Xinghai’s strongest violent auxiliary

Chapter 19 Human Skin Mask Purification

Chase, of course you have to chase!

After the chain of light detonated, the Beast King Porcupine's internal organs must have been seriously injured, and maybe it was just holding on with one breath.

However, the lighting in the cave is too poor and the environment is unknown, so you cannot rush in recklessly.

Su Mo found the backpack on the hillside, put on the tactical scanning goggles, and threw a night vision device to Lu Fan. This was the equipment he had put in his bag before arriving at Shelter 11, and it came in handy now.

"Brother Mo, where's mine?" Jamie stretched out his hand.

Su Mo was surprised: "You, a bat, still need night vision goggles? Can't you use ultrasonic positioning?"

"First of all, I'm not a bat~"

Jamie reiterated, "Secondly, I'm afraid of the dark."

"You're a bat and you're still afraid of the dark?" Lu Fan wondered.

"Damn it, say it again, I'm not a bat, I'm a human being, and as a human being, I'm afraid of the dark." Jamie's head was covered with black lines.

Su Mo shrugged: "There's nothing you can do. There's only one night vision device. Just use your ultrasound for positioning."

"You're treating me differently." Jamie whispered.

"No, I'm being speciesist."

Su Mo patted Jamie on the shoulder, held the knife in one hand, and walked into the cave first.

Tactical scanning goggles also have night vision and thermal imaging functions. In the dark cave, Su Mo quickly followed the thermal imaging emitted by the blood on the ground.

Da da da~

Although the three of them walked as lightly as possible, in the silent environment, every sound was particularly clear.

After walking about a few hundred meters, after passing the corner, a large pile of white bones and bloody corpses appeared in front of them. Among the corpses were alien beasts and humans. Not surprisingly, they should be the prey brought into the cave by the Beast King.

"What the hell, how do we go about this?"

Su Mo stood in front of a four-way fork with a blank expression.

There were many mutilated corpses on the road at every fork. These corpses were mixed with the bloodstains on the ground, making it difficult for Su Mo to track the Beast King Porcupine through the bloodstains.

"This one depends on Jamie."

Lu Fan put his hand on Jamie's shoulder and said, "I heard that bats can suck blood. You must be very sensitive to the smell of blood, right?"

Jamie's helpless and powerless voice echoed in the cave.

"Not all bats suck blood."

"Then can you smell it?"


"That's it, lead the way!"

Jamie had no choice but to accept his fate and stood in front of the bifurcation. His nose moved slightly and he quickly focused on the rich bloody smell of the Beast King. At the same time, the fluctuations returned by the ultrasonic detection also formed a map-like image in his mind.

Not all bats can suck blood, and of course, he won't either. However, his hearing, smell, and perception are indeed just like real bats, extremely sharp, and as his strength improves, this keen perception will continue. Continuously strengthen.

Next, Jamie walked in front, and Su Mo was half a step behind. He was highly concentrated, but besides this, he couldn't help but sigh, Jamie is really useful.

At present, Jamie's frontal combat ability is not outstanding, and he relies on his gun skills to cause damage to the enemy, but his performance in other aspects is perfect.

Excellent hearing, smell, perception, reconnaissance and air suppression brought by flying, make Jamie a very good auxiliary member.

Moreover, Jamie is currently only F+, that is, a fully awakened superpower. When he breaks through E-level, D-level, or even C-level, he will definitely develop more abilities.

[Phantom Bat], currently there are only bats, the phantom has not been shown yet~

After walking forward for nearly ten minutes and turning three forks, the three of them finally found the Beast King Porcupine.

In front of him was a wide open space, with a clear pool in the center, and dense stalactite thorns hanging down on the top of the rock. The king of beasts, the porcupine, was lying on the ground without any heaving in his body.

"Jamie, listen, does it still have a heartbeat?" Su Mo asked cautiously.

Jamie nodded and listened carefully. Half a minute later, he said in surprise: "There is no heartbeat, it is dead."

"Wow, the three of us killed a beast king!!!"

Lu Fan and Jamie cheered, and their excited voices echoed for a long time.

At this time, Su Mo couldn't help but smile.

Of course, being able to kill the Beast King was not due to him alone. Without Lu Fan and Jamie's precise hits on the Beast King's eyes, he would not have had the chance to use his special move.

The Beast King corresponds to the King of War martial arts master and the destructive level superpower. It is D level. Looking at the mainland, it is definitely a high-end combat power. The directors of various wildfire shelters are only at this level.

Hehe, I believe Carlos's face will be very interesting when he brings the Beast King's body back.

"Brother Mo, look over there!"

Jamie suddenly screamed and pointed to the right.

Su Mo looked along the direction and saw several white bones scattered beside the pool. In addition, he could also see two swords and other objects.

The three people stepped forward to observe. The bones and clothes were in a very high degree of decay. It seemed that the year of death was at least more than 50 years. In addition to the sword, Su Mo also saw something like a human skin mask and a well-preserved book. .

Picking up the human skin mask, Su Mo suddenly felt a tingling sensation on his fingers, and then his face changed drastically.


Cursing angrily, Su Mo quickly released a [Purification] for himself.

[Purify] Eliminate all abnormal conditions on the target

The white light flashed, and after carefully feeling the state of his body, Su Mo let out a long sigh of relief.

"What's wrong, Brother Mo?"

Lu Fan and Jamie expressed concern.

Su Mo held the human skin mask carefully, with lingering fear: "I'm fine, damn, there are poisonous stings on it."

"What?" they both exclaimed.

Su Mo concentrated his force on his right hand, and a warm and soft white light suddenly emitted from his palm, like a beacon, lighting up the dark cave.

Through the white light, the three of them took a closer look and saw that the inner surface of the human skin mask was covered with densely packed small spikes, like protrusions, which could not be noticed without looking carefully.

"I kind of know how these people died."

Su Mo glanced at the bones at his feet. He guessed that these people, like him, picked up the human skin mask after discovering it, and were stabbed by poisonous thorns. They did not have the [Purification] skill like him, so It can only cause death by poison.

Insidious, really insidious!

Looking at the white bones closest to the human skin mask and books, Su Mo couldn't help but sigh, how dirty this person's heart must be if he wants to harm people even after death.

Also, from another perspective, maybe the Beast King Porcupine knew the situation here, so he led himself and others here, trying to poison himself with a human skin mask.

Gee, they all say that the beast king is as smart as humans, and it seems that this statement is true~

"Brother Mo, the Beast King is dead, what should we do now?" Lu Fan asked.

"Drag the body out first."

"Ah, for the three of us?"

"No, it's just me."

Lu Fan: "..."

Jamie: “…”

Haha, congratulations to our Huda victory by 40 points and Black Seven's success. I hope to see Huyong fight and Zhanku fight.

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