Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 14 – Part 1 – Let’s Go to Kyoto This Year Too!*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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Approximately an hour had elapsed since our arrival, and most of us had concluded our exploration of the area. However, Latia and Velgrynd remained unaccounted for, still out and about.

[Partner,] Ddraig chimed in, [you should consider adding a pool park or something of the sort here. Maybe even include an indoor amusement park. After all, this place is poised to become the central hub for the moon city, right?]

I pondered his suggestion for a moment. "Yes, that's correct," I affirmed. "I'll discuss it with the others and Latia. It's important to gather everyone's opinions before implementing any changes."

Ddraig responded with a nod, but there was an unmistakable grin on his face. He chose to keep his thoughts to himself, though his reasons for it were rather clear.

Azathoth stood beside me, still holding my hand. She had held it as we explored the moon base, and even after we had finished our tour. I hadn't mentioned it because I didn't mind, but Ddraig's mischievous grin piqued her curiosity.

"Is something bothering you, [Welsh Dragon] Ddraig?" she inquired, clearly puzzled by his reaction.

Albion and Apophis exchanged glances before deciding to vacate the area, leaving me with no choice but to remain. Ddraig considered his next move, pondering his options carefully.

[Why are you still holding his hand, Azathoth!?] he exclaimed dramatically, striking a peculiar pose for emphasis.

Azathoth blinked in response, her gaze shifting between Ddraig's theatrical display and our still-connected hands. After a moment, she turned her attention back to Ddraig, let out a sigh, and shook her head, releasing her grip on my hand.

"It simply slipped my mind, Ddraig," she explained to him, her gaze now directed at me. "Forgive me."

I reassured her with a nonchalant reply, "No worries."

As Ddraig began to move away, he quickly dashed toward the other dragons. I let out a sigh and added, "He didn't need to hurry, though, since we're leaving for the Dimensional Gap soon..."

"Sorry for the wait," Latia's voice suddenly broke the silence. We turned our attention toward them and spotted her, accompanied by Velgrynd, who seemed to be dragging Ddraig along with them.

After they arrived in front of us, I inquired, "How did it go?"

Latia, now holding a notepad, appeared deep in thought. "I have a few things I'd like to discuss with Antares, assuming he was also responsible for creating this place."

I nodded, recalling the construction process of this location. "Yes, he was primarily responsible for it. Occasionally, I would drop by and observe their work, but I didn't interfere since he had asked me personally to let them continue, much like the base in the Dimensional Gap."

As I relayed this information, Latia listened attentively, nodding in acknowledgment.

"If that's the case," she began, "then I would like to have a conversation with him once we arrive in the Dimensional Gap. I assume Velgrynd and Azathoth will be joining us as well?" Her curiosity spurred further questioning, and I affirmed her assumptions.

"Yeah, they'll be coming along," I replied. "Anyway, we've already spent a significant portion of the night up here. Let's continue on and inspect the Dimensional Gap." With that, I teleported us away, moving us closer to our destination.

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As we arrived in the residential district of my home within the Dimensional Gap, the distinctive sounds of construction filled the air. It was a symphony of activity—various objects were being moved through the use of magic, the cacophony of voices issuing commands and explanations, and the clatter of tools employed for the work at hand.

When I turned my gaze to a particular location, my eyes fell upon Antares, who stood on an elevated platform. He was clad in a simple white t-shirt, brown work pants, sturdy work boots, and a bright yellow hard hat.

A floating blue window hovered before him as he pointed in various directions, instructing those working around him. Claudira was by his side, equally involved in the labor, although she was dressed in her regular attire.

We approached him, and as we drew nearer, he swiftly turned around, Claudira close behind. It appeared they had exchanged a few words with the workers, most of whom were comprised of Shadow Soldiers, his dragons, and other [Electa]. Then, they made their way over to us.

"Aaron-sama! What brings you here?" he asked with evident enthusiasm.

"I'm simply here to oversee the progress and check in on all of you and the construction," I replied. With a meaningful glance in Latia's direction, I continued, "On that note, Latia would like to discuss our moon base with you."

"I see. Please, follow us. We're making excellent progress tonight. According to my calculations, we should have the entire project completed in two or three months," he said, taking the lead as he guided us back to the platform.

Claudira chimed in, "If everything goes smoothly. You tend to make minor adjustments if it doesn't align with your vision for Aaron-sama."

"Indeed, only the best is reserved for Aaron-sama," Antares replied with unwavering confidence.

Returning to the platform, we observed that most of the work was concentrated on the motorway bridge. It would serve as a crucial connection to the Emerald City, the former territory of the Wizards of Oz. A dedicated team of Shadow Soldiers and dragons toiled diligently in constructing this vital passage, while a handful of [Electa] members oversaw and offered their guidance.

I couldn't help but inquire, "How is the progress in the Emerald City? Have you renamed it yet?"

"Currently, we are in the process of renaming it, and construction is well underway under the supervision of Selene and Shaula," Antares responded. "Given its substantial size, it will naturally take some time. We've also reached a consensus on how to address the towers positioned to the north, south, east, and west. I'd prefer to keep the details under wraps for now, so I won't divulge that information," he explained.

"That's perfectly fine with me," I responded, my gaze fixed on the horizon. Antares and Latia moved away, delving into a discussion about various aspects of the moon base that Latia had meticulously recorded in her notepad.

"Aaron-sama, we recently made some adjustments in Kyoto, and we were wondering if you would consider this," Claudira proposed. She presented me with a blue screen displaying their plan.

As I reviewed their proposal, I found it rather intriguing. I had a rough plan in mind for the upcoming operation, one that involved enlisting the help of both Team [DxD] and [EXE]. However, involving that group in our endeavor didn't seem like a bad idea, especially considering our existing alliance.

Nonetheless, I realized that I needed to consult Suzaku before making any final decisions. She played a pivotal role among the Five Principal Clans, an arrangement that had been established following a meeting with the clan leaders, the Chinese Pantheon, and the Shinto Pantheon.

"I'll discuss it with Suzaku and go from there. While I already have information on the whereabouts of most of them, a few individuals seem to be guarding secrets related to the Evie or even Phantasma. Obtaining this information would be highly advantageous for the advancement of this universe's technology in the future. I might even consider patenting them myself," I informed Claudira, sharing my thoughts on the matter.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I couldn't help but add, "I also want to unveil something special during it." A small smirk danced across my lips, piquing Claudira's curiosity.

Intrigued, she inquired, "And what might that be?"

In response, I gently poked her on the head, sharing my elaborate plan. Safe to say, her initial reaction was one of bewilderment. She took some time to ponder the idea, and eventually, her gaze returned to me.

"Should you decide to go through with that plan," she began cautiously, "you might find yourself having to repair a substantial portion of Kyoto afterward. Unless, of course, you take the precaution of covering the designated buildings with your barriers before the operation commences."

Nodding in agreement, I acknowledged, "Yeah, that's exactly my intention. I want to prevent any unnecessary repairs this time. I've also taken measures to ensure that they don't deviate from the plan. I even had Daniel issue a stern warning to the Khaos Order, making it clear that any last-minute alterations would result in consequences." I grinned, feeling reassured. "So, we can proceed without unnecessary concerns."

Velgrynd leaned in, her crimson eyes fixated on me as she raised a thought. "You know," she began, "you're starting to adopt a somewhat villainous approach in the way you handle things. Are you certain you're not veering off course?" Her words were accompanied by a hint of concern.

I acknowledged her concerns. "I had similar worries at first, but when you consider it, not everyone within the Khaos Order is motivated solely by altruism, you know? Perhaps a few, but a significant number among them were dissatisfied with the state of the world and yearned for change. They may not openly admit their desire to rule with an iron fist, but it lurks beneath the surface," I explained, attempting to convey the complexities of the situation to Velgrynd.

"I've taken measures to ensure that humans and the rest of the supernatural world remain unharmed in this. The only ones affected are those directly involved in the operation, and I've gone to great lengths to minimize their suffering. In the grand scheme, those who ultimately bear the brunt of the consequences are considered the 'villains,'" I concluded, locking my gaze with Velgrynd.

She seemed hesitant, her concerns lingering. "But—"

"However!" I interjected, pressing forward with my viewpoint. "From their perspective, they're the 'heroes' of their own story, and I'm cast as the antagonist. In their twisted minds, they believe they're doing what's 'right,' right?" I posed the question to Velgrynd, highlighting the subjectivity of morality and the complex interplay of perspectives.

Velgrynd gazed at me, her uncertainty palpable in the air. This situation was not unique; it extended to many aspects of existence, not just the current circumstances. It was reminiscent of the human world, especially during past wars.

An illustrative example was Hitler, whose actions had left an indelible mark on history. Though I hadn't personally conversed with him when he was resurrected, I couldn't help but wonder about his perspective. I believed that he genuinely thought he was doing the right thing. It was as though he convinced himself that his actions were somehow justified.

The idea struck me that everyone, in their own life narrative, played the role of the main character. Their perspective shaped their actions and choices, regardless of how they were perceived by others.

Some individuals exhibited more empathy and consideration for the well-being of others, while others seemed bereft of such qualities. Ultimately, the variations in human behavior were deeply rooted in the individual's character and the manner in which they approached life's complexities.

Velgrynd's silence persisted, prompting me to further press the matter. I posed a thought-provoking question, my words measured and deliberate.

"Answer me this, Vel," I began, "if you were a parent, and you had raised your child to be a paragon of virtue and integrity, but in the end, they took a dark path, becoming a scummy criminal who perpetrated injustice in the world, how would you react? In their own twisted logic, they believed they were right, trying to rectify the world's injustices. As their mother, would you stand by their side, supporting their misguided cause, or would you choose to uphold the principles of the legal system?"

I urged her to consider a challenging scenario, providing more context. "Now, imagine this: there exists incontrovertible evidence of their misdeeds—recordings, photographs, even a live feed documenting one of their heinous acts—and your own child has openly confessed to these crimes. Faced with this undeniable proof, who would you stand with? The child you've known for years, or the justice system, which is poised to apprehend, imprison, or possibly even execute them?"

I posed these questions, waiting for her response, as the weight of the moral dilemma hung in the air.

Before she could respond, Azathoth intervened, stating firmly, "I would align with the legal system. There is concrete evidence, and despite the fact that they were my own flesh and blood, we cannot ignore the actions they took."

Her words prompted me to fix my gaze on her. I couldn't help but wonder if this matter struck a chord with her, given her "children" had been the source of chaos and turmoil across the omniverse for an extended period. It was no secret that she had often been lenient with them, despite her lingering feelings of guilt.

The revelation left me somewhat surprised, as Azathoth had not typically aligned herself with the legal system in the past. It raised questions in my mind: had her perspective shifted recently, or was this an isolated instance driven by the question at hand?

"I can't provide an answer right now, is that okay?" she inquired with a slight furrow in her brows as she looked at me.

I nodded and responded, "Of course, that's perfectly fine. But if you ever find a response, even if it's a hundred years from now, please share it with me, alright?" She agreed silently, understanding the importance of the request.

Velgrynd had always shown a deep and unwavering concern for her family, even if it had involved repeatedly challenging and defeating Veldora.

Her emotional reaction upon hearing about Rimuru's involvement in his demise indicated the depth of her affection. In that regard, it seemed that we shared a common sentiment.

As for myself, I couldn't say with certainty how I would react in such a situation. I loved my children dearly and was prepared to do anything to protect them.

However, if circumstances ever mirrored Velgrynd's ordeal, I too would find myself in a perplexing and challenging situation, unsure of how to navigate the complex emotions it would undoubtedly stir.

I stretched my body, surveying our surroundings with a casual demeanor, and attempted to lighten the mood with a question. "That got a bit heavy, didn't it? What were we talking about before this weighty conversation?" Unfortunately, my attempt to inject some levity seemed to have fallen flat, leaving the atmosphere decidedly somber.

My partner, Ddraig, chose this moment to interject with a burst of enthusiasm. [Partner! This highway-motorway-thing is long! Like, really long! The Emerald City is also pretty cool!] He couldn't help but express his amazement at the sights around us, but something about the atmosphere change hadn't escaped him. [What the hell happened here? Who just crushed the mood into the ground?] Ddraig inquired with a curious tone.

I confessed, "That would be me, but please go ahead and share your thoughts, Ddraig. I'm genuinely curious." My dragon companion embarked on a detailed description of what he had seen and the plans that had been made for the area. It turned out that Selene had provided him with some insights during their conversation.

— ○ ● ○ —

Another hour elapsed before we were prepared to head back. I returned to my residence in this dimension, taking the opportunity to consult with a few members of the [EXE] regarding our upcoming operations. Once those discussions were concluded, I rejoined the rest of the group.

With the preparations behind us, I addressed Antares and Claudira. "Well, then, we're going to take our leave. Keep up the excellent work," I commended them.

Antares replied with determination, "Absolutely, Aaron-sama! We'll have this mission completed swiftly."

Claudira added her assurance, "Yes, Aaron-sama. I'll make sure to keep you updated on the situation." I acknowledged her words with a nod before we departed for home.

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The following day arrived, and I found myself concluding another meeting with various leaders from the Slavic Pantheon. Together, we had reached an agreement to host them within different factions or pantheons, a strategic move to confound any potential spies affiliated with the Khaos Order. I chose not to disclose that we had no such spies within our alliance, yet I welcomed this change in location with open arms.

Currently, I sat outside the same building where I had met with the Slavic gods. By my side, I had the company of Rose, Raiko, and Zorya. Although the latter two didn't need to accompany me, they had insisted, and I had relented. At the moment, we were taking a break, and I had decided to step outside to enjoy some fresh air.

"Aaron," Rossweisse addressed me, prompting me to turn my attention her way. She hesitated before speaking, her words laced with curiosity, "I'll just come out and ask it... You're planning to have sex with Gabriel tonight, aren't you?"

As the question hung in the air, Raiko, who was dining with us, suddenly began coughing uncontrollably after taking a bite of her food. Zorya's reaction was no different; her face turned an even deeper shade of red. The directness of Rossweisse's inquiry took me by surprise. I couldn't help but wonder if there was a hint of jealousy behind her question.

"Well, it's not exactly a secret," I responded with a curious tone, "so yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

She returned the question, and a faint blush tinted her cheeks as she shook her head. "N-no, it's nothing," she stammered, "I was just wondering. I was supposed to help her go pick out some lingerie with the others today, but... I decided to come with you." She confessed, the blush on her face deepening.

"Gabriel did ask me about this when the other Gremory family members came to visit," I began, "but, in a way, it's been a long time coming. I realized that I would have to be intimate with her eventually. I mean, I couldn't picture Gabriel in those kinds of situations, you know? She's so... I guess, too innocent for it," I explained.

However, there was another aspect to it that I didn't mention. I was secretly looking forward to it. Gabriel's innocence made the idea of her engaging in such experiences somewhat unconventional, and that held a peculiar appeal for me. The notion of her revealing a different, more intimate side was, in a way, intriguing and enticing.

"Could we change the topic, please...?" Raiko's request was timid, and it was evident that she remained somewhat reserved about discussing such matters, despite having lived with us and encountered many unusual situations.

It was worth mentioning that something significant had transpired during my recent visit to the Shinto Pantheon, and it was unlikely that Raiko had forgotten about it.

As I contemplated the request, Zorya gently tugged on my sleeve and inquired, "Can I participate in the upcoming operation? I'd like to be a part of [DxD]. I've already discussed it with Perun, and he's given his approval. However, I do feel a bit uneasy about being included as one of the leaders of the Slavic group within the organization."

"That's perfectly fine," I responded, waving off any need for prior approval. "Anyone is welcome to join. By the way, I wish you the best of luck with your participation in the group. Don't forget to visit my place every now and then, especially during the training sessions with the less experienced members. It's vital to keep an eye on their progress. Plus, focusing on strengthening yourself wouldn't hurt either."

Zorya nodded in agreement, and we fell into a comfortable silence. Yet, it wasn't long before Ollopa appeared to round us up, signaling the resumption of our meeting. Thus, my day carried on in a series of meetings and discussions about our future plans.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that night, there was an unusual atmosphere in my home. Everyone was well aware of the upcoming events, and the girls couldn't hide their awareness. Many of them exchanged peculiar glances and looks in my direction, with most of them subsequently blushing, as if the anticipation was getting to them.

Even Gabriel, who was usually composed and confident, seemed to be avoiding me throughout the day. Every interaction we had was marked by her blushing and quickly retreating from my presence.

It was clear that something had been on her mind, I was aware of what it was, but I chose not to delve too deeply into it. Given her close friendships with Akeno and Kuroka, I could only imagine the sort of ideas they might have put in her head, especially considering their occasional propensity for extreme ideas.

However, the passage of time eventually brought about the long-anticipated moment...

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Lemon Start

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With everyone else in the household keeping themselves busy for the evening, I took precautions, locking the door and casting a protective barrier around us. I settled on the edge of my bed, my back turned to Gabriel, who had expressed her desire to surprise me with something she had chosen for the night. I agreed and allowed her to make her preparations.

"Y-you can turn around now," she stammered, and I obliged. As I faced her, I was met with the alluring sight of Gabriel in a sheer, see-through lingerie set. The delicate fabric left little to the imagination, and it was evident that her nipples were erect, poking through the bra, perhaps a testament to her heightened anticipation for what was to come.

I walked up to her, my fingers gently finding their place on her shoulders as I brought our faces closer.

She mumbled, her voice soft and tinged with embarrassment, "This is pretty embarrassing..."

A warm smile played on my lips as I leaned in and kissed her. Her lips met mine, and for a moment, the world around us seemed to fade away.

Slowly, I guided her towards my bed, our lips parting but the connection between us growing stronger. With tenderness and confidence, I lifted her into my arms and carefully placed her on my bed.

Throughout this unfolding moment, Gabriel didn't resist my advances. Her eyes, however, revealed a nervousness that only added to the intensity of the situation.

I gently pressed Gabriel down onto the soft bed, her body yielding to my touch. Our lips met once more, and the kiss deepened. I could feel her body tense initially, but as the kiss continued, she didn't shy away. In fact, she timidly allowed her tongue to meet mine, and we began to explore each other's mouths.

With growing confidence, Gabriel became more engaged, and our kiss evolved into a passionate exchange, the intensity of our connection deepening with each passing moment.

With a snap of my fingers, I deftly shed the last remnants of our clothing, baring our unclothed forms to one another. While it wasn't our initial rendezvous, the current circumstances did little to alleviate her inherent shyness, and Gabriel couldn't help but blush even more deeply than usual.

I gently pressed my member against Gabriel's entrance, teasingly grazing it along her sensitive flesh. Her soft moans, filled with desire and anticipation, escaped her lips.

"Fhhh…nnh…nnh…khh…nnhh…fhh, aah…" she whispered in pleasure, her eyes shimmering with passionate intensity, and tears of longing welled up in the corners of her eyes as they locked onto mine.

It became quite apparent that she was aroused as she was quite wet down there; as I observed this, her face flushed an even deeper shade of crimson.

"I'm a bit...lewd," she confessed, her voice carrying a tone of genuine embarrassment.

I reassured her with a warm smile, assuring her that it was perfectly fine. Gradually, I began to press my member against her slick entrance, which elicited sweet, enticing moans from her. As our passion grew, I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I aligned my member with her entrance and gently pushed the head inside.

She let out a surprised moan, her pleasure evident as she adjusted to the sudden intrusion. The intimate encounter intensified as the juices from her body began to envelop my member, heightening my desire.

While I continued to tease her, I found myself whispering, "Gabriel... I love you..."

Tears welled up in her eyes and finally cascaded down her cheeks as she replied, "I love you too... So, it's okay to put it in... okay?"

"Of course, here I come," I assured her with a gentle smile.

I was determined to keep my composure. She looked incredibly adorable at that moment, and the last thing I wanted was to rush and potentially hurt her.

My goal was to ensure her comfort and pleasure, and making her cry for any reason was the last thing on my mind. Even though I had unintentionally made her cry before, I tried to convince myself that those tears had been shed out of happiness, nothing more.

With the head of my member already nestled inside her, I proceeded with a gentle, deliberate motion, cherishing every second we shared. What took me by surprise was how thoroughly aroused Gabriel already was. She was even more ready than I had initially perceived, making the act of entering her a seamless, pleasurable experience.

As my hips inched forward, my own arousal intensified. The sensation was electrifying, and I could tell that Gabriel shared the same sentiment. Her inner muscles clamped around me, gradually yielding to my advances, creating an exquisite rhythm that mirrored the growing intensity of our union.

Finally, I encountered a barrier—her womanhood. Breaking through it would symbolize her own transition.

"Gabriel," I whispered, seeking her permission. She smiled warmly and nodded.

"For you, Aaron," she whispered back with affection in her eyes. Her gentle smile made my heart race. "I'll do anything…please…"

"Alright," I said, ready to proceed, "It might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but bear with it, okay?"

She nodded, showing her determination to move forward. With great care, I gently pushed my hips, gradually breaking through her hymen. A brief sharp pain and a trickle of blood were the initial signs of this significant moment. I continued to advance, my focus on both our comfort.

However, Gabriel suddenly let out a pained moan, causing me to stop instantly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, filled with concern. At that very moment, I realized that I had reached the deepest point, and the tip of my member was nestled right at the entrance of her womb.

"I'm... fine," she replied, her words coming out in a contented tone, "I just feel really full..." A warm smile graced her face as she continued, "And I also... feel very happy... to be connected with you." Her voice dropped to a hushed whisper as she extended her arms, silently requesting a hug.

I responded to her unspoken request by wrapping my arms around her, pulling her closer. As we embraced, our faces drew nearer, and our lips met in another passionate kiss. Our tongues entwined in a dance of desire, and this time, it was Gabriel who took the lead, her kiss infused with an assertive intensity that left no room for doubt about her feelings.

As our passionate kiss lingered, I couldn't help but respond with a gradual and deliberate movement of my hips. I started with a gentle rhythm, a deliberate choice to prolong and savor the intimacy that Gabriel and I were sharing, determined not to rush this precious moment.

Our lips parted momentarily as I increased my pace, and as I did, Gabriel's soft moans filled the room, intensifying the sensation that coursed through us.

With each measured movement, I felt Gabriel's inner warmth envelop me even more tightly, as if she were trying to hold back the surge of emotions that welled up within me.

Perhaps it was the anticipation that had built up over time or the stress of the day that added to the intensity of the moment, but it was clear that my own climax was drawing near, and I couldn't hold it back any longer.

"You're... getting bigger," she gasped, her breaths coming in short, ragged bursts. "Are you going to finish...?" she inquired, her words punctuated by the tightening of her inner muscles.

Gabriel's question hung in the air, her anticipation palpable, and I couldn't hold back any longer. "Gabriel...!" I moaned, the intensity of my arousal surging. "I'm gonna cum...!" I declared, on the brink of reaching my climax.

Gabriel wrapped her legs around my waist, making any thought of escape or withdrawal impossible. It was unclear whether it was instinct or the influence of the other girls that led her to this decision, but for now, I pushed such musings aside. Instead, I increased the speed of my thrusts as my climax approached rapidly.

"Mmmm!! I-I'm cumming…!" Gabriel moaned loudly, her body trembling as the tight grip of her inner walls intensified around my member. Yet, I didn't relent; I continued thrusting, each movement drawing more passionate sounds from her lips.

With fervent thrusts, I pushed myself closer to my own climax, the pleasure building with each passing moment.

"Ah, aah! Aaah! Cum! Let it out! Let out lots… Aaron…!" Gabriel gasped, her lips finding mine once more, a fervent kiss that conveyed her desire for a passionate finish.

"Holy…fuck…!" I gasped, pulling back one last time before plunging as deep as I could. As my thrust reached its zenith and my member collided with the entrance of her womb, I released my semen.

Gabriel's mouth opened in a silent scream, her voice unable to convey the intensity of her pleasure. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!?"

I continued to ejaculate inside her, filling her with a steady flow of warm, white fluid that coated the walls of her vagina and beyond. Our bodies trembled in harmony as we both experienced the bliss of our shared orgasms. The release seemed endless, an unending stream of passion.

"So…warm…" Gabriel whispered into my ear, her voice filled with contentment.

Every last drop of my essence was poured into her, and with that, the excitement in my hips finally subsided. As we gazed into each other's eyes with lingering passion, I leaned in for another tender, affectionate kiss.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

After our first intimate encounter, Gabriel lay contentedly on my chest, her cheerful giggles filling the room. The angel was clearly pleased with herself, and she snuggled closer to me, enjoying the postcoital warmth.

I had been considerate and cautious, especially since it had been her first time, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of concern for her. However, her mischievous spirit soon emerged.

"It's still hard," she remarked, playfully prodding at my still-erect member with her leg.

In response, I suggested, "Let's not dwell on that for now. We should get some rest before rejoining the others, alright?"

Gabriel agreed to my proposal, but she couldn't resist wrapping her leg around my member, a sly smile gracing her face. It was clear that she was well aware of what she was doing, and I couldn't help but wonder if Kuroka or Akeno had given her some advice. They were known for their post-marathon activities, and it seemed that their influence had left its mark on Gabriel.

Releasing another sigh, I playfully poked her nose and gently squeezed it between my fingers, causing her to shake her head and giggle at me once more. Instead of falling asleep, we found ourselves immersed in an hour of light-hearted flirtation.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I didn't anticipate such significant progress on Vali's future armor," I remarked, my surprise evident in my voice.

On this particular day, I found myself at Grigori, accompanied by a few others. Gabriel was by my side, her affections seemingly heightened since our encounter two nights ago.

In just two days, we were scheduled to return to Kyoto for the operation, my upcoming Oppai Dragon show, and to oversee the second years during their trip.

Before me lay Vali's new armor, a project initiated by Azazel. Unlike Issei's Ryuuteimaru, this project involved creating a small ship tailored to Vali's needs. With my assistance, it would gradually evolve to align with Vali's increasing strength.

In addition to that, Vali had recently acquired a [Malebranche], which served both as an aid in enhancing his abilities and as a valuable power-up. This development coincided with his reunion with his mother further giving him more power.

Vali responded with a haughty tone, his usual air of confidence mixing with a touch of tsundere-like reluctance. "Hmph. I suppose I can accept your assistance this one time, Azazel." His question followed, "I assume I can use this form in the upcoming tournament match, correct?"

I considered the inquiry and offered some insight. "While we haven't delved into the specifics of this form yet, based on what I've observed, it should be feasible. However, keep in mind that its applicability might vary depending on the parameters of the game's field. If it doesn't quite fit within those constraints, I wouldn't recommend it." Vali nodded, evidently in agreement with my assessment.

"A giant ship... can you pilot something like that, Vaa?" Liina, Vali's mother, inquired, her concern evident in her eyes.

Azazel chimed in with an attempt to boost Liina's confidence. "Don't fret, ma'am. Vali here is no ordinary individual. He's a genius, and I have no doubt he'll grasp how to operate it within a day."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Azazel's words. It almost seemed like he had initially been about to call Vali an "idiot." I shot Azazel a quizzical look, and he responded with a sharp glare in return.

"I can always ask Aniki for some tips, and yes, I'm willing to try learning how to pilot a ship on my own," he responded, addressing his concerned mother's worries.

She turned her gaze towards me, her expression still marked by anxiety. "He'll be fine. As Azazel mentioned, Vali is a genius, so he'll grasp the controls without any issues," I reassured her, offering some comfort.

My mother, who had accompanied me on this occasion, approached Liina and gently took her hands into her own. "Don't worry, Liina. I have faith in my sons' words, and I'm sure Vali will be just fine," she reassured her.

Liina, a bit taken aback by this sudden support, finally gave in to my mother's comforting words. The two mothers engaged in a heartfelt conversation, with Gabriel joining them to offer additional reassurance, especially given her angelic nature. As they shared their words of encouragement, I found myself gazing at the spacecraft before us.

Breaking my reverie, I turned to Vali and spoke with a sense of urgency, "Vali, I'd advise against using this ship in the upcoming operation. Instead, suggest pairing up with the new [Malebranche]."

Vali, curious about my decision, inquired, "Why?"

I chose my words carefully as I explained, "To put it plainly, using this ship could result in an explosion, which would only delay the completion of the project. Moreover, it would mean that you'd have less firepower when we need it the most in the Phantasma and Evie universes."

My words carried a weight of seriousness, emphasizing the importance of conserving our resources for the challenges that lay ahead. Vali fixed his gaze on me, his silence speaking volumes. However, it was Azazel who broke the quietude with a question.

"So, you're suggesting that it's still unstable, eh? What alterations or upgrades do you propose as the initial steps?" Azazel inquired, leaning forward with genuine interest.

"Well—" I began to explain to him. However, at the moment, the Grigori didn't have the necessary resources for it. I assured him that I would provide what they needed within a few hours, to which he agreed.

"Oh, and I want to mention that you won't be harmed by the explosion," I added, "since you're rather resilient now. I hesitated to bring it up because of your mother's presence, but I wanted to make sure you knew." He nodded, understanding my concern.

We both turned around and noticed that our mothers were still deep in conversation. It appeared they hadn't heard the remark—or, at least, Liina seemed oblivious to it. I had no doubt that my mother, with her heightened senses, had likely caught on to the situation, unlike Liina.

"Anyway," I continued, "I've got some plans to implement something quite unique, like 'Butt Power,' which lets you power up in unconventional ways, just like I do with Oppai Power." I delivered this statement with a mischievous smirk, and it earned me a facepalm from Vali and a hearty chuckle from Azazel.

"I'd venture to say it's not just 'Oppai Power' but more like 'Lewd Power,' Aaron," Lavinia remarked, her smile directed at me. She playfully placed a finger on her cheek and continued, "The real question is, will Vaa-kun harness the power of Calantha-chan or Genbu-chan for this boost~?"

Vali, visibly flustered and his face now even redder, interjected, "Enough about that!" Laughter emanated from behind us, as Calantha had been privy to our conversation. Vali's embarrassment deepened as he mumbled, "…Kill me," and covered his face with both hands.

Calantha stepped closer to Vali, her arms encircling his waist. She began with, "Well, Vali does seem to—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Vali let out a resounding scream, his face an intense shade of red, and sprinted away.

"Ara?" Calantha remarked, her hand resting on her cheek. She let out a sigh. "I suppose we might have gone a bit too far with the teasing."

Azazel chimed in, nodding in understanding. "It seems the allure of the power of the buttocks might have overwhelmed him."

I caught Lavinia's gaze, and she giggled before turning her attention to me. Blushing, she asked, "You're fond of that too, right?"

I hesitated to respond, my lips twitching. The answer was quite evident; I was just as much of a pervert as the others.

It was no secret that I appreciated her assets—in the end, I was a pervert too.

— ○ ● ○ —

On the day of departure, we assembled at Kuoh station to bid farewell to the second-year students embarking on their trip. Those accompanying me via the teleportation circle after the farewell included Rias, Asia, Akeno, Lavinia, Yumi, Xenovia, and Irina. As for those departing on the trip, the roster consisted of Shirone, Ravel, Gasper, Ryuuta Nakiri, Millarca Vordenburg, and Ruruko Nimura. A few more students had joined the other groups and departed earlier.

I addressed the departing group, conveying my sentiments and intentions for the trip. "We'll be arriving in Kyoto first through teleportation. Enjoy your time there, and rest assured we'll strive to conclude our operation as swiftly as possible. Ryuuta, we'll definitely meet up with the Five Principal Clans during our stay in Kyoto."

In unison, they responded with a resounding, "Yes, sir!" Their synchronized acknowledgment made me feel like a drill instructor for a moment.

Ryuuta, in particular, had a request. "Momiji wishes to see you again, Jin-senpai. If you arrive at my clan before I do, please pay her a visit," he implored and bowed.

"Sure thing, I'll make sure to do that," I assured him.

Turning to Penemue, Roygun, and Griselda, who were responsible for chaperoning the trip, I placed my trust in them. "I'll be relying on you to look after them. Rest assured, I have Shadow Soldiers stationed around Kyoto, so there's no need to fret excessively."

Roygun responded confidently, "Everything will be just fine, Aaron. They have two nurses accompanying them, after all."

She herself had recently become the second nurse of Kuoh, although she was part of the college division, a contrast to her high school division background in canon.

Back then, she often encountered my avatar at the college, and on occasion, she even attempted to flirt with him. However, upon learning that it was just an avatar, she eventually abandoned her efforts. Nevertheless, she still occasionally inquired whether it was the real me or just an avatar.

As for how she ended up on this trip, Azazel and Rias had pulled a few strings, allowing her to accompany them. They cited the potential for incidents like the one the previous year when Genshirou and other students suffered from food poisoning.

"I'm really looking forward to this Kyoto trip. I don't get to go there often," Penemue chimed in with a hint of excitement in her voice. She cast me a meaningful look with her piercing eyes, silently expressing her desire for me to take her out while we're there. I nodded in agreement, and she then ushered everyone else away, as she was happy with my reply.

With my focus now back on the group remaining with me, I suggested, "So, shall we get going? We've still got a few hours to make the most of before we prepare for tomorrow's event." They readily agreed, and we promptly set off for Kyoto once again this year.

— ○ ● ○ —

We quickly reached Kyoto and approached the barriers of Urakyoto. Positioned at the entrance were two kitsune, elegantly dressed in shrine maiden attire.

"Welcome back, Jin-sama. Yasaka-sama and the others are eagerly awaiting your arrival," one of them greeted us warmly.

The second kistune chimed in, "We'll gladly guide you to them."

"Thank you," I replied, giving a friendly wave of acknowledgment. We proceeded to enter the barrier, and in an instant, we were transported back to Urakyoto. As we walked along the familiar path, we were greeted by a multitude of youkai, their presence adding to the welcoming atmosphere.

I heard a voice call out, "Oni-san!" I turned towards the sound and recognized the youkai from the previous year. He had grown even more, standing with his friends. Before I could respond, they enveloped themselves in a potent touki, their grins reflecting their newfound strength.

Returning their smiles, I remarked, "You all have grown even stronger. Great job! I'm proud of your progress. Maybe in the future, you can consider joining Team [DxD]."

They laughed, full of enthusiasm, expressing their eagerness to accept the offer. We exchanged farewells with the young youkai and continued on our journey. Of course, I also made sure to purchase an array of souvenirs for everyone. The majority of these gifts were delectable sweets, and Irina and Xenovia, in particular, wasted no time in indulging themselves, with Rias and Akeno sampling a few treats.

"Are you not going to try any, Nia?" I asked, glancing at her. She was cradling Shin in her arms, who seemed curious about the sweets.

She shook her head, her attention focused on Shin. "Not right now, but I might try some later. It seems that Shin-chan wants a taste, though," she observed. Akeno extended a treat to Shin, who happily accepted and began to enjoy the delicacy.

We reached the entrance of Yasaka's residence, and there stood Kunou, hands confidently resting on her hips, radiating an air of self-assuredness. However, the moment she spotted us, that confident demeanor crumbled, and she hurried over to greet us.

"Aaron!" she exclaimed, launching herself into my arms. I effortlessly lifted her up and embraced her warmly.

"Hello, Kunou," I greeted her with a smile. "But why are you so excited to see me? After all, we practically live together during the school year since you moved into my home."

She frowned and puffed up her cheeks. "Is it a crime to be excited to see you?" she retorted.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No, it's not a crime at all. Anyway, let's get going. And while we walk, maybe you can fill me in on who's here today." I started moving towards the entrance, nodding to the tengu guards as we passed.

She took a moment to explain the attendees, "The Five Principal Clan heads, my mother, the Slash Dog Team, and Cao Cao's team... oh, and Iztia-nee-san was there too." As I fed her some snacks that I had picked up.

Iztia? She joined the gathering as well? Given that she usually roams around India and the Philippines, it's quite unexpected for her to be in Japan. I wasn't bothered by it, but I certainly hadn't anticipated her presence.

Ddraig couldn't help but chuckle, [If Elyscia found out, she'd be in big trouble, kufufufu~]

Albion chimed in, {And she'd give you quite a beating if you ever snitched on her.}

'Well, that's true, fufu,' Rudra added.

"Iztia, huh? It's a bit unexpected, but I don't mind her being here. Anyway, let's pick up the pace," I suggested. We quickened our steps and soon found ourselves standing before the room. However, I paused just before entering, leaving my companions slightly puzzled.

"Perhaps I should change into something more appropriate for my role," I mumbled, deciding to switch to a more formal outfit. I swapped my attire for the same full black three-piece suit I had worn during the Peace Conference.

"Much better," I declared, satisfied with the change.

Kunou, however, had a different opinion. She reached out and adjusted my tie to her liking, nodding in approval a few moments later. "Now it's better! I'll go in first," she announced, and I allowed her to proceed. She entered the room, and within a few seconds, the door opened again, revealing Kunou bowing and formally greeting us.

"Welcome, Jin-sama. Everyone, please come in," she greeted, and her playful wink was met with our smiles as we entered the room.

Inside, we found the various individuals Kunou had previously informed us about. Iztia acknowledged my presence with a silent nod while standing in one of the corners. Sharon was positioned behind Yasaka, and the remaining attendees occupied seats around a large table. Each leader of the clans had two bodyguards positioned behind them, yet the atmosphere in the room was surprisingly relaxed.

Kanami, eager to greet us, had her mouth covered by Natsume to keep her from speaking prematurely. Cao Cao and his team maintained their typical serious demeanor, though Leonardo seemed to be brimming with enthusiasm over something.

"I didn't anticipate such a somber atmosphere upon arriving in Kyoto," I remarked as I moved to a vacant spot, the rest of my group following suit. "Well, let's begin."

"Welcome, Jin," Yasaka began, acknowledging my presence. After these initial formalities, she continued, "With the pleasantries out of the way, shall we commence our meeting?"

None among us voiced any disagreement, so she proceeded, "To start, we should address the matter of which group will be responsible for defending the perimeter of Kyoto. If there are any volunteers, now is the time to come forward. Otherwise, Jin has already provided a plan in advance for us to consider."

A few of the heads turned their attention toward me, with the most openly hostile among them being Giyu Kushihashi. Iztia appeared ready to confront him, her intentions clear, but I silently signaled her to hold back. Even his bodyguards seemed unfazed, and I could have sworn I caught one of them rolling their eyes in response to his behavior.

It was somewhat surprising to see that Giyu still held the position of head, rather than Seiryuu Kushihashi. However, we had to proceed, even if I wasn't particularly fond of the man. It occurred to me that some of his animosity was also directed at Ajamu, who had been discovered to be a Kushihashi as well, even though he was an illegitimate child.

"If I may make a suggestion?" Suzaku inquired, her hand raised. Yasaka gave a nod of approval, and Suzaku continued, "I propose that the Five Principal Clans take responsibility for defending the perimeter of Kyoto. We are most familiar with the area, well-versed in the ideal locations for ambushes, and knowledgeable about the lay of the land for effective counterattacks."

Giyu, however, voiced his objection vehemently. "I object! We also possess intimate knowledge of the routes within Kyoto. Would it not be wiser to assign the former Hero faction members to safeguard the perimeter? I, for one, haven't forgiven them for their attack on Kyoto last year!" His protest reverberated loudly within the gathering.

While Giyu's reasoning was understandable, his delivery lacked civility. Suzaku acknowledged his point with a nod and addressed him, saying, "I comprehend your argument, Giyu-san. My proposal was simply a suggestion."

Giyu huffed in response, sitting back down with a touch of discontent. Eager for more information, he pressed Yasaka further, his tone rude as he inquired, "Well, what is the plan that the dragon has provided you, Yasaka-san?"

In the corner, both Sharon and Iztia appeared to be gradually losing their patience with Giyu, their auras steadily on the rise as they reacted to his impolite demeanor.

Yasaka released a quiet sigh and retrieved a small document from her ring. She placed it on the table, allowing everyone present to examine it. "This is the plan that Jin has devised. I ask that you all review it thoroughly. If you have any complaints or suggestions, please don't hesitate to voice them as soon as possible," she requested.

I was already familiar with the contents of the document, so I didn't bother reading it again. However, everyone else in the room did. Giyu Kushihashi, in particular, appeared to be quite agitated about it.

This was likely due to my decision to assign the Five Principal Clans to defend the perimeter, leaving my group, which was primarily composed of [DxD] and [EXE] members, to handle the main battles in Kyoto. Of course, they would receive assistance from a few devil groups, as well as Yasaka's youkai group.

Giyu had a history of holding a grudge against supernatural beings, but given that he and the others had agreed to form alliances, especially with the Chinese and Shinto Pantheon, and then with the DxD Alliance, I expected him to cooperate and not behave so...entitled, I suppose.

"Is there a problem with it, Giyu Kushihashi?" I inquired, prompting him to snap his head toward me. Instead of immediately launching into a tirade, he hesitated.

I must admit, I was exuding a more forceful aura and atmosphere around me at that moment. This might have been why a few others in the room appeared ready to pounce on him. Giyu seemed to sense this and hesitated to lash out.

"I disagree. If the rest are fine with it, then I don't care, but let the Kushihashi clan defend Kyoto alongside you. Being relegated to the perimeter is rather insulting," he stated. It sounded like he wanted to add that he would find it even more insulting to be forced to fight alongside the devils and youkai, but he wisely held his tongue.

His guards appeared embarrassed, and they probably didn't mind the idea, making me wonder how the rest of the Kushihashi clan felt about it. It led me to believe that they were likely more cooperative than their current head.

I found myself wondering about the process of selecting the next clan head. When I first met Suzaku, she was already the head, but Suou was still alive, and there were several elders. Perhaps I would inquire about this process after the meeting.

Yasaka nodded and proceeded to discuss the plan in more detail. She pointed to several key locations in Kyoto where the attacks were most likely to occur. Since the Kushihashi clan had been assigned to the offensive rather than the perimeter defense, I also chimed in, informing them that I would be sending an army of Shadow Soldiers to assist them. Naiad, a new addition to my Shadow Soldier ranks, was one of the soldiers I would deploy.

Naiad, originated from the Arachnymph originating in the Phantasma and summoned by Zaorama, had become a valuable asset after I recently assessed her abilities. I planned to assign her the task of creating intricate webs that would only affect our enemies when the time came, providing additional support to the Five Principal Clans.

After our discussion, Giyu Kushihashi appeared content with the outcome and didn't voice any further complaints.

— ○ ● ○ —

Once our meeting concluded, the heads of the clans, except for Suzaku, left the meeting room to return to their respective clans. However, some of them approached me before leaving and asked if I could briefly visit their clans. I agreed, as I had already promised Ryuuta to do so for the Nakiri clan.

"Ajamu, what are your thoughts on the current head of your clan?" Kanami suddenly inquired, directing the question to her teammate. She immediately received a smack from Natsume, who found her question insensitive.

Ajamu sat there with his eyes closed, contemplating the question. Finally, he opened his eyes and responded, "It's evident that he still holds grudges against devils, fallen angels, and youkais. However, I don't understand his animosity towards Jin. As for my personal opinion of him... it's not the best. I've been invited to the clan before, and he was quite hostile, unlike the rest who were rather friendly and pleasant with me."

"Yeah, he seemed like an asshole," Kanami remarked casually, earning herself another smack from Natsume. However, Ajamu couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, putting it bluntly, yes, he is," he admitted, his gaze dropping to the ground.

The room fell into a heavy silence, but I decided to break it by standing up and stretching my body. "I still have a few things left to take care of, so I'll be heading out. By the way, is it okay if I leave you guys here? The second-years are sure to visit once they arrive in Kyoto," I asked.

Rias, concerned about practice, inquired, "What about practice?"

"Don't worry," I reassured her. "I'll be back for it, and if I can't make it, I'll send an avatar to cover for me."

Yasaka offered a solution, suggesting, "I can provide them with rooms in our home, Aaron. Most of the teachers chaperoning the trip are part of the supernatural community, so it should be fine. There are a few normal human teachers, but their absence shouldn't pose a problem."

"Sounds like a plan," I agreed and made my way out of the room. Ajamu and Suzaku followed me. "Oh, Suzaku, I wanted to ask you about how the next clan heads are typically chosen."

"It's a bit complex, and it will take some time to explain. Are you okay with that?" she asked, moving to my left side and embracing my arm.

I replied, "No problem, we've got time. I'll be visiting other clans, maybe even the Kushihashi clan, but I'm still undecided. Ajamu, would you like to join me?"

Ajamu declined, "No, I plan on heading there myself. If you're going to a different clan now, we might cross paths at a later time." With a courteous bow, he took his leave.

I muttered to myself, "He still appears a bit reserved around me at times. It seems like he's quite at ease with the rest of the Slash Dog Team, though." Perhaps it had something to do with our history, but I no longer harbored any negative feelings, so it wasn't an issue from my side.

"Anyway, let's go."

— ○ ● ○ —

We decided to skip the Doumon clan this time around. When we arrived, we discovered that the clan's head, elders, executives, and even Genbu-chan were all missing. Suzaku and I, however, spent a few minutes chatting with the remaining clansmen about mundane things and discussing the upcoming mission.

Next, we found ourselves in the Shinra clan, and it was Byakko who greeted us at the entrance.

"Yo, Oppai Dragon!" he exclaimed with a grin, extending his hand for a fist bump.

"Hello, Byakko, it's been a while," I replied, returning the fist bump once we got closer to him.

Byakko and I had developed a closer friendship since our last encounter. That was when I had engaged in a sparring match with him during my visit to the Shinra clan, alongside Tsubaki. He had asked to spar in a more civil manner, and I didn't mind, which had fostered our improved relationship.

"Is Rakko here?" I inquired, and he nodded.

"Yeah, but she may be a bit busy since an unsavory group came to speak with her. They've been harassing us for a while now. They're part of the supernatural world and want to form an alliance with us, which is rather strange," he explained.

"A group?" I repeated, my confusion deepening at this unusual turn of events.

"Yeah. They appeared around two months ago, I think. Their rationale is that if they form an alliance with us, they might be able to request assistance from some of our members, even from [DxD], but they didn't provide specific details," he explained, his expression turning somewhat troubled.

This piqued my curiosity. "Well, let's go and find out what's happening. As the leader of [DxD], perhaps I can get to the bottom of this," I said, and he responded with a grin.

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

— ○ ● ○ —

In the bustling city of Kyoto, the second-year students were having a wonderful time on their trip. The supernatural teachers, after pulling a few strings, managed to group all the supernatural students together, even arranging for them to share rooms. They had already planned to spend the night at Yasaka's home.

As Shirone, Ravel, Gasper, Ryuuta Nakiri, Millarca, and Ruruko strolled through the lively streets with snacks in hand, they were enjoying themselves. However, their senses suddenly went on high alert when they felt two ominous gazes fixated on them.

Ravel mumbled, "This is..."

Ryuuta crouched down, touching the ground as he said, "Two enemies. They're somewhere in the crowd, but I can't pinpoint their exact location. They must be using their own powers to disrupt my senses."

Out of nowhere, a black and purple energy sphere hurtled toward Ryuuta, but Shirone sprang into action, leaping in front of him to deliver a powerful punch that caused the sphere to dissipate into nothingness. Swiftly, she raised her hand, creating a protective barrier that gently pushed the ordinary humans out of harm's way.

Startled by the sudden attack, Ryuuta realized there were actually three assailants. He spotted one of them perched atop a nearby building, ready to strike. Without hesitation, he focused his touki and fired a series of touki shots at the figure. However, the agile intruder leaped off the building, expertly evading Ryuuta's attacks as they soared through the air.

Ravel had summoned a magic circle to contact Aaron when her actions were abruptly interrupted. One of the figures on the ground swiftly appeared beside her, throwing a punch in her direction. With remarkable speed, Ravel caught the punch and flung her assailant away, surprising the assailant by her reaction time and physical strength.

"I don't rely solely on my demonic powers," Ravel declared firmly, her glare fixed on the unexpected figure. To the astonishment of all present, the newcomer turned out to be a devil.

This devil was an imposing presence, a young giant standing tall at an impressive height of around two meters, or 6 feet 5 inches. His jet-black hair accentuated his formidable appearance.

"A devil...? No, this sensation... an Artificial Devil—no, a Super Devil!" Ravel exclaimed, her surprise evident. The devil before her responded with a sly grin.

"You're quite sharp, aren't you?" he chuckled.

Ravel narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized her opponent, and her expression shifted from surprise to something else. "You're... Gressil, a member of [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King]! Why are you attacking us!? Your actions could lead to disqualification for this behavior!"

"I don't care, die in a fire," Gressil replied, his words filled with spite. He swiftly moved back towards Ravel and launched a punch as he closed the distance between them.

Ravel furrowed her brows but skillfully deflected his attack, drawing upon the martial arts techniques she had honed over the years.

Gressil's ability was already familiar to her, given that he had employed it extensively during their previous tournament matches. Ravel made a conscious choice to abstain from employing her demonic powers, opting instead for a pure hand-to-hand combat approach.

Gressil's ability or trait was called [Resistance]. Gressil possessed a distinctive signature ability that significantly enhanced his resistance to any form of damage he incurred, primarily manifesting as a substantial increase in his durability against the specific type of harm to which he adapted.

In canon, Ddraig speculated that Gressil might even develop an adaptation against [Penetrate] if he encountered it multiple times. During a significant confrontation in canon, specifically his battle with Tobio, there was a strong implication that this adaptation functioned by retaining the "signature" of his attacker's aura. Tobio effectively countered this by continuously altering the wavelength of his blade's aura between strikes.

"You're seriously annoying. Just attack me with your clan's flames already!" he shouted, growing increasingly frustrated with Ravel's strategy.

"No," she responded with a flat tone, her expression defiant.

Gressil frowned, intensifying his power even further as he charged toward her. However, before he could close the distance, Shirone suddenly materialized beside him and delivered a powerful kick to his face, sending him hurtling through the air.

"I was fine, Shirone," Ravel assured her friend.

"...They're clones. Don't you sense it?" Shirone inquired, her brow furrowing as she looked at Ravel. Ravel, in turn, grew increasingly surprised as she examined Gressil more closely.

"Why? Why would they attack us using clones at this point in time?" Ravel pondered aloud, her confusion evident.

"I don't know, but we should capture one or all of them and bring them to Aaron. He'll be able to discern why," Shirone suggested, turning her attention to the Gressil clone.

Dusting herself off, Ravel let out a sigh of determination. She stood by Shirone's side and declared, "Very well, let's capture him. Even if he is a clone, he's still valuable."

"Mmm," Shirone replied with a nod. United in purpose, they both charged toward Gressil with a fresh strategy in mind.

— ○ ● ○ —

Gasper Valdi and Ruruko Nimura joined forces once again, this time to confront another devil. The adversary they faced was another Artificial Super Devil, and he was a member of [Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King]. His name was Sonneillon, and like Gressil and the other devil, he too turned out to be a clone.

Sonneillon is a diminutive young man, slender in build, and possesses a head of dark gray hair.

"Ruruko, Ravel just instructed us to capture him. I'll back you up in my other form, and I'll let you take the lead," Gasper said.

"Roger that, Gaspy!" Ruruko responded enthusiastically.

Sonneillon fixated his gaze on Ruruko and Gasper, who were both in the process of activating their Sacred Gears. Gasper, in particular, had honed his control over his Sacred Gear, allowing him to achieve an improved version of his previous 'Balance Breaker' state, [Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast].

In this enhanced form, Gasper did not transform into a 5-meter-tall dragon-like creature. Instead, he was enshrouded in an ominous darkness, which gave rise to numerous tentacles emanating from his shadow and coiling around his form. With a silent determination, Gasper pointed his hands in Sonneillon's direction, and the shadowy tendrils surged forward, aimed directly at their adversary.

"Don!" Sonneillon bellowed, summoning an invisible force to counter Gasper's attack. However, Gasper remained unfazed by this familiar turn of events.

Sonneillon's trait was called [Crushing]. Sonneillon possesses a distinctive ability in his arsenal, one that empowers him to "crush" objects and opponents with an unseen force. This power is typically applied from above to swiftly incapacitate opponents, but it's versatile enough to be employed in various directions.

For instance, Sonneillon can utilize it to maneuver himself out of harm's way when facing attacks. However, maintaining precision can be challenging, especially when his fiery temper gets the better of him.

Ruruko, wielding her Artificial Sacred Gear, descended from above and launched a powerful kick aimed at Sonneillon. However, he shouted once more, and an invisible force surged towards Ruruko. To his astonishment, she skillfully evaded the attack and landed her kick on his outstretched arms as he tried to shield himself.

The impact of their clash created an even larger crater beneath them. Puzzled and somewhat impressed, Sonneillon asked, "How? How did you know?"

Ruruko beamed and responded, "You always used that move in your matches! Naturally, I watched and learned your abilities. After all, we're both competing in the same tournament!" She added cheerfully.

Sonneillon wore a deep frown and remained silent. His response was to forcefully toss Ruruko aside and make a beeline for Gasper. "Don!" he shouted, crushing Gasper's tentacles as he charged forward. However, he was taken aback when one of Gasper's tentacles snaked around his leg, catching him off guard.

Gasper, in his usual calm manner, remarked, "You were far more vigilant during the Rating Games." He then flung Sonneillon away, sending the Super Devil sailing through the air until he landed gracefully on his feet some distance away from his assailant.

Gasper didn't relent and continued to press his attack. Dark tentacles emerged from every shadowy corner, converging on Sonneillon. The Super Devil skillfully employed his unique ability, flattening the tentacles before they could reach him. Meanwhile, any that managed to break through were met with his powerful fists, though it took a few punches to dismantle them. The battle raged on with both combatants showcasing their skills.

"Don't forget about me!" Ruruko declared and sent a kick towards Sonneillon, who managed to block it. However, Ruruko grinned as a small barrel of a gun materialized on her Sacred Gear, and she fired a point-blank shot at Sonneillon.

Sonneillon, on the other hand, was able to block the attack using his trait, enveloping his body with demonic aura. Both he and the other three combatants continued to evolve as they fought.

Being newborns, they possessed an exceptional capacity to adapt and learn rapidly, which extended to their clones as well. Any knowledge acquired by these clones would be transferred to their originals when they were dismissed.

Sonneillon finally lost his temper. In a fit of anger, he stomped his foot on the ground, creating several tremors. "What the fuck is this!? I'm stronger, damn it! Die, die, die, die!" he screamed before vanishing from his spot.

Reappearing beside Ruruko, he shouted, "Don! Don! Don! Don! Dooooon!" Several invisible forces slammed into Ruruko, but the young girl managed to block most of them, further frustrating Sonneillon.

"What is this shit!?" he asked, his anger intensifying.

"You're just too slow~" teased Ruruko, sticking her tongue out at Sonneillon.

This time, she vanished from sight and delivered a powerful kick to his face. The impact sent Sonneillon flying, but Ruruko didn't let up. She extended her hands toward the Super Devil and unleashed a barrage of demonic balls, most of which struck Sonneillon. The collision of these demonic forces resulted in a small explosion.

As the dust and smoke cleared, Sonneillon emerged, his anger evident. He bellowed in frustration, "Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don! Don!" His outburst unleashed invisible forces that caused the surroundings to warp and flatten, wreaking havoc in a fit of rage.

"Uwa! He's going nuts, Gaspy, should we end it?" Ruruko asked, panic in her voice.

"Yeah, let's put an end to it. I wanted to see what he was capable of, but we should leave that to Aaron-nii. Besides, it's a clone, so it's probably weaker," Gasper agreed.

"I'm not weaaaaaaaaaaak! Doooooooooooooooooon!" yelled Sonneillon. To his surprise, the larger and more powerful invisible force he sent toward Gasper was abruptly halted by an even larger hand made of darkness.

<<Shut up, you're so loud,>> Gasper told him menacingly. Another colossal hand made of darkness materialized behind Sonneillon and seized him. <<Ruruko, finish it,>> Gasper ordered.

"Roger!" Ruruko exclaimed. She propelled herself upwards with the assistance of the boosters on her legs and delivered a kick infused with demonic aura to his neck, causing Sonneillon to lose consciousness.

Ruruko gracefully descended to the ground, jubilantly pumping her fist in the air. "Victory!" she exclaimed, and then turned to Gasper, flashing a triumphant V-sign with her fingers. Gasper, still under the effects of his pseudo-Balance Breaker, offered a smile in return.

Leaving Gasper's pseudo-Balance Breaker state, he walked over to Sonneillon and applied a bit of sleeping magic to ensure the Super Devil remained unconscious.

Ruruko surveyed their surroundings, her eyes resting on Ryuuta and Millarca, who appeared to be struggling in their battle.

"Should we assist the others?" she inquired, concerned about their comrades. "Kouchin and Millarca seem to be having some trouble fighting their opponent."

Gasper's gaze followed hers, focusing on the ongoing battle between Ouryuu (Ryuuta) Nakiri, and Millarca Vordenburg against another Super Devil.

"They seem to be managing for now, but if things take a turn for the worse, we'll step in," Gasper proposed. "After all, Aaron-nii wants both of them to grow stronger through their battles." Ruruko, though somewhat hesitant, agreed with Gasper's assessment.

— ○ ● ○ —

"What's wrong? Can't hit me?" the devil taunted. The devil currently confronting Ouryuu Nakiri and Millarca Vordenburg was associated with Zaorama Nebiros.

Having narrowly escaped his demise when he realized his fellow Super Devils were falling one by one during the previous operation, he considered it a tactical retreat with plans for revenge at a later date. In the meantime, he had bolstered his powers with the assistance of the Khaos Order and sent a clone to gather further information.

This particular devil was known as Nevus. His most distinctive feature was his flowing, snow-white hair that cascaded like a silken waterfall. His eyes, a rare shade of pale red, held an almost otherworldly allure, intensifying his mysterious charm.

Nevus's facial features were equally noteworthy. A chiseled chin lent a sense of strength to his visage, while a well-maintained beard framed his face in an aura of wisdom and sophistication. His ears, with a subtle point that resembled those of legendary elves, further enhanced his unique appeal, hinting at hidden depths of character.

In terms of attire, Nevus exuded a sense of regal elegance. He donned a red and white ensemble that harmonized seamlessly, a testament to his keen fashion sensibility. This outfit was accentuated by a collection of exquisite golden accessories, which adorned his top with intricate designs, lending an air of opulence to his appearance.

His lower half was clothed in red and white pants, cinched by a resplendent golden belt that emphasized his slender waist. Completing the ensemble were black shoes, inconspicuous yet remarkable. These shoes concealed a secret—his demonic magic circles were embedded within, a manifestation of his extraordinary powers.

Nevus, like Sonneillon and Gressil, had developed his unique ability called [Phansion]. With this power, he could compel attacks to pass through him. Whenever his opponents' attacks bypassed him, a small tattoo would be placed on the targeted area of their body. After a few seconds, these tattoos would explode, causing further damage.

Ouryuu and Millarca quickly realized the perilous nature of their situation. Earlier, Ouryuu had sustained some damage while passing through Nevus. Fortunately, they possessed a limited supply of Slime Pills, which they used to heal the inflicted injuries. With such a finite resource, they couldn't afford to be reckless.

"Let's give it another shot, Millarca," Ouryuu suggested, and his vampire classmate nodded in agreement.

Millarca vanished momentarily, conjuring a barrage of magic attacks using her vampire-style magic circles. Nevus appeared unperturbed and allowed the spells to pass harmlessly through his form. However, just as the magical onslaught passed him by, Ouryuu materialized behind Nevus, delivering a powerful punch to the Super Devil's back. This unexpected attack sent Nevus hurtling through the air, crashing into nearby buildings.

"I had a hunch," Ouryuu remarked as he touched down on the ground.

"A hunch about what?" Millarca inquired, appearing by Ouryuu's side.

"To let things pass through his entire body or parts of it, he needs to use his ability on that specific area or his entire body. Once the object or attack has passed through him, he deactivates his intangibility to interact with the world again. So, we just need to time our attacks carefully and not fall for his feints when he's using his ability," Ouryuu explained.

"Doesn't that mean he can't attack us back?" Millarca wondered.

"No, as I mentioned, he may choose to make only specific body parts intangible. If we were to aim for his face, for instance, he could let our attack pass through but still retaliate with a punch," Ouryuu clarified.

The buildings into which Nevus had crashed suddenly exploded, revealing an angry-looking devil who glared back at them. However, just as he was about to charge back at them, a magic circle materialized beside him. After speaking into it for a few seconds, the circle vanished, and he clicked his tongue in frustration.

"You're lucky you can live another day," he grumbled before disappearing, leaving Ouryuu and Millarca stunned.

"Dammit!" Ravel's voice rang out across the area. Startled, everyone turned to look at her as they saw the bodies of Gressil and Sonneillon quickly turning into smoke and dissipating.

"Ravel, calm down. Aaron probably already saw this. If he didn't, he would have come here immediately to help us," Shirone reassured her. Ravel paused for a moment, considering her friend's words.

She soon calmed down and let out a sigh. "...Right, you're right. Aaron-sama would definitely have come here to stop them from escaping. This might have been a test to see how we respond in this kind of situation. If not, then he already has everything planned out on how they will be captured," Ravel assessed.

"Let's go report this to Griselda-sensei and the others, and then we can head to Yasaka-san's home," Gasper suggested. "We planned on going there at a later time, but since they've attacked us, we'd better inform them as quickly as possible."

Shirone and Ravel smiled at Gasper's determination, which seemed to bewilder him. "Is something wrong?" he inquired, feeling perplexed by their reaction.

Shirone chimed in, "Oh, no. I didn't think I'd ever see Gaspy giving out orders like this. A year ago, it would have been impossible to think about."

Ravel nodded in agreement, adding, "Mmm. I agree. Gasper-san has changed a lot in a short timeframe."

Gasper blushed and turned away, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I just want to be like Aaron-nii. Anyway, let's go!" he exclaimed before darting off. Laughter echoed among the group, and Shirone canceled the barrier surrounding them.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hmm," I glanced toward the spot where the second-years were and smirked. It seemed like they had managed to fend off the attacks. Ouryuu and Millarca also appeared to have done well, although Ouryuu had suffered some damage.

Someone gurgled in front of me, and I turned back to the person I had "fought," although it wasn't much of a fight. The group that had come to the Shinra had spread out to another clan, the Nakiri. Currently, Suzaku and I were there.

Back in the Shinra, they didn't speak to me. Apparently, they were just members of the group and not part of the leadership. The leaders were in the Nakiri clan, and that's why we were here now. We had tried to be civil, but that had gotten us nowhere. The leader agreed to speak only if I could beat them in a fight.

...And so, I beat him up. I held his collar in my hand as he gurgled some blood in his mouth. "Do you feel like talking now?" I asked. However, he only gurgled in response. "Oh, right, you can't speak."

I grabbed his head and began healing him. To my other side stood Suzaku, who had also confronted the sub-leader of the group, although she was a bit more considerate about it.

"I... w-we were hired by the God of the Dead, Hades! H-h-he wanted us to infiltrate the Five Principal Clans to gather information. My necklace was recording everything!" he screamed in fear.

"What he said!" the sub-leader echoed.

Hades? Infiltrate? That guy's pretty meticulous. Hiring people like this idiot to infiltrate the Five Principal Clans is both stupid and ingenious. Who would suspect these guys of working for him? Certainly not me or anyone in the alliance since they're so unassuming and weak.

That skeleton god changed the future on his own accord... interesting. Is he in contact with a god that can see the future? Or was... you know what, screw speculating, let's just see for myself. I let go of the man and bound to the ground, then looked away to check.

"...So it's like, huh?" I muttered.

"Is something the matter, Aaron?" Suzaku asked, her face filled with concern.

Zoroastrianism, it came down to that. Unlike in canon where there were only Angra Mainyu and Aka Manah who sided with Hades, there were more of them.

Zurvān, in ancient Iranian religion and Zoroastrianism, is the God of Time. Zurvān also had avatars working with him: Vayu (wind), Thvarshtar (space), and Ātar (fire). Along with him, there were Ahura Mazdā, the Wise Lord, a Creator god, and God of the Sky. There were others they tried to recruit, but my presence and Team [DxD]'s scared them off from joining.

It appears that the impending showdown with the Alliance of Evil Gods is shaping up to be much grander in scale than I initially anticipated. Another worldwide battle is on the horizon, and it's set to unfold soon...

"No, it's better to inform the rest about this revelation in an upcoming meeting. I'll share the details afterward. For now, let's get going," I said, turning to Momiji, who was also present. "Sorry for cutting this visit short, Momiji. I'll make sure to come back another time," I assured her.

She appeared somewhat disappointed, but she nodded in agreement. "Okay, please make sure you do!" she said with a wistful smile.

"I will. Anyway, let's bring these two with us, along with the others we brought along," I said to Suzaku as we departed from the Nakiri clan.

— ○ ● ○ —

Later that day, as the sun was setting, we gathered once again in Yasaka's meeting room. Gasper and the second-years shared their encounter with the Super Devils Gressil, Sonneillon, and Nevus. Suzaku and I recounted our experience with a group of humans hired by Hades. I didn't reveal all the details to the group, as I intended to share that information with the other leaders later.

The situation was escalating, and it was time to prepare everyone for the upcoming conflict. It might not reach the scale of the previous war, but it was still a significant threat. We anticipated that it wouldn't be confined to the United Kingdom and could potentially spread to other countries. Given the involvement of Hades, it was imperative to prepare for a challenging battle.

As I contemplated our next steps, I considered seeking assistance from the pantheons located in the United Kingdom. While I hadn't formed an alliance with them yet, they had expressed interest in joining our cause, so enlisting their help shouldn't be a problem. However, I also recognized the importance of approaching the royal family to discuss their involvement in this upcoming conflict.

The problem in Kyoto, however, still persisted, so we decided to address it first and prepare for whatever might come next afterward. We discussed our upcoming operation in detail for about two hours before calling it a day.

We didn't want the Kuoh students to worry about this, as they were still on their trip. However, they insisted on participating, so I had to relent and allow them to join.

— ○ ● ○ —

After the meeting, everyone went their separate ways, opting to enjoy the rest of the day, while I tended to other matters. This leisurely pastime lasted until the sun had fully set, and at that point, I began my journey back to Yasaka's home—although she had a habit of referring to it as "our" home.

For a change of pace, I decided to take an unconventional route to Yasaka's residence. As I made my way atop a large cliff, I was met with an unexpected sight: Cao Cao. He noticed my presence and nodded in acknowledgment, so I approached him.

"I didn't anticipate finding you here," I mentioned, gazing down at Urakyoto. "What about the rest of your team?" I inquired.

"They're enjoying themselves in Urakyoto," Cao Cao began, "Georg went to patrol Kyoto with Leonardo. He was apparently excited to actually spend time in Kyoto unlike last time." A brief moment of silence hung in the air before he continued, "The youkai world is amazing, isn't it? The beings here have families, and so do you."

His unexpected words caught me off guard, leaving me momentarily speechless as I allowed him to elaborate further.

"Last year, I held the belief that both Devils and Youkai, supernatural beings, were adversaries of humanity and should be vanquished by humans," Cao Cao continued, his voice tinged with a hint of reflection.

"You did say it's the dream and ambition of mere humans," I replied thoughtfully.

"And you drove us, your attackers away... and fought for the sake of your comrades and the people you care for," he said bitterly.

Memories of the intense battle he had with Aurelia last year in the Egyptian Pantheon, and the turmoil they caused in Kyoto and the Underworld, flashed through my mind.

"Humans aren't that weak, Cao Cao. Even Devils, Angels, and Youkai... they're not that weak either," I began, my tone resolute. "As long as we keep living and striving to become stronger, it'll come true. Though it may sound cliché, it's undeniably true. And you, Cao Cao, have the potential to grow even stronger. You've come a long way since then," I assured him.

Cao Cao merely shrugged his shoulders, looking contemplative. "I sometimes wonder if I've truly changed. But I have my spear, my comrades, and her," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"But you can protect someone with that spear, can't you?" I inquired. "You can safeguard your team, her, and everyone in that universe, can't you?"

My words seemed to catch him off guard, and he stared at me in silence, deep in thought.

"Protecting someone is an amazing thing," I continued, reflecting on my experiences. "Many wish to protect, but they lack the power to do so. When I first came to this world, I was naïve and made mistakes. There were two occasions where I almost failed to protect those I care about. That's why I've worked tirelessly, Cao Cao. Having that power enables you to accomplish many things," I concluded, hoping to inspire him with my belief in his potential.

Cao Cao looked down at the ground, wearing a somber expression on his face. "If... If Siegfried and I had met you at an earlier point in our lives, things might have turned out differently," he mused. Suddenly, he turned his gaze toward me and knelt down. "I've yet to repay you for giving me this second chance, and even though my team and I have already pledged our undying loyalty to you, I have a selfish request," he said with utmost seriousness.

Intrigued by his request, I inquired, "Cao Cao, there's no guarantee that you would have changed your stance, but what is this request of yours?"

Cao Cao locked eyes with me and spoke with a sincerity that resonated deeply, "Aaron Toole, please allow me to become your friend." His words seemed to hang in the air, and the world itself felt as if it had grown quieter, as if the night had hushed the background noise of the world.

Becoming friends with Cao Cao? The notion was intriguing, especially considering that my initial impression of him from the books was less than favorable. I had felt that he needed more punishment before his redemption, but with the Cao Cao I had encountered in this version of reality, I couldn't help but wonder if my earlier judgment had been influenced by my own biases. Regardless of the past, the question at hand was...

"Stand up," I said to Cao Cao, and he obeyed, his gaze unwavering as he awaited my response. "You and your team committed many misdeeds before we crossed paths, but you've faced your own trials, spent a considerable amount of time in the Phantasma helping others, and you've made promises I believe you'll keep."

Raising my right arm, I extended my fist toward him, offering a fist bump. "I trust in Laeronia's words, your actions here, and the commitments you've made. So, let's start here as friends, Cao Cao."

Cao Cao appeared genuinely taken aback by my answer, his surprise evident in his eyes. A warm, grateful smile graced his lips as he reciprocated the fist bump. "Thank you."

As Yumi's voice rang out, announcing the arrival of dinnertime, she spotted Cao Cao and me sharing the fist bump and couldn't help but be curious. "Are you turning Cao Cao into a female?" she asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

Cao Cao quickly refuted her teasing suggestion, exclaiming, "What? Hell no!" before making his way to the dining area. "Let's get going to dinner," he urged, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment.

Observing the playful banter, Yumi's curiosity persisted. "Were you having a bro-moment?" she asked, tilting her head inquisitively.

Chuckling at her question, I patted her head and replied, "I guess so, but let's not keep dinner waiting. Come on, Yumi."

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