Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 6 – Chapter 4 – Part 1 – Warning and Goal

Greek's Realm

Vera's Soliloquy

Soon, very soon… I will become a new goddess. Just like my friend Kurousagi—she became a new goddess in our realm and pantheon, the Egyptian pantheon. However, I will be a new goddess for the Greek pantheon. It was finalized during the meeting in the Underworld, however, they were attacked back. Aaron was the one to repel it along with Team Slash/Dog.

However, according to Master Ra, I will be a goddess for both the Greek gods and the Egyptian gods. Therefore, I'm not entirely sure how that will work, but... if it's done by Aaron, it will surely go smoothly.

After coming back from my trip to his [Pocket Dimension] and learning the truth about him… I was shocked, if I'm being honest. To think the multiverse theory was real—no, the omniverse? Regardless… even more powerful people are out there, but he did reassure us that once he evolved that he would have a plan and forbid any kind of world/universe travel.

I, along with many others were curious about his plan, but he refused to tell us… but Miss Suzaku Himejima had an idea, but was also sworn to secrecy. I told both my parents after I discussed with Aaron about becoming a new goddess or war for the Greek gods.

I didn't mind. I did spend a lot of time there and got to know many of them, and I am close with quite a few of them, especially Mistress Amalthea. However, it was decided that the process would take place during the festival to commemorate Miss Rini and Kuro. But I guess I will be added to that too…

I feel a bit embarrassed when I think about it. Even more so after I told my parents. They were absolutely overjoyed, even more so when Master Ra and Mistress Hathoth came here to tell them of the news. My mom initially fainted, and then my dad headed out to drink with his friends to celebrate, and then mom had a meeting with her friends too.

Even my other friends came to congratulate me. I was happy and embarrassed, but… I wonder if Kuro felt like this? I asked her about it, but all she said was that she felt honored and her life belonged to 'Aaron-sama'. It's obvious how she feels about him… but I also have mixed feelings about him…

We spoke about it, and he'll do the same thing to my body, like he did with Kurousagi's. He will make a new one, and transfer my soul + consciousness into it. Just like Kuro, I'll be a Draconic Rabbit Goddess. In addition to this, he will also gift me Ares' divinity, the previous God of War. But according to Aaron, he also upgraded it, so I will be even more powerful than him… well, I already am, but even more so with his divinity.

He said he'd leave it up to me to figure out and master since it would be better that way, but I do have an idea of what it might be since he personally helped me train many times during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension].

I… I would be if I said that I didn't like him either. 100 years… that's a substantial amount of time to be with someone. It would be strange not to develop some sort of feeling for someone. Unfortunately, or fortunately, whichever way I look at it… I fell for the current Harem King of the supernatural world, who my best friend is also in love with.

I feel like it would be messy if it were not for it being HIM specifically…

"Vera? What are you doing? Come here, we have to prepare!" my dad said very enthusiastically.

He had come over to the rabbit village in the Greek god's realm and is helping out with the preparations for the festival. As I mentioned earlier, many of the people in my town… their opinions of Aaron have changed. From preventing an attack, helping Kuro get a new body and becoming a goddess, to revealing Halzaham's wicked nature and his evil deeds, and finally—helping defend and save our realm.

You would need a deep burning hatred for him to not have an even slight change of opinion about him after that. However, there are some... not in my town, but in our realm. Some cannot let go of that hatred and pain from his past wielders. However, Aaron doesn't blame them, nor does he mind. He said he'd accept their hatred if it means they'll keep on living another day.

"Y-yeah, I'm coming, dad… where the hell is Kuro…?" I muttered as I carried a box out of the home I lived in. I caught up with my dad and asked, "Dad, do you know where Kuro is?"

"Ku-ku? Hmm… I think she was meeting up with one of the goddesses here? I think their name had to do something with stars, and she had another goddess with her. I think her name sounded like physics or something?" he said a bit unsure of it all.

"…You mean Goddess Physis? She's a Primordial, dad…"

"Ah, ah! Yeah, that, Goddess Physis, and Astarya or whatever," he said while nodding his head sagely.

"…Goddess Astraea?" I said to him.

"…I'm sorry, I'm lousy at remembering names…" he muttered dejectedly.

"It makes me wonder how you even remember mom's name…" I mumbled.

"Your mother, my friends, yours and Kuro's names are the ones I'll remember for all of eternity!" he said proudly.

"What about my future husband?" I asked with a smug grin.

"Oh, you mean the Middleman? Ah, his name was Jin Skyward, right? Yes, of course, I'll remember his name," he said almost in a matter of fact kind of way.

I felt my face heat up and I blushed. I didn't know how to respond to that, but my dad just laughed at me. I didn't like that so I just turned my head away… marriage, that kind of thing is so far away. At least let me confess my feelings for the guy first…!

"Mr. Coney! Vera!" Kuro's voice called out.

We looked forward and saw her running towards us. She seemed a bit frantic. She finally reached us and we asked her what was wrong.

"What's wrong, Ku-ku? You seem worried about something," asked my dad.

"Please tell me it's nothing serious…"

"N-no, well, it was, but it's passed… I think. We just received a message that Master Aa—Jin was attacked by one of the magician factions of the Khaos Brigade yesterday, but they managed to repeal them… but…" she stopped and stared at me.

Ah… I see, it's the Evie Etoulde and the Crepuscule Phantasma? I also stared back at her and nodded.

"I see, but they stopped them, right? So it should be fine…"

"Yes, but the news about this festival, and your ascension into godhood has spread wide and far. Many people will be here from all over the supernatural world, so security will be increased even more. So, Master Jin won't be coming here to just watch and spend time, but he'll be here per the request of the Greek gods," she said a bit sadly.

"…Those Khaos Brigade fellows, huh? They sure do have a lot of time to be doing stuff like this… but, hey, Jin's the man, right? He'll keep us all safe!" my dad said with a reassuring smile. "Anyway, I'll go this way and bring more things over," he said and left.

"Goddess Physis came back and was with Goddess Astraea?" I asked Kuro.

"Did you hear that from your dad?" she asked.

"Yeah… when did that happen? I was pretty sure that she had disappeared a long time ago."

Kuro laughed and shook her head. "Yes, she did. But apparently, Master Aaron visited her when Mistress Astraea was also there, and they spoke for a while and not too long ago, she was finally convinced by Mistress Astraea to come back. Therefore, this festival will have another goddess joining it."

"Rini, me, you, and Goddess Physis? This will surely attract the attention of the Khaos Brigade…"

"Yes, I have contacted both Master Ra and Zeus. That's why Master Aaron will be coming here to experience the festival and also protect it. So… his shadows and Electa will come here. He did make more than the 'Nocturnes' after all," she said and smiled.

"Ah, you mean them?" I asked. Those guys were pretty intimidating to look at. A lot of their personalities were… a bit too much for me.

Kuro nodded and said, "Yes, they were made with the express purpose of guarding several locations in the world. Just like the name suggest—they are like the '7 Wonders of the World', but Master Aaron wanted more, so he created 16 of them and named them the '16 Goddesses of Battle'. They protect the human world near the borders of some pantheons, along with the shadows scattered worldwide."

"He has a bad naming sense. I'm surprised none of the women around him tried to give them a new name, hehe~ but they don't need a fancy name since that's what they are—they're combat oriented—even more so than the ones Master Aaron already made. But he does have another 8 that's just called the '8 Guardians' that he has already sent them to that new base being built in the Dimensional Gap," I added.

"True… but it's weird. The 16 Goddesses of Battle are all women, while the 8 Guardians are all men." Kuro tilted her head in confusion. "Master Aaron could have mixed it up a bit. Although the 'Nocturnes' only has 1 woman in it and the Pleiades are all females too…"

As we arrived at the area where I was meant to bring the boxes, I said, "It really does feel like Master Aaron is making his own faction at this point. He has millions of shadows since he made even more while in the [Pocket Dimension], even more of the Electa and his harem. If that doesn't at least scream a new organization, I don't know what will."

Kuro agreed and I put the boxes down and started walking back for more. "Well, he will need to acknowledge it sooner or later. He may decide to merge it with his new business, so he can advertise it in both the human world and the supernatural," she said.

"Right?" I agreed and we giggled, but then fell silent.

Kuro helped me with moving the boxes and other items back and forth. She seemed to be thinking of something, but didn't say anything until we were finished moving everything to the spot and turned to face me.

"Vera… I'm planning to confess to Master Aaron during the festival," she said firmly while looking me dead in the eyes.

I-I was expecting this but not this soon… although Kuro did say that she was very close to confessing her feelings during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension] since she herself admitted that they got into a copious number of steamy situations. But she said she stopped since she wanted it to be during the festival since she was already dead set on it before we were invited there.

"O-okay…? W-why are you telling me?" I asked a bit confu—

"Let's confess together," she said without blinking.

Eh? Eh? W-what did… Eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh?! C-c-c-c-confess? W-w-w-who m-m-m-me?! I felt my eyes widening and I started to sweat. I-I-I-I-I-I…!

"W-what a-are y-you t-talking a-about? I-I d-don't have—"

"Please, Vera, it's obvious… stop trying to play dumb…" she said while looking disappointedly at me.


"I'll tell hi—"

"O-okay! I-I'll do it! Y-you don't need to force it out of me…!" I said while blushing furiously. I didn't want her to tell him how I felt! The thought of it made it sound wrong to me…

"Ara~? It seems like you two are talking about something interesting~," said a familiar voice.

Both of us turned to look at who it was and we found that Rini and Mistress Amalthea were there! I was so distracted that I didn't even notice her…! However, I felt my face pale since I thought these two had heard what I said! And the smirk on Mistress Amalthea was a dead giveaway!

"So you're planning to do it, Kuro?" Rini asked her.

"Yes, I'm confident that he'll accept my feelings!" she answered happily, her ears twitching a little.

Both of them smiled at Kuro then turned their attention to me. I stepped back, nervous about what they would say to me.

"And how about you, Vera? I heard that Kuro might force you to do it? I think she shouldn't since I believe everyone should confess their feelings when the time is right. Although…" she giggled to herself. "The tables have turned, haven't they? It used to be you teasing Kuro, and now it's her doing it to you," she said with a smile.

"That is true, the tables have certainly turned, haven't they?" Mistress Amalthea repeated and chuckled with Rini. "So? Are you? Do not get me wrong, Vera. I am not forcing you, I'm simply asking a question."

In truth, I don't know. I focused on myself during my time in the [Pocket Dimension], but I did interact with many people, especially Aaron. So that's how we got close, and also he taught me a couple of things and also changed my body like everyone else in his harem and friends there.

However, if I compare myself to Kuro on how close we are… it's like, I guess… night and day? I-I haven't seen him (to my knowledge) looking at me how he looks at Kuro or his lovers, so it makes me hesitate.

"I… I don't know…" I gave them an honest answer. "B-but I do want to confess eventually, but right now… I'm not so sure…"

"I'm sorry Vera. I was just teasing you. I didn't think you would respond like that earlier," Kuro said and put her hand on my shoulder.

"N-no, It's fine. I just need to think about it more, I guess…"


Suddenly a bright light appeared to our right, and we were alerted by it, but… Kuro and I calmed down since we were familiar with it.

"Oh… why is she here? Did Master Jin ask her to come here?" Kuro asked.

"You know who is coming from that light?" asked Rini.

"Yes, she's—"

Finally, the light died down, and a woman emerged from it. She had long periwinkle hair that was tied in a ponytail. Turquoise colored eyes and a small mole on the left side of her lip. She wore an elegant and noble suit that mainly consisted of white gold, red and purple. On her left shoulder guard was a sort of white wing ornament and around her waist was her sword.

She radiated elegance and power. Everyone who saw her walking towards us was captivated by her beauty and they stopped to stare at her. She had a kind smile on her face when she finally arrived in front of us. Even Rini and Mistress Amalthea were dumbstruck by her.

"Elyscia, did Master Jin send you here?" Kuro asked, not very bothered by the situation.

She nodded and said, "Yes, with permission from Jin-sama, I have left my post temporarily in the human world. In spite of this, I think there will be enough shadows there along with the others to make my absence insignificant. I, along with Jin-sama, his shadows and other Electa will be protecting this realm when the festival begins."

She looked around her surroundings as people began to run around more, surprised by what she said. "Jin-sama should arrive by tomorrow and help out with more preparations. The festival starts in two days, correct? I will also provide assistance starting today. Forgive me, I should have contacted you two through the rings," she said rather apologetically.

"N-no, it's fine, Elyscia. But thank you, with your help and Master Jin it should speed up everything!" I said to her and she nodded.

I was surprised when I received this ring from Aaron during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension], no I wasn't the only one… I think Áine—the goddesses were the most surprised, especially Artemis and Áine… she went completely red and started screaming at him about doing something like this at a more appropriate time.

Though, she became even more embarrassed after Aaron explained it to us, he even gifted the guys a necklace version of the rings. It was quite a surprise… but it's a very helpful device.

"Yes. Now, what shall I start with?" she asked us.


The Land of Heaven Falls

Áine's Soliloquy

It's been a few days since I last saw Aaron. I stared at the ring he gave me and sighed... I really thought that idiot... just thinking about it makes me so mad and happy, I should punch him in the gut the next time I see him. But I doubt it would affect him…

I… I told him I wouldn't fall for him, but I ended up doing so and I know that he knows. But I won't falter, I won't let him win… he'll be the one to tell me, so I'm waiting. I explicitly told him that 'He will be the one to do it' while we were still in there. But he laughed at me and said 'We'll see', and he left it at that.

Today was a typical day while I stayed here. My powers were sealed again, but Nuada and many of the gods here have been talking about letting me have them back. However, they'll need to speak to the other faction leaders before that happens. Especially with Aaron too since they want him to be the final judge.

However—there has been one person who has been quite happy lately, and has been saying 'I'll go there, I'll definitely go there! I've already said I'll spread my music, and I can ask him!'. I think she's way too optimistic about this… there's no guarantee that the people there will enjoy her music.

She was playing in the middle of the streets again. A sizable crowd had gathered to listen to her performance. I will admit that her craft has gotten even better. I mean she did practice a lot during our time there. I, along with Danu watched her play since I was on my break.

Glancing at Danu, she was looking between Cana and her own ring while smiling happily… this woman… she is way too happy about getting it. It's been a long time, you know? But even after all this time, she's like a recently married woman still gloating about her new happy married life…

I cringe a bit remembering those days, but quickly shake the thoughts away.

"Áine, Cana said she would be asking Aaron if she could join him in the Egyptian's realm to play her music for them during the festival," said Danu.

"Knowing him and how he spoils the people close to him, he probably will. Even after the recent attack on his own in Japan," I replied.

"…It was concerning, and I wanted to go there as soon as possible…"

"Ugh, just go move in with him already! It's annoying seeing you look at that ring with such longing eyes. Scathach already did it! Just have him make one of those doors that connects back here or to whatever home you choose to connect it to."

Danu blushed after I said that. She's said over and over she would love to move in with him, but she hasn't approached him yet! You're a damn Primordial Goddess, you've led this damn group before, do it already!

But I was worried since they were attacked, and apparently Ravel was targeted—well, the Phenex Clan, but still—Ravel is part of it, so there was a chance of her being targeted. I was also worried about Asia and Raynare, though it sounded like they didn't have any problems when it happened.

But apparently Grayfia's presumed dead brother was alive and was part of the newly formed Satan faction of the Khaos Brigade. I'm worried about her mental health, but Aaron and the rest of them should be there for her… but this has to be something political, right? He was apparently part of the other side during the devil's civil war, so it has to be a big deal…

He also apparently revealed that the descendant of Lucifer—Rizevim or something like that is also part of the Khaos Brigade… they also revived most of their descendants making this even more of a headache for us. Also—

"The Evil Dragons are back to life… although Crom Cruach was rumored to be still alive—it was bad when Balor was the one controlling him…" Danu muttered beside me.

"Yeah, but… doesn't Gasper have a Sacred Gear based on him? But Aaron did say that a small part of Balor's consciousness and power was in the [Forbidden Balor View] and Gasper has still yet to unlock it…"

He did mention that it leaked out during the Demonic Beast Riots. However, it was only for a brief moment since Coriana was apparently hurt and Gasper lost a bit of his calm. Gasper tried to achieve his 'Balance Breaker' but according to Aaron he was missing that final trigger. He said he wanted Gasper to reach it naturally without his interference, just like how Kiba managed his.

"Yes, but we can assume that Crom Cruach is part of the Khaos Brigade, and has probably been mass-produced just like the Evil Dragon Grendel. According to Aaron, the Grendel that he killed had no soul in it. He was planning to take the soul and stop him there and then apparently," said Danu now looking concerned.

"Let's leave it to him. I mean, bringing all this doom and gloom isn't going to help anyone. Also, we're all powerful enough now, right? Though…"

It seems like the Evie and the Phantasma are slowly invading this world. But according to Cúntóir they were a lot more cunning about how they approached invading worlds… unless they were forced by Lapis, then that's the only way I could see why they changed. Maybe it will work to our advantage?

Because from the sounds of it, Lapis may be a bit mentally unstable. I did suggest that he just keep Aaron away from her sights, but Cúntóir said that might be the worst idea to go with. If we did that, she might just start destroying this universe trying to find him again.

"Danu, Áine!"

We suddenly heard Cana's voice in front of us as she started to jog towards us. She quickly arrived and we looked at her curiously. She brought her smartphone out and showed us a text between her and Aaron…

"He agreed to take me!" she exclaimed cheerfully.

"As his bride?" I teased her and snickered. "You did suck his—"

"…S-stop t-that was an accident… a-anyway, maybe in the future—a-anyway! I'm going to be performing over there! There are still some days left and I already have the song ready, so I'll just need to practice a little more~!"

Cana then trotted off to practice more. She really was looking forward to this, wasn't she? I sighed again; Toole caught another one!

"Danu, Áine, come with me."

We looked to our left and saw Nuada there. He seemed quite serious. I wondered what had happened. I looked at Danu and we got up. We started walking silently and quickly reached the stairs leading up to the floating castle. Cana was also there. A look of confusion stretched across her face.

As we walked up the steps, I finally became way too curious and asked, "What's wrong, Nuada?"

"…According to our sources, it seems like Ellén Trechend, the three-headed dragon has gone berserk and is not listening to Lugh. It's causing havoc and I'm planning to request Jin to come here and get rid of it, and knowing him, he may try adding it to his personal shadow army," he said with a smirk.

Ellén Trechend…? W-what? Those bastards are really planning to try to turn anything against us at this point! Also, how did they even get here…?!

"Did you contact him yet?" asked Danu. "If not, I can do it."

"Dagda and Brigid are doing so right now… haaaa… even after I told him that we didn't have a problem here just a few days ago, now look at us. It seems like the Khaos Brigade's attacks are increasing more and more. Even though he stationed his shadows all over the world—he didn't do it to our realms since most of us were insistent that we would be the ones defending it," he said tiredly.

We reached the castle and started walking toward the meeting hall. Nessa was out on extended maternity leave. Nuada and even Aaron wanted her to rest at home, so… she isn't here anymore. Both of them are worry-warts. It's insane at times…

"Has it moved from its original spot?" asked Cana.

"No, it's staying there for some reason. However, its size has increased by a considerable amount, so we had to place multiple barriers around it to prevent further damage from happening," he replied.

"How powerful is it? If you had to compare it to something," asked Danu.

"Hmm…" Nuada nodded his head and thought about it. As he did, we quickly arrived at the door, and he answered before opening it. "If I had to compare it to something, then maybe either the two Heavenly Dragons or the Evil Dragons—the stronger ones like Crom Cruach, Aži Dahāka, and maybe Apophis of the past."

All three of us looked at each other. We could kill it then—although I doubt Nuada would let us, well, he doesn't know of our power increase, so that's why he's calling Aaron in for it. As we entered the room, we could see many of the gods there slightly panicking. The only one who was calm was Lugh… wait…

"Why don't we send Lugh to it?" I asked.

"We think it may be a distraction, so if we send Lugh now, then we will be vulnerable to further attacks, so we'll send Jin, and have Lugh here on standby," he replied. "And I said it wouldn't listen to him after he attempted to try to reason with it, but he quickly came back."

"That makes sense," I said and agreed with him.

Yeah… I'm not cut out to be a leader…

"How is it?" he asked Dagda and Brigid

"He said he'd come here as quickly as he could. He said he was just about to go to Heaven, but would delay his trip there," answered Brigid.

"Heaven? Very well, good job." He then sat down in his seat and looked at Lugh. "Are you ready?"

"…Yes, if this is a distraction, then I will be ready to defend this town or any other locations in the realm at a moment's notice," replied Lugh.

"Good, all we need to do is wait then. Also, Saorlaith Ní Sluaghadhaigh, the Dearg Due Queen will be coming here in a few days. She and her group will sign the Gaelic Alliance and as well as join the DxD alliance," said Nuada.

Saorlaith? I've only met her a handful of times, but she was a fascinating person. Despite this, I didn't expect his trip there would cause them to join so quickly. However, it's okay. Most groups in our country are trying to join the aforementioned Gaelic Alliance.

Peace and a harem… he's an idiot.


Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward's Soliloquy

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Construction should start around a week before graduation even if it can be done overnight. I'd like to make some changes and put some protections on it… yeah, yeah, thank you. Let's speak again, Zeoticus, and thank you for relaying it to Cyril Sitri. Goodbye."

I finally put dismiss the magic communication circle and lean back. It's been a day since the attack here in Kuoh, and I got a message from both Kiba and Rias that they're on their second plan and should arrive in Romania in a day or two. They also found out that Cao Cao was alive and were surprised.

Yeah, well, he has his uses, so I wanted to keep him around. But not before he suffers enough and repents enough times. I think he got off way too lightly in the novels, so… hopefully this did him some good.

"Good work, Aaron," said Akeno and poured me some tea.

"Yeah, thank you," I replied. On my other side was Latia. She had come here since I said that she was on duty today. In a few days, she'll be moving here. Even if she is the next heiress to the clan of Astaroth, her parents were fine with it.

I haven't met them yet, but I do plan on doing so in the near future. Glancing at the woman, she was reading through a few documents that I had set aside. Despite telling her that I had already read through them.

"So, you're heading to Heaven tomorrow?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah, Altaria contacted me that the researchers that were collaborating hadn't found anything, so they're requesting my help. After that I should be going to the rabbit village in Nembesouk. Unless something else happens, then that's all for now."

"Most of us are heading there, right? Even Team Slash/Dog should be there since Azazel asked them to be part of the security staff," she said.

"Yeah," I took a sip of my tea, "I'll set up my shadows in the different towns around the Greek realm, and have everyone else in or around the rabbit village. I don't want to put stress on Sae and Tobi… they do plan on retiring the team or at least giving the leadership to someone else soon enough."

"Sae Toujou-san, she's pregnant, right?" asked Latia as she put the document down.

"Yeah. I already sent my congratulations to the two, but I do plan on giving them some gifts when we meet in the Egyptian realm. I mean, it was bound to happen sooner or later… but I wasn't expecting it this soon," I said and chuckled.

I've also extended the offer of increasing both their life spans, and they said that they would think about it since they said they wanted to be in a world that has a lot less fighting if I achieve the peace that I sought after.

"The Gremory peerage minus Kiba-kun and Rias, the Sitri peerage and your group plus Elyscia who will be in that place, correct? Not including the shadows that will be placed around the realm… do you expect an attack to happen?" she asked while looking at me.

"I mean yeah, they attacked us recently, so it would be logical to assume that, right? Also, I'll be making Vera the next Goddess of War, so it's a pretty big deal. Maybe they'll try to kidnap her or something? I do have Greed over there already in Medusa's shadow."

I didn't remove her all those months ago, so the Lamia's city should be safe for the most part. But having extra shadows there should be fine, and if any of them want to be stationed there (the Sitri or Gremory or even Slash/Dog) then I can make it happen.

"You two should get ready, school is starting soon, right?" asked Latia.

"Yeah, it is… anyway thank you for the help, Latia." I got up and kissed her on the cheek.

"I did stay the night, so…" she said with a blush.

Indeed, she did. She came over after she heard the news from her own sources. She's quite close to everyone so, apart from checking up on me, she checks up on them too. Another thing is... Grayfia was currently in the Underworld, however, she is only being questioned, and Sirzechs managed to convince the older devils to allow her to stay here while under house arrest, so I will have to thank him again at a later date.

"Right, let's go then. We'll be back later in the day. Do you want some help with moving, Latia?"

To my question she shook her head. "I have my servants in my home to help with that, and I already picked out my room, so I don't need any further assistance, Aaron."

"Alright," I said and kissed her on the lips before leaving with Akeno to change.

"Apparently, Lianne and the Stahlritter are going around town to check more spots. It seems they'll be doing this frequently from now on," said Akeno while we walked to school. She then looked at me with a smirk and said, "You really are a man for the thighs, huh? I saw you looking at their thighs since they were wearing skirts~"

"I like all parts of a woman, but yes, I do enjoy receiving a lap pillow and looking at them…" I said to her honestly.

"Hmm~, oh by the way, Ingvild is skipping school today, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, apparently her channel on both Youtube and DeviTube exploded and she's been approached by a devil's organization that deals with music in the Underworld. So right now, both Aurelia and Solution are heading over there with her. She might just become an idol or singer for her job in the future, and I'll support it."

"She does have a beautiful voice for it~, but it makes me wonder, will she try to convince Shigune to join her? I know she mainly plays the piano, but we heard her perform a lot during our stay in the [Pocket Dimension], right? You even encouraged her to start playing competitively once we got back… well provided she has time away from her job as a member of Slash/Dog."

Akeno put a finger on her chin and said, "Now that I think about it, you've encouraged everyone to try to start pursuing things they want to do in the future, right? We'll be alive for a long time after all. Kanami might be the new leader of the new Team Slash/Dog, along with Natsume supporting her."

"The ones I just mentioned… I don't think Kouki-kun and Ajamu-kun will leave it since they're fulfilled with it, but Lavinia has been the most vocal about leaving since she wants to be by your side. She did say that Kalawarna may join it, right?" she asked.

"Yeah I have and there's a chance of her joining it, and possibly Meruem with Mittelt… but that part is still in the works," I said to her.

"And Suzaku-onee-san… her new systems and policies are working wonders so far, and the more hesitant members are seeing the benefits now and aren't as against it. Some have even been very vocal about saying 'Why didn't we do this soon!?' or something along those lines," Akeno said proudly.

"Yeah, they've been working well. We got a few updates from Suzaku before, during and after our stay in the [Pocket Dimension]. But I need to fulfill some promises I made to the other clan heads. This will ensure that they'll be on our side in the future. I just need to take down the newly created 'Connected Harmony' that Hanezu Himejima set up."

Akeno frowned after hearing that. It makes sense since he's from her clan and now is causing trouble for the alliance and our world. She wanted to go to Grigori and ask her parents about him since she hadn't done it yet. We eventually arrived at school and into our classroom. Since Rias wasn't here, they would do club activities and meetings during lunch and after school instead of in the morning.

However, as soon as we entered the classroom… it was already in chaos.

Bam! Bam!

"Fuck you and your girlfriends!" a large boy said as he kicked both Kouta and Najima who were both on the ground.

I frowned upon seeing this and left Akeno to see what had happened. I asked one of the girls what had happened and apparently, another fellow senior from another classroom had his eye on one of the girls—Kouta's girlfriend, Sakura Hashimoto. He said he was dating her, said no to breaking up with her, and this guy—Sengen started to beat him up.

Naturally, Najima came to help defend his friend and since these two are known to get into frequent fights with each other, they can defend themselves and can fight. But… their builds were a lot different from one another. Sengen was quite bulky and muscular. While Najima and Kouta had athletic builds, they couldn't win against him.

"Dude, stop," I said to him and stopped another attempt to kick my two friends.

He turned his attention and anger to me. I briefly glanced at Akeno and she nodded. She brought the girl out and left to find a teacher. Azazel wasn't here, but there should be others that are reliable, so I'll just stall.

"…You, the giant piece of shit," he growled out, apparently more angered by looking at me.

I didn't react, so that pissed him off even more. Not saying anything else, he threw a punch at me and I easily dodged it. Surprised by this, he goes into a boxer's stance and starts to hop on the spot. It seemed like he was an experienced fighter. I'm sure a gym here in Kuoh also teaches boxing and another shop teaches martial arts…

I signaled behind me to the other guys to drag my two injured friends away, and I used a bit of my power to make them do so. However, to my surprise they picked them up and ran out of the room. Perhaps bringing them to the nurses' office? Either way, I'll thank them later.

Fwsh~ Fwsh~ Fwsh~

Sengen knew how to fight, and he was skilled at it. His jabs were fast, powerful and precise. He knew what he was doing, and I hope my friends are okay after being beaten up by him. But I didn't want to do anything yet, even if I had been in similar situations before.

But not too long after, Sona, Tsubaki, Rossweisse and two male teachers rushed into the classroom and saw Sengen trying to punch me, and I was just casually avoiding it all. He—Sengen was obviously getting frustrated, and when using [Observe] on the guy, he had some kind of local gang, and he was the leader.

I'm guessing he took up boxing classes to stay in shape and also put down anyone who went against him or his 'authority', and since one of my friends was dating a girl he was interested and knew my own status…

He then made an angry grunt before grabbing a chair and started swinging it at me—no, he was just swinging it around him. Rose, Sona and Tsubaki looked at me looking for an answer, and the male teachers weren't able to get close to him. I shrugged since I chalked it up to him just hating my existence.

"Look at me, you fucker!" he shouted and threw the chair at the girls.

Increasing my speed slightly, I appeared in front of them and caught the chair. I was annoyed but put the chair down, and the two male teachers closed in and caught him. He struggled and even hit them a few times with his fists but…

'Isn't that assault? They can definitely press charges here…' I thought. I wanted to at least punch him once, but that would just bring more unnecessary trouble on my end, so I held back.

"Skyward!" one of the male teachers said to me as he dragged Segen away.

"I know, I know…" I replied and followed after them with Rose and the [King] and [Queen] of the Sitri peerage walking beside me.

"Not even a day passes by without you getting into some sort of trouble…" muttered Sona beside me.

"I walked into the classroom and saw him beating up my friends. I just stepped in and stopped him. He decided to start attacking me. You know me, I never threw a punch, though I was tempted to when he threw the chair at you guys," I said a little irritated just thinking back on it.

"We would have been fine, Aaron," replied Rose.

"Even still, the thought that he wanted to harm you guys. He already did it to those two idiots of mine." I was fuming, and I still wanted to at least kick him in the balls.

Not too long after, and a few witnesses later, I was cleared to leave the principal's office and I was on my way back to my own classroom. Classes had already started and I was obviously late, but it didn't matter since I just sat down and listened to the lesson. A few of my classmates glanced at me every now and again.

This carried on until lunch arrived and I left the classroom and headed to the rooftop. I found out that those two were sent home, and their girlfriends met with them while they were put on beds in the infirmary.


Suddenly, a magic circle appeared beside me as I just sat down on the ground. I answered and I heard Michael's voice from it.

"Jin-kun, sorry for interrupting you, but do you mind coming to Heaven tonight?" he asked.

"Sure thing? Is it about the thing you found?" I asked.

"Yes, it is…"

"Alright, I'll come there tonight, sorry for delaying it."

"Thank you, and I'm again sorry for calling you like this," he said and it disappeared.

However, another one appeared and I heard a very frantic Dagda and Brigid.

"Calm down, I have no idea what either of you are saying…"

Finally, they stopped, and Dagda said, "The Ellén Trechend has been revived and is destroying the area we found it in. We placed barriers around it to prevent it from moving to a different area. We'd like you to come and kill it."

"The Ellén Trechend… that's the three-headed dragon, right? So it's been revived, huh? Alright, I'll come right now. Let me just tell a few people that I'm leaving… it won't be long," I replied to him.

"Thank you, and see you soon."

The magic circle disappeared and I sighed. More trouble and this time in the Land of Heaven Falls, huh? I was thinking of asking Scathach about going there but she's spending more time in the [Training Facility] since she brings Aífe there a lot. I'll leave them to murder Lucifer on my behalf then.

I took out my phone and quickly sent out a text saying where I was headed, and just as I was about to teleport—three people crashed through the door and rolled in front of me. It was the Church Trio.

"""T-take us with you!""" they shouted in unison.

"W-we got permission from President Sona!" Xenovia added for clarification.

"And Akeno-san!" also added by Asia.

"Alright, alright, come here… I'll take you with me, sheesh. But tell me this, did Akeno pout?" I asked Asia.

"A lot!"

I wearily smiled and nodded before teleporting us away.

The Land of Heaven Falls.

"Oooh!" said Irina as soon as we teleported to the realm.

She quickly started to look around like she was some kind of tourist. Well, I don't mind, so I told them, "If you just want to explore for today, then go ahead. I'll deal with the problem; I was called here for official business."

"No! I'm sorry about that, Aaron-senpai! I'll be on my best behavior!" she said and saluted me.

I chuckled at her and patted her head. "Alright, follow me then, Asia. If you want, you can go to Áine. You know where she lives after all."

"No, it's fine. Áine-san should be in the meeting if it's something serious, if not then—"


Speak of the devil and they will appear. In front of us was Áine running towards us, with Cana and Danu behind her. As she reached us, she bear hugged Asia, who returned the hug with the same enthusiasm. Finally, she turned to me and said, "I guess you're here too."

"Thanks, tsundere," I replied and she stuck her tongue out at me. "So, where is the Ellén Trechend trapped in?" I asked Danu and Cana.

"It's in this part of the realm," said Danu and showed me a map of the realm.

It was on a small island with water surrounding it. According to her, it was mostly asleep and didn't bother anyone, and as Antares mentioned to me months ago, it only took orders from Lugh. However, even after being confronted by Lugh, it didn't listen so he left, not wanting to kill it himself.

Therefore, I was contacted because they believed it might distract them from an upcoming attack. In order to defend against an attack, I ordered my shadows to spread around the entire realm.

But I am curious, why are they targeting this realm specifically? It doesn't add up, unless it's just been chosen at random.

"Alright, I'll get moving then," I said and prepared to fly over there by summoning [Divine Dividing]. However, Cana and Irina grabbed onto me. "You two want to come along?" I asked and they nodded.

"Can the rest of you stay here just in case?" I asked and they agreed.

Cana then jumped towards me and I caught her. I shook my head and flew up with Irina just behind me. I glanced back once last time before flying away. Irina was a bit surprised by the speed I used, so she had to use a bit more to catch up.

"Jeez, Aaron-senpai that was too fast! A small warning next time!" she complained.

"Sorry, sorry, I will. Anyway, let's speed up a bit more and go down."

She agreed and we flew down nearer to the large body of water below. Some supernatural fish were down there as they looked at us, debating whether or not to attack us. Quickly approaching an island in the distance, just like Lig na Paistie. However, as we could see, it was covered in multiple powerful barriers that prevented it from escaping the island it was on.

It was attacking it and most of the island was already in ruin. Most of it was burning as the trees were on fire and other things in it were charred, including the small land.

Ellén Trechend was a pale brown dragon with three heads. It looked more like a wyvern that was standing on two legs. However, it had three eyes on each head, totaling six eyes on each head, so eighteen in total. They also glowed red. It was also quite large, it was around the size of 38m.

"Are you going to try to take it out of its berserker state, Aaron?" Cana asked while looking at the dragon with concern.

"If possible, but if not… I'll kill it and maybe revive it or add it to my shadow army," I replied and we finally arrived just in front of the barrier.

It spotted us and started to fire its breath attack at us. It didn't break the barrier so we weren't harmed, but it didn't stop for a full minute straight, and when it did, it was just angrily looking at us.

[Partner! Let me fight him!] Ddraig suddenly said and appeared beside me.

"You want to fight this dragon too?" I asked and he silently nodded. "Alright, go for it. You can try to convince him then." I told him and he flew into the barrier and stopped the breath attack with his own causing an explosion.

[You in there, Ellén Trechend?] he asked but only got an angry roar in response. [It can't be helped then…] he sighed and appeared behind his fellow dragon and kicked him in the back slamming him against the barrier.

His body glowed and his power doubled. It felt unnecessary and I also believe Ddraig stopped there at trying to reach him. Ddraig then inhaled a copious amount of flames in his mouth and launched his breath attack towards Ellén Trechend! As a result of the flames hitting the dragon, the barrier and the island were covered in a sea of red.

Not only that, but when the barrier shattered, the explosion continued to get larger, and I covered my surroundings with a barrier, protecting Irina, Cana and me. I'm 99% sure that Ddraig just used his [Welsh Dragon Flare] just then. It felt a bit overkill, but I wasn't planning to say that to him.

Looking back at Ellén Trechend, the dragon was charred into nothingness, however, I could still bring him back. I looked at Ddraig silently asking him which one he would want to happen. Resurrect him normally, make him into an Electa or a shadow.

[I became too strong, yet I was satisfied with it, even if it wasn't a fight, but more of a slaughter. I'll leave it up to you, Partner.] He chuckled and flew down to the barely visible island.

His attack had practically annihilated it, and the sky above us was still quite red after his attack. I also flew down, and tapped the remaining ground with my foot and restored the island to its former glory. I then walked over to Ellén Trechend and chose to resurrect him as a shadow.

After a short burst of darkness, Ellén Trechend came back as a shadow and looked at Ddraig and I.

"Forgive me. A strange scientist with brown hair and silver eyes injected me with something as I was resting. Before I knew it, I was attacking everything around me and I did not have control of my body. I heard the [Welsh Dragon]'s voice but could not answer him," he said rather apologetically.

'Cúntóir, is it possible to see what kind of thing Satanael injected into him?' I asked.

From the short description Ellén Trechend provided, it sounded like Satanael. He had somehow sneaked into this realm... I'll have my shadows check the entire place out from top to bottom. So, I ordered a few more of my shadows to do just that.

Cúntóir: Answer: Please touch Ellén Trechend and I can analyze him.

I walked towards Ellén Trechend, told him what I was going to do and he lowered his head for me to touch. I did so and waited for Cúntóir. After a few minutes, Cúntóir finally told me.

Cúntóir: Answer: Just as it states, it's some kind of berserker vial, however, it wasn't made by anything in this world—the Draconic Deus. It feels like it's a mix of ingredients from the universe of the Evie Etoulde and Crepuscule Phantasma.

Cúntóir: Answer: Ettanach Sunclaws, Rokkeotain Bloodballs, VZC-8812 Liquid and JJ-882-LZ Gas.

…What? I had no idea what any of those were... I shook my head in agreement with her answer. "I could dismiss you right now and you can fully die, or you can stay like this." I told him. I wanted to give him some options.

"You are the famed Dual Dragon Emperor. Even if I did not leave my dwelling, Master Lugh told me of many of your achievements… I am interested in you and how the world beyond has changed. Please take me with you," he said with great earnestness.

[Another dragon buddy!] Ddraig then walked over to him and started smacking his back. Ellén Trechend looked at Ddraig with a troubled look. But—



We turned back to see a large explosion, followed by a large green circle that also reached us. It felt soothing and was healing us too. This was…

"Xenovia and Asia. So the Khaos Brigade did try to attack this realm, but why?" Cana asked and urged me to go back.

"Seems like it, let's teleport back," I said and we quickly left while Ellén Trechend disappeared into my shadow.

Upon arriving there… those same robot android things were attacking—I think they were called the… C-DD-1382-42? How are they even…? Ah, it's probably Lapis or an item she made. I clicked my tongue and swiped my hand, disabling them from moving.

Seeing that the robot things stopped moving, they quickly killed them all.

"Jin, there are more in the other—"

"My shadow army is there; they will be fine." I stopped him and he nodded.

Just then, more explosions occurred around the realm, but they also quickly ended. After checking with the shadows, they had repelled the attack… after that I ordered them to check the entire realm for any easy ways to enter it.

"Jin, what did—"

I singled for Ellén Trechend to come out of my shadow and he did. Once he was out, Nuada sighed, but I wasn't sure whether it was relief or due to something else. However, Lugh, who was also there stared at the dragon silently. But I allowed him to speak and he told them what had happened.

"I see…" Lugh said, his anger evident on his face.

That was the most I had seen him express, apart from a small smile here and there. Even Nuada was pissed at how they treated their local loner dragon. Well, we have to be thankful they didn't target Paistie. However, he is in his well most of the time, so he's safe that way… kind of.

After that, I quickly repaired any damage sustained in the realm and joined my shadows in finding the way that they were coming here, not including Lapis just casually tearing through it. I eventually found a small opening in the northernmost part of the realm. It was a small enough tear that it wouldn't attract their attention, and was in a spot where it wouldn't be noticed easily. However, I repaired it and made the barrier containing this realm stronger.

I teleported back to the middle as most residents were going about their normal daily lives again.

'They're pretty adaptable for being able to go back to their normal everyday life so fast…'

"Aaron!" Cana said to me as she appeared in front of me.

"Hello, Cana, how can I help you?" I asked.

In her response, she showed me her phone and our previous conversation. I see, so it's about that, huh?

"Ah that, yes, I'll be going there soon, so I'll contact you and I'll get you before we leave. Is that fine?"

"Yes, it is~," she said happily and skipped away.

I looked at the watch on my wrist and saw that school should be ending soon, and I should just go to Heaven straight away since I already stopped this attack… I turned my attention to the girls and they were chatting away with Danu and Áine. So, I made my way to them.

"Let's go back, I still have Heaven to go to and then discuss how we'll tackle defending the rabbit village and protecting the Greek realm," I said to them.

"Ah, that's right… I'm sorry we'll have to leave now, Áine-san," said Asia sadly.

I patted her on the head and said, "I mean, you can stay if you want, Asia. You know you can come here any time you want, nothing's really stopping you. You also know how to get back…"

"R-really? If that's the case, I'll stay here for a bit longer!" she said happily.


However, Xenovia had started to look at the ground and shook her head. "I will go back; I have some things to get prepared for." She then joined me; Asia looked a bit sad but understood. Irina also joined us.

"I'll accompany you to Heaven, Aaron-senpai! Boss will be up there too, the same with Gabriel-sama!" said Irina.

"I see… let's go then. See you tonight, Asia." We waved at her as they did to us.

Japan, Kuoh

Skyward Household

"Good luck, future President of Kuoh Academy," I said to Xenovia and gave her a thumbs up.

She stopped to look at me shocked. "Y-yo—"

"I won't say anything, so… work hard, Nova," I stepped forward and kissed her, surprising her a little, but she eagerly kissed me back.

"…O-okay… I-I'll do my best!" she said quite shyly before running upstairs.

"Y-you knew?!" Irina asked shocked.

"Yeah, I mean, I talk to Sona quite regularly, you know? I also helped her study up on a few things during the 100 years we spent together. It doesn't really take a genius to figure that out, Irina…"

"Ah, y-yeah, I guess… a-ahahaha…~" she rubbed the back of her head and awkwardly laughed.

"We'll go there in a few minutes, so go ahead and grab a bite to eat. I'll go and check up on a few things," I said and she saluted me before leaving.

After a few minutes of looking through some texts and emails I received from Zeoticus, Irina came into my office with Gabriel to my surprise. Both of them were munching on snacks like squirrels. I couldn't help but chuckle at them, and left my seat.

When I reached Gabriel, I wiped crumbs off the corners of her mouth and she smiled at me. I did the same for Irina and she blushed.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Ready!/Yes boss!" they answered in unison, and so we left for Heaven.


Fifth Heaven

After arriving in Fifth Heaven, we were greeted by Griselda, Michael, Altaria, and Layla. Layla was fidgeting a lot. I could tell that she was holding herself back from just lunging at me.

I did make sure to spoil her as much as I could after coming back home from the meeting, but I guess it wasn't enough, huh? I'm pretty sure I didn't add this to her personality… unless she developed it herself, then… I can't be held responsible, right?

"Welcome back to Heaven, Jin-kun," said Michael. "Shall we get going?" he asked.

I nodded and we joined them. In front of us was a large door and they pushed it open. We all stepped through and once inside was a giant hallway with a large fountain in the far distance. Obviously, everything was mostly white. However, there were many doorways with no doors on them, and I could hear a lot of sounds coming from them.

So this was the research institute of heaven, huh? The place where the [Brave Saints System] was made… Michael and Altaria took the lead with Layla lagging behind them as she kept glancing back at me. I finally sighed and gestured for her to join me…

She happily did so and hugged my other free arm. Irina looked like she had wanted to do it, but had been stopping herself, and once Layla took her spot, she deflated a bit. She had been acting like this the entire time in the [Pocket Dimension], only due to a few other girls that she really took the lead or became aggressive. I do wonder what's holding her back.

We finally reached a certain room and both of them walked into it followed by us. Our eyes were drawn to a single area where there were a number of devils, fallen angels, and angels. We could also hear them speaking to one another—probably their own theories on whatever that note is.

We quickly approached them, and to my surprise, I saw quite a few fallen angels I recognized there (Armaros and Sahariel) and even the Ten Seraphs were here.

"Michael-sama, Altaria-sama, Layla-sama and Jin-sama, you've made it… I think we made a breakthrough!" one of the angels said.

"No… no we have not. That's just your theory, and not much evidence backs it up. Although some coincidences line up, there's no actual—"

"I get it already!"

The angel and fallen angel started bickering back and forth while we stood there and watched them. It would be better if I took a look at it… I sighed and walked towards where the note was.

"Alright, let me have a look," I said to them and they quickly parted, almost like the red sea.

I reached the large table they were crowding around and saw a single… note? No, it looked more like…

'Cúntóir, isn't this…?'

Cúntóir: Answer: A large USB-Type device. To normal people it will look like normal paper, but if WE look at it, we can discern it. No wonder they couldn't tell them apart. Touch it and I'll project the data or whatever is being kept on it.

I touched the USB-type device and waited for Cúntóir to do her thing. After waiting for a minute, the room suddenly went pitch black and it seemed as though we were transported into space. I heard many gasps all around me, but then someone shouted—


I, along with everyone else turned our attention to our right and what we saw was... a large three-headed dragon. It was larger than the sun of whatever planet it was currently destroying. Its body was gold, and it looked like it had very strong scales. All three of its heads menacingly looked down at the inhabitants of that planet.

Many of them were running away screaming, some broke down and started to sob, the few brave ones flew towards it to try to fight it. However, the head of the right breathed out a large fire attack and obliterated at least half of the planet. Once that was done, all of its eyes glowed a crimson red, and the creature appeared to smile with a menacing smile. Almost as if it knew what it was doing and was taking great pleasure in what it was doing.

At this point, I was frowning. I knew who or what it was, but I didn't think it was that large… although I didn't know what the size of this thing was, but—

"W-what is that…?" a devil asked utterly horrified.

A few more voices in the room asked and a few were shaking in fear. The majority of them in here were not fighters, they were simply scientists, researchers and beings who tinkered with science. In front of a thing with this kind of power…

'King Ghidorah…' I thought and kept watching this video or memory play out.

The scene changed to a room where it looked like a bunch of leaders were in. However, the beings in it were not humans as many of them had pink scale-covered skin and large eyes.

"Sir! The False King has arrived in our universe… our time has come. We either flee or fight, either way… we will be confused and killed," a soldier said while saluting, fear evident on his face.

Another approached. He might be a scientist or something since he was wearing a long white coat and had some kind of sci-fi hologram projecting something.

"Emperor, by my estimation, our world will be wiped out in around two days. I believe Monster Zero is simply playing with us. He is taking his time killing all of us," he said rather gloomily. "By our estimations, he should have destroyed at least 9 universes before he came to ours. Who knows how many planets were destroyed here…"

"…We wouldn't have known since we weren't on favorable terms with them," said another.

"We should have pushed for some kind of peace with them, so we could have at least prepared after being warned," another added.

The 'Emperor' finally looked up, despair all over his face and said, "There is no use in crying over spilled vhikal, we must push through. We will make a final stand. Half of our planet was obliterated by one of its heads. We cannot win... but I refuse to go down without a fight!" the Emperor shouted and the troops who still had some spirit left in them shouted too.

"I will go out with the remaining troops. "Prepare anything you wish to have ready for the inevitable that is coming," he told the troops before getting up.

Only a few remained in the room and one by one they left it. The one we had been following then took out the same USB-type device and said, "I've been recording these last few days because I was out with my family for an outing… I didn't think I would end up watching them die right in front of my eyes…"

"It's as the Emperor said, it's futile… we won't win, not unless you're ——, or ——. Either way, it's pointless. I'll just stay here… aaahh… I want to see my family again… if this recording somehow survives—no, I'll send it away. Maybe… somewhere, somehow it will reach someone else, and if they do… please, for yours and my sake, prepare…! It's coming and—"

His message was cut as the entire thing was consumed in a giant sea of flames, and then it suddenly started to let out purple energy and started moving through a tunnel of multiple colors, until... it was in some kind of dense forest.

"Hey, what the hell is that?" a voice asked.

Suddenly in frame came what seemed to be a fallen angel. He picked it up and examined it.

"It's got funky writing. What do you think it is?" he asked someone who couldn't be seen.

"Dunno, maybe we can bring it to Azrael and the others?"

"Worth a shot. Let's see if it gets anywhere. Hey, this letter looks like someone taking a shi—"

When he pressed whatever letter it was, the recording stopped. Everyone in the room had fallen silent. Many were too scared to move. I wanted to avoid this; I wanted normal people to avoid knowing about this… but it can't be helped.

Cúntóir said it was far away from our universe, but… if what the Khaos Brigade and the Seekers of Truth are doing… then they're definitely drawing it here on purpose. Last time Cúntóir said it was at least Universal-class in power. I, and many of my friends are beyond that… we should be able to take care of it, right?


Cúntóir: Answer: As of now… it is still very far away, so unless the ExE or CxP somehow manage to intercept it, and force it to teleport to our universe, it won't get here for another 10,000 years. King Ghidorah is strong and large with a very powerful regenerative ability, better than Trihexa, however, it is slow.

'But there is a chance that they could find Ghidorah and forcefully transport it to this world. However, if they don't then it's still on a collision course towards the Draconic Deus because of their experiments.' I thought.

'It won't get past the barrier you made though?' asked Velgrynd.

'Lapis still exists, she may just sacrifice most of her power of herself to completely destroy the barrier to let The False King in,' said Rudra.

[We'll just kick its ass then! I mean we can detect it, you know?]

{What if Lapis isn't here anymore? What if she's going towards King Ghidorah and plans on having it consume Nyarlathotep's blood? —And I mean its most potent blood, herself—or even merge with it.}

[Don't say such terrifying things, Albion! What if that does come true? Just imagine Lapis' head emerging from one of Ghidorah's! Add Lapis' personality and that's just a multiversal disaster waiting to happen!]

['Daddy, daddy! Do you love me now?! I'm a dragon now too! I should be big enough for your dragon for now! Uhehehehehe~!' or something like that! Just saying that is making me feel gross all over!]

'The fact that may happen is disturbing, Ddraig… also never laugh like that again.'

[N-noted, anyway, just keep an open mind about it… if she does choose to disappear.]

'What if she does merge with it? What if she could transform back into her usual 'Lapis' form? What if she already did it, and what Cúntóir is sensing is a false creature?' asked Velgrynd again.

[You're just making this worse, what the hell?!] shouted Ddraig.

'You're the one who put the thought out!' snapped Velgrynd.

The two of them argue back and forth, and I just cut my link. I turn around to see most feeling uneasy, some outright scared, and the leaders and the ones in the know with very worried expressions.

'First things first, I have to make them—no never, I'll just erase their memories… I can't risk it.' I put my hand out and wiped their memories, and in turn made them all fall to the ground unconscious. I chose to wipe out the memories of the more 'normal' supernatural beings.

The more 'senior' or 'veteran' ones I chose to let them keep it. While I changed the memories of the others to a stupid mix-tape from a magician. So, the Ten Seraphs, the Four Great Seraphs, Altaria, Layla, Irina, Armaros and Sahariel kept their memories.

"Jin-kun…" Michael muttered.

"Michael, do you mind keeping this a secret for now? I want to get through the festival in the Greek realm first before you go and tell the other faction leaders. As it stands, we already have the ExE and CxP to deal with. Adding King Ghidorah to the list will just stress people out more," I asked him.


Michael looked at me, and at the other angels. To my surprise, both Uriel and Raphael nodded in agreement, and the other Ten Seraphs soon followed. He looked back at me and gave me a worried smile.

"Very well, until that small event passes, I and everyone else here will keep it a secret," he said reassuringly.

"Thank you." I turned back to the fake document and stored it in my [Inventory]. Maybe I should make one more Electa and send them out into the multiverse to look for King Ghidorah… It'll be a tough mission though…

'I'll think about it.' I turned back to them and smiled. "Is there anything else you want help with? I'm here so I don't mind," I said to the angels.

Around two hours have passed, but… I had been keeping an eye on Griselda. She seemed to have been affected by what she saw, or at least I think so since she's been stopping every few minutes to take some deep breaths. I haven't been too sure if I should confront her or not—

Our eyes met; she saw me looking… I guess I have to do it now. I walked over to her and she reverted back to her usual smiling self. While she was shaking, she tried to hide it from me as best as she could.

Altaria had taken Layla away since she was basically clinging to me and getting nothing done or slightly inconveniencing me. Irina and Gabriel also went with Michael to talk about something—probably her job as an angel back on earth, as for Gabriel, I wasn't too sure. So it was just me and Griselda wandering around heaven helping a bunch of angels with random stuff.


"What's wrong? You've been like this since that projection stopped," I said to her bluntly.

She seemed a bit surprised by this and sighed. She suddenly grabbed my hand and started walking somewhere. We were currently in First Heaven, where the [Brave Saints] and low-level angels reside. However, she brought me to the elevator that transported us up to the next floor, Second Heaven.

Second Heaven is a place filled with darkness where the Angels observe the stars and where they confine Angels who have sinned. Once stopped, there was another door that kept us out. She touched it and it opened. Once inside, the door automatically closed, and everything was mostly pitch black.

Above us were stars and further into the vastness of darkness, I could see some angels who were chained up to a tall pillar of light. Their wings were out and they were quickly switching between white and black. Threatening to make them fall as they desperately prayed to keep them from falling.

I didn't recognize any of them, but before I could say anything, Griselda started to pull me again and I started to walk beside her. To this, she lightened her grip on my hand and we ended up just holding hands normally.

We eventually reached an open spot with… a bench? She quickly sat down on it, and patted the spot beside her, so I sat down. She didn't speak for a few minutes as we silently watched the stars and heard the murmuring of angels in the distance.

"It reminded me," she suddenly said.

I didn't say anything and let her continue speaking. I felt like it would be rude to interrupt her now.

"Many years ago, in my hometown… I lived a normal life with my friends and family. It was like any other day. I was outside playing with my friends, my mother was cooking dinner and my father was fixing something in the garage, and my little brother and sister were asleep in their cribs."

Griselda had a nostalgic look on her face and a gentle smile. However, that quickly disappeared as she frowned and said, "But near midnight when our day was about to end, we heard and felt an explosion and rumbling near our home. Alerted, my father came into my room and my mother rushed to my sibling's room."

"However, it was too late. Another explosion occurred near that spot of the house and… my mother and siblings perished right there and then. It didn't take long for the explosions to reach us too, and that's where I temporarily blacked out. When I woke up, I saw my father dead beside me."

"That was probably the loudest and hardest I've screamed in my life so far… well, I was nothing more than a child after all. However, what I saw terrified me. It was a man in dark clothing and jet-black feathered wings. I remember what he said that day very clearly… 'Sorry little missy, it's our job.' As he aimed a light spear at me… he was killed."

"I was spared that day. It was Ewald Cristaldi-sensei and his group of exorcists that came to save us. But at the same time I didn't know that I had a piece of metal sticking out of my chest. So they quickly rushed me back to their headquarters and treated my injuries. However, it left a scar on my body that I was insecure about."

"After that… I was put into that institute and trained to become an exorcist. Apparently, Ewald Cristaldi-sensei said I had talent, and had my own 'vengeance' as he said. However, over time, it faded… I myself am not too sure how it happened, but…"

She shook her head and moved away from the topic. "At some point, I came into contact with Dulio, then Irina and Xenovia. I guess you could say the rest is history. As I got older, I trained and helped many along the way, and as I mentioned, that included Dulio, Xenovia and Irina."

She finally looked up at me and said, "It was quite… generic, wasn't it? It's like any hundred of stories from any number of exorcists you will come across. I'm no one special… and one way or another, we were affected by the supernatural, and that molded us into the people we are today. Some…"

"Some people are able to overcome that trauma, become even greater people and wish for peace after they have overcome it. Some… cannot, and they spend their lives as agents of the church, hunting down the evil of the supernatural, with only hatred and vengeance in mind."

Griselda stopped her story and started to take the top half of her nun outfit off. I stared at her and she undid some kind of illusion spell in the middle of her chest. There was a large scar there after the illusion faded. She touched it and smiled sadly.

"This is a reminder of that day, but… at the same time I feel like I should be more angry… at myself, at the world, at… you. For the longest time, I only wanted vengeance, but at some point… it just disappeared. I think it was around the time I became an adult, and not too long after, I met Xenovia and Irina."

"I dedicated my time to teaching them, and also wanted them not to stray from the right path, and in turn become like me. But now… I think I know who attacked my small little town… perhaps it was the Khaos Brigade all along. Whether it was intentional or not, I may get my 'vengeance' after all," she finally stopped her story and stared at me, still showing the scar.

I scooted over closer to her and touched the scar on her chest. She was a bit surprised by this and stifled a surprised yelp. I slowly felt it and thought that I could easily make it disappear. However, at the same time, I thought she might want to keep it, because in her words... it's a reminder.

"Do you hate me?" I asked.


"I took that 'vengeance' away from many exorcists. I'm quite confident in saying that some may even harbor some hatred towards me because I took away that part of their lives. They are warriors of the church; they battle evil and protect the peace. If they don't have that, what do they have then?" I asked her and pulled my hand away from her scar.

Griselda then covered herself up without saying anything. We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I was debating what to do, but she beat me to it as she spoke up again.

"I don't hate you… I couldn't. That's asking for the impossible, Aaron. I said it already, but that vengeance of mine is gone... partially. Maybe when I confront and defeat the ones who attacked my town, I may find some sort of peace within me. But what you're doing is for the betterment of the supernatural world. I can't find it in me to say that you should stop so we can gain our reason for living again…"

"I mean… it's the reason some of them fight after all. At some point, some will abandon the 'vengeance' and 'hatred' they have, and it's replaced with protecting the weak so that kind of tragedy won't fall on them."

She put a hand on top of mine and said, "Perhaps you hate me?" she asked.

When she said that, I stared at her with a confused expression on my face. I shook my head and said, "How can I hate you? It's quite the opposite, actually." I grabbed her hands and stared straight at her. I think this is the appropriate time, right?

"You raised both Xenovia and Irina well enough… Xenovia had a few screws loose, but she's improved a lot. You helped a lot of people over the 100 years and even helped me a few times while I worked. You weren't even part of that 'secretaries system' those girls set up, but you still did."

"I won't drag it on. I love you, Griselda. Hate, it's the furthest thing I have in my mind and heart right now, and I won't hand you over to anyone else, I'm selfish like that," I said with a grin.

Griselda's face had slowly turned red and now was almost crimson. She put her head down and shook a little. "I… I held back, you know? I'm older than those two… I'm a guardian and swordsmaster to that foolish girl, Xenovia… since I'm older, I have to act appropriately. I can't brazenly show my feelings to the man I am interested in... even more so when he wants a harem…"

"Why bother?" I said and she looked at me a bit shocked. "Just do what Fia and I do. Show me that love of yours when it's just us two, and I can spoil you even more then." I stood up and pulled Griselda with me. "Griselda Quarta, be mine," I said to her again, looking at her very seriously.

"…O-oka—" she shook her head and took a deep breath. "Yes, I would love to be yours, forever," she said firmly.

"Wait, do you mean—"

She nodded not letting me finish my question. I wasn't sure if reincarnated angels lived forever like angels, or did angels even live forever? Gods can get old. I mean, Odin is a prime example of that, so… I might as well, right? Just to be safe…

Griselda… was expecting it, so I leaned forward and we kissed, and at the same time, turned her immortal. I didn't know if this was the most appropriate place for this, I mean… we're in a place for angels to repent for their sins for fuck's sake…


Suddenly, and just like Gabriel, Griselda's wings came out and started to flap quickly. We stopped our kiss and she looked back at her own wings, before turning even redder.


"Pfft—you're just like Gabriel. Are you saying 'I'm happy!' too, Griselda?" I asked in a teasing manner.

She just hugged me and buried her head in my chest. She then said, "Aaaaah…. I did it… I confessed and fell in love with someone younger than me…" she sounded a bit shocked at herself, and also a bit ashamed.

I just chuckled at her in turn and she huffed a bit.

Dulio Gesualdo's Soliloquy

I came back to Heaven because Jin was going to be doing something amazing with that document that Griselda-nee-san and Irina-chan found. What I saw in that 'memory' was something utterly horrifying, but at the same time… I knew we would be safe. Call it a gut feeling, but I think Jin would be there to stop this disaster from happening.

However, after that ended, I was left to do a few menial tasks, but I eventually spotted Griselda-nee-san and Jin heading somewhere, so I decided to be a cheeky junior and follow them… and I didn't mean to eavesdrop on a serious conversation they had.

But at the same time… I understood why Griselda-nee-san had 'that' cold and dead look she had all those years ago, but it's as she said, it just disappeared one day and she started to act like the kind and strict older sister to all of us.

But I was happy for her, very happy… at times Nee-san felt like she was lost or just confused by some things, but a lot of things changed when Jin popped out of nowhere. I glanced back at the two as they kissed and I left Second Heaven.

As Heaven's [Joker], I must fulfill my role. Jin's dream is also my dream, and I think he would support mine too... no, he definitely does, since he knows about 'that' place and has helped out a couple of times in secret.

Even if I'm weaker than him… I clenched my fist. I'll help protect them, and everyone else even more from now on. For the children and for everyone else's peace…

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