Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 19 – Part 1 – Advent of Belief

Third Person Point of View

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"Sagriff died? Hah! I knew he was weak. If he didn't even bother training, then he'd surely become weak! Pathetic!" Abysnar exclaimed with a scoff, revealing his disdain for the fallen comrade.

Caeda, addressing the members of Umbra, particularly Infersos, inquired, "Will we need to find someone to replace him?" Sagriff, the first member recruited by Infersos, held a certain significance for the group. While their connections weren't deeply personal, his absence had an impact, especially on Infersos.

Infersos, maintaining his usual stoicism, responded to Caeda, "Finding the right candidate will take time. I have my own criteria for the kind of individual I want, so for now, the position will stay vacant."

Elanor interjected, emphasizing the urgency, "Positions don't matter right now. What matters is their next move. The Resistance's overall power has increased due to the involvement of the outer god and [DxD]. Every single one of us must be prepared and get ready. We don't know who's next on their list."

Abysnar rose to his feet, a triumphant grin lighting up his face as he clenched his fist. "They better come to me because I'm itching for a fight!"

A few members, accustomed to his impulsive nature, rolled their eyes, choosing to maintain a stoic silence. Eyhylde, holding the prestigious Rank 12 of the Ueboros, interjected thoughtfully, "If we need to detect their movements, why don't we use 'that' for a better range and detection ability? It could help us sense them before they get anywhere near our planets."

Faodra, a member of the Umbra, countered, "Using that would consume too much energy and resources. We'd burn through at least 100 cubes within a week, and it wouldn't be worth the investment."

Acknowledging the practical concerns, Eyhylde nodded and inquired further, "Then what alternative do we have? We're facing an outer god, and I'm surprised he hasn't simply... wiped us all out with a flick of his wrist."

Echilys chimed in, offering insight, "It's because he wants the Resistance to take the credit of freeing them, as well as the Hero of the Resistance, Cao Cao. He has no desire to have the spotlight on him. One of my subordinates overheard someone say that."

Elanor, intrigued, mused, "The strongest among them taking the support role? How cute, he wants others to shine and not him. Should we call this humility or stupidity on his part?"

Echilys countered, "He's still participating in their missions; I doubt he'll take a supporting role. He doesn't seem like the man to do something like that."

Sekudia broached the discussion, saying, "Then... how about we use Nivalis Nebula? It's easy to extract, and we can shroud our planets with them. It's nearly impenetrable, and the vulnerable spots can have the highest guard and defense."

A thoughtful air settled in the room as everyone contemplated Sekudia's proposal. Nivalis Nebula, a white mist renowned for its near-impenetrability, had the potential to be a game-changer. Phumera herself utilized this mist for various purposes, particularly finding it effective on smaller objects. In their universe, a few planets relied on this mist as a last line of defense when their usual systems faltered for various reasons.

Produced at rapid rates on a specific planet, Nivalis Nebula was abundant in nature. Despite its effectiveness, it had distinct weak spots that required heightened security to prevent infiltrations. Due to these vulnerabilities, it wasn't a widely used defense mechanism and was reserved for emergency situations.

Elanor contemplated the situation, her thoughtful expression hinting at a plan taking shape. "If we utilize it carefully, then the vulnerable spots can be reduced to at least just three or even one. Let's ask a few others about this and go from there. We never really took time to refine it because of those weaknesses it had," she suggested, eyes glinting with determination.

Infersos, demonstrating a proactive stance, asserted, "I will personally look into it too. I will go straight to the planet after this. If any one of you wishes to come with me, I will wait at my ship for ten minutes before departing."

The room collectively nodded in agreement, signaling a shared commitment to resolving the issue. The ensuing discussions unfolded, extending for several more hours as ideas were exchanged and plans solidified.

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On Infersos' ship, after the conclusion of the meeting, a handful of individuals gathered around him. Elanor, Szanrob (Rank 3 – Ueboros), Scariosa (Rank 11 – Eradicators), Ecthrois, and the remaining members of Umbra.

As the ship sailed through the cosmic expanse, Elanor initiated a conversation, her curiosity evident. "I sensed you hesitating to answer that question from a few hours ago, Infersos. I believe you do have someone in mind for the vacant spot, don't you?"

The revelation piqued the interest of everyone in the cockpit, their attention turning to Infersos. With a quiet sigh, he admitted, "I do. However, due to her recent odd behaviors, I am having my doubts."

"Odd behavior?" Elanor inquired, prompting an explanation.

"Perhaps you're familiar with Zyra, given her widespread fame," Infersos remarked, seeking acknowledgment from the group.

Scariosa burst into laughter, her amusement echoing as she playfully smacked her sides. "Mad Psycho Zyra? Who hasn't heard about her? She's psychotic to the extreme!"

Taking a moment to gather himself, Infersos chimed in, "Yes, but in the last few years, her behavior has taken a calmer turn. I've conversed with her a few times, and she claims to have gained control over her powers. The 'psycho' phase, as she puts it, was merely a bout of going berserk."

A thoughtful expression crossed Scariosa's face as she inquired, "Heeee, so it was something like that, huh? Why the hesitation then? This sounds like good news."

Infersos, however, couldn't shake a lingering uncertainty. "Call it a gut feeling, but something doesn't feel right. It might be nothing, but I'll reach out to her now and extend the offer. Perhaps my unease is unfounded." As he spoke, he dismissed the odd sensation, preparing to make the crucial call to Mad Psycho Zyra.

A monitor materialized beside Infersos, and he swiftly initiated contact with Zyra. After a few rings, she picked up the call.

"Hello? Infersos? Did you need something?" Zyra inquired.

"It's been a while, Zyra. I wish to discuss something with you; will you listen?" he asked, and Zyra on the other end agreed. Infersos then laid out his plans and the specific role he envisioned for her.

"Hmm... Can I think about it for a few days and get back to you?" she requested.

"That's fine. I don't expect an immediate response; I know you're busy," Infersos replied.

"Hehe, good to know, old man. I'm in the middle of something, so I'll get going. But I'll definitely contact you in a few days. Anyway, bye!" exclaimed Zyra, and just before the connection ended, distant explosions resonated in the background.

Elanor, with an amused glint in her eyes, remarked, "If Zyra does join us, it will be quite an interesting thing—the Resistance may even struggle for a bit because of her."

Scariosa, grinning eagerly, interjected, "I want to fight her! I haven't gotten the chance yet!"

Szanrob directed his question to Infersos, asking, "That would be the first female in your group, wouldn't it?"

Infersos, nodding affirmatively, responded, "It would be. It was not on purpose mind you; I just never saw a capable enough woman before I recruited the other three. However, with the new groups under Lady Phumera, I would have added a few into ours if given the chance—Elanor would be one of them."

Elanor gracefully declined, stating, "Flattering, but I'll have to decline," prompting a rueful shake of Infersos' head.

Amidst the banter, Ecthrois remained silent, absorbing their conversations. Having crossed paths with Zyra before, he had engaged in a formidable battle with her. As the Rank 1 among the Eradicators, he easily emerged victorious but also acknowledged her prowess and strength.

Ecthrois mulled over his thoughts, reflecting on the earlier encounter. 'Gut feeling, huh? Back then, nothing seemed out of the ordinary since she was going wild while she fought me. But seeing her now... she's a lot calmer. I would be interested in facing off against her again. If she is in control of it, it would be troublesome for me too,' he contemplated.

As their small and unusual ragtag group traversed through the cosmic expanse, conversations flowed on various topics. The journey led them to the planet responsible for the creation of the Nivalis Nebula.

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In the heart of the Draconic Deus, Kyoto, and the West Youkai Faction, the daily routine rolled forward, seemingly untouched by the outside world. Yet, beneath this façade of normality, an unsettling tension lurked.

As was becoming a sadly familiar occurrence, a fresh group infiltrated the youkai faction, their initial guise as harmless tourists unraveling after a mere hour. With their true intentions laid bare, they initiated an assault on the faction.

But this threat found quick resistance. Aaron Toole's Shadow Soldiers, backed by steadfast comrades from [Electa] and [DxD], swiftly neutralized the intruders, restoring a semblance of order.

A self-appointed spokesperson for the infiltrators tried to make a menacing announcement, "Listen up, you fucks! We're the Gang Orca! We're here to take over—"

However, his proclamation was abruptly cut short. A kangaroo youkai, recognizable from a previous encounter with Aaron, intervened with a well-timed strike, knocking the would-be instigator off balance. The owl youkai's grand declaration ended with an undignified thud as he hit the ground.

"I've got a place in [DxD], and I won't let them down. Know your place, you wannabe terrorist," asserted the kangaroo youkai, projecting an air of authority that reinforced the faction's resilience against external threats.

The owl youkai's boastful words were abruptly cut short as Tobio Ikuse, in his regular Balance Breaker form, swooped in with precision. His fist connected with the youkai's cheek, sending him hurtling through the air, unconscious.

Checking on his fellow comrade, Tobio inquired, <<Are you okay, Kazoo?>>

The kangaroo youkai, Kazoo, responded, "Slash Dog-san, I'm fine. I didn't think he was that resilient. But what about the leader?"

<<Daniel should be taking care of him. Although, the leader was dumb enough to face Yasaka-sama, who's with Sharon-san and Kunou-hime,>> Tobio relayed. Glancing around, he added, <<Let's focus on our own mission and deal with the rest. There aren't too many of them left.>> With that, Tobio vanished, ready to put an end to this minor attack on the faction.

"Got it," Kazoo affirmed, his form enveloped in touki as he gracefully vaulted into the air. In the backdrop, the distant voices of Imperia and Severa resonated, signifying their active involvement in the mission as fresh additions to [DxD].

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"Your pastimes could use a serious upgrade," remarked Daniel, unsheathing his sword with a determined air.

A defiant orca youkai retorted, "We don't care about your opinions. We're here to take charge of the youkai realm, and human sentiments won't sway us."

The creature, adorned in a sophisticated three-piece white and black suit, showcased the distinctive head of an orca. A weapon crafted from water, fashioned like a baseball bat, was wielded with intent as it pointed towards Daniel, Yasaka, Kunou, and Sharon.

Daniel, unimpressed, fired back, "Your logic is almost laughable. Ever watched anime? Because right now, you're embodying the clichéd villains from them."

The trio behind Daniel couldn't stifle their laughter at his witty retort, causing the orca youkai's face to flush red. His response was swift, as he expelled a jet of water from his mouth, directed squarely at Daniel.

Daniel casually swatted away the lackluster attack, a yawn escaping him. "Please do try harder; defending the world right now is quite boring, but also fulfilling since I can humiliate people like you."

"I'm DaOrka, the leader of Gang Orca, I'm a god damn Ultimate-class Orca!" DaOrka roared, charging towards Daniel.

With a facepalm, Daniel quipped, "I feel bad for your parents; that's the best they could come up with for a name for you?"

Undeterred, DaOrka swung his water baseball bat at Daniel, who effortlessly dodged the clumsy attempt. DaOrka retorted, "I named myself this, you piece of shit! Who would want their name to be Shilly!? That's not intimidating at all!"

Daniel couldn't help but smirk, his amusement evident. "Shilly? Seriously? You know what? I take it back, yeah, stick with that name, dude."

Kunou expressed a hint of pity as she observed the peculiar-looking individual. Her compassionate demeanor, however, shifted into confusion, and she questioned, "Can't you just legally rename yourself? Did you really need to become a terrorist?"

A sudden hush fell over the room, halting even the ongoing clash between Daniel and DaOrka. Daniel, considering Kunou's words, turned to DaOrka and remarked, "She has a point, you know?"

"Fuck logic! God dammit, I messed up!!" DaOrka's frustrated outburst echoed through the space. In response, he conjured a chainsaw using his water-based youjutsu and lunged at Daniel, swinging it wildly.

Daniel deftly avoided the attacks of the enraged orca youkai. Yet, as the confrontation unfolded, he couldn't help but notice DaOrka's diminishing stamina and the evident lack of efficiency in his mastery of youjutsu.

An internal thought crossed Daniel's mind, 'Why did they even form this group if their leader was this weak? He barely has any stamina, and his mastery over youjutsu isn't even that high.'

Through our transceivers, Tobio's voice echoed, [This is Tobio. We've subjugated the rest of the group; we're making our way to you.]

[Roger that,] replied Daniel, swiftly advancing toward DaOrka. With a decisive stroke, he severed DaOrka's hands, causing the latter to crumple to the ground, writhing in agony.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! My hands!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" DaOrka's screams filled the air as he futilely attempted to touch his face with his severed hands, blood trickling down his cheeks. Kunou approached calmly and, with a touch of magic, induced a deep slumber in DaOrka.

"Some people are not equipped for violence or blood," Kunou commented, her gaze fixed on the unconscious DaOrka.

"Maybe it's because he just lost his hands, Kunou," Daniel interjected, attempting to provide a rationale.

Kunou contemplated this notion, nodding thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right. I might have a similar reaction if someone cut off one of my ears or tails."

Daniel couldn't help but feel a faint twitch in his lips at Kunou's remark, choosing to keep his own comments to himself. Just as the moment passed, Tobio and a few others entered the room, joining the group.

Maintaining his Balance Breaker, Tobio removed the shadowy helmet surrounding his head and inquired, "We're finished then?" His gaze shifted to the unconscious leader.

"Pretty much," confirmed Daniel. Weariness crept into his expression as he added, "We have to make reports again. Ugh... how does the boss even do this stuff?"

Laughter rippled through the group as they teased him and Tobio said, "Jin's just used to it. I would think he had the same reaction as you when he had to start giving out reports to all the leaders."

"He did. I saw it a few times, and he seemed very visibly annoyed by it. But by the time he graduated, he had already gotten used to it and was quite quick at completing them without using his powers," Yasaka shared, providing a glimpse into Jin's journey of adapting to the responsibilities that came with leadership.

Daniel released a sigh, his shoulders lifting in a nonchalant shrug. "Whatever, let's get this done and over with," he remarked before strolling away. With a subtle manipulation of his powers, the unconscious and bleeding youkai floated alongside him.

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Latia Astaroth's Soliloquy

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Several hours had elapsed since our comprehensive meeting with everyone. Though the pressing topic of our upcoming mission lingered, we collectively decided to shelve discussions for the day, opting instead to rejuvenate ourselves.

The decision to reconvene for tomorrow instead was unanimous, allowing some of our double agents to attend their own clandestine meetings, capitalizing on the news of Sagriff's defeat that had already spread far and wide.

Grayfia, with her customary efficiency, approached my desk, placing a neat stack of documents before me. "Latia-sama, here are the documents you asked for," she stated.

"Thank you, Grayfia. I'll delve into the details tomorrow since dinner is about to commence," I replied, my attention drifting to another matter. "By the way, do you know where Aaron is? I've been meaning to speak to him."

A subtle cough escaped Grayfia's lips, accompanied by a faint blush. "He's... in his bedroom with Akeno-sama and Rias-oujou-sama," she disclosed, her eyes turning away to afford a semblance of privacy.

I acknowledged her response with a nod. "No need for further details. I'll make my way there. Thank you very much," I expressed, swiftly departing the room in pursuit of the conversation I sought.

Hastening my steps, Grayfia trailed quietly behind me as we approached Aaron's room. The presence of a barrier was evident, a tangible shield that separated us from the unknown within. A deep breath steadied my nerves before I grasped the handle, turned it, and gently pushed the door ajar.

As the door swung open, a scene unfolded before my eyes that I hadn't anticipated. Akeno, with her... intimate parts, was filled to the brim with Aaron's fluids. Rias lay on the bed, unconscious, her form arched in a way that revealed the aftermath of their passionate encounter.

Akeno's moans filled the room, sending a flush of embarrassment to my cheeks. I couldn't help but half-heartedly shield my face from the intimate spectacle.

"Aaaaahhhh~ Nnnnghh~ I can't...!" her moans persisted, intensifying my embarrassment.

Turning away to the right, avoiding direct eye contact with the explicit scene, I summoned the courage to speak. "Aaron... can we talk for a bit?" I managed to utter.

Aaron shifted his gaze towards us, a hint of surprise crossing his features. However, a smile quickly replaced it as he agreed with a casual tone. "Sure thing, just give me—oooh?!" His words were abruptly cut off when Akeno swiftly turned around, engulfing his entire member into her mouth. Her eyes met mine and Grayfia's, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"A-Akeno, we can continue in a few minutes, I have to go and—"

Akeno redirected her attention back to him, maintaining eye contact as she skillfully attended to him with her mouth. After a few tantalizing seconds, she released her grip, her seductive gaze fixed on him as she opened her mouth, before closing it. I assumed she swallowed his semen there, and it was quite lewd.

Licking her lips sensually, she remarked, "I have to take care of my husband's urges as one of his wives~ hurry up, okay~? I'm not satisfied yet, although... Rias might be. You did get a bit rough with her, fufu~"

Akeno eased onto the bed, and Aaron, rising, conjured clothes onto his form, though a noticeable bulge lingered on his pants. Exiting the room, we found ourselves in the hallway, where I took a moment to broach a topic that had been on my mind.

Still blushing, I voiced my thoughts to Aaron. "You provided me and a few others with a list of the Eradicators, Ueboros, and Umbra that Yanuyo shared. I think it would be worthwhile to discuss this during our meeting tomorrow—perhaps we can consider targeting Abysnar next, the Demon God of Cosmic Storms."

Aaron nodded, his expression shifting to one of contemplation as he considered my suggestion. "I can't decide for everyone, but let's bring it up first thing tomorrow and gauge their opinions. If they agree, we can proceed with that plan. However..."

His words trailed off, and a thoughtful look crossed his face, signaling there was more on his mind. "You're thinking about Hanazora Eien and its moon, Hoshitori, right? Many members of [DxD] from Japan are eager to liberate it," I added, recognizing the complexity of our upcoming decisions.

He inclined his head and shared, "Yeah, Kurotsume mentioned she's been tirelessly trying to assemble a group to infiltrate, but the leader's fearsome strength makes it challenging to gather enough supporters."

"Rank 14, Asisvud, right? I recall some notes suggesting a connection with Rank 16 Elanor, although the details about their relationship were sparse," I responded, conjuring the relevant information and scanning through it.

"It seems their connection is merely labeled as 'friendship,' if we can even call it that. Yve, Phumera's right-hand, and Elanor, though... there might be romantic sentiments between them," he revealed, dropping a revelation that caught me off guard.

"Two women... interesting. So, those two? It might sound somewhat callous, but do you think we could provoke a reaction by either kidnapping one of them or perhaps imprisoning one?" I inquired, fixing my gaze on him, exploring the possibilities of stirring the waters to achieve our goals.

"As much as I appreciate your willingness, achieving that won't be a walk in the park. Yve and Phumera are both exceptionally intelligent, and fooling them won't be a simple task. Yve, especially, is known for her elusive nature, often staying close only to Phumera or the location where Magnum Tenebrosum is kept. Our best chance lies in catching them off guard in the future," he explained, his words carrying a sense of strategic foresight. I nodded in understanding, recognizing the complexity of the situation.

"I see... well, that covers everything I wanted to discuss. Thank you for your insights. You can return to your, um, activities," I said, a hint of awkwardness in my tone as I turned away.

His chuckle resonated in my ears as his hand found its place on my shoulders, drawing me closer. "Would you like to join, Latia?" His sly smile accompanied the question, intensifying the crimson hue of my blush.

As he pulled away, a lingering warmth remained, and I stammered, "N-no need. I-I would prefer a one-on-one situation!"

Attempting to escape my embarrassment, I hastily walked away, stealing a glance back to find Grayfia lingering behind. Curiosity got the better of me, and I queried, "Are you not coming, Grayfia?" She averted her gaze, head down, and a blush adorned her cheeks.

"I...I would like to stay behind for a bit," she admitted, her words marked by a subtle stutter. It became evident what she desired, and respecting her choice, I nodded in agreement before departing from the scene.

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Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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I gently held Grayfia's chin, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Did my little maid want some alone time with me too?" Blushing, she met my gaze without averting her eyes, nodding slightly. A chuckle escaped me.

"Alright then, Fia, join us. We were far from done," I invited, taking her hand as we made our way back to the room.

Earlier, Akeno and Rias had shared some intriguing details to me. Although Akeno skirted around the events between her and Suzaku, I resolved to address it later in the day. Upon our return to the room, Rias was still asleep, and Akeno had been masturbating by herself. Catching sight of us, she giggled.

"Grayfia-sama is joining us~," Akeno teased, and while Grayfia remained silent, she swiftly shed her clothes. Following suit, I prepared for another extended session with the four of us, knowing that the upcoming hours would be filled with shared pleasures.

— ○ ● ○ —

The day's dinner had concluded, leaving a few hours of free time for everyone to pursue their activities. Deciding to find Akeno, who had left earlier, I meandered through the halls.

Suzaku had attempted to strike up a conversation with her earlier, but Akeno had hastily retreated. Observing Suzaku's hurt expression, I assured her that I hadn't had the chance to talk to Akeno yet but promised to address it tonight. She reluctantly agreed, still wearing a pained expression.

The urgency to resolve the situation gnawed at me. Akeno and Suzaku were more than just family; they were like sisters. Witnessing their avoidance of each other felt unsettling, a departure from the usual relationship. Determined to mend the rift, I sought out Akeno to initiate the much-needed conversation.

Sensing her aura resonating in Piualvan, I promptly teleported to the location. Her presence led me to one of the larger lakes in the area, so I made my way there. The journey took me a bit further from the town, guiding me through a small wooded area. Curious, strange creatures observed me, maintaining a cautious distance as they seemed aware of my presence.

Upon reaching the lake, I discovered Akeno positioned towards the eastern side. As I approached, I couldn't help but notice the evident melancholy that hung around her. It surprised me that she would be so affected by a scolding from Suzaku.

Reflecting on my time with them, I never witnessed any conflicts between them—not in the [Pocket Dimension], not in the [Training Facility], and not in my home or anywhere else. This sudden confrontation must have been a significant shock for Akeno.

I contemplated the nature of Suzaku's reprimand and decided that understanding the details would be crucial in helping Akeno through this difficult moment.

As I reached Akeno, my gaze shifted between her and the enchanting scene of the moonlit lake. The moon's glow painted the water's surface, casting an otherworldly ambiance. Towering trees surrounded us, providing a shield from any prying eyes that might intrude on our private moment.

"Akeno," I called out, but she remained fixated on the lake, not turning to face me. With a resigned sigh, I settled beside her and ventured, "Can you share what Suzaku said to you? Why did she scold you?"

To my surprise, Akeno's demeanor shifted; she appeared more ashamed and embarrassed, turning away from me. In a soft murmur, she confessed, "...Fetish..."

Perplexed, I sought clarification. "What?"

"...Suzaku-onee-san didn't like that Kuroka and I were making you like weird fetishes. She's fine with you having them, but if they're too strange, she disapproves. Thankfully, so far, you haven't really 'got' one, but you're open to trying a lot of things," she explained, her tone carrying a tinge of sadness.

What?! All this fuss is about my weird fetish? Seriously? I was expecting something serious, but it boils down to my god damn fetishes!?

As Akeno glanced back at me, tears welled up in her eyes. She rose, attempting to flee, but I swiftly intercepted her. "Akeno...this seems a bit absurd, doesn't it?" I inquired, and she hesitated, frozen in place. Gently turning her towards me, I continued, "I understand the shock from Suzaku's scolding, but all this drama over my fetish? I think both of you should sit down and talk it out."

"B-but it's important! Everyone has a fetish! I enjoy S&M play, and we do that sometimes. Kuroka's just a pervert, so you guys do literally everything, except for a few things you refuse to do! Suzaku-onee-san is a pervert too! She's always asking for facials and creampies!" she exclaimed, her words echoing as Suzaku materialized to our right, prompting a blush from both of them.

Suzaku stammered, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, "A-Akeno, what are you talking about—?"

Akeno's revelation hung in the air, and she continued, "Suzaku-onee-san also asks to be spanked at times! We've had threesomes already, and I know that! I'm not the only pervert here! I was so shocked when she scolded me because of it; I thought... I thought we were just both perverts," she mumbled, tears welling up.

The unexpected confession left an awkward silence, and even Ddraig chimed in, [...I don't even know how to respond to this.]

Albion's voice intervened, {Shhh, don't interrupt, just shut up and watch the show, Red One.}

Suzaku approached us with an awkward smile, reaching out to gently grasp Akeno's shoulders as she silently wept. A heavy sigh escaped Suzaku's lips, and she spoke, "I admit I may have been a bit harsh with what I said, but please don't turn Aaron into an open pervert. The more you delve into the stranger sides of fetishes—I just fear the worst, okay?"

Akeno continued to cry, her response a subtle nod. I couldn't help but wonder, was I truly that bad? Maybe earlier last year, but I believed I'd mellowed down quite a bit. Despite my efforts, the persistent presence of my own perverted thoughts lingered, an aspect I doubted could ever be entirely changed.

Tears streamed down Akeno's face as she uttered a heartfelt apology, and she sought solace in a hug with Suzaku. Suzaku, in turn, wore a gentle smile as she reciprocated the embrace. "I'm sorry too," she whispered, her hand gently stroking Akeno's head.

The unexpected turn of events left me at a loss for words. The emotional reconciliation unfolded before me, and I stood there awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. Once the tears subsided, Akeno turned towards me, releasing Suzaku. She grabbed both of my hands, mirroring Suzaku's actions, and looked up at me with a smile.

"Dick us down then! I'm not satisfied!" Akeno declared, leaving Suzaku flustered. Suzaku attempted to intervene, but Akeno, with a mischievous grin, stuck her tongue out and dashed away. "Nooo~! It's okay since we're engaged~!" Akeno's laughter echoed as she continued her playful escape.

"There's a time and place for everything! I know that you, Rias, Grayfia, and Aaron were doing it for a couple of hours from Grayfia and Latia! You need to stop for the day!" Suzaku's protest echoed as she chased after Akeno, leaving me in a state of bemusement at the unexpected turn of events.

"...This is fine. Peaceful times like this are fine," I murmured to myself, acknowledging the somewhat naive sentiment. In a peculiar manner, it helped us momentarily escape the harsh reality of this universe. Even the inhabitants of this planet seemed to gradually let go of the hardships that had defined their lives after we made it better.

Bathed in the gentle glow of the moon, the two Himejimas playfully chased each other, evoking a sense of childlike joy. It was as if, for a brief moment, they were reliving the more pleasant aspects of their childhoods. The carefree laughter echoed, casting a soothing spell over the quietude of the night.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day unfolded, and after finishing breakfast, Radelia sought me out and guided me to a quiet, secluded spot.

"What's up?" I inquired, curious about the reason for this discreet rendezvous.

"This might come up during the meeting, but I wanted to give you a heads up about someone named Zyra. There's a chance she might become a new Umbra, and she's pretty psychotic based on the information I could gather," Radelia explained.

Taking in this information, I nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Zyra, got it. Unexpected for you to warn me about her. Can I ask why?"

Radelia's expression turned serious as she replied, "I suspect Savina wants to recruit her. Zyra is quite eccentric and unpredictable, so it's uncertain whether she'll accept or not. We can't predict what kind of response she might give."

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind, Radelia. Thank you. Let's head to the meeting room," I conveyed to her, and she readily agreed. Swiftly, we reached the designated space, finding everyone already gathered, including Aldrake's group.

"Apologies for the delay; I got sidetracked. Regardless, let's begin," I announced, directing my attention to Latia, who nodded in confirmation.

"I'd like to initiate the discussion if it's acceptable," Latia declared, receiving affirming nods from those present. "For our upcoming operation, I propose targeting Abysnar. After conversing with those who attended the meeting yesterday, I believe it could be a worthwhile endeavor. He has expressed a keen interest in facing the Resistance and Aaron."

"Abysnar... Indeed, he has been vocal about confronting the Resistance and Aaron. However, why do you suggest dealing with him next? Except for one planet under his oversight, the others are largely lawless and of little use to us," Sekudia inquired.

Latia concurred, expressing her concerns, "While I agree, he possesses a certain power that might pose challenges in the future if it remains unchecked. After conversing with Cúntóir, it's evident he still has room for growth. Are you all aware of his title?"

Every head nodded in acknowledgment. Abysnar, renowned as the Demon God of Cosmic Storms, wielded the ability to manipulate cosmic winds and storms. His powers extended to creating and controlling cosmic storms crafted from cosmic matter or energy, with the potential to obliterate planets and unleash chaos on a cosmic scale.

Despite his formidable capabilities, it seemed peculiar that he held only the Rank 9 position. Perhaps Phumera's selection process didn't account for potential and instead focused on current power. Nevertheless, eliminating Abysnar could prove advantageous for all of us.

"As all Eradicators pose a cosmic-level threat, I'd argue that he is even more troublesome. My preference is to eliminate him rather than recruit or spare him. Perhaps Aaron could abscond with his powers, redistributing them to a more worthy recipient, but my inclination is towards outright eradication," Latia stated, her words hanging in the air, a weighty proposition.

A contemplative hush enveloped the room as each individual grappled with the implications of Latia's suggestion. Seizing the opportunity, Latia settled back into her seat, allowing the silence to stretch as she awaited their response.

"Considering the gravity of this situation, it seems prudent to organize two teams for this operation," proposed Astrid, breaking the quiet deliberation. "One will venture to Ardvoria Deferilds, Abysnar's residence. The other must head to Viriterra Remetura, although it's heavily fortified, given its significance to Phumera, her organization, and the broader universe."

"Viriterra Remetura? What significance does it hold for the universe and its inhabitants?" inquired Raiko, her curiosity piqued.

Liember, eager to share knowledge, jumped in to provide insight. "Viriterra Remetura is a haven of healing resources. Everything on that planet, from trees and grass to rocks and beyond, possesses the remarkable ability to heal various ailments and injuries. It's often regarded on par with Ferrothos Prime in terms of its overall usefulness. However, much like Astrid mentioned, it's heavily guarded, making infiltration an annoying challenge."

Latia, processing this information, remarked, "Healing any wound or ailment? That sounds incredibly useful. I'm surprised it doesn't garner more importance and security than even Ferrothos Prime."

"Phumera," I began, capturing the attention of everyone present, "values power and strength above all else. She tends to overlook the significance of healing or regenerative abilities, dismissing them as less useful. Unless an ability can wreak havoc on a large scale, it holds less importance in her eyes."

"Aaron is absolutely correct," affirmed Savina. "Unless you possess a flashy power capable of causing widespread destruction, she won't consider it valuable unless you explicitly demonstrate and explain its worth to her. This sentiment extends to planets with items like Viriterra Remetura. Additionally, most, if not all, of the Eradicators, Ueboros, Umbra, and other smaller groups under her command possess some form of healing ability. Consequently, many of them may not see the need to rely on external items."

"Then why don't we proceed with this operation in a few weeks? Obtaining that planet with its valuable resources and having Aaron bring it closer to ours while establishing defenses would benefit us all. We won't have to continually rely on him to produce those Slime Pills," suggested Lysanvar.

It appeared that everyone was on the same page. Even though creating the Slime Pills didn't demand much effort on my part, I decided not to mention it, as they seemed enthusiastic about the plan. I spoke up, "So, are we all in agreement? Our next target is Abysnar and Viriterra Remetura?"

"Yes, that seems the most logical. Let's aim for him and that planet to gain another advantage over Phumera. With that discussion concluded, I would like to share something," added Savina, capturing our collective attention.

"Not widely known, but a few months back, I enlisted the services of a woman named Zyra. She's our double agent, covertly gathering intel from various planets and groups. Recently, she's been offered a position among the Umbra, and if she decides to join—"

"Then we'll have an additional set of eyes within Phumera's organization," interjected a feminine voice from near the door. All eyes turned to find a woman there, wearing a grin that spoke of familiarity.

"Well, well, if it isn't Zyra," Savina said, a smile playing on her lips.

Zyra, with her long black hair adorned with red highlights, yellow eyes, and accessorized with earrings and a necklace, stood confidently. Her professional-looking suit, red shirt, and white vest exuded sophistication, complemented by black pants and striking red heels.

"Yes, of course, I'd make it... even if a little late," Zyra affirmed, strolling over to Savina and settling into a conjured chair. "I'm Zyra, you might know me as 'Mad Psycho Zyra' or by other monikers, but I'm mostly out of that phase, so it's nice to meet all of you."

"Oh?! So you're that woman! I want to fight you after this!" proclaimed Branthar, prompting a collective facepalm from the rest of us.

It seemed his reputation for challenging everyone new to a fight wasn't an exaggeration. He hadn't even faced all of [DxD] yet, and now he was extending the invitation to Zyra. Was he just overly eager for battles, akin to Vali, or did he harbor some other motive?

"Fufu, I don't mind, but our discussions do take priority, don't they?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Branthar, who stood frozen in shock.

"…Fine," he mumbled, a surprising acquiescence that left everyone present taken aback.

Branthar, the once assertive figure, had unexpectedly yielded ground. Observing this unfold, I exchanged a glance with Zyra, our eyes meeting. Taking the opportunity, I delved into Zyra's powers, finding them intriguing. Individually, they might not stand out, but their combined strength presented a formidable force. It became evident why she struggled with control.

"So, he's the outer god, huh? Not bad-looking, and surrounded by an army of women. Haha, a harem-having bastard—I like it," she remarked, casting a humorous gaze in my direction, punctuating her words with laughter.

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, choosing to hold my questions for a moment. After pondering the situation for a brief interval, I inquired, "Are you considering accepting the position?"

Zyra responded affirmatively, expressing her rationale, "Yes. Despite their small number, being in close proximity to them could be advantageous. The Umbra occasionally have a closer connection to Phumera than the Eradicators, although not as close as Yve. It might prove beneficial for the Resistance. I hope to be assigned missions to planets that can aid our cause, and I'll keep you all informed about them."

I acknowledged her decision with a nod, opting to convey my thoughts silently. Sensing the need to fill Zyra in on our discussion, Savina offered a concise summary. After a contemplative pause, Zyra redirected her attention towards us.

"How about exploring the Abyss Deltas?" suggested Zyra, her eyes glinting with anticipation. "It's an utterly dark region where no light can pierce through. Only a Rank 1 Ecthrois like Magnum Tenebrosum can navigate it, but with Aaron by our side, we might uncover its secrets. Who knows what mysteries lie hidden in its depths?"

"Abyss Deltas?" Rias inquired, her brow furrowed in confusion at the unfamiliar term.

Lysanvar stepped in to elucidate, "The Abyss Deltas are a region in our universe shrouded in pitch-black darkness. No source of light can penetrate its depths. It's a perilous place, occasionally inhabited by Abyss Puppeteers, adding to its danger. Due to its impenetrable darkness, few dare to venture into it, and much of it remains uncharted. We have yet to discover what lies within—more planets, or perhaps it's just an empty expanse in our universe. The truth remains elusive."

'Abyss Deltas, huh? What can you tell me about them, Cúntóir?' I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

Cúntóir: Answer: It's as they say, not much is known about them, and the only ones that can navigate it are Ecthrois, Phumera, Azathoth, and you. However, if you wish to know more about it, I can tell you.

'Please and thank you,' I replied, eager to unravel the mysteries of the Abyss Delta.

Cúntóir: Answer: In total, there are six planets within that space. They are quite far from each other, and the Abyss Delta is expansive in itself. Ecthrois has only found two of them, and even he has trouble navigating through it because of the multitude of creatures of darkness that inhabit the region

Cúntóir: Answer: All six planets hold significant value. Should you choose to conquer them, I recommend consolidating them into a single celestial body. This consolidation would streamline your efforts and benefit both you and the Resistance, considering your ongoing operations on various planets. Now, let's delve into the unique attributes of each planet.

Cúntóir: Answer: Let's work our way backward, saving the least resourceful for last. The final planet houses the lost relics of the Phantasma. Among them is the weapon wielded by the original Resistance leader, alongside a collection of powerful tools utilized by formidable individuals throughout the years before the takeover by Magnum Tenebrosum.

As I absorbed this information, a sense of intrigue and amusement danced within me. 'These artifacts sound like something lifted from the pages of a fantasy novel,' I remarked.

Cúntóir: Answer: Indeed, you could say that. Now, when it comes to the relics, I'll leave the specifics to your imagination. Consider them highly practical and useful—some might even go as far as calling them 'god-grade weapons.' Not all, however, are designed for combat; their utility extends beyond the battlefield.

Cúntóir: Answer: As for the fifth planet, it serves as the linchpin connecting them all. Strangely, it functions as their singular energy source. Picture it as their 'core.' This is where the others originated and, in a peculiar way, it possesses a semi-sentient nature. If you aim to conquer it, engaging in communication with this 'core' is essential.

Cúntóir: Answer: The fourth planet, on the other hand, presents a seemingly barren landscape, akin to our moon—a colossal rock suspended in the vastness of space. Yet, delve beneath its surface, and a different narrative unfolds. Here lies the inaugural bastion of the Resistance. It harbors more than just physical structures; it holds the key to lost histories, making it a treasure trove that could significantly benefit the Resistance.

'Is that why it's in there? Who placed the darkness there? Was it extracted from Magnum Tenebrosum and placed over that area?' I inquired, seeking clarity.

Cúntóir: Answer: No. The darkness has always existed in that place. However, Magnum Tenebrosum's influence heightened its intensity. The Resistance deliberately selected that area for its inherent challenge, ensuring that only a chosen few could venture into it. Moreover, the first leader of the Resistance possessed a weapon that aided in navigating through the darkness.

Cúntóir: Answer: The third planet holds a unique significance. One person resides there. Have you heard about the oracle that Phumera occasionally visits?

'Oracle? Like those weird old ladies who predict the future and such? They live on the third planet? I'm surprised she hasn't been dealt with by Phumera,' I remarked, finding the situation even more intriguing.

Cúntóir: Answer: Phumera heavily relied on her in the past, but now that you're here, she doesn't need her anymore. Despite that, she chose not to end her life, a decision rooted in respect. The second planet in this universe harbors more potent resources, such as rare metals, and is home to formidable creatures born from the very essence of darkness.

Cúntóir: Answer: On the other hand, the first planet stands as a haven for Abyss Puppeteers. Though not their original birthplace, many of these enigmatic beings flock there with a singular purpose: to prove their mettle in the crucible of battle. The Puppeteers are peculiar entities, and the planet holds a unique core that has eluded the awareness of both Ecthrois and Phumera.

'A core? Similar to the ones we encountered previously?' I inquired, my curiosity piqued. 'What makes this one so special?'

Cúntóir: Answer: It would be more meaningful for you to discover it yourself. Explaining its uniqueness doesn't do it justice; trust me on this. Venture to the heart of the planet, much like the fourth one, and unveil its secrets firsthand.

Suddenly, a gentle poke on my cheek interrupted my thoughts, and as I turned, I found Lavinia gazing at me with concern etched on her features.

"Aaron, are you there?" she inquired, her tone laden with worry.

"Sorry, I was conversing with Cúntóir about the Abyss Deltas... I'm quite eager to explore that place," I responded with a smile.

"The Abyss Deltas? Can you share the details with us?" Lysanvar exclaimed, rising with enthusiasm.

"Of course... But I sense there's something else on your mind. What were you discussing before?" I inquired, scanning the faces around me.

Aldrake hesitated before speaking, "I was suggesting, with your permission, of course, if we could return to your universe. I thought it might be a good idea to bring Citrina there, but..." He trailed off.

Citrina, arms crossed, added with authority, "No. I'm not some damsel in distress. I can stay and contribute to the Resistance. I'd be more useful here than lounging in [DxD]'s universe."

Citrina didn't seem that keen about leaving this universe to have a leisurely time back in ours. Even though I only met her briefly, I could tell that she was a strong person who liked taking control of her life. I can bet that her time with Sagriff was torture since her movements were limited by a lot.

"Citrina, you still need—" Aldrake began, attempting to voice his concerns, only to be promptly interrupted by his determined sister.

"No, Aldrake, listen to me. I can't, in good conscience, just leave our universe and hide away in another. I understand your circumstances and why you want me to go with you, but I won't. I'm staying, and I'm fighting with them," Citrina declared firmly.

Ddraig interjected with a comment, [Well, she definitely has the upper hand in their sibling dynamic,] followed by laughter.

It seemed, according to Aldrake and everyone else in his group, that Citrina had always been the one wearing the metaphorical pants in their sibling relationship. This dynamic had persisted even before their 100,000-year separation, and despite Aldrake finding his own backbone, he still couldn't seem to go against Citrina, who had only become more resilient after her harrowing experience with Sagriff.

Aldrake found himself at a loss for words, slumping back in his chair with a bewildered expression, while Citrina wore a triumphant smile. The unspoken understanding of what was to come lingered in the air, casting a subtle tension.

Turning his attention to me, Lysanvar inquired about the discussion I had with Cúntóir regarding the Abyss Deltas. Eager to share the information, I provided an elaborate account, delving into the details of our conversation.

Yet, I chose to keep certain aspects vague, implying that Cúntóir had deliberately concealed some information from me. Although those who knew me well could sense that I wasn't revealing the whole truth, they opted not to press further, allowing the unspoken nuances to hang in the air.

"Ah, so that's where the Oracle resides. It's fascinating to learn that the first base of the Resistance was in such proximity. We should make our way there soon," remarked Lysanvar, his voice reflecting genuine interest after absorbing my explanation.

Branthar, always practical, chimed in, "Isn't this an advantageous situation then? If only two people can enter on Phumera's side, and considering Phumera herself may not have fully explored the area, we hold the upper hand. Let's just go and claim those planets, adding them to our side!"

During the remaining duration of our stay, we delved deeper into the intricacies of the impending missions. Our discussions extended beyond the immediate tasks at hand, branching into explorations of the various planets, the mysterious relics scattered across the Abyss Deltas, and the fascinating array of creatures inhabiting these parts of their universe.

— ○ ● ○ —

After our lengthy meeting concluded, the members of our group dispersed, each embarking on their individual paths. Yet, an unexpected assembly formed around me, consisting of Lavinia, the Church Trio and, surprisingly, Citrina, who trailed us with an air of curiosity. Our initial plan involved a visit to Ivoryillum for a collective outing, a date of sorts with the entire group.

However, Asia, in her characteristic enthusiasm, turned back and extended an invitation to Citrina. The latter, seemingly unfazed by her peculiar and borderline stalker-like presence, inquired about our destination. Asia, momentarily puzzled, sought clarification.

"We're going to…where are we going?" Asia asked, tilting her head in confusion.

I laughed, rubbed her head, and said, "We're going to Ivoryillum for a small date, and I wanted to check up on everything to see if there are any problems there. If there is, I'll fix it up quickly and then continue on this date."

"And then a foursome in your room or is it a fivesome if Lavinia joins us?" declared Xenovia, injecting her characteristic humor. She then tilted her head in confusion, adding to the lighthearted banter.

"Regrettably, Lavinia, we require your assistance," Suzaku stated, materializing beside us, accompanied by the other Fated Ones. Cúntóir, having earlier departed with Azathoth and Velgrynd, had joined them too, a fact I hadn't paid much attention to until now.

Lavinia, startled, sought refuge behind me, hesitant to comply with their summons. However, Azathoth nonchalantly snapped her fingers, instantly relocating Lavinia to stand among them. Rose and Danu, acting in tandem, seized her arms, leaving her with no recourse but to be reluctantly escorted away.

"Aarooooooooooon~! Heeeeelp~!" Lavinia's desperate plea echoed, but I merely raised my hand in a half-hearted gesture, silently conveying my lack of intervention. "You're eviiiiiil~!" she accused, her tone shifting toward frustration. A mental note lingered about pampering her later to soothe any wounded feelings.

"Alright then, let's set out. Citrina can take Lavinia's place," I informed the group.

"For the fivesome?" Xenovia teased.

"No, not for that. I meant for our little date," I clarified, playfully karate chopping Xenovia on the head.

Xenovia chuckled, and I shifted my gaze to Irina, who had been quiet throughout the conversation. Her eyes seemed to wander toward the skies of the underground base, distant and preoccupied. I couldn't help but wonder what might be on her mind.

"Very well. I wish to observe and chat with you, so I don't mind joining your women's date," Citrina stated as she walked over to join us.

I couldn't help but think she could have just said yes without the extra commentary. Citrina seemed a bit like a tsundere, though I kept that thought to myself. With a simple nod, we left for Ivoryillum, our group now accompanied by Citrina.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the bustling central square, our group embarked on a stroll towards the eastern part of the city. There, I revealed a meticulously prepared shop for Hephaestus to own and operate, complete with her trusted assistants, Kioko and Sherry.

Citrina, her eyes tracing the architectural marvels around us, couldn't help but express her awe. "How did you manage all of this?" she inquired, curiosity etched across her features.

With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "I just thought it would look good like this, you know? Each town and village on this planet has its own unique design. If you compare this city to the underground section, it's like venturing into two distinct worlds."

Citrina nodded in agreement, acknowledging the stark contrast between the cityscape and the subterranean depths. "The underground base resembles planets like Ferrothos Prime, Quverum, and Yssvella."

The mention of Quverum and Yssvella piqued Xenovia's interest, prompting her to seek clarification. "Quverum and Yssvella? What are those places?" she queried, her curiosity mirroring the sentiments of the group.

"In my limited knowledge, I was aware of only one—Quverum, a celestial body predominantly composed of advanced technology, akin to the subterranean part of our own planet. The skies teemed with compact flying vessels, and its inhabitants adorned themselves with various implants. Phumera and her organization sought to conquer Quverum, yet the inhabitants staunchly resisted integration. Ultimately, their resistance led to a devastating defeat, leaving only a handful of survivors, those fortunate enough to be off-planet during the assault," elucidated Citrina.

"The other Yssvella, as per Sagriff's erratic narratives, emerged as a creation of one of the Ueboros. It manifested a whimsical amalgamation of signs and structures drawn from diverse planets across this universe and beyond in the multiverse, echoing the eccentricity of a child's playground adorned with strange structures," she added, a touch of amusement lacing her words.

"Are you acquainted with anyone from Quverum?" Asia inquired, and Citrina affirmed with a subtle nod.

"Yes, though Sagriff took care of them after our initial encounter. Despite allowing me to converse with them, he grew, I suppose, envious of our interaction and swiftly ended their lives as we spoke," she recounted with a bitter undertone.

"Oh, I-I didn't mean to bring up painful memories," Asia apologized, lowering her head in a gesture of remorse.

"No need to apologize. I've already grieved their loss and moved forward. Though I do harbor a desire to have played a role in Sagriff's demise, I was quite feeble at that time," replied Citrina, reflecting on the past.

Asia and Xenovia were inquisitive, bombarding Citrina with a barrage of questions. Citrina, in turn, met their curiosity with an eagerness to share her knowledge. Meanwhile, Irina remained a silent observer, her gaze fixed on the sky. Our journey eventually led us to the blacksmith that I had crafted for Hephaestus.

The blacksmith's exterior exuded a sense of normalcy, yet it stood larger than most in the area. A prominent sign proudly proclaimed its identity as "Hephaestus' Blacksmith." The structure featured a red-tiled roof, white walls, and the requisite equipment both inside and outside.

The entire compound was enclosed by a sturdy fence, rendering theft an impossibility. Additional security measures were in place, fortifying the establishment against any illicit activities.

Xenovia, expressing surprise, remarked, "It's bigger than I thought. Once the others join us, can we approach Hephaestus to inspect and enhance our weapons?"

I considered her proposal and responded, "Of course. There's no reason why not. Hephaestus could make minor adjustments or upgrades to your weapons. I've received messages from my mom, indicating that Hephaestus is honing her skills and crafting more weapons before departing for this universe."

Within the confines of the edifice, we took our time exploring its inner depths. The initial space we found ourselves in served as a quasi-lobby, featuring a modest counter where patrons settled their bills for equipment repairs or purchases. Benches and chairs were strategically placed, providing spots for patrons to rest. Adjacent to these seating arrangements, shelves and hangers proudly displayed the meticulously crafted weapons and armor, showcasing the artisans' skill.

As I strolled through the area alongside Citrina, I couldn't help but comment on the impressive size of the establishment compared to their shops in the Greek realm and Asgard. "It's more expansive than what they have in the Greek realm and Asgard. I believe they'll appreciate the upgrade," I murmured to myself, observing the intricate displays which were empty.

Meanwhile, the Church Trio embarked on their own exploratory journey, leaving us to our own devices. Citrina, curious about my capabilities, inquired, "Can you create weapons independently, without relying on your powers?"

Reflecting on my limited forays into the craft, I responded, "I've dabbled in this art to some extent, so yes. However, I doubt my skills match up to Hephaestus; after all, she's a deity in this field."

Citrina's eyes widened in astonishment. "A deity? A God of Blacksmithing…" she murmured, caught off guard by the revelation.

"More like Goddess, but yes, a deity," I responded.

The resonating chime of the bells above the door interrupted our conversation, compelling us to shift our attention towards the entrance. Standing there was Göndul. Unlike the other members of the "Mothers Association," she had joined us on our journey to the Phantasma. Despite her evident happiness, traces of lingering sadness clung to her, a remnant of the recent divorce from her husband.

The aftermath of the separation weighed heavily on Göndul. Her husband, in a fit of resentment, expressed his disapproval of her newfound youthfulness. In an attempt to bridge the gap, I extended the same gift of rejuvenation to him, which he accepted.

However, the consequence was unforeseen—he embarked on a revelry across his own pantheon and beyond, seeking a new romantic connection. The revelation of his actions left Göndul visibly shocked at the time but now she's mostly fine.

"Göndul, how may I be of assistance?" I inquired as she approached both of us.

"Oh, I overheard from little Rose that you were out today and was contemplating whether I could tag along. I'm mostly confined to aiding the youth in mastering magic, but today happens to be my day off," she elucidated.

"Well, if it's your day off, why not? But are you sure? I'm just here to take the Church Trio out for a date, and Citrina is joining us," I conveyed to her, and she nodded affirmatively.

"Fufu, I don't mind. A brief outing in Ivoryillum isn't a negative proposition," she responded and joined our group. I swiftly briefed her on our plans, and she commented, "I've exchanged messages with Hephaestus as well; she appears to have a gift prepared for the leaders."

Hephaestus, the master craftswoman, was secretly crafting a gift. This revelation caught me completely off guard; Phae hadn't breathed a word about it. Evidently, she aimed to shroud it in mystery, keeping me blissfully ignorant.

Göndul, noticing my bewildered expression, remarked, "Maybe I shouldn't have spilled the beans; you seem entirely clueless."

"Hell yeah I am," I replied, feigning innocence. "Maybe I should inform Phae of this unexpected surprise you told me about," I teased, earning a playful yet gentle tap on my arm from Göndul.

In the midst of our ongoing interactions, Citrina keenly observed the dynamics unfolding. Eventually, she inquired, "Isn't she Rossweisse's grandmother? I heard she recently went through a divorce. Aaron, does this mean you're attempting to capture her heart?"

As I prepared to respond, Göndul sported a mischievous expression, seizing the opportunity to clasp my arm affectionately before embracing it. With a playful smile directed at Citrina, she remarked, "Aaron pursues anyone who isn't married, did you not realize that? Fufu, he has even tried to get with Venelana Gremory, Rias' mother, Chysis Gremory, her grandmother, and Runeas Gremory, the progenitor of their esteemed clan."

Citrina's gaze lingered on me, a pregnant pause preceding her words. "You're just a pervert, aren't you? Although I can somewhat respect it since you're not going after married women, although to go after the entire female lineage of Gremory is a bit, how do I put this? Over the top?"

I found myself unable to refute her assessment. Before entering Phantasma, in those preceding weeks, I found myself engaged in a series of, let's say, heated encounters with those women mentioned by Göndul.

The most assertive among them were Venelana and Runeas, while Chysis, though somewhat reserved, displayed an unexpected level of affection towards me, on the same level towards her son, Zeoticus.

Even in her moments of fervor, Chysis managed to rein it in when I was present, casting me glances filled with a mix of guilt and horror. It wasn't difficult to discern her conflicted feelings, creating a peculiar dynamic. However, my ability to read minds remained unused on her, leaving me to speculate on the intricacies of her thoughts.

"I can't say for sure," I responded, playfully pinching Göndul's nose. "But let's not spread misinformation," I added with a light tone.

Göndul chuckled, her laughter lingering in the air. "What's wrong with a little fun?" she questioned, finally releasing my arm from her playful grip.

Suddenly, a sharp screech pierced the air, followed by the clatter of something hitting the ground. Our eyes met, and we exchanged a glance before swiftly heading toward the source of the commotion. As we arrived, we found Irina seated on the floor, surrounded by fallen stands. However, amidst the chaos, a small surprise I had prepared for Hephaestus was also revealed.

Approaching Irina, I offered a helping hand to lift her from the ground. Concern laced my words as I inquired, "Are you alright? You've seemed a bit off all day, Irina. Is there something on your mind?"

"H-huh? I-I'm fine, I'm... I'm just thinking, y-yeah, I'm just thinking!" she stammered, attempting to maintain her usual energy.

"Thinking? Now that's rare, even for you, Irina," Xenovia remarked, a smirk playing on her lips.

Irina retorted, "All three of us get the same grade! M-more or less."

Asia, dismissing her friends' banter, inquired, "Aaron… what is this? A hammer?"

A hammer, gently levitating above a pedestal, emitted a soft glow, positioned before us. Initially, I had considered placing it in a box, but I opted for this display, incorporating a touch of illusion magic. It created a deceptive wall, and if Hephaestus happened upon it, she'd discover this hidden surprise.

"Yeah, it is. It's a gift I prepared for Hephaestus since she'd be visiting, along with Sherry and Kioko. I also have hammers for them, but they're located in different parts of the building. These hammers should streamline their tasks, ensuring both efficiency and convenience," I elucidated.

I seized the moment, clutching the tools in my hands, and inquired, "Interested in witnessing it in action?" Their enthusiasm was swift, and we navigated to the rear, the designated arena for our endeavors, where an array of implements awaited their turn in the dance of blacksmithing.

Prepping for this modest exhibition, I arranged the tools meticulously, each finding its place. Positioned before the anvil and forge, I took hold of the tongs, securing a fragment of searing metal. The hammer, intended as an offering to Hephaestus, hung poised in my grip. With a purposeful swing, I descended upon the heated metal, eliciting a cascade of sparks and flames. The ritual repeated, a rhythmic symphony of craftsmanship unfolding before our eager eyes.

After dedicating a good chunk of time, the hammer's impact, combined with the tools scattered around my workshop, allowed me to successfully fashion the "blade." Surprisingly, the end result was quite pleasing to the eye. Harnessing my own magical abilities, I skillfully cooled down the newly created blade, proudly presenting it to my assembled group.

"Usually, this whole process would drag on if we were using the regular tools blacksmiths rely on. But with the preparations I made, it's a lot quicker. Of course, knowing Hephaestus, she might put it through a bunch of tests before deeming it perfect for her needs. Still, this should significantly cut down the time she spends on her craft," I shared with my group.

"Even though I've seen this a few times already, the entire process never fails to captivate me. Maybe I should consider picking this up as a hobby now and then. Who knows, maybe I could craft blades for our future children?" mused Xenovia as her gaze lingered on the blade I presented.

"...I might join you on that. Sounds like it could be fun," Irina chimed in, breaking her silence after a day of being relatively mute.

Curiosity tinged Asia's voice as she questioned, "Is the process of creating armor the same? If it is, I might give it a shot too, though I wonder if I'll get it right."

Citrina observed me and the blade intently, leaning in for a closer look. After a moment, she remarked, "Interesting. I had my doubts about your earlier words, but this doesn't look bad at all. You're full of surprises, Aaron."

Göndul applauded me with a cheerful smile, and I couldn't help but chuckle in response. "As I mentioned, I'm more or less an amateur at this, so don't set your expectations too high." Despite having the ability to effortlessly "create" things with a mere snap of my fingers, I found it somewhat unimpressive.

Personally, witnessing blacksmiths craft objects by hand held a greater fascination for me. Of course, opinions vary, and who's to say what truly impresses each individual?

Without much ado, I swiftly snapped my fingers to tidy up the workspace, and soon enough, the blade rested securely in my hands. Allowing it to remain idle seemed like a missed opportunity, so harnessing my powers, I decided to use it as a foundation for a new sword.

A radiant glow enveloped the blade, followed by a captivating transformation as it shimmered in a resplendent golden light, emerging as a fully-fledged, magnificent weapon.

The sword's handle transformed into a gleaming silvery-white, while the blade boasted a harmonious blend of gold and steel accents. A delicate eastern golden dragon design adorned its blade, and upon completing the meticulous details, I proudly presented the finished product to Citrina.

"Here, a little gift. If you're gearing up for battle with us, might as well have something for close-quarters combat, right? I know you're an all-rounder, so having this should be beneficial," I casually remarked.

Citrina scrutinized the gift for a brief moment, her expression shifting into a thoughtful smile as she accepted it from my outstretched hand. Stepping back, she wielded the sword with a practiced grace, causing small golden and silver lines to shimmer around her with each skillful swing.

"I like it. It's lightweight with a solid grip, suits me well. Thank you, Aaron," she expressed her gratitude. To complement her new weapon, I fashioned a belt with a scabbard and handed it over. Citrina smoothly sheathed her blade into the scabbard and declared, "I will name it... Golden Lotus."

"Why Golden Lotus?" Göndul inquired, her curiosity evident in her expression.

A wistful smile graced Citrina's face as she replied, "It used to be everywhere back on our planet. When I was younger, I'd give it to my mother whenever she felt down. Despite the memories, I'll proudly use it; it's a reminder of those days."

"Ah, that's touching. You're a resilient woman, Citrina," Göndul remarked, and the two strolled away, engrossed in conversation, seemingly exiting the building.

Meanwhile, the Church Trio lingered, directing a series of inquiries my way about the intricacies of the blacksmithing profession. I tried to answer their questions to the best of my ability. Yet, I humbly suggested that for more comprehensive insights, they should seek the expertise of Hephaestus, Kioko, and Sherry, as they possessed superior knowledge and hands-on experience in the craft.

— ○ ● ○ —

Our next stop led us to a kind of museum, a repository for the numerous lost items and texts scattered across this vast universe. Whatever the alliance and our group, [DxD], had managed to recover would find its home here. Following our initial missions, we had accumulated a respectable collection—not overwhelmingly significant, but sufficient to inaugurate this establishment.

Situated conveniently close to the central plaza where we had initially teleported, it was just a short walk from Hephaestus's workshop, adding to its accessibility. In an attempt to blend the old Roman architectural charm with futuristic technology, I took the creative liberty to design the structure, and, in my humble opinion, the outcome was rather satisfying.

The exterior boasted a massive spherical shape, while the interior unfolded across three levels. Ascending was made easy with a swift ride in a compact marble elevator, its magical propulsion adding an element of enchantment.

Holographic stands or magic circles suspended the various lost items and documents, creating an impressive visual display. Illumination, emanating from the core of the structure, was also achieved through the judicious use of magic, adding a cool but mysterious glow to the entire setup.

"These... aren't these from my planet?" Citrina inquired, her gaze fixed on a certain golden lotus. "And this, and that... where did you even get these?" she questioned again, turning to me with a face full of shock.

"Yeah, someone from your planet, who wasn't there during its destruction, had been cultivating them for a while now. They reached out to us, offering these and some golden lotus seeds to be planted on Cosmosilica Terraflora. I've selected that planet since it's connected to nature, and they'll be showcased in the public garden for everyone to see," I explained to her.

Citrina found herself rendered speechless by the revelation, her gaze fixed on me in disbelief. Göndul, however, intervened, breaking Citrina's trance with a direct question, "Citrina, what insights can you offer regarding the applications of the golden lotus in your universe?"

Stepping in on her behalf, I provided the response, "When it comes to our universe, the flowers, seeds, leaves, and components of the subterranean stem (rhizome) find application in medicinal concoctions. Lotus is utilized for addressing issues like bleeding, cough, fever, liver and stomach ailments, among others. It's important to note, though, that these uses lack scientific backing."

"But," interjected Xenovia, "we got the scoop from Zhang Mei and the 8 Divas that the lotuses they use are infused with magic and mystical arts, giving them extra medical and other benefits. One of those perks includes fending off low to middle-class evil spirits."

Citrina cleared her throat discreetly before returning to the conversation. "It doesn't quite work that way for us. However, it does have a soothing effect on the soul and brings a sense of calm to people when they catch a whiff of its aroma. Unfortunately, we can't test it right now; my guess is it's shielded by some sort of protective invisible barrier or power."

"With that being said," Citrina added, "having it in a tiny bottle for a quick dose of calm during high-stress situations wasn't an uncommon practice in the past. Even though we didn't have enemies, it wasn't a bad idea to keep some handy for those unexpected moments," she elucidated.

"What about that thing?" Irina inquired, pointing towards a unique flower colored in gold and was sprouting.

A smile crossed Citrina's face as she responded, "It was a widespread craze across the entire planet. People of all ages were into it, but it came with a hefty price tag because it supposedly revealed your one true love. The catch, though, was that it might indicate more than one, making the whole affair a bit tricky. It was called Fiore dell'Incontro Fato, or—"

"Fateful Encounter Flower, right? That's a pretty neat little flower," I interjected, and Citrina affirmed with a nod, her gaze fixed on the unique rock. "Seems like your world has a thing for flowers and nature." Everyone listened intently, absorbing the details of this intriguing cultural artifact.

"Yes, and it's how my parents met, or so my father told us. He was initially a coward, the biggest one that my mother saw, but once she glimpsed the future they could share, she pursued him because it promised prosperity for our planet," Citrina explained.

For some inexplicable reason, everyone, except Citrina, fixed their gaze on me and the golden-colored flower. Their curiosity wasn't subtle, and they clearly sought answers. Admittedly, I was equally intrigued.

However, being a soul transplanted from a different universe, I pondered about the identity of their "one true love." While it seemed likely that the Fated Ones would connect with me, the mystery persisted for everyone else.

"I-I want to see!" Asia exclaimed eagerly, her hand shooting up.

"Me too!!!" Irina practically screamed with excitement.

"I'm also curious," added Xenovia, voicing her interest.

"Well... it wouldn't hurt, would it?" chimed in Göndul, embracing the playful spirit of the moment.

I sighed, exchanging a glance with Citrina, who returned the look with a hint of amusement in her eyes. Dismissing the moment with a shake of my head, my gaze shifted to the golden-colored flower. With a mere thought, I conjured a replica of it in my hand, deliberately nullifying its powers over me.

"One person, one flower; that's the rule. Seems like you're guarding yourself from its effects. Choose wisely who gets it first," Citrina advised.

Promptly, the four of them initiated a rock-paper-scissors game. The atmosphere was charged, their eyes displaying a fervor, and in the end—Irina emerged victorious.

A triumphant "Wooooooooooooooooooah!!" echoed as she joyously celebrated her win before I handed her the flower. Instantly, its enchantment took hold, casting her eyes in a profound shade of gold as she stared at the flower with a trance-like expression.

"I can whip up more of these, so there's no need for gloominess, folks," I reassured them.

They nodded in agreement, and we resumed our intense gaze at Irina. However, the spell of our scrutiny was short-lived as she soon rejoined us, the once-vibrant flower in her hand now reduced to a wilted state. What took us aback, though, was the sudden appearance of tears in her eyes, followed by an impulsive leap toward me.

"Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, thank goodnesss!" she exclaimed, burying her face in my arms and breaking into inconsolable wails, leaving me bewildered.

Attempting to make sense of the situation, I started to inquire, "Irina, what—" only to be cut off by her fervent outburst.

"I want our twins to be hybrids of humans and angels!" she declared, stunning the rest of the onlookers.

Seeking clarification, I turned to Citrina and asked, "How far into the future does it show?"

Citrina, the one who knew more about this than us, responded, "It only reveals aspects of your love life, but it has the capability to bring you to any point in time. My guess is that Irina requested a glimpse into when you two have kids or if she's pregnant with any."

"Aaron!" Asia and Xenovia exclaimed in unison, their eyes lighting up as I conjured two additional replicas of the delicate flower. I handed the floral creations to them, spreading smiles across their faces. Göndul, a bit reserved, subtly pulled at my sleeve, expressing her desire for one, and I gladly extended the gesture to her.

Turning my attention to Citrina, I inquired, "Would you like one?" Her reaction mirrored surprise, but after a brief contemplation, she nodded in agreement. Without hesitation, I fashioned another flower and presented it to her. The enchanting effect of these blossoms soon enveloped all four of them, casting them into a mesmerizing trance.

I shifted my gaze back to Irina, curiosity etched on my face. "So? What happened back there? Could you share the details?" I prompted.

"Don't you already know...?" she replied, her own curiosity evident.

"Yes and no," I responded, delving into a conversation about my recent discussions with Lavinia and Suzaku regarding the future, as well as how I navigate using my future sight ability. Adding a layer of transparency, I questioned, "Can you shed light on why you remained unusually quiet throughout the day?"

Irina hesitated initially, her uncertainty evident in her demeanor. After a pause, she finally opened up, saying, "After our operation in London, I had a talk with Papa and Mama about us. They conveyed their blessing, which, I must admit, was a tad awkward, but it did make me happy. However, I've been wondering... have we not progressed any further since that day?"

The day Irina referenced was the one where she, Griselda, and Gabriel had, for lack of a more delicate term, provided me with a triple blowjob experience. However, Irina's perception was slightly off. Since that day, she and I had engaged in more intimate activities, much like with Xenovia. She would occasionally pleasure me with her mouth, and we explored positions like the sixty-nine. Despite these ventures, we hadn't taken the final step in our relationship.

"I had my doubts, you know? So, I went around asking everyone for advice. I even went to his Eminence Strada for some love tips. He gave me some, though it felt kinda unclear," she said, a blush creeping onto her face.

Well, color me surprised. I never thought Vasco Strada had a romantic side. I mean, considering the whole church vibe, it seemed like romance was a big no-no. Especially back when things were different and before we changed the whole status quo in our world.

"Well, no, we haven't. Sure, we've shared some, uh, intimate moments, Irina, you can't deny that. But, yeah, we haven't taken the last step. Don't worry, though; I've got plans to add another angel to my list soon," I informed her, giving her plump ass a playful squeeze, which only deepened the crimson hue on her face.

"O-okay... p-please be gentle with me," she stammered, even more embarrassed than before.

Before our conversation could progress further, Asia and Xenovia dropped to the ground, expressions of horror and despair etched across their faces.

"W-who the hell is Antonio...?" questioned Xenovia. "But... I'm glad I met you then, Aaron! My life seemed so dull with him!" she exclaimed. "We have a single daughter, and she wields her own [Durandal]! So, I'm content with that!"

"...I-I was alone until my death...? I don't like that... uuuuuhhh. Aaron, please marry me..." Asia muttered in a distressed tone.

I don't know what futures they glimpsed, but Asia's appeared to be the bleakest. Supposedly, she'd be all alone until the end if our paths didn't cross. Raynare and her crew played a part in that, though it's not a topic they'll bring up casually—they carry the weight of shame from that chapter of their lives.

Xenovia, on the other hand, seemed to have led a somewhat regular life, according to what she saw. Her days were mundane with a person called Antonio around, and there's a hint that he might have been a fellow exorcist. But did that peculiar flower reveal alternate realities as well? If it did, it's one potent flower; perhaps it could serve as a formidable weapon in the times to come.

I shifted my gaze to Göndul, finding a serene smile adorning her face, accompanied by a subtle blush on her cheeks. Catching me looking, she turned away, leaving me to ponder the nature of the future she saw.

"What about you, Göndul?" I inquired, broaching the topic with a sense of curiosity.

She turned to me, offering a smile. "Oh, it's a wonderful future, please don't mind me."

Acknowledging her response with a nod, I refrained from pressuring her for more details. My attention then shifted to Citrina, who wore a noticeable frown. Concerned, I gently probed, "Is something wrong, Citrina?"

"I have no one," she declared bluntly, causing a mix of confusion and shock among the group.

"Can you elaborate?" Xenovia inquired, seeking clarity.

Citrina nodded and began to share, "It was... blank. I witnessed my brother getting married to an angel in your universe, and the rest finding their own partners. However, in my glimpse of the future, I found myself alone. It was kind of shocking. I had never tapped into this flower's ability before, and though I had entertained the thought when younger, actually seeing it unfold is a bit overwhelming."

Before I could utter a word, Göndul's voice cut through the silence, asserting, "We can shape our own future." A collective gaze fixed upon her, prompting an elaboration. "Much like magic, we possess the power to mold it according to our desires and enhance it for our benefit. Don't permit a solitary flower to wield control over the formation of your destiny. Alter it. Just as you never surrendered hope of being rescued from Sagriff."

Citrina emitted a light-hearted chuckle in agreement. "Absolutely, I won't allow this minor hiccup to dictate the course of my future. I'll mold it to my liking, just as I've always done," she declared with unwavering determination. With those words, we departed, eager to explore other exhibits within the museum.

— ○ ● ○ —

The next spot we reached revealed a small playpen designated for non-aggressive creatures we'd gathered to nurture. To ensure their well-being, the Resistance had enlisted the expertise of someone well-versed in the diverse species of this universe, alongside a couple of additional caretakers.

Engaged in light-hearted play, the Church Trio immersed themselves in the joy of interacting with the animals. Irina, in particular, shed her melancholic demeanor, embracing her usual lively self. Meanwhile, Citrina, Göndul, and I opted for a bench a bit away, though both ladies flanked me, each with an animal nestled on their lap. I, too, cradled Shin in my arms.

With the sounds of laughter and the gentle rustling of creatures creating a comforting backdrop, Citrina turned to me and said, "Aaron, there are a few things I'd like to discuss with you."

"Sure thing. I'm all ears," I responded, my hand absently stroking Shin's head, creating a calm ambiance amid the lively scene.

"Why do you have a harem?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

"Cause I'm a pervert," I deadpanned, watching as my response rendered her momentarily speechless.

[T-that was a bit unexpected,] remarked Ddraig, his surprise apparent.

Amused by her reaction, I couldn't contain my laughter. After regaining composure, I decided to share the genuine reason behind my unique situation. I omitted certain details, assuring her that I would reveal those missing parts if we grew closer as friends. To my relief, she accepted this proposition.

"A big family? I didn't expect that kind of reasoning, although—" Before she could continue, I interrupted and presented a photo of Vivi nestled on my mother's lap, a picture she had sent me just hours ago. "Is that one of your lovers?" she inquired.

"T-that's my adopted daughter and mother. Are you just going to assume whoever I show you is someone part of my harem?" I questioned, a hint of incredulity in my voice.

"Yes," she deadpanned, prompting me to facepalm at her straightforwardness.

[Hah! She's just like you, I like it,] chimed in Ddraig, acknowledging the shared sense of humor between us.

"Well, they're not, and she's my mother, so nothing's happening between us," I asserted.

[Pfft, yeah, right, keep on thinking like that, Partner,] chimed in Ddraig, his laughter resonating in the background. I chose to let his comment slide, opting not to engage.

"Hmmm... but you two look nothing alike," she observed, her face displaying a puzzled expression.

"As I mentioned earlier, if we grow closer as friends, I'll share the complexities of my existence with you. Nevertheless, she's my mother, and there's no room for any romantic entanglements," I affirmed resolutely, though her curiosity seemed unyielding.

"Are you against incest?" she inquired, catching me off guard. The question left me momentarily speechless, unsure of how to respond.

"Well, yeah, I guess? Aren't most people against it?" I replied, seeking clarity.

"Yet I've heard that it's sometimes common in the supernatural side of your universe, and even in some of the older eras of the human world, incest wasn't uncommon," she pointed out, leaving me without a satisfactory response.

Citrina let out a sigh, and then she said, "Let me put it this way: If your mother were to enter another romantic relationship, would you—"

"I'd make sure they were deserving of her. No ordinary person will become her future husband. I'll conduct a thorough background check and use my powers to glimpse into the future, assessing what kind of person he might be," I responded earnestly. A hint of my aura escaped, causing her to stiffen in horror.

Göndul, seated beside me, couldn't help but giggle at my serious proclamation. I turned to her with a questioning look, and she explained, "Róisín anticipated a response like that from you. She's informed the Mother's Association that the likelihood of her entering a new relationship is nearly impossible, considering the criteria you've set."

I felt a flush creeping up my cheeks, and I averted my gaze before uttering, "She only deserves the best. I don't want to put her through that again. This includes Cindy; like hell, I'll make them go through that hell again."

Göndul responded with a gentle smile, laying her head on my shoulder without uttering another word. Citrina, curious but aware I wouldn't disclose more, let the matter rest.

"What about the peace you desire? Not many attempt that, you know? It's nearly impossible to achieve without significant power, backing, or influence," she inquired.

"That's why I've been working hard to gather as much of that as possible. I don't want to be a tyrant, but there are moments where I have to be forceful, and I'm prepared to take that step. Not everyone will be on board, but in the grand scheme, it'll be beneficial for everyone. I'm willing to make sacrifices; I'd sacrifice a thousand to ensure a million prosper," I conveyed solemnly, my gaze fixed on Shin, who nestled into my hand.

"You're willing to sacrifice people, huh?" she repeated, casting her eyes over at the Church Trio. I followed her gaze, and she inquired, "Even your lovers?"

My response slipped out of my mouth before I could fully grasp it, a sentiment known to only a few. "…I'd destroy the omniverse a million times over before I sacrifice any of them." The weight of my words hung in the air, met with an unsettling silence. Citrina's gaze remained fixed on the Church Trio, and even Göndul, sitting beside me, seemed to freeze at the gravity of what I had just revealed.

Feeling the need to elucidate, I pressed on, "As much as I cherish everyone else who isn't part of my inner circle, my close family and friends take precedence over strangers. This is an unchanging reality. Perhaps it's what sets me apart from Aoife because, if you posed that question to her, she would likely seek a middle ground—a way to save everyone."

The hush lingered among us until Citrina's gaze turned my way, accompanied by a warm smile. With sincerity, she shared, "It's kinda reassuring, you know? That you come off more human than I initially thought. The fact that you're willing to rescue those close to you instead of playing the role of some all-knowing goody two shoes god is comforting. It makes you feel more relatable, more human, just like the rest of us."

Before I could utter a response, Asia darted toward us with an expression of concern etched across her face. "Aaron, please come quickly! There's a little creature that needs help, and my Sacred Gear's healing isn't doing the trick!" she urgently exclaimed before swiftly retracing her steps toward where Xenovia and Irina were stationed.

"...I understand. We can delve into this conversation another time. For now, let me check out what's happening," I reassured Citrina, moving purposefully toward the Church Trio's location.

— ○ ● ○ —

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