Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 76 Our road is full of hope!

"Victor Carlos Vieri!!!"

In a luxurious courtyard in Ciudad Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas, a low-pitched voice containing angry curses could be heard.

Juan Garcia Abrego, who was short and stocky, had a dark face, and the scars on his face caused by the gun battle were trembling faintly.

The man who single-handedly transformed the Gulf Cartel from a smuggling gang to an international drug cartel has not been so angry for a long time.

It’s not that he felt sorry for the death of Claudia Abrego, she was just a cousin. If she died, she would die. What he felt sorry for was the batch of goods, which were shipped to San Francisco. The local sales network had begun to distribute the goods. Addiction The gentlemen have all been contacted, and the CIA has taken care of everything.

The goods haven't been loaded on the truck yet.

That's worth $100 million.

Although it wouldn't hurt his muscles or bones, the loss was enough to make him heartbroken.

Want revenge!

If every police officer was as ignorant as Victor, wouldn't they have to worry about their own transportation safety in the future?

In 1988, during the joint anti-drug campaign between the United States and Mexico, Abrego shipped a shipment of cargo from the Port of Guadalajara to Seattle in the United States. Two small policemen interfered with it, resulting in the loss of 2 tons of cargo. The United States itself had to pay compensation. Got a lot of money.

A week later, the two police officers and their relatives, a total of 17 people, were found in a trash can.

Can you imagine how much it would take for 17 people to fit into a trash can?

This incident has caused the Mexican government to lose face, but what can be done?

Even the news media didn’t dare to report it.

You can get rid of the goods, but you must not lose face.

"Ahem...Garcia, don't let anger destroy your reason."

An old man with a stooped back was pushed in in a wheelchair. When Abrego saw the person coming, he stood up quickly and motioned to the medical staff to let go. He pushed the wheelchair himself and lowered his head, "Uncle, why are you here?"

This is his uncle, Juan Nepomuson, who is also the founder of the Gulf Group. Because he was willing to spend a lot of money to find a protective umbrella, and from time to time he would also spend some money for charity. This made him never go to jail for more than 10 years in his life. one day.

This gangster who fought during the Prohibition period in the United States has unique personal charm and life experience. He trained his nephew Abrego, who led the Gulf Group into a comprehensive drug trafficking organization.

In Abrego's mind, Juan Nepomuson is the only person he respects.

"The smell of disinfectant in the hospital is too strong. I don't like it. If I have to die, I would rather die at home." Nepomuson said with a smile, and coughed hard without taking another breath.

Abrego quickly rubbed his back.

"Garcia, it has taken me a lifetime to learn to be careful. Women and children can be careless, but men cannot."

"Take a deep breath before doing anything. Anger will only blind you."

Abrego nodded, and just when he was about to tell his uncle what happened, Nepomuson shook his hand, "I'm old, you don't need to tell me, you can make your own decision."

"The only thing I have to do is wait for death." Nepomuson smiled self-deprecatingly, patted his nephew's hand, and then motioned to the caregiver to push him to rest.

Looking at his uncle's back, Abrego's eyes were particularly firm.

"Uncle, the Gulf Cartel is unsinkable!"

He took a deep breath, called his confidants, and asked him to offer a reward of 5 million US dollars for Victor's head.

Let the "mercenaries" who recognize money but not people first go and find out.

Money, drug cartels are plentiful!

At this time, Victor led people to inspect Guadalupe Island.

He plans to build an airport!

"Boss, do we still need to build an airport in this useless place? Can't we just take a ferry to the other side?" Casare followed Victor panting, holding his knees, and glanced at the person walking in front of him. middle-aged man.

That was the designer hired by the boss.

In fact, they are the professionals of Victor Exchange. Such professional matters must be left to professionals. Those who engage in "violent" activities have a combined academic qualification that is not even as long as other people's leg hair.

What design do you know?

I know a little bit about shooting.

When he was customizing the character, because he didn't know what skills a designer needed, he directly chose the template of an outstanding student of the "Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et des Designs", which has as many as a dozen professional skills and qualities.

I spent nearly 200,000 points!

The monthly salary still has to be paid.

But they are at least more reliable than those found outside. I will also look for them when building bunkers on the island in the future.

"You need to lose weight. You've been eating so well lately that your belly is almost hanging to the ground." Victor looked back at him and said with a smile.

Casare smiled and nudged his belly, "It's not that Guadalupe Island is managed peacefully by you, boss. I dare to go out to eat takeout this night, so of course I gained weight. This is called safety fat."

Why don't you call "Victor fat!"

Who said Latinos are straightforward?

Isn't this also the case with "sweet-talking" people?

But Victor was very happy to hear that.

"Casare, you need to zoom in a bit more. We have only eliminated the drug traffickers on Guadalupe Island, but what about Mexico? What about all of Latin America? Even many countries around the world are still living with drug crimes. We should treat them equally. We We need weapons that can physically destroy them from a distance..."

Casare was stunned.

No, boss, are you serious?

So fraternity?

From now on, go to the Vatican and convince the Pope that you can do it.

"Boss, we are just drug dealers, not warlords. Is it necessary to use planes? I think it is better to increase the number of artillery, and other countries should not have our turn to fight drugs, right?"

Victor smiled mysteriously, he knew some things.

The U.N.'s International Narcotics Control Agency, which was later commonly known as the "Narcotics Control Agency", will be established on December 12, 1990. That kind of organization always needs a certain amount of "force support."

Otherwise, why should we fight against drugs?

When Victor's position reaches a higher level, he will have the authority to join on behalf of Mexico.

Global anti-drug campaign is everyone’s responsibility!

Uncle Victor is obligated!

"When dealing with barbarians, we have to be as rude as barbarians. Casare, do you know what are the two types of people in this world who are most susceptible to change?"

The other party shook his head.

"Rich people and criminals."

"If you tell them that there are longevity genes in stool, the latter will rack their brains to kidnap medical talents to extract substances they don't know from the stool, and then sell them to rich people who want to live longer."

"You know, in order to make money, criminals will do anything. There may be a plane full of drugs in the clouds above our heads from Mexico to the world. If there is a plane, we can blow them up. !”

"Didn't Best say that Juarez also formed a team of killers? Maybe it won't be long before all the drug cartels in Mexico have to upgrade their weapons. Maybe... they will even have fighter jets!"

Casare's mouth was half open when he heard such a "bold" idea.

He knew that drug dealers owned some jets, which were used in Latin America to spread pesticides.

But in fact, Casare still has "short eyesight".

Given the current changes in the situation, it may not take half a year for Mexican drug trafficking groups to gradually transform into "warlord-like" organizations.

Anti-drug work will become increasingly difficult.

This dull topic made Casare even feel "tired" and he opened his mouth, "Boss, if it is so difficult, why do we still do it?"

"There must always be someone holding a torch high in the darkness, in order to tell everyone that there is a road ahead and they should move forward, so that when they die, the following sentence can be engraved on their tombstone: He was trying to change the world, and he will never be able to change the world. give up."

Victor looked at him, "And...I'm a police officer!"

Raindrops began to fall in the sky, and Casare raised his head. He suddenly thought of swearing to the national flag in school.

At that time...

He is young, he is upright, and he is full of hope for the future.


He was scared, he was cowardly, and he prayed that the drug dealers would get around him.

But now when Victor appeared, it was like a seed bursting out of his heart.

Why doesn't he want to be a good policeman?

"Boss, but we only have more than 200 people." Casare muttered.

"More people will join us!"

"Starting from Guadalupe Island, I plan to open a civilian police school on the island to recruit students between the ages of 14 and 19, and then add fresh blood to our police force. The location will be right on the beach. There is an empty factory left by drug dealers nearby. Go to the TV station and send a notice to let all the islanders know."

For people of this age, if you integrate them into the feelings of home and country, they will become the new generation of Mexico.

Victor didn't plan to change the country in just a few years.

Killing is very simple, a bullet only takes a fraction of a second, but it takes one or even two generations to build a country.

"I will serve as the principal, and you will serve as the vice principal when the time comes. Kennedy will serve as the school's military training instructor. When they come out, they must at least be proficient in using NATO standard weapons and techniques and tactics."

Looking at Victor talking freely.

Casare didn't even know what to say.

Boss, are you training "police auxiliary personnel" or "Mexican soldiers"?

But if it really develops as the boss imagined.

Entering Mexico…

No, it should be "Vuestro emperador ha vuelto. (Your emperor is back)".

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