YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 36: Picturesque

A white short-sleeved shirt, a dark gray jacket, black trousers, a stylish belt, and black leather shoes. Other than the fact that Grey was wearing his armament ring, he looked like a normal person who is going on an outing.

Of course, by normal, it was only about the attire. His face and stature were far from normal, they were both exceptional. After all, he was in a body which God himself had made with his standards of beauty in mind.

Grey twisted and turned as he checked out his figure in a makeshift mirror made by magic. It was already the sixth time he checked his attire. He was still a little nervous even when he had already gone out with Yuna many times before. The word "date" has that much weight in Grey's mind.

"Haah... Alright. Let's do this." [Grey]

As he heaved a lengthy sigh, Grey composed his mind as headed out of his room. He then faced Yuna's door and knocked gently.

"Yuna, are you finished preparing?" [Grey]

"A-Ah! Just a few minutes, Grey. I'll just fix my hair." [Yuna]

"Sure." [Grey]

A slightly flustered and gentle voice replied to Grey's question. It was Yuna. She was still picking the best hairstyle she would go with. After all, she was having a proper date with Grey.

A few minutes passed and light footsteps echoed throughout the corridor as Yuna neared the door. Soon after, a creak replaced the sound of footsteps and a beautiful elven girl was revealed as the door opened.

Sleeveless pearly white dress complimented with beautiful wooden sandals and a simple bead bracelet. Her slender figure accentuated by her clothing and her silky smooth silver hair flowed freely in the air. She was very beautiful.

"Umm... How do I look...?" [Yuna]

A rosy tint colored Yuna's cheeks as she shyly asked Grey a common question. Her face became even redder as she anticipated Grey's answer.

"... You look beautiful." [Grey]

Taken aback by Yuna's beauty, there was a long pause before Grey answered Yuna's question. Nevertheless, Yuna was happy after she heard Grey's reply. It felt like she was on cloud nine.

While it may not be as red as Yuna's, a trace of redness can be noticed in Grey's face. The moment she saw Yuna, it was like time had stopped and his heart raced like crazy. He once again realized how much of a beauty Yuna was.

"Then, shall we go now, Milady?" [Grey]

"Ah, yes... I'll be in your care, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

With a gentle smile on his face, Grey offered his hands to Yuna. He wanted to escort her like how a proper man would to a lady.

Grey tried to diffuse the embarrassing situation with a jokingly formal way of speech, but it had backfired. Yuna became even redder than before. In her eyes, Grey became even more dazzling as he said those words.

As Yuna held Grey's hand, the hearts of the two raced even faster than before. Their faces feel feverish and their minds overheat with the passing of time. The stimulation was too much that they soon let go of each other's hands.

But even in that situation, Grey didn't think of Yuna in a romantic way. Or at least, he wasn't aware of it. He was only embarrassed because he was on a date, and not because he had romantic feelings for Yuna.

The moment the two walked out of the inn, they immediately garnered the attention of the passersby. Be it men or women, those who laid their eyes on them were instantly captured by them.

"Yuna, where do you want to go first?" [Grey]

"Umm... What options are there...?" [Yuna]

"Well, according to the guards, there's a library, cafes, the market, a theater, an art studio, and there's even stalls full of games along the streets." [Grey]

"Mmm...." [Yuna]

With the options Grey laid out to her, Yuna thought long and hard about where to go. Of course, since she had already experienced theaters, libraries, and markets, those three were not amongst her priorities.

"Then... Let's go to a cafe!" [Yuna]

"Alright. I'll lead the way." [Grey]

Using his "Heaven's Eye" and the instructions from the guards, Grey guided Yuna as the two headed to the western district where a variety of cafes were located. It was a hotspot for foodies.

Along the way, buildings and establishments which weren't present in Galderia greeted Grey and Yuna's eyes. They were all interesting and gave a sense of unique identity to the town.

Unlike Galderia, there were more production buildings in Moterno. Be it for alchemy or blacksmithing, establishments for production-type jobs were present every few blocks. It was an amazing sight.

"Wah~ So many~!" [Yuna]

Yuna's eyes sparkled brightly as she looked left and right, and scanned the cafes in front of her. From cakes, teas, bread, and a variety of snacks. There were so many things the cafes had to offer.

Being someone who loves food, Yuna couldn't help but admire the sight before her. It was as if she was in heaven and surrounded by dream-like establishments. Her sweet tooth was acting up.

"Yuna, come here. Let's eat cakes first." [Grey]

"Ah, o-okay!" [Yuna]

Following Grey's lead, Yuna entered the cafe and what greeted her was an even prettier sight than the building's outside appearance. It gave off a comfortable and fluffy vibe which many enjoy.

The tables were all neatly arranged with a vase of flowers sitting on top of it. Seats were just as stylish as the tables and the white tablecloth also gave off a sense of cleanliness. It was a relaxing cafe.

"Dear customers, what would you like to order?" [Waiter]

As Grey and Yuna seated themselves, a man in his early-thirties greeted them warmly with a professional smile. He was the waiter who was tasked to attend to their table, along with a few others.

The waiter offered the menu to the two and as soon as they opened it, a large variety of cakes and refreshments welcomed their eyes. There were so many to choose from that Yuna became frantic as she tried to choose what she would be eating.

There was also the fact that the price of the cakes were on the expensive side. If Yuna chooses too much, it will inevitably coat quite a sum. It would cost at least a few hundred kiels for a filling experience.

Seeing her become indecisive, Grey chuckled a little. He found Yuna as adorable as a young child who was having trouble picking what candy to choose from a convenience store.

"I'd like to order all of them, please." [Grey]

"P-Pardon?!" [Waiter]

"G-Grey?!" [Yuna]

Shock filled Yuna and the waiter's eyes as they heard Grey's order. The waiter in particular was extremely shocked. It was the first time he had seen someone order everything on the menu.

The reason Grey ordered it up was because he wanted Yuna to enjoy everything to her heart's content. He was sure that even with the amount of cakes and things on the menu, there wouldn't be any food wasted.

After all, even if there were leftovers, it could just be stored in his "Inventory". That way, he and Yuna could eat sweets anytime they wanted. Grey was even planning to buy some extra.

"Actually, give us three orders of everything. We'll pay up straight." [Grey]

"Grey... Isn't that too much?" [Yuna]

"Don't worry about the price. Let's enjoy ourselves to our hearts' content, okay? This is a date, after all." [Grey]

Sealed with a smile from Grey, Yuna didn't reply with words but just nodded her head silently. Her eyes were filled with excitement and happiness. She was happy because of Grey's considerate attitude.

With all things settled, the slightly bewildered waiter headed back into the kitchen to relay the two's order. A sudden scream could be heard from there as he headed inside. The chefs were shocked by the amount of order.

A few minutes later, cakes and pies of all manners were served in Grey and Yuna's table one after another. Accompanying them were the drinks and refreshments that went along with the flavors of the desserts.

Lemon cake, strawberry shortcakes, fruit cakes, blueberry pies, and many more desserts filled the table slowly. There were so many that some of them were still in the waiter's trays as they wouldn't fit.

Of course, Grey's actions attracted a lot of attention, but he didn't mind it. As long as Yuna was happy, nothing else mattered. After all, the most important thing in a date was the other person's enjoyment.

"Waah~ So delicious!" [Yuna]

Yuna's eyes lit up and her smile spread from ear to ear as she took her first bite in the first cake she chose. It was a strawberry shortcake which was just as fulfilling to the tongue as it is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

"Yuna, slow down." [Grey]

"But, it's just so delicious!" [Yuna]

"I know, I know, but you should still slow down. No one's going to take them from you. They are all yours." [Grey]

"U-Un!" [Yuna]

Although Yuna slowed down after hearing Grey's words, it was still worth noting that the speed of her hands were still the fastest amongst everyone inside the cafe. She finished one cake after another with a big smile on her face.

While Grey only ate slowly, he felt satisfied as he observed Yuna eating so happily. Rather than a man and woman on a date, they looked like parent and child. With the parent observing the child with warm eyes as the child ate her favorite foods.

A few hours passed and the two were finally finished with their meal in the cafe. The two of them finished two sets of desserts and refreshments, leaving the third set as an extra for later.

Of course, the amount they had spent was not a small sum. They paid a few thousand kiels with the amount of things they had ordered. It was equivalent to the amount that a normal family would earn in a few weeks.

After leaving the cafe, Grey and Yuna headed to the nearby cafes but rather than eat, they only brought two sets of the whole menu and stored them in Grey's "Inventory" to be eaten for another day.

With the cafes out of the way, the next destination the two headed to was the library. There, they spent their time reading books they fancied as they waited for their stomachs to digest the food they just ate.

Yuna read some romance novels while Grey chose to read books related to the kingdom's history, art, and culture. Although Grey already knew about them, he still found it interesting to read them in book form.

By the time they finished reading their time away, lunch had already arrived. They then both headed to the market to eat dishes of meat, fish, dairy, and vegetables. Of course, they also ate some of the desserts they ordered beforehand.

There were quite a few dishes which were not available in Galderia. Aside from a few "delicacies", everything they ate for lunch was all delicious. Though it would have been better if they had cooked rice beforehand.

After lunch, they played some games the street stalls had to offer. And as expected almost all of them were rigged. After all, how would they earn some profit if they didn't do it?

"Alright, this is the last place." [Grey]

"Waah~ so big..." [Yuna]

The fourth bell had rung as Grey and Yuna arrived at their last destination. In front of them were a large building which easily dwarfed its neighboring establishments. It was an art museum.

It was said that the Art Museum was a place built by one of the previous lords of the town due to his love of art. While most people enter to view beautiful art forms, there is also an option to join a painting class for a price.

Of course, Grey and Yuna were there to experience both things. They wanted to see the different paintings, sculptures, and arts on display while also painting their own art pieces while they're on it.

The moment the two went inside, they became dwarfed by the large halls whose pillars were full of artistic engravings. Not only the pillars, the walls, ceilings, and even the floors were beautiful. It was as if the museum itself was a masterpiece.

"Look, Grey! It's a dragon!" [Yuna]

Yuna yelled excitedly as she pointed at a large statue which showcased the majestic figure of dragons. From the scales to teeth, everything was extremely detailed. It was as if the sculpture itself was alive.

Of course, it was only a statue. After all, compared to real dragons, the one in the sculpture was much much smaller. But one thing was for sure, it was that magic was used in making it.

Adjacent to the dragon, there were sculptures of other beasts and heroic figures. All of them didn't lose out to the dragon in terms of how detailed they were made. All of them were extraordinary masterpieces.

Grey and Yuna explored the museum for about an hour and admired the pieces of art their eyes could feast on. Soon after, they then headed to the optional painting session where they could make their own pieces.

Everyone participating in the session was given a painting canvas, various colors of paint, a selection of paintbrush, pencils, and other art equipment. All of which were to be returned save for their works.

"Today, we will be painting a portrait of one another. Pick a partner and we will start in a few minutes." [Instructor]

A lady instructed as soon as everyone was provided with the right materials. Naturally, Grey's partner was Yuna. After all, while they might have somewhat forgotten, they were still on a date.

Yuna became the model while Grey became the painter. While Grey may not have much talent when it comes to painting, that was when he was still on Earth. He didn't know if he has an aptitude for art in his second life.

"Alright, start!" [Instructor]

With the instructor's signal, all participants started working with their pieces and focused their attention on their partner and their canvas. The instructor only helped out when someone asked for it.

With Grey's eyes gazing intensely, Yuna's face became feverish as her heart raced faster with the passing of time. She tried her best to stay composed, but with Grey's passionate eyes, she just couldn't do so.

Grey scrutinized every small detail about Yuna. With his "Divine Eyes" and "Divine Mind", Yuna's beautiful figure was engraved inside his mind. It was a beautiful figure which is akin to that of a goddess.

Yuna's pearly white skin glowed brighter as she basked in the gentle and warm sunlight seeping through the window located overhead. Her silver hair sparkled as it reflected the sunlight from the same window, and her eyes gleamed like deep blue sapphire along them.

Her figure accentuated by her attire became even more divine as she sat in an elegant position. Although she looked like a cold beauty, she also emanated a warm feeling which made her even more outstanding.

As she sat there silently, her hair flowing gently along the wind, she couldn't help but capture the attention of the crowd. She herself was a very beautiful masterpiece who seemed to be born from the heavens itself.

Her frame was perfectly captured in Grey's eyes as his hand moved like a gentle stream. Each of his brushstrokes were filled with accuracy and emotion Grey felt as she gazed at Yuna.

Colors came in naturally as Grey continued to paint. Minute after minute, Yuna's figure became more complete. It was as if Grey was lost in his own world. Now, all he could see was Yuna.

"Alright, time's up. Everybody, present your work to your partner." [Instructor]

The instructor announced as she clapped her hands once, capturing everyone's attention. Even Grey who was lost in his own world was brought back to reality as soon as that clap echoed in his ears.

"Oh?" [Grey]

Grey subconsciously voiced out his surprise as soon as he saw his own work. It was much more beautiful than he had expected. It was as if another person had possessed him and painted the girl before him.

The portrait that he painted looked like it was alive. It was even better than the photographs Grey had seen on the internet back on Earth. It was a portrait which didn't seem to be painted by human hands.

"Grey, can I see?" [Yuna]

"Ah, sure..." [Grey]

Yuna walked shyly as she approached Grey. Her heart was still racing from all the time Grey gazed at her. It was the first time she had felt such an intense gaze coming from Grey. It was overstimulating.

As soon as Yuna saw her own portrait, she immediately froze as she witnessed the beauty of the masterpiece Grey had painted. The painting exuded an overwhelming aura of intricacy which makes those who have seen it be in awe.

Her eyes, her lips, her flustered cheeks, her eyes, and all details about her were all perfect. It was as if she was looking at a reflection of herself. She was so stunned and amazed that she was having a hard time choosing a word to describe it.

"Yuna, how is it? Do you like it?" [Grey]

Grey asked but Yuna didn't answer. Her eyes were still locked to her portrait, not moving an inch nor even blinking her eyes.

"Grey... Do I look this beautiful in your eyes...?" [Yuna]

Yuna asked in a low voice as she faced Grey's direction. Her heart was now filled with emotions she couldn't describe. One thing was for sure, those emotions were all born from happiness.

Yuna was happy that Grey saw her so beautifully. Even if Grey only painted it based on what he saw, she was still happy nonetheless. The fact that Grey could paint her beautifully meant that Grey was looking closely at her.

"No, you look even more beautiful than this." [Grey]

Badump Badump Badump

Yuna's heart beat even faster than before. Grey's words make her feel that she was the happiest woman in the world. She had wished that time would have stopped at that moment.

The portrait was already painted so beautifully. If she looked even more beautiful than it in Grey's eyes, Yuna could only imagine how beautiful Grey viewed her. She was extremely happy.

With the setting of the sun, Grey and Yuna went back to the "Blue Spring" inn with satisfied faces, especially Yuna. That day has already become a special memory deep inside her heart.


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