Worthy Core

Chapter 22: Roll in the Fur – Explicit

Our second explicit chapter tonight, featuring FFF content. No major plot points for those who wish to skip, beyond Xenia wheedling a few extra gifts out of her guests...


With the 'lucky winner' having been selected, Tulupp and Pullyp take the exit portal to the dungeon's entrance, giving sloppy high-fives to the Elementalist Lollyp on their way out. Guy does hesitate a little about making their own way to the first floor, but Xenia quickly waves them on, perhaps hoping to avoid any chance of being talked out of what's about to happen. Cerise ignores the way the dungeon master appears to be waving at thin air, instead moving towards the simple table Xenia set up and pulling a bottle of wine and a pair of glasses from her Bottomless Bag. "I always keep an emergency bottle or two on hand in the event that a meeting goes particularly well, and although it seems our business for the night isn't yet concluded, I'd say I have a good feeling about things."

Xenia turns around with her eyes going wide at the sight of alcohol, although that doesn't compare to the look on her face as Cerise makes an almost imperceptible gesture at one shoulder, causing her dress to fall to the floor around her feet. As she begins to pour out a round she stands by the table in nothing more than a pair of black high-waisted thong panties and her high heels, her proud breasts doing much to capture the dungeon master's attention. For Lollyp's part, the slime just seems to maintain the same wide grin she's had for a while now, though it's hard to say if she's perhaps immune to the succubi's charms or simply more used to them.

"If you've got an extra bottle to throw in with the rest of the deal, I promise to do in a whole adventurer party in your honor. But uh...damn, you don't mess around, do you? I don't want to make too many assumptions about how things work in this world, but is this, y'know, a you thing, or a succubus thing?"

Cerise grins as she hands a glass to Xenia before heading in the direction of the bed. "Both, perhaps. We succubi do recharge our magical energies by consuming released emotional energy, but not in the life-draining way that I've heard of in some rumors. Any strong emotion will do, although perhaps the easiest to generate on command are pleasure and pain. Personally, I've always much preferred the former."

Lollyp giggles. "Us slimes don't really feel as much pain as most mortals do, but we can go really strong in the other direction, so we get a lot of visits from succubi like Lady Cerise, hehe."

Xenia swallows some of the wine from her glass, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of swallowing anything at all as much as the taste of the wine itself. She sets the rest aside though, not wanting to get too distracted. "So...how do you want to do this? I gotta admit, it's been a while for me, so I'm just trying real hard not to like...tackle you to the bed right now."

The emissary raises an eyebrow. "Rather surprised that you have any experience at all, to be honest. But, I wouldn't want to make such an eager partner wait. Lollyp, would you help, ah...warm up our client while I prepare myself?"

"On it!" The removal of clothing from Lollyp's form isn't nearly as elegant as it was from Cerise's, but almost as fast, the hat and vest simply sliding off the slime's body onto the ground. With those out of the way, Lollyp makes her own way to the bed while wrapping a tentacle-like arm around Xenia's wrist to pull her along. Cerise steps aside to recover yet another item from her bag, but before Xenia can take a look to see what it is, the slime's pulled the woman into an embrace, appendages forming and shifting to explore her body and tug at her robe. There's a brief kiss, although it mostly serves to confuse Xenia given that a slime's mouth feels like nothing else she's ever encountered. To confuse, and to distract, as by time the kiss is over she finds her robe already being pulled up over her head. "This black and white thing you've got going on is so weird! Looks like you've got all the fun bits, though..."

Xenia bites her lip as a blobby hand grabs on to her right breast, pulling and tweaking at it, apparently particularly amused by the pitch-black nipple marking its center. "Yeah, I...I gotta figure out's up with that...I swear I don't look like this normally...but, later though." Wrapping Lollyp in an embrace she rolls herself onto the bed, dragging the slime with her, even if it's ironically not as fluid a motion as it would be with a more solid partner. Still, she manages to find her way on top, hands ready to explore her new friend though not entirely sure of herself as she does so. Grabbing hold of one of Lollyp's modest breasts, she plays with it experimentally, watching as it stretches under her grip. At one point she squeezes a bit too tightly, causing a thumb to actually penetrate inside of Lollyp's body, but the sound the Elementalist makes is a moan rather than a yell. "That...that felt good for you?"

Lollyp smirks. "We can practically rewire our nervous system on the fly. When we wanna have fun, almost anything can feel good! Not that that's an excuse to get lazy, mind you..." Xenia nods in agreement and begins to move her other hand further down, exploring for the woman's thighs, though as she turns her head she catches sight of what Cerise has been up to behind her.

"Is that a...slime strap-on? Just how much shit did you put in your purse there 'just in case'? ...And uh, do you have any spares of those, too?"

Cerise grins down at the pair, now wearing only a leather-reinforced pair of panties with a smooth, pink phallus shape attached to their front, which somehow appears similar to the texture of a slime yet definitely far more rigid. "Simply one of the tools of the trade. And yes, I do have a few spare items I may leave behind...if you leave me in a good mood before I go."

"Mission heard an' accepted. But first, don't wanna forget about the one I've already got in front of me here..." Turning back towards Lollyp, Xenia licks her way across one breast as her hand resumes its journey between the slime's thighs. To her surprise, the elderly slime actually tastes something like strawberries, and Xenia has to wonder if it's real or if her mind is simply playing tricks on her, given the many years it's been since she last tasted anything at all. To confirm her findings she begins to suckle on the slime's tit in earnest, and in even further surprise she finds fluids trickling their way into her mouth. "Ha, uh, is it just me or are you kinda, y'know...juicy? Not that I'm complaining, but it's a bit of a surprise."

Lollyp gives a bit of an embarrassed grin, her hands pressing against her cheeks. "It's, ah...well, when we start to get a bit older, we can kind of, um...leak, a bit, when squeezed. But it's fine! All my acid-y juices are safely contained, and I could replenish the rest with a good drink later. Do you, uh...like it?"

Xenia answers by giving a very long suck at the slime's nipple, pulling the modest breast several inches away from the slime's body and causing a slow stream of fluid to begin spilling from her lips. "Mmm! Honestly? This shit's better than the wine. I could just drink you alllll up." In the meanwhile, her hand finally finds its way to Lollyp's smooth slit, and Xenia begins to penetrate her partner in a more traditional way as her fingers slip their way inside, finding things to be already generously lubricated. Almost at the same time she can feel the bed shift as Cerise climbs up behind her, and there's soon a pair of fingers rubbing along her own pussy.

"It is quite a taste, isn't it? But how about you? I find that dungeon avatars are almost always quite...unique." Xenia releases her suction on the elastic tit in her mouth, but before she can look back in Cerise's direction, she twitches at the feel of the succubi's narrow tongue licking its way across all of her most intimate parts. "...Interesting. A taste like cream, mixed in with something...darker. I wonder what that could be."

The dungeon master puts on an awkward smirk. "Aw shucks, can't say I've done anything special. Though how about we move on to something a little less embarrassing, huh?"

Cerise adjusts her position between Xenia's legs. "Apologies, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. How about I demonstrate to you the benefits of slime-derived materials, shall I?" With a slight nod from Xenia, the tip of Cerise's strap begins to push its way between her folds, and almost immediately Xenia can tell it has a texture unlike anything she's used before. It feels almost as if it's lubricated, yet not in a way that rubs off as the succubus begins to slowly drive the shaft further inside. Instead it's a consistent smoothness on every thrust, the friction largely provided by the girth of the thing as it begins to spread her apart. Before Cerise has barely even begin, Xenia already finds herself trembling in a very, very long-delayed orgasm.

"Ah! Fuck! It's been so long! God, you've got no idea how long I've been waiting for that!"

Cerise raises an eyebrow, though she doesn't entirely stop her hip motions. "Again, I wonder what you mean. Are you perhaps older than you appear?"

Xenia picks her head up from where it was beginning to press into Lollyp's chest. "Sorry, confidential information. But please, don't stop. I want as much as you can give me until this avatar spell breaks, or until I do!" Turning back to Lollyp, she gets a bit of an apologetic look on her face. "...An' sorry, I might not be real good at focusing on you much right now..."

The slime gives an understanding nod. "No probs, just happy to be here, really! ...Although...Lady Cerise, would it be alright if I, you know...?"

Cerise chuckles. "Very well. After all, we're here at the service of our client, after all, it wouldn't do to make her work too much." Xenia isn't quite sure what they're referring to, but a moment later she feels the appearance of a new slimy appendage growing between her legs. Cerise shifts a bit, and when Xenia looks back, she finds that an obscene tentacle form has worked its way through the gaps in Cerise's strap-on harness to penetrate the succubus. The red-skinned woman takes a moment to adjust, but after a slight gasp she returns her gaze to the dungeon master. "Slime companions do have so many benefits, do they not? Now...how about we really get things going?"

Unable to find her words, Xenia simply nods, and the succubus resumes her earlier pace of thrusting, only to soon increase it to new heights. At the same time Lollyp begins to squirm as she works her groin-based tentacle in and out of Cerise's cunt, and Xenia finds herself unable to resist making out with the adorable woman beneath her. After a while Cerise leans over the both of them, resting her hands on the bed to improve the strength of her assault, and the part Xenia finds most notable about the position is the sheer heat of the woman. Her breasts begin to drape across Xenia's back, erect nipples tracing lines along her shoulder blades, but the body temperature they give off is beyond anything the woman expects. Whether it's an artifact of the avatar body or a genuine furnace driving the succubus mounting her, Xenia finds herself pressing back against Cerise's chest and stomach, taking pleasure in every inch of skin contact she can find. At the same time she doesn't give up on the trail of lip-marks she leaves along Lollyp's cheeks and neck, greedily taking everything she can get from both of her partners.

They continue on like this for some time, Cerise's experienced motions driving Xenia's pleasure-starved body to two more orgasms before Xenia finds herself fed up by the imbalance of the situation. "...Okay, okay, I appreciate all the attention, but I did promise to leave you two in a good mood, too. How about you two swap positions? Lady, you can drop the strap, though uh...you can keep whatever it is you've got going on there, Lolly."

"Hehe. As you insist, Lady Xenia." The succubus removes the sex toy and lies down on the bed as Lollyp moves to a kneeling position, but rather than resume the makeout session with her new partner, this time Xenia plants her face down between the succubi's thighs. She soon finds a familiar taste there from Lollyp's efforts earlier, but something new as well.

"Oh, man, that's...almost spicy. Ain't complaining, though." As Cerise grins at her, leaning back on a pillow made entirely of fur, Xenia proves how well she likes the new flavor by diving in with gusto. Not for long however, as it's soon interrupted by a movement that makes her spasm. "Oh, god! Was that...a slime tentacle? Jesus fuck, that's even better than the strap...no offense."

Lollyp giggles, taking her turn to mount the dungeon master. "I've gotten lots and lots of practice. And if you give me a new slime body after this is over, I bet you the new me would be totally up for learning how all over again..."

Xenia sighs. "Don't suppose you've got any more of those avatar generator things to trade out, do you?" The succubus smiles, and leans forward to whisper in Xenia's ear.

"In the future, if we continue this arrangement perhaps. But...I do hear that dungeon spirits can physically interact with their own creations, can they not?" The whisper is soon matched by another in her other ear from Lollyp.

"We're going to have a whole lot of fun, aren't we, Lady Xenia?"

The imbalance on Xenia's score sheet once again goes up by one. And while things aren't quite so one-sided by time the night ends, the dungeon master still finds herself with quite a debt to repay if there's ever a future engagement...

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