Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 104 Don’t kill me! I'm Zambada!

Mexicali Capital TV Station.

After all, unlike local small stations, the signal tower on the roof can be seen from a long distance.

It borders Calexico, California, USA to the north and Arizona to the northeast. It belongs to the US-Mexico border area. There are countless black people who come to the United States through here.

The annual flow of people is around 20 million.

Such a big city has its own security problems. When drug dealers make trouble, many snakeheads, homeless people, and even illegal immigrants start to make trouble.

The drug dealers gave them weapons!

And promised them that as long as they messed up the capital Mexicali, they would give them money. In the riots in Lower California, these people played a significant role.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

There were about 200 black people standing in front of the convoy.

A young black man ran to the front of the Hummer with a knife, took off his pants, and twisted his buttocks at the convoy.

The black people behind cheered and boasted about this warrior.

Perhaps, this made the other party feel vain, so he turned around and made obscene gestures towards the convoy.

He smiled and shook vigorously.


A gunshot sounded, and the black man fell to the ground, covering his lower body and screaming.

The captain stretched his body back from the window, and saw the stunned expression of the "new recruit" Gan Carlos through the rearview mirror, and shrugged, "I just hate others to do this to me."

Gan Carlos swore that the captain was definitely inferior!

"Sweep over, anyone who blocks the way is considered a drug dealer!" The director's order came from the intercom.

The captain patted the driver, who stepped on the accelerator and rushed over. The right tire of the Hummer directly ran over the belly of the black man who fell to the ground, and he climbed out of the sunroof, which was welded with a heavy machine gun, pulled the trigger, and swept at the black man!

Black + drug dealer + riot + assault on the police = BUFF stacked up!

Victor, such a "broad-minded" person, can let you go like this?

12.7mm bullets are your final destination!

"Shooting! The police are shooting, run!"

It doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, the one holding a weapon is a drug dealer.

Except for a few hiding in the back, the rest of the 200 black men fell in a pool of blood.

A French-made AMX VCI infantry fighting vehicle track ran over the black drug dealer who fell to the ground. The other's hair was directly rolled into the track. You can hear the familiar sound of bones cracking, and the sharp screams and brain bursting stopped abruptly.

The convoy behind followed, and the blood and unknown liquid were dragged for a long time under the drive of the tires, adding a bit of fishy smell to the already smelly air.

It's just like a mantis trying to stop a car!

This scene was seen by many people around, covering their mouths in horror, but there were also solitary reporters who took pictures of this scene.

The Mexicali TV station covers an area of ​​about 5,000 square meters. It is a large TV station, which can be used as a "station".

The iron gate was blocked from the inside with abandoned vehicles.

The EDM member got off the car, carrying a "blowpipe" surface-to-air missile, and blew the iron door open directly!

How much trouble is it to move it by hand?

Blow up half of your wall.

Kennedy rushed in with the commando team. Most of them were German GSG9 special forces templates, and they were proficient in this kind of indoor combat.

Standing outside, you can see the sparks from the muzzles of guns on each floor.

Kennedy rushed to the third floor and bumped into a drug dealer holding an assault rifle. His scalp was numb, and he rolled back and slid down the stairs directly, not forgetting to grab two teammates who were about to rush up.

Bang, bang, bang...

The bullets hit the wall, and the fonts on it were messed up.

And there were a lot of noises, maybe more than seven or eight people.

"M34!" Kennedy shouted to his teammates behind him.

The latter quickly took one out of his pocket and handed it to him.

This thing has been used by the US military and is known as: "One of the most dangerous grenades"!

After Kennedy removed the safety, it instantly emitted a lot of smoke. He lay on the steps and threw it towards the corridor with his backhand.

This thing... the full name is M34 white phosphorus grenade!

After burning, the temperature can reach 2700 degrees Celsius, the burning time is not less than 60 seconds, and the diameter of the fire can reach 35 meters.


Because of the angle, the flames brushed their scalps and drilled through.

And those drug dealers in the corridor were not so lucky.

When they touched their bodies, the flames instantly wrapped them up.

The screams were like evil spirits climbing up from hell!

Some drug dealers couldn't stand it and screamed and jumped directly from the third floor.


A burning drug dealer stood at the entrance of the steps, his eyes were blazing outside, and he was about to rush down towards Kennedy and others. It was obvious that he was also a ruthless person who wanted to die together.

But the body...

There was a click at the ankle, and the whole person melted directly.

Kennedy swallowed his saliva.

There were beads of sweat on his head.

"Go, go, go, go in from the other side!" Even this battle-hardened soldier was scared.

Anyone who has seen dead people knows that different ways of death bring different shocks to people. Has anyone seen a giant?

Has anyone seen what it looks like after being hanged?

Has anyone seen what it looks like after being struck by lightning?

The cruelty of war is that it makes the ways of death more varied, which challenges the soldiers' reason, morality and world outlook to the extreme.

This is one of the reasons why an average of more than a thousand soldiers in the United States commit suicide every year due to war PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

On the steps, a burnt corpse looked at the leaving figure of Kennedy and others with empty eyes.

The biggest difference between drug dealers and regular soldiers, apart from their weapons, is their combat literacy!

The EDM commando team moved forward, and the people behind did not wait and watch, and built defenses on the spot relying on the convoy.

Sure enough, not long after, I heard the roar of the surrounding mountains and the tsunami!

The TV station was at a triangular intersection, and hundreds of drug dealers poured out from the surrounding area, occupying a high point and shooting at the convoy!

Chug tug tug…

Boom boom… the sound of bullets hitting the car was heard.


A new police officer hiding behind a semi-trailer was shot in the temple and fell straight to the ground. The veteran behind him came up to take a look and waved his hand towards the commander, "There are snipers!"

"FH70 howitzer! Damn, kill them!"

Victor's curses sounded over the intercom.

Several police officers quickly turned the tractor around. Does this thing... need to adjust the angle?

Just find out where the sniper is and blast him!

The 155mm howitzer was aimed at the building about 900 meters away. With the order, the whole place shook back.

Stray bullets moved toward their target under the cover of darkness.

The drug dealer sniper was looking into the distance through the scope, when he suddenly saw a shell rushing towards him, and his head went blank.

I'll just shoot?

Are you going to bombard me? !

The grenade hit the wall, and the huge shock wave accompanied by the gunpowder directly caused the building to collapse, and the sniper was directly steamed.

Half the floor was blown away...

The huge noise made everyone turn their eyes.


NMD, don’t talk about martial ethics!

Drug dealers feel chills in their hearts. The best way to make people fearful is to use a large caliber, and then eliminate them. If they die, they will no longer be afraid.

The "new recruit" Giancarlos Prada had been hiding nearby. He adapted quickly and even dared to stick his head out to take a look, took out his gun and fired at the drug dealer.

Take one shot, then move to another location.

Keep your head down and hide.

But it was obvious that he had a bad sense of direction. As he ran, he realized something was wrong. There were a lot of sounds missing from his ears. When he raised his head and looked up, he saw that he was at least 500 meters away from the battlefield.

When he was about to walk back, he suddenly saw several figures running out of a building looking anxious and embarrassed. The people around him looked like bodyguards. The man in the middle was a bit strong and looked like a figure?

The "new recruit" hiding aside watched this scene nervously.

By some strange coincidence, he took out a grenade.

Throw it right over!


The walls collapsed, and Giancarlos rushed out with a gun, shooting at a bunch of figures standing in the dust!

Up here, Giancarlos felt like his brain had lost its sanity.

"Don't, don't kill me! I am Zambada! Don't shoot! I surrender!!"

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