witcher in marvel

Chapter 23 First Contact with Agents of SHIELD

Chapter 23 First Contact with Agents of SHIELD

5 minutes ago.

Two slender female agents in black tights and orange goggles took out the guards at the elevator entrance with a few shots.

"Colson, the armed guard at the elevator entrance has been resolved and no one has noticed."

The white female agent pulled a few guards aside, while the Asian female agent pressed the communicator, alerted, and reported the progress to the commander in a low voice.


The novice village headman of Marvel said with a smile, "There is still half an hour of shift change in the monitoring room, and I will check those 'buyers'. You and Barbara must find the body modification area of ​​the Southern Front during this time."

A busy Barbara interjects: "'Buyer'? That gives me goosebumps, why does it always make me think of '**trafficker'?"

The Asian female agent snorted: "Because in some cases, the two may not contradict each other!"

Barbara sighed: "Melinda, your view of the world is so dark!"

"Because this world is inherently dark. After carrying out so many intelligence missions, can't you see His true face?" Melinda's voice paused slightly, and she said through gritted teeth, "Look at what they have done? Children are transformed into monsters for sale... When I find those inhuman bastards, I will definitely beat them up!"


As Melinda's old partner, Coulson understands her temper very well. Although May is a top elite among the secret agents, she is particularly prone to mood swings on issues related to children. However, the most important thing to perform a spy mission is to be calm. Judgment, and hastily reminded her, "Although the clues we got point to this, our actions are not legal. We must find reliable evidence before we can bring these criminals to justice. You..."

"I know how to do it!"

Before Mrs. Coulson could finish, Mei, the violent cavalry, blocked him back, "Hurry up and talk about the next move."

Coulson had long been used to her violent temper, and didn't care about her cold reprimand, and quickly replied: "Environmental scanners and micro-drones show that there are hidden generators underground, and a complete set of water circulation systems. , six armed guards, and a group of at least four people under the hot and bright lights... Oh, yes, one of them should be the invisible man, you must pay attention to this, and keep the infrared detection turned on."


Barbara hid the guards and nodded to Melinda: "Let's go!"

"it is good!"

After the two walked into the elevator, they pressed the sinking button.

Then, like geckos, the two climbed to the dead corner of the elevator and stuck there tightly—their advanced spy equipment, with electrostatic attraction in their palms, can climb to the wall for a short time.

There are six guards with guns at the elevator entrance. Even elite agents, once they are blocked in a narrow place, it will be very troublesome. Of course, they have to fight first.

The elevator descends slowly.

When the elevator stopped on the ground, the elevator door slowly opened, and the empty elevator room made the guards startled.

"Go and see."

The squad leader waved his hand vigilantly, and the two guards stepped forward cautiously.

They had just stepped into the elevator room, before they had time to see clearly, two figures flew down like leopards.

Just as the guy on the left was about to raise his head, Melinda, who was pressed down by the volley, ruthlessly fell to the ground.

The next moment, Melinda raised the gun in her hand and fired continuously at the guards outside.

A pistol with a special silencer that makes very little noise.

The bullets infused with tree cobra venom had a very strong anesthesia effect. The two guards who were hit fell to the ground holding their guns without saying a word.

Almost at the same time, Barbara held a pair of alloy short sticks and slammed into the guard on the right at full speed. While pushing him to the point of fainting with her knees, she strode between the two guards outside. The two alloy short sticks left and right One point, firmly tied to the chests of the two of them.


The high-voltage electricity in the alloy short stick erupted, and the two guards rolled their eyes and fell down.

Here, after two anesthetic shots, Melinda leaned over and punched the temple of the guard under her legs.

In less than a second, the six guards with guns were all wiped out.

"These guys are not even qualified for warm-up."

Melinda kicked the guard, and shot each of the unconscious guys again, saving them from waking up halfway.

"hurry up."


The two quickly scanned the surrounding environment, followed the path analysis shown on the goggles, and raced cautiously and quickly all the way, and then...they saw Bai Jinglan.

In the operating room full of stench, a group of "demons" were roaring, trapped by a floodlight net.

There is only one person outside the strange big net.

Could it be the invisible man?

The two female agents looked at each other and aimed their guns at the same time.


"do not move!"

"Iron cavalry? Mockingbird?"

Bai Jinglan's expression was a little subtle. He naturally knew these two, but he didn't expect to meet them here.

Melinda frowned: "You know us?"

Iron Cavalry and Mockingbird are their code names, and they belong to legends in the secret service world, but the outside world knows nothing about them.

Bai Jinglan shrugged, and replied casually, "I've just heard of it."

Barbara obviously didn't believe it: "It seems that our secrecy work is not very good, even the outside world..."

Her voice paused: "Or, are you also our colleague?"

The most common job of agents is to infiltrate. It's fine if the code name is known, but if the image is also leaked, it will be their disaster.

However, if it is known that they are colleagues, it is another matter.

After all, they, who have carried out many secret service missions, have already registered in many secret service agencies, so it is not surprising that their specific images were found out.

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly: "I do know some people from the secret service organization, but I am not a secret agent myself."

Melinda moved forward: "Whether you are an agent or not, please stand there honestly..."

Before she finished speaking, Bai Jinglan raised her finger.

The gorgeous magic fan spun and flew out, bouncing around the hands of the two at a speed invisible to the naked eye, shattering the gunshots in their hands in an instant, and then flew back into his hand.

"I don't like being held at gunpoint, and besides..."

Bai Jinglan waved his magic fan, dazzling energy lines, jumping around his wrists, he glanced at the two of them, "This time is just a warning, if you continue to provoke, it will not be the gun that will be smashed, but your hands. "

The two female agents looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

It's like a big net of energy.

Like a fan woven with energy.

What exactly is going on? !
The duty of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to face superpowers. There are many people in the world who, intentionally or unintentionally, have obtained abilities beyond the understanding of ordinary people. S.H.I.E.L.D. will analyze these people, and then carry out different strategies according to their different personalities Treatment - there is no destructive 24-hour surveillance, but destructive detention.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has a special super prison and a special super research institute, so they are no strangers to super power users.

However, the ability of the mysterious man in front of them was definitely the one that shocked them the most.

Melinda rubbed her sore wrist, and tentatively asked: "You know our code name and origin, so can you introduce yourself, who are you? These things... are your superpowers?"


(End of this chapter)

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