YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 340: God, Once Again

Clouds of dust wafted all throughout the dimly lit room. The once glorious hall now turned into a desert of sand and dust, the winds whistling ever so softly as the murky veil slowly started to settle down, dunes created all over the place.

A single figure stood in such barrenness, its knees down to the ground and its limbs torn off from its body and its feathers now shredded into dust, shimmering in the sea of sand and dust. Scarlet light pulsated like a weak, pumping heart.

Gentle light of blue and white shone in the barren wasteland, a gate opening in all but a fraction of a second, a young man appearing soon after. There was only silence in the room as he turned his head left and right.

"So you survived, huh..." [Grey]

Said Grey as he walked up towards the Bloodwing Chromius, not a single trace of anxiety in his eyes. The enemy might have survived, but it was barely hanging on for its dear life, unable to move a muscle.

It had neither the mana to heal itself nor continue attacking, only able to look at Grey with hostility as it slowly recovered its mana. Even if it were to use everything it has left, it wouldn't even be able to leave a scratch on the young man before it.

"What a pitiful state... Still, to think you survived that attack... You really are worthy of being called a Boss... That as a good match." [Grey]

Grey almost lost his life countless times, but he was happy to have fought such a powerful enemy. Not only did he grow stronger, he also gained some valuable experience not everyone could brag about in the world.

It was a first that he was thankful for a monster, a smile blooming on his face as he readied his fist. The winds coiled in his hands for one final moment, a storm of mana raging on and blowing away the dunes of sand and dust all over the place.

"This is farewell... ⟨⟨Pinpoint Tempest: Deathpierce⟩⟩." [Grey]

Grey's hands shot out like a cannon, a deadly lance lunging towards the Bloodwing Chromius and piercing its chest. The sound of breaking glass played out as its core was filled with cracks, soon shattering into smithereens.

The sand and dust were scattered and blown away, brilliant light soon illuminating the gloomy wasteland. Orbs of light shattered into fragments, riding the gentle winds and fading away into oblivion, only leaving behind a couple items.

There was the usual mana crystal, "Heaven's Grace" which removes diseases and heals wounds over a large area, and the "Wings of the Executioner" which the Boss once wore. It was an item which not only grants flight but a good defense and offense as well. All were invaluable.

"Should I give these to Yuna?" [Grey]

"Hm? Give me what?" [Yuna]

Just as Grey picked up the drops, two figures teleported behind his back. One was his reliable partner throughout the month, Polaris, and the other was none other than his beloved, the ever so cheerful Yuna.

They were literally just under a terrifying situation a couple minutes ago, but Yuna's expressions couldn't be any different. She was smiling so brilliantly, looking at the items with excited eyes, curious and expectant as can be.

"I was thinking of giving these wings to you, but..." [Grey]

"But...? I think they already look plenty amazing to me though. Is there any problem with them?" [Yuna]

"No, rather than a problem... They look too conspicuous, don't they?" [Grey]

Five pairs of massive scarlet wings, riddled with gold and platinum. Its feathers were smooth and silky, but can also turn sharp and sturdy once mana is infused with them. No matter where one looked at it, it was too eye-catching.

Not to mention that there are only so many items which could grant one the ability of flight. It only needs an expert or a nerd to put two and two together to figure out it was the "Wings of the Executioner". A Mythical-Grade item which could only bring trouble.

"Can't we just disguise them with illusion magic then?" [Yuna]

"I guess that's right, but... We have the familiars don't we? I don't see the need to use this anytime soon. At least not for now." [Grey]

"Mmng... It would also be hard to give them away..." [Yuna]

It was Mythical-Grade, but it was also just as troublesome as it was amazing. Though it might help them in certain situations, it was best to store it in the "Inventory" for now and deal with it later. Showing it off was the least they wanted to do.

It was only then that Grey and Yuna realized how wonderful their equipment was. Not only were they Divine-Grade, they were inconspicuous as well. They could go around town with them, wearing only their armament rings.

"Right, Polaris, could you tell the others to get ready to leave? Oh, and do help them out if they ever need it. We'll be heading out soon enough." [Grey]

"By your will, Master." [Polaris]

A simple command and Polaris quickly vanished into thin air, not leaving a single trace behind. Sirius had also been summoned back outside the Boss Room to join the others, leaving only Grey and Yuna by themselves.

"Grey, that wasn't there before was it?" [Yuna]

"That's right... It's the treasure room." [Grey]

On another side of the boss doors was yet another pair of massive doors, it was just as beautiful as the ones Grey saw before, doors of white and gold with a ton of gems and jewels adorning it, looking as magnificent and majestic as they come.

Silent sets of footsteps approached the gargantuan doors, Grey and Yuna scaling it with their eyes, admiring the masterpiece before them and etching such a sight to their memories, a grand feeling of excitement welling up in their hearts.


The doors opened slowly but surely, the whistling winds rushing in the glorious doors. It was very heavy and clunky, building up the thrill and excitement as its lengthy and mechanical creaks resounded in the air.

A gleam of gold and silver welcomed Grey and Yuna as the treasures were unveiled, valuable items filling their view from left to right, astonishment gushing forth in their little hearts, both standing in awe and speechless at the sight.

Big and small, golden and silver, light and heavy, metals and fabric, and many more. There were all sorts of treasures everywhere, piling up into mountains and sparkling even brighter than the brightest starry night. They were all too precious, their eyes blinded by the sheer magnitude of wealth and fortune.

"Th-These are all ours?! Grey, can we really keep them all?!" [Yuna]

"Y-Yeah, we can... Don't go too overboard though, alright?" [Grey]

"U-Un! Th-Then, I'll be picking some items first!" [Yuna]

It wasn't the first time Grey has entered the treasure room, but it truly was something not even a prepared heart could handle. There were even more treasures in this one than the previous treasure room in the Labyrinth of Flames.

As Labyrinths work, the more time passes since the clearing of the Labyrinth, the more treasures will accumulate. And it just so happened that it has been a long time since the Labyrinth of Stars was cleared, about a couple centuries more than the former.

What was before them was more than a millennia's worth of treasures, all piled up into a mountain of shines and sparkles. Grey doesn't even want to think how much such a hefty pile would cost. It was too much for the heart to handle.

"Grey! Look! There's magic plants here as well! I'll take them all, okay?" [Yuna]

"Sure, and oh! I'm sure there's some rare seeds here as well. You might want to collect them. They might be of use later." [Grey]

"Un! I'll keep that in mind!" [Yuna]

Though, as it seems, the young lady doesn't really care as much about how grand the place was, simply smiling from ear to ear as she stored all the alchemy goodies inside her storage ring. She was humming to herself as she hopped from place to place.

Meanwhile, Grey also got to work and stored all the treasures in his "Inventory", using "Multitask" to organize them as efficiently as he could, organizing by grade, type, and relevance, the pile of treasures slowly decreasing with the passing of time.

As one would expect, there were all sorts of rare items scattered all over the place, ranging from Superior-Grade all the way to Mythical-Grade. Even the most common looking items were drops or made from drops from transcendent beast and monsters,

"Oh. I wonder how these are made... An alloy using Mithril and Noirite..." [Grey]

"Ah! That would also need some dragon's blood, Grey." [Yuna]

"I see. As expected of a Mythical-Grade item. A dragon, huh..." [Grey]

Of course, as they were picking up equipment, the Blacksmith blood in Grey and the Alchemist blood in Yuna boiled in excitement, excitedly scrutinizing every little item and fawning over them like little children who just found new toys.

There were accessories with multiple 4☆ enchantments, mythical-grade concoctions, a pair of mythical-grade storage rings, sacred and cursed items, materials for many high grade items, and of course, coins and crystals, a ton of them.

Unfortunately, there weren't any beast crystals there just like the first Labyrinth Grey cleared. It just shows how rare they were... That or that God simply forgot to add them in the list of rewards. The latter was more likely.

Still, with how many they've got, it wouldn't even be an exaggeration to say that they are now on par with Imperial Families in terms of wealth, Grey's inventory now akin to a royal treasury. They were not just loaded, they were super loaded.

"Grey~! This one is the main reward, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"That's right. Sure looks fancy, doesn't it?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! It does! I'm sure it will be super strong!" [Yuna]

Lastly, there was the final reward struck in the central pedestal. It was a golden spear which shone even brighter than the sun. It was slick and light, delicate carvings and jewels running through the shaft, coiling ever so beautifully.

The point was decorated with a golden crown, 16 rays pointing outwards, a red jewel by their tips. On the other hand, the heel was laced with red strings and a couple little golden beads and crimson crystals. It was a brilliant masterpiece.

⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ [Grey]



[Name]Spear of Prominence


[Power Value]117,026

[Enchantment Value]336


A spear of gold and red said to have been forged under the sun for a thousand days. It contains the very radiance of the sun and the essence of wisdom. A spear which grants life and also bestows death to those who are worthy.

As it is made from celestial gold, it possesses unrivaled durability and sharpness. Its durability to mana is also peerless and allows the user to wield the power of light. It is the perfect spear to those who practice swordsmanship and wield the golden light,

[Ability]『Gold Dawn (5☆)』


It was truly worthy of being Divine-Grade.

Its ability, "Gold Dawn", not only triples the power of light magic, but also increases all the user's physical and magical attributes by 50% when the sun is out. It was truly a broken ability. It was as powerful as it was beautiful.

Unfortunately, neither Grey nor Yuna was a lancer nor was their main attribute that of light. They don't even know someone who matches such features. They could only leave the Spear of Prominence in the "Inventory" to gather dust in the corner.

"Oho? You cleared the second one already? That's impressive." [God]

And just as Grey stored the spear, an ever so familiar voice echoed from behind. The two of them immediately turned around to see a man made of pure light and energy behind them, radiating warmth and gentleness with every step.

A smile blossomed on Grey's face as watched such a scene, but the same couldn't be said for his beloved. Yuna was now gripping her daggers tightly and held it over her chest. Her eyes were full of wariness, gazing at the figure before her with caution.

"A monster which can talk... Grey, what should we do?" [Yuna]

Apparently, there was a misunderstanding. Before Grey could even speak out, Yuna had already labeled the figure before them as a monster, and a powerful one at that. She watched each and every one of its movements, proceeding with caution.

Who could blame her? After all, not only did the "monster" sneak up on them without them sensing it, it also looked awfully similar to the Bloodwing Chromius, the only difference being that it wasn't scarlet and that it didn't have any wings.

For now, Yuna was only observing it, but the very moment it made even the slightest move, she would immediately brandish her daggers and dice it up to a million pieces. Her eyes glinted with sharpness ever so sternly.

"Grey, what are you doing? Get ready for battle already...!" [Yuna]

"Well, no, umm... How should I put this... That 'monster' you're talking about... Well, that's actually 'God'." [Grey]

"Eh? What are you talking about?" [Yuna]

"Like I said, he's God... The very same God who sent me to this world and gave me a second life. That God. The God, Namel. That's him." [Grey]

"Namel.... Eh... Eh....?! EHHHHH?!!! God?!" [Yuna]

It took her a little while, but the moment Yuna realized who the being really was, she immediately screamed to the top of her lungs, her surprised and shaky voice echoing all throughout the ever so expansive Labyrinth of Stars.

She looked at God with disbelief, her whole body trembling ever so slightly as she just realized how rude she had been, and to God himself, no less. She wasn't much of a devout, but she still knew she crossed the line. It was a sin, per se.

"I-I greatly apologize for my grave impudence just now, Your Gloriousness! I-I didn't think such a great being would show up in front of such a meager creature such as myself. Please lift your anger on the world and punish me alone for I..." [Yuna]

She was panicky and fidgety, acting all formal all of a sudden as she apologized to the great being before her. Her eyes were already swirling from confusion, bowing time and time again as she recited a lengthy essay.

"C-Calm down, child. I am not so petty as to punish someone because of something like this. Come now, raise your head." [God]

"B-But I did something so rude!" [Yuna]

"Everybody makes mistakes and you're no exception. Hurry now, stand up before you get your clothes dirty." [God]

Tears were already forming in the corner of her eyes from so much panic. Thankfully, God was there to save the day and calmed Yuna down. Though, she still cried in the end out of relief, her legs giving out from so many things happening at once.

The situation was quickly averted and Grey then handed Yuna a glass of water to drink. Yuna had already met Kings and Emperors, but meeting God face to face was a totally different experience. It was very shocking to say the least.

"Have you calmed down now, Young Lady?" [God]

"A-Ah, yes... Thank you for worrying, and... Sorry for showing you such an ugly sight, Your Gloriousness." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. There's no need to be so formal now. You can just call me 'God' or 'Namel' like Grey over there. I prefer it that way." [God]

"Th-Then, I'll be in your care, God." [Yuna]

Yuna was still a little timid and awkward around God, but things were a lot better than before. It was like when you let your girlfriend meet your friend, the only difference was that that friend was actually a being capable of creating worlds, a.k.a. God.

Well, there was no need to fret too much about it. Grey had already encountered all sorts of bizarre and ridiculous situations before, and the one before him was just one of those. He simply accepted reality as it is and sat beside Yuna.

"Anyway, it has been a while hasn't it, Grey? How long has it been? Six months? No, has it been a year, maybe two?" [God]

"Seven... It's only been 7 months since the Labyrinth of Flames." [Grey]

"Oh? It's still 7 months? You cleared another one faster than I thought. As expected of the one I chose. You really are something." [God]

He may be a God, but he was more like a friend ti Grey, the two engaging in casual talk, with God praising Grey for his achievements. He may not have a face but Grey could clearly tell he was proud, a large smile drifting afloat in the air.

"No, I don't deserve such praise. I only did what I had to do." [Grey]

"Even then, it doesn't change the fact that you exceeded my expectations. I thought it would take you a couple more years to clear another one, but you sure work fast. I thought you would want to enjoy your life first." [God]

"That's true, and adventuring is a part of that life. I'm just doing things here and there as I like. You know, enjoying life in the best way I could." [Grey]

"Hahaha. That's great to hear. It seems like fighting off those old farts really was worth it. I'm glad I was able to get ahold of you." [God]

The idle chat continued, and like before, they talked about the little happenings in Grey's life. God had hoped him to enjoy his life, and hearing that he really was, he couldn't be any happier. He felt a warm and fluffy happiness blooming in his heart.

Yuna has also been mentioned in some topics from time to time, the young lady only sipping her glass of water as she silently listened in on them. She actually wanted to join, but she still doesn't know how to act towards God.

"Oh, sorry for excluding you, Young Lady. It had just been a long time since I had someone to talk to so I got a little carried away. I hope you understand." [God]

"A-Ah, don't worry, I'm fine. I'm also enjoying myself while listening." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. I'm glad to hear that. You really are as sweet as Grey makes out to be. As expected of Grey's girlfriendー oh, my bad, you're his fiancée now, right?" [God]

"U... Un... I'm Grey's fiancée..." [Yuna]

It was good that he was including Yuna in their conversation, but never did they think he would immediately dive into such a topic when they had just met. Yuna's face was now beet red, flustered as can be as she answered God.

"Hahaha, how nice youth is... Last time, Grey couldn't stop talking and boasting about you. He was like Yuna this, Yuna that, andー" [God]

"H-Hey! God! What are you saying to Yuna?!" [Grey]

"I'm just repeating what you said back then, what else? And there I thought you were just exaggerating when you called her a goddess. She really is kind and beautiful. I wouldn't expect any less from my chosen one." [God]

It wasn't just Yuna who took damage, but Grey as well. The idiotic God exposed all his bragging and gloating about his beloved. All the praises he sang for her and all the compliments he yelled were all unveiled in front of the young lady.

Grey wanted to stop God, but it was futile. As he wasn't even there to begin with, he couldn't even punch him no matter how hard he tried. His secrets were exposed one after another, Yuna turning even redder than humanly possible.

Minutes passed and the exposure of secrets continued. Grey could only hide in the corner and bury himself in a hole from embarrassment, not wishing to hear any more. It was no different from an execution, Grey dying and shriveling inside.

"God... You're so cruel..." [Grey]

"Hm? Did I say something wrong? These things should be said towards the person in question, no? What use is there if you keep it a secret?" [God]

What's worse, God doesn't think he did anything wrong at all. His words were all on point that Grey couldn't even retaliate even if he wanted to. He really wanted to punch his past self for sharing all those things, thinking it would be alright.

『Grey... That was too much...』 [Yuna]

『Sorry, I'll be more mindful next time.』 [Grey]

It was in that moment that Grey swore to himself that he would never share such secret admiration to anyone else ever again. It wouldn't matter who they were or what occasion it was. He'll keep such words to himself until the grave.

And while the two were occupied by their own embarrassment, God was eyeing Yuna with curiosity, tilting his head left and right as he cupped his chin. There was just something about the young lady he was interested about.

"On another note, I didn't think your fiancée would have a 5☆ ability. Was that natural or was it the result of hard work?" [God]

"Hm? What do you mean? Yuna's always had that ability ever since I met her. I was also surprised at first. 5☆ are extremely rare, after all." [Grey]

 "That's true... Though, they are powerful enough to make up for the rarity. And here I thought you simply worker her to the bone to make her so strong," [God]

"Haha... I'm not that much of a demon, you know... " [Grey]

He was strict, but he never heard someone describe his methods as such. But more than those allegations, there was a certain trend in God's words. Points which the two of them completely miss as they went on with their conversation.

"And... It's not like there's a way to improve your ability." [Grey]

"Hm? But there is though?" [God]

""Eh?"" [Grey and Yuna]

Well, it didn't take too long before their pages finally matched, shocking not only Grey, but Yuna as well. Their heads tilted in disbelief, but God remained the same, simply staring at them dead in the eyes.

"Like I said, there is a way to improve your ability." [God]

""Ehhh?!!!"" [Grey and Yuna]


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