Worst Stories Ever

Nineteen: Increasing Conflict!

At the same time, Jimmithey eventually stopped running and sat on a nearby tree branch. He felt angry, not at Myusel but at himself. 

He hated her and was happy without her. That was common knowledge to himself, an unchanging fact. But for some reason, whenever he looked at her, he felt genuinely attracted to her. 

“Fuck… What is wrong with me…?” Jimmithey asked himself out loud, looking at the grass under his shoes.

But suddenly, his half broken phone began to ring. He checked it, seeing that Milly was calling him. 

He didn’t remember giving her his number but he didn’t really mind. It must’ve been Jackie who did it, which was helpful.

Under her number was a bunch of missed calls from his mom. Jimmithey forgot to check during all of the chaos. 

He was also shocked that his phone wasn’t completely destroyed through all of the fighting! 

“H-hey Milly. I’m safe and everything. That attacker guy, he’s someone we both knew…” Jimmithey answered, standing up as he began strolling in the forest.

“It’s good that you’re safe, Jimmithey. Go with Myusel and Jackie. It’s safer than being by yourself. But, who was the attacker?!” Milly asked, her voice being muffled slightly by static.

“Remember from the original King Cuck incident, that other guy who was kidnapped with us. The Green Haired one. He was the attacker and he now works with the King Cuck. He wanted to fuck me again, but the bitch came and saved me before it could happen.” Jimmithey responded, continuing to walk towards the massive landslide that Myusel’s attack created.

“What the fuck?! H-how did that even happen? Okay… Shit. Come back to the lair and explain it to me there. I’ll send you the location, so come quickly. Go with Myusel and Jackie, okay?” Milly said in disbelief, eventually hanging up. Jimmithey sighed and put his phone down.

“Fucking cucks.” He muttered, looking into the sky. He knew the King Cuck was somewhere up there, causing all of this chaos.

He prepared to turn around and walk away but stopped when he smelt something weird nearby.

“Hmm?” He said as he turned around, looking at the massive landslide nearby. He saw a large crater with green goo coming out of it.

“Is that a… a fucking cum trail?” Jimithey asked himself, following the green trail from afar. 

He stopped when he saw a massive pile of green cum, the Green Haired Guy’s mask and clothing lined up along it. His black sunglasses were also there, half broken.

“He got away… He’s scary and insane, but I don’t think he’s too strong. Milly and Jackie could help me beat him. But I need to go.” Jimmithey thought as he pulled up his phone, seeing that Milly had texted him the directions.

He turned around and began running towards these directions, leaving the pile of clothing behind.

When Jimmithey reached the base, an abandoned school, it was now the afternoon. He had discussed the plans with Milly, who was with the rest of the group. 

She took him and Chad to the side of the school to practice meditations for their energy.

At the same time, Jackie was learning magical girl attacks with Myusel, doing it in an abandoned football field near the building.

“Listen guys. You need to both focus and control your energies. Especially you Jimmithey. Your energy is strong but could backfire on you if you don’t focus on it properly. And Chad, we don’t know if you have powers yet or not, so do simple mediations along with Jimmithey in order to see if you do.” Milly said, remembering the notes she had written from her studies a few months back.

“Sounds like some weird new age shit, but I’ll do it.” Jimmithey said as he sat on the grass, beginning to close his eyes. 

“Alright Milly. I hope I have some badass powers.” Chad nodded as he sat on the ground, closing his eyes also.

Jimmithey began to concentrate his schizo energy, letting it flow across his body. He thought back on his supposed wife that he saw a few months back, wondering what it meant. 

He also thought about what the Colonel said, about his supposed Cuck powers. What did it all mean?

He was beginning to get a grasp at it, understanding more about his powers. 

He could see different colors and concepts, all forming in the massive galactic expanse that was his mind. His potential. His imagination.

But his concentration was broken when he heard an agitated breathing coming from nearby. He opened his eyes and turned, seeing Chad grunting loudly.

Chad was new to mediation, never having done it. So he wasn’t properly breathing and made a ton of annoying noises. Jimmithey’s concentration was broken, and it seemed like it would take an incredible amount of effort to bring it back. 

So he felt pissed off. Especially since it was Myusel’s stupid boyfriend who broke it.

“Hey Chad. Shut the fuck up. Okay?” Jimmithey said as he turned towards Chad.

“What? Excuse me?” Chad asked, opening his eyes and looking back at Jimmithey.

“You heard me, asshole. You’re fucking up my entire mediation, you stupid bastard! Shut the fuck up or get the hell out of here!” Jimmmithey yelled as he punched the ground, cracking the dirt under his fist.

“Woah! Hey! Fuck you dude! I’m sorry that I’m new to this weird shit and don’t have all of these crazy ass powers like you do! But I’m still trying to help in my own way! I’m only here because of Myusel, you dickward. So I’m not staying next to your whining punk ass! Fuck this and fuck you!” Chad yelled as he stood up, walking somewhere else to meditate.

“Whatever, pussy! Run away, you little bitch!” Jimmithey yelled as he sat back down in his position. 

But as he did, he noticed that Milly was crossing her arms while staring at him.

“Jimmithey. The hell was that for?” Milly asked slowly and sternly, looking at Jimmithey like he was a little kid.

“He’s an asshole Milly! This guy can’t do shit, yet acts like he deserves respect! Hell no!” Jimmithey responded with poor reasoning.

“Jimmithey, he’s still our ally. Chad may be new to this stuff, but the fact that he’s trying is respectable. Remember, he only came because I called Myusel. He had nothing to do with this, yet still wants to fight to save the world. I think he deserves respect for that.” Milly stated, looking straight at Jimmithey. 

Jimmithey knew that was true. He was doing something incredibly brave, something that Jimmithey would respect. 

But he still felt anger towards Chad whenever he saw him. It was like he was making fun of him by being with Myusel, looking down at Jimmithey’s own shitty experiences.

“But the fuck is he gonna do? He had no powers and shit. He’s just gonna get killed! Besides, he’s with that bitch Myusel. He’s sucking up to her while not listening to the facts!” Jimmithey yelled, crossing his own arms.

“Oh, so that’s the real issue. I get that’s weird to you, but he’s only defending the woman he knows. He never saw the Myusel you knew, so you can’t blame him for loving her. He’s willfully ignorant, but him dating her is keeping her away from you. You gotta thank him for that, right?” Milly asked.

“It still feels off. I just can’t trust him either… He’s too much of a dumbass. Like he’s looking down at me. Fuckin’ insulting my shit while not knowing anything.” Jimmithey muttered, looking at the ground. 

This made Milly curious, thinking about why Jimmithey would act like this. Then an idea came to her head.

“Hey hey… Are you jealous or something? I thought you didn’t like Myusel.” Milly said, sitting upwards. Jimmithey’s jaw nearly dropped when he heard that.

“What?! Fuck no! I don’t care about that bitch and her stupid dumbass relationship! I just hate how she’s hanging out with you guys! Poor Jack is probably getting touched by the bitch right now! Damn it! Let’s just keep meditating man! Don’t bring up nonsense like that again, damn it!” Jimmithey yelled as he kicked the ground near him. Milly began to laugh and sat back with her legs crossed.

“Ahaha. Fine Jimmithey, I’m sorry for bringing it up. You act just like my little brother did, so I mess with you on reflex. Let’s just keep mediating, okay? We don’t have much longer until tomorrow.” Milly said, smiling at Jimmithey. 

He sighed and sat back, crossing his legs. But he stopped when he heard Milly sniffing.

“Fuck is that smell? It’s horrible…” Milly said as she began standing up. Jimmithey then smelled the same bad scent, covering his nose.

“Oh shit. Yeah I smell that also. I think it’s coming from over there. Behind the school.” Jimmithey said as he stood up, pointing at the school nearby.

“Alright. Let me check. Jimmithey, go back and get the others. Something’s up.” Milly said as she raised her hand, slowly walking towards the back of the abandoned school. 

Jimmithey did as he was told and went off in the opposite direction.

The stench only got worse and worse as Milly got closer.  She then noticed a large pool of green cum coming out of a small crater next to the school! 

Inside of the green pool was the Green Haired Man, standing naked.

He had burn wounds all over his body, but was lubricated by his own green goo.

“Oh fuck. It’s you…” Milly said as she reached for her gun holster. She had a small pistol with her in case of any surprise attacks.

“Why hello there, Miss Milly Milson. It’s so nice to see you again, after so long. We’ve both changed so much! But, you know, I gotta thank you. It’s thanks to you, I got to find out about myself. And thanks to you, I got to find out what my love’s asshole feels like…” Green Haired Man said as he rubbed his green cock, walking up towards Milly in his pool of green cum.

“Stop. You’re a small fry and you’re almost dead already. You’ll get killed by us if you do anything weird. Just surrender and we’ll take care of the Cuck King. You’ll be normal by then. Trust me.” She responded, looking at the Green Haired Guy in pity.

She knew that this was what the King Cuck did. He corrupted normal people, changing them into degenerate and desperate versions of themselves. 

That’s what he did to the Green Haired Guy, and that’s what he would do to the entire world if he won!

“HAHA! That’s cute, girl. But I’m never going back to my old life, that boring existence. This is what I want, what I need. And I need to fuck Jimmithey. But whatever Milly, you don't understand so I’ll just get to the point.” Green Haired Guy said as he turned slightly, pointing behind himself at the woods surrounding them. 

As he pointed, a man began walking towards them. It was a short, fat and ugly man with a pink pony on his tiny, dirty shirt. His fat stomach was pointing outwards and he had a pony hat on. 

It was Brother Brony, one of the strongest Cuckold Generals. Milly instantly recognized the man and began running off!

“Oh come back here Milly! We haven’t even started!” Green Haired Guy said as he began walking slowly to her.

Milly ran past the back of the school, planning to tell the others. But as she turned the corner, she saw that hundreds of Brother Bronies surrounded the forest. They covered every tree and space around the school area.

“We are one. We are MANY!” They all said in hypnotic unity. Their powerful chant echoed around the entire forest, causing a force of wind to push into the trees.

“Shit!!” Milly yelled as she kept running, searching for the others. 

“MILLY! MOVE OVER!!!” Myusel screamed from the sky as a Brother Brony clone ran towards Milly! 

The Brother Brony tried to hug Milly, but she dodged over to the side. The Brony exploded into a toxic, fuming mess of meat and flesh!

“Holy fuck!” Milly yelled as she looked at the dirty mess. It was a suicide attack! But Milly looked back up when she saw Myusel and Jackie flying down. 

“Myusel, thanks for the save. But where the hell are the others?!” Milly yelled as she looked around, seeing more Bronies come out from the woods. 

But as she did, she saw Jimmtihey running straight towards the Green Haired Guy!

“Shit! What the hell is Jimmithey doing!?” Milly yelled as Jimmithey and the Green Haired Guy both disappeared into the forest. But Milly then realized that Chad wasn’t there either.

“Where is Chad also?! We have to protect him! The Brother Bronies can infinitely duplicate. We can’t defeat them with any conventional techniques, unless we beat the original one. And Chad still has no abilities! He can barely damage them!” Milly yelled, sweating heavily as she looked around for him.

“We thought he was with you!” Jackie shouted as she looked around. 

“Over there! Oh no! Honey!” Myusel yelled as she pointed in the opposite direction. 

They then turned and saw Chad standing in the field, staring at the Bronies who were surrounding him. 

“SHIT! We have to get Chad outta there!” Milly yelled as she began running towards him. 

But as she did, the once dormant brother bronies began running straight towards the girls, their fumes melting the ground they walked on!

“We have to deal with these assholes first!” Jackie yelled as she blasted a beam, which melted one of the bronies. 

But as one died, two more came out of the forest. They were surrounded and the smell only got worse and worse. 

The distance between them and Chad only increased as more Bronies died!

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