Wrecking Fantasy with Technology

Volume-1: Chapter-8: Intruders

Great Demon Law Forest:-

The day had been going great for Harry.

He woke up, got ready, prepared breakfast for everyone and ate his own along with Qing.

And then he went to do other tasks around the house. Like checking up on the stored food to throw out anything that showed signs of decay, cleaning around the house and setting things up for their lunch.

Then, after the Long siblings started their fighting practice, he’d drop in in the middle of it at any given point of time as a surprise.

After that came a little bit of rest along with lunchtime.

And while those two meditated, Harry hit the gym for his trademark demonic exercise routine.

He often wondered how he managed to do that hellish thing.

This was something that even the strongest and the fittest people back on Earth would neither try themselves nor recommend anyone else to try.

But since the system had told him to do this, he followed.

And after looking at himself in the mirror, he knew from a single glance that the sort of muscles he gained couldn’t possibly be gained if not for the routine.

He figured that all that time in the dimension that the system had created for him in the first month (the one where time flowed significantly slower than Etheldor) had contributed a lot towards his extreme strength along with other modifications that the system might have done to his body.

Otherwise, Earth would have had a bunch of superhumans that could split mountains and whatnot.

The system, thankfully, did at least say that he was still human and had not changed into some other species so far.

He kept up his exercises for an hour.

This was because the brother-sister duo used to quickly rush out to hunt in the forest.

Harry also needed rest, okay?

Those two used to spend two hours sitting on cushions in the A/C getting stronger. While Harry used to be sweating away to glory in the gym.

If he also started exercising for two hours straight, who’d protect those two fools?

That’s right, even though they were stronger now, so were the demon beasts in the forest.

But then again, the two of them might be strong, but their strategies were poor.

Even when Harry used to specifically select demon beasts to send their way, they still used to have a hard time fighting them.

If he didn’t do it, all the ultra-OP monsters would start swarming them the moment they stepped into the forest.

‘I’ll probably need to teach them about strategising as well.

But, before that, lemme take care of these crazy monsters...’

One of Harry’s daily tasks was to cut down on the number of monsters, especially the ones that seemed too smart.

He had even planned out a mass culling before he left the forest.

Thankfully, though, none of the ultra-powerful monsters (the ones who had been ruling this forest for a long time) had paid much attention to the changes going on in the forest.

This was because Harry had never let any of the improved demon beasts live long enough to let those guys notice them.

If he didn’t take these steps, the entire world might have been run over by demon beasts.

And after what felt like two days instead of hours, he finally spotted Qing and Shin leaving the forest.

After that, he killed off the remaining monsters within the next 15 minutes. 

‘Phew! Now it’s time I get some rest!’

And that’s the moment when Harry felt all his fatigue vanish and all his energy return.

“Hey, system! What the heck’s going on?”

[Ah, the host noticed the system’s little present!]

“Your little present? You haven’t given me stuff this easily since the first month when I had just transmigrated!”

[The host is correct on that one. The reason for this “little gift” is that the host had become too exhausted at the time this system needed the host to be active.]

“You needed me to be active? Why? You’ve never made such a request before, what changed this time?”

[The system is happy to inform the host that they will be receiving their first-ever intruders in half an hour! And that too ten of them!]


Sh*t! I need to prepare!

Those two also need to be informed!

But, before that, what’s so nice about this that you’re happy!?”

Without waiting for a response, Harry rushed back to tell Qing and Shin.

Considering that only ten people were coming here, they wouldn’t exactly be that weak.

“Ah, you guys are up!

Well, prep up. We’ll be getting some company in a while...”

Harry said as he rushed into their room.

“What? Who’s coming?”, asked Qing while looking confused.


Cultivators that are most probably going to harm us, that’s who!

I think they might be pretty strong. So, I need you guys to defend the base while I fight those guys.

Don’t even think of arguing! This isn’t the time for heroics!

That can wait for later on.

For now, just listen to me and don’t do anything rash!”

Seeing the look on Harry’s face, both of them knew the level of threat.

They just nodded and started getting ready themselves.

Leaving them, Harry quickly ran into his weapons storage area.

Finally, it was time to use all these sweet-looking weapons!

Harry quickly stuffed some Landmines, his guns, daggers and various other blades and explosives.

Then he went for what he called his “Little chemistry project” ...

This was a special fluid that he had about a litre of.

It was a special plant-based concoction that made all the demon beasts who smelled it, no matter how intelligent they might be, consider the target(s) as a threat.

And from his experience, all Harry would need to do is get this on those cultivators. And the ultra-OP demon beasts that he had indirectly bred should do the job for him.


I feel like bringing some popcorn, but I’d rather not.

I don’t know exactly how strong those guys are. If I’m too complacent, my plan might end up failing!’

The popcorn idea was dropped.

Harry quickly ran out to the forest to set up his traps.

Qing and Shin were also almost prepared.

After getting inside the forest, Harry sneaked around till he found the biggest clearing.

This was one of the places where he had slaughtered many demon beasts.

‘This place should be easy enough to spot.’

Harry thought this as he quickly started setting up his stuff.

His traps mainly included landmines with bottles of his special solution attached, along with some automatic guns that shot at anything that moved within range and some similar large crossbows but with all sorts of sharp swords and other weapons instead of arrows.

He wasn’t taking any chances with these guys.

His plan was simple, anyone that comes will either be blown up or ripped to shreds. And any survivors will be handled by all the demon beasts that were nearby.

He planned on stepping in if everything else failed.

[The intruders are approaching. The host should take cover.]

Hearing the system, Harry quickly ran into a nearby lookout spot he had made during his hunts.

And now was time for some fun!


Just a minute after he settled in, Harry noticed ten silhouettes approaching.

They were here!

The people were flying on what appeared to be swords. They seemed to be at least in the Limits-Shedding Realm

‘I finally get to see the famous flying swords of cultivators!

Too bad it’ll all get blown to bits in just a bit…’

After they finally landed and picked up their swords, they started moving around.

And just a few seconds later, one person stepped on a mine.

“Time for the real show to begin!”, Harry whispered to himself excitedly.



The first explosive went off.

As a chain reaction, all the others also started going off.





The people were thrown into a frenzy.

They didn’t seem to know what to do!

The first guy had died on the spot due to the landmine exploding right below him.

Two more got shot with bullets and swords after taking damage from the explosions.

And the remaining couple had the special solution sprayed on them.

Harry couldn’t control his laughter looking at this.

He had set the mines in such a way that all the explosions were directed inwards.

So, none of his weapons got damaged and all of his special solution also got sprayed only on the cultivators.

“Wow, this is going AWESOMELY!!!”

Harry shouted amidst the din of the explosions.

And that’s when the demon beasts came running in!

Those cultivators barely had time to steady themselves before they were assaulted by demon beasts way stronger and feistier than they could imagine.

The cultivators tried reacting, only to be taken by surprise by the insane moves employed by the demonic beasts

One guy got his neck chopped up by what seemed to be a black panther appearing from his own shadow!

Another guy had managed to activate a shield charm, only have his qi shield and his body sliced in half by a monstrous wolf’s claws.

“Damn! To think that these guys evolved to this extent!

I’m gonna have to pick up my pace in killing them.”

Unfortunately, just as Harry was getting excited at the sight in front of him, his plans went awry.

One of the cultivators lost his temper after seeing all the chaos.

And it just so turned out that he was a guy who had reached the Immortal realm a few days ago.

Not caring about anything or anyone, he released a big destruction charm, that destroyed everything in its path, not differentiating between friend or foe.

Harry had sensed danger and jumped back at top speed only to see everything up till his viewing platform disappear in a ball of energy.

Damn! This was something he hadn’t foreseen.

He knew that cultivators were powerful, but he didn’t know just how powerful they were in reality.

When he looked back, all he saw was that one man flying in the middle of all that destruction.

The man suddenly looked at him with anger.


‘Hey, system!!! DO SOMETHING!! I’M ABOUT TO DIE HERE!!!!!!’

[The system has some solutions but they do not come for free.]



Suddenly, a weapon appeared in his hands that made all his worries go away.

It was the almighty BFG 9000!!

And it looked like it came straight from the original DOOM!!!

The one weapon that was hailed as “The Ultimate Weapon” of the game by some people.

[This does look like the original BFG, but it has a small modification made to it for this occasion.

Instead of firing multiple shots, it uses all that power to fire a single extremely powerful shot. However, the host can use this only once.]

“Wooooaaaah! So, can I make this in the future!?”

[Emphasis on “in the future”.

And, even more emphasis on “enemy in front” ...]

“Ah, right!”

In the meantime, the man had reached three-quarters of the way there.

With his every step the earth was shaking.

But a huge and evil smile appeared on Harry’s face.

“EAT PLASMA, B*TCH!!!!!!!”

And with that magnificent battle-cry, he fired.

The recoil was crazy…

The noise instantly made Harry’s ears bleed...

The heat generated was out of this world…

And the only reason no one noticed was that there were still about 2 hours till sunset and that there was no civilisation for miles from the Great Demon Law Forest.

Harry somehow survived. But the front of his body felt like he had been dipped in lava.

Thankfully, the system was healing him.

The only reason he did survive was that he had only fired it for an instant.

That’s all it took for the BFG…

The man was nowhere to be seen.

Forget about that man. He had ended up making a smouldering hole in the ground, though not that deep.

The insides had real lava over some newly formed glass.

This BFG truly was a dangerous weapon.

It took him a few minutes to heal completely.

After that, he quickly excavated a lot of dirt to throw over the molten puddle he had made and even threw water from the nearby lake to cool it down.

He didn’t want to explain to Qing and Shin how he ended up making lava all of a sudden.

And right on queue, the two of them came running.

“Elder brother! Are you alright!?”

“Harry! Is everything fine!?”

They had heard the explosion made by the BFG.

And though they didn’t know what caused it, they knew that it couldn’t be something good.

The scene in front of them confirmed their thoughts.

The entire area looked as if some miniature nuke had exploded.

But, to their surprise, Harry seemed fine. His clothes were largely burnt. But he was fine.

Harry knew that he will be annoyed by a lot of questions.

But he had thought up of an explanation.

His idea was that instead of the last guy blowing up everything, he only blew up.

Some beast messed up his attack which backfired, blowing him up along with everything else.

Also, the system informed him that it had taken care of the issue with people finding out his base.

They wouldn’t realise that anything is wrong till his stay time ended. Which, by the way, had been decreased to 4 years instead of 5 as compensation for the use of the BFG, leaving him with just 3 years of forest stay.

Some other things were also there, but the system said that he’ll know about them when the time came.

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