Worst Stories Ever

One: A magical girl tries to f*ck a guy in her school, but fails miserably.

“Oooh-! T-this feels so good!” The girl named Myusel moaned, pressing her sweaty breasts against the young man’s chest. She looked up at him, a dreamy expression on her face, saliva dripping down her chin.

“What the hell…” The boy named Jimmithey Johnrey James exclaimed as he pushed her off of himself, backing away from her. “What are you doing?! You’re gonna ruin my clothes with your sweat and drool!”

“Hehe, it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except me and you… Us being together, you being mine!!” Myusel replied, staring straight into the boy’s eyes. He could see that her pupils were in the shape of hearts and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth.

She was insane for Jimmithey Johnrey James and would do anything… to fuck him.

“I’m leaving, okay?! Do this again, and I’m seriously going to report you!” Jimmithey yelled as he ran away, leaving Myusel alone behind the school.

She fell onto the floor in tears, pressing her hands onto her face.

“D-damn it… My attempt failed… He’s seriously the hardest person to seduce!!!” She cried as she grabbed her stomach and crossed her legs. She then looked down at her wet crotch and back at the sky.

“But I can’t resist him! I can’t resist Jimmithey Johnrey James!!!” She screamed into the afternoon sky.


Hours had passed and it was now the next day. Myusel woke up early on that Saturday morning in her room, feeling incredibly horny. She hadn’t fucked in a long time, so her horniness had reached it’s peak.

“Ughhhhh… Jimmithey Johnrey Jamessss… Heheh…” She muttered as she laid on her bed, drooling as she thought about his face. She then looked around her large pink room, looking past the fancy and decorative furniture. She noticed her giant staff laying on a white cabinet, next to her bed.

This staff was a magical girl staff, which would help Myusel transform into her magical girl form. She had become a magical girl at a young age, being taught by her mother, who was herself a former magical girl. She was from a line of magical girls that went to ancient times, protecting the people from violence and crime.

She fought criminals, monsters, and perverts, locking them all up and away from the good people of society. And the best thing was that she had a lot of fun doing it. She even made friends with other magical girls that she found or recruited.

But ever since she fought one certain monster, she had become incredibly horny. Dangerously horny. Uncontrollably horny. She assumed it was because of an attack the monster used on her. But in the end, it didn’t matter. All that mattered is that she wanted sex.

She was obsessed with fucking, or rather, sucking cock. She loved both in fact. And there was only one person who she could be satisfied by. Jimmithey Johnrey James.

A day after she had felt this increased horniness, she went to school and tried going to her classes. She was still flustered but could control her desires and pay attention in class. She felt more attracted to the dumb boys in her class, but still ignored it and functioned normally.

That was until she laid eyes upon Jimmithey Johnrey James, the completely normal boy who sat across the classroom from her. For some reason, he was the only person that made her unable to control herself, leading to her losing all reason and becoming obsessed. 

She had been following him for about a month at this point, attempting to get his attention and interest. But all of these attempts had ended in failure, for he usually ran away or threatened to tell on her. 

This would lead to Myusel stopping, for she did not want to get in trouble. She had an image as a magical girl to uphold, but her desires for Jimmithey left her unable to go a moment without thinking about him.

Ever since she was young, she was taught that she could get anything she wanted if she tried hard enough. Whenever she asked her parents or her butler for anything, they would give it to her. And if they refused, she would try again and eventually succeed.

She never failed to get what she wanted. The clothing she wanted, the friends she wanted, the apartment and school that she wanted. All of it she could get with very little effort. She even got to move away from her family and live independently, having freedom to do whatever.

So failing to get Jimmithey Johnrey James not only made her sex drive get even stronger, but it also ignited a spark inside of her head. She knew she had to do this, no matter what! She couldn’t quit until Jimmithey was hers.

Myusel began to dress herself in her school uniform and left her apartment. She put her staff in her pink backpack and began to walk down the street to her school. This was despite today being a weekend. As she was walking, people in the city began to wave at her. 

“Ms. Magical Girl! Hello!” A random boy yelled as he waved at her. She waved back at him and the crowd behind him, continuing to walk to her school. 

She normally loved the popularity that being a magical girl gave her, but didn’t care much about it at that moment. She had to get to school, so she could see Jimmithey. She knew he did his daily runs around the school, even on weekends. 

She began to walk around an alternative path, going away from where the school was. She then saw a person jogging on the street across from her. They were a young blond boy in a tracksuit. Myusel instantly recognized that it was Jimmithey Johnrey James!

She began to run towards him, quickly jumping on her staff and flying on it. Jimmithey soon noticed her, trying to run faster. But she caught up and slid in front of him, causing Jimmithey to stop and stare at her.

“Ugh it’s you! Magical girl, what are you doing here!? I told you to leave me alone!” Jimmithey yelled as Myusel began to walk up to him. She hugged him tightly, holding him in place.

“It’s not ‘magical girl’. I’m Myusel. And I want your cock... Inside of me! I need it! NOW!” She screamed, grabbing his pants and underwear, yanking them down. She grabbed his cock and began to crouch down before Jimmithey grabbed her shoulders.

“Y-you! You can’t just do that! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!” Jimmithey screamed as he pushed her away, pulling his pants up and running away.

“D-damn it!” Myusel muttered, crossing her arms as she watched Jimmithey run away.

Once again, Myusel’s plan did not work. She needed to adapt and think better. Just walking up to him and touching him wouldn’t work anymore. She decided that she was going to try again later that evening.

She decided to stalk Jimmithey throughout the rest of the day. She used her magical girl powers to fly above him, watching him on top of buildings. She also wore different magically projected disguises, changing her appearance.

Jimmithey went to his job, which was at a local family restaurant. Myusel was curious, so she followed him in after a few minutes of watching.

When she went inside, she sat in a corner and saw Jimmithey as a waiter, getting an order from a random couple. He quickly finished with them and was about to tell the chef about the order, but was interrupted by a random girl.

“Hey Jimmithey! How’s everything going?” The girl asked as she held her hands behind her back. Jimmithey turned towards her and blushed slightly.

“Oh hey Reina. My day’s been okay. Someone has been bothering me, but it’s all fine. I’m just glad I could come to work.” Jimmithey responded as he scratched his nose. 

Myusel was watching from the side, clenching her fist in rage. Jimmithey talking to any other girl made her sick. They were a dangerous competition that could take away her chance of being with him. She once only desired his body, but now wanted to have his body forever.

“You’re so sweet Jimmithey. You’re the only person I know who is actually happy to work... Well, let me know if anything is happening. I’ll be here for you.” Reina said as she began walking off to the staff room, waving at Jimmithey. Myusel nearly cracked the table from anger.

“Seeya…” Jimmithey said as he kept blushing. He then got himself back in focus and walked to the kitchen with the orders. 

As Jimmithey left, Myusel stood up and began walking towards the staff room. She was pissed, but had a good idea that included that girl. 

“No one gets between me and Jimmithey. But you can be useful… You bitch…” Myusel muttered to herself as she closed the staff room door behind herself.

Jimmithey soon finished work for that day. Despite that, he still had work to do. He went to the supermarket, picking up food from a shopping list his mom gave him. Myusel kept her earlier disguise and followed him in the store, seeing what food he was picking up.

“So he likes pizza… I’ll definitely cook him some when he’s mine… Ehehe…” Myusel muttered out loud behind a little food stand, touching her breast as she said this. 

After Jimmithey was done with his shopping, he went back to his house. Myusel flew over, analyzing the house to see where she could sneak in without anyone noticing. But before she could look at the backyard, she heard the door open. 

She saw that Jimmithy was leaving, so she ran behind the house and began to listen in.

“Jimmithey! Go get some toilet paper, will ya? They have it at the Seven Eleven I think.” Jimmithey’s mother yelled through the door. Jimmithey turned at the door, nearly seeing Myusel, who hid behind the house quickly.

“Uh…? Thought I saw something… Nevermind. Okay mom. Seeya!” Jimmithey responded, closing the door behind himself and walking off. It was sunset now, and Myusel was reaching her limit. She decided she couldn’t handle waiting anymore. It was her time to strike.

“H-he’s alone now… I can’t hold it anymore. Forget the plan. I need him! Jimmithey! Jimmitheeey!” Myusel said as she flew up into the sky, silently floating above him. After a few minutes of tracking him, she saw Jimmithey enter a completely empty park shortcut. She flew down ahead of him, putting on her hoodie disguise. 

She stood still with her hoodie on, her heart racing as he approached her. Before he got close to her, she pulled down her pants, revealing her underwear. She then began to touch her crotch erotically, moaning and panting in front of him.

“WOAH! YOU AGAIN!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Jimmithey screamed, shocked as to how she got there again. He was seriously tired of seeing her, but the way she was moving her hand in her underwear made it look like she was seriously hurting herself!

Her body was twitching, her panting and moaning becoming more violent. She nearly fell over, her face wincing in pain. Jimmithey couldn’t handle seeing it anymore.

“Y-you need to stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!” Jimmithey screamed out, trying to walk towards her. But then, Myusel began to laugh loudly, moaning as she did this.

“I-I want you to FUCK ME! I’ll stop bothering you if you do that for me! I promise! Please!!” Myusel blurted out, rubbing her privates even harder.

“W-why? Why me?! I’m not even special or anything! I’m just some normal guy. A-and I’m not even interested! You could’ve h-had s-sex with any other boys at our school! T-they talk about you all of the time!” Jimmithey screamed, Myusel inching closer and closer towards him.

“I’ve been dreaming about you for ages… You, your face, your hair, your eyes, your body, YOUR COCK. It’s all special to me…! Those boys at school, they aren’t you Jimmithey. They aren’t special! They’re easy! You’re hard! I-I need you! Please be mine!!” Myusel cried out, falling onto her knees.

“No! Screw this! You’re gross! Leave me alone!!!” Jimmithey yelled, turning away from her. Myusel expected this, grinning as she saw his back turn. She grabbed something from her shirt pocket and began to ring a bell. This caused Jimmithey to stop.

“What?” Jimmithey asked as he turned towards her. He then saw someone else walk into the alleyway, their body silhouetted by the sunset light.

“Jimmithey… I have someone so precious to you, that you care about them over me! T-they’ll get hurt if you don’t have sex with me, right now! OKAY!?!” Myusel cried out as she began to stand up. She put her wet hand up, as the silhouetted person walked into her arm.

It was none other than Reina Rionne, Jimmithey’s co-worker from his part time job! She had a crazy look on her eyes, blushing all over her face. Her work uniform was ripped up, revealing her breasts. She looked like a mess.

She was limping over to Myusel, being unable to control her lust. She grabbed Myusel shoulder and began to make out with her! 


“What the HELL!!!” Jimmithey cried out as he fell onto his back. This was next level for him, for as much as Myusel bothered him, she had never brought a random person into her messes. 

Myusel then finished kissing Reina, pulling her head away and looking straight at Jimmithey.

“Ahhh! You like Rionne, right? You think she’s cute and sooo innocent? Well, unless you fuck me, she’ll become my whore! She already is acting like it, with the little drink I gave her. Right Rionne?” Myusel laughed out as she began to touch Reina’s chest.

“Aaaa….. Yes… I’m a fuckin’ little whore… Hehehe…” Reina replied drunkenly, kissing at Myusel’s neck and breasts. 

“STOP IT!!” Jimmithey screamed as he stood nearby. He wanted to stop Myusel, but she was much stronger than him. Reina was sweet and kind to Jimmithey, despite being so much more popular than him.

He expected her to ignore him or view him as lesser, like most of the other popular girls at his school. But she treated him with genuine respect and was nice! She even helped him get his part time job, an important part of his life.

Seeing her get turned into a lust filled beast like Myusel was the last straw for Jimmithey. He couldn’t bring innocent people into his messes anymore! So he knew that he had to end this once and for all.

“MYUSEL!!!” Jimmithey screamed as he grabbed Myusel by the shoulder, pulling her off of Reina. They went into another alleyway, both of them alone once again.

“Oh… So fierce and manly…” Myusel muttered as she saw Jimmithey’s hands on her shoulders. She began to breathe even heavier as Jimmithey’s face got closer and closer to hers.

“I-I don’t know what the hell I did to you, but I know I won’t let anyone else get hurt by your nonsense! I’m going to end it, forever!” Jimmithey yelled up in Myusel’s face. Myusel licked her lips, smelling the scent of Jimmithey’s breath. Her legs were trembling from sheer ecstasy.

“O-okay… y-you’ll do anything I say…? Y-you’ll have s-sex with m-m-meee!!?” Myusel muttered out, trembling from sheer excitement. She could barely control herself, almost unable to stop herself from jumping onto Jimmithey then and there.

“Yes. I will… Just quit messing with me and my damn life! Okay?!” Jimmithey yelled, clenching on Myusel’s shoulders even harder.

“Y-yes! Yes! I promise! Heehee! HeheHE! HEHEHE!!! We just have to fuck! To FUCK!” Myusel screamed as she began to lick Jimmithey’s hand. He instantly let go of her, looking at her in disgust.

He was disturbed by this, but expected her behavior. She had been following him and harassing him, singing and screaming about how she wanted to fuck him. So, he closed his eyes, breathed out and began to unzip his pants.

“You promise you’ll leave me alone after this, right?!” Jimmithey said as a tear began to form in his eye. He wanted his first time to be with a girl he loved, not some crazy bitch in an alleyway.

“Yes! Yes yes YES!” Myusel cried out, her fingers crossed behind her back. She began to walk up slowly, reaching towards Jimmithey’s crotch.

“DAMMIT!! DAMN IT!!!” Jimmithey screamed as he pulled his zipper all the way down, pulling both his pants and underwear down! Myusel then jumped straight onto him and began to kiss him as hard as she could, causing Jimmithey’s vision to get muffled. Her horniness was too much for him!

“I LOVE YOU JIMMITHEY!” Myusel cried out as she grabbed his cock, preparing to sit straight onto it.


They finished fucking after about five minutes. Jimmithey was laying down on the dirty concrete, completely naked. He looked up at the now night sky, a lamp pole light pointing straight at his face. He then heard moaning from next to him and felt a hand land onto his chest.

“Oh… My…. Goshhhh…. That felt soooo goood… uuuuuu…” Myusel moaned out as she tapped on Jimmithey, mostly naked herself. Jimmithey pushed her hand away and stood up, looking down at her.

“It’s over, right? All of this nonsense?” Jimmithey asked as he began to pick up his nearby clothing.

“Uuuu…? U-uh… Yeah! Absolutely!” Myusel replied as she stood back up, trying to grab Jimmithey’s hand. 

“Hm? Really? You’re going to stop harassing me, and leave me the hell alone!” Jimmithey screamed as he slapped her hand away.

“Well… technically, I didn’t have a choice… I couldn’t control my love for your cock…” Myusel said as she twiddled her fingers. Jimmithey shook his head and began to put on his underwear.

“Is Reina okay? Can you reverse whatever you did to her?” Jimmithey asked as he put on his jeans, zipping his belt back on.

“Uh, absolutely! She’ll be fine, for sure.” Myusel blurted out, not really thinking about that girl. 

“Good. Goodbye then, don’t ever talk to me again.” Jimmithey said as he began to walk off. Myusel then grabbed his hand and stopped him, hugging him as he turned around slightly.

“P-please… I won’t bother you, but let’s just be friends… I-I loved having sex with you… It felt so good.. I d-d-don’t want to lose you… Please!” Myusel said as she held onto Jimmithey’s shirt, clenching onto it. Jimmithey then pushed her away and looked straight into her eyes.

“Hell no.” He said plainly as he began to run off, leaving Myusel there alone. He had lost his sacred virginity to a psycho bitch, just so she could leave him alone. He wondered if it was truly worth it as he left the alleyway to go home.

Myusel on the other hand was quite satisfied. She got up and collected her clothing and her staff, looking up into the night sky. 

She felt more normal now, her horiness now disappearing. She smiled as she looked to see the path where Jimmithey Johnrey James walked off on.

Her horniness may have been satiated, but she still felt love for Jimmithey. She only fixed one of her problems, and hadn’t made him love her back. So she smiled and began to chuckle off into the night.

“You are so cute, Jimmithey… I will have you one day…. Hehee!” Myusel laughed out as she looked off into the distance.

The end. For now.



This story was nuts… hahahaha. What is wrong with me? I made it as a passing joke, but eventually got too invested in it. Should I make more? If I do, then stick with me. Please! Even if you didn’t like this specific story, please stick with me and keep reading! I think I get better with the story, and hopefully it'll be your cup of tea later on!

And if you did enjoy it, please share it with friends or even randoms. Either way, thanks for reading, and have a great rest of your day, week, month, and year!

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