YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 73: Audience with the King

"What is the meaning of this!?" [???]

A large and deep voice boomed throughout the vast training ground, successfully garnering the attention of everyone present. Even the soldiers who were sprawling with pain in the ground didn't have any choice but stand up abruptly with traces of shock on their faces.

Just as the practice match between Grey and Yuna against the Knights under Kurt and Vanessa's command ended, a large rough-looking and muscular old man, along with two other men arrived at the training grounds.

The old man's looks were enough to scare the living daylights out of anyone, not to mention how intimidating his voice was. And when one looks at his uniform, one could easily notice a General's insignia decorated on it.

As for the men accompanying him, they both held the rank of "Lt. General", making them on the same level as Vanessa. Although one of the men was about the same age as the general, the other was pretty young, just in his mid-twenties.

⟨⟨Appraisal⟩⟩ [Grey]



[Name] Edward von Sallerta

[Race] Human

[Sex] Male

[Age] 52

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,904 [Mana Quality] B

[Combat Power] 3,274 [Threat Level] A

[Attribute] Wind [Magic Proficiency] High (68%)

[Class] Lancer [Weapon Proficiency] High (68%)

[Physical Enhancement] 71%

[Ability] 『Sound Control (3☆)』



[Name] Albert von Keene

[Race] Human

[Age] 49

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,491 [Mana Quality] C

[Combat Power] 2,097 [Threat Level] B

[Attribute] Ice [Magic Proficiency] High (60%)

[Class] Ravager [Weapon Proficiency] High (58%)

[Physical Enhancement] 63%

[Ability] 『Hellfrost (3☆)』



[Name] Ranzel von Filastra

[Race] Human

[Sex] Male

[Age] 25

[Status] Healthy

[Mana Capacity] 1,453 [Mana Quality] C

[Combat Power] 1,993 [Threat Level] B

[Attribute] Lightning [Magic Proficiency] High (57%)

[Class] Swordsman [Weapon Proficiency] High (59%)

[Physical Enhancement] 62%

[Ability] 『Steel Guard (3☆)』


It was a terrifying trio. If they were to join forces with Kurt and Vanessa, no one below S-rank would be able to come out unscathed. Their strength alone are the pillars of the military's strength.

"What happened to the knights!?" [Edward]

The General yelled loudly, and Vanessa hearing those words, her eyes immediately went swimming in the direction away from him. Needless to say, She looked insanely guilty and wanted to escape somehow.

"Dear, you're responsible for this, aren't you?" [Ranzel]

When no one answered the general's question, the young Lt. General took the initiative and approached Vanessa. As he approached, Vanessa tried her best to not look at his eyes.

Grey thought it was just his imagination, but after a closer look, he had concluded that Vanessa was indeed more terrified of the man before him, rather than the scary-looking General who was yelling just a few moments ago.

"Dear...?" [Yuna]

"He's Elder Sister's husband." [Kurt]

"Eh? Big Sis Vanessa is married?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah. They married last year." [Kurt]

Kurt nonchalantly answered, leaving Grey and Yuna a little dumbfounded. Grey already had doubts when he saw the man's surname, but hearing it from Kurt still made him a little shocked.

Well, if anything, he was more shocked that Vanessa's husband was just as strong as her, and also a Lt. General, nonetheless. Though, he can't really say much considering he and Yuna are both S-rankers.

Ranzel, like Vanessa and Kurt, was a part of the "Golden Triangle" back when they were still in the academy. And being geniuses of the same level, they spent a lot of time with one another, this leading to developing romantic feelings for one another, and eventually, marriage.

Another fascinating thing Grey noticed was Vanessa's current expressions and actions. It was his first time seeing Vanessa so shaken to the point she couldn't even look directly at her husband's eyes.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about..." [Vanessa]

"Then why can't you look me in the eyes?" [Ranzel]

"No... No reason at all... I just want to admire the scenery... " [Vanessa]

Vanessa responded, still not able to make eye contact with her husband. It was very obvious that she was the one responsible for what just happened, yet she tried to deny it as much as she could.

"Haah... Seriously, you should really stop causing troubles every time you can. You'll get scolded a lot by the General because of it and that's not good for the baby's health, you know?" [Ranzel]

"S... Sorry..." [Vanessa]

"As long as you understand. Anyway, I'll go explain things to the General. Promise me to not do something like this again." [Ranzel]

"Alright..." [Vanessa]

"That's good to hear." [Ranzel]

Hearing Vanessa's promise, Ranzel gave her a light kiss on the forehead and then headed to where the General was to explain what just happened. Gustav went along with him as a witness.

The usually mischievous and energetic Vanessa has become a timid and quiet kitten in front of her husband. It was something which gave Grey and Yuna a great shock to the point they become petrified.

Though there was one thing which greatly bothered them, undoing their petrified state in just a matter of seconds. It was because of a single itsy-bitsy word which Ranzel had mentioned.

Grey and Yuna's eyes locked to Kurt in search for an answer. They didn't even need to say anything, the moment Kurt saw their eyes full of shock and curiosity, he already knew what they wanted to ask.

"Ah, right... We forgot to mention, Elder Sister has been pregnant with their first child for about two weeks now." [Kurt]

""Ehhhh?!"" [Grey and Yuna]

While they had somewhat expected the answer, after hearing the confirmation directly from Kurt's mouth, so much shock surged to their minds that Yuna and Grey uncontrollably screamed their voices of disbelief throughout the whole castle.

After the situation about what happened to the knights was explained to the general, everyone calmed down and Vanessa got scolded a little bit. After that, the present parties properly introduced themselves to one another.

As for the knights, they were ordered by the General to continue with their training. Even when their bodies were still aching, they did not voice out any complaints and just trained diligently.

"I'm terribly sorry for what my wife did, it must have caused quite a lot of trouble for the both of you." [Ranzel]

"It's fine, we weren't hurt anyways." [Grey]

"Un. Actually, we're more concerned about the knights." [Yuna]

"Don't worry about them. They're trained to endure that. Rather, it would be more troubling if they can't endure that much." [Edward]

"Haha... ha..." [Grey]

To the General's words, all Grey could do was laugh dryly. Yuna was also in a similarly awkward state. After all, If they didn't hold back, not just enduring it, the knights would have surely died from their blows.

"Still... To think that such youths were the ones who helped Lt. General Vanessa and Commander Kurt raid Iblis' hideout. The word amazing would simply just be an understatement." [Albert]

"Their achievement really is something to look up to..." [Ranzel]

"Yep, Yuna and Grey are really amazing!" [Vanessa]

It was the third time Grey and Yuna had heard such praises since they arrived at the capital. First from Veronic, then Velzier, and now with the highest-ranking officers of the military. At this point, they're already tired of it.

Hearing their praises Grey asked to himself why he and Yuna can't just live normal lives. The answer shortly came to his mind. It was because they were S-rankers. That's why.

'Haah... Give me a break...' [Grey]

All he could do was heave a lengthy sign on the back of his mind. It wasn't like the other parties wanted to do it with the intention to annoy them. The best solution for them was just to accept it and get used to it.

"Oh, right. Vanessa, His Majesty has approved to have an audience with you." [Edward]

"Ah, I completely forgot! Grey, Yuna, come with me for a moment, we still have to meet His Majesty!" [Vanessa]

"Everyone, please excuse us. We'll be taking our leave," [Kurt]

Before Grey and Yuna's minds could even process what was happening, Vanessa had already gone ahead and grabbed both of them by the wrist towards the throne room located at the castle's heart.

The previously timid Vanessa was now back to her usual self, and since her husband wasn't around, she had become a little overbearing again, dragging people along with her sudden whims.

On the way to the throne room, whenever they met servants, the latter would always bow their heads to Vanessa and Kurt. It just showed how much respect they have for them. And of course, every time other people are around, Vanessa quickly switches into her graceful self.

After walking for a couple minutes, they finally arrived in front of two massive doors. Although the size of the door was amazing, what was eye-catching was the crest of the royal family carved upon it.

"Good afternoon, Lady Vanessa, Lord Kurt, His Majesty has been waiting for you."

The knights greeted with a bow and then opened the two massive doors slowly but steadily. When they did, what greeted Grey and Yuna was a large room with knights standing guard on both the left and right sides of the room.

But what garnered their attention the most wasn't the knights nor the fanciness of the room. It was the throne wherein a man in his forties sat with dignity and majesty. It was the king of Alfrione.

Besides him were two other men. One resembled him but was much younger who was the kingdom's Crown Prince, while the other one was someone of the same age as the king, the Prime Minister.

Without saying anything, Vanessa and Kurt walked towards the King and when they were a certain distance from him, they both kneeled to the ground and bowed their heads. Of course, Yuna and Grey followed suit after them.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. We have returned with the news of completing the task you have bestowed upon us." [Vanessa]

"I'm delighted to hear that. But first of all, I would like to learn the identities of the guests you have brought before me." [King]

"Umm... Your Majesty, they are..." [Vanessa]

Vanessa wanted to answer the King's question but there were too many people in the room. Her eyes kept looking at the knights left and right, then towards the king. She was being cautious.

"I understand.... Knights, take your leave." [King]

Thankfully, the king understood what she was trying to imply and ordered the knights to give them privacy. The knights receiving the order, saluted to the king first before leaving in an orderly manner.

When the knights were finally gone, a deafening silence swallowed the throne room. It was then that Grey and Yuna witnessed a scene which they didn't quite expect to happen in front of them.

"Agh... It's so tiring to act that stiffly..." [King]

"I wholeheartedly agree, Father." [Crown Prince]

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I have to remind you that we still have gー" [Prime Minister]

"Galleus, did you hear something?" [King]

"It might have just been the wind, Father." [Galleus]

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, please take this more seriously!" [Prime Minister]

"Anderson, you're just too serious. Relax a little bit, will you? Also, Vanessa, Kurt, and guests, you can stand now." [King]

As carefree as one can be, the King just simply waved his hand as he ordered Grey and company to loosen up. Along his carefree actions, the Crown Prince was also stretching his body as if he was doing some sort of exercise.

Far from Grey and Yuna's expectations, The King and Crown Prince was just as relaxed as Vanessa was. It shortly made them think that there was something wrong with the Kingdom's higher ups.

For a couple of minutes, the comedy bit between the Prime Minister, the Kinh, and the Crown Prince continued as if there were no other people around. It wasn't until when Kurt faked a cough that they stopped.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Honor, we still have an important business to deal with if you wouldn't mind." [Kurt]

"Ah, right..." [King]

"Thank you, Commander Kurt. Your intervention is as helpful as usual." [Anderson]

"It's my pleasure." [Kurt]

With Kurt's intervention, the three stopped with whatever they were doing and order came back to the throne room. From an outsider's point of view, Kurt seemed like a parent scolding his children.

Not only that, as how it was phrased by the Prime Minister, it wasn't just this time that it happened. There have been countless instances in the past where Kurt had to help out just to return order between the three.

"So, Vanessa, who are these young guests of ours again?" [King]

"Your Majesty, these are Grey and Yuna! The ones I told you who helped us out in subduing Iblis a couple of months ago!" [Vanessa]

"Ohh~! They're just like what you said, they really are young!" [King]

"They're even younger than I am..." [Galleus]

The King and Crown Prince commented as they scrutinized Grey and Yuna from the throne without even blinking once. It was really uncomfortable for the ones subjected to it, but they couldn't really act rudely towards royalty.

Thankfully, they weren't staring at certain parts of Yuna's body. Otherwise, something ugly might have happened in the throne room. It didn't matter to Grey what their positions may be. If they look at Yuna with ill manners and intentions, he will surely give them a good beating.

'Ah, crap! I'm letting my thoughts run wildly again...' [Grey]

Grey had just noticed a few weeks ago, but after they became a couple, not only was he overprotective, he had also become a little bit possessive of Yuna. Thankfully, he wasn't as impulsive as before and could conduct himself properly.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, and Your Honor. I am called Grey, it's our great pleasure to be in your presence." [Grey]

"And I am called Yuna, I am of the same party as Grey. I offer you my sincerest greetings from the bottom of my heart." [Yuna]

"Oh, how rude of us. I am Ernes von Helvor Alfrione, the King of the kingdom of Alfrione. I'm grateful for your help in the raid." [Ernes]

"I feel the same as my father. I am Galleus von Helvor Alfrione, it's nice to meet you, Sir Grey, Lady Yuna." [Galleus]

"Pardon my late introduction, my name is Anderson von Elbourne, the kingdom's current Prime Minister. It's a great pleasure to finally meet the heroes of the kingdom." [Anderson]

Except Kurt and Vanessa who already knew all of the people present, one after another, they gave their own introductions and greeted one another. Though it seemed simple, the people involved were all influential.

As one would expect from being greeted casually by important figures, both Grey and Yuna felt really nervous while doing so. After all, the people in front of them were those who had the authority to move an entire kingdom.

Yuna was especially nervous as she grew up in the aristocratic world of Merusia. While she already had the rank of "Countess" after becoming a B-ranker, it has yet to settle in. For her, she was still a commoner, and as a commoner, it was burdening to the mind to greet such important figures.

"I heard that you were able to take down an opponent as strong as a lesser dragon. Is that true?" [Ernes]

"It is, Your Majesty, but it was just due to mere luck that I managed to do it." [Grey]

"Luck, eh... I see, I see.... But you don't need to act so stiffly, you know. You can be more casual towards us." [Ernes]

"Father's right. We already have enough serious people here. We don't need some more. It's quite tiring." [Galleus]

The Crown Prince grumbled as his eyes shifted back and forth from Anderson to Kurt and then back to Grey and Yuna, obviously implying that the people he was referring to were the two of them.

"That's right, Grey, Yuna. You can act more casually in front of His Majesty and His Highness. They really won't mind." [Vanessa]

And of course, Vanessa didn't let herself have no say in the topic. She really loved sticking her nose into things, and she especially loved pitching in when it was people she cares about who were involved.

But even though they said those words, Grey and Yuna couldn't just adapt as quickly as Vanessa could. But hearing them out did lessen the mental burden on the both of them quite significantly.

"Then we'll do just that, Your Majesty." [Grey]

"Hahaha, now that's more like it!" [Ernes]

The King laughed heartily as soon as he saw Grey and Yuna loosen up. Rather than a King, he acted more like an uncle that they had just met. Both Yuna and Grey were thankful that he was someone whom they could easily get along with.

"Ah, right. Grey, Yuna, how would you like to be rewarded for your efforts? Would you like money, an estate, a title? Just name it, I'll grant it if it is reasonable." [Ernes]

As if he just remembered, the King nonchalantly dropped an important topic to the discussion table. The two they'll have to discuss it sooner or later, but they didn't expect it to be brought up so suddenly.

"Umm... Actually, Your Majesty, me and Yuna had our own personal reasons why we participated in the raid. We don't really need any rewards." [Grey]

"Grey's right. We only participated for our own satisfaction. We really aren't heroes who should be celebrated." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna's words echoing throughout the throne room, the atmosphere and mood suddenly changed into a gloomy and awkward one. Such an atmosphere was only broken when the King opened his mouth.

"Revenge, guilt, entertainment, or whatever the reason may be, it is still a fact that the two of you participated in the raid and destroyed Iblis. You may not realize it but your contributions were something which saved hundreds upon thousands of lives. No matter how you deny it, in my eyes, the both of you are heroes." [Ernes]

To the King's words, everyone else in the room nodded their heads in agreement. After all, if it weren't for the two of them participating, the raid would have been impossible. Thousands of knights and soldiers would have lost their lives.

Grey and Yuna had always felt a little guilty for receiving credits when all they did was fulfill their own goals, but after hearing the King's words, they felt a little pride blooming inside their hearts. Pride for the things that they have done.

"Also, we'll be losing face if you don't accept any rewards, you know. You should at least take the money. That'll be the best for all of us." [Ernes]

Though, such a warm moment was quickly destroyed after Ernes continued with his statement. Well, Grey and Yuna could tell he was half-joking with it. They weren't in any way offended or insulted.

After Grey and Yuna accepted the King's offer, a few minutes were spent thinking what kind of reward will be granted to them. It was then decided that Grey and Yuna would only be taking a monetary reward, like the King had previously suggested.

They were offered the ranks of "Viscount" and "Viscountess", along with the territories which went along with the titles, but they refused it adamantly. The last thing Grey and Yuna wanted was to be tied to the kingdom.

Of course, the King tried his best to convince the two, but it was futile. All it led to was his own disappointment. Though no one could really tell if he really was disappointed since he didn't even sound serious when he was doing so.

"Is this everything we need to sign, Your Majesty?" [Grey]

"Yeah, yeah, that's all there is to it. Though it really is a shame that I can't have you two as my vassals. Really, what a shame it is." [Ernes]

Even after everything was settled, the King still mentioned his previous offer in an attempt to make Grey and Yuna feel a little guilty. Well, he was already just teasing them at that point, with no shred of seriousness.

"Ah, right. Vanessa, you said you've completed the task I've given you, right?" [Ernes]

As if it was as simple as breathing, the King changed the topic without much thought and shifted it to what Vanessa had been talking about earlier. Something Grey and Yuna still have no idea about.

"I did, Your Majesty." [Vanessa]

"So, when are they going to start?" [Ernes]

"I really haven't gotten their consents yet, but you could ask them yourselves, Your Majesty." [Vanessa]

Vanessa responded as her eyes shifted towards Yuna and Grey. It was a sign that confirmed that the two of them were going to receive a direct order from the King himself.

Following Vanessa's eyes, the King's focus was shifted into Grey and Yuna. It took him a few seconds but it immediately clicked the moment he got an inkling of what Vanessa was trying to say.

"I see... They are really more than perfect for the job... So, Grey, Yuna, what do you say about becoming instructors for the Royal Academy's alpha classes?" [Ernes]


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