World of Experts

Chapter 84: Distorted Teleportation

What was the accident you say? It had to continue from when Shi Hao left Mina’s dilapidated wooden house.

At that time, Shi Hao had already made up his mind to deliver some equipment to Mina. He moved quickly and arrived at the portal of Striped Stone Village. That portal couldn’t be seen clearly under the dim light of night, but Shi Hao knew that this was the right location and there nothing wrong with it.

Unfortunately, Shi Hao should have taken a closer look at the appearance of that portal. If he had taken a closer look, then he would have noticed that the portal had undergone a strange change on this special night! It was a once-a-year magical event. The space of the portal had distorted.

At this moment, speaking accurately, the destination of this portal had already changed completely! After Shi Hao entered it, the probability of him returning to the Central Flower Region was practically zero. As for where he would arrive, no one was clear about that. It would be known only after he tested it.

“This time, I have to prepare myself first. I must not lose consciousness due to that spinning pressure. It’s just like riding a roller coaster.” Shi Hao made his preparations and jumped into the portal. Merely, a strange thing happened. Shi Hao didn’t run into a spinning pressure like before. He seemed to be in an empty black space without light, floating in mid-air, unable to move at all.

“Hello! Young man, you are the first person to come here. I’m very happy to see you. What’s your name?” A voice suddenly rang in Shi Hao’s ears.

Shi Hao was surprised! This voice was very robotic. Hearing it once, he knew that it was definitely not a human voice, nor was an NPC’s voice. Then, it must be the system’s voice. However, why was the game system saying these things to him? Moreover, the game system’s voice didn’t seem to be so rigid like this before. And the most important point was, couldn’t the game system directly find his name?

Shi Hao asked: “I’m Shake the Heaven! Are you the game system of >?”

One had to say that, in this kind of confusing situation, straightforwardly asking was usually effective. On the contrary, beating around the bush would make the other party feel annoyed.

“Yes! Also, no.” That voice replied: “I once used to be a part of >’s game system. But later, the main system separated me to especially manage this independent small space. Now, I’m completely separate from the main system. I have no control over him and he also has no control over me. If you like it, then you might as well call me ‘Sea Manager’. Because this place I manage is the ruins of Sea King God. By the way, don’t ask me how this matter is related to the game, that’s a taboo.”

The ruins of Sea King God? Where’s that place? Shi Hao carefully thought about everything he knew, but he still couldn’t determine it. He had read that Bizarre Signs Record Book several times, but he hadn’t seen anything about that place. Strange.

However, he reacted quickly, and his eyes flashed. Could it be that the legendary history of ancient gods was also used to create game elements? Putting it that way, wouldn’t that Sea King God be Poseidon?

Poseidon was the great god who ruled over the seas and oceans in Greek mythology. Poseidon’s elder brother was God Zeus, and his younger brother was Hell King Hades. These three brothers were in charge of everything in the world.

If this place was truly the ruins of Poseidon, then there might still be some treasures. Among those treasures, he could choose some suitable ones (what was suitable? Those items that weren’t too precious like his Shadow Dragon Soul. He couldn’t give the items like it to others. But they also shouldn’t be too rubbish. If they were too rubbish, they couldn’t solve the problem), and give them to Mina to settle everything. It was very simple!

Shi Hao yelled: “Sea Manager, let’s talk, give me some treasures and send me back, okay?”

Give you some treasure and then send you back, do you think this Sea Manager was a stupid small independent system? Of course, it wasn’t.

“Hehe…” Sea Manager just laughed without saying a word. Sea Manager was a system with rules. This place indeed had endless treasures, but anyone who wanted to get a treasure from his place should pay a price. There was no free lunch in this world, and there was no treasure without a price.

Shi Hao was also not stupid. He naturally knew this. He was just joking before while testing if he could truly be so lucky.

Shi Hao rolled his eyes and yelled again: “Sea Manager, it’s fine if you don’t give it for nothing. But I know that there should be a big test in a hidden place like this. And after passing that test, I can take away the treasures. Come on, just tell me directly if there is any test.”

“Okay! I’ll ask you a question first.” Sea Manager had been looking forward to this for a long time. As a small independent system, Sea Manager could only manage this small independent space, which couldn’t even be seen by the people. It was truly boring and lonely. Shi Hao’s appearance was a treasure for Sea Manager to relieve his boredom.

Sea Manager asked mischievously: “One night, the wind was blowing, and 12 lit candles were neatly arranged on a table. The first gust of wind extinguished 3 candles, and not long after, another gust of wind extinguished 2 candles. In the end, how many candles are left on the table?”

Haha! Shi Hao smiled. Interesting. Shi Hao confidently answered: “5 candles! Only the 5 extinguished candles were left. The other candles were all burned out.”

Haha! Sea Manager laughed. He was complacent and asked again: “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure!” Shi Hao didn’t feel any pressure. This should be the perfect answer, a text-book answer. Unfortunately, he had forgotten one thing. Wu Batian was wrong when he answered a text-book answer to the Pirate Gold Division problem. Now, Shi Hao was also wrong like Wu Batian.

Sea Manager laughed and said: “Congratulation, you got the wrong answer. The correct answer is 12. First of all, the 12 candles are on the same table, and 5 of them were extinguished by the wind. What did this mean? This meant that the candles on the table were not kept indoors for protection. Secondly, the wind is blowing, how could any candle persist until the end?”

F***! Shi Hao fell into a trap. Sea Manager, this underhanded fellow, Shi Hao was not convinced!

Shi Hao yelled: “This question doesn’t count! Again, I know your routine now.”

Heh heh! Heh heh! Sea Manager was also a bit interested in this. It was best to find someone to have fun with. Sea Manager said: “Very good, considering your potential, I will give you one more chance. I have a box, guess how many sides does this box have?”

This time, Shi Hao thought for a long time. Logically speaking, the text-book answer to this question was very clear. A box was divided into two sides, inside and outside. But Shi Hao believed that this Sea Manager must have dug another pit. Being fooled once was careless, but being fooled the second time was stupid. And Shi Hao was not stupid.

But no matter how long he thought, he couldn’t figure out the trap in this question. Therefore, in desperation, Shi Hao stupidly replied: “Two, inside and outside!”

Haha! Sea Manager was complacent again. He smiled and said: “Congratulation, you got the wrong answer again. My box is a sandbox, and the sandbox has as many sides as you want. Even after it is broken, there is no side, how did you get inside and outside?”

F***! Shi Hao knew that there was a pit. He fell into a pit again. However, even though he was pitted, he just laughed, happily laughed. This was not a foolish laugh. Because, at this moment, he finally noticed a piece of extremely critical information from these questions of Sea Manager.

Since he had noticed it, he took the initiative to grasp the crucial key! Perhaps, it might also be the key to opening Poseidon’s treasury.

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