YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 115: Potatoes Galore!

Chop Chop Chop

A redundant sound echoed every time the knife makes contact with the chopping board. The whistling sound of steam, the boiling of water, and the whooshing of flames. A variety of sounds echoed all over the kitchen from time to time, creating a calming melody accompanied by the aromatic scents of food being cooked.

It has been about a week since Grey and Yuna returned to Galderia, and currently, the two of them are helping out in making dinner along with Gerd and Selia. It has become one of their daily routines since coming back.

"Hm?" [Grey]

All of a sudden, one of Grey's eyebrows arched as he looked at the content of his "Inventory". There was a specific kind of item his eyes locked on whilst wearing a concerned expression over his face.

"Is something wrong, Grey? You seem worried." [Yuna]

"No, it's just... we're running low on potatoー" [Grey]

"Ehh?!" [Yuna]

Grey couldn't even finish his statement. Before he had the chance to, Yuna's scream full of shock and surprise cut off his words. She was wearing a pale expression on her face as if the world was about to end.

Well, Yuna's reaction was justifiable. After all, potatoes have been incorporated into many of their dishes. Not to mention the snacks and treats which could be made with them. She just couldn't imagine their meals the same without potatoes.

It has been almost six months since Grey and Yuna bought the potatoes on their first quest, and while they were able to buy potatoes from time to time, there still wasn't enough to sustain themselves. Potatoes have yet to fully integrate into the market.

While Grey could grow potatoes in his "Sanctuary" and speed it up with plant magic, there was just one tiny problem. It was that all space had already been occupied by various crops, more than 70% of the space being rice fields.

"No... My potatoes..." [Yuna]

Despair could be traced in both Yuna's face and voice. There were even tears forming at the corners of her eyes. She was distraught, in distraught of the thought that she wouldn't be able to eat potatoes anymore.

It wasn't until when Grey calmed her down that Yuna stopped despairing over such depressing thoughts, and only after taking a bite of dinner that she returned to her usual self. It was as if she was never depressed to begin with.

Time passed by quickly and the morning sun had risen once again over the vast horizon. The city had awoken as bustling noises reached the sky and busy crowds came pouring out their houses to start their daily lives.

"Potatoes~ Potatoes~ Potatoes~!" [Yuna]

In contrast to her previous self, Yuna has become much more cheerful as a bright smile floated on her face. She was humming to herself the same word as she and Grey headed to the Adventurers' Guild.

In order to appease Yuna yesterday, Grey had suggested that they once again head towards the village growing potatoes and buy themselves a large amount. Since they were heading there anyways, it was also decided that they take a quest in the vicinity of the village in order to get some quests done, killing two birds with one stone.

Upon their arrival, the guild was already busy. The staff members and receptionists were accommodating the adventurers who had already picked their quests. It was business as usual.

Neither Grey nor Yuna paid the curious eyes any heed and headed towards the quest boards, inspecting any available quests that matched their requirements. There was no need to consider the rank as it didn't really matter.

As it has already been a week since they have returned, it also meant that the high-ranking quests have started to decrease. Coupled with Kris and Aria's return, the rate of completion has sped up even faster. Now, the highest ranking quests present are only at D-rank.

"Grey, I found it!" [Yuna]

Yuna waved her hand towards Grey, prompting the latter to approach her and look at the request form on her hands. It was a G-rank escorting quest coming from Balta village, the same village Grey and Yuna were heading to.

"Yup, this is perfect. Good job spotting it." [Grey]

"Hehehe! No problem at all!" [Yuna]

The smile on Yuna's face has yet to fade. The more she thought about acquiring more potatoes, the happier she became. Her smile didn't disappear even when Tilda started to process their quest. It made the latter rather curious.

After their deal at the Adventurers' Guild, Grey and Yuna then headed outside the city as per usual. After which, they headed southeast towards Balta village where they had their very first quest. It was a route which brought about some memories.

Running at breakneck speeds, the journey which would have usually taken a few hours at the very least was reduced to just a few minutes. With each passing minute, Grey and Yuna were able to cover a couple kilometers of distance.

"Hm? Aren't those..." [Marlon]

A familiar figure stood guard at the village gates as he held his spear uprightly. It was Marlon who was the head guard and soldier at Balta village. He was present when Grey and Yuna talked with the chief along with the making of potato chips and fries.

Marlon waved his outstretched hand high up in the air as soon as he spotted Grey and Yuna over the horizon. While their faces weren't clear, he immediately knew it was them. After all, a silver-haired elf isn't exactly common in the kingdom, along with Grey pitch black hair, there were only two people who came to mind.

"Long time no see, Mister Marlon." [Grey]

"Good morning, Mister Marlon." [Yuna]

"Well, it's almost been half a year, after all. It's good to see you both are still doing well." [Marlon]

Marlon's expression was much brighter than what Grey and Yuna remembered. While he was all serious and stiff the first time they met, now, he was smiling more often and much cheerful as well.

It wasn't only Marlon, the other soldiers with him also wore brighter expressions as they did their jobs. It was because over the past six months, the village had grown more prosperous and in turn, people have gotten better living conditions.

With happy expressions, Grey, Yuna, and the guards chatted for a little bit, with talks pertaining mostly on what happened over the past few months. The guards just couldn't help talking about how much their village has improved.

"Ah, right. I almost forgot... What brings the two of you here? Have you ran out of potatoes or something?" [Marlon]

"Yeah, that and one other thing. We also happened to come across a certain quest, you see." [Grey]

"Oh!" [Marlon]

A surprised expression was written all over Marlon and the other guards' faces as soon as Grey pulled out a certain document. It was the request form that they had posted in the guild.

"Hahahaha, who would've thought you'd be the ones ro pick it up! Looks like we'll be in your care again!" [Marlon]

"The same goes for us, too." [Grey]

"Un! I'm looking forward to the quest!" [Yuna]

"Right, right, then let's go to the Chief's house. I'm sure he'll be happy to see the two of you again." [Marlon]

The guarding duty over the gates was left to the other guards. Marlon quickly turned around, and with Grey and Yuna behind him, he led them once again to the chief's house, all the while continuing their chat.

As Grey and Yuna walked around the village, they could notice subtle differences in the houses and people living there. Just like what Marlon and the guards said, the living conditions in the village had really gotten better.

Knock Knock Knock

The journey stopped when they arrived at a familiar house. It was the very same house they went inside six months ago, only that there were a few improvements here and there. Some of the parts were clearly newly renovated.

"Chief, I have brought the adventurers." [Marlon]

"Oh, just a minute." [Chief]

An elderly voice rang out as Marlon knocked on the door. Soon after, the door creaked as an elderly man opened it. The elderly man in question wore a surprised expression as soon as he saw Grey and Yuna.

"Oh... Ohh... Oh! Lord Grey! Lady Yuna! It's wonderful to see you again! How have you been?" [Chief]

The face of surprise was quickly changed into that of happiness as soon as the Chief's mind processed what he saw. He was extremely delighted to see the two youths whom he considers the benefactors of the village.

While Grey and Yuna also felt happy seeing him in such high spirits, there was one thing which bothered them. It was that the Chief had started to address them formally. From what they can remember, the chief only addressed them as "young'uns" before, but now was addressing them as "Lord" and "Lady" formally.

It wasn't just in Galderia, news about new high-ranker adventurers had spread in nearby towns and villages. It was especially known in the Balta village whom they had associated with personally.

The story about the two of them stopping an Orc Horde all by themselves have already spread throughout the neighboring territories. It didn't take much time until the news spread to Barta village.

"It's nice to see you again too, Chief. But... the formality, it's..." [Grey]

"Oh, do you not like it? I've practiced quite a bit for it, y'know?" [Chief]

"No... Rather than not liking it, it's more like... unsettling?" [Grey]

Honestly, Grey answered the Chief's question. As soon as his answer was heard, a strange and awkward silence loomed over the area for a short moment. After all, no matter how Grey thought about it, it was strange seeing the free-spirited and carefree chief act so formally.

"Unsettling huh... Bahahaha! I knew it, it really doesn't suit me! You really have a good pair of ears, young man." [Chief]

The free-spirited and carefree chief was back. He laughed himself off as boisterously and loud as he can as if there weren't any other people nearby. It was a scene Grey and Yuna were much more familiar with.

"Ah, how rude of me. Come, come, come inside, don't be shy. Let's have some tea while we talk." [Chief]

And just like the first time they met, the Chief had once again offered them tea to drink as he invited the two of them inside his house. Much like the outside, the interior had also received a little bit of makeover.

The tables were larger and sturdier, there were more seats, and once could see new planks installed on the floor. Rather than a renovation, it would be better to say that the house was just repaired with new materials.

"Sit anywhere you like, I'll just go get some tea." [Chief]

"Ah, Chief, let me do it." [Marlon]

"Marlon, I'm not as old as you think. Just sit there and accompany the young'uns, alright? I'll be done in a jiffy." [Chief]

Not even waiting for Marlon's response, the Chief headed to the kitchen with a happy smile blooming in his face. At the back of his mind, he was thinking of brewing the best tea in his collection for Grey and Yuna to taste.

"Sorry about the Chief. He's always been like that." [Marlon]

"Don't worry about it, Mister Marlon. The Chief being like that, it feels... how do I say it... more comfortable...?" [Grey]

"Un! It feels much better when compared to people being too formal or respectful. It's refreshing!" [Yuna]

"Haha, I'm glad you understand." [Marlon]

Meanwhile, Marlon was left behind with Grey and Yuna in the living room. They then continued their previous conversation regarding the village and what new snacks were made with inspiration from the potato chips and fries.

While the potatoes haven't fully integrated into the national market, there have been a few villages neighboring Balta village which had been buying potatoes from them. Slowly but surely, the influence of potatoes has been spreading outside just the Barta village alone.

"Well, it was thanks to the young'uns that we have been experiencing so much growth lately." [Chief]

The Chief stated as he entered the living room. On his arms were a tray with teacups and a teapot on top of it. Steam could be seen escaping the teapot's mouth, signifying that it was just newly brewed.

"Chief, let me help you." [Marlon]

"Sure, sure, just grab some tea cups and serve it to our guests." [Chief]

"Yes." [Marlon]

As per the Chief's request, Marlon stood up from his seat and poured everyone a cup of tea. The moment the tea was poured, Grey and Yuna noticed something odd about the tea. It was not the same tea they were served before.

At a single glance, one might mistake it, but the color was undoubtedly much lighter than before. The scent of the tea was also much more subtle than the one from before. It looked like it was just diluted, but in reality, it was an entirely different tea.

"The tea looks... different..." [Yuna]

"Eh? It is?" [Marlon]

The only one who didn't notice the difference was Marlon. He lets off a short surprised voice as soon as he hears Yuna's words. He then stared at the tea for a hot second, only to get more confused. It looked the same no matter which angle he looked at it.

"Hahaha! Looks like you really can't escape the eyes of high-rankers! This is indeed a different tea. It's called Valalorn. It's my most prized tea in my possession. Please have a taste." [Chief]

Meanwhile, while Marlon was thrust into confusion, the Chief only laughed heartily as he initiated the drinking of tea. At his lead, Grey and Yuna also drank the tea the Chief brewed, only to open their eyes in surprise.

The tea initially starts very bitterly, but in just a fraction of a second, the bitterness quickly disappears, replaced by a little acidic taste and a subtle sweetness which resembles that of honey, washing away the precious bitterness. It was easy to drink and wasn't too strong.

"Mmn... This is good." [Grey]

"I like it!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha, I'm glad you liked it. Then, how about we eat some snacks along it. I have some cookies here to snack on." [Chief]

"Cookies!" [Yuna]

As the Chief brought out a jar of cookies from who-knows-where, Yuna's expressions quickly lit up. Like a little squirrel, she stuffed her mouth with cookies, enjoying its sweetness along the little sourness of the tea.

While Grey and Yuna were there for a quest, since they arrived much quicker than anticipated, they, the Chief, and Marlon talked for quite some time. They talked about a broad range of topics ranging from something very trivial to rumors spreading around the kingdom.

They even reached a topic where the awarding ceremony was brought up. It made both Grey and Yuna choke on their drinks as it was brought up. Thankfully, the identities of the heroes haven't spread so far. It was thanks to it that Grey and Yuna could escape the situation.

"Oh, right... Young man, about the profits regarding the potatoes and such. I've already handed it to the Merchants' Guild." [Chief]

"The Merchants' Guild...?" [Grey]

"Yes. They're a very reliable organization so there's no need to worry. I've also applied patents in your name so you'll have full rights over your recipes. They're all at the guild." [Chief]

"Ah, thank you..." [Grey]

Grey looked grateful to the chief on the outside, but deep inside, he actually felt really guilty. He had made the deal with him for months already yet it totally slipped his mind. He has never been inside the Merchants' Guild.

It wasn't just the potatoes, the deals with Fritz, Argas, and other people were also concerned with the Merchants' Guild. He could only imagine the amount of documents piled up inside the guild waiting for him. Just thinking about it was enough to give him nightmares.

While the guild wilk handle all negotiations for him, he still needed to show his face up and deal with a few paperwork. Especially in regards to the money earnt. They have been piling up there for months already.

'Looks like I have another quest...' [Grey]

Grey sighed inwardly as he took a mental note, adding it to his mental checklist. He thought that he wouldn't be dealing with paperwork after coming to Merusia, but, oh boy, was he wrong.

The talk continued for several more minutes until they finished their tea and cookies. And to show Grey and Yuna around the village, they all went outside and headed to the fields where all the potatoes were planted.

During their chat, Grey and Yuna mentioned that they wanted to buy some more potatoes. It was also one of the reasons why they are going outside to get some freshly harvested ones.

"Waah~!" [Yuna]

"Amazing..." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna's mouths were wide open as they indulged in the scenery before them. As far as the eyes could see, there were massive farmlands full of potatoes. It was hectares upon hectares full of potatoes. A potato paradise!

During the six months since Grey and Yuna had left the village, Balta had expanded its potato growing operation to match the increasing demands from the neighboring villages. The fields had grown more than 20 times than before, with the majority of the space reserved for potatoes.

It wasn't just the fields, the population of the village also grew as more people chose to stay and farm rather than venture outside. Even those who had gone to towns and cities for jobs had returned to help out. After all, the potato industry is rapidly growing.

"Oh, Chief, Marlon, what brings you here? Aren't you both busy?" [???]

A woman in her late-twenties asked as she saw Marlon and the Chief on the outskirts of the fields. As she approached them, two young children followed behind her like little chicks to a hen.

"Ah, no... We have some guests, you see..." [Marlon]

As Marlon shifted his hands towards Grey and Yuna's direction, the woman's eyes followed them. The two children also looked at them, following the woman's actions.

"Oh, right! Let me introduce them. This is my wife, Karen, and the two behind her are our children, Mary and Sally." [Marlon]

"Fufu, nice to meet you." [Karen]

"Hello~!" [Marie]

Without missing a beat, Marlon introduced his family to Grey and Yuna. First was his wife, and next their daughters. The older one, 7 years old in age, was named Marie, while the younger one, 4 years old, was Sally.

"Everyone, this is Miss Yuna and Mister Grey. Our village's benefactors!" [Marlon]

"It's a pleasure to meet yー" [Grey]

"Oh my! I've been wanting to meet the two of you! Everyone~! Lord Grey and Lady Yuna are here~! Are benefactors are here~!" [Karen]

Grey and Yuna couldn't even introduce themselves. Before they could, Karen had already called out to the other villagers who were working on the fields, successfully garnering their attention.

One after another, the villagers' heads turned towards Grey and Yuna's direction. It didn't take long before the villagers started approaching them like moths attracted to a fire lamp.

There were elderly, middle-aged people, teens, and many more. All of them approached Grey and Yuna with bright and thankful expressions on their faces. It was to the point that Grey and Yuna were overwhelmed.

"Now, now, everyone, let's not bother them too much, okay? And, right... Can you get them a couple baskets of potatoes? They said they wanted to get some." [Chief]

"Roger that, Chief!"

"Leave it to us!"

The crowd only calmed down when the Chief intervened, or rather, it would be better to say their attention has been shifted to another subject rather than calming down. They enthusiastically harvested a few potatoes for Grey and Yuna to have.

The amount they harvested was no joke. In just a few minutes, they were able to get several baskets' worth of potatoes. There weren't even machineries involved, only pure physical power with a little aid of magic.

A problem arose when Grey and Yuna tried to pay for the potatoes as the villagers insisted not to. It took them quite some time to convince the villagers to take the money, or rather most of the money as everything was settled at a discount.

"That's quite a lot isn't it..." [Grey]

"Un..." [Yuna]

In front of Grey and Yuna, baskets upon baskets of potatoes could be seen. There were so many that it would last them for years to come. There was just simply too much. It was a mountain of potatoes.


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