Yandere Maker: Multiverse Yandere Harem

Chapter 5: The Creation (Part 2)

Next up on my list was possibly a game breaking item — the energy potion. It was a vial filled with blue fluid; it sparkled like stars with a gentle stir.

[Item Name - Low-Tier Energy Recovery Potion

Description: Forget resting by the campfire and waiting for your energy bars to fill up. Made with the essence of stardust (no unicorns were harmed), this potion will kick your energy up faster than you can say “I should’ve rested at the inn.”

PS: Drink up and save the princess knight before the goblins get to her!

Weight - A laughable 0.3 kg—you could juggle these if you wanted to (although we don’t recommend it)

Enchanted Skill: Energy Restoration (Energy +50,)

Bonus - None]

The odd jab about princess knights and goblins made me laugh more than it should’ve. With this potion, I could craft items without worrying about energy. 

Easy System exploit 101.

[Path of Elation grants you 24 Soul XP.]

My next creation summed up as a cure for the biggest problem in the zombie apocalypse — the zombie virus. God forbid if me or some friend got infected and died. That won’t happen on my watch but it was impossible to account for everything going wrong in a world filled with zombies.

What I imagined came out as a vial filled with green liquid; it was labeled with a crossed skull mark.

[Item Name - Zombie Virus Antibody

Description: Are you living in constant fear of joining the brain-eating hoard? Well, don’t be! This little vial of emerald elixir is your ticket to stay among the ranks of humans. Developed by bioscientists with more IQ than your bank balance, this serum is packed in a syringe that blocks those pesky UV rays.

PS: It doesn’t un-undead those who are already undead. Only useful when taken within the first five minutes of the infection.

Type: Consumable potion

Weight: A featherweight 0.1 kg—you can stash it in your pocket next to your apocalypse checklist.

Enchanted Skill - Zombification Immunity

Bonus - Early-stage Zombification Cure]

Satisfied with my creation, I continued the creative process, manifesting more health potions, energy potions, and zombie virus antibody potions. Chugging down energy potions, I made more situational items.

[Item Name - Low-Tier Stamina Recovery Potion

Description: Hey, you! Yeah, you—the one huffing and puffing like you just outran a dragon, when in fact you hardly pounded her for a minute. We’ve got the ultimate cure for your stamina troubles. Brewed by top alchemists with Honeydew Nectar, Sunroot Herb, and Celestial Lemon Peel, this potion is your answer to "Why can’t I last longer?"

PS: It doesn’t work on ED. Don’t overuse it, or you’ll feel extra sluggish once the effect fades.

Type: Consumable potion

Weight - An almost nonexistent 0.2 kg—lighter than a soft drink can, but far useful during combat in and out of your bedroom.

Enchanted Skill - Stamina Restoration (Stamina +50)

Bonus - Prolonged Endurance]

Ahem, I’ll not be making use of it in the bedroom… Who am I kidding? I’d abuse the hell out of this.

Honestly, the sky was the only limit when one possessed an overpowered ability like creation.

While gulping down another energy potion, I threw a question at Ego. “Do I need to level up my Innate Skill to make stronger items?”

[Your Innate Skill will enhance your creation efficiency, however, the item’s power will scale with your imagination and energy reserves. The higher energy you grant an item, the more power it will demonstrate.]

While I had solved the low energy problem, the maximum capacity impacted my ability to create high-tier items. I decided to put a pause on my creation time and focus on hoarding supplies. Thrillmaker had given me quite a loose identity of an orphan living alone in the Tokonosu City. I counted the Yen notes scattered around my apartment and found something like 6900 Yen. 

From a successful architect to a broke high schooler — life was such a fun ride, yeah.

I grinned as I held up the 5000 Yen note and copy-pasted it with a different serial number. Soon, money would lose its value in the zombie-infested world, but until then, I needed it for basic necessities like food, water, and various supplies. I couldn’t bank on a mere chance to locate goods once the virus spread out. Saeko and I will eat well every day like royalties no matter what.

[Path of Elation grants you 5 Soul XP.]

”How much can my inventory hold?”

[Thrillmaker has assigned you 20 slots of space. Each slot can hold one item of any mass. You can always assign more slots in exchange for Soul XP.]

This was enough space for now. I just had to stuff the items in a giant backpack. Another easy exploit.

[Path of Elation grants you 20 Soul XP.]

I had gained 84 Soul XP by simply making items and a couple of plans about survival. Glancing at the clock, I sighed. Already 6:15 AM. I had less than two hours to shop and prepare for the apocalypse. So much to do, so little time!

I stored the katana and spear into my inventory. Stuffing the cash in my school bag, I hurriedly left the apartment. The streets were buzzing with morning rush hour traffic, oblivious to the impending doom. My eyes were drawn to a highschool student couple cheerfully prancing through the street. A black-haired delinquent-looking teen and his tanned gal girlfriend with typical gal dyed blonde hair.

A little bit of focus manifested a series of texts in my vision — the effect of my Gamer talent.

[Hide Tokizaki (High school student)

Titles: Bully, Gal dater, Two minute champ

HP: 23/24 (Healthy)

Stamina: 10/21…]


I almost burst into laughter. Two minute champ… how the hell will you satisfy a horny gal with this stamina?

Curious, I narrowed on the plus sign to expand his stats.

[Hide Tokizaki

(Base Attributes)

Strength: 9

Stamina: 7

Dexterity: 8

Toughness: 8

(Special Attributes)

Charisma: 10

Intelligence: 6

Wisdom: 6

Energy: 0

(Innate Skill)


(Acquired Talents)

//Batsman (E): Not a champ but he swings with enough force to break open skulls! Each rank adds +1 to his Dexterity and Strength attributes.//

I was really well-off compared to this kid except for the Batsman talent. Pleased with my initial stats, I hailed a cab to the nearest shopping center. The fare was higher than I expected, but my cheating ass could afford it.

It’s a pity that the largest consumer-level backpacks I found had 60 liters worth of volume. It’s way too little, my dawg. I could create a bigger one with my ability but it seemed like a waste of energy.

I spent the next hour and a half going back and forth between my apartment and shopping center. They all gave me weird, funny looks. The cashier lady even asked me if I was preparing for the apocalypse. I, of course, nodded and warned her about the upcoming apocalypse. If she died now, it won’t be on me.

With the constant back and forth, I stacked four bags worth of food (including spices), two bags worth of water, and one bag of random equipment I got from the hardware store and electronics store. Might come in handy when the EMP blast takes out all the electronics in the future.

Honestly, I just had to survive until I amassed a good level of energy. Then I could just create everything with my Architect of Abstract ability. I’d be a literal god in this low-tier world.

In the last half hour, I recreated my spear with modifications for portability and practiced using it. The YouTube tutorials served as a great introduction to different moves and styles. My heart was beating throughout as if I was a child. I trained my movements and stance until the spear felt right in my hands, like it was an extension of myself.

[You have acquired a new talent.]

//Spearman (E): You’ve mastered the basics of spearmanship, turning your weapon from a useless stick into an instrument of human slaughter (Monster too if you’re into that). Your basic thrusts and swings are quick and precise, making your enemies respect your personal space. Each rank adds +1 to your Dexterity and Strength attributes//

What would take weeks of practice was made possible in just thirty minutes. The A-Class perk ‘Extreme Growth’ and S-Class ‘High Adaptation’ worked pretty much as their description.

I checked my status to see my Energy attribute at 9. Ego wasn’t lying about my Energy stat rapidly increasing with my soul’s size. Another surprise was my xp count — I had acquired 187 Soul XP by creating items and strategizing. A fine start I’d say.

Alright, Saeko, here I come!

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