Worst Stories Ever

Sixteen: Come Home, Jimmithey!


At the same time, Jimmithey had ran out of the forest with his schizo enhanced legs. He reached the city, which was now filled with ruins and destruction. 

Despite that, the dildo ships seemed to have left. It seemed safe to pass, so Jimmithey began to run towards a nearby street.

“It seems clear. Alright, first of all, I need to get home and see if mom is there!” Jimmithey thought as he began running. 

As he ran through the rubble and ruins, he began to reflect on all of the events that occurred this past day. 

He had killed someone for the first time. He didn’t feel bad for the Colonel, but he felt that he had changed. 

He was no longer a normal, innocent kid who got pulled into this mess. He was an active participant in this madness.

He then passed the ruins of his school, passing them quickly with his schizo speeds. The image of the dildo crashing into the school played in his mind. 

This reminded him of what the generals did and how evil they were. It reminded him how they caused this destruction and misery all for their own selfish reasons. 

But it also made him think about Myusel and what Milly had said in the forest.

“If I don’t work with her, more tragedies like what happened to the school could happen again. I don’t want that, but life without Myusel was peaceful… And the thing she did to me. Even after all of that therapy, I still can’t stop thinking about it. I don’t know if I could handle seeing her again.” Jimmithey thought as he sped up, getting closer to his neighborhood.

He eventually reached his house, undamaged and in normal condition. It seemed the dildo ships hadn’t checked his neighborhood for some reason. 

He began walking up but noticed that the door was unlocked! There was also a random car located right on the front lawn for some reason.

“What the fuck!? Who the hell is in my house?!” Jimmithey wondered as he began walking slowly, reaching his front porch.

He grabbed the doorknob and began to open it up slightly, peeking inside.

When he did, he saw that Jackie and Milly were sitting on his living room couch, just watching him open up the door. They seemed to have expected him, or they heard the loud creaking noise made by the door.

“Hey Jimmithey!” Jackie said as she began waving at him, still sitting on the couch. 

Jimmithey slammed the door open in shock, closing it behind himself slowly when he realized he knocked something down. 

He began to walk inside, checking the house around himself, seeing that it was still in normal condition.

“Milly? Jack? H-how did you two even get in? What are you doing in my house?” Jimmithey asked, creeped out. 

Milly crossed her legs and pulled out a piece of paper from the nearby coffee table.  

“Don’t think about it too much. Either way, I have two pieces of good news and one that you might consider bad. First, good news. This seems to be a letter from your mom. Read it.” Milly said as she held the piece of paper. 

Jimmithey walked up, still keeping his shoes on. He grabbed the piece of notebook paper and began to read it.

“Hey Jimmithey, it’s your mom. I don’t know where you are, since you haven’t picked up any calls, but I’ve evacuated with the rest of the neighborhood after those ships came down. If you’re still out there, come to the shelters. We both know of the ‘special’ powers, but that doesn’t mean this is your fight. Please, your mother is concerned for you. But if you don’t, for whatever reason, please stay safe. Everything will be okay.” Jimmithey read in his head. He put down the letter on the coffee table and sighed in relief. 

His mom was okay, along with hopefully Jack’s family and everyone else.  They were in some shelter and evacuated. They would be safe for now, and hopefully wouldn’t be affected by this Cuck War.

He didn’t have to worry about them at that moment. He could now focus on his main goal of taking out the King Cuck.

“Thanks Milly. But that doesn’t explain why you’re here…” Jimmithey said, his gentle grin changing back to a serious stare. Milly crossed her legs and looked at Jimmithey firmly.

“Jimmithey. This is the piece of bad news I was talking about. We need Myusel’s help, so we-”

“Look Milly, no fucking way! I refuse to be here if that bitch returns. I told you already how useless she’ll be. She’ll be begging to suck dick and shit. Hell, I think she’ll join the King Cuck and become one of his generals. The degenerate general of being a nasty, horny, stupid bitch!!!” Jimmithey screamed, clenching his fists in anger. 

Right as Jimmithey finished with his small rant, he heard loud footsteps coming from the kitchen. Both Jackie and Milly turned to the kitchen, looking aside. 

He began to turn his head, trying to see who was making these loud footsteps.

But as he did this, a fist slammed straight into his face and sent him straight into a nearby cabinet!

“YOU ASSHOLE!!!” The figure powerfully yelled. Jimmithey looked up, seeing a tall, muscular teen in a varsity jacket. 

He had a high and tight haircut with brownish black hair. Jimmithey had never seen him in his life and was more confused than angry at that moment. 

That was until he got slammed in the chest by another kick! Despite Jimmithey’s enhanced body, he still felt immense pain from the kicks.

“You don’t get to say that shit about her! She’s my goddamn girlfriend, and you’d better fucking respect her! You pathetic excuse of a man! Watch your fucking mouth!!” He yelled as he continued to pummel Jimmithey with more kicks!

“Oops. I should’ve explained that…” Milly said, eating the popcorn Jackie had made earlier. 

They were both sharing and decided to watch, not wanting to stop the scuffle. This was because it was a waste of energy. And they also wanted to see how it would end.

“Ugh, shit! Who the fuck are you?! You asshole! Are you her boyfriend or something? Well, I thank you for keeping that bitch on a leash, but I’m gonna talk my truth. I bet you do some degenerate shit with her, huh? You probably let her fuck you with a strap on, you creepy motherfucker!!!” Jimmithey said, pushing Myusel’s boyfriend back. 

He wiped the blood off of his mouth and stood back up. Jimmithey had a smile on his face, taunting his attacker. This only made Myusel’s boyfriend even angrier.

“Why you… BASTARD!” Myusel’s boyfriend yelled as he prepared to punch Jimmithey in the face. 

That was before they both heard a loud cry coming from the kitchen.


They both instantly stopped and turned. They both saw a dark pink haired girl in a dress, tears in her eyes. It was Myusel. She was in a sundress instead of the magical girl clothing she normally wore. 

She looked completely sane and healthy! It was jarring, the complete opposite of the crazed look she had beforehand. The crazy look Jimmithey knew. In fact, she was beautiful!

“What the fuck…?” Jimmithey muttered as he stared at Myusel, confused by her new look. 

He had never seen or imagined Myusel could ever resemble a normal person. The image of the deranged bitch he had in his mind was beginning to change. 

But, how was this possible? How could the woman who tortured him for a week… The same woman who harassed him for months… How could he view her as anything but evil?!

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