YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 107: Chaos at the Festival (pt. I)

A figure stands quietly as he overlooks the whole capital stretching towards the horizon. There was a solemn expression on his face as his eyes watched his subjects' bright faces as they enjoyed the founding festival.

He could see a myriad of things from the central plaza. The children ran around cheerfully, the people danced around merrily, and music could be heard anywhere one goes. In a single glance, everything seemed perfect. It was a day where people celebrated to their hearts' contents.

Yet on such a joyous occasion, there was no happiness to be found on the King's body, only anxiety and concern. He couldn't enjoy the festival like how other people did as a heavy sense of responsibility was weighing down on his heart.

The threat of Iblis has yet to be resolved. If a single mistake was made, it could cause the loss of many lives on such a joyous occasion. The founding festival could become a disastrous memory to many.

The King also felt pity for the knights and soldiers who were supposed to spend time with their family. On such a joyous day, he took away what little time they could spend happily with their family. He felt nothing but disappointment in himself.

"Your Majesty, the officers have arrived."

"Let them in." [Ernes]

Said the King, his view unchanged, he was still looking outside the wide balcony. Even when he heard the footsteps of his most trusted military personnels, he couldn't take his eyes away from the lovely city.

After a short while, he finally turned around to see the highest-ranking military officers kneeling before him, waiting for his words. They wore similarly stern expressions on their faces as they shared the King's burden.

"At ease." [Ernes]

The King neared the table and poured a cup of water for himself, his hands trembling slightly as he was doing so. He was thankful that his family wasn't there to witness him in such a pitiful state.

"How are things going?" [Ernes]

"There's still no sign of Iblis, Your Majesty. The only ones we've captured are robbers who are taking advantage of the founding festival." [Edward]

"Robbers, huh... Then, how about the citizens, is there anything noteworthy happening to them? Like fights, for example." [Ernes]

"There was a fight between two drunk men in the southern district, but it has already been taken care of. Other than that, everything is going peacefully." [Edward]

"I see... Then you are all dismissed. Keep up the good work." [Ernes]


Short and simple. There wasn't much to say in the reports as everything went just like how it usually did. In reality, the King wasn't interested in those reports. The only question he meant was the first one.

"Ah, right... Vanessa, are you sure you're feeling alright." [Ernes]

Asked the King as he remembered an important thought. Extreme guilt was swirling all around his heart as he asked such a question. Such guilt was evident on his usually smiling face.

After all, not only was Vanessa one of the heroes who saved Alfrione, she was also currently pregnant with her first child. Yet, despite her current condition, she still took her time to help out.

"Fufufu! You worry too much, Your Majesty. As you can see, I'm feeling fine as usual. I think I can even take down a couple golems like now!" [Vanessa]

"Haha... I'm glad you're still as energetic as usual..." [Ernes]

"Of course! The baby would just be sad if their mother was sad, wouldn't they? I want them to grow energetically just like me!" [Vanessa]

"Dear, I think two of you would be too much." [Ranzel]

"Ehh?! Why?!" [Vanessa]

A surprised expression bloomed on Vanessa's face as she heard her husband's words. It wasn't only Ranzel. Kurt, who was going to be the child's uncle, also didn't want to deal with another "Vanessa".

Their little scene made the King chuckle a little and become more relaxed, relieving him of some tension which has been building up for the past few days. He was very thankful to have them as subordinates.

"Then, Your Majesty, we'll be going now." [Ranzel]

"Hey, Dear, you still haven't answered me!" [Vanessa]

"Some things are just better to be kept hidden." [Ranzel]

"Ehh~? Hey, tell meー" [Vanessa]


A loud explosion rang throughout the sky and raptured the peace of the festival. Vanessa didn't even get to finish her words as their attention was quickly focused towards the unprecedented commotion.

The King's face became pale as he saw the massive clouds of smoke rising up from the ground. The nightmare he didn't want to come true has finally happened. He felt as if God had forsaken his kingdom.


It wasn't just a single explosion. After the first one, several more explosions occurred throughout the royal capital, there were even some which exploded in the vast sky just above the castle.

Large pillars of smoke could be seen in all directions, along it were the crimson color of flames as they spread from house to house, and the sound of panic and confusion spreading amongst the citizens.

The festive and vibrant city was no more. In just a couple of seconds, it had turned into pandemonium, void of happiness. The founding festival which was supposed to be the most joyous day of the year had become a day full of terror.

"Officers, capture the enemies and make sure the citizens are safe!" [Ernes]


It didn't take long for the King to snap back from the initial shock. As soon as he came to himself, he quickly ordered the officers to take action and take the safety of the citizens as the topmost priority.

Clang Clang Clack

The officers didn't even have the chance to get out the door, when the sounds of metal weapons clashing echoed throughout the air. Outside, there was a large group of armed people clashing against the soldiers and knights.

The armed group was not a part of Iblis. They were a band of criminals and bandits whom Iblis conspired with to get revenge on the King and the kingdom, and make names for themselves.

Using unorthodox methods and sacrificing some of their members, Iblis had utilized teleportation magic to let hundreds of criminals inside the royal capital. It was a plan which has been long in the making.

"Your Majesty, let's get you to safety!" [Kurt]

"Don't worry about me! Prioritize the citizens' safety!" [Ernes]

"Butー" [Kurt]

"That's an order!" [Ernes]

Hesitation in their hearts, the officers were forced to go along the King's orders and headed outside of the room one after another. The only one left in the room was none other than the General who was one of the King's closest aides.

"Your Majesty, be careful." [Edward]

"Hahaha, who do you think you're talking to? Back when I was still studying in the academy, I was one of the top students, you know?" [Ernes]

The King proudly stated as he took out a large spear from his storage ring. A smile was plastered on his face as held his beloved spear after such a long time. He may be a King often protected by knights, but he was also a D-ranker.

"Looks like my worries were unfounded... Zenon! Heed my call!" [Edward]

A small smile appeared on his face, the General dashed out of the balcony, leaping into the air. Not even a second after, an emerald green beast swept down and caught him, letting the former ride on his back.

The beast was none other than the General's familiar, named Zenon. He was an A-rank familiar which, along with the General, was the strongest powerhouse of the kingdom. A true beast.

"Huhuhu, look at him showing off." [Ernes]

Bangggg Crashhhh

Just as the General left, a group of knights led by Gustav entered the building. They were tasked by Kurt to guard his majesty and fight along his side. He couldn't let the King be, after all.

'That kid... Even when I told him not to worry...' [Ernes]

The King could only smile a little at the effort of his thoughtful subordinates. Even if he were to die today, he wouldn't have a single regret.

"Your Majesty, we await your orders." [Gustav]

"Hahaha, then let's join the fray and eliminate the enemies!" [Ernes]


Flames of passion burning aggressively inside their hearts, the knights charged valiantly through the corridors with the King's lead. All of them were ready to give their life for their beloved kingdom.


High up in the sky, six figures were soaring freely as they watched over the royal capital. Those figures were none other than Vanessa, Kurt, and Ranzel and their familiars who had just been ordered by the King to protect the citizens.

Strangely enough, in the southern district they were heading to, although three explosions went off, there wasn't much damage nor any casualties to be seen. The pillars of smoke were also much weaker than the other areas.

The reason was simple. It was because Canopus, one of Grey and Yuna's familiars, used curse magic to gnaw away the strength and arrangement of the runes of the magic bomb, making the resulting explosion dozens of times weaker, but the three didn't know of this yet. Still, they were all thankful.

"Ventus, go lower!" [Vanessa]

"As you command, Mistress." [Ventus]

As per Vanessa's command, Ventus went stooped towards the ground at breakneck speed. Following her, Kurt and Ranzel also descended into the chaotic grounds, their weapons at their disposal.

On the ground, knights were engaging in a fierce battle with the criminals. Blood was splattered and screams echoed all over the place as both sides brandished their weapons aggressively.


A booming roar pierced the ears of many as Vanessa and company descended down the ground. Taking the chance the enemies were still confused, Vanessa jumped down from Ventus' back and cut down a couple of enemies in a single strike.

Kurt and Ranzel followed soon after and also swung their weapons towards the enemies. Their familiars didn't just rest either. They also did their part and ripped apart a few enemies.

"Th-The high officers have arrived!"

"Don't fall back!"

"Victory is on our side!"

Morale was through the roof with their arrivals. Even when the knights and soldiers were outnumbered by the enemies, they became more determined to win the battle as they slashed down their enemies.

⟨⟨Crimson Phoenix Flash!⟩⟩ [Vanessa]

Flames scattered throughout the battlefield as Vanessa strode gracefully from enemy to enemy. Like a garden in spring, flames bloomed beautifully with each strike Vanessa made.

The screams of the enemies echoed like a chaotic symphony in the air as Vanessa danced on the battlefield, using her flexibility to her advantage. Not a single one of her enemies survived her wrath.

"Firedancer"... That was Vanessa's nickname which the knights knew her of. It was because of how she fights on the battlefield. Rather than clashing with enemies, she seemed like she was dancing skillfully as she landed her strikes. Her strides were light like a feather drifting in the wind. Even her enemies are mesmerized by her flames.


"Get out of my way!"

The enemies quickly fell into chaos as they were slowly devoured by Vanessa's crimson flames. Not even equipment or bones were left the moment the flames latched on the enemies.


It wasn't just Vanessa's flames they were terrified of. The torrent of lightning strikes coming from Ranzel's strikes wiped the enemies clean as blue light filled the battlefield with each booming thunder.

⟨⟨Azure Lane!⟩⟩ [Ranzel]

Enemies tried to get away from Ranzel, but they weren't even a couple steps away, they were already vaporized by a large beam of lightning chasing after them like a tiger chasing its prey.

The few others who managed to get away were devoured mercilessly by Kurt's flames which were just as hot as Vanessa's. None were able to escape the three who were once known as the "Golden Triangle" back at the Royal Academy.

"You damned b*tch! Die!"

Ripping the sound barrier, a single spear was thrown towards Vanessa's direction. The latter was about to strike it with her sword, when Ranzel suddenly appeared in front of her and caught the spear with his bare hands.

Just with the power packed in the spear, it wouldn't be enough to hurt high-rankers such as Vanessa. Even then, Ranzel quickly appeared in front of her and caught it for her. The spear which was about to strike Vanessa now turned to ash the moment Ranzel's lightning coiled around it.

"You dare.... To hurt my wife?!" [Ranzel]

Dark clouds formed above the sky as Ranzel's enraged voice pierced the ears of the enemies. Soon after, a large bolt of lightning came hammering down to the one who threw the spear.

It didn't even take a second. The very moment the lightning struck the enemy, his body quickly disintegrated into nothingness, not leaving even a single speck of adh behind. It was overkill.

The one Ranzel just killed was the leader of the criminals wreaking havoc in the southern district. Seeing their leader killed, they quickly descended into chaos. It wasn't long when they were all wiped out.


"Here, Aria, open wide." [Kris]

"Kris... That's embarrassing..." [Aria]

"Hey, come one now. We're going to get married sooner or later, we need to get used to this. Also, we're wearing hoods right now. There's no need to be embarrassed. Now, Ahh~!" [Kris]

"Fine..." [Aria]

Persuaded by Kris' words, Aria slowly opened her small mouth. Soon after, Kris spoon fed her a small piece of cake, making his fiancée's face bloom brightly as soon as she had a bite of the cake.

"Mmm! Delicious!" [Aria]

Currently, the two are enjoying their date in the royal capital. It was one of the rare times they could show their affection for one another, though... it couldn't really be called fully public as their faces were covered by their hoods.

Just like Grey and Yuna, after the awarding ceremony the day before, they couldn't exactly walk around the capital anymore like they used to do. Even then, it didn't stop them from enjoying their day.

"Here, have some morー" [Kris]

Kris wasn't able to finish his words. When he was about to feed Aria another piece, both of them felt the sudden spike of mana just a couple dozen meters from their current location.

Hurriedly, both Kris and Aria left the cafe they were at and rushed as fast as they could without wasting any time. The moment they arrived, all they could see was an empty alleyway. The only thing notable was the large amount of mana concentrated on the alleyway.


The ground rumbled crazily as high earthen walls protruded from the ground, creating a cylinder dozens of meters high, with the only opening located at the top, just like a large chimney.

Aria also didn't just stand by. She forcefully manipulated all the air from the cylinder, pushing them outwards and creating a vacuum all the while using the surrounding air to create a strong barrier.


After a few seconds, a loud explosion resounded throughout the eastern district. Because of Kris and Aria's efforts, the explosion's strength greatly decreased and was directed upwards.

It wasn't the only explosion in the eastern district. There was also another one several hundred meters away. It was stopped by Kentaurus by applying holy magic to himself and boosting his defenses to the max and using his own body as a shield.

A few moments after, explosions came booming from the sky and throughout the whole royal capital. Polaris used law magic to teleport the bombs upwards, while Grey, Yuna, and Arcturus used barrier magic to contain the others. All explosions were successfully negated.



Not long after the explosions, screams followed as criminals came out of hiding and started attacking the citizens, dragging the whole capital into chaos. Thankfully, the knights and soldiers present in the area were quick to respond.

The very moment Kris and Aria picked up the screams of the people and rushed to the scene and aided the knights and soldiers in their endeavors.



"What's happening?!"

A volley of arrows came raining down on the enemies as soon as Aira arrived, Each strike pierced the center of their heads, killing them instantly. Even when she was more than a hundred meters away, she did not miss even once.

⟨⟨Black Spike Garden!⟩⟩ [Kris]

Earthen spikes quickly emerged from the ground as soon as Kris' hammer connected to the ground. Like spears thrown by warriors, the spikes fiercely jabbed towards the enemies' bodies. Even those who survived were rendered immobile by the spikes.

Of course, none of the spikes struck the knights and soldiers. All of them were greatly baffled when the sudden volley of arrows and earthen spikes came out of nowhere and finished off their enemies.

"Wh-What happened...?"

"Don't just stand there! Finish them off!" [Kris]

The soldiers and knights only snapped back to reality when Kris' yelling rang through their ears. Even then, they did not obey Kris' words as the latter's face was still covered with his hood, making Kris very irritated.

"Move your damn hands, you bastards!" [Kris]

"O... Ohh! Lord Kris is here!"

"And Lady Aria, too!"

"The heroes are here!"

As soon as Kris revealed his face, the soldiers and knights cheered loudly as their morale increased by leaps and bounds. Contrary to them, the faces of the remaining enemies were pale as snow as they were quickly wiped out.

Kris and Aria didn't need to do anything anymore. With how fired up the soldiers and knights became, the battle was finished in just a quick moment. Not even a single enemy was able to escape.

"Is... this what they call the charisma of a hero...?" [Kris]

But the man himself felt conflicted about what was happening. It was the first time he saw people become so enthusiastic after being cursed at. Meanwhile, Aria, who was by his side, was just giggling to herself.


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