YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 327: The Final Four!


Heavy metallic sounds screeched in the air, fierce flames chasing after its tail as loud and deafening explosions riddled the air. The winds boomed and bellowed, a tornado of flames birthed along with shockwaves, flogging out in the arena.

There was not just one or two, but three blades clashing, two ganging against one, not leaving the opponent even room to breathe, his blades rushing towards her and aiming for the kill. A ferocious and violent clash was what it was.

"Just to be expected of Lord Elian! Lady Agatha is forced into a defensive with hie fury of blows! Is this the end of the duel?!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! It's still too early to judge, Partner! Lady Agatha still has determination burning in her eyes! She won't easily go down without a fight! She didn't climb up towards the quarterfinals on mere luck alone!" [Terry]

"What do you think, folks?! Cheer as loud as you can! The battle is getting more heated up as we speak!" [Konan]

It was the third round of the quarterfinals for the Senior Division, a match between the runner-up of the previous three consecutive years, Elian, and a challenger who was at the higher ends of B-rank, Agatha.

Elian wielded two longswords by his side whilst Agatha wielded a rapier. Both were masters of the swords, not letting up as they poured out strike after strike, after strike, slashing and thrusting faster than lightning, their strikes thundering across the arena.

⟨⟨Double Cross!⟩⟩ [Elian]

His hands were swift and precise, slashing at the same time and creating a cross of mana which darted towards Agatha at breakneck speeds. A cross sharp enough to cut through steel without a problem, cutting it like tofu.

⟨⟨Wild Thrust!⟩⟩ [Agatha]

Agatha didn't just let the attack rush at her. She quickly pulled herself together and gathered mana at the tip of her sword. She thrusted towards the middle of the cross, shattering it to fragments, a beam of piercing silver rushing out from her rapier.

The duel continued and storming clash continued, Agatha pushed back slowly but surely by Elian's dual wielded barrage. Her reflexes and maneuvering were very commendable, but Elian's cascade of blades were even much faster, battering the lady without showing any signs of mercy.

He raised both of his blades and Agatha parried it with her sword, but at the same time her hands were full, Elian unleashed his other blade, thrusting towards Agatha at breakneck speeds. Blood was spilled as her flank was wounded.

Pained as she was, Agatha still managed to pull herself together and increased the distance between the two of them. She covered her wound with her left hand, her right hand charging mana towards her sword, the winds howling at her command.

⟨⟨Bladed Gale!⟩⟩ [Agatha]

She lashed out her sword and the winds ran rampant, blades of wind rushing towards Elian like galloping stallions, stampeding all over the stage. They left large gashes on the ground, scarring the newly repaired stage.

Yet Elian could only smile at the sight before him. He crouched on the stage, leaving a large crater as he pounced, his blades crossed as his eyes glowed sharp. He then brandished both his swords, ripping apart everything in his path.

The blades of wind and mana were all shattered like brittle glass, Elian closing in on the wounded Agatha as the chimes of time continued to play. Panic struck the lady's heart, withdrawing her blade of a and stopping her tracks as he unleashed her mana.

⟨⟨Windswept Spring!⟩⟩ [Agatha]

Her sword flashed and rode the wind, a raging storm rushing towards Elian at insane speeds, aiming towards his heart. A loud clang reverberated in the air as the latter used both his swords to deflect such an attack.

However, that was not the end of it. Rather than be terminated, Agatha's swift and deadly thrust continued to lash out, hitting the barrier and ricocheting towards Elian once more, now even faster and powerful than before, the winds howling louder.


Elian deflected the sword again and again, yet every time he did, it only bounced back, rushing faster at him again. Even with two of his swords, it was still difficult to parry, the blow getting heavier as the hurricane brewed wilder with time.

The man ran, but the persistent blade continued to chase him. Such a scene occurred until such that a thunder boomed throughout the stage, the thrust breaking through the sound barrier, leaving shockwaves in its wake.

Left, right, above, and from below, the rushing winds continued to strike Elian without a shred of mercy. It got so fast that Elian's eyes couldn't keep up anymore, only a blur appearing on his peripheral. A wound soon appread, blood trickling down his arms.

'Tsk! So annoying...' [Elian]

Elian's eyes finally glowed a serious glint. He was about to unleash his ability, when he caught a quick glimpse of a certain sight. Agatha was now panting heavily, sweat streaking down like bullets from her forehead whilst blood trickled from her side.

The attack was overwhelming, but it was also one which devoured Agatha's mana like a starving dragon. It hasn't even been half a minute yet she was already panting, legs trembling ever so slightly, evidently struggling to stay on her feet.

'I see... So that's how it is... Then let's he who will last longer!' [Elian]

A sudden change of plans, a smile of mischief blooming on Elian's face. He braced himself for one more time and let the flames devour his whole being, his blades clad in the hottest of flame, erupting like that of a disastrous volcano.

⟨⟨Dual Winged Phoenix Flash!⟩⟩ [Elian]

The flames burst forth and a thunderous shockwave rocked the whole arena, scarlet flames running rampant all over the place, a burning streak cruising across the stage like a lightning bolt which fell from heaven.

Elian, which was slowly cornered by the persistent blade of Agatha, was now soaring through the stage at incomparable speeds than before. A trail of flames were left at his wake, the occasional shockwaves as his blades clashes with Agatha's

All Elian did was run and defend, blowing away Agatha's attack as he dashed all over the stage. He was clearly enjoying the same, but the same couldn't be said about the lady, clearly out of breath as she tried to maintain her attack.

'Jus... Just a little bit more...' [Agatha]

Agatha thought as she breathed in and out in rapid succession, pushing herself over her limit, pain, fatigue, and drowsiness creeping in on her. She blinked her eyes for a quick moment, and the very moment she opened her eyes two blazing blades were already aiming for her neck.

She closed her eyes yet again, bracing herself for the worst and the pain that's about to come, yet nothing happened. She opened her eyes once more and the scorching, scarlet flames were now extinguished, only two blades pointed at her.

A short distance was her blade, frozen in time just a couple inches away from Elian's neck. She had run out of mana, her blade shattered into fragments of light as they vanished into thin air, dim sparkling carried away by the wind.

"Looks like it's my win, My Lady." [Elian]

The man smiled with a bright expression on his face, the contour of his accentuated by the golden brilliance of the sky behind him. The battle was finally over, Agatha's legs giving out from pain and relief, unable to keep herself from standing any longer.

"Hohoho! What a swift and fast-paced duel! His Grade, Gladiator Elian has grabbed victory against Gladiator Agatha! He takes the third spot of the semifinals!" [Terry]

The announcements rang loud, and the crowd clamored with excitement as the victor punched his fist towards the amber sky. All her smiling brightly, only a single figure down in the dumps as she sat on the ground, eyes filled with a bit of disappointment.

"Now, now, don't be too sad, My Lady. That was a good match and I really enjoyed myself. There's no need to be so sad." [Elian]

"Easy for you to say... You weren't even serious, were you?" [Agatha]

"Hahaha. I wonder... Well, first... Let me help you up a bit. I'm sure your sides still hurt from your wound." [Elian]

"Ah, thankー Fuweeh?!" [Agatha]

The lady couldn't even finish her words when Elian did the unthinkable. She thought he would just lend her a hand, but the man suddenly crouched and scooped her up from the ground, his hands on her back and legs. He carried her, bridal style!

"Wh-What are you doing?! L-Let me down, you beast!" [Agatha]

"I was the one who gave you that wound, so I should at least do this much. And as far as I know, you don't have a lover so there shouldn't be any problem, right?" [Elian]

"There are a lot of problems here! P-Put me down already, you fiend!" [Agatha]

Agatha protested as much as she could, but there was only so much she could do when she was exhausted as can be. Elian continued carrying the lady and brought her to the medical staff to be healed, golden light shining soon after.

It wasn't the first time he had done so. Though he usually just lends his shoulder, he also carries people when the situation calls for it, carrying them in her arms when they're a lady, and on his shoulders they're a man.

Regardless of which, it was always an interesting sight to behold, the crowd enjoying the little extra laugh to break away from the tension. Two figures in particular were glued to the scene, peeking a little ways from the waiting area.

"Ohh~! So that's my next opponent, huh... He's quite the player, isn't he? Quite... Umm... Interesting to say the least! Un! Interesting!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. That may be so, but you should still be careful. He hasn't shown his full power yet. I'm sure it will be totally different tomorrow." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That makes me look forward to it even more!" [Yuna]

There was only excitement and anticipation in her eyes as she glanced over Elian once again. Though, the match she was most excited about was the one between Grey and herself, a soft chuckle escaping her soft and plump, red lips.

The clouds continued to drift and the repairs were finally finished. With the setting of the sun, the arena lights lit up and graced the Grand Colosseum with sight. It was finally time for the final match of the day, the audience excited as can be.

"Folks! Grab your snacks and refreshments, and seat yourselves properly! Keep your eyes peeled and your hearts ready! Let the drums play out!" [Terry]

"This is the match we have been waiting for! An exciting match to conclude the second day of the Carnival of swords! Are! You! Readyyyy~?!" [Konan]

There was no need for a second try. As Terry and Konan's voice echoed throughout the evening sky, a pandemonium of boisterous cheers and joyous applause danced in the Grand Colosseum, two figures making their entrance.

On one side was the Reigning Champion of the Carnival Swords, proving his worth three consecutive times. The other was a Lt. General who wasn't any less famous, his name known all over the Kingdom. Swordsmen who stood at the top.

"To think I would duel with you again against you in the Carnival of Swords... It must be fate, Your Grace. I'll show you how much I've grown." [Galahad]

"Sure. I will be the one to judge you. I hope you won't disappoint me." [Lionel]

The Champion's words were as cold as ever, his eyes and expression unchanging in the face of Galahad's words. There was only tension in the air between them, the two shaking one another's hands with firm and immense grip.

The two soon separated, heading off to their respective sides of the stage, a grand introduction following as per usual. A wave of cheers rang out once again, the stars watching them from the night sky, a cascade of starlight befalling on the arena.

""Let the duel... Begin!!"" [Konan and Terry]

Both swordsmen unsheathed their swords and brandished them in the air, the ground trembling before them as they darted towards one another. Their white and blue hairs fluttering in the wind as shockwaves filled the nightly breeze.

The cold nightly air only became more chilly as Galahad brandished his sword, pillars of ice appearing with every stride and the sparks immediately extinguished every time they clashed, streaks of blue glowing under the night sky, bright as the moon.

⟨⟨Frosted Tiger's Claw!⟩⟩ [Galahad]

He leaped and he slashed, the frozen silhouette of a blue tiger appearing behind him, waving its forelegs and slashing away with its claws, four deadly and massive blades of frost bearing down on the Champion's sword at the same time.

The blades connected to his sword, yet his facial expressions remained unchanged. He simply planted his left foot firmly on the ground, brandishing his trusty longsword and deflecting it with a heavy swing, showers of blue exploding in the air and snow falling soon after.

His first attack may be deflected, but there was no need to falter. Taking the chance, Galahad quickly lunged towards Lionel and put all his strength into his sword. The winds quivered and bellowed as his eyes glimmered blue.

⟨⟨Freezing Crescent!⟩⟩ [Galahad]

A massive blade was manifested from nothingness, the moisture in air freezing into snowflakes as the sound of crackling ice rustled in the wind. Yet another fierce clash thundered across the Grand Colosseum, crystals of ice exploding rather than sparks.

It was all too sudden. Before Galahad could even notice, the Champion's blade was already covered in rocks, blocking both the frost and the impact of his attack without much trouble, the former's body shuddering a little from the rebound.

However, even that didn't stop Galahad from attacking. With the failure of his second attack, he braced himself yet again and poured much mana not just on his sword, but ti his body as well, the wind freezing as the night went deeper.

⟨⟨12 Deadly Strikes: Winter March!⟩⟩ [Galahad]

Streaks of blue shone from his blade, the soft and gentle moonlight reflecting on it. He suddenly disappeared from sight, his shadow creeping in on the stage like a free eagle reigning over the night sky.


A strike came from above, a shockwave filled with power and frost lashing out on a beautiful night. Crystals of ice manifested from thin air, swallowing the Champion's sword whole, cracking even the heavy rocks adorning it.

But Galahad didn't just end there. After the first strike, he rebounded from the blade and landed on the ground, pouncing towards the Champion once again, now aiming from a different angle, his sword moving fast as lightning.


Another stride, another strike, all coming from different angles and flowing in different patterns. Galahad soared all over the stage, leaving trails of ice with every step. The symphony of the freezing winds playing as their swords clashed again and again.

Eight... Nine... Ten... Eleven... And on the twelfth and final strike, Galahad's sword was enveloped in azure and brilliant light. He then drew his sword and poured all his strength towards his legs, all the frost building up finally bursting forth, concentrating at the tip of his sword.

He thrusted with all his strength and albeit subtly, Lionel's expression finally changed, painted with a bit of shock. He finally poured mana to his sword and bent the ground to his will, rushing out towards the sky and gathering towards his sword.

⟨⟨Falling Rush!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

The ground quaked at Lionel's words and his sword rode an avalanche of rocks. It soon connected with the piercing cold, tremors reverberating again and again as the downpour of boulders continued to pour, the ground shattered as Lionel's sword fell.

The tremors didn't just stop there. After obliterating the ray of blue, it then laid waste to the stage and made both the boulder and glaciers rise in the air. The whole arena was a mess, not a single tile untouched and free from harm.

"How do you like my present, Your Grace? Did it disappoint you?" [Galahad]

"No... On the contrary, it was amazing. You have clearly gotten stronger compared to last year, frighteningly so." [Lionel]

"Hahaha. I'm glad to hear that, so... Here's another one, free of charge...!" [Galahad]

Galahad once again vanished from sight, appearing in front of the Champion yet another time. However, compared to before, the blue shine in his sword was nowhere to be seen, only a silver glimmer like the reigning moon above them.

⟨⟨Executioner's Rush!⟩⟩ [Galahad]

His eyes glowed white and so did his blade. Galahad unleashed a fury of slashes towards Lionel and slowly chipped away on his defenses. All his strikes aimed were deadly, aiming for the most vital of spots, swift and heavy as can be.

It was a skill born from swordsmanship alone and one Galahad had polished over the months, making sure its pattern was unpredictable and hard to defend against. Surely enough, it was worth the effort, the Champion finally taking a couple steps back.

"O... Ohhh...! His Grace is being pushed back by Lord Galahad's fury of swords! His relentless attacks had driven our Champion into a corner! Are we witnessing history here, folks?!" [Konan]

However, the commentator couldn't be any more wrong. Though Lionel was being pushed back, it was simply because he's measuring the extent of Galahad's growth and openly receiving his strikes head on. It was rude to decline a present, after all.

The clash of swords continued and even fiercer sparks exploded like fireworks. Both Galahad and the Champion knew that it was only futile, the latter easily parrying the former's furious carnage, not breaking a single sweat.

Every strike was filled with all of Galahad's might yet the Champion was barely fazed by them. He had gotten much stronger than he was before, but so did the man before him, only a single thought ringing in his mind...

'Haha... Looks like I'm still far from the pinnacle...' [Galahad]

The Champion was like an immovable mountain before him. No matter how much he slashed, he could never hope to strike him down, his volley of blades soon coming to a halt, arms now riddled with fatigue and pain.

"That was a beautiful display, Lord Galahad... So in response to such a great present, let me show a bit of my sincerity as well." [Lionel]

The look in the Champion's eyes changed and the air became even more tense than it already is, a storm of mana brewed on the stage for the final time, violent bursts of winds lashing out all over the Grand Colosseum.

An ominous premonition creeping in deep in his heart, Galahad hastily tried to lunge at Lionel in order to stop him on his tracks, but it was all in vain as it was already far too late, the ground trembling below their feet from the raging storm.

He struck down with his sword, packing all his might, but it was easily deflected away by an invisible yet heavy forceー no, rather, it was parried by Lionel's sword. It was so fast and precise, the former could barely catch a glimpse of it.

⟨⟨Thousand Blade Spiral!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

Once... Twice... Five times... A dozen times... A hundred times...

Lionel slashed and slashed, blades of mana pouring out from him and creating a massive and devastating tornado. The more he slashed, the bigger the tornado became, spinning ever so viciously as it tore everything in the arena apart.

Galahad tried to defend himself, but it was all for naught. When the blades reached the count of hundreds, his sword was flung away from the heavy force, wounds riddling his body as his blood graced the already ruined stage.

Lionel unleashed the thousandth strike with all his might, the tornado of blades rapidly expanding as if there was no tomorrow. It clashed with the barrier, irritable screeches filling the air as it bore its claws, slashing everything in sight.

The tornado of blades soon dissipated and everything was laid bare. The arena was totally destroyed, not a trace of the stage left behind. All there was to be seen was a lone man, eyes cold as the night as he heaved a sigh of resignation, eyes glancing towards a certain direction.

"W-What was that?! If I'm not wrong, that should be the 'Thousand Blade Spiral' I only heard about in legends! Am I wrong, Partner?!" [Konan]

"No! You're totally right, Partner! That was the power of an 'Advanced' level sword art! We just witnessed history here, folks!" [Terry]

"Hahaha! With this, the four semifinalists of the Senior Division have been decided! After a crushing victory, His Grace, Gladiator Deltran, joins the ranks!" [Konan]

The audience was thrusted into utter chaos, a mix of confusion, shock, disbelief, and excitement brewing in the Grand Colosseum, everyone witnessing the power of an Advanced-Level swordsman before their very eyes. Ovation rang aloud.

It was truly terrific, to the point that if it weren't for the barrier, Galahqd might have also been ripped to shreds along with the arena. It was fortunate that his body was only riddled in wounds, life not even close to danger.

Yet in that joyous night, two figures stood in silence, contrary to the boisterous crowd. They looked at the devastated arena, the gentle moonlight gracing them as the night continued to unfold, starlight reflecting in their eyes.

"Grey... He just looked at you, didn't he?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, I think so too... Haha... Couldn't he be any more obvious?" [Grey]

The "Thousand Blade Spiral" wasn't just a way to finish the match and announce to the world the level of his swordsmanship. It was a provocation from the Champion to his next challenger, telling him to prepare himself.

Lionel's swordsmanship really was a cut above the rest, Grey's not even matching up to him in that front. However, the young man couldn't help but look forward to the match to be held tomorrow, his blood boiling in excitement and anticipation.

"Fufufu! Someone sure is excited~!" [Yuna]

"Hm? Did it show on my face?" [Grey]

"Mmn... Not really... Others probably wouldn't be able to tell. But, have you forgotten already, Grey?... I'm your fiancée... I could tell at a single glance." [Yuna]

"Haha... Looks like I'm really not a match against you, Milady." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I'll take that as a compliment, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

Laughter and giggles resounded in the air, carried along by the drifting, nightly breeze as the stars continued to reign over the night sky. The world was already asleep yet the Royal Capital couldn't be any livelier, excitement brewing all over the place.

The Grand Finals draws nearer.


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