Wreath of Lilies, Cauldron of Poison

Chapter 9: A True Villain plays the Long Game

Chapter 9

A True Villain plays the Long Game

“That was so cool! You beat them like – so easy!!”

Sen was overjoyed from Connie’s win and jumped around her excitedly.

“W-what happened? Sen! Are you alright?!”

Hans ran in, jostling through the crowd returning inside the guild hall. “I was handling some material when I heard what happened. What were you thinking, girl?! It’s one thing if you want to get into trouble. But don’t ger her involved!”

“I’m fine, uncle Hans! She beat all those bad guys. She’s strong! Stronger than sister!”

Connie grinned at seeing the man outraged. “You are a good man, Hans. I can see why Sen trusted you.”

“Well – I …what?”

“In any case, seems like I am going to be here until late. Can you take Sen home?” she asked.

“No! I wanna wait for you!”

“Come now. You’ll meet me tomorrow, right? You promised me a basket full of flowers.”


Hans scratched his head tiredly. “Agh, fine. Just be careful next time.”

“I will,” she said, turning to Cosette who had been waiting patiently to the side. “Now. Let’s get on with it.”

Cosette bowed apologetically towards Connie. “I am really, truly sorry, miss Connie.”

“Call me Connie,” the old monster said, patting her shoulder kindly. “Seeing your reaction, seems like that guy has been harassing you a lot?”

“I- yes. He’s been pestering me and hounding me a lot. It’s hard for a single woman to live in the big city. Especially with someone of Earl Stanton’s position as his backing,” she said while trembling. “One time he almost…”

“There, there,” Connie said, running her thumb against the tear that leaked from her eyes. The action made Cosette feel warm. She held the soft hand with a brave smile.

“I’ve crippled all of them, so they won’t bother you again. If there is any problem later, just call me.”

“Thank you so much. I’’ll make sure to help you with all that I have whenever you are here.”

“That’s great! Now, I believe the Guild Master is waiting for me?”

Cosette shook her head. “The Acting Guild Master, Glover Krantz. Guild Master Sabrac is not in the city right now.”

“He doesn’t look like a hunter,” Connie pondered.

“Well, he’s a special case. He’s the former Guild Master’s younger brother.”

“Ah, that type, eh?”

Cosette brought her to an office with tacky luxury items decorating the room. Glover Krants was sitting on an armchair by a long lounge chair, his belly spilling out of his belt.

“Lady Cornelia. A pleasure to meet you.”

He stood up and offered his hand. Connie appeared to think for a bit before receiving it. As they shook hands, Krantz tried to use a coercion skill, ‘Intimidation’ Level 3. Connie felt as if she was being stared down by a small puppy and stared back. The stare caused the pot-bellied man to feel like a monstrous snake was staring at him.

When they let go of their hands, Krantz’s breathing was ragged and cold sweat drenched his shoulders.

Without waiting for permission, Connie took a seat, crossed her legs and rested her chin against her arm. “I’m here to file a complaint.”

“R-right, right. Prepare some tea for us, Cosette.”

Cosette bowed and left the room, closing the door behind her.

Krantz wiped his sweat and sat down opposite of Connie.

“Let’s not mince words, Krantz,” the old monster said lazily. “Who are you working for?”

“I’m sorry, what do you mean?” he answered, his fake smile did not even flinch.

“Playing coy, are we? Fine. Let’s start from my complaint. I am filing a complaint against the Hunter’s Guild for False Request.”

“N-no, no. We checked the requester first before posting.”

“Then how do you explain a Rank E request for subjugating local bandits, numbering about 3 with estimated level of 10, turn into a fight to the death with a Tamer and at least 40 underlings with levels above 20? With a B-Ranked Monster also?!”

“That is, uh. The fault of our requester!!”

“You said you did a check on the requester.”

“Yes, we did! It must be someone trying to give us a bad reputation.”

“Then tell me, is the requester male or female? How old do they look? How tall are they? Give me the details.”

“I-uh. I’ll ask the people that processed the documents.”

Just then, they heard three knocks and Krantz let out a small sigh.


Cosette entered with two cups and a pot of tea. She put the two cups on the table and poured the steaming hot tea into them.

“Cosette, am I allowed to see the documentation for my last quest?” Connie asked suddenly.

Connie raised her eyebrows and then answered quickly. “Yes.”

“Good, then I want to see the documents for the subjugation request I took last time.”

“Wait! That’s not allowed! It’s confidential to the hunters!!” Krantz cried out, surprising Cosette.

“I want Cosette to get the document, and show it to me without it ever passing by your hand. Do you understand? I do not trust you.”

“It’s confidential for hunters!”

“For hunters not involved with the quest. It’s in the rules of the guild, mr. Krantz. You should read the pamphlets you guys give. Very informative. Please get them for us Cosette, after all…this is an official complaint by a hunter,” she paused for dramatic effect. “Also, a Noble’s request. Are you going to refuse it, mr. Krantz? ”

Cosette looked at Krantz who was starting to look like a boiled crab and then at the beautiful young girl whose gaze was as cold as a tomb.

“Leave us,” Krantz said.

Cosette glanced at Connie, who nodded with a smile.

Once they were alone, Krantz weighed his options quickly. His arm began to tense.

“I advise you not to try anything stupid. Have the town guards tell you yet? I finished the quest. That means I killed a B-ranked monster. Are you stronger than a Crimson Firesnake?”

“What do you…want?” Krantz said through gritted teeth. He had reached this position through his connection. To lose it by offending a Dukedom, even though it was just the daughter, was not something he would want to circulate.

Connie sipped the tea that had started to go cold and curled her tongue in disgust. She lapped the air with her tongue and tasted something odd. She looked at a certain point in the ceiling and smirked.

“You have awful taste in tea.”

Krantz’s gaze was still. He had gone through being afraid, and back to desperate eagerness.

“I want three things. Information, money, and perhaps cooperation.”

“…are you really Cornelia Steelheart?” he asked. “The girl I know would never be this cunning. Or this strong. Especially not so ruthless as to cripple others.”

“People change, mr. Krantz. Those who does not adapt will not survive. Just like those people I crippled. They cannot adapt, so they…will not survive.”

“Even if I tell you, what can you do? This concerns something bigger than you.”

“Hmm. No need to hit around the bush. Will you or will you not divulge the information?”

Krantz gulped down the cold tea and sighed. “The one who asked me to change the request was someone you know well. The father-in-law to be of your former fiancé. Duke Raoul Gladstone. Earl Stanton is also in his faction.”

She was not surprised bout the scheme. What she was surprised about was the fact that she had a fiancé. “What fiancé? When and how?!”

“Don’t tell me you forgot! It was a big incident when Prince Mikael announced the dissolution of your engagement and chose Lady Serin instead,” he grinned seeing the distressed face of the girl who had been threatening him.

It’s even a prince! What the hell! Cornelia you absolute moron!! Why is there no memory of this in your head?!

Connie screamed and cursed inside her head, however she kept her face nonchalant. “I see. And what do you get in exchange?”

“I get to keep my position.”

“Hmm, not a very interesting proposition. Then I will propose this to you. I want you to continue doing whatever Gladstone wants you to do. However, I want you to tell me whatever it is he wants you to do?”

“You want me to betray Duke Gladstone?!”

“No, you will work for both Gladstone and I. Isn’t that nice? I’ll even throw in a bargain. Do this and I’ll let in a good word to three nobles you want.”

“That’s - ” To be connected to nobility was something anyone wants. Especially to someone whose only merit is being the younger brother of a former Guild Master. He bit his lips, thinking about the pros and cons.


“Wonderful. However, there is also the case about my rewards.”

“(sigh)…the guild will compensate you for the wrong info and add to it the rewards for successful subjugation of the bandits and the B-Ranked Monster. All materials left from the monster is also yours. Though by now it would have been spoiled. Speak to the receptionist to claim it.”

“Brilliant,” she said happily. She stood up and said “Now then, I’ve kept the both of you for too long. Enjoy your night, mr. Krantz.”

“Wait,” the pudgy old man called out. “Tell me this, Lady Connie. How…did you defeat them? Those people were all above your levels by two digits. That’s not something anyone could do.”

“I am not just anyone, mr. Krantz. I am Cornelia Asterium Steelheart,” she bowed slightly and left, not waiting for Krantz to respond.

The fat man frowned as he thought back to her word. “Both of you?”

Connie went to the counter where people quickly gave way for her. Cosette smiled warmly as she took in what Connie said and quickly processed the reward. Her smile this time was a genuine one, not the officious one that she used when she handled her beforehand.

As she was waiting for Cosette to count the money, Connie rubbed her chin in contemplation. Her eyes wandering to the direction of the Guild Master’s office. Hmm, how interesting. That other presence inside the office did not try to silence Krantz or I. And Krantz did not glance at it even once. So either he is a great actor or he was oblivious to it.

Then again, I can just wait to see if that fat man survives the night to confirm my suspicion.

This is only the second day and already she seems to have had more trouble than Cornelia had over her entire life.

Whatever the case, there is more to this little game than meets the eye.

A predatory smile appeared once again on her face, causing some of the hunters to shirk away from her.

How fun.

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