X-Rank Hunter

Chapter 124: Let's Go Back Home!

"Ok! Playtime is over, let's all go back home!"

"Yes!" Jade and Jim replied.

On the other hand, Jasper was seriously staring at them. He'd guessed that something really was amiss here. What was that curse they were talking about? Jasper heard this 'curse' thing from them and wondered what kind of curse was that.

He knew that the situation was serious so he didn't dare to ask with Jade around. He was afraid that this little sister of his would be saddened if she ever learned about it.

But he was dying to know what was what! And his mother saw him being like that.

With that said, Charley walked closer to Jasper as she tapped the other party's forehead. At that moment, Jasper saw some kind of memories entering his mind. And only at that moment as well did he finally learn the whole situation.

"This..." Jasper stared at his mom only to see the other party shaking her head slowly with a forced smile. Jasper was saddened. He already guessed that his big brother would likely be one of humanity's saviors but he never thought that the price to pay was too great.

"It seems like my time is already up..." Jasper would just about to put some more drama when they suddenly heard a voice around. They all shifted their gaze to where the voice came from only to see Elissa slowly fading away.

In fact, her time was already up some time ago. Elissa's real body had just used some of her World Energy to lengthen the time of her clone that she sent to Charley.

"Don't forget to deliver that thing to my son, Charley, my only friend." After reminding her friend, Elissa faded right away as her beautiful smile was last to be seen.

Charley only smiled and nodded. She, of course, would never forget about it.

"Who's that woman anyway?" Chad from the side had finally had a chance to ask about the identity of that beauty. He was already curious about it long ago, but he had no courage to ask.

"That's my friend, Elissa Cosa," Charley replied with a smile.

"What?! That's Elissa?" Chad was astonished. He never expected that the famous Assassin Elissa Cosa was this beautiful! Not only him was shocked, but even Bryan and Jasper had also didn't expect that that beauty was actually a top Assassin. Not only that, it appeared that the other party was actually, Charley's friend!

The poster of Elissa made by the Hunter Association must be fake!

Only Laude had recognized Elissa other than Charley. And he really was surprised upon seeing her. He knew the relationship of the two as a friend but why would the other party go here? Whatever might be the case, Laude couldn't care much about it.


On the other hand, seeing the shocks from Chad, Jasper, and Bryan, Charley couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Anyway, let's go back home."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

But before that, Chad had first come closer to Charley. His entire body was still aching from the burns he received a while ago. That being said, he asked his elder sister to heal him already!

No wonder he felt hot earlier, he thought that he was been cursed, never he expected that his real body was actually burning! It was just lucky for him that he'd brought some clothes making his naked body to be covered immediately before anyone else could see him!

Charley, on the other hand, laughed dryly as she then finally cast a skill to heal her younger brother.


Somewhere far away...

"S-stay away from me, m-monster!"

A frantic voice echoed in the surroundings shrouded by countless towering trees. Many human corpses lied down everywhere as if logs. And the stink of blood was, of course, shrouding everywhere.

A man was now leaning on a certain tree for he had no place to run into anymore after making several steps backward. He was hiding behind a lady in her early twenties as he pointed his knife on the lady's neck, ready to cut it at any moment. It was obvious that the man was holding this lady as a hostage!

In front of them was, unbelievably, a kid! He was walking closer and closer towards the man. He was dyed in blood as he walked over the corpses on the area. The corpses he had slaughtered!

The kid was holding something like a bone that formed a dagger. His dark blue eyes exuded out a murderous intent before a cold voice came out from his mouth, "You've offended someone you shouldn't have. Let go of her and I may give you a painless death."

The man shuddered in fear.

"S-s-stay a-way from me!" His voice stuttered as he cried out. With his trembling hand, he pressed the knife, even more, tighter on the lady's neck making her blood drip down. After doing it that way, he then threatened, "I will kill this lady if you come any more closer!"

In his life, he never saw such a monster. This kid was only about ten to eleven years old and he could already show such a terrifying strength. How could he have thought that it was even possible?!

But what he was seeing right now told him the reality. All of his minions were all, already been slaughtered mercilessly by this kid in front of him. He had no way to escape as well knowing about the terrifying speed of the other party.

Left without choice, he could only threaten the other party using the lady they'd kidnapped.

"A mere bandit like you dared to threaten me?" The kid spoke coldly. And right after saying those words, the man found his hand missing. It had just fallen on the ground together with his knife!

"Aaaaahhhhh!!" The man screamed in pain as the blood on his arm squirted out to the lady. He even released the lady without knowing it.

The bandit didn't even see the other party slashing his dagger and he would just find his arm being cut?! How could it be happening?! The man was utterly terrified as he kneeled on the ground.

On the other hand, the lady didn't run away after being released. She only moved from the side with the same saddened expression. Not even a trace of fear could be found in her eyes, only sadness.

On the other hand, the man continued to kneel on the ground. The scream of pain didn't leave him though. He was holding his arm that had a missing hand with his other hand trying to ease the pain.

"P-please don't kill me..." The man pleaded as he bowed his forehead down on the ground in front of the kid who was coming at him.

The kid stared at him with the same murderous intent as he responded, "I have given you a chance to let go of her so that you can have a painless death but you've wasted it. Now, face the consq..."

"That's enough, Ben." But before the kid could even finish what he was saying, the lady from the side spoke. She really was disappointed.

"B-but..." On the other hand, the murderous intent of the kid named Ben seemed to subside as he suddenly turned sad upon seeing the expression of the saddened lady before him.

It appeared that this kid was actually, Ben Cosa! One of the X-rank Hunters chosen by one of the Four Greatest Hunters! The so-called son of Elissa Cosa!

After Ben was banished from the family and become separated from his mother, he had only this lady before him and the other party's mother and father. Ben was adopted by them as he was treated by them as one of their family. That being said, Ben had done the same, he too, treated all the three of them as his family.

Although they lived in a remote place deep inside the mountain, they were all happily living together. They were the only reason for Ben's sorrows and pain to subside.

But now, these bandits, while he was away for the training, would actually dare to kidnap his beloved sister! Not only that, they even dared to kill the ones who he treated as mother and father! How could he ever forgive them?! Even killing them countless times would never be enough!

"I know you are angry, even I feel the same way." The lady suddenly spoke in a saddened voice seeing the refusal of his little brother, "But look at you now, can you still tell your difference from them?"

"I don't care whatever I look like. Even if I become a monster or a beast or a demon, I don't care how many will I slaughter! As long as they hurt the ones I love, I can only consider them as walking corpses!" Ben refused to let go. He really wanted to give the bandit in front of him a good time of suffering already. If not for his elder sister stopping him, that bandit would have already been gnashing his teeth and was wishing to just die already!

The lady shook her head in dismay. She walked closer to Ben as she patted his head, "That's enough ok?!"

However, at that time, the bandit raised from the ground as he grabbed the knife with his other hand and rushed towards the lady to end her life.

He knew that he would be dead this time no matter what was the outcome. Since that was the case, he should at least bring one of them down with him!

But before he could even reach his distance towards the lady, he found himself being cut into many pieces as his body parts splattered on the surroundings.

"Hate me all you want," Right after the bandit's body turned into many pieces and were scattered, Ben spoke in a cold voice, "But no matter what, I will protect you with all my strength... ....Even if I walk to the pits of hell."

The lady, however, was conflicted. Should she be happy to have someone willing to protect her to such an extent? But the way of protecting her was way too cruel...

In the end, she could only sigh deeply as she beckoned, "Let's go back home."

Only then Ben had revealed a smile before he responded, "Yes!"

They might not be any related to blood, but their bonds didn't pale in comparison to that of a blood-related family.

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