YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 109: Chaos at the Festival (pt. III)

"Kuhahahahahahaha!" [Leader]

A hysterical laughter resounded all over the central plaza as the sky was dotted with large figures heading towards the royal capital. The laughter only grew louder as the figures in the sky drew closer.

Amongst the flying figures dotted in the sky, two of them stood out the most. They were much larger than the rest, casting large dark shadows across the lands they've passed over.

The only ones who knew what was ahead of them was Grey and Aria whose eyesight was much better than a normal person's. Aria's whole body trembled as she saw a terrifying scene before her. Luckily, Kris was there to support her when her legs were about to give out,

"Lady Aria, if I may ask... What have you seen?" [Kurt]

Aria didn't answer immediately when Kurt asked her such a question. Her body was still trembling ever so slightly as she tried to muster words. One could visibly notice the complexion of her face getting paler.

"Garudas... Two of them..." [Aria]

It was only then that the others understood why Aria was trembling. After all, Garudas are not just simple beasts. They are one of the ten divine beasts who could be considered the true rulers of the world.

"And their age...?" [Ernes]

The King walked towards Aria as he asked a serious question. It was a question which could determine the fate of the royal capital. The King was clenching his fist, hoping that they weren't what he thought they were.

Unlike people, beasts do not need to train to get stronger, they just naturally get stronger as they age, reaching their true rank once they reach full maturity, and surpassing it once they have become old enough.

Prefixes such as "Lesser", "True", "Elder", and "Ancient" are attached to these beasts' names in accordance to their age, respectively, adolescent, adult, old, and ancient beasts, with the younger ones simply called "Juveniles" or "Newborns".

The King hoped deep in his heart that the ones flying towards them were just not even adolescents. If it were any greater, it would already cause large damage towards the royal capital and the people living there.

"True... They are both True Garudas... Your Majesty..." [Aria]

All hope was lost with Aria's words. After all, full grown Garudas were S-rank monsters, and with a flock of beasts following behind them, they could qualify to be rated as a Calamity-Class threat.

"Why are the garudas heading here?!"

"This is unprecedented!"

"It shouldn't be their migration period!"

Chaos quickly descended amongst the ones present as they tried to solve the mystery. They were all in panic, fearing the worst that could happen to their beloved royal capital.

Evacuation was out of the question. Even if the enemies were still several kilometers away, with their speed, they would be able to reach the royal capital in a few minutes. It was impossible to evacuate all citizens in such a short amount of time. They would need at least a couple of days to do so.

It also wasn't the garudas which were the only problems. There was also the flock of wind-attribute beasts following it, ranging from H to A-rank, numbering in the hundreds. It was basically a whole army, flying in the air.

The only ones who acted differently were the King, who needed to be calm and collected for the sake of the people, the High-rankers who have encountered countless dangerous situations, and the leader of the enemies who was enjoying the scene as his enemies were plunged into chaos.

"Haha... Hahaha... Kuhahahahaha!" [Leader]

The man, who was almost beheaded a while ago, was now laughing like a maniac once again. He couldn't get enough of the people's faces of despair and desperation. It was what he wanted to see the most.

It was the man's sudden outburst which warranted the attention of everyone and stopped the chaos for a moment as they looked at the man laughing to his heart's content, not minding the stares which befell at him.

Even when he was already half-dead and was lying on the ground, barely moving a single muscle. He didn't suppress his laughter and just continued laughing like the crazy bastard that he was.

"You bastard...! Do you think this situation is funny?!" [Gustav]

"Hahaha! Very much so! This is what I wanted to see! The faces of you, who destroyed our organization, filled with despair! Yes, yes! This is the greatest climax of all! Kuhahahahaha!" [Leader]

Gustav's hand trembled not from fear, but from burning rage. Rage which was fueled by the man before him. He wanted to strike the man down, but didn't, or rather, he couldn't do so.

With how much the man laughed in such a situation, it was evident that he knew something about the current situation. One could easily tell from the disgusting and perverted smile plastered on his face.

"You...! Did you plan this...?" [Gustav]

"..." [Leader]

"Answer me!" [Gustav]

Gustav's rage only burnt stronger as the man, rather than answering, smiled at him as if he was toying with him. He was only a hair width away from snapping and plunging his spear to the man's chest.

"Huhuhuhu! No need to be so impatient. Here, a present for you!" [Leader]

With the strength he had left, he lifted himself up from the ground and sat limply. He then opened his storage ring and retrieved an item from it, making it appear a meter in front of Gustav.

The item he retrieved was a sack of some sort, dyed dark red with blood which had already solidified and a rotten stench emanating from it. One could easily guess that a dead creature was inside it.

Ignoring the strong rotten stench, Gustav slowly approached the sack and opened it. What was contained inside opened his eyes wide in shock, making him grit his teeth from rage which showed in his eyes.

The content of the bag was just a single dismembered head. Not from a person's, but a beast's. It was the head of a young garuda which was about to decompose. It has been stored there for several days already.

"Huhuhu... It was such a tough job. Killing all its offsprings, cutting their carcasses into pieces, and leading them here with those cut up parts... It's a wonderful plan isn't it?! Hahahahahaー" [Leader]

Still smiling, the man's head has been detached from the body and flew meters away. Gustav's patience had completely run out, and so, he decided to finish him off once and for all.

It was not only Gustav, the knights and soldiers present also felt intense rage blazing inside of them. If given the chance, they would have killed the man themselves. They would do so without showing any mercy.

Not only did he ruin the founding festival which was supposed to be a joyous occasion and turn it into hell, he also brought danger towards the citizens and their loved ones who were just living peacefully.

"Your Majesty, we await your orders." [Gustav]

One by one, the knights and soldiers knelt before the King, awaiting what decision the King made. They already knew what they wanted to do and what their king would say, even then, they still showed honor and dignity in such a situation.

But the King didn't answer them. Instead, the King walked slowly with a serious and stern expression was painted on his face. He walked towards the two youths who were the strongest ones present in the crowd.

All eyes followed the King's stride, and in a sudden turn of events, the King plunged his knees to the ground and lowered his head out of the blue, making Grey and Yuna, who were subjected to such actions perplexed by it.

"Lord Grey, Lady Yuna, I beg of you, please save my people." [Ernes]

There was no pride left on the King's heart. All that there was was compassion for his people. It didn't matter to him if the ones before him were of lower ranks. All he wished for was the safety of his subjects.

Guilt was brewing inside the King's heart as he asked it of Grey and Yuna. They weren't even citizens of the kingdom yet they have already done great service for the kingdom, not only once or twice, but thrice already.

The first time was when they destroyed Iblis, the second one was summoning the familiars which are indispensable forces, and third, by saving the citizens inside the carnival. Asking for a fourth time was already too much. Especially when they didn't even ask for much in return.

Following the King, the General, the Lt. Generals, and all knights and soldiers present also knelt before Grey and Yuna, their heads not any higher than their King's. It was an unbelievable scene no one would believe unless they saw it.

"Y-Your Majesty, please raise your head!" [Grey]

"Th-That's right! And everyone, too! Please stand up!" [Yuna]

"No. I have already been indebted to you two far too much. Even if I have to give up my life right here and now to save my beloved citizens, I would gladly do so. That's why, please, save them..." [Ernes]

The King's words resounded inside everyone's hearts. His subjects didn't look down on him a single bit after kneeling before Grey and Yuna. Rather, they felt more drawn and loyal to him.

To know when to advance, withdraw, and surrender are qualities of a capable and wise king. But to be able to sacrifice everything for the sake of the people is one of a good king's, one loved by the people.

"Haah... Alright, alright, we get it, so please raise your head now. This is really getting uncomfortable." [Grey]

"You have my endless gratitude, Lord Grey, Lady Yuna." [Ernes]

"No worries, we were planning to do so even without you asking us. And... Your Majesty, can you stop with the formalities? It feels really weird." [Grey]

"Un. Please refer to us casually like you usually do." [Yuna]

A small smile quickly appeared on the King's face as he heard the words of the youths in front of him. He was glad that even though his request was burdensome, they didn't mind it too much.

"Come on... Did you really not like it? I put so much effort in doing that act, you know? My knees are even hurting." [Ernes]

"Eh? That was all an act?" [Yuna]

"Of course. Do you really think a king would bow his head so easily? Actually, I was going to shed some tears if you didn't agree. But who would have thought I was such a good actor." [Ernes]

"Eh?" [Yuna]

It didn't take long for the King to go back to his usual self. The others who kneeled with him had also started raising their heads, feeling a little relieved in the face of the enemies drawing closer to them.

While Yuna was confused a little bit about the King's actions, Grey knew full well that all his previous words were full of sincerity. The King was just trying to erase the awkward atmosphere in his own way.

Inside his heart, the King couldn't be any more grateful that Grey and Yuna accepted his request. Even in the adversity they were currently facing, he felt that it could be overcome easily with them by his side.

"Then, what should we do?" [Ernes]

"Hm? What else could we do but fight?" [Grey]

"N-No.. That's obvious. What I'm asking is what your plan would be." [Ernes]

"Like I said, we'll just have to fight it out." [Grey]

Silence swallowed the central plaza whole as Grey and the King looked at each other's eyes. The latter was completely speechless at the former's answer. He felt like his head ached for a moment.

Grey and Yuna had already discussed telepathically what to do while the others were busy panicking and playing with the madman from before. Fighting was the only conclusion directly the only conclusion they have reached.

There was the option of placing barriers, but with how large the royal capital was, it was practically impossible. Especially when it comes to erecting one which can withstand S-rank beasts. It was really difficult.

Another option was to use a combination of illusion and curse magic, but then again, the problem would be the range. Creating one which can cover the whole flock will disperse the effects. It would take care of the weaker ones, but not those above B-rank. The problem will not be solved.

Lastly, there was the option of summoning a similarly powerful army. It was possible with the amount of mana Grey stored inside his "Mana Bank", but if he did so, the whole capital would be in panic after seeing such numerous amounts of monsters pouring in from nowhere.

Not to mention the outcome which will happen in a full-scale battle between beasts and summoned monsters. The royal capital would inevitably get caught up in it. Stray attacks would not be uncommon.

There was only one option left, and that was a direct confrontation. It was the simplest yet most effective method. It was also one which would reduce the number of casualties to a minimum.

In order to avoid any further confusion, Grey and Yuna explained their plan to the others. Everything would take place at the western gates where the enemies are approaching from and all who would be fighting are those at E-rank and above.

The plan was to wipe out the enemies in a single strike. While Grey and Yuna charge up an all out AOE magic, the others would buy time for them. The outcome of the battle will wholly depend on whether the people can hold out for the five minutes Grey and Yuna needed to cast the attack.

Those who aren't fighting wouldn't just be spectators either. Their task would be to gather all capable fighters and send them towards the western gates. They would also be tasked at calming down the citizens.

"I see... That does seem plausible..." [Ernes]

"Right. If the plan goes smoothly, we should be able to reduce our loss to a minimum. This was really well made." [Edward]

"It is well made, but... there's just two problems. First, how would we be able to reach the western gates in time? Second, with the forces we have right now, don't mention five minutes, two minutes is already difficult!" [Albert]

Silence fell to the central plaza once again with Albert's words. His points were all valid. By the time they reach the western gates, the enemies would have already started attacking and the city would have already sustained damage.

There was also the fact that apart from Grey and Yuna, there are only three A-ranks present, including the General's familiar. It would be impossible to hold out against two S-rank beasts with a large flock behind them.

But neither Grey nor Yuna was discouraged when they heard Lt. General Albert's points. Rather, small smiles appeared on their faces, making the others tilt their heads in confusion. Of course, Grey and Yuna already had it covered.

"No need to worry... Polaris!" [Grey]

"As you command, Master." [Polaris]

With a flick of Grey's finger, a deep resonant voice echoed inside everyone's ears. Soon after, their vision started warping, until it faded to darkness. The next thing they knew, everybody was already on the ramparts on top of the western gates.

Everyone at the central plaza who was at E-rank and above has been instantly teleported towards the western gates with the help of Polaris' power. The power which governed space and time.

"Wh-What just happened?!"

"The western gates?! When did we arrive here?!"

"Look! The enemies are now in viewing range!"

The crowd was in chaos with the sudden change of settings. Neither one of them understood what just happened nor how much time had passed. All they knew was that they were now in front of the enemies.

"Grey, was this your doing?" [Ernes]

"Well, sort of, but not really... Anyway, with this, the first problem has been resolved, hasn't it?" [Grey]

"Well, yes, it is." [Ernes]

"Good! Now it's time for the second problem. Everyone, come out!" [Grey]

At Grey's behest, his and Yuna's shadow started to move erratically, splitting away from them soon after. It wasn't long when those shadows started to take shape, growing larger and larger by the moment.

Two pairs of majestic wings, platinum covered bodies, and eyes which could seemingly gaze into one's soul. Five mystical and massive creatures took form from Grey and Yuna's shadow, each emanating strength unlike any other.

Even when the General didn't have any appraisal related abilities, he could instinctively feel that not one of the creatures before him was any weaker than him. Especially the one whose eyes were the same color as Grey's. He felt very powerless against it, just like when he faced Grey himself.

"These are our familiars. They'll help you out in buying time." [Grey]

No one could utter a single word after hearing Grey's statement. Especially the King, he was more than shocked. Grey and Yuna were already powerful as they were. If their familiars were taken into account, they could easily become the strongest party.

Without further ado, everyone quickly executed the plan. The High-rankers rode their familiars in the air, with Kris and Aria riding Canopus and Arcturus respectively as they did not have their own.


A deafening shriek once again resounded throughout the capital, much louder and high-pitched than before. It was the signal of the start of battle as the beasts started their assault.

"Don't let a single one through!"


Explosions echoed throughout the sky as the magic from the capital and the horde clashed with one another. Violent shock waves echoed throughout the air with power able to rip boulders to shreds.

Far above, an even more violent battle occurred with the high-rankers finishing off the stronger monsters one by one. Gusts of wind swirled like a storm with each clash as beasts dropped from the sky like dead flies.

The most ferocious amongst the ones present was Polaris, he alone took care of the two garudas, not struggling a little bit. A-rank beasts tried to help out the garudas, but they were all struck down with a single hit from Polaris.

Chaos. It was utter chaos as the two forces clashed. Shrieks and explosions were the only thing to be heard. The vast blue sky was no more. Ali there was a black one, one clouded with thick smoke from all the explosions happening.

As more time passed, more and more knights and adventurers came along the western gates to aid in battle. Their numbers only increased while the enemies in question had decreased.

Every time a beast stooped down the ramparts, Arcturus would immediately cast a barrier and prevent them from doing so. The allies who were injured were also quickly healed by Kentaurus. Although it has only been a couple of minutes, it already felt like an eternity.

⟨⟨Blue Phoenix!⟩⟩ [Vanessa]

⟨⟨Freezing Lotus!⟩⟩ [Albert]

⟨⟨Lightning Vortex!⟩⟩ [Ranzel]

With each spell of the high-rankers, another beast fell. They were like an impenetrable fortress that not even one beast could pass through. All that dared to do so was cut down without mercy.

The battle continued and the storm of mana only became more violent. No matter where one looked, there was only cruel scenery present. It was raining, not with rainwater but with the blood and carcasses of the defeated beasts.

There were beasts which tried to do harm against the high-rankers above but they were defeated. With how powerful the familiars were, they stood no chance at all. They were all blown away before they even had the chance to attack.

"Elder Sister, watch out!" [Kurt]

Warned Kurt the very moment he saw a B-rank beast lunging its ferocious jaws towards Vanessa, but too bad for it, it was the one who was bitten. The one who did it was Sirius whose speed was only next to Polaris.

With how powerful Sirius' bite force was, the enemy's head was forcefully detached from its body. It didn't take long before it died and started crashing towards the cold, blood-filled grounds.

"Are you fine, Lady Vanessa?" [Sirius]

"Yup! Never been better! Thank you!" [Vanessa]

Even when she had just been attacked, Vanessa was still energetic like usual. With everything settled, Sirius cloaked herself with illusion magic once again and started her assault against the enemies' forces again.

After Sirius' fearsome display, the morale amongst the people present increased astronomically. There were also more people arriving on the scene and so, it became much easier to defend against the enemies whose numbers are dropping down very significantly.

"Begone!" [Polaris]

The main cause was none other than Polaris. Although his task was just to keep the two garudas in bay, with each of his breath attacks, countless beasts were burnt to crisp and dropped like flies. They all crashed to the ground which was now littered with corpses.

But such chaotic scenery was about to end. Five minutes have elapsed and so, Grey and Yuna's spell was complete. The air started to tremble violently as if fearing what was about to come.

"This...! Fall back!" [Polaris]

Polaris, sensing the insurmountable amount of mana swirling around Grey and Yuna quickly had the others retreat, with him holding back the enemies with a fiery breath attack before teleporting away.

⟨⟨Raging Tempest: Glacial Blue!⟩⟩ [Grey and Yuna]

Mana burst out like a storm as Grey and Yuna's voice resounded clearly. Soon after, large pillars of ice, resembling that of massive spears, appeared one after another, reaching thousands in numbers in just a couple of seconds.

The wind also became more and more violent as time passed. Like a vortex, it concentrated all pillars of ice in one spot, and in a single burst, blasted them all away towards the enemy, surpassing the speed of sound dozens of times.

A relentless torrent of icicles greeted the enemies, piercing their bodies and leaving holes behind their wake. And it didn't stop there, after the icicles passed through, their direction changed, coming back to the enemies. It was an endless cycle.

The ones who saw it from below were all mesmerized by the scene. The red of the blood and the blue of the ice, along with the bright and dark colors from explosions as the beasts tried to fight back. It created a show they will never forget.

Time passed and the ice slowly faded from existence. The air has also calmed down. If there was anything different, it was that there were no more beasts present in the air, all were down the ground, lifeless after experiencing such a turbulent storm.

"We... We won!!"

"Oooh! We survived!"

"Victory is ours!!"

Cheers and cries echoed loudly all over the ramparts as the people saw the garudas laying down motionless. It was not an event they have ever anticipated, but one they will never forget. Another day which will forever be engraved in the kingdom's history.


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