Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 214: Evil's Just Rewards

Chapter 214

Evil's Just Rewards

As the night continues, the Advisor was sitting by a fireplace in the King’s office, nursing a glass of spiced wine.

King Gerard walked in and spotted the lone figure. Took a seat on the sofa before pouring a glass for himself. “How was the border, Alrond?” he asked.

“We are at a stale mate currently.”

“Hmm? But didn’t we manage to take over Fort Siffredi? I remember there are only a few hills without any protection after that.”

“Those hills are now our greatest blocker. The Vorzennians had created a Magical Formation that hindered our men from advancing. Many of our men had been sent inside, but none have come back. I’ve returned here to ask for help from the Academy to send their best people to break it.”

“…Vorzenny…” Gerard closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “The tenacity of its people is commendable. But their blind trust towards their King is…concerning.”

“It is what happens when religion and the secular leadership is held by one person,” Alrond said. “But, let us handle all the war talk tomorrow. Tonight, my bones are cold and the wine is tempting.”

“Mmm…” the King gave a small grunt of agreement and sipped his drink.

Back in the Audience Chamber, where the Ball had begun to slow down from all the wine that had been imbibed, Illumca stood a fair bit away from the crowd, occasionally glancing at Serin. Then, a lady approached her and whispered to her ears. The moment she saw them leaving the party, she made her move.

While she was watching Serin, she had also been inspecting her surroundings; trying to find a spark that she could lit. There were a few candidates in the room that she had been considering, but only one fit the bill. When she made her choice, Illumca walked towards the target, a rather plump Noblewoman with an ego as large as her size. She was talking with a browbeaten man who seemed smitten by her. Coincidentally, Illumca had seen the woman’s face in a commission recently. The requester was her uncle, if she remembered correctly. As such, she knew her personality and decided that she’d make the biggest spark.

Illumca used the Raksha Blood Art Movement Technique, allowing her to move undetected towards the man’s female companion and put her hand on her rump for an instant, eliciting a loud ‘eek’ from the woman. She stopped a few meters away to the left of a pillar, just as the woman turned to see who had touched her.

The woman saw a gentleman who was standing right behind her. He was talking to his friend and laughing. The woman stomped towards him and slapped his cheek.


“You! How dare you touch me!!” the woman yelled angrily.

“W-what? Who is this mad woman?!” the stricken gentleman held his cheek, confused by the sudden assault at his person.

“W-what happened, Georgiana?” the woman’s male friend shouted in surprise.

“This man touched my…back! Didn’t you see it?”

“No, I did not!” The man with the red mark on his cheek said angrily.

“Georgiana, calm down. I didn’t see – “

“Owen!! Are you saying that I’m lying?!” the woman cut him off, then began to cry in frustration.

“I – “

“Hold. I can attest that my friend here did not lay a hand on the lady. She must have let the wine go to her head,” the slapped man’s friend said in support.

“You hear that?! And even if I did, who in their right mind would even touch someone as ugly as her?” the man said arrogantly. “How dare you accuse Lorentz of House Owlette of such deed!!”

The tired looking man was trapped in a rock and a hard place. Not far away, Lihua - who had been watching this happening - sent her voice to the pitiful Owen’s ear using her Energy. As a Bat Demon, controlling sound was a Technique she was proficient in since birth. Although it was a simple trick that would not affect ones with high mental capabilities, making a desperate man influenced by alcohol to do as she willed was something simple.

Are you going to take that from him?

The indecisive man’s eyes suddenly were filled with fervour and he turned to him. “How dare you say that to Lady Georgiana! You will apologize to her this instant!”

“Hah! Who’s going to make me? You?!”

Red-faced by the provocation, Owen was barely able to hold himself back.

Challenge him. Prove yourself. Defend her honour. Lihua added, giving him the last push.

Without giving Lorentz a chance to speak any further, Owen took off his glove and threw it at the man’s face. “I cannot stand here and listen to you belittling her! I challenge you to a duel, Sir!!”

“Y-you!!” Unable to hide his surprise, the man seethed. He had been humiliated. Twice. Twice on the same day. Without thinking any further, he grabbed the fallen glove and threw it back at Owen. “Alright! Alright!! If you really want to die that much. I’ll accept your challenge!”

“What is going on here?!”

Everyone spectating the excitement turned towards the voice. Prince Mikael stepped in and said angrily. “What is this commotion all about?”

“My Prince! That woman accused me of untoward behaviour. It is unacceptable. I am simply defending myself from her slander when this man challenged me to a duel.”

“He disparaged Lady Georgiana’s honour. As her betrothed, how can I stand still when she is experiencing such condemnations? It is only right that I demand satisfaction!!”

The people watching this discussed between themselves about the matter, their murmurs making Mikael becoming angrier. He took a glance at the woman who was trying to look as pitiful as she could and groaned inwardly. Today was an important day and he just wanted this little incident to be out of his face and get on with his matters.

“Very well. You two may have your little duel.” He said with a scowl, eager to just get on with his evening. “But I will not stand for a life and death duel. Not today. Lionel!”

“Yes, My Prince,” Lionel answered dutifully.

“You will be the referee for the duel between the two. Make sure that you stop them as soon as one yielded or is defeated. I will not tolerate any death.”

While the Prince was instructing his aide, Prince Elhart walked by and asked his nephew what was the matter. After a short explanation, the man guffawed.

“Ah, youth! In that case, why not do it in the Training Ground? That would be best. It won’t disturb the Ball either.”

“That’s an excellent suggestion, uncle!”

“You heard that, you two? If you indeed need to have this duel, then you will have it,” Prince Elhart said with a groan. “I’ll be the witness. And Sir Lionel will be the referee. To stop things from getting too dangerous.”

“Prince Elhart, we can’t possibly -!”

“No problem at all. I was also getting bored with the party anyway. It’s a good excuse to get some air.”

With that, the men and women who were interested in the sudden entertainment, followed the two haughty men, and headed towards the Training Ground.

Illumca appeared by Prince Elhart’s side and he spoke. “Is this satisfactory enough?”

“It is. Thank you for your help.”

“Well, I don’t know why you’d want me to do something like this. But I won’t ask. I expect you have your reasons.”

“We appreciate your understanding, Prince Elhart. Please keep this between us.” Illumca gave her thanks as she walked alongside him.

Under the cold light of the moon, Serin walked with hurried steps towards the room where her nemesis was supposed to be, where she was being punished for her arrogance and stupidity. Marnie, who was leading her, tried to strike a conversation with her, but she was being ignored.

“I didn’t see Julia joining the party. Did she say where she’ll be?” Serin finally spoke.

“Apologies, Lady Serin. She said that she was going to use a different path, but she did not say anything more. However, she said that the poison she used is very potent. Everything should be going as planned.”

“Good,” she then spotted the aforementioned room. “Is that the one?”

“Yes. Lady Serin.”

The vile young lady was already imagining the scene of her triumph against her enemy. “Everything’s your fault, you little whore. If you just died as you should in that cave, this wouldn’t have happened to you,” she murmured.

She knocked on the door a few times, yet there were no answers. After doing it two more times, she was out of patience and tried the door handle. To her surprise, it was open.

Biting her lips, she gingerly pressed on the handle and opened the door. It swung inward without any noise. As she did, sounds of moaning and beastly growls of pleasure could be heard from the door inside the room. It was so loud that she could not help but scowl in displeasure. It was a mercy that because of the construction, no one could hear the voice is they were outside of the living room.

Did they forget what the plan was because of pleasure?

“Marnie. Guard the door for me,” she said as she walked inside.

On the other side of the hallway, a group of more than ten people, including the two Counts who were glaring daggers at each other as they walked, turned the corner.

“Lady Courteney Ainsworth. I did not expect you to be interested in such a…bloody matter.”

The Ainsworth's second daughter had joined them as they were leaving the party to flee from all the men trying to impress her with their parent’s title and irrelevant braggadocio. Quite frankly, she was having the worst time in her life. By nature, she was someone who kept a small circle of friends and would have evaded any social obligations if it was possible.

“I have seen my share of blood and broken bones, Prince Elhart. As you might be aware, my father and several male cousins are a rough bunch.”

“Ah, my apologies, Lady Ainsworth,” Prince Elhart replied with a cheeky smile. “In any case, I doubt this will escalate any further than a broken nose, at most, a scratch. The two Counts are not known for their skills with the sword.”

“Speaking of swords…” Courteney flipped open her fan and commented. “Why are there so few Knights stationed at this side of the Palace? We haven’t seen any in the past five minutes.”

“…I agree, I will talk with the leader of the Night Shift,” Lionel said, flaunting his position. This, despite the fact the he was of lower status than the Commander in charge of the Night Shift.

“Hmm? Who is that?” one of the ladies pointed at a lone figure standing in the middle of the hallway. It was not hard to see as the figure was wearing bright colours.

Marnie, who belatedly saw the group of people heading her way, immediately panicked. She was prepared for one or two people that might wander around their location, but not when there were so many people at once. She also could not just run away, as it might arouse their suspicion.

When she saw that one of them was the fat Prince, she became even more panicked. She hurriedly curtsied. “G-good e-evening Prince Elhart, and everyone. W-what…is everyone doing here?”

“Count Owen have challenged Count Lorentz to a duel. We are going to spectate, see this ruckus into its completion,” Prince Elhart gave a light-hearted answer. “And you are…?”

“I – I am Marnie of House Motti. Prince Elhart.”

“Lady Marnie, then…” he asked curiously. “What are you doing so far from the party?”

“I – I am just weary of the crowd. I was looking for some fresh air.”

Prince Elhart looked sideways at Lionel and spoke. “…I see. Well, we’ll leave you to it, then.”

The nervous Marnie curtsied once again, sighing in a relief, when a sudden voice caused her heart to jump.

“Excuse me. I’ve been hearing some noises from that room behind you,” Illumca said with a cool tone. “Is there someone inside?”

“T-there’s nothing behind this door!” Marnie said, almost throwing herself in front of it. This only caused everyone there to become even more curious.

Courteney, who had seen Marnie in Julia’s side before, saw this as a chance to irk a member of Serin’s circle and added. “In that case, you wouldn’t mind if we take a look, would you?” Just as she said that, they heard a loud scream. That curiosity became alarm as Lionel pushed the door open, only to see his cousin who had fallen on the floor.

The sound of growls of pleasure and the rhythmical pounding coming from the other room made everyone’s faces became sour.

“What in Sud-Ghazid?”

“What are you doing here, Serin?!” Lionel scolded her.

“L-lionel?!” the young lady glared at Marnie, who was looking down in fear.

Thinking fast, Serin quickly feigned obliviousness. “I – I was just walking around, getting some fresh air with Lady Marnie when I heard strange sounds coming from this room. I told Marnie to guard outside to protect the ones inside that room from rumors.”

Lionel bent down and helped her up as she explained her reason. But as he did so, he whispered in her ear with urgency. “Tell me. What did you do?! What are you hiding?!”

His cousin did not answer. The man, who had known her since she was little, saw her expression and asked again with more urgency.

“Tell me! Otherwise, if things go south, I won’t be able to help!”

Serin too, was thinking on her feet. And a new thought came into her mind. Wait, if that bitch is found defiled by the men by all these people, what is the harm to me? In fact, this would be better. With a member of Royalty here, there is no way that she will ever regain her honor.

Blinded by her hatred, she did not consider the fate of the Knights under her order and kept her silence.

Then, they heard a scream from behind the door. Their eyes became alert. This time, there was no more talk. Prince Elhart quickly grabbed the handle, but found that it was locked. “It’s locked!” he then took a few steps back and rammed the door with his shoulders.

While this was happening, Serin was smiling inwardly as she watched the Dark Elf who was standing near the door. Ever since their first meeting where she was compared to her by Connie, she had always been jealous of her beauty.

Just imagining the expression that her beautiful face would make upon seeing her beloved at such a situation was enough to make her giddy.

On Elhart’s side, the door had begun to give way. Despite his current condition, Elhart was once active in the battlefield, such a frail wooden door could not bar him from breaking it down. He took one more step before ramming it again and finally broke through the door.


“How in the -!”


The scene that they saw caused a few impressionable girls fell into unconsciousness. Courteney, who was mentally stronger than the other girls, caught the one nearest to her while averting her eyes from the unpleasant scene.

“H-how…how is this possible?!” She cried out. “How is it you?!”

Serin felt her stomach sank into the ground and cold terror caused her back to shiver.

That euphoria she expected when the door was thrown open instantly turned into horror as the body being treated like rags was not that of her nemesis, but that of her most loyal friend. Julia’s eyes had glazed over, with tears running down her cheek, her clothes torn open by force. In her hand was an iron key, which she held so tightly that it sunk into her skin.

Prince Elhart, who saw this scene immediately roared angrily and sunk his fist into the nearest man’s jaw. “DAMN YOU BASTARDS!!”

“No. nononono! This isn’t possible!!” Serin lost all strength in her body and she fell onto the ground.

“What’s…happening here? Urp…!”

Serin, wide-eyed, turned her eyes to see the figure of a blonde girl with a streak of red in her hair, hanging onto a servant girl’s shoulder with unfocused eyes.

“H-how are you here?!” Serin exclaimed. “W-why?! How?!” Serin’s voice trailed off as her mind was overwhelmed by all that was happening in front of her.

Connie bent down to fake an urge to vomit so as to hide her smile.

Now, which path to destruction will you choose, Serin. Daughter of Gladstone?

King Gerard, who was having a discussion with his Advisor in his office, grasped his glass to tightly and crushed when a Knight came over and informed him of the unsavoury incident that had transpired. He stormed out of his office and called for the party to end.

Prince Mikael, who was confused by his order, was thinking about complaining but quickly decided against it when he saw his expression of barely concealed rage.

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