Working as a police officer in Mexico

Chapter 94 Battle on the Beach of Guadalupe Island!

Guadalupe Island Beach on February 7, 1990.


There were screams accompanied by the sound of gunfire everywhere.

"Come over! Move the boat along the beach!" Benjamin held a telescope in his hand and saw that the assault boat was blocked by a machine gun fire net. He was very annoyed and gave an order loudly.

Ro-passenger the beach?

Micro player!

The last person to die like this was the "anti-Japanese hero" and "the devil Mutaguchi!"

The ro-ro passenger ship of more than 800 tons roared and rushed to the northwest beach under his command. Strangely enough, the bullets seemed to have eyes and floated past the ro-ro passenger ship.

Is the hull intact?

This must be good luck!


There was a heavy impact, and the ro-ro boat stuttered. Everyone on the boat was unsteady and staggered. Benjamin pulled on the railing with an excited expression, "Get off the boat, get off quickly, guys, we are already halfway to the victory!"

He obviously doesn't read the history of world wars.

Otherwise, you will understand that the most dangerous place in a landing battle is...on the beach!

More than 300 drug traffickers armed with M16s rushed out of the cabin under the leadership of their leader.

"Spread out! Spread out! Be careful with the machine guns!" The leader still had some tactical skills, "Bend forward and move forward."

Before I finished saying this, I jumped!

The leader's body, which weighed nearly 200 kilograms, was blown into the sky. When he fell, his body was broken into two pieces.

"Landmines! There are landmines!"

Many of the panicked drug dealers began to run around, and the explosions caused 60 M14 mines buried here to explode continuously.

Jump, jump, jump…

The entire beach was turned over again.

The lucky one had a broken leg and was lying on the ground howling.

Benjamin's eyes widened and his whole body felt cold.

There were whistling sounds above my head. When I raised my head, I saw a string of rockets trailing towards me!

There are as many as 150 pieces...

"Mierda! (Tough luck!)" Benjamin murmured.

The entire ro-ro ship and its surroundings within a few hundred meters were instantly surrounded by rockets.

Kennedy Heisenberg covered his ears, looked at the sea of ​​​​fire in the distance, and held the walkie-talkie, "Reload! Another round!"

Katyusha, you just need to use rolling logs to raise the tires of the car, and you can shoot flatly.

In the Battle of Berlin in 1945, the Soviet army lowered its "Katyusha" angle and fired flatly, destroying everything in an instant. All the German fortifications and checkpoints became the ears of the deaf - decorations!

Hundreds of people instantly became dead souls.

The police officers who heard the order hurriedly loaded up the rockets. With Kennedy's wave, 160 rockets fired another round at the burning beach.

Whose family is so extravagant!

Even Pablo, who claims to have an army of 40,000, is not that extravagant, right?

But who is better, Victor VS Pablo?

Now that the latter is at its peak, there will be a chance to fight.

Victor's strategy was to "let them in and fight!" As long as the drug traffickers disembarked and landed on the coast, it would be difficult to escape. Who could survive under the cover of his artillery fire?

And on the Pacific Ocean.

The "Archduke Victor" killed seven in and seven out of the remaining ro-ro ships!

Two 7.62 mm caliber machine guns were mounted on the bow and stern of the ship. Police officers in helmets fired at the ro-ro ship. The shell casings popped out of the ejection port and instantly piled up into a small hill.

"Radar search, lock!"

"Preparations for torpedo launch are complete!"

The combat command center on the patrol boat awaits orders from the captain.


The fire control operator presses the button.

A 533mm launch tube was exposed under the patrol boat. The surrounding seawater vibrated, and there were many small fish hovering next to it.

A torpedo ejected from the launch tube and rushed towards a ro-ro passenger ship on the opposite side.

About a minute later.

The ro-ro passenger ship burst into flames, and the ship's hull instantly tilted, flooding it with seawater.

Warship hits passenger ship...

Isn't this just a case of athletes beating primary school students?

There are 20 artillery pieces of various types on the "Archduke Victor" alone. Are you relying on it to fight?

"Help me! Help me!!"

Dozens of drug dealers were holding on to the railings and howling miserably, with lots of tears and snot in their eyes, hoping that their escaping companions would help them.

But who would be so great as a drug dealer?

The captain looked at this scene with a smile.

"Aim the machine gun at the drug dealer hanging on the hull and shoot!"

The orders were passed on layer by layer.

The police officer moved the muzzle of his machine gun and pulled the trigger on the crying drug dealers.

Have you ever seen balloons in the square?

Those small vendors don't have machine guns. If they did, you would know how exciting it is to shoot them.

The bullet pierced the drug dealer's arm, and he fell into the sea with despair and screams. As the row passed, it was the Lord of Hell who was counting his life.

Some drug dealers couldn't stand it and jumped from the tilting boat, shouting.

But apart from splashing waves, it has no lethal effect at all.

"Keep pursuing!"

The other drug cartel's ro-ro ships ran away when the situation was not right. They were so cunning. They let Benjamin charge for a while, and then saw that the other party was covered by artillery fire. Who had the courage to go up?

But want to run?

Have you asked the abbot...Did Victor?

Gunships in the sky strafed the ships below!

The drug dealers on the deck were beaten and ran into the control room. The EDM commando police officers who had been prepared for a long time took the assault boat and charged towards the ro-ro ship. After rushing up from the ladder, they first threw smoke grenades and then attacked. Sweeping everything inside.

This fully illustrates the truth.

Compared with drug dealers and regular troops...

It's nothing compared to a big witch.

The fighting lasted until 7 a.m. and then gradually stopped.

The entire Guadalupe Island seems to have been renovated.

Having a complete body is like saving the galaxy in a previous life.

Victor was followed by a bodyguard, who kicked a severed arm off the stone. Behind him, Casare was smiling. The chief internal officer also had a battle report in his hand, "Boss, we killed about 600 drug dealers in total." , 500 people fell into the sea and disappeared, 2 ro-ro passenger ships were blown up, 6 were captured, and about 500 drug dealers were captured. 90 mercenaries were also found inside, and 3 helicopters were shot down. "

"Seven police officers died and 27 were injured!"

Victor raised his eyebrows, "How did you sacrifice yourself?"

Casare's smile faded, "There was a position that was blown up by a mercenary helicopter, but the police officers inside didn't escape."

"Select out those mercenaries and kill them, drag the remaining drug dealers to minefields! Those who are still alive will be shackled to their feet and hand and dragged through the streets!"

So cruel?

"Boss, this will ferment public opinion, and many people will focus on this."

"Do you think I'll care?"

"Do we still have to worry about public opinion when we kill drug dealers? If anyone is unhappy, you can come to Guadalupe Island to see me. If someone from a human rights organization stands to speak, then ask him to kneel down!"

"Here, I have the final say!"

Kasare swallowed and nodded knowingly.

Pass on Victor's order.

Kennedy and the EDM police officers stood in front of the prisoners, glanced at the mercenaries wearing different clothes, and waved behind them.

The police officers rushed forward and dragged the mercenary out.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Let me go. I ask you to follow the Geneva Convention. I am a prisoner."

But no one paid any attention to him.

Geneva Convention?

The "Victor Says!" that Guadalupe Island follows.

Seeing that it was useless to roll around, the mercenary howled, "These police are going to kill us, they are demons!"

Many prisoners panicked instantly, and noises and noises suddenly broke out.


"We believe in Victor!"

Kennedy pulled the bolt of his submachine gun and swiped directly at the drug dealer who stood up in front of him. He kicked the nearest prisoner down and stepped on his chest.

"The director ordered that if there is any trouble, kill half of them first!" a police officer ran from a distance and shouted loudly.

Kennedy is also known as the "Loyal Dog" internally. Many police officers say that EDM people are extremely loyal to the chief.

As long as the director says it, it will be fulfilled 100%.

Kennedy nodded to the police officer who sent the order, "Sorry, you made sir angry." He raised his hand and gestured to the crowd, "Live on the left, die on the right!"

The EDM police officer raised his gun and fired!

The powerless drug dealers finally understood what the last pleas of those innocent people were like when they faced ordinary civilians.

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die!"

"My mother is still waiting for me to come home!"

The prisoners screamed and ran away.

Kennedy and the others didn't care. A steamroller behind them chased the drug dealer without panicking. When the other party ran to the coast and roared helplessly at the sea, the steamroller directly crushed the drug dealer.

All civil engineering dogs know how heavy a road roller is.

The sound of broken bones was accompanied by screams.

If a reporter filmed this scene, it would definitely become popular, and it would not be spread on the Internet now.

But does Uncle Victor care?

Kill the drug dealers!

The prisoner who was chosen to survive on the left hand side collapsed on the ground. This is how people are. If they live, they will not struggle for death. What does it have to do with others dying?

Wait until everyone on the other side is killed.

Kennedy looked at the surviving prisoners on the left and said, "Gentlemen, it's your turn next."

"Take them to the mine! Those who survive may have a chance to leave Guadalupe Island!"


The captives' eyes were filled with despair, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, they gained a little more confidence. Everyone believed that they were the chosen ones.

No luck.

Kennedy looked at the group.

Tell you to leave Guadalupe Island.

But I didn’t say I would assign a ship to you.

Swim back by yourself!

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