YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 374: Subtle Harassments

"Ah, crap... I totally forgot my homework! I'm gonna be in so much trouble!"

"Hey, have you heard about Mitch? I heard he just reached Tier-4 yesterday."

"Common Paralla, Heller Roots, Tala Arbogonia... And what was it again?"

A new morning, a new day, a new experience. With the rising of the sun, everyone, students and professors were now full of energy, bustling and chattering in the long hallways. Darius academy was abuzz, a lively orchestra playing in the air.

The crowd was moving in and out of the massive halls, doors opening and closing as they poured in into the classrooms, taking their seats and studying their notes. It was yet another school day, another chance to learn more about alchemy,

In such a crowded place, a single lady stood out like no other. Her hair was silver and her eyes were blue. She walked down the hallways, and all eyes were glued to her. It has already been several days since she arrived, and she was as popular as always,

'Hmm~♪ I wonder what lessons we're going to learn today~' [Yuna]

However, such popularity didn't even get a chance to shine in her mind. There was only alchemy brewing inside, her heart pumping cheerfully with excitement as she looked forward to what topics and lessons she will be learning today.

It was the second day of the week already, and now, she has a different schedule than yesterday. There are a total of 4 subjects for the day, 2 in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon. Of which, 1 is an elective she is taking with Alea.

"Elena~! You sure are popular as ever~! Good morning~!" [Alea]

And speaking of Alea, the young lady had just greeted her from behind, her cheerful and resonant voice ringing in her ears. She was as lively as usual, skipping her steps to match Yuna's pace, walking by her side by side.

Alea had just exited the Girl's dormitory and was on the way to the classroom. She just happened to see Yuna by the distance, then catching up to her, and greeting her with a bright smile. A smile which also melted the hearts of the spectators.

"Good morning, Alea. You seem to be in a very good mood today." [Yuna]

"Fufufu! That's because I just finished a new item yesterday. It's something I've been working on for weeks! Do you want to see?" [Alea]

"Oh, can I? I would very much love to!" [Yuna]

"Of course! I'll show you later when school is over!" [Alea]

The two young ladies chattered and clattered, their steps echoing simultaneously as the people watched them walk down the hallway. Yuna alone was already beautiful, but with Alea now by her side, they looked amazing together.

Soon enough, they finally reached their room, a number of familiar faces greeting them with a wave of their hands. They continued their merry and cheerful chat, soon heading towards their seats with bright smiles drawn on their faces. However, they were smiles which didn't last long...

"Then, I realized that I have been doing the whole formula wrong! It seems like I over-saturated the mixtures! It was all because of that!" [Alea]

"Eh? Does that mean that it was solved with water in the end?" [Yuna]

"Yeah! I just added another portion of water into my next trial, and who would have guessed it?! It actually worked! I'm finally progressing!" [Alea]

Yuna and Alea soon took their seats, still continuing their chat, and while doing so, Alea then opened the drawer under her desk to check on the supplies she had, taking out some and adding a couple things, organizing her things neatly.

The former also did the same, soon opening her desk. However, rather than a pile of neatly organized school supplies, there were only bugs crawling about. There were centipedes and beetles, wriggling about in a repulsive manner.

Both their eyes were stuck on the wriggling little creatures, watching a wave of black and gray move about. They looked like the definition of insect hell, a beetle taking to the air the moment it realized someone had opened up the drawer.

"Kyaaaaa!! Bugs!! Get them away from me!!" [Alea]

It took quite a while to register, but the moment she realized that there were bugs under Yuna's desk, Alea immediately started panicking, a loud and agonized cry echoing throughout the whole classroom and out to the hallways.

There were tears forming in the corner of her eyes as she ran around the place, then heading towards Edin and Kale who just arrived, hiding behind their backs and using them as some sort of shield against the tiny critters, scared as can be.

She may be an alchemist, but she still couldn't handle bugs and the likes. If it wasn't for that fact, her arsenal of items she could make would have expanded my leaps and bounds. However, insects are still too graphic to look at.

"E-Elena...! G-Get away from there! They will bite you!" [Alea]

"Fufufu! Don't worry, they're totally harmless." [Yuna]

"Harmless?! Have you seen the look in their eyes?! It looks like they're ready to bite me the moment they have the chance to! Insects are the spawn or the devil! Hurry and get over here alreadyー Kyaaaaa!! Get away from me!!" [Alea]

Alea couldn't even finish her words, another beetle soon flying towards her direction. She was cut off, and most importantly, being chased by a little beetle, fear traced in her eyes as if death was after her tail. She was very close to crying.

Well, it wasn't just Alea, many of the girls, and some of the boys were also disturbed by the insects, running around in the classroom, and thrusting them into chaos. The morning had just started, and they are already off to a lively start.

"Elena, don't touch that! They're really dangerousー Kyaaaaa!!" [Alea]

"Alea, you should worry about yourself first. The beetle is coming closer." [Kale]

"S-Shut up! Once I manage to lose it, I'm really going to beat you up!" [Alea]

Though, unlike the others, Yuna's expressions couldn't be any more indifferentー Or rather, she looked at the bugs with much curiosity, tilting her head left and right as she scrutinized the little bugs, finding a lot more stuff the more she looked.

Heck, Yuna even dared to pick up the insects with her bare hands, not showing any hints of fear in her eyes. She was a fearless warrior, without any second thoughts of backing out just because of some mere insects.

"Oh! Aren't these the Pinchrock Centipedes and Jetwing Borbona Beetles! There's also some Meddleworms here as well! How lucky!" [Yuna]

"Eh?! Did you just say Meddleworms?! Let me see!" [Edin]

"Un! Come take a look! It looks pretty big too!" [Yuna]

They may be amongst the most grotesque and repulsive insects and critters there is, but an alchemy ingredient is an alchemy ingredient no less. Yuna was rather excited to see them, her eyes already bursting with ideas on what to do with them.

Of course, these also interested Edin a lot. He could barely get such things no matter how hard he works, but to think that he got ahold of a sudden chance. His luck was on another level. He couldn't be any less happier and excited.

The two of them smiled joyously whilst they held the insects and arthropods. They then took out jars from God-knows-where, and stored all the precious ingredients inside. They even caught the ones who managed to fly away without much difficulty,

'Mmn~! What a great haul!" [Yuna]

With the situation under control, the classroom returned to normal. The Professor soon arrived and everyone resumed with their studies as per usual. It may have started a bit too rowdy, but it was still more than enough to be grateful of.

Time passed by just like that, and like in their first period, there were yet another batch of repulsive things under Yuna's desk. However, rather than insects and small critters, there were only frogs inside, all hopping out the moment they saw light.

However, like before, those frogs also happen to be useful in alchemy. Both her and Edin caught them fervently, storing them in yet another glass jar. It was a bonanza of alchemy materials, the two of them truly proving how much they loved alchemy.


The school bells finally rang, and it was finally time for lunch. The moment they were dismissed, they immediately headed towards the cafeteria to grab a wonderful lunch together. They could finally take a break from learning and studying.

"Haah... I can't believe all those things just happened this morning,.. They can't all be a coincidence, right? They can't be..." [Alea]

"You may be right, Alea. But you're still worrying too much. Fufufu!" [Yuna]

"Elena.., you should be the one most worried right now, you know?" [Alea]

And while they headed towards the cafeteria, they all talked about the things that just happened in the morning. No matter how one looks at it, there was no way that it was a simple coincidence that they all involved Yuna's desk.

Well, rather than the desk, it seems like their target was none other than Yuna. She has been doing too well, and outshining all the other students even when she arrived at the Academy, garnering the attention of many, be it students or professors.

Attention that isn't always good every single time. Though many admired her for her skills, many also envied her for it. They simply couldn't accept that they were lacking in comparison to her, resorting to underhanded and dishonest tricks.

"It's fine. No one's gotten hurt yet anyway." [Yuna]

"Elena, you do know how scary those things were, right? You should get more angry for God's sake! Geez! Seriouslyー" [Alea]

"Ahh! Watch out!"

Peace was soon broken, a loud scream coming from a couple distances away. A dirty ball came hurling towards everyone's direction, flying at extreme speeds as if it was a bullet darting through the air, everyone closing their eyes in reflex. All except one....

⟨⟨Barrier⟩⟩ [Yuna]

... And someone is the lovely heroine, Yuna.

The moment she saw the ball heading towards their way, she immediately moved her hands and raised it in front of her. She chanted with a soft voice, a semi-transparent shield of mana appearing before her and everyone else.

The ball hit the barrier, and bounced off into the distance before hitting the ground, rolling around, and finally coming to a stop. The moment everyone opened their eyes, the ball was already on the ground, lying motionlessly.

"H... Huh...? W... What just happened...?" [Kale]

"Fufufu! Nothing much. I just used a little bit of barrier magic." [Yuna]

"Ehh?! You can use barrier magic, Elena?! That's amazing!!" [Edin]

"Not really. I just learnt enough so I could protect myself." [Yuna]

Whilst everyone was feeling relieved and confused, a couple figures suddenly came rushing towards them with pale expressions painted on their faces, hurriedly looking around for the ball and seeing if it hurt somebody.

They were the ones who kicked the ball their way, and quickly apologized for what just happened. They received a bit of a scolding from Alea, making them bow their heads a couple of times to show how sincere their apologies were.

However, Yuna's thoughts were much different, it may be subtle, but she could easily sense that wind magic was involved in what just happened. She doesn't know who it was, but with it, she could finally tell that everything wasn't a coincidence.

"You should be more careful next time, okay?! I'm going to bear all of you up if this ever happens again, you hear me?!" [Alea]

"""Y-Yes, Ma'am!!"""

And just as she finished with her thoughts, Alea was also done scolding the ones who were playing with the ball. It seems like they were lower grade students, fully aware of how fierce and feisty Alea was.

The youngsters soon went away, apologizing a final time and bringing their ball with them. It was quite unfortunate that they got involved in something they have no idea of, but Yuna couldn't just tell them her findings without any evidence. She could only wish that they don't take it to heart too much.

"Haah.... Seriously. That could have been very dangerous, you know?" [Alea]

"Fufufu! Don't worry too much about it, Alea. Why don't we just continue heading to the cafeteria? I'm already starting to get hungry." [Yuna]

"That's right, Alea. It'll be hard to find a table if we dawdle any longer." [Kale]

"Ah, right! Sorry, sorry, I got too heated up there." [Alea]

With the situation now resolved, everyone finally continued heading towards the cafeteria, and luckily enough, there were still some seats and tables present there. They met up with Grey, and had a wonderful lunch together.

Of course, this also meant that Grey once again brought out the massive portions of dishes he and Yuna cooked this morning. They were dishes loved by everyone, the two of them once again demonstrating how much they could eat in one sitting,


Lunch break was soon over and the school bells rang, and it was now time for the afternoon classes to commence. They once again parted with Grey, and headed back to their own classes, attending another important lecture.

Luckily enough, it seems like there were no pranks or tricks under Yuna's desk. It seems like they neither had the time nor confidence to pull such useless things off when there are so many people around, it was a relief.

Another hour and a half soon elapsed, and it was finally time to engage in "Heavy Brewery" yet again. The Professor arrived just a couple minutes later, a couple of students once again helping her carry her things.

"Now then, who can distribute these to everyone?"

"Ah! Professor, I can do that! Just leave it to me!"

"Me too, Professor! Let me help with that!"

Soon, the packs and pouches of herbs to be used, a couple of volunteering students distributing them to everyone in the room. The only strange thing to note was that the two of them were both lackeys of Jermel, students who are actually up to no good.

They all distributed the things with casual expressions on their faces, passing by the students one after another. And it may be out of pettiness or just mere coincidence, but for some reason, Yuna was the last to be given her herbs.

"Miss Elena, these are the only ones left. You can have it."

Said the lackey with a hateful glint shimmering in his eyes. He just couldn't be any more obvious with the way he was acting, clearly having something against Yuna. There was an irritating smile on his face one just wants to wipe off with a quick slap.

Moreover, it wasn't just the lackey. Jermel as well was looking at Yuna with a glare like piercing daggers, With the hostility he was showing, there was no doubt about it. He was the one responsible for the misfortunes Yuna just suffered.

"Tsk! It's that Jermel again... I bet he's the one behind those bugs and frogs from beforeー No! I'm sure of it!" [Alea]

He was so obvious, even Alea couldn't help but notice his hostility and arrogance. If it wasn't for the fact that she'll be punished and that he was a noble, Alea would have already sent him flying with her signature punch.

"Just ignore them, Elena. They're just envious of your looks and talents." [Alea]

"Don't worry, I know. I'm not that petty, you know." [Yuna]

"That's good. Let's just focus on our lesson for now. I'm sure we're going to learn something new again! Let's just do our best!" [Alea]

There was no need to pay attention to such hateful scums, and so they simply turned their attention to the blackboard where the Professor explained about their next topic they will be discussing for the whole week.

Soon, it was finally time for the practical applications. It was finally time to get brewing, everyone heading to their own working stations and setting up their equipmentー All of them, except one student. That student was Yuna.

"Hm? That's weird... Why isn't this working...?" [Yuna]

"Is there something wrong with the equipment, Elena?" [Alea]

"Well, you see... It seems to be malfunctioning a little,.." [Yuna]

It seemed fine at first glance, but upon closer inspection, there were actually a few faults within the equipment, most of the magic tools not functioning properly. It was just fine when she worked with it a few days ago, yet problems suddenly emerged,

What's worse, it wasn't just the equipment, but the ingredients as well. They were all of the lowest quality ones, some were even rejects. Al, her items were in the worst possible situation. It was clearly something planned against Yuna.

As for the ones who planned them, there was no need to even guess. They were none other than Jermel and his stupid entourage. They were all wearing sinister smiles atop their faces, looking as obvious as can be,

"Excuse me, Professor! Can we have a minute, please?! Elena's equipment is not working and her ingredients are also in a mess." [Alea]

"Hm? What do you mean, Student Alea?"

"Please have a look, Professor." [Alea]

As per Alea's request, the Professor headed towards them and checked up on the equipment and ingredients. Surely enough, it was just like how Alea described them, a puzzled expression looming over the Professor's face.

"How did this happen... I'm sure I checked up on them just this morning,.."

The Professor looked at every corner and tried to fix it, but it was all to no avail. They were high-class equipment, after all. There was no way someone like her who has no knowledge in enchantment could fix such complex circuits and enchantments.

"Haah... I'm really sorry about this, Student Elena. I'm sure I already checked beforehand, so something must have happened. I'm really sorry."

"No, it's fine, Professor." [Yuna]

"I see... Then, are you going to spectate for now? I want to replace your equipment and ingredients right now, but it might take quite a bit of time. Don't worry, I won't deduct any points from you today."

Said the Professor, trying to compromise with Yuna. She wanted to see her make something amazing today as well, but there was only so much she could do when things have gotten the way they are now. It was truly a shame.

"Thank you, Professor, but... I'd still like to continue." [Yuna]

"Eh?! But we don't have any good equipment and ingredients left?!"

"Please don't worry, Professor, I can still manage even with these ingredients and equipment. Please watch over me," [Yuna]

Hearing Yuna's words, there was a bit of hesitation in the Professor's heart, but at the same time, there was also a blooming curiosity. She wanted to see where Yuna's confidence came from, wanting to see what other things she would offer her.

Meanwhile, Yuna's thoughts were completely different. She is a bit annoyed that they went so far just to get in her way and mess with her, but there was no way she would be stopping over something so trivial. No, no, not at all,

If there is no good equipment and ingredients around she can use, there is always her skills and magic she could rely on. She isn't a Tier-8 Alchemist just for show. She is determined to show the others what she is capable of.

"Hmm... Fine. But please stop when it gets too dangerous, okay?"

"Yes! I'll surely do so, Professor!" [Yuna]

There was no time to waste. As soon as the Professor gave Yuna the thumbs up, she immediately started working, using a hit of plant magic to revitalize the useless herbs and turn them into something somewhat useful.

She processed them all carefully, one after another, using her magic instead of good equipment like the others. Her control over heat, mixing, hydration, and many more processes was even better than the most accurate equipment, surpassing them both in quality and consistency.

Yuna continued to process the ingredients into the best mixtures and solutions they possibly could. And soon enough, it was finally time for the brewery to commence, the young lady's eyes glowing a different glint as she started to get serious.

All she used were simple vials as containers of the solutions, using magic to do the rest. She used fire to heat the solution, wind for centrifugation, water for hydration, ice for cooling down, earth for removing sediments, and many more.

It wasn't just alchemy or a magic show, it was a whole performance, brilliant as can be with Yuna as the star. All elements of the play were very harmonious, the solution changing colors every so often, all until the final drop was condensed.

"Whew... I'm finally finishー" [Yuna]

"A-Amazing! What technique did you use just now, Student Elena?! No, first! I didn't know you could use magic so well! How many attributes can you use?! What level is your control with each of them?! How did you manage to..."

The very moment Yuna sealed the potion with a cork, the Professor immediately rushed towards her and bombarded her with a ton of questions, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Her usually stiff and strict character broke for the first time,

"Lady Elena is the best! You even know magic!"

"Ohh! As expected of a genius! She really is on another level!"

"Can you teach me some tips, Miss Elena?!"

Well, it wasn't just the Professor who was excited, many of the students also were. After all, even when she was the most disadvantaged one, she was still the one who finished first with the best quality produced. It was a great feat!

Of course, there were also some dissatisfied with her abilities, clicking their tongues and glaring at her with sharp eyes filled with hostility. One of them in particular was especially enraged, hatred bubbling deep inside his heart.

'That spiteful b*tch...!' [Jermel]


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