sad expression and walked back to Sona and the rest. Once she was with them, her usual stoic face had come back. I turned to see Momo quietly eating her sandwich, albeit a bit slowly.

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't like it when people follow old traditions and don't question them. It creates unnecessary suffering… This is why I agree with President Sona's dream. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to rise to the top, regardless of their background."

Momo says seriously while frowning at the ground.

"Yeah, but that's just not limited to the devil society. Even in the human world, those who are well off get better opportunities because they have better education and chances, while the poor… It's honestly a fifty-fifty chance for them."

But like what I saw a few months back during the Devil Youth Gathering, the old devils can be pains of asses. Solving this with my fist and power would be easy, but I doubt many would agree with me. I'd rather not be a tyrant if I could help it. It would also hurt some of the relationships I've made so far.

"Yeah, you're right. Society sucks."

Momo huffed. She's just a little frustrated right now…

"Yeah, ever wonder how I got these scars?"

She gives me a strange look before eating her sandwich… Seriously, that doesn't exist here either?! I sigh again and look at my phone. Hmm? I got a text from Suzaku…

Clap ~ Clap ~

"Alright everyone, let's get back to it."

Sona says to everyone, and she nods our way. Momo gets up and starts to head back.

"Ah, hey Momo, I gotta go. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"…Ah, oh, okay…"

She seemed disappointed, so I grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a quick kiss. After separating she blushed at me before running off. Now then… Why is Suzaku here? It hasn't been that long yet…

Skyward Household

Upon arriving back at my home, the two Himejima's were in the entrance hallway. They turned to see me coming through the door and greeted me.

""Welcome back Jin/Dear.""

Suzaku looks at Akeno and they have a brief stare down. I wasn't entirely sure if I should step in or not, but the two of them decided before I could. Akeno just started to 'ufufu' and Suzaku smiled at her.

"Yeah, I'm back. Why are you here already, Suzaku? Miss me?"

I asked and grinned at her. To my surprise she nodded.

"Yes, I did miss you, Jin. However, I am here to tell you that all the clans approached me a few hours after the incident and are willing to go forward with my proposal. Did you do something to them? Even if they were attacked by exiled members… I don't think they would just accept the changes I wish to make."

She explained. Huh, I didn't think they would approach her this fast. But it makes things easier, but that also means I have to keep my word. Chiyo Shinra, I hope to Azathoth you're still around and didn't reincarnate yet, otherwise, I'm fucked.

"Really? That's good then. Who approached you first?"

"The Shinra, then the Nakiri, and finally the Doumon and Kushihashi clans were last."

I more or less expected it to turn out like that. The Shinra and Nakiri were fifty-fifty, but I still expected either of them to be first, and the Kushihashi to be last. But Suzaku wasn't finished.

"My great-uncle... Suou approached me around forty minutes ago and we spoke."

She says and looks at Akeno. She slightly frowned but did not seem too bothered by Suzaku mentioning his name. But again, I was curious. Why would he approach her? Is it because we kissed? Or for some other purpose? As I thought of these, I felt someone touch my cheek. I saw that it was Suzaku who was smiling gently at me.

"He approached me for a different reason, Jin. It didn't have anything to do with what he saw us do… He told me where his son's fiancé's body was buried. Great uncle apparently had someone follow him that day."

I didn't know how to feel about that. Should I be happy since he did help us find a solution to this? Atsutarou Himejima is only on their side because of what Suou did and the old practices and beliefs of the Himejima clan. Otherwise, he would still be a member of the clan if Suou would just mind his own business.

Or should I feel bad since the asshole followed him, and found out where the fiancé was buried at? Wait, is she still even there? Did he do something to her? Move her burial spot? Something else?

Pinch ~ Stretch ~

"I can see that your imagination is going wild, Jin. Great-uncle said he only told them to follow them, and that he does feel some remorse for having her killed, although he admitted that it only started to take effect as of today since his own son was part of a terrorist organization."

Suzaku had started to pinch my cheeks while giving me a small scolding. But it was still shitty of him to reflect on it only now that his son had joined Khaos Brigade. I hate this guy; I doubt anything will change about it. I look at Suzaku as she lets go of my cheeks. Now that I think about it… What about her parents?

"Yeah, my bad… Hey, Suzaku, when will I be meeting your parents?"

After asking that, both Akeno and Suzaku were just staring at me blankly. However, Akeno started to giggle at me and Suzaku lightly blushed.

"I-I, um, well…"

"Ufufu, you proposed to me not too long ago, and now you want to ask Suzaku-onee-san's parents for her hand in marriage?"

Akeno asked me teasingly. Hmm, that kind of went over my head. I should have asked a little differently. I am curious about her parents since she hasn't mentioned anything about them, or maybe I should have asked Shuri about them.

"Well, I did say I'd ask her to marry me soon, so you're not entirely wrong, Akeno."

I replied to her casually making her stop and stare at me again. She got a little huffy and crossed her arms and mumbled about still being the first to be proposed to…

[Pray that she doesn't find out, Partner, or she will trap you in your room and fuck you for hours senselessly.]

I'll keep that in mind, Ddraig. I'll probably do that far in the future unless Yasaka is the one to tell her first, then I'm just screwed.

"Suzaku, let's go check that grave in the future, how about before I go back to the Egyptian Mythology?"

Suzaku readily agrees and we go into the living room and spend the next few hour chatting and relaxing. For the other few, I decided to cook all the food I decided to bring with me to the Underworld, and also the beverages I wanted them to drink.

"You should be fine with this."

It was a casual meeting with Zeoticus, so I didn't really understand why Grayfia was fussing about this. Even Rose was here to see me off. We're just going to talk about my menu, and whatever else about my restaurant.

"Fia, you don't need to…"

Ignoring me, she fixes my tie, pats my head and looks at me with an approving gaze. I wearily smile at her and sigh.

"Thank you… Anyway, I'll get going."

"Are you sure you don't need me there, Jin?"

Rose asks, and I nod.

"Yeah, it's just a quick visit and talk, nothing too serious. Maybe at my next meeting with him since I need to talk to Lord and Lady Sitri about their help."

"—Did someone say my parents' names?!"

Suddenly an energetic demonic ball came into the room. It was Serafall. After she moved into my home, she begged me to upgrade her android fairy, so I did and she was able to get her work done even faster than Sirzechs. However, this also made him contact me and ask for the same upgrade. I wasn't against it so I obliged, so now he has more free time.

But I'm also probably going to see him at the Gremory home tonight. I inwardly sigh again at the thought. Hopefully it won't be too chaotic when I get there.

"Kind of, and good evening, Sera. I'll speak with your mother and father soon about the restaurant."

"Hmm-hmm. I'll go with you when the time comes then! I have more free time after all! Jin and stalking So-tan, what a life to live…!"

Serafall had stars in her eyes while saying that. Both Rose and Grayfia just gave her strained smiles. They really should be used to this, especially Grayfia… Anyway, I'm taking way too long.

"Anyway, we can talk about it later. I'll see you all soon."


Gremory Territory



The dreaded ara. I heard it many times before, but when I turned to my right, I saw Venelana and Runeas.

"Oh, hello you two. I'm here too—"

Before I could finish my sentence, Runeas jumped towards me. The only thing I saw was her expecting me to catch her, and so I did. She was quite light.

"Hello, Runeas."

"Good evening, Jin. Why have you come here? Did you come to see me? Are you here to show me interesting and fun things?"

Runeas asked me a couple of questions and I looked at Venelana for help but she just smiled at us… Alright, no help from you then.

"I'm actually here to speak with Zeoticus about my restaurant…"

"Very well, let us set off then! Chysis is there after all!"

She pointed to the sky and declared that she was coming with me. She then looks at Venelana.

"You come too, Lana!"

"Yes, of course, First Generation-sama."

She agreed without hesitation! Talk about letting the First Generation get away with anything… Although I can understand why. I started walking towards Zeoticus' office and Venelana started walking beside me.

"Will you show me something interesting afterwards?"

She asked me again, not letting it go. I sighed and agreed.

"Sure, but try not to interrupt us too much please."

"I cannot promise anything!"

She declared confidently, the Gremory never ceases to amaze me. They really just live at their own pace, no, this should apply to all devils, they're all weird as hell in their own way.

[And you're not?]

I never said I was, Ddraig. I just said that devils are a bit weirder than the average human. Also, you've been with me for quite a long time now, you should know I have a lot of weird quirks…

[Uwooooo!! Partner, you make it seem like we're not friends…!!]

Calm down, will you… But he didn't, so I just ignored his crying in the background. However, it didn't last long since he started fighting someone. During all that, I was nearing Zeoticus' office and I could sense that Chysis was definitely there as Runeas said.

Poke ~ Poke ~

"Why have you ignored me?!"

When I return to my senses, I hear Runeas complaining in my arms. I wearily smile at her and summon a toy [Boosted Gear] and give it to her. She seemed fascinated by it. She put it on her right arm and pressed a button making it say '[Boost]' keeping her attention for a little bit.

Arriving at the door, I knocked on it and was told to enter.

"Ah Jin, welcome, welcome… Venelana? F-First Generation-sama… How can I help you?"

Zeoticus was surprised to see his wife and Runeas with me. I don't blame him, I was surprised to see them earlier.

"We're staying. I wish to share my thoughts about Jin's future restaurant."

Runeas declared, and even added 'I won't be leaving his arms either, it's a more comfortable chair.' Zeoticus just sighed and allowed it. I sat down in the chair and summoned the menu I had come up with. Zeoticus looked over it as Chysis fawned over him and Venelana brought out an extra chair and sat beside me.

Poke ~ Poke ~

"Do you have any samples?"

Runeas poked my cheek and asked that. I nodded and I indeed had samples. I assumed that Zeoticus would ask for some, or all, so I made some samples for all of them. All in all, there were only fifteen items on it so far, but of course, I was planning to add more in the future.

Right now, ten are food items, while the other five are beverages. Zeoticus looked over them seriously, however, Runeas kept on poking me and asking about samples.

"I do, but please wait a little longer, Runeas…"

Even though she was a bit huffy, I summoned some sweets and started to feed her making her comply. So we just waited for Zeoticus as he read my entire menu, and Chysis sometimes pointed at something on the menu and nodded approvingly at me. I don't know her tastes but I guess some were okay in her eyes?


Zeoticus finally called my name and he placed my menu in front of me. He sounded serious but he sighed and smiled at me. I guess he's fine with it?

"Thank you for bringing this in and delving into detail about what they're made from, and giving a step-by-step on how to make them. Some of these choices are items I've never eaten before, and it seems you added your own twist to all of them, haven't you?"

"Yeah, I didn't want to just slap on whatever and leave it at that. The rare times I get to cook, I try to add my own twist to some of the dishes I make. If not, the girls usually haven't eaten it yet, so it's fine."

He and I discussed food, including how we usually handle things like cleanliness around the kitchen. We talked about what we use to clean them and how we do anything in there. The women with us just silently listened in. I kept feeding Runeas with the sweets I summoned.


"So, onto the samples, right?!"

Runeas interrupted Zeoticus who nodded along. I sigh and summon some samples of all the dishes and beverages. Runeas looked quite excited about eating them, but I stopped her.

"Please eat them in moderation, Runeas. Everyone else is liable to have a taste after all."

"I know, I am not a child, Jin. I was just quite excited to see them."

She huffed a bit. I summoned some cutlery and they all tried whatever they desired. I watched them eat and their eyes widened before trying other ones. Runeas sat on my lap as she ate. Now that I look at it, she really was quite small… I wasn't sure if her, Ophis or Kunou were taller.

I mean, yes, Kunou grew a bit, but Cúntóir told me that she stopped growing until she caught up in age. In a way, she would grow taller than what she originally was thanks to the fuckery of the [Pocket Dimension] and Cúntóir

"You seem to be thinking of something rude, Jin."

Runeas says while looking up at me, still chewing food, and looking rather unamused. Is it due to age, or just experience? Either way…

"My bad…"

"Ufufu, it's been a few months since we last ate your food, Jin-kun. How I've missed it."

"Mmm. Even though you mentioned only being able to cook on a rare occasion because of Grayfia and the others, I believe you have improved a little."

Both Venelana and Zeoticus make a comment on my cooking, although I doubt I have improved, but I'll take the compliment. Chysis, who was essentially attached to Zeoticus, walks up behind me and hugs my head, surprising everyone.

"Hey, hey, Jin-kun, when are you marrying Rias? I want to eat this kind of food for the rest of my life ~"

Another one that likes my food and wants me to marry into the family, geez…

"Uh, probably after college or something. I still need to propose to her…"

"Hmm-hmm, I can't wait them ~"

Chysis pats me on the head and sits back beside Zeoticus. Everyone was just confused by her behavior.

[Food digger, not a gold digger, but a food one!]

Everyone kept on eating but Zeoticus and I began speaking more about my restaurant.

"I'm fine with this, Jin-kun, but you said that this wasn't all of it, correct? Apart from this, what theme do you want it to be in, and around when do you want construction to start? You said you could afford it by yourself, and would build it yourself."

"Yeah, I already have permission from the Gremory to set up shop, so I'm mostly fine, but I just wanted to see if you could lend some help as staff until I get some reliable applicants."

I spoke to him about other things, like the design I want to do for the restaurant, the quality of items I'll have in the kitchen for my cooks. However, I and maybe Hestia will be the ones that will be cooking, and I'll see from there, maybe after the first few months? Or even weeks. It all depends on how well the business does.

"Then, to Lord Sitri, he has contacted me about helping you with the restaurant as well?"

Zeoticus asked. Yeah, I've only spoken about it to him once, and it was after the date with both Sitri women. He's a lot more relaxed when not on official business, and is quite a caring man behind the scenes.

"Yeah, we spoke once about it. Although I was joking when I mentioned it to Serafall and Sona. But I guess they told him about it, but I don't mind the help, so if they want, the Sitri and Gremory can split the help with the staff."

Zeoticus nodded at my explanation. I feel Runeas poke my chin and I look at her.

"I will also provide some staff from my castle! I enjoy your food. I will be a regular there, Jin."

I was a bit troubled and looked at Chysis and Zeoticus for help. However, they just shrugged... Right, they'll essentially let Runeas do anything since she's the progenitor of the clan.

"Sure thing…"


"…I'll give you a discount…?"

"Good boy!"

She praised me and my lips twitched. However, she gave me a peck on the chin confusing me. But I shrugged it off. She probably saw me as part of the family already, so was doing the 'affectionate' thing that she does for everyone else.

The rest of the meeting with Zeoticus went smoothly and we mostly spoke about the dishes we liked, and other things. It was less of a serious meeting about my restaurant and just turned into food and culinary talk…

Around an hour and a half passed and Zeoticus looked at his watch.

"Oh, I should get going, Jin. I still have a meeting in ten minutes. I didn't think our discussion would last that long."

He got up and so did everyone else. He walks over to me and pats my shoulder. Chysis had begun to fuss and protest, but the man himself ignored them.

"We can discuss even more in the future, and good luck. Venelana, I leave the household to you while I'm away."

"Yes, dear."

Zeoticus then teleports away leaving me with the Gremory ladies. Chysis was silently weeping to herself as her 'Zeo-tan' had left her and ignored all her protests. Turning her frustration and attention to me, she lunged forward to hug me.

"Jin-tan!~~ my Zeo-tan ignored meee ~~"

"…Do your best?"

"That's mean!"

Chysis complains and uses me as a replacement for Zeoticus, and I entertain the Gremory women for the next few minutes.


Both Runeas and Chysis left just a few minutes ago. I cleaned up the Tupperware that was finished off by them. They were both quite fussy even though they're quite old. I was in the entrance hallway with Venalana as she was going to see me out.

"By the way, where are Millicas and Asteri?"

I asked the lady of the household.

"Since you helped out Sirzechs, he is currently out with his family. It's quite rare for them to do something together, so they're staying out quite late. Huhu, even Millicas is enjoying himself since he usually doesn't stay out this late nor is he awake at this time unless special circumstances call for it."


I knew that when I made those androids for them, it made their job, the paperwork part a lot easier to manage, but when I upgraded them, to be all purpose, minus the combat, then it lessened the time they needed to do their job. Of course, they still need to attend meetings and events, but those are the only time-consuming ones left.

Sirzechs hinted at both Falbium and Ajuka wanting one… I can understand why they would like one. Falbium wants to sleep, Ajuka would like more time to research and do his projects. The two I already helped wish they had more free time to do whatever…

"Well, thanks for having me, but I'll get going since it's pretty late."

I turn around and begin to teleport but—


I hear Venelana calling me from behind. I turn back around and it looks like she was asking for a hug since she was spreading her arms out for me. I didn't think my future mother-in-law was this clingy and affectionate. So, I went over to her and we shared a hug.

"Take care of them, okay?"

"Yes, of course. That's always been the plan."

Once we separated, she squished my cheeks and started massaging them. I was mostly confused by her actions but didn't stop her. But she was being quite affectionate right now, that much I can tell. Finally, she let me go.

"Off you go now…"

Even though she said those words to me, it felt like I shouldn't leave yet, so I stood there for a few seconds as we stared at each other. The smile she was showing me became a bit shaky as time passed, but I didn't know what to do. I might be misunderstanding everything, or she's just tired… I'll just go.

"Good night, Venelana."

"Yes… Goodnight, Jin."

Venelana turns around and starts walking away. I also started to teleport away, but… Screw it. I stop and grab her hand. She turned around confused.

"Um, do you want to come to my home and sleep with me tonight? I-I mean, nothing sexual…"

I asked her, and ended up stuttering which made both Dragons start cackling at me. Venelana blinks a few times before giggling to herself.

"Ara? Are you perhaps trying to court me, Jin-kun? Ufufufu."

M-Maybe I misread the situation…? However, as I let go of her hand, Venalana stepped back towards me and gestured for me to bend down, so I did.

"I appreciate the offer, Jin-kun. I admit that I'm feeling lonely that Zeoticus isn't here tonight. However, we don't sleep in the same room every night since he has a concubine. However, I'll be alright."

She bumped her nose against mine, like how I would usually do with some of the girls. I was surprised by it. Did Rias, Akeno or Grayfia tell her about it? She then pulls away looking at me with a smile.

"So don't worry too much about this old lady, Ufufu ~"

I straighten myself and sigh.

"…I see, but my offer still stands. If you want, just come to my home and I'll somehow fit you into the schedule."

"Ufufu, I'll think about it ~"

After a long stay at Gremory's home, I finally left. This time, Venelana seemed a bit more cheerful.

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Why?! Screw both of you! You betrayed the alliance!"

A male classmate of mine was being held back by others as tears streamed down their faces. All of that hate was being directed at both Najima and Kouta. Both of them had successful dates in the last few days and were both elated.

"Humhumhum! Stand before my almighty power, weaklings!"

"The God King is here. Kneel before me!"

Both of them were certainly developing big egos because they went on dates, and they turned out well. But I was happy for them, but they were kind of irritating. Even the girls in the classroom were getting annoyed. Even if it was early in the morning and classes hadn't started.

"They're certainly happy."

Ingvild says beside me while leaning against me.

"Well, like many guys here, they're desperate for girlfriends… So those two are close to getting their own, so, you know…"

"But you didn't act like that from what I heard from Akeno?"

I looked away and blushed. Truth be told, when she started dating me, I was quite happy and since I lived by myself… No one could see my cringe-filled reaction. I basically jumped up and down while screaming my head off.

I mean… Akeno was one of my favorite characters before I died. The thought of dating her was something else at the time, but now I'm a bit more normal with my reactions, probably because I have a harem…

"When you look away you tend to hide something, Jin. Spill it."

Ingvild says while getting off me. Ingvild-sama, please don't force it out of me! When I bow and put my hands up in prayer, she sighs at me. But she didn't let it pass, so I told her in the end, and—

She started laughing at me. I just looked out the window while mopping and blushed furiously. Dammit Ingvild!

"I-I'm sorry, I was just teasing you, Jin. Don't be mad… Pfft— I'm sorry…"

"…You're not making it easy…"

I turn around in a deadpan making her giggle even more. I just sigh and lean back in my chair. Now I was receiving a lot of hateful stares my way. I looked at the guys and they were glaring at me, and not Ingvild. She sees this and sighs, but she decides to make it even worse as a mischievous smile appears on her face.

'Please don't.'

'Nope ~'

"Aye ~"

Ingvild lunged at me and bear hugged me. Of course, the guys that were already pissed off became furious. Even Najima and Kouta joined in...… Why are they mad?! They're about to get into relationships!

"Fuck you Jin!"


Fine, if you want to play like that…! I grab Ingvild and plop her down on my lap making her yelp a little. I smirked at them and gave them the middle finger.



One of the guys screamed and Ingvild just cutely glared at me. However, the guy began punching and kicking the desk around the room. Someone had to run and get a teacher… Wait isn't he the same guy who tried to assault me?

[Oh shit, he's back!]

{He became pepe too!}


You guys are having too much fun…



"Uh— Eh?"

I was walking around the school minding my own business and eating a sandwich when Penemue appeared out of nowhere and started to drag me away. I let her do that and kept on eating my sandwich. We rounded a corner and started walking up some stairs. We quickly arrived at the rooftop and to my surprise, Kiyome Abe was also there.

"Yo, Kiyome, it's been a while."


She said rather nervously. Finally Penemue puts me beside her and stares at me with a look of concern.

"So, what's up? Why did you drag me here?"

Penemue sighs and looks at the school gate. I follow her gaze and— Ah… That's why. That little shit is back, huh?

"Remember Yami Endo? He's started to follow me again, but instead of keeping his distance… He just keeps hurling insults at me."

Penemue explains. Okay, I see, I'll deal with it, but… I look at Kiyome. What's she got to do with any of this?

"What about Kiyome?"

"That's the problem. She was there for one of them when I was going home, and tried to help me. Now he's stalking and harassing both of us. I have tried to talk to the school and police, but even after getting another warning he won't stop."

Penemue sighs. She was clearly angry and wanted to retaliate.

"I want to do something, but we're part of the supernatural so we might accidentally kill him, or hurt him."

Kiyome said while fuming. I thought she was shaking out of fear, but no, she was pissed off, like very pissed off. I need to do something to the guy… But, what?

[Scare the shit out of him.]

{Involve both Kiyome and Penemue to make it as traumatizing as possible.}

The hell is wrong with you two? You two act like you're out for blood.

{[For the emperor!]}

...…What? However, the two dragons don't answer me and just start cackling to themselves.

'They've gone insane, ignore them.'

Velgrynd quips up. I just shrug it off.

"So… You want me to do something about it?"

"Yes. We tried the official channels, and nothing worked."

I ask and Penemue agreed… I sigh and tell them what the two dragons just said to me, and the look they gave me were quite evil as they were smiling from ear to ear. I guess… Yami Endo-kun's arc is coming to an end. Do your best to survive this…


As I turned another corner, I was yanked away again! This time… It was Griselda and Lisa? The hell? I let them drag me away to an empty classroom and sit me down.

"Jin, we have something we wish to discuss with you."

Griselda starts, but Lisa continues for her.

"We want you to punish a bad, bad boy ~"


Lisa says with a wink. I get up from the chair I was forced into and start to leave the room.

Grip ~

"Lisa-sensei! Take this seriously, wait, Jin!"

Griselda stops me as she holds onto my arm. We both hear Lisa laughing at the situation. I turn around and face them. Griselda sighs and let's go of my arm.

"Hotaka Nakamura-sensei. He's—"

However, I just sigh and put my hand on my face. Him too? Fine, I'll deal with both of them! I put my hand in front of me making Griselda stop.

"I'll deal with him too. Yami Endo started to harass and stalk Penemue and Kiyome Abe, so they asked me to deal with him too. So, where did you see him? Also, he's out? I thought he was put in jail or prison…"

"When I was buying groceries with Grayfia and Raiko. He was quite subtle about it, pretending that it was a coincidence. Grayfia glared at him and made him run away, but I've seen him at different times when I go out with someone else like Irina or Xenovia. It's troubling."

Griselda explains. Okay, I understand her, but what does Lisa have to do with anything? So I looked at her and she 'ufufu'd' at me and spoke.

"I was out with Griselda-sensei a few times, and saw him ~ so he decided to start harassing me too after we confronted him about it. Huhu, he's quite an angry man. Buuuuuttt ~"

Lisa comes over and puts a hand on my chest while leaning in dangerously close to me. She was definitely teasing me.

"If you help us, I don't mind giving you a reward ~ how abo—"

"A lap pillow will do, thanks. Anyway, I'll see what I can do about it. I'll deal with whoever appears in my line of sight first."

Cutting Lisa off, I tell her my compensation stunning her as she just stares at me. However, Griselda quietly chuckles to herself. But what to do with them? Rewriting their memories is too easy and isn't exactly a satisfying end for me, or them.

"Ara? Is that so, cutie? I'll give you the most comfortable lap pillow of your life then ~"

Lisa says before winking and leaving the room, I was left with Griselda and she sighs. A former nun, and now a reincarnated angel, she's probably conflicted by it all, so I don't blame her. She'll also just use violence towards the 'evil' ones in the supernatural and not humans. But it makes me wonder if she would do it if pushed.

"Jin, I'll help as much as I can, but I believe he may try to follow me again today. So…"

"Yeah sure thing, let's go home together."


The school's bell started to go off, and then the intercom started to speak.

[Students and staff please be advised that an individual has entered the school and is armed and dangerous. Please lock yourselves in your classrooms or any closed-off space. I repeat—]

I looked at Griselda and we were both stunned. What the actual fuck is happening? An intruder? I quickly scan the entire school and found a familiar individual, although they looked crazy, frothing at the mouth, knife in one hand and there seemed to be some blood on it. I noticed a student near the gate was stabbed multiple times…

"That's not good… Someone was stabbed at the gate. I'll go get them, can you— No, I'll do it."

I tapped my head and spoke to everyone that was part of the supernatural through telepathy.

'Yami Endo is in the premises, all of us should be fine, but as for the other students…'

'We already called the authorities, Jin.'

Azazel responded. Well, good for them, but I didn't think someone's obsession would go this far. I saw stories on the internet in my old life, but this is just…

'There's an injured student by the main entrance. I'll try to heal them so they won't die, but this might not look good on the school in the long run…'

'Alright, go do it. We can deal with that at a later date, or we can simply erase or change their memories.'

Azazel responded again.

'Alright you lot, you heard the horny dragon emperor. If you come across him, disarm him, if not just run away. If you're near other students help protect them.'

He gave out his command and they all responded with a 'yes sir'. I turn to Griselda—

"You better stay here—"

"No, I'm the school nurse so I'll try to go back to the infirmary. If any students are injured, they can go there…"

"Fine. But he's still on the 1st floor, so the first years are the ones in danger, but Gasper, Shirone and Ravel are dependable."

Griselda nodded before leaving the room. I moved towards the window and opened it. I checked Kuoh and could see the cops were slowly making their way here. Therefore, I jumped down and landed on the ground and quickly ran over to the injured student.


I didn't take a thorough look earlier, but this is Hiroto from the volleyball club. Was it just shit luck or did he try to stop him from entering and got stabbed? From what I could see, he was just stabbed six times, luckily, no place fatal. So I healed him and put him to sleep. However, I left some of the less serious stab wounds as shallow ones so it would still be believable.

I carried the guy on my back and ran back into the school building. I quickly make my way to the infirmary and leave him there. I told Griselda what I did and she decided to 'treat' the still open wounds, so when they checked, she wouldn't be blamed for anything.

I ran back to my classroom to check on everyone, and once some of them saw me, they quickly opened the door and locked it again.

"Skyward-sama! Holy shit, what the hell is happening?! Also, you have blood on you!"

Najima asked in a low voice but also freaked out a little, a few of my normal classmates were there and looked at me waiting for the answer.

"Yami Endo came back with a knife... I saw someone had been stabbed by him by the gate so I brought him to the infirmary, but I wasn't seen. I think he's still on the first year's floor… I'm heading down there."

I try to move away but Najima and Kouta basically stop me by holding onto my arms.

"Are you insane?! Don't try to be a hero right now!"

"He's right, you'll get killed!"

I use a bit of force to get them to let go of me and they fall back on their asses.

"I'm partly responsible for this, so I should sort it out. I won't die that easily; you guys overreact at times…"

Despite their protests, the students who stood in my way didn't attempt to stop me. It's a normal human reaction. They want to save themselves, and if a seemingly suicidal idiot like me goes out of his own accord, then so be it, right?

I quickly leave my own floor and go down to the first year's floor. When I arrived there, I saw him.


He immediately focused his attention on me when I called out to him. You want me, right? I give him the middle finger and grin.


He screamed and charged at me. I smiled and ran away. I periodically looked back to see if he was still following and luckily he was. Also, I felt and heard the police finally get here. So I was planning to lead him out. He was wildly swinging the knife after all. All I needed to do was dodge some bullets and let them see this guy swinging a knife and I'm all set.

I made sure to use a small spell on him to only have him focus on me and no other thoughts or sounds. I led him around a bit more before leaving through the front entrance, and the police quickly noticed us.


One of them screamed, but luckily, one of the officers recognized me and then saw me pointing behind me. I dove forward and ducked. Once I did, they saw Yami behind me still swinging his knife around.

As far as I remember, the Japanese police do own firearms but rarely use them… So how will they deal with him then? I was pulled over by them and they shielded me. I pretended to be breathing hard and panting.

[10/10 acting, Partner. Are you sure you want to start your own restaurant and not go into acting?]

'Eh, 4/10.'

[You have shit takes, Velgrynd.]

'Whatever, Drool boy.'

[...…When will people let go of that?!]

"Stop and put the knife down!"

They shouted, but he did not. I didn't want them to kill the guy, so I tugged at one of the police officers who looked at me in annoyance.

"Hey, if I distract him, can you guys sneak around and tackle him down? He literally ignores everyone apart from me."

They looked like they were going to protest so I decided for them. They all heard my proposal so they were forced to do it.

"Hey Endo! Here I am! Wanna hug?!"

I asked him while spreading my arms for him. He shrieked like a banshee again and ran towards me. Obviously, I avoided his attacks, and the police seemed to be concerned about this development. I did not want my day to end like this, so this was troubling. No…

My day doesn't end until I do something about that stupid former P.E. teacher too. Hotaka or Hot cake… Whatever his name was. All this time, Endo kept on trying to stab me, and since he wasn't exactly the athletic type, his stamina was slowly running out. Just a few more and he'll be an easy target to tackle.

Using a bird's eye view, the police also caught on to what my plan was. So they waited, but they're also probably going to scold and scream at me after this. It's fine…

"Haaa… Haaaa…. Stop… Mov—"

He had become sluggish and his movements had slowed down. He made one more attempt at stabbing me, but missed and he was tackled by three cops. Vic—

"Are you insane?!"

One of the cops yells at me and starts to scream and shout at me… Okay, let's… let's just deal with this… I stood there taking it all while giving fake apologies. Please hurry up, I want to go back to my classroom and end this day... However, this drags on for at least ten extra minutes, and the other teachers come out to check on the situation.

Azazel was grinning at me, oh don't worry, crow, I already made your organization hell with Meruem there. I grinned back at him which annoyed him. So, we stayed there dealing with the authorities, and of course, the psycho stalker…

After School

School ended basically a few minutes after the whole ordeal was sorted, so we got to go home a few hours early.

"Jin! You psycho badass! Just dodging all those knife jabs from Yami! Holy shit, bro!"

Smack ~ Smack ~

Kouta came over and started to smack my back. A few other classmates did the same thing and sang me praises. Actually, that wasn't my intention; I just wanted the police to see him. The plan was kind of made on the spot.

"I was just lucky; he was already screwed in the head which made it easier."

I gave them a believable enough answer, but they still kept on going, until they started to leave since we got to go home earlier. Kouta and Najima wanted to use this chance to 'protect' their future girlfriends and decided to go fetch them. After a few more seconds, I was the only one left in my classroom.

Since the event happened during lunch, the Gremory and Sitri peerages were in their clubrooms. But not everyone immediately left for the clubroom, like the first years, so they were probably still—





As expected, my three juniors came to see me. The most enthusiastic one to see me was Gasper as he ran and hugged me. Jesus, dude, I'm fine…

"Why are you even worried? You know I'd be fine, geez."

"That's beside the point! We're also allowed to worry!"

Gasper quips back and I let it be. Although once the other two reached me they also hugged me. So I spent the next minute consoling them. I feel like they're the ones affected by this more than I am. Was what I did stupid? Definitely, well, if I was a normal person then it would have more risk, but I'm not…

But I guess—


As soon as the three of them heard that voice, they immediately let me go and a hybrid slammed into me. Okay… She's overreacting…

"—Oof, Akeno…"

"I'm sorry, I couldn't convince her otherwise."

Rias says tiredly. Yeah… Yeah, I can understand her reaction. Akeno started to rub her head against me and sniffing me… What's up with her and sniffing me…?

"Akeno, I'm fine."

But she didn't answer me, and just kept doing what she was doing. I just sigh and tell them what happened, and yes, they call me stupid. Well, I agree with them, but eh, what can you do…

"I still have one more person to deal with today, so…"

I tap Akeno on the head and she falls asleep. I'm sorry, and forgive me. Please try not to murder me when I get home. Rias walks over to me and takes the sleeping Akeno away from me.

"I'll apologize to her later, anyway…"

I look at Griselda and she nods; Lisa was also there and we got ready. I told everyone what was happening and they decided to let us handle this. They all slowly teleported away and only leaving, Griselda, Lisa and Penemue here.

"Uh, Penemue?"

"Hmm? Oh it's nothing, Jin. I just wanted to see how this plays out. I wanted Kiyome to be here, but she went home saying she'd thank you another time."

Penemue says while giggling to herself, please don't tell me you're teasing that poor girl about her crush on me… I just sigh at her and start to leave the school grounds. Scanning it, it's mostly empty save for some stray students and staff.

[Can you guys hear him? Cause I can.]

I ask through the [Communication Function] of the rings.

[Yep, he's stalking us and even cursing at us, but a lot of people are looking at him. I think he's also drunk.]

Penemue answered. She decided to join Lisa and Griselda. I didn't try to stop her, now all of them are being harassed by the guy. Talk about a fall from grace…

I follow all three of them from a distance and while invisible, it's around four in the afternoon and the day is slowly coming to a close. However, it took this long to draw him out because school let out early, and he didn't find them until just an hour ago.

He first stalked them quietly while trying to take pictures. I didn't let it happen and made his phone stop working. Therefore, he was already pissed off. Next, he was already drunk when he appeared. I don't know if he was just drinking at home or what, but he stank of alcohol that made anyone who walked past him turn and look at him in disgust.

[Yeah, even from where I am, I can smell him. He's probably been drinking since he woke up. He needs some serious help, maybe even therapy.]

[We can think about that once we're done with him, Jin. Just leave it to us, and then swoop in and make it stick!]

Lisa says and laughs like an evil villain. I left it up to them, and they were determined to traumatize the guy for life. They didn't go into detail. However, they seemed to have discussed it among themselves. I mean, Penemue and Lisa were all on board for it, Griselda was hesitant but still wanted her stalker to stop.

We walked around for another hour more and we waited for the sun to go down, and it to be dark to enact it. Once it was… The three ladies walked over to a relatively isolated place so no one would see them do what they were about to do. I also set up a barrier around it so humans would avoid it.

The place they arrived at? Akeno's previous home, the Shinto shrine. I sat on top of the shrine's roof and waited for the drunk to arrive. All three of them were just casually chatting while we waited.

"A-Ahhhh!! There you bitches are! I was lookin' all over fer ye!"

Hotaka Nakamura says while swaying from side to side. He had a bottle of alcohol in one hand… Wait, did he somehow manage to buy another bottle?! I wasn't even… Well, I wasn't keeping an eye on him, really.

"Heeeeey!! Listen to me, fucking sluts!"

The three of them finally looked at him rather unamusedly.

"Don't call us that, Nakamura. Why are you even here? Did your mommy and daddy bail you out?"

Penemue said mockingly to him, and that pissed him off even more as he threw his bottle at Penemue who caught it and threw it back at him. Hitting him on the head and he fell down on his ass.

"Shit… Fuck you! I'm rich, I only took this job 'cause I was bored! Fucking sluts…"

He starts to slowly get back up but it takes him a good thirty seconds to do it. Once he is standing, he points his finger at them— No, at Griselda.

"D-Dayte me, you fuck! I can give you a gggoood diccking!"



But he was suddenly zapped by purple electricity and he fell to the ground confused.

"Wh-What thhhee fuakkc?! What was thhhat?!"

"Ufufu ~ what do you think? ~"

Lisa said in a threatening way and purple lightning started to cover her left hand. Hotaka Nakamura was still quite drunk and looked at the electricity and scoffed.

"You brought a ssstun gunn? Bbbbrriiinngg iiittt onnnn!!!"

He screamed and ran towards Lisa. Who simply pointed her finger at him and zapped him again, this time using a bit more strength and he fell to the ground frothing at the mouth. Griselda looked at her worriedly.

"I-Is he okay?"

"You worry too much, Griselda."

Penemue stops Griselda from walking over to Hotaka and summons her wings. Hotaka had stopped convulsing and looked at Penemue and she started to float up. It seems after getting zapped twice he had become sober and his eyes widened.

"W-W-W-W-What the fuck?!"

He starts to back away while still on the ground. Penemue lands back on the ground and both her and Lisa take a step forward. Lisa makes lightning crackle on her hand again and Penemue summons a light spear. Each of them then threw it beside him, causing him to flinch and scream.

"Fufufu, did you know that the supernatural was real, Nakamura-sensei? I'm quite famous in it as a magician you know?"

Lisa says and appears behind him making him shriek.

"I'm also a fallen angel, you know? I've killed a fair share of people since I've been alive for so long ~"

Penemue also appeared behind Hotaka and he shirked again. All that was left was Griselda, and we all looked at her. She sighs and summons her angelic wings and a halo appears above her head. Nakamura stares at her in disbelief.

"An angel! I knew you would be on my si—"

However, he couldn't finish his stance as Griselda appeared in front of him and 'smiled' at him.

"Nakamura-sensei… Please stop following me from now on… Otherwise…"

They looked at me, and Hotaka was confused and followed their gaze. Alright, it's my turn then. I cancel my invisibility, and his eyes widen in surprise. I jump down from my spot and walk towards him.

"S-S-S-Skyward?! Y-You're part of it?!"

"Part of it? He's known as the Dual Dragon Emperor… He's beaten a God in a fight, you know?"

Penemue says and then giggles. Hotaka's face turned pale as I entered my Ultra Instinct form, so I bent down and looked him straight in the eyes.

"Hotaka, a word of advice… Leave my women alone, or else…"

I created illusions of both Ddraig and Albion behind me in their dragon forms. Once he saw that he shrieked again and pissed himself… Ew, dude… But what happened next surprised all of us.




"Ara? He called out for his mommy and passed out. What will we do now?"

Lisa laughed at him as he lay there in his puddle of urine and his soaked pants. Well, I just wanted to scare him a little…

"Well, I'll erase his memory, but I won't erase his fear of us. How does that sound?"

I asked them while getting up and dismissing the illusions and my form.

"I guess that's fine."

"Hmm, I don't really care, I got to scare him ~"

"Yes, I agree with that solution, Jin…"

Penemue was reluctant, Lisa didn't care and lost interest in the man and Griselda was the only one who was for it. So, I did just that. I removed the memory from him, but the fear stayed with him. Hopefully, it's enough for him to refrain from being near us.

"Let's go home then…"

"Ara? Am I part of that, Jin?"

Lisa says teasingly and I just shrug.

"Feel free to join us for dinner if you want. We have a couple of gluttons so we make extra big portions."

I tell her and she laughs, but she agrees to join us. However, Penemue points at Hotaka.

"What about him?"

"Let's leave the bottle and make him think he got here drunk and peed himself…"

My suggestion was laughed at and they agreed with it.

Skyward Household


As we teleported home. Akeno was there to greet me teary-eyed and a bit angry.


She grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.


"Make up sex."


I was pulled into my own bedroom.

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