YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 372: The Three Dangers (pt. I)


The branches cracked and the stems snapped. The leaves of green which once danced in the winds were picked one after another, a bit of sticky sap dripping out as they were separated, soon stored in bags and pouches.

It wasn't just the leaves, there were also berries, roots, stems, barks, mushrooms, and many more. All were picked with caution and scrutiny, making sure they weren't damaged by their recklessness. The symphony of the forest continued to blow.

"Oh! I found Blackrock Truffles here!" [Kale]

"Ehh~? So lucky! Why haven't I gotten anything rare yet..." [Alea]

"Hehe. Just blame it on your terrible luck, Alea. Looks like I'll be winning the bet this time! Keep your promise, alright?" [Kale]

Yet the forest was not so peaceful, a handful of rowdy people exploring it. They were the ones picking the fruits, herbs, and fungi they saw, picking up as much as they could possibly fit in their bags and pouches.

They made sure to make the most out of what they could get, not sparing a glance to the really common ones and proceeding to find only those which seemed valuable in their eyes, storing them safely in bottles and canisters to not damage them,

"Elena, what do you think? Are there any more herbs around here?" [Edin]

"Hmm... There shouldn't be any more nearby..." [Yuna]

"Great! Let's get going then. Let's search for more herbs!" [Edin]

Of course, Yuna was also with the others, going at her own pace, and pointing to the general direction where herbs are located. She has become their compass, showing them the way and also teaching them how to handle the unfamiliar ones.

The sun has risen once again, and after Yuna's 18th birthday, the weekdays have started yet again, and everyone is back to school. Grey was now with his class, and Yuna was with Alea and the others, helping one another out.

As for the reason why everyone is out in the forest, picking out herbs...

"These are the lists of the materials and ingredients you have to find in the Lorinia Forest. Everyone, get one each and pass it to your classmates."

.... It was all because of a subject titled "Practical Exploration III" which teaches the students how to navigate the wild and where to pick out herbs. It is a subject which teaches them how to rely on themselves and harvest items in the wild.

For the day, their Professor had given them a list of 5 items they needed to find in the forest, all of which were not really common, but not too uncommon either. They were ingredients which were needed to make a "Revitalizing Potion".

Of course, only the names of the herbs were placed on the list. There were no drawings, description, or even locations where such herbs could be found. All the students had were their knowledge and expertise.

And as a measure, all their bags, pouches, and storage rings have been collected by the professor. They can only bring the items provided by the academy ro make sure there was no foul play involved. There was absolute fairness.

"Elena... Won't this be hard on you? These herbs may be unfamiliar to you, We could ask the Professor to allow you to bring a map. I'm sure he'll understand," [Alea]

"No, it's fine. I actually went around the forest a couple days ago. I know where to find these even if I'm still new here." [Yuna]

"Are you sure? Some of these are tricky to find, you know?" [Alea]

"That's right, Elena. You could always just rely on us." [Kale]

Worry could be traced on everyone's expressions, each one of them unsure if they should just let Yuna be. They knew how skilled she was, but it was still an unfamiliar place which she could get easily lost in.

"Fufufu! Thank you for worrying, but I'm pretty good at navigation if I say so myself. If it's just the Lorinia Forest, there's no way I would get lost." [Yuna]

However, such worries were needless for the young lady. She may not have Grey's ever so reliable "Heaven's Eye", her sense of direction and navigation was still top-notch, able to remember the path after going through it once.

Moreover, it wasn't just her sight she could rely on. Her extreme senses and mana sensitivity were more than enough for her to find her way back and make sure she gets home safe and sound. She may act childish from time to time, but she was still very reliable and dependable.

"But... If you're so insistent, why don't we go and look around together then? It isn't against the rules, is it?" [Yuna]

"No, it's not... Actually, the Professor encourages it," [Kale]

"Great! It's settled then! I'll be in your care again, everyone!" [Yuna]

Squealed Yuna with eager excitement traced on her beautiful face. She has always been picking herbs with Grey, and rarely with anyone else. It was a good opportunity to learn how others perform and how they deal with situations in the wild,

"I always say this, but make sure to prioritize your safety. The forest may be safe, but you could always encounter unexpected and dangerous situations in the wild. Do I make myself understood?"


"Good. Then we'll meet back here when 2 hours have passed. Those who are late will have deduction points. Good luck, everyone."

Announced the Professor, and everyone quickly scattered around and headed to their own destinations. The lesson progressed just like that, several minutes had already passed since then, and the students were now searching the whole forest.

Of course, the area of the forest they were exploring was a relatively safe one with a ton of barriers erected over it. It covers an area of about 10 square kilometers, and is filled with a variety of vegetation, wildlife, and natural topographic features.

Of course, there is also a chance to spawn monsters, albeit on the weaker side. They may not be able to kill or harm someone gravely, but they are enough to etch some injuries and make the students realize how dangerous the wild is.

But perhaps the most amazing feature there is in the forest is that it was one filled with a whole lot of mana. The herbs growing there were all high-quality, even having chances of creating magic plants. It was the perfect place for learning.

"Hmm... Kale, what will happen to the Blackrock Truffles you just collected? Aren't we only allowed to pick the herbs written on the list?" [Yuna]

"Not really. As long as you're the one who harvested it, you can keep it. That's an unspoken rule here in Darius Academy." [Kale]

"Yeah! The Professor even gives out bonus points to those who manage to get rare and useful herbs. I once got a large bonus for bringing back a magic plant!" [Alea]

"What magic plant? It barely got any mana in it. It was just trasー Guaakk!!" [Edin]

Edin replied to Alea's words, getting a solid punch to the stomach in exchange, Yuna and Kale ignoring their usual antics. They've already seen the routine one too many times, simply focusing on the things that mattered.

And upon learning of the fact, Yuna couldn't be any more excited. Though it was a shame that she doesn't have her storage ring at the moment, she could just carry as many items as she could and rake in hundreds of points. It was perfect!"

'Magic plant...! Magic plant...! Magic plants!' [Yuna]

In fact, she was so excited, only two words kept echoing in her mind again and again. She could already sense an irregular fluctuation of mana in the vicinity, a rare herd or two, even a magic plant waiting for her to forage them for points.

"Kale, are there other rules that I need to know of? Like the maximum amount of things we can get and what of monsters and beasts?" [Yuna]

"Other rules... Mm... Well, there's...." [Kale]

Whilst Alea was still beating Edin up, Kale started explaining a number of the rules that they had to take note of when exploring the forest, there were quite a lot of them, but there were only some which could be considered major and important.

First is that one must always observe caution. There were also the rules about being able to bring everything you find, without any restrictions on how many. Of course, this meant that only those who first got it would take it.

As for the monsters, one shouldn't engage in combat with them if unnecessary. The students must run away, and prioritize the safety of everyone, including themselves. They must report the incident to the Professor as soon as possible.

In the occasion that the student actually defeats the beast or monster, there wouldn't be any deduction points or punishments. Instead, their spoils will be treated appropriately. This is to balance out caution and bravery.

"I see... Thank you for that, Kale. That was really easy to understand." [Yuna]

"No worries... And, right! There is one more thing. You must not head into the three forbidden areas of the forest. You shouldn't, no matter what!" [Kale]

"Eh? Forbidden areas?" [Yuna]

The young lady tilted her head ever so slightly as she looked at Kale, his expressions getting worse by the second. He looked a bit pale, a cold chill running down his spine as he remembered an unsavory memory playing in his mind.

The Three Forbidden Areas of the Forest, more commonly known as "The Three Dangers", are dangerous areas within the training section of the Lorinia Forests which are filled with things which actually bring great harm to the students.

These areas are the Man-Eating Grove, infested with Man-Eating Poison Ivy, the Blind Man's Graveyard which has a lone Wailing Willow Tree in the center, able to inflict mental damage and create illusions to those which wander near it, and the Cave of Bellows which was as black as the abyss.

No one had really gone inside the Cave of Bellows, but they had heard loud and pained bellows shrieking from it from time to time. Itt was horrifying enough that even Professors avoided it. It was an utter and total mystery,

Of course, the Headmaster could easily wipe them off the map if needed, but there was no need to. It was to teach students to discipline and the importance of rules in surviving in the wild. After all, curiosity kills the cat.

"They... All sound scary..." [Yuna]

"Scary?! It was way beyond just scary! It was horrifying!" [Kale]

"Hm? Have you gone to them before, Kale?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... I have... I have but...." [Kale]

Curious as he was before, Kale had indeed gone to one of the Three Dangers before. It was the Man-Eating Grove, said to be the most brutal and grotesque of the three. It was a quest to sate his curiosity, turning into one of his biggest regrets.

At first, other than the infestation of poison ivies, it was a pretty normal-looking place. There were even flowers blooming around, and a number of small animals hopping all over the place. It looked quite peaceful, to be honest.

"Hm? Is this all it is?" [Kale]

Was what he previously thought at first, but the moment one of the little bunny rabbits touched the leaves of the poison ivies, they suddenly had an extreme reaction, the stinging and searing poison of leaves rapidly rushing all throughout its body,

The little rabbit's fur started to shed in a matter of seconds and its exposed skin was covered with rashes, big blisters soon replacing it as it continued to be inflamed. It turned redder and redder, its pitiful screeches echoing all over the place.

The blisters soon devoured the rabbit whole, its body then exploding with a bang, all its limbs and organs scattred and dyeing the forest floor red. Its inside was charred black as if it had been roasted from the inside.

And as if seeking for food, the ivies started crawling towards the ground, scurrying over the exploded flesh and bones. It served as nutrition and sustenance to the ivies, and providing it with a bit of mana. It was a horrifying sight full of gore.

"That... That must have been really tough for you..." [Yuna]

"Ugh... You have no idea... I had nightmares for weeks because of it, and even now, I feel like vomiting every time I remember it. That was hell." [Kale]

"Good thing you didn't continue any further." [Yuna]

"You bet... If I did, I would have been plant food." [Kale]

Commented Kale, his expression pale as can be as if he just saw a ghost. It was the most horrifying experience he had ever seen, and one he was sure he wouldn't want to experience again. He doesn't want to be haunted by such nightmares ever again.

Through, it was because of that terrifying and hellish experience thay Kale learnt to be more careful when venturing out in the wild. He studied even harder so that he knows what kind of things to avoid, and what's the best way to go about them.

"Hmph! No one told you to go take a look. You also acted so bravely back then. You deserve that for being so arrogant." [Alea]

"Alea's right. And to think you didn't even bring a sample. Not only are you a coward, you're also a disgrace of an alchemist. At least bring one leaf." [Edin]

"One leaf?! Are you kidding me right now?! I would have died if I did!" [Kale]

"It's only natural that we make some sacrifices in the name of alchemy. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! This is why you aren't a genius such as myself." [Edin]

"You punk...! Now, you're getting it!" [Kale]

And now, it was Kale who was bearing Edin up. Though he was right, there were one too many nonsensical and unnecessary things in his words. He was once again sent flying towards the air, landing in the bushes soon after.

Meanwhile, Yuna was put in deep thought after hearing Kale's story. She had seen all sorts of plants and magic plants before, but never heard or seen one like what Kale was talking about. Curiosity was abrew in her mind.

She knew how dangerous it was, but at the same time, as an alchemist, she couldn't help but be interested in such a topic. And, she was also a Transcendent. There are only so many things which could bring harm to her.

"Hmm... Alea, where are these Three Dangers Kale was talking about?" [Yuna]

"Elena, if you just want to take a look to satisfy your curiosity, I advise you to not risk it. It's best if you just stay with us, and not endanger yourself." [Alea]

"I know, I know. I'm just asking so that I know which areas to avoid." [Yuna]

That was a lie, Yuna barely able to keep a poker face. All she could do was smile ever so brightly and hope that Alea will buy her excuse. The latter looked at her with suspicion, her eyes peering closely to the young elf.

"Alea, I'm already engaged. I won't needlessly put myself in danger just for the sake of entertainment. I still want to marry Shin." [Yuna]

"Mmn... If you say it like that... I guess that makes sense..." [Alea]

"Right? Just trust me on this one." [Yuna]

Though, all it took was another push and Alea's doubts were easily cleared out. After all, no normal person would take such great risks when they are already betrothed to someone, especially if it was someone they truly love.

The only flaw that Alea didn't consider was that Yuna was not a normal person. With such an interesting story she just heard, there was no way she wouldn't be heading there to check it out for herself. She was very excited, if anything.

And so, Alea brought out a piece of paper and sketched the hazardous areas where the Three Dangers could be found, adding some approximation as well as landmarks to make sure Yuna knows where she shouldn't be going.

The three areas were pretty far away from one another too, explained Alea. She made sure to repeat her words a couple times, warning Yuna of the dangers she could face in such areas. She was stern and serious.

"So West... Northeast... And Southeast, right?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, and make sure to never go there, okay?! Promise me! No matter how curious you are, you need to promise me!" [Alea]

"Okay, okay, I promise! Really!" [Yuna]

A promise soon to be broken, Yuna's heart pierced with guilt as she said such words to Alea. She had already decided to go around and take a look, maybe even take a couple samples to experiment with while she was at it.

Of course, if she's able to find something even more interesting, she would be taking it without second thoughts. No matter how dangerous it may sound, there is no way she'll be running away without a fight. She is unnecessarily eager for her own good.

"Then... Now that that's settled... Shall we keep on going now, Elena? I know a good spot where we can find a lot of herbs!" [Alea]

"Hm? What about the boys?" [Yuna]

"Just leave those dumbasses be. They know where to go so there's no need to worry about them. Let's just enjoy ourselves and have a lot of fun!" [Alea]

Kale still beating Edin up, Alea and Yuna headed further into the woods and collected a couple herbs they could see. There were also some ripe apples along the way, and so, they had a quick snack before proceeding. Tasty and juicy.

It didn't take too long before Alea and Yuna arrived at the spot the former was talking about. And indeed, it was full of herbs, some much rarer than the others. Two of the listed ingredients could also be found there, thriving beautifully under the warm sun.

"Elena, look! I found another one of the magic plants from before! With this, we should be able to get some bonus points!" [Alea]

"Ehh~? How niceー Ah! I think I see another one!" [Yuna]

"Eh?! Where?! Where?! We need to get all of them, quick!" [Alea]

Albeit weakly, they also collected a couple magic plants scattered sparsely here and there. They aren't as useful as the ones she knew of, but they weren't bad either. They were useful enough for them to make High-Grade potions if processed properly,

Time passed by as the leaves rustled in the wind. 2 hours went by in the blink of an eye, and it was finally time to head back to their initial line. The Professor greeted them with a satisfied smile, nodding and mumbling to himself.

The students came back one after another, and the Professor checked their haul with scrutinizing eyes. Everyone was able to get a passing score, all items in the list gathered successfully, some bonus points given for those who came back with extras.

"Hmm... Mmn... Each one of you gets perfect marks, and since you brought some wonderful magic plants, that's a 30-point bonus for everyone."

"Yes! Thank you very much, Professor!" [Alea]

"Then don't dilly-dally any longer. You can go now."

Yuna and company also managed to rake in a lot of points from all the spoils they got from the forest, then bowing their heads a little before packing their bags and heading back to the academy, carefree as can be.


It also just happened that by the moment they came back, the sun had climbed its peak. The bells rang throughout the city and the market brewed even busier. Everyone was having lunch, dining in the inns and by the stalls.

Of course, with such enticing aromas drifting all throughout the place, there was no way anyone wouldn't be hungry. The wasting scents were enticing to the nose, their stomachs rumbling loudly as they yearned for a meal to eat.

"Mmn~! Walking for 2 hours straight sure was tiring. Should we go around and find a place to have lunch first?" [Alea]

"Oh! That's perfect! I just sold some items I made this morning, so I have a bit of money here with me. Let's go around the market, and splurge for the whole day! What do you think, Elena? You in?" [Kale]

"Un! Let's go around the inns firstー" [Yuna]

Yuna couldn't even finish her words, a previous thought popping out in her mind. She wanted to eat and have some fun during their lunch break, but there was something more important right now. There was a need for priority.

"Actually... I don't think I can join you this time around. I already made previous arrangements with Shin, and we need to talk to the Headmaster first." [Yuna]

"The Headmaster, mmn... It seems like it can't be helped..." [Alea]

"I'm really sorry about it. I'll make sure to make it up to you later." [Yuna]

Of course, the young lady's words were all lies. Forget about the audience with the Headmaster, she hasn't even made plans with Grey to begin with. She was just making things up on the go, trying to not get caught lying.

"That's really a shame, but we can do nothing about it. Maybe next time... And Elena, make sure to remember my words, okay?!" [Alea]

"Un! I'll keep them in mind! Bye, everyone~! See you later~!" [Yuna]

Thankfully, everyone was too hungry to pay too much attention. They just accepted her words as the truth, waving their hands goodbye, as they saw off the young lady. Her beautiful figure soon vanished into the endless horizon.

But what did not vanish was the beaming smile on her face. It was full of energy and excitement. She was all excited and giddy, an awfully curious look springing up on her lovely face, a bit of mischief playing in her heart.

『Hey, Grey... Do you want to go somewhere interesting?』 [Yuna]


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