Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 4 – Part 1 – Slice of Dragon’s life – Human problems and Erotic Fallen*




"Amaterasu-sama. The shrine dedicated to you in the human world was recently targeted by Khaos Brigade. However, it was defended by the Middleman's subordinates, and an Irish Goddess."

I was having tea with Raijin and Fūjin and chatting about pleasant topics when the door to the room slammed open. Sara, a tengu came in looking a little flustered as it looked like she was running.

"…Why would they… Hmm? Is that what it meant?"

I took out my smartphone and took a look at the message I received a few hours ago. It was from Jin.

|Shrine. Attack. Defend. Not to worry.|

Although the message puzzled me, I didn't worry too much since Jin told me it was being defended... I glanced back at Sara and nodded.

"Yes, I am aware, Sara. Jin told me not too long ago. But, thank you for informing me."

"O-Oh, is that so…? Then excuse me…"

Sara bowed before leaving the room. I put my ph—

"Ah… Raijin? Please give me back my phone…"

Raijin took my phone and started to look through it. I believe she's looking at the texts between Jin and I. As far as our texts are concerned, we are setting up a meeting time and place when I go to Japan.

I don't think it's too controversial… Raijin squints her eyes while looking through it.

"Ama... Why are you asking him what to wear? You are a Goddess! The Leader of our pantheon! Wear whatever you want, and something that shows your dignity and magnificence!"

"…T-That would be a bit too much for modern day Japan. Perhaps in the past, but now…"

She huffed, but gave my phone back. She didn't try to refute my answer. I finally put—

"…Please give it back…"

Fūjin takes it this time and she scrolls through my messages. However, unlike Raijin she has been more supportive of Jin as of late. I wonder what happened when they saw each other during that small meeting…?

"Hmm. Wear what you want, Ama. Perhaps something that showed your thighs; even though it was subtle, I saw him looking at mine when it was on display. He definitely lives up to his moniker of 'Thigh Dragon'."

Fūjin musses before giving me back my phone…. Also, thighs….? I look at mine and squeeze them.

"What are you talking about, Fūjin? Are you saying he's worthy of our sister?"

Raijin glares at Fūjin and she laughs.

"Huhu, who knows? I do hope he comes back here; I wish to speak with him more. Yasaka, the West Youkai faction leader is quite smitten with him after all. It makes you wonder why, don't you think? I wish to know that, so I want to speak with him more."

Raijin rolls her eyes at Fūjin, and in turn she just laughed again. However, I do agree with Fūjin. We know little about him, even though the reason for him being the 'Middleman' is widely known already.

"I do have a reason as to why I'm heading there, you two…"

""We know.""

I tell them, but they also answer me at the same time. Haaa… These two…

"We're just worried about you, Ama. We've been together for the longest time. Now this new red dragon shows up and starts trying to unite us all. It would be strange if we weren't on-guard."

I do agree with Raijin's view-point, but Jin, although he was only here briefly. He has been quite honest with his intentions, so I don't suspect he is lying about anything… Well, I don't think he's human, but the fact he's hiding that makes sense…

Khaos Brigade and other enemies he has made, they would surely use that as some kind of weakness.

"I will understand more about him once I meet up with him in Japan, and also meet up with Suzaku Himejima."

Yes… It should be soon.

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy

A few days later

Pa! Pa! Smack! Smack! Bam! Bam!


"…I give up."

"You shouldn't have tried in the first place. They are immune to your anger, Sona."

A few days passed since then and life had returned to normal, sort of. I had gotten the members of the Hero Faction from Ignia, and he fought with God Serena…. He lost. But was satisfied with it. Right now, they're all in Grigori and I sealed their powers.

Now back to the present day… School hadn't started yet and I, along with Sona, Tsubaki and Ingvild were in our classroom. I arrived here with Ingvild earlier, and it started out quite normal. The guys complaining about my ever-growing harem, their hormone filled talks, and whatever else they do, but…

Smack! Smack! Smack!

It slowly turned into the guys throwing scrunched up paper balls at each other. Right now, the room was in a complete mess. Sona and Tsubaki eventually came into the classroom, scolded them, but to their surprise they kept on going.

Sona had been scolding them the entire time until she finally gave up just now. The guys have balls. They've become numb to Sona. I don't know how I feel about it. If something a bit more serious, in terms of human things, does happen… Then what? Will they follow her instructions? Although…

Sona wasn't really trying too hard since it was morning and probably didn't want to expend too much energy yet.

Why are they doing this? Well, it's quite obvious—

"Gasper has the hottest thighs!"

"You dumb idiot, it's Rias-onee-sama!!"






I felt my entire body shiver, and the guy who said that immediately ran out of the room. I turned to look at Ingvild, who had been by my side and cuddled up to me. Her expression was complicated; she then turned to me.

"Jin… You're not bise—"

"No, I am not. Stop right there…"

After saying that, she giggled and the guys resumed trying to murder each other with paper balls. But holy shit, Ingvild. Just because a gay or bisexual person may have a crush on me, doesn't mean I'll share those same feelings…

[And what about Kiba and Gasper?]

They're just joking! You do know Gasper has slowly stopped doing that since he's been seriously thinking of asking Coriana to be his girlfriend, you know? Kiba still keeps it up, but like I said, he's just joking…

[And you're 100% sure of that.]


[You hesitated there, Partner…]

Shut up… Look, all I need to do is find Tosca and bam! Get those two started and he'll calm down with the weird jokes and teasing about being together with me.

Open ~ Close ~ Smack!


Rias and Akeno enter through the door. Rias was then immediately hit by a paper ball. She looked confused rather than angry or irritated. She looks at the ball, to me, to Sona, and to the guys who had frozen.

Seeing the sight, she just sighs, shakes her head and walks to her desk. Akeno who was behind her was just giggling at it all.

"So, what's happening?"

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The guys saw Rias' reaction and continued. After she asked me that, I just gestured to them and she shook her head again.

"The typical."

"I can see that."

After saying that she gets up from her seat and comes over to me. She leans in and whispers into my ear.

"J-Jin… C-Can you come to the rooftop during lunch? Make sure no one follows you…"


I was confused by her sudden hesitation and embarrassment. However, Ingvild quietly giggled to herself. It seemed like she knew what Rias was planning. The rest of the morning continued like this until homeroom started…


The day was in full swing. The serious students worked hard, the slackers just messed around, and the rest tried their best. It was a typical day until—

The other door suddenly slammed open and in came Azazel who looked irritated. He was looking at me with both annoyance and resignation. Why though? I haven't done anything of significance in the last few days…

"As you know, your English teacher is on leave at the moment, so a new teacher will take over teaching that subject. Argh… Anyway, come in…"

As soon as the woman came in the guys cheered. I sighed, and the devil groups just stared at me. Why… Why is she here? I look back at Penemue as she happily smiled at everyone.

"Hello everyone ~ I'm your temporary English teacher. Call me Penemue-sensei ~ let's all get along, okay?"

"Yes Penemue-sensei!!"

The guys cheer in unison making her giggle. Azazel sighs beside her and begins to walk away.

"That's all I came in here for. Good luck."

You aimed that 'good luck' at me, didn't you?! First Lisa, and now Penemue, who the hell is next?! Also, she didn't tell me about this, no…Wait… I turn to look at Rias and she nervously looks away.

"......…Maybe I should just go traveling and stop going to school."

I say to no one in particular, and a few heads turn my way.

"He's finally aiming for an international harem of beauties! Dammit Skyward-sama!!"


Najima screams before a chorus of boos come my way from the guys. I sigh and just put my head down on my desk. I'm not sure if I'll miss this or not…

"Huhu, now everyone focus please~"

Thankfully, she decided to be professional on her first day. I can only hope that stays the same until I graduate…


"Hey, Skyward-sama!"

One of the guys called out to me. It was lunch and I was just sitting in my seat, eating a sandwich I brought from the cafeteria. The Gremory group was in the Occult Research Clubroom, but I didn't want to go there today. I know Rias told me to go to the rooftop, so I'll do that soon, but…

"What's up?"

"Do you want to vote on our next list?"

I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously and he continued.

"It's who has the best fee—"

"Okay, I'm out."

I immediately got up and left the room. Sweet Lord... Wait, they have pictures of that…? What kind of dedication do you have to have in order to get pictures of that…? I mean, if we think about it…

The number of opportunities someone in this school takes off their shoes is low, now remove the guys and it only leaves the girls, and that's even rarer… Who the hell— You know what? I'm not even going to try to find out…

I sigh and slowly make my way up to the rooftop. When I got closer to it, I noticed there was some kind of magic around the place. One that prevents normal humans from going there, and a small noise cancellation barrier.

"…Why do I hear boss music…?"

I chuckled to myself and finally entered the rooftop. I've only been here a handful of times, though my most notable memory was Akeno nibbling my ear and seeing Motohama and Matsuda being smacked by the Kendo club…

Rias was near the edge as she was looking down at the school. She hears the doors open and turns to it. She sees me and walks over to me. She seems a bit nervous, but also excited… In more ways than one.

"So, what did you call me up here for, Rias?"


However, Rias did not answer me verbally, but her face slowly turned crimson at the question. I chuckle and wait for her to answer, and after calming down she looks at me, although she was still blushing.


"Blob? Blob the vanquisher of slimes?"

Rias looked dumbfounded by my response, but I was just playing along since I had an idea of what she wanted to say, or ask me…

"W-Who the heck is blob?! No! I want to give you a blowjob! Ah…."

After saying that, she covered her mouth and became even more embarrassed. I smirked at her and she started to lightly smack my chest.

"So, mind telling me what brought this on?"

"We've been dating for a few weeks now and we've gotten heated a few times in the past few weeks, and even more so in the past. So, I thought why not? I mean… I-I-I saw Akeno doing it for you after your exhibition match…"

Ahhh… She did indeed see that, didn't she? It was the same night after my fight with Sairaorg. I guess Akeno wanted to reward me or something... I mean I wasn't about to say no to it, so it happened. I also felt Rias at the time but just let her watch, I guess…

"I don't mind, Rias. But… Do you know how to?"

"A-Akeno and In-Ingvild gave me pointers…!"

Rias stuttered out. Ah, that's why Ingvild was giggling in the morning… I walk back near to the door and lean against the wall. Rias followed me like a lost puppy. I gesture for her to go ahead and she nods with a lot of determination in her eyes.

Lime Start

I summon some pillows below Rias, and she looks at them and nods. She kneels down and touches me on the groin region and rubs it.

"B-Before I start, I want to say that… We won't be having sex. I-I would like to go on a date before we do it, and I don't want my first time on the school rooftop…"

I nod.

"Well, yeah. That makes sense…"

"B-But I want to make memories here, so in the future… Y-You know…"

"You want to do it here at school?"

She shyly nods. Well, I guess that's fine. I was never against it, but I'm surprised that the girls haven't asked me to do that.

"T-The others also want to do it in school too. So, don't hesitate to ask them in the future. I'm not the only one that wants to, we'll be in the college division starting next year after all…"

"I'll keep that in mind, Rias…"

I was getting a bit impatient. Rias had been rubbing me during that entire time and I was already rock-hard, so I thrust, surprising her a tiny bit.

"Geez, I'll do it now…"

Rias fiddles with my belt, unzips my and pulls them down. After that she takes a hold of my underwear and pulls them down—

Smack ~


As soon as my member was free from its prison, it smacked Rias in the face. She also wasn't expecting it, so she yelped quite loudly. However, after the initial shock, she was staring at it like it was some kind of alien.

"Um, Rias?"

"…I know I've touched it before but… It's kind of grotesque, huh? It's hard and all the veins are popping out…"

"I-I see, well jus— Ooh?!"

"Nnh… Mwah, nh, mmph… Mlln…"

Rias suddenly just started to lick the underside of my member, which resulted in me making a weird noise.

"…Mwahh… I-Is this how a blowjob goes…?"

Rias glances up at me with a cute but questioning look.

"Y-Yeah, keep it up…"

"Okay, like this? Mmlpp… Nhah…"

"…Yeah, just like that…"

"Mh, okay. Let me know if there's anything else you want me to do."

When I nod, Rias tentatively runs her tongue along the bottom of my member. Her diligent nature is really showing through— She does exactly as she's told, without trying to improvise. Even if it's just a blowjob…

"Nom… Mllnn… Nh, mmph… Nnnghll… How am I doing? Compared to your 'regulars'…?"

She looked rather expectant; she wanted some sort of praise. Even though I gave her some instructions, it was still amateurish at best, but she's a fast learner, but before I could respond—

"…But, your cock looks really huge up close, and I can smell it…"

After saying that, she sniffs it, honestly, she's not the first to do that… Ah, wait…

"I-It doesn't smell bad, right? I thoroughly clean myself you know…"

She giggles and shakes her head. She kept her tongue on it so it felt good as well.

"So… Can you give me an honest answer, Jin?"

Rias continued on pleasuring me as she waited for an answer. She did say to give her an honest answer, so I did.

"…Compared to the girls I sleep regularly with and do this for me, you're still pretty bad at it, but with enough practice you can get better."

"So I need more practice… Would a banana or cucumber be a good item to practice on? Or should I just ask Akeno and Ingvild for more tips…?"

"…You could just practice regularly on my dick."

Rias had resumed and then stopped her licking and stared at me in stunned silence.

"Um, did I say that out loud?"

She bursts into a fit of giggles before calming down and wiping a tear away.

"Yes, you did. But if my boyfriend says that, then how can I say no to it?"

"…Thanks, can you use your hands too?"

"Uh, like this? Tell me if there is anything else I can improve, okay? Mmm, nnh… Mllnn, mmmgg."

She squeezes my member tightly, but her weak grip is nothing but a soft sensation. But what she doesn't know is that the mere thought of Rias doing such a thing is stimulating enough. I did look at her lips before I ejaculated when I orgasmed in front of everyone in the [Pocket Dimension]…

"Nh… Mwah… Mmph… Nngll, hngh… Nn, am I touching you the right way? It doesn't hurt?"

"It's fine, I wouldn't mind if you squeezed it a bit harder, actually."

"Huh…? R-Really? Um, how about this?"

Feeling Rias squeeze it a bit harder, I started pumping my hips in sync with her hands. Her clumsy but well-intentioned sucking and licking slowly built up my excitement.

"…Mwah, mmmg… Mllnn, mmph… Mmph, ahh…"

She notices more pre-cum coming out of the tip. She smiles and re-doubles her efforts.

"…You're really feeling good…"

"Yeah… Rias, keep it up and make me cum…"

"Mmh, got it. Mwah… Nngh, nhgh… Nngllp, nhah…"

"Nh, use the tip of your tongue to lick the head… Ahh, right there…"

Lick ~ Lick ~ Suck ~ Suck ~

"Mlln… Mmph, nnfh… I love your expression right now…"

She glances up at me while happily bobbing her head up and down. I already feel like cumming, maybe it's because I finally get to do lewd things with her? Or her earnestly doing this for me, but whatever the case, I try to hold back.

"Ah… Even more is coming out… I told everyone that I wanted to speak to you privately, but Penemue is here already so she might try finding us… I don't want her seeing me like this…"

For some reason, the thought made me really hard. Someone else I'm interested in walking in on Rias blowing me...… Now that I think about it, this happened in the [Pocket Dimension] didn't it? She walked in on Grayfia blowing me…

After saying that she becomes even wilder, she sucks, licks and jerks my member off like a wild animal. In a way, silently telling me to cum already, and I'm not far off…

"Gonna cum… Rias… Go even faster…"

"Mmh… Okay. Mmhph, like this? Mmng, mllnn… Can you cum like this?"

"Yeah… Keep going…"

Suck ~ Suck ~ Lick ~ Lick ~

"Okay… I'm ready whenever you are, so go ahead and enjoy… Come on, nnh, nnh!!"

Rias keeps going, I'm really about to blow…

"Rias… Rias…? Hello?"

Is she too fixated to hear me? But she opens her eyes up and looks at me. I could read her eyes, they basically told me to let it out however I want.

"Shit! I'm cumming!!"

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

I came inside Rias mouth. She was a bit surprised but I felt her tongue keep on licking me, enticing me to keep on cumming. However, I also had another desire, to sully the face of the next head of the Gremory, so as I was cumming I pulled myself out of her mouth—

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Mmgh?! Wha— Ah… There's so much of it… Ahh, more's coming out…"

More of my semen keeps on squirting and covering Rias' face. She finally lets go of my member before kneeling there with a proud but tired look. She looked at a little bit of cum that had landed on her hands and began to lick it up.

"Um… Rias, you don't need to do that…"

"But it makes you happy, right? I can tell, your thing is still throbbing and it looks even harder when I started doing this…"

She smiles seductively before licking my member again.

"Ahh…?! W-Wait Rias, not now! I'm really sensitive right now…!"

She looks up at me with upturned eyes.

"…I want to do it more…"

Shit, how can I say no to that?

Sometime later

Splurt ~ Splurt ~

"Ah… You really want to cover my face with cum, don't you?"

I have no idea how many times she's made me cum with just her mouth alone, but… I think Rias will become a sex crazed maniac in the future…

"…Well, not many people can say that they can cum on the face of the [Switch Princess] and the future head of the Gremory clan."

Lick ~ Lick ~

"Well… You have a point, but… It looks like lunch is about to end soon. But you can keep going indefinitely, right?"


Rias gave me one last blowjob before we had to rush back to the classroom as the bell was about to go off… I had to quickly clean her with magic. Rias, for the rest of the day was crimson in the face. Ingvild and Akeno were the only ones who knew of what happened.

Sona and Tsubaki were mostly confused as to why Rias was blushing, and why I was refreshed as hell.

Lime End

After School

Occult Research Club


"Hmm? What's up, Kiba?"

We were in the clubroom after school, and everyone was here, well, except for the teachers so it was just us— The students. I would guess that Penemue was being welcomed in the staff room like Griselda and Rose was in the beginning.

Kiba came up to me and held up a contract with a big smile.


"Would you like to do this contract with me? It's different to my usual ones. They want some help at a high-class restaurant in Tokyo."

What…? I look at Rias—

"Your fliers even make it all the way to Tokyo?"

"Yes, they're spread everywhere in Japan, as a Japanao— As a lover of Japanese culture, I wanted to be summoned to as many places as I can!"

She says quite enthusiastically, I put my hand out and Kiba gave me the piece of paper and I read through it...…So, basically: they were missing some staff members because of one reason or another, and they want to hire devils for the night. Apparently, there's some kind of reservation from a large group.

"But doesn't it say to have at least three people, Kiba?"

"Yes, that's why Xenovia is joining us."

Xenovia comes out of the other room and crosses her arms while looking at me proudly. Looking at it again, it says to have at least two servers and someone who can work in the kitchen.

"Hmm. Alright, so how are we playing this? You and I can be in the kitchen, so one of us has to join Xenovia on the floor as waiting staff."

"W-Why can't I be the one to cook?"

Kiba and I look at Xenovia with a questioning look.


Rias coughs and we look at her.

"Xenovia, in secret has been learning how to cook with Sharon and Grayfia. I believe she can cook up a decent meal, Jin."

"I see. But no offense, Xenovia. The cooking in places like those can be quite stressful and they have high standards. Are you that confident enough for it?"

Xenovia frowns and I see Rias nods.

"Hmm. That's true, what do you say, Xenovia?"

"…I'll be wait staff then."

"I'll go wait with Xenovia too, I don't think I can keep up with the high demand and pressure of kitchens like that. I may be able to cook but…"

Kiba trails off while having a complicated expression on him. I nod, so I'm kitchen staff then… We gather around Kiba as he teleports us away.


"Oh? So it is real… Incredible."

The moment we teleported into the place, we were surrounded and treated like zoo exhibits. Kiba and Xenovia go on to explain how this works while I stand to the side and wait for them to finish.

"I see, so who's doing what?"

The man that looks like the head chef asks.

"I'm Kiba. Anyway, this girl is Xenovia and the man over there is Jin. The two of us will be wait staff, and Jin will be helping in the kitchen."

The chef nods before telling the other wait staff to get our attire. He turns to me and examines me up and down.

"You know your way in a kitchen, kid?"

"Yeah. Show me the way, chef."

He snorted and nodded before turning around and walking through a door. I glance back one last time and the entire place was already ready but no one was there yet. Balloons, and other décor littered the place. It's almost like—

"Is this a wedding party?"

"Yeah. How can you tell?"

"Oh, just the decoration and feeling."

He grunts before pushing another door open and quite a few people were already there working away. He points to the right.

"You'll be responsible for cooking these, memorize them and get started right away. We can't fall behind schedule even more."

I take the piece of paper from him and give it a once over. It was a few dishes that ranged from main dishes, to some deserts and other items. They were easy enough and I quickly arrive at my station.

"Don't slow us down kid."

"Don't plan on it."

I snap my fingers to change clothing, the few who saw it were amazed but I ignored them.

"Hey here's— Wait, when did he get changed?"

"He just snapped his fingers and changed into our uniforms. Magic and Devils are pretty wild, right?"

"No kidding…"

I took a deep breath in before starting on my work.

Kiba Yuuto

"This fits fine, thank you. Is the work just the regular?"

"Yeah, you have done this before?"

"We had a school festival not too long ago and I was part of the waiting staff."

"Good, you have experience, and the other one?"

"…She won't break or let anything fall. That I can promise."

The staff member in front of me shook his head and left. Although I believe I kind of exaggerated that. Xenovia has gotten more delicate or gentle lately, probably due to Jin-senpai and the other girls influencing her, but if you ask her about it, she'll say

'I'm still a muscle-brain!' or something like that, but with all the cramming for the finals, and general study, she's gotten a lot smarter. I sigh and left the dressing room and stood waiting for her. I took a glance at my uniform and it looked quite professional, even more so than what we wore for the cultural festival.

It was mostly red, white and black. I heard the door open and out came Xenovia, she looked a little uncomfortable.

"How is it?"

"Horrible, how can Grayfia wear something like this all the time?"

"Be careful, Grayfia-sama's intuition is quite scary sometimes you know?"

Xenovia shivered at the thought and shook her head. But I do need to tell her some things before we start.

"Xenovia. Before we go—"

"I know! I can't go losing my temper or starting fights, I'm not that bad, Kiba. Honestly, we should worry about Jin. If someone from the staff or the customers gropes me or something like that…"

She trails off and looks at the other door where the kitchen was. I felt my mouth twitch at the thought. Jin-senpai can keep his calm, obviously, but at times he shows a more immature side and protective side to his lovers and harem.

"Let's just hope nothing like that happens…"

I tell her and she agreed. We finally left the area and got on with our job.

An hour later

"Here is your— …Food…"

Is this how Jin-senpai feels when I tease him? No, I don't exactly touch him, but… This has to be the third time tonight that an older woman has groped my butt, and Xenovia's intimidating look she gives the guest prevents anyone from doing anything to her.

I go back through one of the doors to get a small breather and sigh heavily. Xenovia joins me and gives me a pitying look.

"Do you think Jin-senpai will tell them to stop…?"

I look at her for an answer, and she sighs too.

"I don't see why not? You are a precious friend to Jin. Well, if you can tell him of the harassment that is…"

She smirks—

"I guess your pretty boy looks is backfiring tonight, isn't it? The old ladies are really handsy. At least no man has touched you yet."

As I stared into the distance, I felt my mouth twitch.

"W-Wait, and men too? Kiba…"

"A contract is a contract; a job is a job. Let's get it done, Xenovia…"

She nods and heads toward the kitchen, I also follow her. Perhaps this was some kind of divine intervention. Are they telling me to calm down with my teasing towards Jin-senpai? Haaa…

"If I was only born a female…"

Xenovia looks back at me with a questioning gaze but I just shook my head. We reached the kitchen and it was mostly busy, but most of the attention was towards a certain corner of the room. We glance at each other before going over there.

"Ah, we should have expected this…"

Xenovia says as soon as we see what was going on. It was Jin-senpai, and he was attracting everyone with his cooking… Well, it was more of a show as he was handling multiple pots, pants and creating dishes with them. Even though he was making it flashy, he was doing them at a fast pace that was keeping up with the rest of the chefs.

"Hmph. I guess he does know his way around the kitchen. Alright, show is over you lot, get back to it. Even if they guests have slowed down in their orders, there may still be some that want to order!"

The head chef says and everyone gets back to what they were doing. He looks at us and nods.

"You two take a break. You're the only ones who haven't since you started. I gotta say though, you Devils have a lot of stamina, huh? Including that one over there."

"Jin-senpai? He's not a Devil actually, we just asked him to help us since he wants to start his own restaurant once we graduate…"

"Is that so? So, he's human? He certainly has skill."

"No, he's a little more special, but…"

I glance at Xenovia and she nods. It won't hurt to tell them who he is— By that, I mean that he's the Middleman and his current goals. Once I was done telling him that, he started to laugh. The others who heard were staring at him in shock and awe.

"A harem for peace? Hahahaha! Now that's one hell of a goal! I can support that!"

The Head Chef walked over to Jin-senpai who was busy working and started smacking him on the shoulder and that got his attention.


"Harem and peace, eh? You sure are ambitious."

Jin-senpai wryly smile, keeps working and also speaks with the head chef. Xenovia and I listen in since we were on break. She taps me on the shoulder and hands me a bottle of water. I accept it and we sit around for a while, chatting with the staff, but we eventually go back to our jobs.

A few hours later

Jin Skyward

Shake ~ Shake ~

"I dunno what you did to our food, but the guests loved it, Jin! I would hire you if you weren't still a student and were a local. It's unfortunate. But hey, listen, I heard you wanted to start your own restaurant? Listen here, I'll recommend it. Tell me its name."

The head chef took me aside and told me this. I was a little surprised but appreciated it.

"Thank you, so it's called—"

After I told him the name of my future restaurant, he had a giant grin on his face and started smacking me on the back again.

"Is it now? Hahaha! That certainly fits you! Alright, I'll tell my customers if they're over in Kuoh, eh? Alright now get out of here you lot!"

Even though he said that, he spoke with Kiba and Xenovia for a little bit before they came over to me.

"Jin-senpai, I'm sorry for all the teasing I did. I have learned my lesson."

Kiba bows to me and I'm just confused. Xenovia leans over to me and tells me what happened to him. I look at him in pity and sigh.

"Kiba, you could have told me, I could have done something you know…"

"If you say it like that, it'll make my heart race!"

"...…Okay, we're leaving."

Kiba chuckled at me before we left the place. Xenovia had held onto my shoulder. I sensed that she wanted to ask me something…


Occult Research Club

"Ah, welcome back."

""We're back, President.""

Rias was still here; she was reading a light novel but put it down once she saw us come back. Kiba and Xenovia walked over to her and told her what had happened during the contract. She nods and says it's fine since it lasted quite a long time.

"I'll be heading back now, President. I'm worried that Gasper-kun hasn't eaten yet…"

"Don't worry about it, Yuuto. He went over to Jin's home and had dinner there with everyone else. I went back to grab a bite too. I trust all of you ate yet?"


"Nope ~"

The three of them turned to me and looked shocked. I chuckle and shrug. Usually chefs eat on the go when making things in the kitchen, so we don't get the downtime to eat slowly. But I gave the guys there a chance to do that and only worked during that time.

[You do have infinite stamina after all.]

Yeah, also that…

"You know I don't need to eat, so don't worry about it."

"That's beside the point, Jin…"

Rias sighs and moves back to the other room. Kiba chuckles before teleporting away. Xenovia comes over to me.

"Jin. Can we talk?"

"Hmm? Sure, what's up Nova?"

"When do you plan on going to your next request?"

Next request… It should be Áine, after that? Hell if I know! No one has requested for me yet, but that might change in the coming days…

"I should be heading back to Ireland soon, but that request requires only for me to be there, so…"

"I see. Then, for the ones that others can go, may I, Asia and Irina go with you? I know Raiko, Inaie and Rossweisse-sensei will travel with you already but…"

Yeah, I have a lot of people with me now. Although I'm not sure about Rose. I know she says she's my secretary and all, but she won't come with me everywhere. If I need her, I can just call her…

"The Church trio, huh? Well, sure, if you three are sure. But I'll try to do them during the weekends so you three won't miss out on too much school. I know I can make avatars and all…"

She nods satisfied before going on her tiptoes and kissing me—

"I'm back— Oh?"

On cue, Rias comes back out and sees her kissing me. She finally pulled away; it was a bit awkward, but Nova was blushing at me a little.

"This does not mean I'll have sex with you yet!"

"…No one said we would?!"

We both laugh, that felt more like some kind of planned skit… However, Xenovia kisses me again on the cheek before leaving. I sigh and go to Rias as she had come back out with a plastic container.

"Smells delicious. Is this dinner?"

She nods.

"Yes, Grayfia and I had the same thought and prepared some food for you, although… She added a bit more since I may get hungry too."

Rias blushed a bit after saying that, and then her stomach growled. Which made her turn even redder.

"I guess she was right."

I chuckled and we brought the container to the table. I summoned some chopsticks for us and we ate together while chatting about the day. When we were about to be finished, Rias fell silent and was staring...… At my crotch?

"Um, Rias?"

"Are you horny?"


I chopped her on the head and she clutched it looking at me angrily.

"No, I am not. Perhaps you are? Didn't we do it a lot during school lunch?"

"I-I thought you were! See? It's slightly bulging!"

She points at my crotch; I move a tiny bit, and it goes flat…


She becomes quiet and finishes her share while blushing. Yes, she might get addicted to sex... Gotta do something about that after we do it... I store our things after we clean them up, and we check over the club one last time before heading home.

Skyward Household

"We're ho—"


"E-Eh? S-Scathach-san?"

I didn't get to finish my sentence when Scathach just grabbed me by the collar and dragged me away. I turn back to the people watching me, especially Rias, who was shocked at the sudden turn of events. Before I was dragged upstairs, I saluted her.

I could feel other auras upstairs. They were in the bath, and Scathach was dragging me towards the place.

"So, do you mind telling me why I'm being treated like this?"

"Hmm. Do not mind it, Jin. We merely wish to speak with you in regard to a few things. Perhaps even pleasure you while we chat."

"I see."

I remove her hand from my collar and walk to the bath by myself. She does not resist me taking her hands off, so we enter together. I snap my clothes away and Scathach quickly tosses hers to the side. I summon a towel around my waist, but she doesn't bother and just goes in her birthday suit.

Seeing as how she's skipping the cleaning part, I'll assume she already did it… So, I do that really quickly and join her in the indoor open-air bath. As I looked up, it looked like the night sky of Urakyoto.

Mmm. This was the right choice; I liked the view back there. I looked back down to see the others there. Not including Scathach, there was Selene, who had opted to stay in my home and not in the ring, Lianne, she mostly comes and leaves as she pleases, Aurelia, she's self-explanatory, and finally...… Raiko?

She was the odd-one out as she was the only one blushing at the situation. She looks over at me, blushes even more and averts her eyes. Why would you drag this poor woman here? She's clearly not ready for this kind of event…

I finally joined them and sank into the water.


""Old man Skyward.""

Scathach and Aurelia both say the same thing at once, and I snort after shaking my head.

"So, why was I brought here?"

Scathach nods and turns to me.

"An Org—"


"Now, now, I was joking, Jin."

Lianne scoots over to me and leans against me and then speaks.

"We spoke about this when we were by the shrine of Amaterasu, we wish to… Get closer to you? We noticed that you don't show the Electa the same care as you do to your harem, even though you made us with...… Certain things in mind."

"However, we understand that you made us during a difficult time, so…"

Ah, so that's what they're talking about. I mean, yeah, I guess so? That was probably me just getting ready in the back of my mind— The small chance of them leaving me, you know? But uh, I haven't been neglecting them that much…?

Nudge ~ Nudge ~ Rub ~ Rub ~

I sigh at Aurelia as she had started to poke my member with her foot. Though, I don't stop her.

"I see, well, don't worry too much. I do love all my Electa, you're all important to me. You support me, and make my life a little easier, and I can rely on all of you."

Nudge ~ Nudge ~ Rub ~ Rub ~

Aurelia increased the strength and pressure a bit after hearing that. Selene also scoots over to my other side, and Scathach joins Aurelia and they both start to tease with their feet. Raiko who was the outlier, was away from us, and blushing furiously while taking glances at us.

Scathach stops what she was doing and appears beside Raiko scaring her.

"W-Wait, S-Scathach-sa— Hyah?!"

Scathach brought Raiko towards us and pushed her to me. She stumbles a bit and I caught her as she falls onto my lap. Why am I getting déjà vu right now…? Ah, something similar back in Takamagahara happened with Suzaku!


Raiko says as her own towel falls off, and I felt someone remove my towel too. Raiko looks down at her now fully naked body, and then to me. Her face turns crimson before she—

Thud ~

"…She passed out."

Lianne points out. She indeed did pass out, I guess that was way too stimulating for her. I sigh and make her float to the side where she could cool off for a bit. I look back at Aurelia who was the one that had my towel now.

"Don't force her to do things, Scathach… Also, don't take my towel, Aurelia."

"Very well, I won't. However, you are erect, Jin."

"I mean with all the teasing; it would be weirder if I wasn't."

I stare blankly at her and that makes her laugh. They did say they spoke about this, but to what extent? I don't know, but both Aurelia and Scathach get down on all fours and start crawling towards me. I felt Lianne and Selene hold both my arms down…

They won't let me go, is that their plan…? I can easily break out though. But if I do, it might hurt their feelings.

'But are you consenting, Jin?'


'Answer me.'

…I, uh, I guess so? I mean I did say I like them, so I'm not against doing this, but like I said—

'Then it's fine. The way you do things is a bit too old school and traditional. Some of them have been quite obvious with their feelings toward you. Just accept it. You spent twenty to fifteen years with them in the [Pocket Dimension], that's enough time.'

'Did you not do that with Natsume Minagawa?'

…I mean, I guess so? Haa… Sure, why not…? But I do want to at least go on one date before I—

'Yeah, yeah, we get it.'

Velgrynd just dismissed me… Cúntóir, are you sure she's 'one' of 'them'…? I re-focus on the situation I was in as both Scathach and Aurelia's faces and tongues were slowly closing in on my member—


They stop when the door to the bath slammed opened. We turn our attention over there and it was Grayfia who didn't look too amused.

"Oh, hey Grayfia— Ah."

She quickly came over and dragged me out of the bath. The ladies I was just with were shocked at the sudden development.


"Come with me for a second, Jin."

I snapped my clothes back on and followed after her. She brings me over to...… Penemue's room? She pushes open the door and we enter her room. Penemue looked a bit disturbed, she looked up and smiled at us.


She gestures for me to join her and I sit on her bed. It was the first time I had been in here, and I quickly glance around, and her room was quite plain, not as plain as Grayfia's but it was mostly books on shelves, and a few papers on her desk since she did become a teacher…


Penemue didn't say another word and thrust her phone towards me. I took it from her and… Wait, what…?

|Haaa…. Haaaaaa…. Penemue-sensei….! You're amazing, beautiful, please be my girlfriend!!!|

|I've masturbated 7 times already, I took photos of you today, you know? I can't get enough…. God, I'm going to do it again!!|

The next text was an image of a photo of her, and some white stains on it…

|See? My love for you is all over it!|

I sigh and scratch the back of my head. This is…

[A stalker? And on the very first day no less.]

{That's quite extreme for stalking… He's already obsessed with her… Shouldn't we report this to the authorities and the school?}

Yeah, I was about to say that. I look at the time the messages were sent and…

"These are quite recent. How did they get your number?"

"I don't know. That's what's a bit disturbing. I didn't share my contact details with anyone at school, not even the other teachers. Of course, Azazel, Rossweisse, and Griselda already knew of it prior to me joining."

"Well, logically speaking we take this up with the school and go from there, but…"

Seeing as how both of them were looking at me, I guess she wants me to deal with this now…? Cúntóir, can you track this?

Fwshh ~

Cúntóir came out of my soul and manifested outside.

"That's… Rare."

"Yeah no kidding."

But what I wasn't expecting was for Cúntóir to straddle me and then take the phone from me…

"Um, is this really necessary?"

She didn't answer me, but the phone started to glow for a few seconds before it went away. Cúntóir gave me a kiss on the forehead but handing the phone back to me and disappearing back into my soul.

I look at the phone again and… It listed the name, address, real phone number, and other credentials on this person. Poor dude. But he was a fellow third year, and he wasn't in my class, but I had heard of him.

"This is…"

"Have you met him or interacted with him much?"

Yami Endo, a fellow third year, and also quite known throughout the school as a natural genius at using the computer and other tech related things. He's the one that's usually called on when the I.T guys in the school can't fix the problem.

He's also created a popular APP for smartphones that's making him money on the side, and has apparently been sought out by the equivalent to this world's Google. So, this guy does have a future, so why the random obsession with Penemue all of a sudden?

[Partner, love is weird, or whatever sick twisted one he has. Like you said, it's obsessive.]

"Endo-kun...… Yes, I taught his class English today. We didn't speak, but I did feel his gaze all throughout class. But I thought it was just because I was new, I mean, it was like that for the rest of the school, right? Rossweisse and Griselda told me so."

"Yeah, like Rose and Griselda you're beautiful, so you would attract attention just like them when you first join. But no one has stalked them, well as far as I know… Okay, I have to ask them after this… Anyway, we have evidence now, we can go through legal channels to sort this out."

I look at Grayfia and she nods before leaving the room. Get in contact with Sirzechs or Zeoticus, we can't have someone being stalked on their first day in their new job. I finally look back at Penemue and... She was blushing? What?




{Amaris is grilling cheese; can't you smell that?}

[...…Oh, yeah, you're right. Sorry Partner, gotta go.]

I wonder what Ddraig was going to say… Also, Amaris can cook?

"Penemue, what's wrong?"

"…Nothing, anyway, yes let's do that. I will just have to change SIM cards. How troublesome…"

As if prepared for something like this, she strolls over to her desk and takes out another SIM card.

"You sure are prepared."

She said nothing but swings her hips and wink at me. I shake my head and get up.

"I'll go ask Rose and Griselda about this, I'll see you around, Penemue."

Pull ~ Gyu ~

"Hmm? Won't you comfort me? ~"

I was pulled back and hugged from behind. Geez woman, I seriously doubt you're genuinely fearing for your life… Well, I guess I can play along.

"Oh? Is the great and almighty Penemue-sama fearing for her life?"

"I am ~"

I chuckle and turn around, and she fully embraces me when I did so. She starts to rub her head on my chest, geez, no wonder they mistake you for your age—

"...…Hmm? ~"

She stops and glares at me while 'smiling' at me. Right, I forgot about that…

"No, nothing, my bad."

"So, how do you want to me to comfort you?"

She hums into my chest until she looks up at me with a mischievous look. Without saying a word, she pulls away from me, grabs my hand and pulls me toward her bed. I glance back to make sure the door was closed and it was.


She points to the bed, and I follow suit.

"Close your eyes and cover your ears. Also, sit fully on my bed, don't just dangle your legs…"


So, I scooted more into her bed and basically sitting cross-legged on it, closed my eyes and covered my ears. What's her plan here…?

'That woman, Penemue, has become more proactive, hasn't she? I was told about your previous relationship with her by everyone here. This is certainly an interesting development.'

Yeah, it's night and day, although, you're also pretty talkative nowadays, Velgrynd.

'I will meet you one day, and I am merely taking steps into bettering our relationship.'


'Say something!'

I appreciate it?


I felt Penemue taking my hands off my ears before I could say anything else to Velgrynd.

"You can open your eyes now ~"

I slowly opened my eyes and—


"Hmm? Is something wrong, Jin?"

I involuntarily gulp, as Penemue was in front of me with only a white shirt, and her light green panties. She is definitely trying to seduce me… Penemue was looking up at me while sporting a small blush. I could see her nipples poking through the shirt…

"Hey… Is something wrong? Won't you comfort me?"

She wasn't too far from me, so she crawled over to me, and puts her arms on my chest and looks up at me.

"Won't you?"

Azazel...… You liar! This woman definitely knows how to do this kind of thing! Are you dumb?! I felt my entire body twitch. What the hell do I do here? Go for it? I mean, that's the most logical thing to do now, right?

I embrace Penemue, she yelped softly, and our faces slowly inched closed to each other until. Her eyes remained determined, expectant and had a tinge of hesitance, but overall… She wanted to do this.

Perhaps she has been thinking of a way to get me alone, and this stalking incident provided her with that opportunity? Whatever the case may be—

Chu ~

I was brought out of my thoughts when our lips touched. Her lips felt soft. Penemue was a little awkward with her kiss, so I took the lead—

Open ~

"Hey, Jin I heard from Gra— Ah, ah…. Ah! I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt!"

As we were slowly getting more into our kiss, the door opened and Rias walked in. She looked horrified and apologized before walking away. However, due to this, we broke our kiss.

"Ara ~ I guess that's it for now, huh?"

Poke ~

"Huhu, I guess doing this was worth it, right, Jin junior? ~"

Penemue looked amused with herself as she poked my half-erection through my pants… I was interrupted earlier, and interrupted again. Everyone has been super horny today, but also got interrupted, with the exception of what happened during lunch…


She puts a finger on my lips and winks.

"No, no, Jin ~ didn't you say you wanted to go on dates before making the girls yours? I'll hold you to that ~ now, get out of here ~"

She pushes me off the bed and I stumble out, all the while she giggled behind me. Damn… My own rules fucked me over there, didn't it…? A date, huh? How many do I have to take with me? I know Natsume wants to go on one before we do the deed. Rias also wants to do the same.

I look back at the closed door, I can assume the same thing for Penemue, huh? What about Scathach? No, she said before that she didn't care too much, but I'll take her on one that's more… I guess 'activity filled' paintball, rock climbing, and other physical crap…


[You technically cock-blocked yourself, Partner.]

Shut up, Ddraig.

He said nothing else but just cackled at me. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Once I get there, Griselda, Rose, Rias, Grayfia, Inaie and Raiko were there. Once they saw me, Rias looked away awkwardly. Raiko also did the same thing, but she also kept glancing down below.

"Hey. I got a question for you two."

Both Rose and Griselda pointed at themselves and I nod.

"Ever experience any stalking since you started school? Please be honest with me."

I take a seat beside Rose and wait for their answer. I mean, I'm both worried and not worried. They're strong and can deal with normal humans, you know? And the majority of the supernatural, but it would be shitty of me not to act the 'concerned boyfriend' part, even though Griselda isn't…

"No, but I have seen a lot of the males in the school looking at me with lewd eyes, but they are teenagers filled with hormones, so I can excuse it. However, it is still inappropriate."

Rose says with a huff, to this, Inaie just laughs at her.


"Pretty cheap coming from you, Rossweisse-san. You're dating Jin, aren't you? That's like super taboo ~"

"T-This and that are two different things!"

She quickly says back, but Inaie just laughed again making Rose turn red. She leans against me and nuzzles her face against my shoulder.

"I'm being bullied…"

"…There, there…"

I pet her to comfort her. I wonder if she does this on purpose just so I can spoil her like this…? We turn to Griselda as we wait for her answer. She seemed to be in deep thinking about it, and looked quite serious.

"It's not stalking, but… Do you remember my first day and that I mentioned that a teacher asked me out for drinks? He… He hasn't stopped and he's quite persistent. But he does stop when I do tell him."


The type that can't take a no. They're usually harmless until they become a little more aggressive. But to the supernatural world, I am a big deal, but in the normal world, I'm just a student, and Griselda is a teacher. What can we do…? Scare him? I look down at my shadow, and some purple eyes look back at me.

Tug ~ Tug ~

"You're making a scary face right now, Jin. What are you thinking?"

I look back up and see Rose looking at me with concern. The rest of them felt the same, I sigh and sit back up.

"No, I was just thinking about on how to deal with this. Penemue has a student who's stalking her so I was just thinking of having the administrators deal with it. As you know I'm just a student to them, not some big deal like I am in the supernatural world."

"And now I learned about this from Griselda. Rias, can anything be done?"

"Father and Onii-sama have yet to answer us, but apart from the staff that we know are part of the supernatural, the rest are just normal humans. This includes the principal. So, whatever answer we get from my family, we can move from there. I also informed Sona about it, so she might have an answer tomorrow."

She says and sips on her tea. I glance at Grayfia and she also confirms it. Sona knows, huh? I'll speak with her about it tomorrow then.

"Hey, Griselda, what's this teacher's name?"

"Hotaka Nakamura. I usually refer to him as Nakamura-sensei. He's the current P.E teacher."

P.E teacher and school computer genius, huh?

Next day

|Jin ~ when are we going on our date? ~|

On the following day, I was on the top of my home and I was staring at this text from Áine. Even after finding out, she was working with Khaos Brigade though it was for her own benefit to try to 'expose' me. I wasn't sure how to respond to it.

[Grief and hate can do weird things, Partner. Some spiral out of control.]

{And Áine has clearly not moved on at all.}

Danu asked me to help her, so I will, but… Áine will need to be punished for this. She did betray the alliance.

[What will you suggest?]

Something like Raynare? But I think it will definitely take her a while to get through it even with a small push from me.

[Are you going to swoop in and save her? Heh.]

No. I'm no hero, Ddraig. Like what I did with Akeno and Lavinia, Áine just needs that last push to take those necessary steps forward in moving on from her past. I bet many tried in the past, maybe that's why she became a wanderer? Whatever the case… Hopefully I can help…

Poke ~


I look up from my phone and see Asia there. I gesture for her to join me and she sits on my lap.

"What's up?"

"I know this may sound rude… But may I go with you on your date with Áine-san?"

[Damn she's bold.]

"Asia… May I know why?"

"Woman's intuition!"

[Well, they all have that one way or another, Partner.]

"…I don't mind, but I'll need to tell or ask Áine first…"

|Do you mind if someone tags along? She really wants to experience Ireland.|

I text to Áine and wait for a response. In the meantime—

"Jin-san… Will you be joining a club in the college division?"

"Hmm? I mean, I don't know. My avatar will mostly be attending for me since I'll be focusing on my own restaurant and job as the Middleman. However, I may just join the one Akeno, Rias, and Ingvild are in. Well, assuming they all join the same club…"

If I remember correctly, Rias and Akeno toured the college division of Kuoh Academy and didn't find a club they wanted to join. Therefore, they founded a society that focuses on researching Japan and its culture. It's called the 'Japanese Culture Research Society'.

If they do make it, we'll all be invited to join. When others start graduating as well.

"I see, so we'll be together there too…"

She sounded a little relieved. Hmm, are they that worried about us graduating? We're not that far from the high school division, and we also live in the same house… I felt my phone vibrate and checked it.

|Hmm ~ can I speak with them?|


My phone then began to ring and I answered.

"Hey, so here's Asia. She wants to go with us, right?"

She nods and takes the phone from me. She gets up from my lap and walks away and speaks to Áine. I watch from afar and decide not to listen to their conversation. It's safe to assume that some sort of attack will happen during our date. I can trust Asia can hold her own, she has her own Shadow Knights and the others in my shadow and the Electa.

[Do you want us on standby, Partner?]

Yeah, that would be the right call. But we'll probably be fine on our own. Eventually, Asia comes back looking happy with herself. She hands me my phone back.

"She's okay with it! We'll have a fun day ahead of us, Jin-san!"

Kuoh Academy

Two classes had passed, and for some reason the school was in a buzz. For what? I don't know but it looked like Najima and Kouta knew the reason, so I approached them. The next teacher was usually late so I wasn't too worried.

"Hey, Najima, Kouta. What's up with the school today?"

"Oh, Jin. Yeah, you were late, weren't you? That's not like you… Anyway, some weird stuff has been happening. Kiba Yuuto, the prince of the school had his desk drawn on, the same with Gasper Vladi, a first year."

Kouta explains. What? Like the Japanese bullying thing? He then continues.

"This is my own theory but I think whoever is doing this is targeting the guys in the Occult Research Club. It's a miracle yours wasn't vandalized."


This isn't a coincidence. I know for a fact that Penemue and Griselda left early today, followed soon by the Gremory group, but they usually stay in their own club until school starts. I didn't get time to talk to Sona since I was late.

Why was I late? Huhu, it's quite easy! Scathach wanted to set up a date soon, so I got caught up in conversation. She wouldn't take the 'let's talk about this when I get back' answer, so I had to speak with her. I should have made a time dilation barrier. That was my own oversight.

Rias, Natsume, Penemue and now Scathach. Busy days ahead of me, if I include my job as well…

"I see. I'll talk to them about it."

Knowing those two, they won't be too bothered by it. I mean, if it was Gasper at the start of the year, then yeah, he'd be crying his eyes out or scared out of his head. However, he should be alright. Kiba isn't bothered by this kind of thing, but checking on them wouldn't be a bad thing.

But Gasper has Ravel and Shirone with him, Kiba… In his class, he has no one, but he has the Church trio to talk to since they're second years…

"Thanks for telling me."

"Sure thing, Skyward-sama. Anyway, you were shit last night. Did you even practice being a jungler?"

"Man, fuck you. I have, I'm just bad at the role!"

I walk away as they talk about some MOBA they were playing. This time I approach the two devil groups. First, Sona.

"Hey, got a minute?"

"I'm finished preparing. How can I help you, Jin?"

Tsubaki was close enough so she could hear us. I lean down on her desk and whisper to her what I heard from both Najima and Kouta. Sona grew concerned.

"It's like that Chase guy with Akeno last year? She told me about it but she dealt with it in her own way apparently…"

Sona sighed after I said that, but nodded in the end.

"Yes, we would have preferred if she told us and let us handle it, but what's done is done."

Sona looks at Akeno, who is smiling back at us.

"Yeah, that also ties into what I want to talk to you about during lunch. I'll stop by the Student Council room."

She gave me a questioning look, but didn't ask about it.

"I see. We can talk about that topic during lunch then."

I nod and go to the Gremory [King] and [Queen] plus Ingvild.

"Did you hear about what happened?"

I ask Rias but she shakes her head, so I told her. Both Ingvild and Akeno listened in. They were clearly angry about it, especially Rias. Although she only frowned, it was evident that she was annoyed.


"I'm speaking to Sona about it during lunch. Do you wanna join or…?"

"I will try to contact my father and Onii-sama again, and hopefully end this. We already have the supernatural aspect to deal with. Adding this drama in the human world is just unnecessary baggage."

"Agreed. Let's work on our ends then."

At times like these, I wish I could just use brute force, or scare tactics. But that makes me a little childish… However, let's be a bit more methodical about it. If the two that I discussed last night are the culprits then…

Yami Endo, the school computer geek and Hotaka Nakamura, the P.E teacher… So much for resting until I take Áine on that date. I inwardly sigh…


Rias, Akeno and Ingvild headed to the clubroom as soon as lunch started. Sona was called to the faculty room and I was walking to the Student Council room with Tsubaki. The guys made a small fuss about it.

Najima and Kouta got glared at by her since they said 'another one in his harem' or something like that.

"Do you know why Sona was called to the faculty room?"

"It might be related to the current events at the school. Doing something like that is not tolerated in Kuoh. They don't want something like last year to repeat, so we are cracking down on all types of bullying from this year and onwards. In the college division, you may have a chance of being outright expelled."

She says it in her usual stoic way. But damn, outright expelled? That's kind of hardcore… But Akeno did tell me the stalking was a bit much last year…

[You're quite calm about it, Partner.]

I mean, I was mad when I heard about it, but what's done is done. I can't really change it, and also, I'm not a child who'll respond by throwing a tantrum at every little thing, Ddraig…

[I-I know, I wasn't saying you were… I just meant you're quite calm at the current situation.]

Isn't that better than letting my own emotions run amok? Getting evidence and exposing them to school and then having them fired or expelled would be better.

[And if they keep pursuing after they are expelled and fired?]

...…I look at my hand and clench it. Then it's fair game, they're messing with them outside the safety of the school. I'll traumatize them for life.

[…Sheesh, a bit hypocritical there.]

I am a walking contradiction. Ddraig didn't answer after that.

Tsubaki and I eventually reached the Student Council room. We both enter and everyone was already there—

Smack! Smack!


"W-Wait I haven't done anything though?!"

As soon as we enter, I see Genshirou Saji being smacked by his girlfriend Ruruko Nimura… Tsubaki without missing a beat kept walking. I-Is this a regular occurrence…?

"Ahh— Jin-senpai, help!"

Trying desperately to crawl towards me, he was dragged back while screeching like a banshee. I just gave him a peace sign and kept walking too…

"Traitor!!! Gyaaaaaa!!!—"

A loud thud then occurred, after which silence followed. I sit by the chessboard and wait along with the rest of the peerage. Momo smiles and walks over to me.

"Jin-senpai, are you here because of the rumors?"

"Yeah, pretty much… By the way, what the hell happened with those two…?"

Saji, who was knocked out was being dragged by Ruruko. She propped him onto a chair and waited for him to wake up. Momo nervously laughed at my question. However, Ruruko turned to me and answered my question instead.

"Listen to this, Jin-senpai. As I mentioned before, I don't mind Gen-chan having a harem! But he hasn't given me a reasonable enough answer yet! Today before we arrived here, I saw him looking at another first-year girl, and she wasn't part of the supernatural either! That requires divine punishment!"

She says quite proudly. I'm sorry man, but good luck. I'm thankful every day that none of the girls react this way… The door then opened and in came Sona. She quickly walked over to her desk and Saji miraculously woke up.

"I'm sorry for the delay. I was in the faculty room as you know. Thank you for coming, Jin. At any rate, let us begin."

She turns to me and I nod.

"Before I say what I know, can you share yours, Sona?"

"…There has been a case of bullying, and as you know this school does not tolerate it."

Sona goes on to say the incident from last year, no, it wasn't just one but a few. Some got out of hand, and a female student tried to take her life. I see, so that's why they're so harsh on the punishment. But…

"Something appears to be happening on the teacher's side too, although I wasn't informed of it. Do you know, Jin?"

I nod and tell them about Penemue being stalked by Yami Endo, and Griselda's troubles with the P.E. teacher Hotaka Nakamura.

"I see, so it was that student. Truth be told, he has stalked people online before, however, he only did it to scare them, and also 'troll' them. But if he has taken it into the real world then it's troubling. However...… Nakamura-sensei has a clean sheet."

"He has never had any type of complaint filed against him… However, there's always a first time for everything. Jin, I will inform the school about it. Rias told me a little bit about it last night, but not in detail. She said you would approach me about it."

"I trust you, but do you have evidence?"

I nod and hand over some screenshots I had printed out from Penemue's phone, and the weird shit he sent her. Tsubaki looks at it and frowns. Sona had a slight look of disgust.

"I see, and for Nakamura-sensei?"

"Nothing. Griselda only told me about her experiences, but I'll keep an eye on him just to be safe. I know she can defend herself, but you know, I'd rather have my bases covered. Anyway, will you take the information to them, Sona?"

"Endo-kun will have to answer to this if it's found out to be real. Stalking is already a crime, but to do it to your teacher along with this explicit content… He's looking at expulsion at the very least. Does Penemue-san want to press charges?"

…Press charges? We kind of forgot about that part because other things happened…

"Uh, I have no idea. I'll ask her about it."

"Even though it may feel like nothing to you, Jin. To humans, it's quite a significant event to deal with."

Yeah she's right, maybe I'm just desensitized by all the potentially world ending shit I've seen in the past year… But Penemue and Griselda are—

"We're still women, Jin. These things may affect us just as much as normal human females."

Sona sighs before turning back to everyone else and they begin discussing more student council topics. I felt out of place, so I left. Once outside I walked around the school while thinking about what she said. Those two did say they were fine… I didn't feel they were lying last night.

Ugh… I'll just have to check those two out, Yami Endo and Hotaka Nakamura. First, the computer wizard. He's a third year, so I'll check out the third-year floor first. I made my way there and found many still in their classrooms or just in the hallways talking to other students.

I had [Observe] actively on and looking at each male student. But it didn't take long for me to find him. Together with other students, he was in his own classroom. When I stopped outside, I saw his name. I leaned back on the windowsill and took a peek at his stats.

Nothing too noteworthy except for INT, and some interesting titles: [Will of the Nerd God], [Stalking Champion], [God of Trolls (Self-Proclaimed)] and finally [Future Penemue Husband (Self Proclaimed)].

Cúntóir, can you analyze him?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yami Endo, 18, 3rd year student in Kuoh academy (High school division), computer genius, stellar grades and internet troll. He mostly keeps to himself out here in the real world, but becomes someone else when online. Takes pleasure in making people upset online, and has some kind of business online that makes him some money.

Cúntóir: Answer: Nothing else notable, and no prior complaints except being a bit anti-social. His classmates don't bully him because of school rules, and some even praise him for his skills in using gadgets.

So, you're saying that this just came out of nowhere? Some kind of love at first sight kind of deal? That quickly turn into something obsessive?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes.

Jesus Christ.

[He's dead.]

God damn, Ddraig…

[He's also dead.]


[Ow?! What the hell, Albion?!]

Suddenly, a teacher came over… Oh, it was Sadako-sensei. He reluctantly goes over to her and sees me. We make eye-contact and I feel a smirk make its way onto my face, but I quickly get rid of it. However, he sees this and glares at me. I'll go to the clubroom then, gotta check up on my juniors.

Occult Research Club

I grabbed a bite to eat on the way to the clubroom. Once I was there, they were already discussing things.

"Oh, Jin. I'm glad you could join us. Azazel, Rossweisse, Lisa, Griselda and Penemue are in the faculty room."

Rias greets me and so does the rest of them.

"…Is that so? I saw Yami Endo going with Sadako-sensei you know? Maybe they'll confront him? Maybe Sona informed them using magic or something since they were still in the Student Council room."

"No, it was me. Cúntóir gave me copies of those screenshots you took. I just forwarded them to Azazel and he said he would take care of it. He's also Penemue's boss after all."

Rias nods approvingly. I guess Ash Crow can show his caring side to his subordinates from time to time, huh? Though I already know that, but it's nice to see it first-hand. I turn to Gasper and Kiba who were quite relaxed about the whole thing.

"The only thing left to do is wait. So, how are you two holding up?"

They both look up and nod.

"Koneko-chan and Ravel-san were very kind and helpful, but I wasn't that bothered by it. We got my desk cleaned up in no time because of everyone's help."

He was fiddling with his phone. I can guess Coriana also helped me through it.

"It happened at the start of the year for me, but it quickly died down. So, I was used to it hence why it didn't bother me at all, Jin-senpai."

Kiba quickly brushed it off and goes back to eating. Well, at least my juniors are dealing with it well…

Bullying, huh?

"Were you bullied in your past life, Jin-senpai?"

I look back and Kiba asks. Everyone turns to me curiously. Hmm, I haven't told them in detail about that, huh? I nod and tell them the story so far.

"W-Wait, you remember your name?! You haven't told us yet! What is it?!"

Akeno lunged at me and I caught her. Geez, I didn't think she'd react that strongly…

"Uh, yeah. My bad, a lot of things happened shortly after I remembered, so I didn't have time to tell you guys. Ahem… Anyway, my past name was Aaron Toole."

"Aaron… Aaron… Aaron ~~~"

Akeno repeats it and starts to sniff me. I wryly smile and take a seat.

"So, what do you want to be called as?"

"I don't mind, but try to call me Jin in front of people who don't know the 'truth' about me."

"…Um… Past life? Aaron? What are you all talking about…?"

Ravel raises her hand looking very confused. Ah, I haven't told her yet… I chuckle and tell her what the deal is, who I am and what the deal is. By the end of it, Ravel was completely shocked.

"Outer God… Multiverse… Other life… This is a lot of information to deal with…"

She clutches her head and takes a few minutes to process it all down. Once Ravel was done, she turns towards me—

"I will still support you, regardless! To think that there are more powerful beings across such a vast place, it's quite an exciting thing to discover. However, is the [Training Facility] just a downgraded version of your [Pocket Dimension]?"

"Yes, basically. I still need to tell Inaie and Raiko about this, although I suspect that they have some suspicions about me being human and all that…"

Ravel nods sagely, takes out a notebook and starts writing a bunch of things. When she's like that no one can really interrupt her. So, I left her to her own devices.

We had a more light hearted rest of lunch, but the teachers didn't come back to us either. Therefore, there was still a little bit of tension for the Gremory group.

Near the end of the day, we heard a lot of screaming and shouting from a male student who stormed out of the school. My classroom was near the entrance, so I got a front row seat on who it was, and Yami Endo was the one leaving the school.

It didn't take long for rumors to spread that it was him who did the writing on the desks of Kiba and Gasper. However, there was no confirmation to the students about this, and I doubt they would release that. But we'll ask Rose, and the rest about it when we get to the clubroom.

I decided to arrive last in the clubroom and hang back in the classroom. Since the guys of the Occult Research Club were being targeted, I waited until everyone left the classroom, and turned myself invisible.

I leaned up against the wall at the back of the classroom and waited. Time slowly ticked away, and eventually a lone male teacher came into the classroom. And not to my surprise it was Hotaka Nakamura-sensei. He had a bunch of markers with him and started scribbling on my desk.

I had my phone out and was recording him. Though it's a bit silly of him to do this when the heat was still hot, I guess he took the chance of Yami Endo getting kicked out or expelled as a way to mock the school by saying: I'm still at large, you idiots. You expelled/kicked out the wrong person.

But he didn't expect the supernatural to be real, or me being here to record him. But I was betting on this. I had no guarantee that I was right, so if he didn't show up today, I would have tried a different day.

But I do have to thank him for being stupid. Once he was done scribbling random things after around fifteen minutes, he gathered up his items and left. He was giggling like a school girl while fleeing.

I stopped the recording, but curiosity got the better of me, and I took a peek at my desk. Words and phrases were scribbled into it. Some examples of them are: Die, playboy, the world would be better off without you, r—pist, womanizer, and other colorful language.

[That's so plain…]

Don't encourage him, Ddraig. Shrugging my shoulders, I sent a text to Akeno saying I'll be late since I just got this evidence.... Next stop, So-tan.

Student Council

I had canceled my invisibility before leaving my classroom, so I was now in the Student Council room.

"This is twice in a day, Jin-senpai. This could bring us fortune or a bad omen."

After saying that, Saji was lightly smacked by Ruruko. However, they seem to be on good terms now. Maybe they made up after I left.

"Jin? Why have you come here? Do you need something? We were about to start our club activities."

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I thought I would show you something interesting."

Sona furrows her brows and I pull out my phone. I tapped it and a holographic screen appeared above it. It was quite large and then I pressed play. It showed the P.E. teacher Hotaka Nakamura scribbling things on my desk with a marker.

They all watched with mouths agape, except for Sona and Tsubaki who looked unamused by the whole thing. By the time it ended the [King] and [Queen] of the peerage sighed a heavy sigh.

"W-What the hell?! Why would he do that to Kiba-kun and Gasper-kun? I can understand why he would do it to Jin-senpai, but not to them!"

Saji said furiously. Hey, hey, what do you mean by that…?


"I don't mean anything bad by it, Jin-senpai."

He puts his hands up in an apologetic manner...… Then what the hell do you mean by it?! A good way? How?! I sigh and look back at Sona.

"Would you like a copy? I can make it HD, BLU-RAY, 4K, ULTRA WI—"

"Enough. I will, thank you, Jin."

She cuts me off and I grumble a bit. I create a copy of the file as well as a disk copy and give it to Sona. She gracefully takes it and I start walking out of the room.

"Jin, wait a moment."


I see Sona get up from her desk and hand me a letter, then she goes back to her desk without saying anything more. Saji then falls to the ground and on his knees.

"...…It's over...… President Sona gave Jin-senpai a love letter. Ah… Ruruko-chan… Help... My soul is breaking."

He was genuinely crying and I was looking at the guy in pity. I glance back at Sona and she rolls her eyes. Yeah, this isn't one, Saji… Without saying anything else, I left the room.

I was walking away from the room and began to open the letter when I heard the door open and close. Footsteps were quickly approaching me, and I turned around. The culprit was Momo, Sona's [Bishop]. She reaches me while panting a bit.

"Momo? What's up?"

"Um, a-are you free this weekend?"

"Weekend… I'm not entirely sure. I'll be away from Saturday since I have a request from the Irish pantheon. If all goes well, I can get back before Sunday, why?"

Momo deflates a bit but shakes her head, looking at me with weird conviction.

"I-If you get back by Sunday then, um, can you come with me? I-I mean, can you accompany me? I have a friend on the volleyball team, and they're looking to buy some new gear since theirs is a bit worn out already, so…"

I put my hand out to stop her as she might just ramble on if I don't.

"If I can get back on time, then sure. If not… We can do it before I go. How about Friday? If you're friend isn't busy that is."

Momo immediately takes her phone out and starts to frantically type on her phone. After she was done, she heaves a sigh of relief and waits.

[Partner, you can't look at this any other way than—]

I know, Ddraig. A date, she's basically asking me out… Eventually her phone vibrates and she takes it out. Her face brightens and she looks back at me.

"T-They're fine with it!"

"I see. I'll see you after school on Friday then? Unless you want to go get changed before we go."

"C-Change! I want to change, I-I mean if you don't mind, Jin-senpai…"

"Well, I did suggest it, so sure. Let's text the details, alright?"

"Y-Yes, thank you!"

She ran away after that. I watch her reach the door, briefly look at me and wave before stepping in. This'll be an interesting time… I wonder if it's all a set-up? Or is this friend real…? Wait, do we even have a female volleyball team…? I only saw guys playing volleyball there.

"Eh, it doesn't matter."


Skyward Household

The letter... It wasn't anything serious. It was just Serafall saying she missed me. I called her through a communication circle and asked why not just call or text me? She said that her phone broke and she didn't have time in getting a new one.... Anyway—

We had finished having dinner and were sitting around the dining room. Most of the household members were informed of what had happened and were also curious as to what had become of Yami Endo. So, we all stayed there waiting for Penemue, Rose, Lisa who had joined us, and Griselda.

"Sister Griselda, what happened?!"

Irina couldn't wait any longer. She raised her hand and just blurted that out. She sighed in response, but answered her anyway.

"It's not as you expected, unfortunately. Yami Endo-kun has been temporarily suspended for a few weeks. This is something they want to keep investigating. That's what Sirzechs Lucifer told Azazel, and that's what the principal heard. However, they are confident in finding that evidence, and he may be expelled by the end of it."

A few of the girls frowned, as well as Kiba and Gasper.

"…He may just delete them all you know? He has his computers and other tech related items in his home."

I point out but they shake their heads.

"Ufufu, the great Devil King, Lucifer-kun had some devils go to his home before he got there and confiscate all of them. So, they're probably sorting through all of the things he owns as we speak."

Lisa smiled at me and Rias nodded along proudly. I see, well if that's the case then it's hook, line and sinker. It's a done deal, this is over, but…

"I also got evidence on the one writing all that foul crap on Kiba and Gaspers desk."

"Eh? It wasn't Endo-kun?"


I brought my phone out and showed them the video. Safe to say they were shocked, especially Griselda.

"This is enough for him, right? I gave it to Sona, that's why I was late for club today."

I create another copy and make it float to Grayfia who accepted it and left the room. She's probably going to contact Sirzechs about it, or Zeoticus.

"He done fucked up."

Kanami says as she eats some cookies. Natsume smacks her and they lightly glare at each other. I swear those two are slowly turning into a comedy duo… Also, that sounds like a meme… Ddraig.

[Hey! Don't blame me! Okay, I might have shared a lot of memes with everyone over the fifteen years we spent in the [Pocket Dimension], but still!]

Grayfia comes and she nods.

"We will have our answer by tomorrow."

"I see, thank you."

After a few more minutes of talking, everyone disperses and leaves to do their own thing. Natsume looked at me for a little bit.

'Let's go on a date soon, okay?'

She seemed a bit surprised but happily nodded, skipping out of the room with renewed energy. The only ones left in the dining room/kitchen were Grayfia and I. I stretched a bit before deciding to join the others. They were probably in the living room or something.

However, I felt someone grab my arm and I looked behind me and it was Grayfia. She was blushing a little and said nothing. But around a minute later she finally sighs and looks up at me.

"Um… This might be a little selfish of me, but please spoil me for the rest of the night… I feel… A little neglected…"


Indeed, I feel like we haven't seen each other that much as of late. She did ask to go with me on one of my visits, maybe… When I go to Prawia again? I step forward towards her and bring her into a hug.

"By spoil do you mean…?"

"…Y-Yes, if you don't mind. Also, I mentioned before that I wished to accompany you on one of your requests or visits to another pantheon or faction…"

I nod.

"Sure thing, Grayfia. Do you want to come along to the Russian Mythology when I go back?"

She doesn't answer me but simply lays her head on my chest. Seeing this as some kind of sign or signal…

'Hey, Akeno. I'll be with Grayfia for a little bit. Can you stop some of the girls from going up?'

'Hmm? ~ sure thing, Jin ~'

I nodded to myself and picked up Grayfia who allowed me to do it with ease. I started to go up the stairs when—

"Jin's going to have sex with Grayfia-sama, so don't go upstairs!"

I choke on air and Grayfia turns red. But in the end, we both laughed, as we heard pandemonium downstairs.

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