X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 121: Honey My Love So Sweet

"Son calm down! Are you trying to destroy the village?!" Laude bellowed. This son of his had really lost his mind! He really was helpless. From the looks of it, having an absurdly strong son was not too good all the time. If his wife was only alive, such a situation wouldn't occur...

Laude suddenly recalled about his wife as he even felt that he would soon follow her into the afterlife.

But upon realizing that his mind was wandering again, Laude frenziedly shook his head trying to chase away his wild thought. Instead, he focused himself on the problems in front of him that he needed to worry about.

Laude was having a hard time suppressing his son unaware of the fact that it was all, only an illusion! A memory of the past!

At that time, Tokayo had already finished preparing his move. He shifted his head towards Laude who was now floating in the midair and wasn't moving anymore.

Upon knowing that Laude couldn't escape this time, Tokayo rushed towards the other party to give him a good beating! He was excited because he knew that this time, he could finally land a blow towards the other party.

As Tokayo reached his distance towards Laude, he then finally slammed the spherical blood formed on his palm against Laude's stomach. Just like that, it mercilessly hit Laude as he was sent flying and rolled furiously on the sea of blood.

"Lolo..." Jasper made a step forward as he wanted to rush to help his grandfather. But he halted his steps in his own volition upon realizing that he might be implicated in their fight and would be beaten up helplessly in the end. That being said, Jasper could only shudder in fear.

On the other hand, Charley and Elissa were just narrowing their eyes and were watching the fight silently. The same went for Bryan, even after seeing his master being beaten up, he wasn't even shaken for a bit as he'd just seriously watched the fight.

Of course, he wasn't worried about his master, after all, it still wasn't enough to kill this old man. It was just that, to put his master in such a state was simply astonishing making his attention to be piqued. His master's current opponent was simply interesting that he was even tempted to go for the other party and fight it.

But he wouldn't do so. After all, this was their fight, and this was not a life-and-death battle for him to worry about. Besides, watching the exciting fight was not that too bad. He could guess that this red thing was Jim's. And Bryan could only praise Jim in his heart for beating up the other party's grandfather.

However, Jade who didn't understand the situation wasn't happy at all. She had just seen her grandfather being sent flying mercilessly, how could she become happy with that?

If she knew that that was her big brother Jim's doing, she might really become happy. She might have already been cheering up his big brother now. But unfortunately for her, she didn't know. Her frown appeared on her face as she asked her mother, "Mama, who is that kid? How can he beat up Lolo?"

Charley smiled at her as she patted her head while saying, "That is your Kuya Jim's summon. Don't you think it's strong?"

"Really?!" Jade suddenly felt delighted. Her eyes were now gleaming as she shifted her gaze to Tokayo and as she cheered, "Go, Kuya Jim! Beat up that old man!"

Charley smiled bitterly but didn't say any more words.


In Laude's dreams...

At the same time when Tokayo landed a blow to Laude...


Laude was sent flying! Not only him but Johnny as well.

The space barrier they created was shattered into pieces. It couldn't hold on anymore against the terrifying aura and from the strong force coming out from Joe.

That being said, Laude and Johnny were sent flying as they were pushed away by the strong force of Joe.

But of course, although they were sent flying, they didn't roll on the sea of blood. They tried to not do so as they crossed their arms and as their feet had only lined on the sea of blood while they were being pushed back by the strong force.

Even so, it still caused them some backlash. Blood then dripped down from the edge of their lips. They instinctively wiped it away with the back of their hands.

"Son calm down!" Laude screamed. But his worries were even louder than his scream. Even after all the grinding of his teeth, he was still yet to calm down Joe. What should he do now? Laude was now out of options other than to fight the other party and force him to fall. But to do it against Joe? They must be dreaming. It was even more likely to happen that they were the first to fall if they fought Joe.


Amidst their trepidation, a reliable person arrived! Her vague figure rushed towards Joe with a swoosh even after knowing all the dangers ahead.

Upon reaching the other party, she gave him a warm embrace even after her clothes became torn and her body received many cuts. She then said softly, "That's enough honey my love so sweet!"

Slowly, the terrifying aura calmed down bit by bit. Until finally, the aura dissipated!

Sigh of reliefs echoed in the now silent night as it was obvious that not only Laude and Johnny, but even all the people inside the village had all heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

On the other hand, the one who had come towards Joe also heaved a sigh of relief. She then released the other party from her embrace as she stared at the other party's eyes accompanied by the blossom of her smile. She then raised her hand to reach the other party's cheek as she said, "That's enough, okay?"

She was, of course, Charley Jabat!

Upon knowing that her husband finally arrived, but upon knowing as well that the other party had gone rampant again as the situation was getting worse, she hurriedly called for a trusted individual to guard her baby Jim so that she could hurry to her husband.

And from the looks of it, it appeared that she wasn't too late.

On the other hand, tears streamed down on Joe's cheeks as his cries triumphed in the silent night. "I-I'm really sorry... I-I c-couldn't take back our son..." His voice stuttered. Refusing to say the outcome of his chasing. But what else could he say? That was the truth. It was not as if lying would do any better.

Charley smiled at him as she wiped away the tears of his husband with both of her hands. As she held the other party's head gently, she pulled it down and kissed her husband's forehead. "Let's go home. Baby Jim is waiting for you."

Joe suddenly felt confused as he frowned slightly. "Why are you not putting any concern to Jin?"

Charley sighed helplessly as she tapped her husband's forehead with her gentle forefinger.

"Memory Transfer!"

After which, certain memories entered Joe's mind. "This... This... This..." His eyes widened in shock as he repeated those words in disbelief. He even felt lightheaded as he stepped back to regain his balance. Charley even needed to support him to help him regain his balance.

"How could this be..." In the end, words of disbelief were still the ones that helplessly came out from his mouth. The memories he had just received were simply too cruel. That memory was naturally, Charley's encounter towards The Life!

Charley gave him everything she learned from The Life. And Joe was certainly lost at that time.

Not until when he heard her beloved wife speaking again in a disappointed tone, "What's with that reaction?! Are you trying to tell me that you're weaker than me?!"

Huh? Joe's competitiveness suddenly ignited as responded confidently, "Of course not!"

"Ahh..." Charley frowned as she continued, "So you're saying that you're stronger than me?"

"Ehh?!" Joe was conflicted. If he told her that he was weaker, his wife would be angry. But if he told her that he was stronger, the other party would still be angry. Just what was the problem with this woman?!

"Let's go home!" Charley then smiled as she changed the subject instead. She then turned around and prepared to leave.

But as Charley was just about to disappear and left, Joe seemed to remember something as he spoke hurriedly, "Wait!"

Charley turned around to see her husband.

"If I heard it correctly, did you just call me earlier with our favorite call sign; Honey My Love So Sweet?" Joe asked excitedly. For the many years they were married, her wife had finally accepted the call sign he came up with! How could he not be happy with that?!

Besides, that was also the reason why he had regained his sanity a while ago amidst his rampant.

But instead of replying to him, Charley disappeared leaving without a trace. She didn't want to talk about it anymore. She never accepted that very long call sign! She was just forced to say it since her husband had gone mad.

"Wait!" Joe shouted. But the other party had already left him. It seemed like his wife was still choosy! He really wondered what was wrong with the call sign he came up with.

Honey My Love So Sweet... Just what on Earth was wrong with this?!

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