Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 5 – Chapter 5 – Part 2 – Episode – Áine of Knockaine

WARNING: Quite a bit of angst in this chapter, and certain topics that people may find uncomfortable to read, so a warning. I guess the (tragic) tag should be added for this chapter?


Present day

Áine of Knockaine

One day, I started to exist. How and why came to mind, but I did not question it much. However, my life has spiraled into a mess that I definitely wouldn't have been able to predict. I personally don't think that all of it was my fault, but a large majority may have been. No, it definitely was…

After experiencing many things, meeting new people, be they Gods, humans or other beings. I reached my own conclusion. Many won't agree with it, but many of us are shaped by our own experiences, and so this is what I came to.

Men are evil, despicable creatures. Whose whole purpose of existing was to hurt others. Although, I should correct that… That's what I USED to think… Until recently, a certain event happened that had me thinking about many things.

It's his fault and his fault alone.

Jin Skyward. The current Red Dragon Emperor of this generation, and newly appointed Middleman.

Because of him, I believe my life was saved… No, not just him. A blonde female nun with a big heart also helped me… Asia Argento. I have those two to thank, but one question always comes to mind after those events.


Why would he help me? Our relationship has been fake so far... No, on my end it has been fake. I believe Jin has been trying to reach 'me', the real 'me'.

Asia said this is the kind of person Jin is, but I'm not too convinced by that explanation. She said that you had to know him more personally. So, I have made it my goal to try to do that. However, I will be stuck in the realm of the Tuatha Dé Danann. But I don't see it as a terrible thing. I'm quite grateful actually…

"Miss Áine? What are you doing? Come here and help!"

"…Ah yeah!"

There were a few more specifics to the punishments. One of them was to help the residents in this realm, if they ask me that is. So, right now I'm helping Padraig with his baking.

"I was on my lunch though…"

"That was for ten minutes! It's been eleven!"

It was over that quick?! I walked back towards the shop, but when I glanced to my right, I saw Danu. I need to apologize to her…

"Do you know how this works?"

"Yeah, I needed to make a living as a wanderer you know? So, of course I picked up a few jobs over the years, and baking was one of them."

Padraig looked a bit surprised.

"Really? Well, I guess that makes sense. Sorry about that, alright, show me what you got!"

I nod, pull up my sleeves and got ready to do my work.

A few hours later

"Good job, that should be all for today. Here."

I accept the drink he gave me and take a sip out of it.

"Thank you… But are you sure? You don't close for another six hours."

"Yeah, yeah, barely any customers come during those times. They mostly come during the early morning and afternoon, after that it's quite sparse during the evening. So you can go."

"O-Okay, thank you, Padraig."

He waved me off as I left the store. I was given a small home here for the duration of my punishment. Of course, I had those odd jobs I would work so I wouldn't starve to death and earn some money.

"Áine? Did you have lunch yet?"

"Huh? …Oh, Danu. I, uh, I guess so? If you count eating bread, a lot of it as lunch then sure…"

She smiles, takes my hand and pulls me towards a local restaurant. Once we were inside, we sat in front of the owner and he waited for us to order.

"You don't need to do this…"

"I want to, Áine. Now go ahead and order what you want. I may not look like it, but I'm quite well off because of my current flower business in the human world."

The thing has been going on for years now... I didn't say it out loud for fear of sounding rude. Shaking my head, I ordered my food; Danu did the same. Our food quickly came and we started to eat.

"How are you adjusting?"

"…Apart from being stuck here for an indefinite amount of time? Not much…"

She chuckled at me.

"I guess that's true. You must like moving around then? Of course, that's tied to your moniker as a 'Wanderer' is it not?"


I appreciate you trying to keep the conversation moving, Danu. But you were never the type that was adept at it. I'll just take the lead then…

"I didn't think it was that much… We could have split it in half."

"It's fine, Áine. As I said earlier, I'm well off…"

"So am I…"

Even though I can do odd jobs, and have a home. I have a lot saved up over the years I've been alive. As a wanderer, I just spend my nights at random locations with some magic around them to prevent humans from going there.

Food and clothes were the only things I spent my money on, and other small necessities. So, I wouldn't necessarily starve to death… Can deities even starve to death…? Also, that's just me using what I have. I haven't even touched upon my powers…

"You are the Goddess of wealth, summer and sovereignty after all. Could you not create money yourself?"

"…Just because I have that title doesn't mean it equates to me being able to create money at will…"

"Hmm. I heard from Asia that Jin can do that though."


What? Is he some kind of God then? No normal human can do that, even magicians can't, and if they try to they'll have to face serious consequences. Creating something from nothing doesn't make sense. You need to offer up or sacrifice something in order to achieve it.

Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. This is the law of equivalent exchange

Don't alchemists say that quite often?

"Yes, he makes it out of nothing. After hearing that, I am suspicious of Jin. He may be a God of some kind. However, when I asked Asia about it, she just said that we'll need to find out from Jin himself."

Of course, she would say that. It's expected at this point. But a God, huh? What other secrets does he hold? Does he share them with his lovers? If he does, how much of it does he share? All of it? Part of it?

Is he out of his mind? No, I need to stop… I look back up to see Danu on her phone. Oh, that reminds me… I also take my phone out and check it. Asia Argento's phone number is in it and she already sent me a text that I didn't see, I'm sorry… Ugh…

|Good morning, Áine-san! I hope you have a great day today! Here's a picture of Jin while he's sleeping!|

She had a picture of Jin sleeping… In another woman's breasts, I believe that's… Oh, it's Natsume. Both of them looked quite content. Even though it's late, I should reply…

|Hello, how was your day? I didn't see your message, sorry. My day was fine, sorry, and thank you for checking up on me… Jin seems to be enjoying that pillow of his.|

I got an immediate response and another photo…

|Mine was fine, Áine-san! School was eventful, and we were quite productive in our club activities! Here's another photo of Jin-san!|

School, huh? Don't they do contracts as devils? Also, the photo she attached was of Jin using another woman's lap pillow. If I'm correct, it's the blonde magician that asked the question. Oh, she sent another one. It's Jin sleeping on another one's lap…

|He's on my lap right now.|

Ah, it's Asia's… He really likes thighs, huh? I look at my own... W-Wait what? No, stop...

"They seem to be having fun."

I look back up to see Danu had scooted over and read my messages with Asia.

"Yeah, they do…"

"Those days will come back soon, Áine. I guarantee it! Fate is telling."

"Fate, huh…?"

Fate… Fate… I've heard that word a lot lately. While I hated it, I now feel a bit hopeful about the word. If I asked Danu about it, she would probably say something like: It was fate that those two were there to help you that day, Áine.

Or something along those lines. Danu got up from the bench we sat on.

"Áine, I have to go. I got a call from one of my shops that they needed help with something. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine."

She bows before leaving. I was on my own again. I wonder where Cana is…?

It was nighttime but I couldn't sleep. Therefore, I ventured out for a leisurely stroll. However, the familiar tune of a harp could be heard near the middle of the town. Once I arrived there, Cana was in the middle as she played her harp. There were only a few people out, however, many were listening from their own homes by their windows.

She sees me and smiles at me. She has a talent for bringing people together through her music. Most if not all leave in high spirits after listening to her play. I want to have a talent like that, something genuine, not like what I have been showing everyone.

However, I was at the tail-end of her little performance as it ended. She got a round of applause before everyone dispersed, but they all had very positive things to say as they left. Approaching Cana, she waves at me and I do the same.

"Huhu, if it isn't Miss Áine ~ how are you after that debacle?"

I felt like an arrow had just pierced my head. Even though she's quite kind, she tends to hit you where it hurts the most with her words.

"I'm fine, Cana. Where have you been all day? Why start a performance here, and why at night?"

She puts her harp away and giggles.

"So many questions, Áine ~ huhu, buuuut ~ I've just be around places. Spreading love through music around our wonderful country ~"

"…So that hasn't changed at all, huh?"

One of her dreams in the past, and I guess it's still her dream is to 'Spread my music throughout the world'. But I don't think she's left the country at all. She loves it when people hear her play the harp, but she randomly disappeared one day.

"Huhu, I know that look, Áine. You're wondering why I suddenly disappeared! You forgot! I already told you!"

She points at me and winks.

"Y-You did? I-I'm sorry, I did forget... Will you tell me?"

"It's nothing serious or philosophical, you know? I was just in isolation to hone my craft! Now I am confident in playing the harp. Even though it's not that famous of an instrument now, I want to spread it, starting now! You heard one of my original pieces that I played for Jin!"

"I call it: A Reclusive Lullaby of The World. So, what do you think of the title?!"

"…But you haven't toured the world yet?"

She stomps her foot like a child, huffs and turns her head away from me.

"That's beside the point!"

"W-Well titles aside, it did sound wonderful, Cana. How did you manage to come up with it?"

"Many years of trial and error! It sounded awful at first, even if I, the inventor of the harp, couldn't produce music that was enjoyable. I also need to practice, you know? Think about it, Áine. Compare my music now to when you first heard me. It's a world of difference, right?"

Compare them? Well, if I do think about it. Certainly, comparing what she used to play all those years ago, and to now. They are very different, it's almost like comparing someone who picked up a musical instrument to a professional veteran.

"Yes they are, Cana. You really went above and beyond, didn't you?"

"It is for my dream! I will have it fulfilled, as the Goddess of music, dreams and inspirations, that is my wish. But first, I will have to spread it more in Ireland in the coming years!"

Dreams and goals. I need to find some for myself soon…

"Yes, good luck with that…"

"Mmm-mmm! Anyway, goodnight, Áine. I'll retire for the day."

Cana got up, gave me a peace sign and left. The Goddess of music, dreams, and inspirations trying to spread her own music as her dream and in turn wanting to inspire as many people with it? She really lives up to it. What about me?

The Goddess of summer, wealth, and sovereignty and the supposed Goddess of love and fertility…


My phone rang and I opened it… It was a message from Asia?

|When your trust has been betrayed, the only thing to do is live, learn and let go. Otherwise, the betrayal done by another will turn into hate for them. But they will not feel this hate, it will only hurt you more, growing bigger and darker. So, live, learn and let go. By living, it means they did not hurt you so deep that you cannot move forward. Learn, learn to not trust this person again, and to make more of a sound judgement in the future. Letting go doesn't mean forgetting. It means that you have let go of the pain it caused. And by not forgetting, you will learn and move forward from the betrayal of the past.|

|Jin-san told me to send this, he found it in a book somewhere!|

It was just a quote?! Ugh… He did try, no wait—

How does he…? —It was brief; however, I saw the short glow of purple eyes inside my shadow and it disappeared immediately.

"I see…"

"I have been like this for the longest time, Jin. Even if what you and Asia did were impactful… It will take time for me to fully change…"


|We will wait, Áine-san!|

At this point, I'm not even going to question it... I turn in the direction of my house and start walking towards it.

Tomorrow is a brand-new day, full of new opportunities. Please wait for me. I have to atone for my mistakes…

Many years ago

"Welcome, Áine."


A woman was in front of me, but what is 'me' exactly? What are these words that I know? I am not sure, but…

"I am Danu, a Goddess."

"…Danu? …Goddess?"

"Yes, you are a Goddess as well. You are Áine. The Goddess of summer, wealth, sovereignty, fertility and love."

"…Goddess, love…?"

She smiles and nods at me before offering her hand to me. I, on instinct, accepted it and was pulled up.

"You have much to learn. I will teach you…"

At that moment in time, my life— My existence started. And it would be a very turbulent ride…

Many years later

"Danu?! Why are you leaving the Tuatha Dé Danann?! D-Did something happen? Tell me, please! You were the one who got us this far. Why leave now…?"

Many years have passed since I started to exist in this world. I do not know how I did, but Goddess Danu, a Primordial Goddess was the one who found me. No, not just me, she was the one who found many of the Gods of the Irish mythology.

She then created the group called Tuatha Dé Danann, a band of Gods. We crossed the lands of this country together, bonded and formed friendships that will last hundreds to thousands of lifetimes. While everyone else has interacted with the humans we came across, I personally have not.

I just find it a bit awkward to…

However, Danu was and is the center of it! We look to her for advice or just to vent! So why… Why is she planning to leave?! I don't understand!

She looks at me sadly and puts a hand on my shoulder and pulls me into a hug.

"Áine… I have my reasons."

"…Reasons? Please tell me then! Even if it's vague! Tell me!"

"…I am waiting for someone. Something inside me is telling me. Someday they'll arrive. As to when it is? I do not know, so I will depart for now and look after our country as a whole by myself. You and the rest of the Goddess can live your lives the way you want…"

"Oh, I also made Nuada the leader. I think he will do a fine job."

Nuada? That hot-headed idiot?! How in the world— No… Calm down me… Danu can usually see these kinds of things in people. So, she must see a competent leader in that immature idiot…


She caresses my cheek and smiles at me tenderly.

"You're still the same as when I first met you all those years ago, Áine. You have faithfully followed me for a long time. But please go live your life. You don't need to stay with the Tuatha Dé Danann, you can embark on your own adventure, a new chapter in your life."


"I have to go...… I am certain we will see each other again. But until then… Please take care of yourself."

She hugged me one last time and finally left. I watched her figure slowly disappear. I wanted to chase her, I wanted her to stay, I wanted her to tell me more stories, show me more things. Danu is like a mother to all of us…

"As you know Danu has left and I have been given leadership. However, I am aware that some of you are against it. I know words can only mean so much, but please give me a chance. But if you are vehemently against it, please speak up now."

We, the Gods were currently in the meeting room of the castle. It's only been a few hours since Danu left us. Many of us knew about it beforehand, but it still feels strange. She is the one usually addressing us at the top of this table, and not Nuada.

But to my surprise, it seemed like he had aged a few years since I last saw him last night. Perhaps he was the first one to find out about Danu leaving us? No, that makes sense since he was chosen to be the next leader.

To his question, and to my surprise. No one spoke up or objected. Lugh, the God of the Sun in our pantheon opened his eyes and spoke.

"I trust in your judgment, Nuada. During our many travels, if it wasn't Goddess Danu who interacted with the humans of whatever settlement we came across first, then it was you. You draw people around you, and many rely on that fact. While you can be dumb and hot headed at times, you have the great makings of a leader. I am sure Goddess Danu saw that in you, and that's why she chose you."

After saying that, Lugh got a round of nods. It seems like he wasn't the only one that thought that. Cana, who was beside me, agreed as well. She sees me staring at her and smiles. But…

"I see. Thank you. I will do my best to surpass your expectations. But… To start, I wish to address something right now since we are all here... Áine and Cana will also be leaving today."

Nuada says that while looking around the room. However, the rest became stunned and stared at the both of us. Cana told me before this meeting started, I was obviously shocked. I didn't think anyone else would go.


Brigid and Clíodhna stood up shocked.

"W-Why?! Áine?!"

"Cana is your head, right?!"

Cana awkwardly smiles at Clíodhna, and I do the same for Brigid. Clíodhna, I'm friends with her and Cana, however, those two are much closer. She's part of the creatures called 'Banshee' and is quite powerful.

There have been rumors of her being a candidate for being the Queen of the Banshee, and if she does become the Queen, she will need to leave eventually since she will need to lead them…

"I have my reasons…"

"Me too! I want to… I won't say it, but it's essential!"

Both Goddesses still look upset but Nuada stands up.

"We cannot force them to stay, even though it is sad to see them leave and not too far from when Danu left us, we cannot force them. Cana, Áine. I wish you two the best, you are welcome to come back anytime, just like Danu."

Brigid and Clíodhna sat back down and both deflated, but accepted his decision in the end. So, true to our group's name, we started to eat and drink the rest of the day away…


"You're leaving during the night too, Áine?"

I did not drink much, however, I ate my fill during our party. Even the small citizens we have in our realm right now were saddened by the departure of Danu, Cana and I. But to my surprise, I see Cana also leaving at night.

"Yeah… Hey, Cana can you tell me the real reason?"

She nods and brings out…

"Why did you summon that thing?"

"This 'thing' is my pride and joy! I call it a 'harp'! It produces beautiful sounds! One day, I want to be able to produce music, melodies and tunes that will capture the hearts of the people of this country— No, the whole world! That's why I'm leaving."

She looked quite serious…

"I want to master this instrument; I will go into seclusion. Maybe come out every now and again to see how the people react to my music. I want to make music a large part of people's lives everywhere, Áine!"

Such a noble goal… Compared to mine…

"What about you? I Told you mine, how about sharing?"

"…I just want to travel and experience more of the human world. Just like what Danu told me, I feel like something inside of me is telling me it'll change my life, and I think it will be for the better…"

She gave me a skeptical look and went 'hmm.'

"Are you sure it's not to search for Goddess Danu?"


She can see right through me. No, I believe they all could… But Nuada still let me go. Cana nods before turning around.

"I see, well I do hope it goes well for you, Áine! Until we meet again! And let's meet again when both of our lives are at their happiest, shall we?"

She flashes me a smile before leaving the realm.

"At our happiest, huh? I do hope so too, Cana."

I took a deep breath and exhaled. From today and onwards, I will take charge of my life. What happens after that will be my full responsibility…!

"Let's see how it goes…!"

I finally leave the Land of Heaven Falls for the first time without the rest of the Tuatha Dé Danann.

At the time, I didn't know that a very long journey was ahead of me.

Years later


I sat down on a rock. I have been traveling across the country of Ireland for many years now. I have met many people, experienced many things, both pleasant and unpleasant and I have seen many human civilizations come and fall.

It also feels like they just repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Is this just a cycle for them at this point? It feels like it…

However, one of my goals of living my life is yet to be fulfilled, because apparently and according to the humans I've spoken to. They say that a female's ultimate goal in life is to birth and mother their own children. That is what many women have said, well, to the ones I've spoken to.

Many of them were married and have children. They have said that they bring them a lot of joy, and that 'love' plays a big factor. I am partially known as the Goddess of Love in my pantheon, so…

For me of all people to not have experienced it yet, I kind of find it ironic. But they way they've described it to me has been quite appealing… Falling in love, staying with your significant other, and spending many years with each other. It makes me want to experience it, but…

Many have said not to rush it and let it happen naturally. One of them advised me to just follow what my heart says… Whatever that means…

I have also had to work for a living. I had to survive one way or another, and doing odd jobs in towns or villages I came across was one way of doing that. I helped them out, and my name is spread across the country.

As some kind of wanderer who helps out people, I don't mind since I'm getting some sort of notoriety which I personally see as a positive thing. I am currently in County Donegal, why? Well, this is where my feet took me, for no other reason. I was just resting currently.

My next stop is County Limerick, and that's on the opposite side of the country, so I have a long journey ahead of me. In addition, I also used magic on occasion. I wanted to experience everything through a 'humans' eye, I wanted to see it in their eyes, and way of life. No magic, just my regular old body.

"Excuse me, young lady?"

Young lady?! I turn my head to the voice who called out to me. It was an old woman; she gestured for me to come closer and so I do.

"Could you help me wheel this back to my home? My husband and son are doing the others but my—"

"Of course! Leave it to me!"

I didn't let her finish as this has happened many times before. With my otherworldly strength, I easily moved the cart and surprised the old woman.

"My, you're quite strong for a woman, aren't you?"

"…Ahaha… Yes, I am. Which way, ma'am?"

"Just this way sweetie."

The old woman, who I found out to be called Nicole lived in a medium sized home along with her husband, and son. They have a small farm in this quaint town I ended up in. Both parents have encouraged their son to pursue higher things, but he insists on running their small farm after they're both departed from this world.

It's a bit endearing, I won't lie. We eventually came across their home, and it was as she said. A medium-sized homemade out of wood and stone. A small chimney and a small farm behind their home. She instructs me on where to place the cart and I do just that.

"Thank you for your help…."

"Áine, call me Áine."

"Áine love, thank you. Would you like some tea before you go?"

T-They're not too well off, it's better to decline and not make their situation worse…

"I'll have to—"

"Please, do accept."

I heard a male voice behind me and it was the husband and son. They had caught up and put down their own carts. We both breathed a sigh of relief before they came over to us.

"We may not have much, but we can at least repay you for your help. I insist."


Nicole's face did it for me and I accepted. I can't decline an old woman's sad face; I would feel awful if I did so… Well, now that I think about it, aren't I older than her…? L-Let's not say that out loud. I feel my own heart shattering at the thought…

"Thank you for your hospitality, but I will get going now."

"Are you sure, love? You can stay the night, it's mighty dark outside."

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

The family looks at me with worry, but it's not necessary. I can defend myself, it's fine. I walk away and wave at them one last time.

We ate a bit of porridge, potatoes and drank some milk. It wasn't much, but it was filling. During that time, they also told me stories of the rural village we were in, and some personal stories of their own. They said my name sounded like the wandering 'witch' named Áine too.

I had to awkwardly say that I wasn't her and had to prove it a few times. 'Witches' aren't seen in a good light, as they're associated with witchcraft and bad omens. Most of the 'fake' 'witches' are killed, and I would rather not be suspected as such. It's just unnecessary baggage.

"Next stop, County Limerick… What will you show me?"

It only took me two years of travel. Why did it take me so long? Well, I had to stop and help other places, obviously. I also stayed there for extended periods of time. I also earned money or items during my stay there, so it wasn't all for naught.

I, again was taking a break on a nearby wall as I had only arrived in this county. However, it was much livelier than I expected. There were many humans going about their daily lives, however, there was one man who stood out from the rest.

A golden-haired young man with a smile that captivated his fellow men ran around. Although he was being apprehended, most of them weren't too annoyed by his rambunctious attitude.


Our eyes met. He stopped and got wacked by someone else, which made me laugh. Even though he knew he was being chased, he still took a moment to look at me. What kind of idiot is he? However, it doesn't stop him. He speaks to them for a brief second before running towards me.


"Excuse me, may I know your name?!"

"…Um… Áine…?"

"Áine, what a wonderful name. This may be haste, but I have fallen in love with you at first sight! Please be my wife!"

...…Huh?! W-What?!

He grabs my hand and looks at me with a great deal of passion. I'm troubled by this. No one has done this to me in the past at all. How do I even respond to a confession?! However, my mouth and mind did not work together, and—

"I don't even know your name!"

"I am called Ailill Aulom! Now please accept my proposal and be my wife!"


"I will not give up! I will keep trying!"

…What a persistent fellow… I-I guess I can give him a chance… I'll humor him…

A few years later

Ding ~ Ding ~

I never thought in my life I would fall in love and get married, but… Here I am, I guess. Ailill Aulom, my husband. We had our ups and downs over the years, but I truly fell in love with him. Even when I revealed that the supernatural was real, and that I was a Goddess, he accepted me and loved me even more.

If fairy tales were real, mine surely was, right? As I stand here with my soon-to-be husband in a church in Limerick, I reached out to my friends in the Tuatha Dé Danann, and others who had left and invited them to my wedding. They all happily came. I wish Danu could be here but… I don't think she did. It makes me a bit sad, even Cana is here…

Nuada, he was crying his eyes out along with Dagda. Geez, you're the leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and the guys who lead them. Why are either of you crying? Even Lugh is doing a lot better.

It's like this moment in time slowed down. We had finished our vows, and Ailill leaned over to kiss me, and I did the same thing. Finally, our lips met and I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my body. I can confidently say, that today is the happiest I've ever been…

We were outside once the ceremony was over, and our friends and his family started congratulating us.

"I-I never thought the day would come…"

Nuada says while choking on his own words… That's not very encouraging you know? Geez… We got more and more congratulations, until—

"Hey, isn't that…"

Cana pointed into the distance, and only a few of us heard her, but…


She stood far away and under a tree. The woman stood beneath the tree and waved at us. I felt tears well up and roll down my cheeks…

"Áine? What's wrong?"

"…It's Danu…"

She made it to my wedding…

"Ah, I see… So that's your 'mother'? I'm glad she could make it then."


After waving to us, and a few of the Tuatha Dé Danann left speechless, she disappeared. Even though she said she would leave, we never got a clear idea of when she would make her appearance again. I was also worried she wouldn't show up but—

No, she's the Primordial Goddess of nature, wind and earth. The winds surely told her about … Thank you for coming...…

"A new chapter starts for us from here on out, Áine."

"Yes, let's embrace it together."

We shared one last kiss before the after party started.

If I had one wish, I would wish for this happiness to last forever.


We were in our bedroom, and I was naked. T-Tonight we finally become one. As Ailill's back was turned to me, I was lying on the bed. I felt awfully nervous. We had never done anything sexual in nature. We both agreed to wait until we were married, and tonight was the night…


He finally turned around, but… S-Something felt off. He looked— He felt different…


"We're married now, aren't we?"

I tilt my head, of course we are… What a silly question… I put a hand on his cheek and gently stroke it.

"Of course, we are. Why do you ask?"


"...Wonderful. As your husband, you must serve me from now on."


...…Eh? W-Why did he… Ailill hit me? He slapped me…? W-Why? I felt tears welling up and my chest started to hurt. I turned back to look at him, and his eyes felt different… But he suddenly pushed me on the bed and got on top of me.

"A-Ailill, you're scaring me, w-what's wrong…?"

"Áine…. Áine… You're mine! Now and forever! So you'll be my breeding bitch! Give birth to as many children as I want! You're such a wonderful wife, you know?"

W-What…? Why is he acting like this? This is the Ailill I fell in love with? He was much kinder, nicer and gentler… Who is this?! D-Did someone from the—

"Did someone switch you out? Who are you? Did someone from the super—"

Slap! Slap! Smack!


He slapped me twice and punched me on my stomach… I felt my tears flowing down my cheeks… Why…?

"No, no, no. Áine ~ this is me! The real me! It was quite hard putting up that act for so long. I even nearly fooled myself. But since we're married now, my status as the next king of this county is sealed! Marrying a Goddess was just a bonus!"

"You'll birth many children, and my descendants will rule the future of this country! It was a perfect plan, was it not? The first time I saw you, I only saw your face. The time we spent together was amusing, but it felt like a huge waste of time. Falling in love? I never felt such a thing for you."

Smack! Smack!

As he kept saying such cruel things, he kept punching me, either on the stomach or face. I tried to defend myself, but I was too shocked at what I was hearing… He never loved me…? How can someone say such cruel things… I love him, I love him so much, so why…?

Smack! Smack! Shuffle! Shuffle!

"Now, let us connect, Áine!!"


But he didn't listen. He pulled out his thing and it looked hard and erect, and he pressed it against my—


Why? I don't want this… Why is he acting like this…


How long has it been? My body felt numb… I can't feel my face, I can't feel my own womanhood, everything was just numb… I feel defiled, I feel disgusting, I feel like I can't be loved anymore… His filthy seed is inside me… I begged and cried for him to release it outside, but he didn't…

"Ugh! Can you feel my love, Áine?! Hahaha!"


How… How did I fall for such a farce…?

Months later

After that night, I became pregnant with his child. I planned on running but… His family knew of his real personality from the start and supported his plan. They have prevented me from seeking help, and the towns folk were none the wiser.

However, even if this child was conceived from...… I will still love it. It is my own flesh and blood, regardless of who the father is, they are not him. I will… I will teach this child what's right from wrong, and not have them be like their father.

Even if it costs me my life.

However, he has hit me less the larger my bell became. Perhaps he was wary of hurting the child? I am glad that he at least thinks of himself above hurting an unborn child…

"Áine, dear, come here. They want to see your pregnant belly."

Ailill gave me a sickening sweet smile that made me shiver. I didn't want to go against him, so I obeyed. He had invited guests and I was like some sort of toy for him to show off… I feel disgusting…

2 years later

My child was born, and they were born a healthy boy. Perhaps that was the second happiest day of my life. Being able to hold him finally was such a happy moment for me, and that meant he wouldn't be touching me since I'm needed to be able to feed our child…

Two years passed since that day and he has been very healthy. Ailill Aulom became the new King of Munster, and I was named the Queen. Although it felt more like it was only in name as I had no influence over anything. But I am fine with that. I only care about my child, he can do whatever he wants to his stupid kingdom…

I was in the kitchen cleaning dishes. Even though we have maids to clean, I wanted to do something or else I would feel utterly useless. My son was two years old now, so he was growing more and more as the days passed. He's nearly said his first word… I'm excited for that day to come.

"Done… Time to check on my little angel ~"

I quietly clapped to myself and left the kitchen. It was quite a journey from here to his bedroom, and yes Ailill made him his own bedroom. He didn't want our son to interrupt his 'time' with me. He has been a bit erratic lately, and said he wanted another child.

I had no choice, so I have let him do it to me. I sigh and shake those thoughts away. Just thinking about it makes me feel uneasy. Once I enter his room—

"W-What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to see this thing?"

Excuse me? That THING is your SON.

"Thing? Don't call him that…"

He was sitting on a chair while looking at some sort of document. I walk over to my son and ignore the man. I picked him up and...… His body was limp…. W-Why? I felt panic rising in me and I started to check his pul—

"There's no pulse… W-Why is he— What did you do to him?!"

My baby was dead… No, his head was… No, no, no, no, no, no! Did he snap—


I hugged my baby and fell to the floor and started to weep. No, this can't be happening! Why?! He was an innocent child?! Why… Why… He had a bright fu—

"He's defective. I simply got rid of a defective product. You didn't put two and two together? I have been asking you to have sex with me to create a new heir. Are you insane? This was the logical next step. Tonight, we will do it again and create a new heir."


I placed my baby back into his bed and walked over to Ailill who was near the door and grabbed his neck.

"W-What… Are you doing?! …Unhand… Me! I-I can't… Breathe…"

I wrapped my hands around his neck and tightened my grip. How does it feel…? You did this to my precious boy… So, how does it feel? A look of horror appeared in his eyes and he started to struggle… But his punches and kicks were soft.

That's right… I'm a Goddess… I'm stronger than him. I increased my strength gradually until—



His body fell limp, and I dropped it. I went over to my son, and picked up his precious body.

"Don't worry… Mommy will take care of you…"

I can't stay here anymore; I have to flee… I'll find a suitable resting place for you…

A few years later

I had buried my first child under Douglas Fir, a very large tree in Ireland. At the rate its growing, it may become the largest tree in the country in the future. I buried him there because that was the future I imagined for him. It's the future he was supposed to have.

But that monster took it away from him…

I had fled to a different part of Munster; however, I was taken in by a kind family. They were called the FitzGeralds. They heard my story, and decided to hide me from my pursuers. They were very kind to me, and over the years I have learned to trust them, even the men again.

Gerald, in particular, was like Ailill, except he was the real thing, it wasn't a façade. I could truly let my guard down around him, his brothers, father and mother. That's how I spent my years, silently living among them.

Even after finding out the truth, they still accepted me with open arms. A Goddess, or a witch, they didn't care. They accepted me. Even if it's a temporary lie, I'll hold onto it… I hadn't felt like this in years…

I had to hide my face from most of the village. They told a lie to the village that was related to me. They gave the excuse of my skin being too sensitive and exposing it to too much sunlight might make me ill. Therefore, the village has taken extra precautions not to be too rough around me which I appreciate.


I had ventured out since I wanted to be free from that disguise and walk around freely. I felt Gerald following me from behind. Perhaps he was here to keep an eye on me? A sweet gesture from him... I reached a small open field. It wasn't extremely well known, but a few children from the village once showed me where it was.

So I would come here on a regular basis during the night. I found my usual spot and sat down there. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the nightly breeze and how peaceful this area was. I felt someone hug me from behind.


He wrapped his arms around my neck and I touched his arms. They felt very gentle.

"I just wanted to see you, Áine."

"I see… But you know I do this almost nightly…"

"I know…. But I wanted to speak with you about a certain topic… I know it's very early, but…"

I knew what he was about to say. I know that I should refuse, but, but… He and his family have shown me kindness that I wasn't used to, and that I couldn't help but feel this way too…

"Um, Áine, will you…"


"…Wait, really?! You'll marry me?!"

"…I already knew of your feelings for me, you idiot. I am Goddess, do not take me lightly."

He smiled at me and we shared our first kiss that night. It was much more tender than that man's…

"But… I can't…"

"I know, even if it's just between us, between my family, I am fine with that."

"…Thank you."

For the first time in a very long time, I felt at peace. I hope my deceased son could forgive me. I am slowly moving forward with my life, but I'll always love him…

A few years later

Even though we couldn't officially get married, Gerald had treated me the same way, and I had fallen in love with him even more. His family was overjoyed for us, and we have been trying to get me pregnant. I was apprehensive at first, but my love for him grew day by day, year by year, until I eventually acceded to his demands.

I will do right by my next son, and I'm sure Gerald will as well. But I found something strange over the years… His family doesn't interact much with the village, but they can speak with them when necessary. But I didn't think too deeply about it. I had some weird theories brewing in my mind, but with no conclusive evidence, it didn't really mean anything…

Today, I was bathing in a river that not many people go to. I don't do this too often, but I wanted to wash myself since I wanted to remain hygienic for my husband.

Splash ~ Splash ~

I was alarmed by a sudden noise and turned around. To my relief it was Gerald and he approached me, hugged me from behind… Although…

"W-Why are you naked?"

I asked while fully turning around.

"…I-I wanted to make love with you…?"

"H-Here? And it's still quite early, Gerald… Why don't we—"


"H-Huh?! M-Mister Maurice? W-Why are you naked…?! P-Please let me go! Ger— Eh…?"

W-Why are they… No… Please… Gerald was fully erect, and so was Maurice.

"Did you ever wonder why our family mostly kept to ourselves…?"

Gerald asked as he closed the gap between us…. No! I didn't want to think about that, but if it's true then—


I felt both of their things poke my—

"W-What? N-No one has gone back there yet! Not even Gerald, and it's dirty!"

"Áine… Please accept our love…"

No! I don't want this! Gerald, please! No, no, no, no—


Why…? Is everything built upon lies? I don't want this… It hurts…

"Phew… That was fantastic. Your wife is certainly a good one, son."

"Yeah, she is. But we were the ones mostly doing it, Áine is usually more responsive."

"She'll learn to like it eventually. You did it with your mother and you enjoyed it, didn't you? If she gives birth to males, they'll surely enjoy her body too. If they are females, they can enjoy us instead. It's a win-win for us all, haha!"

"Of course, father. That's how our family works."

Both father and son were discussing a very disturbing topic… Incest, they were inbreeding! That's why they didn't involve themselves with the town's folk, and that's also why they avoided us! They were disgusted by it …!

I-I have to leave… I feel disgusting… I've been violated in so many places… My body won't stop shaking.

"Oh? It looks like she wants more."

"Hiii?! N-No! Stay away!"

Maurice gripped my arm, but I tried to free myself! But… I can't?! I used my strength as a Goddess, you know?! However, he had a sickening grin on his face.

"We lied about not knowing about the supernatural you know? Did you know our bloodline can be connected to giants?"

"G-Giants…? No… Is that why you're much stronger than me…?"

But that doesn't explain how you're stronger than me. W-What's that thing glowing by his hip? He sees me looking at it and grins.

"There was a note with it that said it would disable magical abilities. We don't know where it came from or who sent it, but we received it one day. I guess it works on Gods too, huh? Anyway, now come, Áine, let us enjoy the night together, all three of us."

Why? Why? Who would create such a vile item?! Why?! It was brief, but a small dark cloud emanated from the item but quickly vanished… They were coming close…! No!

"N-No! Stop! Noooo!!!"

For the next few years, I would be defiled by them constantly… All of the things they said to me… Were all lies…

Lies… All lies…

Many years later


"How is it? Feels amazing, right?"

Maurice asked my 'son.'

"Y-Yeah! M-Mother you feel amazing!"



…Years have passed since then, and I gave birth to another son, but I watched him grow up. He was now fourteen years old, and today, he defiled me too… I felt his seed go into me… How long will this hell last…?

I treated him right, and tried to guide him on a path that wasn't like them, but I guess those times I taught him were too short. They corrupted his mind… I feel conflicted. As a mother, I should love my child, but when I look at him now, I am filled with hate and disgust…

My tears dried up years ago, and I could no longer cry or scream. As I lay lifeless on the bed, they had their way with me. My 'husband' was busy thrusting into his own mother at the dining table….



Suddenly large vines and tornadoes started to appear around us. My 'son' was pierced through the head by the vine, and the rest of the family were picked up by the tornado and killed. I was confused. What was happening?



I saw a woman's figure quickly approaching me…


But my vision turned black after that…


My eyes opened and I was staring at a somewhat familiar ceiling… Where am I…?


A familiar voice… I turn to my side and see Brigid… I see… They rescued me…? But how?

"Brigid…? How did—"

"Rest up a bit and I will inform everyone else that you're awake…"


A few days later

I was apparently rescued by the Tuatha Dé Danann, however they have not told me how they managed to find me. However, I want to believe that it was Danu who told them…

I was back in the meeting room, but I noticed that anytime the male Gods got close to me I would take a step back or feel repulsed by them. Perhaps over the years I spent trapped in that awful place, my body has conditioned itself to do that. Even thinking about it made my body shiver…

I looked around the room and a few people were missing. Clíodhna was one of them, and also Manannán mac Lir, the God of the Seas in our mythology…

"Um, where's Manannán mac Lir and Clíodhna…?"

Brigid, who was beside me became quite angry making me confused. But she forces herself to calm down and sighs.

"Clíodhna, became the Queen of the Banshee, so she also left a few hundred years ago, Áine. As for Manannán mac Lir… He was banished from this realm."

"Banished? Why?"

When I asked that, they all had grim faces… They're scaring me even more now. Why? What happened? Nuada looks at me seriously and sighs.

"Áine, please try to keep calm on what I'm about to tell you, okay?"


Brigid holds my hand and looks at Nuada. Now I'm really worried…

"You were asleep for three years, and then you woke up a few days ago. Now you've finally regained full consciousness."

T-Three years…?! I was asleep for that long…? O-Okay I slept for a long time, but that doesn't explain… I look at Nuada in confusion. He sighs again and continues.

"During that time many of us visited you, however, Manannán mac Lir visited you a lot. As you know he was… How do I say this…"

"He was obsessed with her! Even before she left!"

Brigid finishes for him and he nods.

Manannán mac Lir, we first met after Danu invited him to our group. He was relatively normal until he started to talk to me, but after that, it's like he changed. Some teased him at the time for being in love with me.

I didn't understand the feeling or the word at the time so I didn't mind it as much. As I grew older, I began to understand it a bit more, and his form of love was a bit strange to what was considered normal. I didn't think he would visit me that much…

"Right, that. So, he volunteered to watch over you many times. Although some of us were skeptical, I allowed it in the end since I was the leader. I assumed he was just worried about you since he was quite in love with you…"

I felt a pit starting to form in my stomach, I felt like I was about to be sick… My brain was heading somewhere— Somewhere dark, and I didn't want it to, but all the things that had happened to me…. They were coming back… What did he do to me…?

"He was… He was…"

Nuada struggled to say it, so Brigid decided to do it instead.

"He sexually assaulted you for three years straight. One day Dagda found him midway through the act, and beat him to a pulp. However, he did something to you before Dagda pulled him off you… Dian Cecht did his best to heal you, but…"

I felt my body go cold and I touched just above my womb... Something felt wrong. I looked back at Dian Cecht as he was staring at me. However, he looked away from me.

"W-What happened…?"

It took him a while, but he eventually looked back at me and answered me.

"I did my best, Áine, however… I don't think you can ever have sexual intercourse again, and giving birth is quite physically impossible for you. He— Manannán mac Lir, mutilated you down there."


Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?! Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?


Brigid pulled me into a hug. I hadn't noticed but I had started to cry…

"He… Before we banished him, he proclaimed himself as your last husband. He said that his mark will last forever, and will always remind you of him… I'm sorry Áine, if only I had chosen more carefully. If you want to hate someone, please hate me."


I got up from my seat, but I felt my legs give out and I fell to the ground.


"…Please… I need time to think…"

"I'll help you back to my home…"



"Don't touch me!!!"

I looked up and saw Dian Cecht a bit surprised by my reaction but he nodded his head and stepped away. He may have tried to help me but I…

"Ah, no, I'm sorry, I—"

"No, it's fine, Áine. I should have been more sensitive to the situation. Forgive me."

I left the room with Brigid without saying anything else. This body didn't feel like mine, why… Why did my life turn out like this…? I didn't do anything wrong… I did my best at everything, I didn't try to harm anyone, so why…?

Was I born just to suffer? Like a tragic heroine in those fairy tales? But I won't get that white knight in shining armor or my own prince charming.

Only tragedy after tragedy…

Many many years later

Hundreds of years have passed. I left the Tuatha Dé Danann again and set out on my own. I embraced my 'wanderer' status again and traveled around the country of Ireland. I do not stay in one place for too long. I have acquired wealth slowly over the years, and even during 'those' times.

So I am well off. However, I do sometimes take odd jobs when I feel like it. I do not associate myself with males, as I have come to realize they are nothing but pure scum. The only exceptions to this are Dagda and Dian Cecht, but they are the only ones I somewhat trust.

Nuada… You tried your best, but you still failed in my eyes. So I can't forgive him that easily. He knew of that scum's feelings towards me and still let him near me… I try not to think about it too much. That part of my body was destroyed. It can never be recovered.

Before I left the Tuatha Dé Danann one last time, I spoke with Dian Cecht. He's the best healer in the Tuatha Dé Danann, so I consulted him, and apparently there was some kind of curse put on that part of my body. A curse of a God, and the only way to remove it is by killing them.

I am too weak, and no one in that realm wants to fight him. Manannán mac Lir is strong, and the only one who can fight him and win is Lugh. However, he refuses to fight fellow Irish Gods to death, so that's why I also hate him.

There is one place I always visit frequently. Douglas Fir, as I predicted, it has grown even more since I was last here… My precious baby, perhaps he helped this tree grow? I would like to think that…

However, the most recent news was the end of a war between the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels. As well as the death of the two Heavenly Dragons, the [Welsh Dragon] and [Vanishing Dragon]. They only seek destruction, that's something foolish… Why waste time on something like that…?

Many many years later

Sacred Gears started to appear in the supernatural world. Humans could now fight back against us. This troubled many Gods. Apparently the God of the Bible created it, and many hated him for it.

However, many of them die before they get to utilize it, but the more prominent ones were created. They were called the '13 Longinus' and they were rumored to have the potential to kill Gods if the right wielder received them.

The most recent controversy stemmed from the wielders of the [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing]. The souls of the [Welsh Dragon] and [Vanishing Dragon] were trapped within them, and their foolish wielders were fighting in the Egyptian Pantheon and causing untold damage.

I pity them, whoever wields those things in the future will surely be hated by those that live in that realm. But to fight just because it was their 'fate? Another foolish thing those idiots believe in… Fate, such a word makes me sick.

However, on my end. I have mostly become 'normal' again as I can stand being near males again. I can keep up an 'act' and tolerate many of them. I was currently near a shop and ordered some tea. The waiter was male, and we had a pleasant interaction. However, I shut down any attempts of him courting me because it was disgusting…

This is how I will live my life for many years to come, and eventually…

Present day

"Hey did you hear?"

"Hear what, dude?"

"There's someone calling himself the 'Middleman' and trying to unite all the factions and pantheons around the world! That takes some balls, you know?"

"Heeeh? Why though?"

"Get this! Rumors say that he's doing it because he wants a harem for himself! He's got even bigger balls! Haha!"

"Holy shit! Seriously?! I'll support him! Go future harem king! Haha, holy shit! That's hilarious."

Middleman? Harem? Uniting the supernatural world? What kind of idiot would dream of that?

[T-The winner is the Red Dragon Emperor, Jin!]

That was one-sided, if I may say so. This generation's Red Dragon Emperor is definitely the strongest so far. It looked like he manifested an aura of a dragon behind him… He manhandled that Devil…

There were also rumors of him defeating the God of Thunder of the Norse Mythology, Thor. I was skeptical, but seeing this… I may start to believe it even more, but… We'll see…

So the Middleman was the Red Dragon Emperor, huh? Interesting… So this child wants a harem and peace? I'll prove him wrong… Nothing like that can be achieved by him— By scumbag men! I will wait until he comes to Ireland!

I feel them, I feel her… It's him, it's definitely them…

I turn around to see Scathach with three others. Yes, it's him... Jin Skyward, the current Red Dragon Emperor, but he feels different… It isn't one for one, but he feels like how I was all those years ago…

"It's been some time, Scathach. How can I help you?"

"I have brought him to meet you. How about you introduce yourselves to one another?"

Scathach nods at me as she glances at Jin. All three of them were staring at me. In turn, I gave them smiles.

"I am Áine of Knockaine. You may know me from Irish folklore and legends. How do you do?"

My first meeting with the Red Dragon… Now then, how should I deal with scum like you…?

County Antrim

Giant's Causeway

He knocked those poor birds out just because they threatened to poop on him? How barbaric… You could have easily moved away and avoided it. What kind of scum hurts animals like that? My impression of him continues to get increasingly negative.

"I guess I wasn't the only one, huh? Even if the two of you did it unconsciously, you felt it too, Lianne, Scathach, Ophis?"



"Bad man."

He's quite perceptive too… He figured that man out, does that mean he knows about me too? I need to be more cautious then… Jin Skyward, I will ruin you.

"Mister Jin! Thank you!"

Princess Siobhan bowed at us as she stood beside her mother. She quickly recovered and wasn't too traumatized. What a strong one she is. I wonder if my own child would be like that…? I never gave him a name since that man said he would be the one to do it…

"It's no problem, Princess. Take care now."

"Please visit again! I wish to talk to you!"

"Sure thing, when I get a chance in the future or a request."

They waved goodbye to her. Keep those filthy eyes of yours away from her! Even if you did this, it could all be for show, a stunt for the world! You can't fool me, Skyward…

Land of Heaven Falls

It's been years since I came here… It hasn't changed that much, but there are more houses, and many of them have become a little more modern…


The woman named Nessa shouted an 'ahem' at all the gods as their heads turned towards us.

"Hmmm? Oh, Ness— Oh Scathach! Welcome back! Come, come and have a drink, some food too! Ahaha!"

"Is that…. Áine?! Dear me it's been so long! Hi!!! Deary come here!!!"

Brigid… You haven't changed at all… I go over to her and she hugs me tightly… I feel a single tear run down my cheek. I missed this… Dian Cecht and Dagda gave me small nods and I did the same to them.

Yes, these two were the only men with whom I felt truly comfortable. Nuada and I make brief eye contact but avert our gazes. It's still a little awkward between us, but… I have come to tolerate him, the same for Lugh.

However, they have not changed at all… The table is still dirty and filled with food and drinks. I felt some nostalgia just by being here. I guess accompanying this childish idiot wasn't all that bad…

Jin was asked to find Danu. That's impossible. She's been missing for thousands of years now. The last time I saw her was when I thought it was the happiest day of my life. In the end, it's just a bitter and sour memory I wish to forget.

However, I also believe she was the one who brought Brigid and the rest of them to rescue me during 'that' time of my life...… Danu, mother… I do not hate her; I still love her. She was the one who took care of me in the early part of my life.

But, I partially blame her for forcing me to venture out into the human realm to search for her. I am still confused about my feelings about her…

But I do not think Jin will find her… It's physically impossible, he is chasing a ghost…

[Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker!!!!!!!!!!!!!]


Jin donned his red armor and flew up… He was carrying… No, how…?! She was also giggling beside him! Danu… Y-You… You showed yourself to him?! That scumbag?!

She waved her finger and flicked her wrist - An enormous gust of wind appeared from nowhere. The roots and plants that had been wrapped around various houses and shops started to grow new parts and create something above us.

"It's her…"

The crowd started to let out surprised gasps, a few openly crying.

As I glanced at the other Gods, they were also smiling... How can... As I looked above me, I could see letters - A sentence made out of leaves, vines and roots.

It only said 'I am here'.

"Goddess Danu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Why? Why did you show yourself to him? Why now of all—

'…I am waiting for someone. Something inside me is telling me. Someday they'll arrive. As to when it is? I do not know, so I will depart for now and look after our country as a whole by myself. You and the rest of the Goddess can live your lives the way you want…'

I remembered the words she told me thousands of years ago, just before she vanished… Please… Tell me it's a lie… Not him… Anybody but him…

Please tell me it's not Jin of all people! Is he the one you were waiting for?! But why?! Why him?! He's… He's someone I have to eliminate… Someone I detest… A scumbag….



What the… Did he just get challenged live on air? What a brave Devil... He must have had some guts to do this, and of course, that idiot agreed.

"What a dumb child… He's bound to show a lot of abilities to everyone in the future, especially his enemies…"

Though, I did get a bit shocked when he showed off his new forms from his [Boosted Gear] when he fought Scathach. But he's also stupid for trusting me with that information. I will leak that information to the supernatural! It won't matter if he finds out that it was me…

So, how will he react to that? He'll surely be angry, right? Attack me? If he does, I will…

He stopped the Hero Faction in Kyoto, huh? Formed an alliance with the Norse God and Shinto Gods? This man… He's becoming even more trusted by more and more people… This is a blessing in disguise! The more he attracts, the bigger he gets… The harder he'll fall.

When the time comes…!

"It's perfect…"

His match with that Bael devil is also soon… I can't wait…

"Harem King-sama!!!"


I covered my mouth! W-Why did I just shout that?! Danu and Cana both looked over at me, as though they were surprised. Honestly, I'm more surprised than you two! Don't look at me like that! I hate men! I was just… I was just playing along!!

Jin Skyward…! I will have you fall if it's the last thing I do!!!

However, Jin won his match soon after I shouted that. He has a new form; it was definitely his [Queen] form that he told me about… It was completely different from his previous forms… Why? Why does it look so different…?

We can't see your face right now, but why does my gut tell me that you're smiling brightly under that helmet…? I hate it. You should fall deeper into despair! Why do you get to be happy and I can't…?!

"…He will prove you wrong."


I couldn't believe such empty words coming out of her mouth. Fate, and prove me wrong? I would like to see him try. Hearing such empty words coming from you, Danu was the last thing I would have imagined.

In all my life, I would have always imagined that you would side with me! You know the life that I have led! So why do you side with him…?!

"Why… Why are you siding with him…?!"


Danu looked confused. This reaction hurt me more than I thought it would…

"You know what kind of life I have led. You knew the things that were done to me, and yet you side with him…? And not me…?"


She tries to reach her hand out to me but I slap it away. She looked quite hurt by that action. No… You had your chance… I'll expose him, if it's the last thing I do in this forsaken world…


"So? Why has a Goddess of the alliance contacted us? We're an independent group of Khaos Brigade you know? We're nothing but mere pawns."

"That's all I need. I want help in killing the Middleman."

"The Middleman? Lady, what the hell did he do to you?"


"Pfft— Hahahaha! Seriously? Just exist? Well, whatever. We won't care about your reasons, but can you—"


I summoned large sums of cash and their mouths turned into a large grin.

"Actions speak louder than words, lady. We're in. We can also contact another person who can help out. Do you need a na—"

"No, I don't care. As long as you can help me."

"Will do, lady! We'll get in touch in the future. So where do you want this to happen?"

"Mag Cíuin, or also known as 'The Gentle Plain'. That's where I want this all to end."

"Sure thing. I know our boss can get there."

After saying that, they took the money and disappeared. Boss? They know how? Well, whatever. It doesn't matter to me, as long as they can help me…

Mag Cíuin/The Gentle Plain

I introduced them to the land and showed them around. This will be their final resting place. He, for some reason, brought some reinforcements? A stupid bratty nun, and a weak fallen angel? He truly is stupid…

I'll play along for a little longer!


No, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo!!!! Why is he alive?! Why?! No, please! No! Is this the boss that scumbag was talking about?! No… I should have checked… I can't move…

"I came back to life because my love for you transcends all. Let us depart, shall we?"

Don't speak so casually to me!!! Get away from me!! No!! No!! I can't move… Stop! Please! I feel like I'm going to get sick…

How strong are the women that are with Jin? Asia had a fight to the death with that monster. No, she was winning this fight…!

No…. My plans are going all wrong… First, HE shows up, and now Asia can fight him…? Where is that idiot at...?

"…No. I love Jin-san. He's the only one for me. I love him! He's shown me so much, done so much for me, I want to slowly repay him for all of it! A home, friends, a new family, never ending happiness… I can list so many more things, I love him! Akeno-san phrased it perfectly: If fate exited, we— I surely was meant to meet him!"

Ailill Aulom frowned after her speech… What kind of…

"What kind of—"

"What bullshit is that?!!?"

I shouted.

"Love? Fate?! Why do I keep hearing such nonsense being spouted?! First Danu and now you?! If 'fate' existed then all those things that were done to me should have never happened!! If love existed, then those past monsters wouldn't have…"

I touched the area just above my womb and belly. I started to shake violently and look up at that scumbag as tears streamed down my face.

"Lies… All of it are lies… It doesn't matter who it is. Be it Ailill Aulom, or Jin Skyward. All their words are lies. All men are cruel, disgusting creatures. They only exist to inflict pain onto others, and enjoy every single bit of it…"

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!! These two won't shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear anymore! Love, repentance, forgiveness!! I hate them all!!! All of you just die!!!

"He's not just the labels you people put on him… He's as normal as the rest of us… Don't mislabel him other than those things! All you spout are lies! Áine-san! Jin-san is a great person… Please try to see it like that…!"

Asia was suddenly covered in some kind of golden aura and it started to consume the entire realm…

[She reached it, that's—]

{Her Balance Breaker…}

Two new people joined us… Who…?

Ba-Balance Breaker…? How? Why?

'Sacred Gears change and evolve while using the feelings of their possessors as a key. Only when the right conditions are met is when a wielder of a Sacred Gear will achieve their Balance Breaker.'

I heard that from a Fallen Angel a long time ago.

Are you telling me that the feelings of Asia Argento for Jin were so strong that she achieved it?! No… It's all lies, love can't do something like that…

Asia obliterated him… He was gone… I couldn't feel him anymore… She then landed in front of me…

"Áine-san. I may be younger than you and have a lot less life experience, but… I want you to give Jin-san a chance…! Not all men are cruel and heartless. Please, even if it doesn't mean much coming from me. I want you to take a step back and give them all a chance…"

Chance… How can I give them a chance?! They did so many horrible things to me, destroyed me, broke me… I can't… It's impossible… I hate them all… I hat—

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and I flinched when it happened… See?! Even now I can't stand men touching me…!


A short bright yellow light covered me, and I felt something that I thought was 'lost' 'come back to me'…

I touch that part of my body again and…


I felt new tears fall from my eyes… How… How did he…

"Please use this time to truly heal and move forward in your life, Áine-san! If you want you can have my number and we can speak as much as you like! I want to be your friend!"


Someone so young… They're both so young… I never thought that… I hugged Asia back as she had been doing to me.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry…"

I kept on muttering softly… I'll accept any punishment… Oh God, I'm so sorry… I… I didn't deserve any of this… I've hurt so many people over the years because I was also hurting… I don't deserve this sort of kindness, compassion or love…



I'm sorry, and thank you…

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

Why…? Why is he helping me again…? He knew of my plans, played along and even risked getting himself and his lover hurt, so why help me…?

"Nuada… Can I speak with Jin? I want to ask him something…"

"Hmm? Sure thing, Danu can you—"

Danu takes her phone out and texts something to Jin.

"Thank you…"

We had teleported back to his home after a few minutes. Jin was in the hallway of his home and I approached him.



He seemed confused by my sudden question.

"Why did you help me? You knew I was plotting against you, you played along, and nearly got your lover— Asia hurt… So, why? I want to know why…"

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I was wondering why Danu messaged me again, and that's why you came back here for? Look… Áine, I know you suffered a lot. I can't comprehend how much you hurt during all those years. I also see this as a good opportunity for you to really heal this time with help from the people you know…"

"…I also believe that everyone deserves a future. Many can redeem themselves, but I've also come to understand that not everyone deserves that chance. However, I can still see that you can… So I'm giving you that chance."


A chance… This guy… He's too optimistic…! How stupid can you be…

I felt his hand on my cheek… W-What? W-Why—

"Come on now, don't start crying on me."

I-I was crying…? I touched my cheek and it was wet…

"Danu, Cana, and everyone else in the Tuatha Dé Danann. I know they can help you; Asia also gave you her phone number, right? Just speak with her too… I mean, I'm also there so… If you want just text me or even call me."

"Anyway, if you're wondering how you could get back out, I removed that rule from you for now. I mean Danu did say you wanted to speak with me… But it'll be back once you go back. So, anymore questions?"

I shake my head.

"No… That's all, thank you, Jin…"

He sighs and smiles at me, wipes the tears from my cheek before removing his hand.

"Good. Now go, I know you can do it, Áine."

...…You're the largest and biggest idiot I know, Skyward.


For the first time, in the longest time… I feel at ease…

Thank you…

Áine of Knockaine – End


Jin Skyward

[I see. Will you do it now?]

No… I have a short detour to do first.

[Huh? Where?]

Greece. I forgot to check up on a certain Goddess we came across while in the Shinto Realm.

[Oh you mean Goddess Physis? I was wondering when you would check up on her.]

Yeah, her. Hey Cúntóir, she's still over there, right?

Cúntóir: Answer: Yes, she is.

Alright then, let's go to Alonissos, Greece

Alonissos, Greece

I had teleported to some beach area. But I felt some kind of weird barrier near me, so I had teleported to a good spot by accident. I followed a short path towards where the barrier was and arrived at some sort of ledge.

I won't spend too long here; I'll need to go back home and go through Áine's trial… Actually, I don't have a place for that, do I? I'll need to make one… A new room, huh? Or a new floor…

[New Floor!]

'How childish…'

[Shut up you old hag!]


'You're lucky I can't hit you right now [Welsh Dragon]!!!!!!!!!"

Velgrynd sounded furious… I do wonder who would win between them… Whatever, that can wait. After shaking those thoughts away, I stepped through the barrier.


This is certainly something… We were on an island, but now we're back in a forest.

"So many trees…"

Alright, let's do this. I locate— Wait what? Why is she here…? Intrigued and confused, I dashed towards where I located two auras. One of them was familiar, while the other was new. I dodged and weaved through all the trees, bushes, grass and small tones in my way.

Like with Danu's little realm, there were also some animals here. However, I didn't stop to admire them this time since I was short on time this time around. It didn't take me long to arrive at a large open spot, and the two Goddesses there looked at me in surprise.


"Do you know him?"

"Yes… He's Jin Skyward, the current Middleman that I spoke to you about, and the Dual Dragon Emperor."

"I see. I've been meaning to meet him!"

Astraea… Why was she here? Beside her was Goddess Physis…

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