Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 18 – Part 4 – Rekindled Light

Ingvild Leviathan's Soliloquy

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Seated in the living room, the routine of crafting lyrics for a new song occupied my time, a familiar activity. Yet, an unusual stillness surrounded the space. Typically, the air would be alive with the clamor of activity, but ever since everyone departed for the Phantasma, an unusual quietness had settled in.

True, there were still a handful of individuals lingering around, and the school day had concluded approximately an hour ago. As I immersed myself in the creative process, the entrance to Aaron's home swung open, and the voices of Yuri and Risette carried through, welcoming the return of someone to the house.

She navigated her way into the room, settling wearily onto the couch. Her fatigued expression was evident, telling a silent tale of exhaustion.

"Welcome back, Lisa-san. How was school?" I inquired, anticipating the response as I met her gaze. Her eyes reflected weariness and a hint of lifelessness, confirming what I already suspected.

"...Exhausting. I can't recharge on my Aaron Energy since he's not here. Do you have any idea how lonely and boring it is here? I'm not even actively in the frontlines, so I can't join the smaller team of [DxD]," she lamented, seeking solace in a pillow she summoned from her ring, wrapping it in a hug.

"I-it's okay, you can always give him a call or shoot him a text. Aaron and everyone else are pretty accessible," I reassured her, attempting to provide some comfort.

Though, I couldn't deny the calming effect that my fiancé and friends had on me. Their presence, even in casual hangouts, always brought joy and ease.

"That's not the same, Ingvild..." Lisa expressed her dissatisfaction, sinking back into her seat. "...Maybe I should ask to go over there."

"B-but we do need some people here," I objected.

Sure, Aaron had most, if not all, of his [Electa] and Shadow Soldiers here. However, I sensed his desire for a few members from Team [DxD] to stay back, perhaps for reassurance. While he trusted his subordinates, having some of the more "normal" team members around was crucial, as some people tended to get nervous around his [Electa] as people saw them as extraordinary.

Lisa regarded me with a puzzled expression, questioning, "His [Electa] are still here, along with his Shadow Soldiers, members of [DxD], and the gods representing each faction. Am I genuinely that indispensable?"

"W-well, if you frame it like that... but you still have your responsibilities as a teacher. Roygun-san and Griselda-san are over there, and I presume they're on leave? So, your presence is more crucial than ever," I responded, attempting to emphasize the importance of Lisa's role. She seemed to reluctantly acquiesce.

"Sure, but... more people are departing soon to join them. Even Hephaestus is going, as she believes her skills will be valuable and in demand. Who knows how much she'll develop there," Lisa commented, her gaze directed at her own ring.

Hephaestus-san had been expressing her enthusiasm about venturing into Phantasma. Apparently, she and Aaron had extensive discussions about it, and she anticipated the opportunity to utilize materials from a different universe for crafting armor and weapons.

Hephaestus had a dream—to be a blacksmith capable of crafting anything to the level of "god-grade." An excellent example of her prowess was a recent creation: a set of kitchen utensils with durability bordering on the infinite. These utensils could slice through almost anything with remarkable ease, needing just a single stroke.

The quiet room was suddenly filled with Vivi's energetic voice. She leaped toward Lisa, who quickly set aside her pillow to catch Vivi. Excitement radiated from Vivi as she exclaimed, demonstrating various magic circles materializing around them. "I did it!"

Lisa and I shared a surprised glance. It turned out that two days ago, Lisa had given Vivi a challenge—activate multiple magic circles simultaneously and incorporate her unique magic circles using her own formulas. Now, Vivi returned to proudly showcase her success in overcoming the set challenge.

"T-that was pretty fast, Vivi-chan. Did you get help from anyone?" Lisa inquired, gently patting Vivi's head.

Vivi shook her head, proudly declaring, "I did it on my own! Lilith said I should be able to do that much if I want Papa's praise!"

Once again, astonishment gripped both of us. A feat achieved in a mere two days by someone of her age... could we confidently call Vivi a genius? Aaron would undoubtedly take keen interest in her growth and future prospects, although he probably already did so simply because she was his child.

In the midst of our contemplation, Róisín entered the room, a giggle escaping her lips before she remarked, "Vivi has been hard at work, after all. Something like this would be easy for her."

"Big sis Frida has also been helping me with other things! I can do multiplication now," she proudly boasted.

Frida cringed inwardly at the title. Vivi usually addressed us by our names or "Mama," but, for some reason, she had bestowed the "Big Sister" role on Frida, much to her displeasure. Despite Frida's attempts to correct her, Vivi insisted on the label.

Finally, in an attempt to redirect the nickname, Frida proposed a scenario—what if she and Aaron got married? To this, Vivi responded that, in that case, she would gladly call her "Mama." So, for the time being, she's stuck with being called Big Sis.

The unexpected casualness of Frida's feelings towards Aaron caught us off guard, especially as she confessed it to his—or our—daughter. There was an underlying concern that Vivi might inadvertently spill the beans to him about Frida's revelation.

"Róisín, has Aaron reached out to you yet?" Lisa queried abruptly, and Róisín nodded in confirmation.

"Yes, he has. Currently, they're exploring a new planet called Titancrest. Apparently, he envisions transforming it into a haven for everyone, especially the elderly—a sort of vacation planet. He even sent me a photo of it," Róisín shared, displaying the image for us to see.

Lisa's eyes lit up as she expressed her interest, saying, "I'd love to go there. It looks beautiful and seems like a lot of fun..." However, a sense of resignation soon replaced her excitement.

Róisín chuckled before elaborating, "He also mentioned that after liberating Phantasma, he plans to take everyone on a tour. The same goes for Evie Etoulde and possibly Fadir Fedora once their liberation is achieved."

"Did Papa make that?" Vivi inquired, her eyes filled with wonder as she gazed at the captivating image.

"Yep! Papa's talents know no bounds, right?" Róisín exclaimed, displaying various other photos captured by Aaron.

The images showcased different perspectives, some taken from within, while others offered external angles. The snapshots also featured the companions who accompanied Aaron on his journey. Although some faces were unfamiliar, the assumption was that they were part of the Resistance in that distant place.

A fresh message blinked into view, this time presenting a video message from Aaron. Intrigued, Róisín tapped on the notification, triggering the playback. The footage unveiled a captivating scene set on an artificial ocean, capturing the group's attempts at surfing.

Most grappled with the challenge, struggling to maintain their balance and frequently succumbing to falls and wipeouts. One notable exception was Aaron, effortlessly navigating the waves—a clear testament to his likely utilization of powers, enabling him to swiftly master the skill.

As the video played out, a wistful sigh escaped Vivi's lips. "I wish I could be there," she muttered longingly.

Róisín's gaze shifted to her phone, and with a thoughtful expression, Róisín began tapping away. A few seconds later, a smile adorned her face. "How about talking to Papa? Would you like that?" she proposed to Vivi, who readily agreed. After a few rings, Aaron answered, and they engaged in a phone conversation that spanned a while.

She radiated joy in their conversation, her happiness evident, yet a hint of teary-eyed emotion lingered throughout. As the month approached its midway point, their absence resonated, leaving an unmistakable void, particularly felt by those close to them.

Even Azazel occasionally voiced his discontent about missing his "banting partner," acknowledging the frequent banter he and Aaron shared. Despite the apparent shade thrown at each other, they both understood it was all in good humor, and they could share a laugh about it at the end of the day.

My thoughts on the matter were interrupted when, out of nowhere, a new magic circle materialized, revealing Penemue. She promptly collapsed onto an unoccupied couch, emitting a groan of exhaustion. "Is Aaron back yet?" she asked.

"No, there's still a lot on our plate," Aaron's voice came through the phone, prompting Penemue to spring back up at the sound of his voice.

"Aawon, sweetie~," she cooed in an excessively saccharine voice, trotting over to Vivi. With surprising strength, she plucked Vivi from Lisa's arms, settling her on her lap as she took a seat.

"Yeah? What's up, Penemue?" Aaron responded, sounding a bit bewildered by Penemue's behavior.

"I'm coming there with Azazel!! I convinced him, dammit!!!" she declared, her exclamation startling Vivi, who looked at her with wide-eyed admiration. The rest of us were equally caught off guard by this unexpected announcement.

Several weeks prior to their departure, Penemue had requested to join, and Aaron had given his approval. However, Azazel had firmly denied her request, citing Grigori's need for her presence. She had tried to argue, but Azazel remained steadfast. So, it leaves me wondering—what had changed? Had Penemue managed to wear down Azazel's resistance with persistent nagging, or was there something else at play?

We cast inquisitive glances at Penemue, seeking an explanation. Unperturbed, she engaged in conversation with Aaron and Vivi. The call was put on speaker, allowing us to eavesdrop on their exchange. Amidst the dialogue, a hint of commotion reached our ears. As the call reached its conclusion, Vivi chimed in, "Papa... do your best...!"

"I will, Vivi. Fufu, I feel even more motivated than before," responded Aaron. "I'll get going then. I love all of you, and take care," he bid farewell before disconnecting.

With the conclusion of the call, Penemue returned the phone to Róisín, and a quiet settled over the room. After a brief pause, Vivi broke the silence with determination in her voice.

"I... want to train more. I want Papa to praise me even more when he gets back," she declared, a fiery determination shining in her eyes. With that, she leaped off Penemue's lap and darted out of the room.

"She's undeniably a daddy's girl, isn't she?" I remarked, eliciting chuckles from everyone.

"She is. I'll go and supervise her, although I believe she's gone to get Artemis and Frida. Oh, and I plan on going out on an outing with her soon. So, if you want to come with us, just tell me," Róisín declared before exiting the room.

Following her departure, we delved into various discussions, encompassing not only Róisín's invitation but also exploring the motivations behind Penemue's desire to visit the Phantasma—beyond simply wanting to be with Aaron. All things considered, the day unfolded with a sense of relative normalcy.

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Serafall's Leviathan's Soliloquy

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"Yes, yes, thank you. I'll make sure to go over there within the week. Yes, yes, thank you very much. Until then," I uttered, concluding the communication circle. As it dissipated, I slumped back into my seat. The workload had intensified since Aaron and Team [DxD] departed for the Phantasma. While everyone managed to cope in their absence, the void left by their departure was palpable.

It reminded me of the time when Aaron was hospitalized and out of commission during the war. Though the current situation wasn't as severe, it prompted a realization that we heavily relied on his efforts and those of [DxD]. It made me ponder how the world even functioned without their influence.

Even the android fairy Aaron had gifted me last year seemed a bit overworked. Contemplating solutions, I considered asking him to upgrade it further or perhaps provide another one to ease the workload for all of us.

Adjusting my posture, I returned my focus to the paperwork at hand. As a Satan, slacking off wasn't an option, and I delved back into my responsibilities with renewed diligence.

In the midst of my work, another communication circle materialized beside me, momentarily diverting my attention. Intrigued, I responded, and to my surprise, it was Altaria accompanied by Layla.

"Hey, you two. Is there something you need?" I inquired casually, settling back into my chair.

"Have you happened to hear anything from Aaron-sama?" Layla interjected, abruptly halting Altaria. Even with her blindfold on, the tension in Layla's demeanor was palpable, and I could discern the strain in slightly shaky voice.

"N-no, but just a few minutes ago, Róisín sent me some pictures and a video detailing what he and everyone else are up to. It seems he's currently making upgrades to a few planets," I conveyed, noticing Layla visibly deflate at the information.

Altaria beamed with a smile and spoke, "I came here to discuss the upcoming event we're planning for the East and West Youkai factions in Kyoto. Some Irish gods and deities from the Philippines pantheon will be joining too. Layla expressed her interest in seeing the images and videos related to it. Would it be alright if she visits your office?"

Returning the smile, I replied, "Certainly. I've been intending to gather opinions on that. I also have it playing on a small projector, looping continuously. Feel free to drop by whenever."

In a matter of moments, Layla vanished and materialized beside me. She gracefully lowered herself to her knees, clasped her hands together, and tears welled in her eyes. "Oh, Aaron-sama, everyone..." she softly exclaimed, emotions bubbling to the surface.

Layla harbored a profound fixation on Aaron, perhaps even surpassing Antares in intensity, though the exact details eluded me, having only crossed paths with the guy a handful of times. Within the group of the [Electa], Layla and he stood out as the most ardent devotees.

I found myself occasionally drawing parallels between Layla's infatuation and her affection for him, wondering if it rivaled or even exceeded the love exhibited by Lavinia, Suzaku, Róisín, or Aoife. The comparison oscillated between being eerie and commendable, leaning more towards the former than the latter.

"Is this place called Titancrest?" Layla inquired, redirecting her attention toward me.

I nodded, engrossed in my paperwork. "Yes, it's supposedly a resort and retirement home of sorts. Róisín texted me the specifics. I've uploaded the photos and videos on that screen but the specifies are still in our text," I informed her, extending the device in her direction. She swiftly glanced at the content, absorbing the details laid out by Róisín.

After several minutes of quiet, my attention turned to Layla, who appeared teary-eyed as she stared at my phone screen. Puzzled, I inquired, "Is something wrong?"

"You sent Aaron-sama a lot of selfies and nudes, didn't you?" she asked, a hint of pride coloring her voice.

Blushing slightly, I admitted, "Yeah, since I wouldn't be there, I thought he could use some pictures of me. Although everyone else is with him, including So-tan, we decided to have the occasional phone se... never mind. Anyway, he'll be fine without me. As for me? I'm running low on Aaron Energy."

"...I wonder if I'll fall if I send him things like this," Layla pondered aloud.

"You shouldn't unless Aaron explicitly told you that you couldn't fall at all," I reassured her, detecting a note of concern in her musings.

Layla appeared dissatisfied with my response, yet she returned my phone and settled onto the ground beside me. Together, we perused the pictures spread out before us. I resumed my work, and between tasks, we engaged in casual conversations about everyday matters, exchanged updates on various news, and found ourselves forming a deeper connection.

Although I hadn't conversed much with her before, I discovered a unique enjoyment in these shared moments. Our time together continued seamlessly until the lunch break arrived, and Layla decided to join me.

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Third Person Point of View

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Daniel moved swiftly toward his enemy, employing a precise karate chop to the neck that swiftly rendered the opponent unconscious. Presently stationed in the Underworld, Daniel found himself in the company of several devils affiliated with [DxD]. Their current mission, though not of substantial scale, involved tackling a small group of devils who had opted to rebel without apparent cause.

"Daniel-san, everything is clear over there," reported one of the devils.

"Great job and thanks. Take any old relics or items you've come across to the surface, and we'll have [EXE] handle the processing before passing them on to the Satans and government," replied Daniel.

"Roger!" the young man responded with enthusiasm before departing on his assigned task.

[This is Tobio, we're done in our spot too, heading over to you,] Tobio communicated through their transceiver.

[Got it. I'm moving into where their two leaders are. I might end it before you get here,] Daniel replied, prompting a chuckle from Tobio.

The team found themselves in the clandestine underground recesses of the Caim clan of devils. While this particular clan was thought to be extinct, a handful of devils had managed to elude discovery and continued to linger in hiding. However, a schism had fractured their unity at the onset of the previous year, giving rise to two opposing factions.

On one side were those aligned with the current government, predominantly comprising the younger generation who had departed the underground base. On the opposing front stood a faction dedicated to upholding the old government and maintaining the established order. Refusing to abandon their subterranean sanctuary, they initiated a small-scale rebellion, thrusting the clandestine world into turmoil.

As Daniel entered the expansive room, the walls and ceilings adorned with countless candles and elegant chandeliers, he found himself surrounded by an ambiance of antiquity.

Old steel armor stood proudly on stands, reminiscent of eras long past. Aged carpets from bygone times lay beneath, weaving a tapestry of history. The focal point of the room was a lavish oval table, exuding an air of grandeur.

At the room's pinnacle, two devils stood prominently—a man and a woman.

The man donned a flowing white dress, accentuated by a crimson cape that gracefully draped over his upper half. His blonde hair cascaded with long bangs framing his face, and piercing blue eyes held a certain intensity. A sword hung at his hip, and a red cape adorned his shoulders, adding to his regal presence.

The woman, with long blonde hair fashioned into twin tails, concealed part of her face with the golden strands. Clad in a daring black skintight suit, she sported black claws on her wrists, emanating an aura of danger. Black ribbons adorned the ends of her twin tails, and a crimson cross-like necklace adorned her neck, completing her appearance.

"The audacity of a monkey gracing our home, defeating our brethren," remarked the man.

"Indeed, although he doesn't seem bad looking," she replied, running her tongue across her lips. The man shot her an incredulous look but shook his head.

"Let us—" Before he could complete his sentence, Daniel appeared in front of him, thrusting his sword into the man's shoulder, a move that left both the man and woman in a state of shock. Attempting to counter, the man found himself on the receiving end of a swift punch from Daniel, collapsing with a caved-in face, knocked out.

Meanwhile, the woman's attempt to evade was swiftly thwarted by another devil. She appeared in front of her, seizing her head, and forcefully slammed it into the ground. Following this, she unleashed a point-blank demonic attack, the ensuing explosion obliterating the immediate surroundings.

Once the explosive aftermath settled and the smoke dispersed, the woman's head was notably absent, a void filled by a substantial crater where she once stood. Daniel gazed at the lifeless form of the female devil and let out a sigh. "Severa... What on earth was that for?" he queried.

Severa, nonchalant, tilted her head as if considering his question. "I thought it would be better if we sped this up. We didn't need their names, did we?" she responded.

"...Not necessarily, but it would have been easier to find out from them rather than resorting to this," Daniel remarked. Severa extended her ring towards the woman, activating the [Appraisal] ability.

"She's Vulyassa Caim, and he's Avornis Caim, or Lady and Lord Caim. Fufu, we took down the two heads of the household," Severa declared, a note of amusement in her voice.

"You two... finished, huh? I guess you were right, Imperia," Tobio Ikuse remarked from behind. Both Daniel and Severa turned to see them at the entrance.

"See? Even if I'm the more violent between us, Severa can act like that when a fight breaks out. She's a battle maniac through and through. I can only imagine what the hell will happen during the tournament main stage," Imperia commented, shaking her head.

Severa blushed but refrained from speaking. Her demeanor had swiftly changed after defeating her opponent. Daniel approached the lifeless woman named Vulyassa, reaching out to touch her shoulder with the intention of reviving her.

Upon regaining consciousness, she immediately launched herself at Daniel, intent on an attack. However, he swiftly countered with a sleeping spell, causing her to slump into a peaceful slumber. With the threat neutralized, he efficiently applied anti-magic cuffs to both of them, preparing to transfer them to the alliance's secure jails.

As the teleportation magic enveloped them, Severa, a fellow member of the alliance, voiced her inquiry, "Were you planning to listen to their side of the story? I did put a stop to it before you could, didn't I?"

Daniel shook his head, offering an explanation, "No, I had already gathered information from the other faction of Caim. I discovered them beforehand, engaging in a lengthy conversation. They've decided to return to their territory after negotiating with the Satans and establishing relationships with them. The Caim Household of Devils is on the verge of an official return, marking the transformation of 32 devil clans into 33."

As their mission in the underground base concluded, Daniel rose to his feet. "Anyway, let's head back and report everything since we're done here," he informed the group. Walking out of the room, he casually clicked his fingers, mending the damage inflicted on the base.

"By the way, Daniel, how's everything in the Phantasma?" Tobio inquired as they reached another room in the base.

"Boss is currently touring a new planet he transformed into a colossal space station. He named it Titancrest, essentially a giant vacation spot and retirement home. Meanwhile, Cao Cao, Rias Gremory, and Aldrake's group are in the midst of a mission. They should be wrapping it up soon, unless they're aiming for a spectacular explosion along with the planet. However, their success will deal a significant blow to Phumera's organization," Daniel explained, providing a detailed update on the ongoing activities in the Phantasma.

Tobio pondered with a finger on his chin, contemplating the situation before voicing his thoughts, "So, they're not close to completing their mission in the Phantasma, huh?"

Daniel shook his head, providing insight, "It's a vast universe with enemies more formidable than what we encounter here. The influential figures in Phumera's organization are, at the very least, Dragon God-class. Meanwhile, some untamed creatures can ascend to Satan-class, reaching the pinnacle of God-class, or even achieving Dragon God-class in certain instances."

He continued, delving into the complexities of the Phantasma, "I'm not even considering the presence of other rogue groups with their distinct agendas. It's a lawless place where only the strongest can endure. To be frank, only a mere 5% or perhaps 10% of our world would survive if the two universes were to merge. That's the magnitude of the contrast."

As they strolled away, Daniel found himself immersed in a lively conversation, delving deeper into the vast expanse of the universe. Imperia and Severa, intrigued by the unfolding revelations, continued to inquire, prompting Daniel to share more intricate details and insights.

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"What the hell are you!?" echoed the shout from a young boy, directed at Rias as he regained his footing.

The boy, adorned in a stuffy blue coat, black pants, and multi-colored shoes, with black fingerless gloves, had short white hair and dull red eyes. Perched on his shoulder was a peculiar bird, its body engulfed in dark blue darkness.

Rias, maintaining her composure, tilted her head and responded, "A devil? What else would I be? Now, let's continue, shall we?"

Demonic fire flickered to life in Rias's hands, and she directed it toward the young boy, who skillfully evaded the incoming attack.

"Stanley, that woman is dangerous; she's definitely stronger than Lord Sagriff!" blurted out the bird perched on the boy's shoulder.

"I can sense that, dammit! Let's just summon more of those creatures!" Stanley exclaimed, slamming his hands into the ground. In response, additional creatures materialized around them, and he conjured another one beneath him, confidently standing on its head.

"Attack her!" Stanley commanded, and the creatures he conjured launched a barrage of attacks at Rias. Yet, she skillfully shielded herself with her [Power of Destruction], effortlessly obliterating any incoming attacks. Stanley, bewildered, exclaimed, "What the hell is that?"

"It seems like anything it touches is instantly destroyed. It's a troublesome ability, but if that's the case, then she likely relies on her powers and may not excel in hand-to-hand combat. We can exploit that," suggested the dark blue bird.

Stanley grinned, determined. "I'm good at that. Let's do it, then!" With a touch to the beast's head beneath him, he initiated a merging process.

Stanley, initially standing at 5'5", transformed after merging with the creature. Now towering at 6'11", he sported four additional arms, a tail with a poisonous tip, and fleshy armor enveloping him. Darkness added another layer of protection, creating a formidable and altered version of Stanley ready for the intensified confrontation.

Rias responded with a gracious smile, dissipating the residual signs of destruction surrounding her form. Observing this, Stanley wasted no time closing the distance, launching a swift punch towards Rias' face. Confident that victory was within his grasp, he believed this fight was practically won.

To his astonishment, Rias effortlessly evaded his initial strike, inviting Stanley to intensify his assault. However, this proved to be a futile endeavor as Rias continued to dodge each subsequent attack with apparent ease. The repetitive sequence persisted for a full minute, with Stanley growing increasingly frustrated at his inability to land a hit.

In an unexpected turn, Rias evaded another of Stanley's punches, swiftly countering by delivering a powerful kick to his cheek. The force of the blow sent him sprawling backward, leaving him momentarily dazed.

"I thought you said she didn't excel in hand-to-hand combat?" Stanley questioned, his frustration evident in his voice.

"Well, that was the only logical conclusion," the blue bird responded. "You're only operating at 80% efficiency, right? Use 100% now, and let's see how she fares," it ordered.

Stanley acknowledged with a nod as his power surged, reaching its zenith in this particular form. With newfound strength, he propelled himself towards Rias. Swiftly arriving in her vicinity, he executed a series of feint attacks, only to reappear behind her and launch a punch towards her back.

However, Rias, displaying remarkable agility, contorted backward, deftly avoiding the punch. Seizing the opportunity, she retaliated instantly, striking him with her shoes in a forceful backflip that sent him hurtling away once more.

Recovering swiftly, Rias gracefully stood, flicking her hair to the side with a confident air. In response to Stanley's resilience, she harnessed the formidable [Power of Destruction], forming a small ball that rapidly expanded, obliterating everything in its path. The destructive force unleashed wreaked havoc, tearing through a significant portion of the planet.

As the cataclysmic ball approached its target, Rias patiently observed. Upon impact, it erupted in a spectacular explosion, demolishing a large chunk of the planetary terrain. Teleporting to the epicenter, she discovered that Stanley's protective "armor" had shielded him, albeit barely. His left arm hung limp and unresponsive, the left side of his face numb and vision impaired.

"That's not good... bah, who cares at this point! Stanley, merge with me, and let's put an end to this woman. We said we'd try to capture one, but this one is way too troublesome," squawked the bird.

"Yeah... got it..." Stanley responded, his breaths coming in pants.

The bird ascended, radiating a brilliant glow that emitted an eerie blue darkness, encompassing their surroundings. Descending back down, it merged into Stanley, transforming him into another substantial orb of blue darkness. The expanding ball captured Rias's interest as she stood there, observing the unfolding spectacle.

The ball reached its zenith before erupting into a spectacular explosion, obliterating everything in its vicinity. Dark blue shadows danced and flickered around the point where Stanley had stood.

From the remnants emerged a colossal dark blue humanoid, featuring a prominent black beak resembling that of a bird, six feathered wings, razor-sharp claws, and a star-shaped gem adorning its chest. The entity locked eyes with Rias, its two pairs of glowing orbs piercing through the aftermath as it assumed a fighting stance.

Suddenly, fifteen feathers shot out from behind the creature, creating an ethereal spectacle that surrounded Rias. In a mesmerizing transformation, each feather manifested into a miniature version of the humanoid bird, unleashing a synchronized screech before launching a barrage of attacks towards Rias.

The attacks were diverse and relentless—a dark blue wind in the shape of a crocodile's head, a barrage of blue lightning, and even a torrent of blue flames. Yet, Rias stood her ground with unwavering confidence, seemingly unfazed by the orchestrated assault.

In response, she effortlessly enshrouded her body with the [Power of Destruction], rendering the attacks futile as they crumbled against her defense. Amid the chaos, Rias found herself contemplating the words of Cúntóir, emphasizing the capture of enemies for potential future use.

'She said to capture the enemies so they can be used for something,' Rias mused as the attacks kept coming. 'Stanley's powers are interesting. I wonder what they'll turn into and who'll get them.'

"It's still not working," mumbled Stanley, frustration etched on his face. He turned to Vlor, seeking guidance. "What should we do, Vlor?"

Vlor, the bird with wisdom in its gaze, responded confidently, "There's weaknesses for everything. I refuse to believe that she doesn't have any with that power of hers."

Rias maintained her calm demeanor and smiled at the duo before vanishing. In the blink of an eye, she reappeared in front of Stanley. Before either of them could react, she unleashed a point-blank shot of [Power of Destruction], obliterating everything in its destructive path. Rias stepped back, a satisfied expression accompanying her as she admired the aftermath of her power.

The transformation of both Stanley and Vlor had been brutally undone. The scene was one of devastation; both were now severely injured. Vlor's majestic wings were missing, and half of its once regal beak had disintegrated. The bird struggled to breathe, emitting strange sounds with each laborious breath.

Stanley, now lying on his back, faced a grim fate. Both of his eyes were missing, the lower half of his jaw melted away. He had lost both his arms and legs, yet, strangely, there was no life-threatening bleeding—neither of them were bleeding to death.

[Cúntóir, is this enough?] Rias inquired, her gaze still fixed on the two figures before her.

[Yes, that's fine. Good work. Please make your way to the tower where Citrina was. I believe you will be needed there, unless Cao Cao makes it there before you,] Cúntóir informed Rias.

With those words, the pair vanished from Rias's sight. Redirecting her attention to the towering structure that held Citrina and Sagriff, Rias sensed the familiar auras of Asia, Xenovia, Irina, and Aldrake. However, there were also four other auras intertwined within.

Contemplating her next move, Rias weighed the option of heading directly to Citrina or joining the others to handle the subordinate first then go towards Sagriff together. As she pondered, she unfurled her wings and gracefully soared towards the towering structure, the uncertainty of the situation propelling her forward.

— ○ ● ○ —

Rias swiftly reached an opening that had been carved out by Asia's collision with Ahin. Scaling her way up, she joined the others who, upon sensing her arrival, turned to find Rias looking a bit perplexed.

"Former Prez!" Xenovia exclaimed with excitement.

"I'm here, but who's that?" Rias inquired, gesturing towards a white-haired, armored woman.

Aldrake stepped forward, explaining, "She's a royal guard we used to have. Apparently, she survived and had been serving as a subordinate for Sagriff, awaiting the opportune moment to rescue Citrina and escape this place."

The revelation surprised Rias, and she nodded in silent acknowledgment. As they continued together, they found themselves in another expansive room, where two figures stood near the opposite end, adjacent to additional flights of stairs.

"Azssius and Phelara. They're powerful; I've beat both of them before but they're tied for being the strongest in Sagriff's subordinates before I came here," Eirelis admitted.

Azssius, a towering figure standing at about 6'3", sported short white hair and eyes. He adorned himself in a sharp, lined dark blue suit, a black tie, gloves, and shoes. In his right hand, he wielded a dark purple spear, its tip ablaze with flames. A confident grin played on Azssius' face as he eagerly anticipated the forthcoming confrontation with Aldrake's group.

Standing beside Azssius was Phelara, a woman with long white hair, piercing red eyes, and a human skull serving as an ornamental accessory on the side of her head, akin to a mask. Black horns adorned her head, and she donned a mostly gray kimono, holding a skull of an animal. The ensemble created an eerie and distinctive presence as she stood alongside her intimidating counterpart.

"Let's—" Rias began to formulate a plan, but Azssius didn't wait; he immediately charged at them, thrusting his spear menacingly.

To their astonishment, the spear suddenly expanded in size, its tip engulfed in purple flames. Acting swiftly, they leaped away, narrowly avoiding the imminent attack.

"He primarily uses his spear in combat, complemented by purple elemental attacks, and possesses some influence over space, though his mastery in that area isn't particularly high," elucidated Eirelis.

Phelara raised the skull of a peculiar creature, prompting it to emit an eerie black glow. From the floor, a multitude of creatures materialized, initially formed from bones and then clad in a dense armor of darkness.

Due to the room's limited height, Phelara exercised caution in her summoning, not wanting to incur the wrath of Sagriff, a mere three floors above them. Among the notable creations were two towering giants, each wielding a distinct weapon—one brandishing a sword, and the other, an imposing axe.

"Phelara uses her summons in battles, but there's another form she can use as a last resort, and it's quite powerful, so be careful. If you're familiar with Yanuyo, a former Eradicator, you might get a sense of what her abilities entail," explained Eirelis.

"Aaron has faced Yanuyo in combat before, and Yanuyo himself has shared details about his powers with us, so we have some understanding," responded Xenovia.

"...What? Didn't he perish while battling the outer god?" inquired Eirelis, her expression betraying a hint of surprise.

"No, he's alive. Aaron managed to do something that compelled him to switch sides," replied Xenovia, offering a brief yet fake explanation. "We can't go into specifics right now, perhaps later."

Azssius surged forward, spear aimed menacingly at them. However, his attack came to an abrupt halt as another spear soared through the air, colliding with his own and sending it crashing to the ground. The unexpected interruption left Azssius bewildered as he looked up to find a man standing confidently atop the newly arrived spear, surveying him with a commanding gaze.

Meanwhile, the shadow creatures conjured by Phelara found themselves ensnared by vivid win-red restraints emerging from the ground. Simultaneously, a barrage of numerous light blue arrows descended upon them, striking the ground and forming small cylindrical walls that imprisoned the shadowy entities.

"Cao Cao-san and Isatha-san!" Asia exclaimed, her healing abilities already in action as she tended to the two figures caught in the midst of the clash.

"Leave these two to us; keep going to the top. Rias, I'll entrust Sagriff to you. If you haven't beaten him by the time we reach there, I'll lend a hand," Cao Cao declared, his authoritative tone resonating through the room.

"You think we'll let you pass so easily?" challenged Azssius, a mischievous grin playing on his face. In response, Cao Cao raised his hand, pointing upward with his index finger. Instantly, Aldrake's group surged towards the stairs, propelled by the single gesture.

As Azssius and Phelara lunged to intercept them, Cao Cao executed a move so swift that neither opponent could follow. Effortlessly, he knocked both his enemies away, sending them crashing into the room's walls. The diversion created a window of opportunity, allowing the remaining members to make a safe retreat towards the stairs and ascend, leaving the room behind.

"I told you, you're facing us," Cao Cao remarked, twirling his spear before casually resting it on his shoulder.

A fiery, purple-hued spear swiftly rebounded toward Cao Cao, aiming for his head. However, he skillfully parried the attack with his own spear. Azssius, sporting a maniacal grin, exuded an air of either being a battle enthusiast or simply bordering on the psychotic.

Undeterred, Cao Cao retaliated by delivering a forceful kick to Azssius, only to be taken aback as his foot met an unexpected obstacle—a solid wall of purple ice. Seizing the opening, Azssius unleashed a point-blank breath of scorching purple fire directly at Cao Cao from his mouth.

A triumphant grin adorned his face, convinced he had gained the upper hand against the young man. However, his elation turned to astonishment as a veil of purple mist materialized before Cao Cao, thwarting his intended attack. Unfazed, Cao Cao harnessed the mist of [Dimension Lost], strategically using it as a shield.

The spear in his hand emanated a brief glow, harnessing the power of [Boosted Gear]'s [Boost]. Swiftly transitioning to [Penetrate], he shattered the encroaching purple ice, propelling Azssius backward with a well-timed kick.

Yet, Cao Cao's assault didn't end there; with relentless determination, he followed up by bringing his spear down, unleashing an aura-infused slash that surged towards Azssius with formidable force.

Azssius swiftly raised his spear, intercepting Cao Cao's oncoming attack and generating a vibrant purple slash as their attacks clashed. The collision resulted in a brief but intense explosion, showcasing the raw power unleashed in their battle.

Seizing the moment, Cao Cao wasted no time and closed the distance, dashing towards Azssius. With his spear pointed skyward, Cao Cao activated [Absolute Demise]'s Balance Breaker, unleashing a chilling blizzard within the confined space.

Though Azssius and Phelara possessed inherent elemental resistances, the frigid onslaught of Cao Cao's blizzard posed a tangible challenge. Even as the two warriors fought against the icy currents, their movements slowed under the relentless assault. In this diminished state, Cao Cao deftly maneuvered, reaching Azssius with calculated precision.

Azssius attempted to counter by swinging his spear, but the encumbering effects of the blizzard exceeded his expectations, leaving him sluggish.

Capitalizing on this advantage, Cao Cao adeptly dodged Azssius' attack. Seizing the opportunity, Cao Cao thrust his spear into Azssius' shoulder, the sharp weapon penetrating flesh. A deft swing followed, severing Azssius' shoulder from his body.

With a swift kick, Cao Cao sent Azssius tumbling backward. To further assert his dominance, Cao Cao manipulated the air behind him, conjuring a barrage of thunderbolts and lightning bolts that streaked towards the wounded Azssius.

To Cao Cao's astonishment, a radiant purple arm materialized, encircling the absent limb of Azssius. As he lifted the regenerated limb, purple lightning bolts crackled, countering Cao Cao's own attacks.

The clash resulted in a spectacular explosion, leaving both combatants momentarily obscured in the aftermath. Seizing the opportunity, Azssius swiftly advanced, spear in hand, aiming for Cao Cao.

Responding with agility, Cao Cao intercepted the incoming thrust, compelling Azssius' spear downward. A surprising twist unfolded as Azssius, undeterred, caught the other end of the spear with his jaws, effectively halting Cao Cao's attack.

Unfazed by this unconventional defense, Cao Cao's smile widened, and with a deft move, he unleashed flames from the spear's opposite end, scorching Azssius' head at point-blank range.

In a fluid motion, Cao Cao retracted his spear, swiftly redirecting its sharp end toward Azssius' other arm.

The blade sliced through the air, severing the limb effortlessly. Seizing the momentum, Cao Cao executed a dynamic combination of [Penetrate] and [Divide], slashing Azssius across the chest with precision. The force of the blow left a substantial wound, propelling Azssius backward.

As Azssius conjured yet another limb from the swirling purple energy, a sly grin played on his face as he faced Cao Cao. "It doesn't matter—"

His words were abruptly cut short as, in a swift movement, Cao Cao appeared in front of him, spear arcing towards Azssius' neck, severing his head from his body. Cao Cao's relentless assault didn't conclude there; with a quick turn, he swung his spear, cleaving the rest of Azssius' form into millions of pieces. Azssius' life met its abrupt end under the decisive blows of Cao Cao's relentless onslaught.

Cao Cao's attention shifted to Phelara, who found herself entangled in a skirmish against Isatha. With Grimoire firmly gripped in Isatha's hand, she effortlessly countered Phelara's every move. The inherent prowess of Isatha's abilities served as a natural foil to Phelara's unique skill set, creating a challenging dynamic in their confrontation.

Meanwhile, the colossal giants, confined within their imprisoning barriers, remained immobilized. Attempts to break free proved futile, as their weapons had been rendered useless in a prior failed endeavor to escape their confines.

Approaching Isatha, Cao Cao extended an offer, "Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine," Isatha responded, a determined shake of her head accompanying her words. Undeterred, she continued unleashing a relentless onslaught of attacks at Phelara. In response, Phelara conjured an army of bony creatures, attempting to intercept Isatha's attacks.

Cao Cao, observing the skirmish, couldn't help but share his insights, "That woman claimed they were as strong as her. The man, I'll admit, displayed some skill but lacked true strength. He possessed elements but lacked the power. Yet, this woman... she doesn't seem to align with Sagriff's definition of 'strongest' subordinates. Although, I sense she still holds an ace that remains untapped."

As if prompted by an unseen cue, Phelara's body ignited with a potent aura, her countenance twisted into a visage of rage. Froth formed at her mouth as she dropped to all fours, and from her back, spiky appendages of darkness burst forth, coalescing into hands that enveloped her form.

Gradually, she expanded in size, transforming into a humanoid creature of darkness. The silhouette resembled a deer, yet it bore sharpened fangs and claws in place of hooves, exuding an aura of primal menace.

"Is this what that woman meant? The ace or hidden form she had?" Isatha inquired, her gaze fixed on the unfolding spectacle. "It seems more like a berserker state..."

Almost on cue, Phelara lunged toward them, generating numerous clones that unleashed a barrage of attacks. Isatha swiftly erected a shield, warding off the onslaught, but the force behind Phelara's strikes left visible cracks in the protective barrier.

"A wild animal can be more unpredictable, add in a 'human's' unpredictable nature, then you'll have something like that. It wouldn't be a stretch to have some trouble facing against a creature like this. I see, so that's what she meant. I'll assist you, Isatha," Cao Cao declared, offering his support.

Cao Cao rhythmically tapped his spear on the ground, employing [Boost] twice to enhance his capabilities. He then placed his hand on Isatha's shoulder, activating [Transfer]. Empowered by the augmented strength, Isatha intensified the protective shield enveloping them and manifested ghostly hands from its ethereal confines.

The spectral hands surged towards Phelara, who skillfully evaded, retaliating by unleashing formidable bullets crafted from darkness and bones. Isatha's ghostly hands intercepted the bone projectiles, crushing the dark bullets with an eerie efficiency. Phelara, caught in the throes of her berserker state, found herself increasingly frustrated by the resilient defense mounted by Isatha and Cao Cao.

As Phelara cast a glance back to where Cao Cao and Isatha stood moments ago, she discovered their sudden disappearance. Alarmed, she swiftly scanned her surroundings, but they seemed to have vanished without a trace. Before she could make sense of their mysterious disappearance, both Cao Cao and Isatha reemerged behind her, their silent arrival adding an element of surprise.

Isatha, with swift precision, conjured a crimson bow and arrow, unleashing the projectile towards Phelara. Simultaneously, Cao Cao harnessed the time-stopping prowess of [Aeon Balor], ensuring Phelara had no chance to evade. Seizing the frozen moment, he thrust his spear menacingly towards her.

Unexpectedly, colossal hands composed of shadows materialized behind Phelara, intercepting both attacks. However, the shadow hands proved feeble against the relentless assaults of Cao Cao and Isatha, shattering under the intense pressure. Sensing an opportune moment, Cao Cao conjured a [Hole] beside him, forcefully plunging his spear into its depths.

In tandem, another [Hole] materialized beside Phelara, and Cao Cao's spear pierced through her side, eliciting a sharp cry from the beleaguered woman.

"How did she manage to stop our attacks with those hands? Were they not just a 'part' of her power, but rather an entirely different entity?" inquired Cao Cao, both of them alighting on the ground while casting watchful gazes upon the injured Phelara.

As his question lingered, a mysterious creature manifested behind Phelara, a spectral entity that seemed to manipulate her like a puppet with shadowy strings. It materialized as a swirling mass of shadows adorned with menacing pink eyes and a colossal, grinning mouth that radiated a matching pink glow.

"It's one of those!" Isatha exclaimed, her realization echoing through the air. Swiftly, she and Cao Cao were enveloped in a teleportation, whisked away to the other side of the room, leaving behind the mysterious and ominous scene with Phelara and the shadowy puppeteer.

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes as he observed the creature looming behind Phelara. In a hushed tone, he inquired, "Abyss Puppeteers. Weren't they supposed to only appear at the darkest points in this universe?"

"Typically, yes. However, the people here, driven by desperation for power, sometimes venture into the recesses of our universe to find and attempt to control these entities for their own gain. It appears that this woman managed to do just that. However, considering our current advantage against her..."

"...She's allowing it to seize control of her now, isn't she?" Cao Cao finished Isatha's statement, and she responded with a confirming nod.

"Don't get ensnared in its darkness, Cao Cao, or you might find yourself trapped in a nightmarish realm. We need—"

"Don't worry, I have a plan. I can probably take it on. Can I count on you to support me?" he inquired, and Isatha, wearing a reassuring smile, nodded in agreement.

Abyss Puppeteers, originally feeble entities in this universe, confined to the darkest corners where they preyed on the vulnerable. However, with the arrival of Magnum Tenebrosum, [Darkness Manipulation], [Shadow Manipulation], and other forms of "dark" powers, their existence took on a new potency. The universe itself seemed to respond to their presence, amplifying their capabilities in unforeseen ways.

In response, the Abyss Puppeteers discovered a surge in their own powers, intensifying their aggression while tethering them closer to their homes. This newfound strength, however, became a beacon for those dwelling in the Phantasma who sought to enhance their abilities. A wave of curious souls ventured out in search of these creatures, yet the outcome proved grim for many, with only a handful returning.

Those who managed to return were bestowed with heightened powers over darkness and shadows. Yet, the delicate balance with the Abyss Puppeteers rested on a knife's edge. If the seekers failed to maintain control, the creatures would assert dominance or, with the individual's consent during a life-threatening moment, seize control. Once the Abyss Puppeteers took charge, the host relinquished control permanently.

From that fateful day onward, those under the sway of the Abyss Puppeteers wielded their hosts' bodies at their discretion until inevitable destruction. Liberation would follow, allowing the Puppeteers to roam the cosmos in pursuit of fresh hosts, perpetuating a cycle of empowerment and subjugation.

"Cao Cao, Isatha. Eliminate that entity; we have no need for it," commanded Cúntóir.

"Very well," responded Cao Cao. He positioned his spear to the side, uttering, "Balance Break: True Longinus + Alphecca Tyrant."

Balls of light appeared behind Cao Cao, accompanied by the appearance of a rusty crown on his head and a belt adorned with rusty nails on his hips and wrists. Simultaneously, Isatha raised her hands, forming a cross with both of her index fingers. A small white cross manifested above Cao Cao's head, gleaming briefly before fading away. White feathers also materialized on the sides of his shoes and arms.

"I'll attempt to neutralize any darkness it uses. That's the extent of my contribution from this point forward," Isatha informed him.

"That's fine, thank you," acknowledged Cao Cao before sprinting towards the Abyss Puppeteer.

The Abyss Puppeteer, wielding control over Phelara, manipulated her form to unleash tentacles of darkness and shoot bullets formed from shadows, each bearing razor-sharp teeth.

Accompanying these attacks were spine-chilling shrieks that echoed through the surroundings, compelling Phelara's body to sprout additional limbs made of the same oppressive darkness. These unconventional appendages emerged from her eyes, mouth, ears, and any available orifices.

Amidst the chaotic attacks, Cao Cao pondered the effectiveness of his strategy. 'I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a shot. Jin—Aaron helped me evolve it this way after all…!' he thought.

Swiftly, he skillfully sliced apart the approaching onslaught of darkness with practiced precision. Seeking to divert the attention of the formidable foe, he invoked [Gahapatiratana], summoning ethereal warriors to engage and distract the menacing Abyss Puppeteer.

The warriors, propelled by determination, sprang into action, closing in on the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara with swift attacks. Amidst the chaotic engagement, Cao Cao seized the opportunity to summon a solitary rusty nail into his grasp.

In a meticulous display of skill, he infused the nail with a blend of lightning and wind magic, ensuring that its trajectory would reach the targeted duo without causing harm beyond disruption.

With the makeshift projectile prepared, Cao Cao carefully considered the potential consequences of employing his physical strength, recognizing that excessive force could inadvertently harm the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara. Brimming with strategic insight, he opted for a controlled approach, blending magical finesse with precision.

As the tension heightened on the battlefield, Cao Cao flicked the rusty nail towards the intertwined enemies. The projectile soared past his fellow warriors, finding its mark with pinpoint accuracy, piercing the crucial connection point where the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara were linked.

Suddenly, both the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara came to an abrupt halt, prompting Cao Cao's warriors to cease their movements as well. The young man approached the duo, fixing his gaze upon them. At that moment, the Abyss Puppeteer released its grasp on Phelara, lowering itself to the ground and assuming a trembling stance on all fours.

Following the transformation of [Alphecca Tyrant] into one of the [New Longinus], a significant alteration occurred, albeit one that went unnoticed due to Aaron's vigilant protection against any harm to [DxD] members.

Cao Cao, however, took advantage of the century spent in Aaron's [Training Facility] to hone each Sacred Gear and Devil Trait to a refined level of proficiency. The result of this dedicated training manifested in the unique and powerful display witnessed in the encounter with the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara.

One of these was [Alphecca Tyrant]. As it transitioned into one of the newer [Longinus], its abilities underwent a significant transformation. No longer affecting regular humans, it now possessed the capacity to rewrite the perceptions and concepts of Sacred Gear users struck by its nails.

This specialization allowed it to influence and manipulate even Longinus owners without the need for special techniques or a Balance Breaker.

Over the course of a century, Cao Cao successfully unlocked the regular Cres-side Balance Breaker of [Alphecca Tyrant]. This breakthrough bestowed upon him the capability to alter reality, concepts, and perceptions to a certain extent. Unlike before, its influence extended beyond Sacred Gears, impacting a broader spectrum of existence—though not entirely encompassing everything.

While this newfound power came at the cost of considerable stamina, Cao Cao could deploy a nail every five minutes, providing him with a versatile tool to reshape the reality, perceptions and concepts in any way he wanted.

Cao Cao harbored uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of the modification he applied to the nail. To his astonishment, it yielded results. His alteration to the Abyss Puppeteer and Phelara were deceptively simple yet profound: "Erase all evil within these two people and make them cowards."

This subtle transformation in their essences manifested in their altered demeanor towards Cao Cao, leaving him with a sigh of relief as he observed the changes. However, the exertion took a toll on a substantial portion of his stamina, approximately 15%, even though he experienced a considerable increase in its overall capacity.

This development led him to a thoughtful reflection on the judicious use of his [Alphecca Tyrant] Balance Breaker, mindful not to deplete his stamina reserves too hastily. The delicate balance between power and endurance prompted him to strategize for optimal efficiency in facing the challenges that lay ahead in the future.

"Have we completed our task?" Isatha inquired, joining Cao Cao.

"Yeah, we just need to eliminate them," he responded, directing his spear toward the Abyss Puppeteer.

"Wait, can't we... transform this into one of those Sacred Gears you guys use? Isn't it possible for Aaron?" Isatha proposed, interrupting Cao Cao's intention to dispatch the creature.

Cao Cao gazed at her for a moment before reaching for his transceiver and inquiring, [Well, is it possible, Cúntóir?]

[There are already many darkness or shadow-based Sacred Gears, but I will ask him. Give me a moment,] replied Cúntóir.

The two stood in anticipation, observing the creatures in front of them still trembling on all fours. After a brief wait, Cúntóir communicated with them once more.

[Aaron has decided to incorporate the Abyss Puppeteer into Liadonn. We'll transport it. However, the woman beside it serves no purpose. Handle her as you see fit,] she conveyed before the Abyss Puppeteer vanished.

Cao Cao and Isatha stood in silent contemplation as they observed the frightened woman before them. Her terror intensified, reaching a point where she even involuntarily soiled herself. Cao Cao, his gaze fixed upon her, pondered their next course of action.

"Now then," he calmly spoke, his eyes never leaving the distressed figure, "what should we do with you?"

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hoho, to think we'd come across you lot," Vasco Strada chuckled, his team merging with Georg's at a designated spot.

"Everything's unfolded as planned, but time is slipping away. They've reached the summit," remarked Georg, gesturing toward the towering structure. At its zenith, various powers clashed, causing the sky above to tremble with the intensity of their battle.

Georg, Leonardo, and Momono Kibitsuhiko comprised one team, while Akeno, Vasco Strada, and Zhuge Liang formed another. However, the planet beneath them rumbled once more, catching them off guard.

"Haaa... now what?" inquired Momono, his voice carrying a weariness that echoed the fatigue of everyone present. After battling numerous enemies throughout the day, exhaustion threatened to envelop him, casting a shadow over his stamina.

Out of nowhere, a resounding explosion echoed in the distance, captivating the attention of everyone present. Their gazes converged on an unusual sight—a robotic creature, resembling a dragon, standing proudly in front of the planet. This mechanical marvel emanated a captivating blue glow, its structure defying conventional norms with menacing eyes staring down at them.

The dragon-like entity displayed a mesmerizing array of features: two wings gracefully extended from its back, while glowing crystals adorned its shoulders. A radiant gem adorned its midsection, and a prominent crystal graced its forehead. And finally, its size was three times bigger than the planet.

A voice resonated, cutting through the stunned silence. [Please be advised that the entity called [Y-O-RTS-E-D] has been deployed by Sagriff as a last resort for defending his planet. Engineered to adapt to various attacks, rendering itself immune, it exploits the weaknesses of its enemies. However, I've disabled its adaptive capabilities. Your mission is to destroy it. Its power level...reaches the pinnacle of Dragon God-class,] conveyed Cúntóir to the assembled teams.

"H-how are we supposed to confront that!?" Momono exclaimed, his finger trembling as he pointed at the colossal mechanized dragon.

Before anyone else could respond, Crom Cruach soared toward the metallic behemoth, his laughter resonating across the planet. Momono's eyes widened in astonishment as the Evil Dragon unleashed his might, delivering a powerful punch that only managed to nudge the mechanical giant back slightly.

The immense size and formidable capabilities of the dragon presented a daunting challenge. Mere brute force would not be sufficient to manipulate its movements. Despite the odds, Crom Cruach remained undeterred. As he poised for another attack, a massive bolt of lightning struck the mechanical creature.

Akeno was the architect of this electrifying intervention. She wore a slight pout as the attack appeared to have minimal impact. "I just wanted to see its reaction, but it seems like it absorbed it. Oops," Akeno admitted, accompanied by a nervous chuckle.

Following this, Crom Cruach unleashed another burst of vitality, relentlessly pummeling the colossal robotic dragon. His powerful blows gradually nudged the mechanical behemoth away from the planet, creating a considerable distance. With a determined windup, he slammed his fist into its chest, propelling it even further into the void.

[How hard is this thing's body?] Crom Cruach inquired through his transceiver.

[You'd need to exert even more power than your current output, Crom. I can create a barrier covering the planet and a designated perimeter, ensuring minimal impact on the broader universe. However, it seems some assistance has arrived for us,] announced Cúntóir, a touch of amusement in her voice.

[Huh?] Crom Cruach, perplexed, felt a shiver down his spine. He turned around to behold another colossal shadow looming behind him. The sight left him momentarily speechless as he tried to comprehend the unexpected aid that had presented itself.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhh?! O-O-O-O-Ophis?!" Irina exclaimed, her voice echoing across the battlefield as she pointed towards the sky. The ongoing battle came to an abrupt halt as everyone turned to witness the unexpected arrival.

"V!" the colossal Ophis announced, flashing a peace sign to the astonished onlookers.

The unexpected aid came in the form of a colossal Ophis, donning her loli form. Her size matched that of the colossal robotic dragon they were facing. Earlier, Aaron's group had been briefed on the unfolding situation. Before anyone could respond to Cúntóir's suggestions, Ophis declared her intent to lend assistance.

The revelation left the group in awe as they pondered the implications of this unexpected alliance. The battlefield now held a momentary pause, the air charged with a mix of surprise and confusion.

— ○ ● ○ —


[...Hmm? Cúntóir, is something wrong?] Aaron inquired, tapping his ear as he rose from his seat.

The group had halted at a charming restaurant in Titancrest, and Aaron, along with his clones, had prepared lunch for everyone. As they stepped outside, Ophis accompanied him. Cúntóir then conveyed the situation, and just as Aaron prepared to respond, Ophis spoke up.

"I'll go," she proposed, surprising both Aaron and Cúntóir.

"Are you sure? I can get it done quickly, you know?" Aaron offered, but Ophis gently shook her head.

"It's fine. I want to lend them a hand," she affirmed, kissing Aaron before turning on her heel. "I'll go, Cúntóir, teleport me, and... make me big, please."

[Big... like the robotic dragon?] Cúntóir sought clarification.

"Mmm. I want to face it like in those shows—you know, like Power Rangers," Ophis remarked with a touch of amusement.

Aaron and Cúntóir found themselves momentarily dumbfounded by the unexpected remark. However, Cúntóir, with a chuckle, responded, "[Fufu, alright, make it a spectacle then.]"

In response, Aaron placed a hand on Ophis' head and assured, "I'll reward you when you get back."

With a playful tone, Ophis suggested, "Make it sex, please."

"H-huh?" stammered Aaron, caught off guard by the unexpected proposal. Ophis, without waiting for a response, teleported away, leaving Aaron standing there in a state of mild shock.

"Sex, huh? I've had a lot of the girls ask me for that lately... but sure, why not? I've kind of left her hanging for a long time like Gabriel and Raiko. She's been giving me the same looks too," he mused to himself, contemplating the unexpected turn of events. With a thoughtful expression, he made his way back into the restaurant.

— ○ ● ○ —

Suddenly, a melodic tune filled the air, perplexing everyone on the planet of Shadenvyre Machinara as they struggled to pinpoint the source of the music.

Georg, thoroughly taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, inquired, [Cúntóir-sama... just to double-check, Ophis was the one to request this, right? And not Jin?]

[That is correct. Leave that giant thing to Ophis and focus on the opponent that came for both your groups,] Cúntóir clarified, guiding their attention to the impending threat.

"Wait, what?" Georg questioned, but before he could receive an answer, colossal metallic roots emerged from the ground, menacingly advancing toward both groups, forcing them into evasive maneuvers.

[Woah~ you guys can dodge that, huh? I can't underestimate the outer god's team after all, haha~] echoed a playful voice.

From the shadows emerged a humanoid figure, wearing a predominantly white helmet with adorable animal ears, a white top featuring the number "04" in the center alongside a paw drawing. The figure paired this with black pants and vibrant pink shoes. A mostly white foxlike tail with pink and dark red ends gracefully swayed behind him.

"A kitsune...? A robot kitsune?" Akeno questioned, her gaze fixed on the peculiar figure that cheerfully waved at them.

[Super awesome Livitch is here, and I'm here to take you guys down~!] the figure announced, twirling around and playfully pointing his fingers at them like a gun. Metallic roots emerged from the ground, shooting towards the group.

Vasco Strada swiftly summoned his [Durandal X], effortlessly obliterating the metallic roots in a single powerful swing. The man, clearly surprised, exclaimed, [...Seriously? What's up with that old man? What kind of bullshit is that?!]

The humanoid figure, seemingly undeterred, stomped its foot on the ground, causing flames to erupt all around him. However, these flames were no ordinary spectacle; they flickered in and out of reality, presenting a mesmerizing display of multicolored glitches. Green, pink, red, white, purple, and various hues of flames danced simultaneously, creating a surreal and captivating scene.

[Eat 'em alive!] he shouted, and the flames surged toward the two groups once again.

Georg, adjusting his glasses, remarked, "This is idiotic; let's end this quickly. I don't want to explode along with this planet. That would be incredibly painful."

He extended his arm, conjuring a substantial wall of mist before them, halting the advancing flames. However, upon the explosion of the flames, they displayed an unusual tendency to "consume" the purple mist barrier generated by Georg's Sacred Gear, [Dimension Lost].

Zhuge Liang observed, "What strange flames. It's as if they possess a life of their own. Normally, I would suggest we devise a plan, but the person before us doesn't seem that intelligent."

[Hey!! I heard that!!] Livitch retorted with annoyance, his voice reaching them from amidst the chaotic scene.

Before Livitch could react, a potent lightning bolt descended from above, causing him to convulse momentarily. However, after a few seconds, he halted the convulsions and, surprisingly, gave both groups a thumbs up.

[I didn't think I'd get randomly helped! I'm now even more energized! Thank you, whoever you are!] he exclaimed with enthusiasm, punctuating his gratitude with a spontaneous dance.

Akeno, standing there in shock, realized that she had unintentionally helped him by unleashing the lightning attack. Contrary to her intentions, it hadn't weakened Livitch; instead, it seemed to have invigorated him.

With a hand on her cheek, Akeno remarked, "Ara? I can't use my signature ability on him. How troubling..."

"It's fine; I can just use mine," Leonardo declared, conjuring several [Boosted Gear] and [Divine Dividing] Scale Mails with the power of his Sacred Gear. "Get him!" he ordered, directing the armors to assail Livitch.

[Eh? Eh? What the hell are they!?] Livitch exclaimed in panic, leaping away to evade the punches and kicks from the approaching scale mails. When he glanced back, significant portions of the ground were missing.

[I'm not good with hand-to-hand combat! Screw you guys!] Livitch shouted, creating more metallic roots and directing them towards the scale mails in a desperate attempt to defend himself.

The scale mails, their eyes glowing with determination, responded by creating blades just above their wrists. They charged towards the metallic roots, expertly hacking and slashing away at them. Eventually, the armors reached Livitch, who conjured glitched flames and hurled them towards the scale mails in a last-ditch effort to fend them off.

To his surprise, they skillfully sliced through his flames, leaving him momentarily speechless. Reacting swiftly, he leaped away, conjuring a series of intricate pink and white magic circles. As the scale mails passed through them, their velocity significantly slowed.

[Phew, at least you guys aren't attacking—ah crap,] Livitch exclaimed, glancing beside him to find Vasco Strada, wearing a smile and a glowing right fist.

With a swift motion, the seasoned warrior unleashed his signature [Holy Fist], connecting solidly with the side of Livitch's head and sending him flying. Akeno, Zhuge Liang, and Georg seized the opportunity, launching a barrage of magic attacks towards Livitch as he crashed to the ground.

Seizing the moment, Momono leaped towards the scene, wielding his sword, and unleashed a flurry of aura strikes. Simultaneously, his loyal raven sent out razor-sharp wind blades, creating another explosive display that pushed their adversary back. As Momono landed beside his team, they all fixed their gaze on the aftermath, a shared anticipation lingering in the air.

After the dissipating smoke revealed Livitch's figure, it became apparent that he was severely injured. The helmet on his head bore the scars of battle, with a portion shattered, exposing the lower half of his face. Despite the visible wounds, a grin adorned his face, adding an eerie touch to his demeanor.

[W-who would have thought you guys would go that far, sheesh. I was just having fun, you know?] he remarked, his words carrying a mixture of surprise and amusement. As he initiated the process of repairing himself, a sense of curiosity enveloped everyone present.

Drawing energy from the core situated below them, Livitch's damaged form swiftly underwent reconstruction, prompting a collective sense of intrigue and awe. With a relieved sigh, he declared, [And now I'm 100%! Anyway, I'll beat you guys in an instant if I do this!] He pointed dramatically to the sky, capturing the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

The moon, hanging above the planet, responded to Livitch's gesture. Its luminosity intensified, culminating in a burst of flames that mirrored the fiery spectacle Livitch had unleashed earlier.

[I am the moon!!] he exclaimed, his declaration echoing through the space, but...

"Aye!" Ophis's voice reverberated above them, a forceful sound that accompanied her swift action. With a resounding slap, she sent the moon hurtling into the far reaches of space. Cúntóir swiftly opened the barrier she had erected, ensuring that the celestial body wouldn't collide with it.

The inhabitants of the planet, including Akeno and Georg's group engaged in their confrontation with Livitch, were left in stunned silence.

[...My mooooooooooooooon!!! What the heeeeeeeeeell?!?!?!] Livitch's horrified scream echoed through the chaos.

Ophis, looking down at them, cheekily flashed another peace sign before delivering a powerful slap to the giant robot in front of her, sending it tumbling away.

Facing the group as he began to panic, Livitch desperately pleaded, [C-can we talk this out instead?]

However, instead of words, Vasco Strada, Akeno, and Momono responded with decisive action. Charging forward, their fists infused with their respective powers, Vasco utilized his [Holy Fist], while Akeno and Momono channeled their touki. Swiftly closing the distance, they landed a barrage of blows, rendering Livitch unconscious in the face of their combined might.

They swiftly bound Livitch, securing him with anti-magic cuffs to neutralize his powers. Once restrained, they positioned him on the ground, and to rouse him, Akeno created a small ball of flames, directing it towards his crotch area. The fiery wake-up call elicited an immediate, ear-piercing reaction from Livitch.

[Gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!?!? What the hell?! Why's my Super Glooper 9000 on fire?!?] he screamed, attempting to rise but hindered by the restraints. [Put it out!! Put it ouuuuuuuut!!]

"Ufufufu~ make it worse? Okay~!" Akeno playfully exclaimed, intensifying the flames, causing Livitch's screams to reach even greater heights.

Surrounding onlookers hesitated, uncertain about how to respond, until Georg addressed Akeno, suggesting, "I think that's enough... I believe he gets it..."

"Hmm~?" Akeno feigned innocence, casting a sly smile toward Georg, who couldn't shake off a shiver running down his spine.

After a while, Akeno extinguished the flames that engulfed the man, but the damage was already done; parts of his lower body had melted, and he slumped over, lost in his own despair.

Observing the pitiful sight of the humanoid figure, Georg inquired, [Cúntóir, do you need him?]

[…Yes. I will transport him now,] responded Cúntóir with a deliberate pause. Livitch, wearied and disheartened, cast a final look at the group before disappearing.

"Now, what about—"

Before Georg could comment on the unfolding events, another powerful earthquake rattled the planet. This time, when they looked up, Ophis stood resolute, effortlessly blocking an attack from a colossal robotic dragon.

"Should we assist her?" questioned Leonardo, his army of scale mails gathering beside him.

"I think Ophis will be fine. Crom Cruach is already up there, fighting alongside her. Even if she doesn't need the help, they've got it covered," reassured Akeno, her confidence in Ophis and Crom Cruach evident in her words.

"Very well. Akeno, can you and your group join up with Rias? We'll remain here as our abilities offer broader coverage than yours," suggested Georg.

"Alright, we'll head up there and support Rias," replied Akeno, her team nodding in agreement. They gathered around her, and with a swift teleportation, they vanished from the current location.

With Akeno's team departed, Georg took out an item on his wrist, creating a holographic map for examination. "There are a few spots I want to investigate. Leonardo, can you summon your Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky to deal with the remaining enemies here?" he asked.

Leonardo nodded, and with a wave of his hand, numerous Bandersnatchs, Jabberwockies, and additional scale mails of [Divine Dividing] and [Boosted Gear] materialized. He instructed them to hunt down any remaining adversaries.

"Alright, let's get going," declared Georg, and the group set out for their new destinations.

— ○ ● ○ —

[Why haven't you destroyed that thing yet?] Crom Cruach queried as he approached Ophis.

"...I'm hungry," Ophis mumbled, her attention seemingly diverted.

Perplexed by her response, Crom Cruach inquired, [What...?] Shaking his head, he dismissed the thought, asking instead, [What about the moon thing you slapped away? Was that really okay to do? Won't it affect other planets near us? It held immense energy and power; its absence might also impact this place significantly.]

"It will be fine. This will end soon," Ophis reassured, maintaining her calm demeanor. She directed her gaze towards the robotic dragon, which responded with a flurry of speedy punches. Ophis effortlessly caught them with one hand, nonchalantly swatting away the other attempts to harm her.

"Maybe..." Ophis hesitated, her enigmatic nature leaving Crom Cruach curious.

[Maybe...?] prompted Crom Cruach, seeking clarification.

"Maybe I should turn this into a toy for my daughter in the future," Ophis remarked, arriving at an unexpected and peculiar conclusion that left Crom Cruach even more puzzled.

With a subtle nod, Ophis allowed a small smile to grace her face. In the blink of an eye, she vanished and reappeared beside the robotic dragon, her touch triggering a rapid reduction in its size. Crom Cruach, observing the entire transformation, floated there in mild surprise.

As the once-enormous robotic dragon now stood diminished in size, Ophis returned to her more usual, loli-sized form. Swiftly, she reappeared above the mechanical creature, slamming her foot onto its head. The force of her blow sent it hurtling towards the planet, crashing into a specific district and demolishing the surrounding structures.

Ophis and Crom Cruach followed the trajectory of the robotic dragon, only to find it miraculously intact after Ophis's powerful kick. Surveying her handiwork, Ophis couldn't help but express a bit of uncertainty. "...Aaron won't get angry?"

[He probably won't, since this place is destined to blow up soon,] reassured Crom Cruach, prompting a nod from Ophis.

She then activated her transceiver and inquired, [Can I keep it as a pet?]

[…What do you mean by that?] queried Cúntóir in response.

Ophis shared her idea with Cúntóir, and after a brief pause, Cúntóir responded, [It can be possible, but we'll need to store it somewhere, probably the Dimensional Gap or Sanctuary. We'll also need to tweak it since it's quite violent. Are you fine with that?]

[Mmm. I don't mind, make it safe,] replied Ophis.

[Okay, defeat it or even destroy it—like many things, it has a core or cube in the middle of its body. Take that out, and it'll power down,] informed Cúntóir.

With a nod of understanding, Ophis reappeared in front of the robotic dragon. The mechanical creature wasted no time, summoning several cannons from various parts of its body. Cannons emerged from behind its back, on its shoulders, sides of the stomach, and its mouth. Instantly, the cannons charged, firing a barrage of projectiles at point-blank range towards Ophis.

The cannons unleashed a devastating force, obliterating everything in their path as they propelled into space, causing ripples in the air with each firing. The robotic dragon, having endured the assault, relaxed in the aftermath, only to discover Ophis was nowhere to be seen. It mistakenly assumed it had erased her from existence, but to its surprise, it felt a gentle poke from behind.

Upon turning around, the robotic dragon was confronted by Ophis, who calmly declared, "Okay, I win." With a swift motion, she delivered a resounding slap to its cheek, sending the metallic creature crashing to the ground. The impact created yet another planetary earthquake.

However, the robotic dragon, propelled by its own boosters, swiftly ascended, attempting to execute a headbutt maneuver towards Ophis. Anticipating the move, Ophis intercepted it with a deft hand, countering the attack. With a forceful motion, she slammed the mechanical creature back down, and skillfully creating distance between them.

Undeterred, the robotic dragon, identified as [Y-O-RTS-E-D], regained its stance and fixed its gaze upon Ophis. It uttered mechanical instructions, declaring, [Eliminate, intruders, eliminate!]

As the metallic enemy prepared for another offensive, a small white light materialized above it. Gravity intensified around the robotic dragon, and feathers formed around its legs, reaching down to anchor themselves to the planet's core.

Ophis and Crom Cruach shifted their attention to their side, discovering Stellar and Elysande—the individuals responsible for employing these techniques to immobilize [Y-O-RTS-E-D].

"Ophis, Cromy, are you two okay?" Elysande inquired with genuine concern lacing her voice, expressing a sense of worry for their well-being.

[We were doing just fine, hell, we were on the verge of finishing it,] retorted Crom Cruach, his irritation evident. Despite his distaste for the nickname given by Elysande, he decided to grin and bear it, unwilling to start a needless fight.

Ophis nodded, her gaze fixed on [Y-O-RTS-E-D], before raising her right arm. With a swift motion, she applied anti-healing and anti-regeneration to it. Closing the distance rapidly, she threw a punch towards the robotic dragon, stopping just inches away from its stomach.

The shockwave from the punch destroyed its core, the power resonating through space, shattering a part of Cúntóir's barrier. However, she promptly repaired it, restoring equilibrium. The once menacing [Y-O-RTS-E-D] now lay motionless, its eyes dulled.

"...Thanks, but... do you have any food?" Ophis inquired, rubbing her stomach. The sudden shift from battle to a more mundane request added a touch of humor to the situation.

Elysande and Stellar exchanged surprised glances in response to Ophis's unexpected request. However, Elysande giggled, producing some pizza from her ring. Elysande and Aldrake had developed a fondness for the Draconic Deus's cuisine, with pizza being a universally enjoyed treat.

Approaching Ophis, Elysande offered the pizza, and Ophis graciously accepted it. "Thank you," she expressed before savoring the food. Meanwhile, their attention turned to Crom Cruach, who observed them. Ophis extended the invitation, "Do you want some?" However, Crom Cruach clicked his tongue disinterestedly and took off into the skies.

Cúntóir then relayed information to Ophis, [I will retrieve [Y-O-RTS-E-D]'s body now. I will make many modifications, Ophis, but... it will take a bit of time.]

Ophis, engrossed in her meal, nonchalantly responded, [I don't mind...] As they lingered for a moment, their focus shifted to the tower, sensing the clash of two powerful forces—one emanating crimson energy and the other shrouded in jet-black.

"…Sagriff and Citrina are up there. Let's go," suggested Elysande.

"Mmm…" Ophis agreed, and together they took to the skies, soaring toward the source of the heated battle.

— ○ ● ○ —

Rias Gremory and Sagriff hovered in the skies of Shadenvyre Machinara. In the earlier stages of their fierce confrontation, the remainder of her group had been engaged in the battle, but as the intensity escalated, Rias requested to face Sagriff alone.

The other members of her group—Xenovia, Irina, Asia, Aldrake, and the recently rescued Citrina—had teleported away and were now safely back on the ground. Currently, they were in communication with Cúntóir, arranging their transport back to the spaceship.

"Once I'm done with you, I will slaughter the rest of you insects," declared Sagriff, his words seeping with venom.

"And I will eliminate you, right here, right now," retorted Rias, determination in her voice.

"Not by yourself, you're not," interjected Cao Cao, appearing alongside Isatha in the aerial battlefield.

"W-we're here too!" exclaimed Elysande, arriving with Ophis and Stellar, adding their presence to the unfolding confrontation.

"Hmph, more weak—hmm? Well, if it isn't the Hero of the Resistance and those brats from back then—I see, no wonder I recognized that fool from earlier! Hahaha! To think you survived the destruction of your planet!" Sagriff exclaimed with a mix of surprise and exhilaration.

In an instant, he vanished, appearing beside Elysande, his hand reaching for her throat with the intent to crush it. However, Cao Cao materialized next to them, intercepting the attack. Rias swiftly joined the scene, unleashing a demonic attack that sent Sagriff flying.

Elysande, still processing the sudden turn of events, stood in shock before managing to catch her breath. Collapsing onto the ground, she muttered, "I knew I should have stayed on the ship...! My combat level isn't high enough for this yet."

Concerned for Elysande, Rias quickly formulated a plan, "Ophis, can you take Elysande back? Stellar, please stay with us. Your recent upgrades should make this encounter more manageable. Stealing Sagriff's abilities would be beneficial to us, I think—"

"It would work well with my powers," uttered a familiar voice. As they turned, Lysanvar stood there, a smile playing on his lips. "Apologies for my delay; the allure of joining Aaron and the others tempted me, but I opted to come here instead. Now then, shall we commence the final battle in this dying planet?" he proposed, conjuring a barrier beside him just as Sagriff returned, colliding with it.

Sagriff presented a strange sight—a mostly black, shell-armored entity. His form featured two piercing red eyes, menacing horns crowning his head, a crimson crystal embedded in his chest, and a shroud of purple aura enveloping his entire being. Strikingly devoid of distinct facial features, he lacked a nose or mouth, yet defied expectations by possessing the ability to speak, leaving everyone perplexed by this mysterious creature.

The protective barrier of Lysanvar shattered, and Sagriff, seizing the opportunity, lunged at him. However, the man skillfully deflected Sagriff's attack with a cane, deftly parrying the lightning-fast strikes directed at him. Sagriff, initially bewildered, found amusement in the unfolding confrontation and decided to play along.

Despite Lysanvar's evident inferiority in strength compared to Sagriff, he managed to keep up, when Sagriff only utilized 70% of his overall power. This unexpected resistance heightened Sagriff's excitement. While not entirely obsessed with battle, he relished the challenge of facing formidable opponents.

Undeterred, Sagriff continued his assault, relying solely on his physical prowess without using any additional abilities. However, the rhythmic exchange was interrupted as Stellar intervened, sending a formidable blast of white flames toward Sagriff. In response, he swiftly dodged the attack, realizing that a direct confrontation with the unleashed flames was not a risk he was willing to take.

The group's assault didn't conclude with there; now, Rias and Cao Cao joined forces in the concerted attack against Sagriff. Cao Cao wielded his spear with precision, surprising even Sagriff himself as the Umbra felt the searing pain from the relentless strikes.

Simultaneously, Rias unleashed a barrage of elemental demonic attacks, creating a synchronized onslaught that forced Sagriff to move with increased agility. Despite his attempts to evade, a few strikes from both Cao Cao's spear and Rias's attacks found their mark, inflicting visible damage.

Oddly enough, Sagriff found pleasure in the chaos. The combined might of his enemies filled him with a sense of vitality. Despite harboring desires to marry Citrina and bind her with an oath, he couldn't deny that the exhilaration derived from this battle surpassed the allure of mere "romance" or "love."

After another forceful thrust of his spear, Cao Cao unleashed a point-blank fireball directly at Sagriff, who skillfully intercepted the attack, causing it to explode in a burst of fiery brilliance.

Seizing the opportunity, Rias swiftly maneuvered in front of Cao Cao, enveloping herself in a shroud of demonic aura. With a fierce strike, she delivered a powerful fist into Sagriff's defensively positioned arms, sending him flying into the air.

Sagriff, preparing to counter, sensed a new presence behind him. Before he could pivot, Vasco Strada emerged with a confident smile, delivering a resounding [Holy Fist] into Sagriff's vulnerable back, leaving behind a searing impact. The Umbra recoiled, crashing onto the tower's platform.

Akeno capitalized on this opening, summoning her Holy Lightning Dragon that crackled with powerful energy, and unleashed its potent force upon Sagriff. The surrounding allies shielded themselves as the attack further ravaged the top of the tower. Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao's skilled [Bishop], added another attack to it all, launching a barrage of wind blades in an attempt to inflict more damage.

The collective effort resulted in the tower's catastrophic demise, crumbling and exploding in a chaotic display of destruction. Members of the Resistance, aligned against Sagriff, took to the air to avoid the impending collapse. As the tower disintegrated, taking Sagriff with it, anticipation hung in the air, each onlooker eagerly awaiting any sign of movement from the fallen enemy.

As the smoke and debris gradually cleared, the figure of the entity materialized, revealing Sagriff standing resilient amid the aftermath. His injuries, inflicted moments before, seemed to mend themselves as a confident grin adorned his face, met with the intense gazes of those confronting him.

Vasco Strada proposed, "We should use the anti-healing technique on him."

Cao Cao chimed in, "I can utilize [Alphecca Tyrant]'s abilities or even enter Balance Breaker to counteract his healing. Also, do we need the entire group, though? It might be a bit overkill."

Rias interjected, correcting, "I was the first to arrive with my group, Cao Cao. This fight is mine to finish."

A note of caution entered the conversation as Akeno spoke up, "Rias, don't let overconfidence cloud your judgment. It's crucial to approach your opponent with caution and avoid underestimating them. Aaron, Aurelia-sensei, and our other teachers emphasized that point repeatedly."

Rias blushed, stammering, "T-that's not what I meant, Akeno. I-I just wanted to defeat him quickly, so we can leave, because from the looks of things..." She turned her gaze back at the core, noticing its intensified glow. "This planet might explode at any moment."

"Then it would be faster if we all fight him together. It seems like he's very weak to holy or light attacks, so we can utilize that. Cao Cao and I will engage in close-quarters combat; everyone else, support us. Cao Cao, utilize the holy relics Sacred Gears to defeat him. Akeno, we'll rely on your holy lightning and thunder, and Stellar can use her light and holy powers too," elaborated Vasco Strada.

"I will employ my Sacred Gear's traps as well. I've scattered them across the planet, though many might have already been destroyed due to the ongoing fighting. But if I spot you near one, I can inform you," Zhuge Liang added, contributing to the tactical discussion.

Rias inhaled deeply and nodded, saying, "Alright." She turned to Lysanvar and requested, "We'll leave Elysande here. Please look after her; we'll be done soon."

Lysanvar, with a light chuckle, assured, "Fufu, of course. I'll keep a watchful eye from up here. Zhuge Liang, I might ask you to set up more traps with your Sacred Gear. I plan to guide everyone through various points across the planet. Does that sound good?" Zhuge Liang, brimming with enthusiasm, eagerly nodded in agreement.

Addressing the assembled group, Lysanvar declared, "Let's commence the final battle then—charge!"

With those resolute words, the collective momentum surged as everyone propelled themselves toward Sagriff, who displayed palpable excitement about the impending confrontation.

— ○ ● ○ —

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