YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 335: Ruler of Light


A series of heavy tremors shook the ground and a massive figure lay motionless. Light soon swallowed up the place, the massive figure breaking into pieces and soon turning into small fragments of light, carried by the wind.

All that!/ left behind were a couple of drops including a large battleaxe, some braces, and a mana crystal. As one would expect from a Calamity-Class monster, they could sum up to a hefty couple dozen billion kiels.

"Alright. Looks like that's the last one for now." [Grey]

It has been more than an hour since Grey and Polaris parted ways from the rest of the group, and they have defeated more than a dozen monsters since then, collecting all the precious drops and earning some ever so valuable experience.

The 10th floor was even more expansive than Grey had previously thought, spanning about at least thrice the size of Alfrione's Royal Capital with massive structures to be found here and there, castles popping up everywhere.

It was easy to traverse, but at the same time, quite annoying to explore because of all the unnatural shapes and hidden tunnels located here and there. Even with his eyes, it took Grey more than an hour to find their destination. It was quite the task.

"But wow... It sure is grand as usual..." [Grey]

"Indeed it is... So this is what you call a Boss Room..." [Polaris]

Standing in front of them was a massive door of white and gold, looking grand and lavish, exuding an aura of dignity and majesty even just by looking at it. If anyone were to say it was the doorway to heaven, many people would believe them.

Not only were they massive, they were fully decorated as well, intricate carvings and statues standing proud by its sides. There were also murals painted over the door along some strange symbols. It was like a mausoleum of a rich King.

The Labyrinth of Flames' doors were also overwhelming, but in a completely different sense. The one in front of them, though beautiful, also screamed of danger, hidden behind it a monster of incomparable caliber.

"Master, should we rest a little bit before heading in?" [Polaris]

"No need. We're here to test put limits so doing that would be pointless. It would be another thing if they're injuries though." [Grey]

"Understood, Master." [Polaris]

Training... Though simple as it sounds, it is actually very complex. Not only should it be tailored towards the one training, but one should also consider how much the mind and body can handle, progressing harder and harder with every step.

Still, even with that in mind, one would soon reach an insurmountable wall. A massive wall which could only be surpassed by bone-grinding efforts and challenging oneself past your limits. To break the body, recover, and repeat.

And what better challenge was there than challenging a Disaster-Class Boss monster with one's life on the line?

The answer... There is none... It was a training method only those who are crazy and desperate enough would attempt. A challenge so bizarre, only a handful of people have ever tried and succeeded. Grey is going to be one of those people.

No matter what is inside the door, Grey has no intention of giving up. He may retreat and rest for a while, but he won't stop until he beats the Boss. All to become stronger and more powerful, in order to protect those he treasures the most.

"Right, Polaris. Before I forget... Here, wear that." [Grey]

"A blindfold...?" [Polaris]

"Yeah. The boss is a light-attribute monster so it would probably be bright,.. Oh, and change into a smaller form. That would be for the best." [Grey]

"... Understood." [Polaris]

Still, it wouldn't hurt to be prepared. After all, if they are going to challenge the boss again and again throughout the duration of the month, they would need to be alive. Everything would be useless if they just kicked the bucket due to their carelessness.

Polaris didn't hesitate any longer and obeyed Grey's command. He shrank down a considerable size and took the form of panther, Grey tying the blindfold to cover his eyes as soon Polaris lowered his head.

Of course, they aren't sacrificing their sight. With Grey's eyes and illusion magic, they could attain a full view over the boss room and they would be able to see the enemy at all times. It was a cheat code which was vital to their survival.

"And, right, Polaris... As soon as you feel you're in danger, use law magic and retreat immediately. Am I understood?" [Grey]

"..." [Polaris]

"Polaris, that was an order." [Grey]

"... Understood, Master." [Polaris]

Polaris was a little hesitant at first, but with how powerful and stern Grey's resolve was, he couldn't bring himself to disobey him. He simply nodded his best, wishing only the best for his Master and hoped that they wouldn't encounter anything dangerous.

With everything just a couple steps away from them, Grey and Polaris discussed and brushed up on their strategies first. It wasn't too hard, only a couple simple things to rake not off and when to retreat, and all that whatnots.

"Then Polaris, that should be all... Are you ready?" [Grey]

"Ready when you are, Master. I will be sure to assist you to the best of my abilities." [Polaris]

"Good. That's all I needed to hear..." [Grey]

It didn't take too long before Grey and Polaris' discussion ended, the young man's heart racing not only because of nervousness but excitement as well, an awkward smile painted on his face as he faced the massive door before him.

The winds howled and his aura was filled with vigor. Grey activated all his authorities and strengthened himself to the utmost limit, stacking up biff after buff, the sound of his exhilarated heartbeats resounding in the air.

"Then, shall we?" [Grey]


Grey put his hand over the massive doors and poured mana into it. A series of heavy mechanical sounds danced in the air and the massive doors of white and gold slowly opened before them, blinding light swallowing their field of view.

The room was expansive and grand, massive pillars supporting all sides and corners whilst the floor and ceiling were entirely decorated by marble and gold, golden flames burning atop the pillars and illuminating the room bright.

Compared to the Labyrinth of Flames, the Labyrinth of Star's boss room exuded an entirely different atmosphere, Grey feeling more at awe rather than scared. If there was something similar, it was that a single figure was laying down cross legged at the center of the massive room

⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ [Grey]



[Species]Bloodwing Chromius




[Mana Capacity]138,987 [Mana Quality]S

[Combat Power]48,987 [Threat Level]Disaster



Surely enough, it was the boss, and as one would expect, it was hella strong...

The Boss' combat power may be a tad bit lower than the Vulcan Destroyer's, but it was still over 20 times more powerful than Grey. The chances of winning are slim, only a tiny sliver of light hanging in the middle of the abyss.

It was a strange creature unlike the monsters Grey had encountered before. It was made of pure energy and was basically a living source of light which had the form of a human. It had no face, no distinct features, and no shades. A being made purely of light, and light alone.

The moment it noticed Grey and Polaris' approach, it soon stood up from its seat and glanced at them. It had no face, but they could tell that it was looking at them, gazing ever so cautiously with its core filled with nothing but hostility.


A massive magnetic field ran rampant in the Boss Room and the ground quaked at its wake. The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed for the worse, both tension and pressure rising by the moment as the room shook.

The once white figure suddenly turned a scarlet red color, 5 pairs of beautiful white wings sprouting on its back, scarlet veins running through them and a massive halo of gold and red appearing behind its back. It has entered battle mode.

Whoosh Fwoosh Whoong

It didn't waste anymore time, and quickly vanished from sight, not a single sound to be heard. The moment it appeared once again, it was already in front of Grey, its hands now turned to deadly claws, ready to rip him apart.

'Fast...!' [Grey]

Calling it fast would be a massive understatement. Not only is it powerful, it is also long considered the fastest monster to have ever been recorded, speed surpassing that of sound by multiple folds and not making a single sound as it dashes.

Anyone else would have already had their heads cut off. Unfortunately for the Boss, Grey wasn't just anyone else. He had already seen the attack with his "Eyes of Destiny" and already dodged even before it could start attacking.

Grey simply took a slight step sideways and the Bloodwing Chromius' claws missed him by a mere hair's breadth. It rushed forth towards the Labyrinth walls, leaving large claw marks which ripped the pillars apart.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey didn't just let the opportunity slip by and landed a counterattack towards the enemy, bellowing winds coiling all throughout his arms and the force of a couple missiles behind his punch, rushing towards the enemy at breakneck speed.

His fist was fast, but the Bloodwing Chromius was even faster. The moment it saw Grey's punch, it quickly took a step back and flapped its wings. A streak of scarlet light darted across the room as it evaded Grey's attack.


The winds lashed out at the force behind Grey's punch and the shockwaves rocked the whole place. He missed by a long shot, but he didn't falter. Rather, a smile was afloat on his face. He had already planned it beforehand.

The Bloodwing Chromius soon stopped flapping its wings, but there was no time to be relaxed. Grey already knew it would dodge, and so, he asked Polaris to wait at the place it would be, lying in wait for an ambush.

Polaris had already opened his mouth, an orb of platinum light glowing in his mouth, directed straight at the Boss at pointblank range. It was soon blasted out, packing a destructive force comparable to that of a small nuke's.


The orbs exploding into flames and thunder, light swallowing the whole room. Yet despite how close the attack was, don't mention damaging it, there wasn't even a graze on the Boss' body as it dodged it once again with its insane speed.

⟨⟨Judgement: Excalibur!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey tried to attack it by surprise after it dodged Polaris attack, but it was all in vain. The enemy dodged it again without much effort, appearing in another place as if it was using instantaneous teleportation. Its speed was just off the charts.

The two tried to ambush it again, but they all failed, the Boss avoiding their traps and preparations without any trouble. It only kept on dodging and observing, learning from their attack patterns. It did so, until...

"This bastard, just stay still for a momeー !!!" [Grey]

... It found the slightest opening. It quickly unleashed its claws and rushed towards Grey, aiming for his head and trying to decapitate him in a single glow. Grey was too stunned, he couldn't even moveー no, he chose not to move.

Before the enemy's claws could even reach, white and blue light suddenly shone for a split second. A "Gate" opened before him and the enemy's attack passed through it without any trouble. As for where its sharp claws exited...


... It was none other than behind its back. Its claws, fast and powerful as can be slashed its own wings and created a large gaping wound, a deafening shriek then resounding all over the place and fragments of light scattered around.

Grey and Polaris were severely weaker than the enemy, so what better weapon was there than itself. All Grey needed to do was connect his front to the enemy's rear and let itself do the rest, cleaving his health by a significant margin.

It was a brilliant plan. However, such a perfect plan doesn't exist... The only problem with such a strategy was...


... Disaster-Class monsters were very intelligent. A trick like such won't work on it a second time. It was practically a one-time strategy.

Enraged, the Bloodwing Chromius slashed and slashed its claws and Grey opened the gates again and again. Its claws were sucked in by the gates, however, this time, not a single one landed on its body as it dodged it ever so gracefully.

There were even times it pulled back its arm before it got sucked inside the gates. It then rushes towards GreyMs rear and attacks from there. It changed the direction and angle of its attacks, striking Grey with everything it's got.

"What an annoying bastard..." [Grey]

What's worse, the enemy's regenerative ability was straight up insane. The damage it received from itself just now was already healed in a matter of a few seconds, back on its peak once again and ready to slash to its heart's content.

While its mana gets consumed in order to heal, with how ridiculous the amount of mana it possesses, they would need to constantly damage it or deal wounds which are hard to heal. Both were impossible as of the moment.

⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce!⟩⟩ [Grey]

Grey tried to counterattack with every chance he got, but the enemy always evaded them without fail, then appearing behind him to land a counterattack, using not just its claws, but its feet and wings as well, trying to figure out what was best.


Polaris also tries to help out, but the results were still the same. The enemy would just dodge it and try to slash him down. It was a good thing he could teleport, else there was no telling how much of a terrible state he would be in.

Such a cycle repeated and time passed by with neither parties getting a single hit, only violent winds howling and bellowing from the sheer pressure of their attacks, explosions ringing out as their strikes clashed with the Labyrinth walls and pillars.

⟨⟨Western Wind: Zephyrus!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds bellowed and the ground was razed with scars. Violent winds lashed out and everything was ripped to shreds. Be it the pillars, the tiles, the golden engravings, or the carvings on the walls, all were ripped to smithereens.

Grey even activated his "Bellowing Heavens" to amplify the destructive power of the winds, the whole room bearing the full brunt of the Zephyr's wrath. The once grand and lavish room now turned into a wasteland of ruin and devastation.


Yet despite using an AoE spell, the Boss had yet to receive even the slightest amount of damage. It also casted a spell on its own and blasted out brilliant light towards all directions, countering Grey's spellー no, overpowering it.

The enemy's light only grew bigger and bigger, devouring everything in sight. Grey's winds tried to fight back, but it was futile. They were only pushed back by the light, the tides of the battle quickly turning to the Bloodwing Chromius' favor.

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Barrier!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩[Grey]

As quickly as he could, Grey immediately erected a barrier and defended himself and Polaris against the volley of brilliant light, loud explosions ringing as the light collided with his barrier, peppering it with destructive force.

The shower of destruction soon ended and a sight of ruin was laid out before Grey, a massive class greeting him as soon as the blinding curtains were lifted, bolting faster than the speed of sound and aiming to pierce his heart.

Grey once again created gates all around his body and sent the Bloodwing Chromius' claws back to itself, the latter easily dodging them and soon attacking from another angle, not falling for the same trick twice.

However, Grey still had a few more tricks up his sleeve. The moment the Boss let its guards down, he then surrounded it with gates, making sure not to leave any gaps. The only difference was that they were not there to defend, but to trap it.

⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ [Grey]

The winds howled at Grey's command and dozens of spears formed all over the boss room. Grey waved his hand and the spears bolted towards the Bloodwing Chromius, entering the gates and cascading towards the trapped monster.

It easily dodged the spears of wind, but as soon as it did, they only got teleported to another gate, soon darting back at the enemy from another angle. They kept on rushing and rushing until they could hit the Bloodwing Chromius.

⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨ ⟨⟨Northern Wind: Boreas!⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ ⟩⟩ [Grey]


More and more spears were made, reaching the hundreds as Grey casted the spell over and over again. Not only him, Polairs also helped out and peppered the gates with a shower of light, firing relentlessly like a machine gun.


One... Two... Three... Four... Five... The more projectiles they shot, the harder it was for the Bloodwing Chromius to dodge the attacks. They soon started to connect, loud explosions creating pandemonium as shockwaves rocked the room.

However, that was all there was to it. They may have cornered the Boss, but the power behind their attacks were still severely lacking. Despite hitting it several times already and striking its vitals, they only shaved all but a tiny bit of its health.

"You tough bastard... Try this one for size! ⟨⟨Southern Wind: Notus⟩⟩!" [Grey]

The winds gathered once more and condensed into a massive spear, reaching more than 20 meters in length and packing enough power to destroy a town. The winds lashed out, a deafening holler filling the air as Grey threw it with all his might.

It was the most powerful spear Grey had ever thrown, aiming for the Boss' life without stopping a single second. A loud explosion rang out the place as it connected, a few fragments of scarlet light shaved off from the Bloodwing Chromius.


Rage filled its core and the Bloodwing Chromius started to rampage, creating bolts of piercing light. It may be trapped in the gates, but it could still manipulate light in every nook and cranny of the room, turning them into weapons of mass destruction.

At the same time, it made another blinding cascade and destroyed the spears and missiles which once peppered it. It left not a single one behind and blasted some more bolts, controlling them to hunt Grey and Polaris without rest.


The bolts bolted and exploded, riddling the whole boss room with deadly explosions. The shockwaves were sharp and the fragments of broken light were like tiny bullets darting all over the place, and not giving the two a single second to think.

"...! Polaris!!" [Grey]

And just when things couldn't get any worse, the Bloodwing Chromius had figured out which gates ro pass through and escape. The moment it did, it didn't waste any more time and rushed towards the panther, its claws ready to rip it to shreds.

It slashed its claws, but it didn't cut anything. There was only a blurry mirage in front of it and not a single panther to be seen anywhere. Polaris had escaped as per Grey's instruction and teleported himself outside the boss room.

⟨⟨Northern Windー !!!" [Grey]

Grey took the opportunity while it was still confused and was about to cast another spell, yet before he could even finish the chant, the enemy soon appeared before him and lunged its claws straight towards his heart.

Thankfully, Grey had already seen the future. Before the enemy's claws could even reach him, he opened the gates once again and passed through it. Light swallowed his field of view and he soon vanished into thin air.

The Bloodwing Chromius' slash once again cut down nothing but air. Confusion filled its head as it scoured the boss room, searching for Grey, yet it was futile. The person it was looking for was no longer there, only a room of ruin to be seen.

The gates opened on the other side of the boss room and a young man appeared in front of it. He just narrowly escaped death and his heart was racing the fastest it ever did, the sound of his heartbeats echoing ever so subtly.

"Master! Are you alright?!" [Polaris]

"Y-Yeah... Huff... Just a little... Huff... A little tired... Huff..." [Grey]

Or so he says, but he was more than tired, he was greatly exhausted both mentally and physically, his body gasping for air and aching all over from mana exhaustion, each fiber finally tensing down after screaming danger the entire time.

It has only been several minutes yet it felt like an eternity. Grey could only sit down on his butt and catch his breath, a bitter smile blooming on his face as he once again realized how powerless he still was.

"Haha... Looks like we still have a long way to go..." [Grey]


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