YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 77: A Chance Encounter

"Whoa~ the hobgoblin can't even hit her!"

"She's going to get full points!"

"Does anyone know her?"

Cheers of astonishment and excitement echoed throughout the whole carnival. The source of such commotion was the entrance where a large gathering of people from all ages could be spotted. Just by a single glance, there were at least 50 heads.

It was already almost sunset yet the cheers of the crowd weren't letting down. Rather, they get louder from time to time like the waves along the shoreline. It was noisy yet strangely amusing.

"What's happening there?" [Yuna]

"Someone's probably doing very well on a game. Wanna check it out?" [Grey]

"Un." [Yuna]

Driven by curiosity, Yuna and Grey joined the gathering and also watched how the game unfolded. Contrary to their expectations, it wasn't a simple game. It was one which made Grey realize once again that he was in a different world.

It was a game wherein a summoner will summon a creature that the player has to defeat. Thankfully, the summoner has full control of the creature, ensuring the safety of the crowd. The summon was a hobgoblin, a G-rank monster.

As for the girl that was participating in the game, she was quite young, about the same as Grey and Yuna. All one needs was a single glance on her movements to tell that she was a student of the Royal Academy.

But there was one thing which intrigued Grey the most. It wasn't that she was good for her age or the fact that she was a beauty, but rather, her facial structure and blonde hair resembled someone he knew.

"She looks familiar..." [Yuna]

It wasn't only Grey. Yuna also had the same thoughts as she adorably tilted her head and scrutinized her as she tried to figure out who the girl was. There was just something about the girl which drew their attention, though they couldn't quite point it out

"Appraー [Grey]

"The hobgoblin is down!"


"That girl is amazing!"

As the summoner declared the girl's victory, the crowd cheered for her loudly and happily. Some even raised their hands. blocking Grey's view of the girl and making it impossible to appraise her.

By the time the crowd cleared, the girl was already gone, and not just her, Yuna was also gone. Grey didn't even notice her leaving his side. She really was worthy of the nickname "Phantom".

"Seriously, where has that girl gone to..." [Grey]

All Grey could do was blame his lack of awareness. He was so caught up with trying to appraise the girl that he lost sight of his girlfriend. Not that it was a problem for him to find her, after all, even if he doesn't use his "Heaven's Eye", Yuna easily stands out from the crowd.

Activating his "Heaven's Eye", Grey scanned the whole carnival as he tried to locate Yuna. When he did, strangely enough, she was with the girl from before. They have already become acquainted with each other.

Grey tried to check again and again if he was seeing things, but that was not the case at all. All he could do was head to where Yuna was and hear everything directly from her.

"Yuna, I've been looking for you. Don't just disappear so suddenly." [Grey]

"Sorry, I just got too curious about Elise that I started following her before I even noticed. Sorry for worrying you." [Yuna]

"It's fine. By the way, you seem to be acquainted already." [Grey]

"Ah, right. Elise, this is Grey, my partner, and Grey, this is Elise , Liz's older sister." [Yuna]

It was then that everything made sense. Now that he heard Yuna's words, he quickly understood whose face he could vaguely see in Elise. After he looked at it again, Elise looked like a grown up version of Eliza.

"I'm Elise von Landevar, it's a pleasure to meet you." [Elise]

"I'm Grey, Yuna's partner. The pleasure is mine." [Grey]

"I heard from Yuna that you once guarded my little sister. I'm really grateful for that. I hope Liz didn't cause too much trouble to you." [Elise]

"Don't worry, Liz was a very obedient girl and we really had fun accompanying her even though it was just for a short time." [Grey]

"I see... I'm glad to hear that..." [Elise]

Elise's eyes were full of longing as she responded to Grey's words. It was apparent that she also missed her little sister. Actually, she was a little jealous that Grey and Yuna spent a lot of time with her.

Unlike her little sister, Elise was very graceful and reserved, just like how a proper lady should be. Even when she became a little crestfallen, she didn't loosen up on her manners and still conducted herself properly.

"Also... I heard about how Liz indirectly called me flat. That girl... I'm going to give her a piece of my mind when she arrives here..." [Elise]

Elise mumbled in a low voice, following her previous words. The longing in her eyes was now gone as if it was just a passing lie. Now, all that was left was anger, anger which also didn't last very long.

What surprised Grey the most was Yuna's ability to tell stories. Rather than the important parts, she managed to tell every little detail even the ones which will get Eliza in trouble.

In his heart, Grey hoped that Eliza would be fine when she meets her older sister again. The face Elise looked when she said those words was not one a lady wears when they were joking.

'Ah, right...' [Grey]

It was then that Grey remembered something he was curious about a little while ago. It wasn't that it must absolutely be answered, but was something that would satisfy his curiosity.

"By the way, Elise, you're a student in the Royal Academy, right?" [Grey]

"I am. And I'm not trying to brag, but I'm in the alpha class of year 2." [Elise]

"Elise is amazing, right?!" [Yuna]

"She is." [Grey]

Relief. That's what Grey felt rather than his curiosity getting satisfied. He was relieved that Yuna got herself an acquaintance in the Royal Academy. After all, Yuna will be the instructor to the very class Elise is part of.

Speaking of classes, the classes in the Royal academy are divided into seven each year. They are the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, and Eta classes in descending order.

The alpha classes only contain 10 students per year, each of them are the brightest and most talented people of their year. Elise being a part of them meant that she was an exceptional genius.

"Oh, it's already getting late. I should get going now. My mother's going to scold me if I go home too late." [Elise]

"Now that you said that, it really is getting dark." [Grey]

"Then how about we all go home together? Your house is in the noble's district, right Elise?" [Yuna]

"Eh?! Yuna and Grey are nobles too?!" [Elise]

Elise jolted in surprise as she looked at Grey and Yuna once again. After taking a closer look, she realized that they were wearing expensive clothing like those she saw from other nobles.

"Are Grey and Yuna perhaps children of high-ranking nobles?" [Elise]

"No, no, no, not at all! We're just commoners!" [Yuna]

"Yuna's right. But right now, we're staying at the Aldridge family's mansion. Missus Veronica was kind enough to let us stay." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna denied Elise's assumption with all their might. They didn't want Elise to treat them differently just because of a simple misunderstanding. It was rare for them to find a friend their age after all.

Though what Elise said wasn't entirely wrong either. Now that Grey and Yuna had received their S-rank privilege cards, they are now nobles who only rank below the King of Alfrione. Not that they want to flaunt it around anyways.

They didn't want things to get awkward with Elise when they just met each other. Their identity may be revealed during the awarding ceremony but there was no need to hurry things.

"So, how about it, Elise?" [Yuna]

"I guess that's fine... It's better than walking home alone anyways." [Elise]

"Un!" [Yuna]

With everything settled, the three of them then went home together. Needless to say, on the way there, the three of them became the center of attention once again, drawing all eyes towards them.

It was even worse for Grey now that Elise was with them. With two beautiful ladies accompanying him, the glares of men became much nastier and sharper than it was in the morning.

"A lot of people sure are looking at us..." [Elise]

"Sorry, it's been like this since this morning." [Yuna]

"This morning? Wait... don't tell me... Are the two of you on a date...?" [Elise]

To Elise's question all Grey and Yuna could do was smile awkwardly. There were no words needed to be said, just their awkward smiles alone was enough for Elise to get a grasp on the situation.

"Sorry, I must have disturbed the two of you." [Elise]

"Ah, it's alright. We were about to go home anyways." [Grey]

"And I was the one who approached you in the first place... Oh, we just arrived at the noble's district's gate!" [Yuna]

Just as Yuna said, in front of the three was a humongous gate with a handful of guards keeping watch. Since the guards already knew of them, they just let them pass without much hassle.

After passing the gates, the three walked leisurely as they chatted happily with one another, most of the topics being centered around Eliza who was their common interest and someone they were all fond of.

"Elise, where have you been!?" [???]

Suddenly, as they were talking merrily, a lady who seemed to be in her late twenties suddenly shouted towards Elise. She was in front of a large mansion, with guards following behind her.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" [???]

"Sorry, Mother, I just happened to run into some friends." [Elise]

But despite looking just as young as Veronica, the lady before them was actually Elise and Eliza's mother. If Elise didn't say anything, Grey and Yuna would have thought she was her older sister or cousin.

"Friends?" [???]

Elise's mother said as she took a peek at Grey and Yuna. Unlike her previous worried and angry expression, she was now calm and filled with curiosity to the people her daughter was calling friends.

"They're Yuna and Grey. I met them at the carnival today." [Elise]

"Good evening." [Grey]

"Good evening." [Yuna]

Grey and Yuna slightly bowed their heads to greet Elise's Mother. Making the latter even more curious towards them.

"Oh, good evening as well. Thank you for accompanying Elise until here. I hope she didn't bother you two too much." [Elise's Mother]

"Actually, we should be the ones saying that. She even got home late because we got her too engaged with our talk." [Grey]

"Sorry for the trouble." [Yuna]

"My, what polite young people you are. Elise, you should surround yourself with people like these. I'm proud that you have friends like these." [Elise's Mother]

"Mother, all my friends are polite!" [Elise]

"Then how about that boy named George?" [Elise's Mother]

"We're not friends! We just happened to be in the same group, and he's really irritating! I can't imagine being friends with him!" [Elise]

Elise protested with an irritated voice, it was apparent how much she hated the boy named "George" that her mother just mentioned. It was to the point she lost her composure at the mere mention of his name.

"Alright, alright, I understand already. I was just reminding you." [Elise's Mother]

"Geez, you're too much of a worrywart, Mother." [Elise]

Elise's temper quickly died down at her mother's words. Though she pouted a little at her mother, one could easily tell that she wasn't mad at all.

Although they were mother and child, Grey and Yunajust can't help thinking that they were sisters. Other than the mother looking so young, with the way they're treating each other, they looked like friends rather than mother and child.

"Oh, right. By the way, Mother, did you know that Grey and Yuna had guarded Liz before?" [Elise]

"Now that you mention it, Fritz did mention that in a letter once... Oh, how could I have forgotten, My name is Eleanora von Landevar, Fritz's wife and mother to Elise and Eliza. I'm grateful for you taking care of Liz." [Eleanora]

"You're welcome." [Grey]

"Un." [Yuna]

"Oh, have you eaten already, Grey, Yuna? If you haven't yet, do you want to have dinner with us?" [Eleanora]

"We'd love to but we'll get scolded if we get home too late." [Grey]

"Missus Veronica might scold us if we get too late." [Yuna]

"That's unfortunate..." [Eleanora]

Eleanora said, clearly looking disappointed. But Grey and Yuna couldn't help but decline her offer. The 5th bell had already rung and it was almost time for dinner. Not only Veronica, the children might get worried about them.

'Well then, we'll get going now, Missus Eleanora, Elise." [Grey]

"It was nice meeting you. See you tomorrow, Elise." [Yuna]

"Take care~" [Elise]

"Let's have dinner next time, okay~?" [Eleanora]

As they waved out their goodbyes to each other, a puzzled expression loomed over Elise as she tried to understand what Yuna meant by her words. It was something she'll only understand tomorrow.

Now that she had become friends with Elise, Yuna couldn't help herself but look forward to tomorrow's class. It will be her and Grey's first time becoming instructors and she is excited for it.

Yuna and Grey then headed back to the Aldridge family's mansion, and since they haven't had the chance to hold hands that much with so many people watching them, while they were walking back home, they linked each other's hands ever so tightly.

Well, rather than linked, it was better to say that their arms were touching one another's. They looked like a super clingy couple. Thankfully, there wasn't anyone watching because of the time and the fact that they were in the noble's district.

Just a few minutes after time struck seven, they finally arrived back at the Aldridge mansion, and contrary to their expectations, Veronica didn't scold them. Rather, she even looked really happy.

"Did the two of you enjoy your date?" [Veronica]

Veronica asked with such a happy smile on her face. Looking at Grey and Yuna, she was reminded of her and Cedric in the past. Now, she wanted to hear about the details of how their date went.

"Un. It was quite fun." [Yuna]

"Well, everything was fun save for the fact that we got a lot of stares directed at us all day." [Grey]

"It was really uncomfortable." [Yuna]

"Fufu. Well, it can't be helped when such a young and gorgeous couple is walking in broad daylight. Why don't wー" [Veronica]

"Whoa, Big Sis Yuna is so pretty! And Big Bro Grey looks so cool!" [Galvin]

"Galvin, stop being so rowdy!" [Elnart]

Veronica couldn't finish her words. Before she could, Galvin barged in on their conversation. Elnart tried to stop him but his effort was in vain. Galvin was just too much for him to handle.

"Oh dear, looks like Vin is already done with his studies." [Veronica]

"Hey, hey, Big Bro Grey, Big Sis Yuna, I helped out at dinner again!" [Galvin]

Galvin declared proudly with his chest puffed out as if he was announcing to the world a very great accomplishment. He was really proud of helping out with making dinner.

"Really? What a good boy you are, Galvin. Keep up the good work." [Yuna]

"Yeah!" [Galvin]

"I also helped out, too..." [Elnart]

Elnart said with a little pouting face as he saw his little brother getting praised by Yuna. He also wanted to be praised like Galvin although he was a little embarrassed saying it outright.

"Of course. Elnart is also a good child." [Yuna]

With just a simple compliment from Yuna, Elnart's mood quickly did a 180. It once again made Grey realize how simple children were. They could easily be cheered up with a little praise.

Well, he couldn't really say that himself. After all, even now that he is an adult, if someone he treasures compliments him, it would also make his day. Especially when that someone was Yuna.

"Speaking of dinner, I was about to invite you two. We already went ahead but I reserved food for the two of you." [Veronica]

"Oh, thank you." [Grey]

"Don't mention it." [Veronica]

"Big Bro Grey, Bis Sis Yuna, please eat what Elder Brother and I cooked!" [Galvin]

"Oh, is it delicious?" [Yuna]

"It is!" [Galvin]

"Okay, then your Big Bro and Big Sis will really enjoy it." [Yuna]

Smiles bloomed on Galvin and Elnart's faces when Yuna patted their heads as she complimented them. The two were over the moon with such simple gestures from Yuna.

With the flow of the conversation continuing like that, all of them then headed to the kitchen where Yuna and Grey ate dinner while Veronica interrogated them about the things that happened on their date.

As for the children, Veronica told them to go to bed. Although Galvin seemed full of energy, he quickly became sleepy when the word "bed" was mentioned. He was still a child, after all.

The dinner that Galvin and Elnart made was also delicious. Well, that's to be expected since professional chefs also took part in cooking it. Still, Grey and Yuna were happy that they put effort into cooking food for them.

After that hearty meal of theirs, Yuna and Grey headed to their room and changed back into their casual outfits. It being more comfortable and much easier to move in, the to easily became relaxed.

"Ahh~ I could finally rest..." [Grey]

"Uh... Umm, Grey..." [Yuna]

Just when Grey hopped on the bed and was about to sleep, Yuna approached him meekly with a flushed face. She was fidgeting a little, obviously wanting to say something to Grey.

"Is something wrong?" [Grey]

"Umm... H... Here..." [Yuna]

Yuna reached out her hand while holding one of the bracelets she won on top of it, making Grey a little confused. He was confused why Yuna was giving him the items she looked at with such treasuring eyes just a few hours ago.

"It's for you..." [Yuna]

"For me?" [Grey]

"Un..." [Yuna]

Still confused as to what was going on, Grey silently received the bracelet from Yuna's hands. All while trying to figure out why Yuna was so flustered, which he only realized after seeing the other bracelet in Yuna's wrist.

 "Sorry... Although, it's my first gift to you, it's nothing compared the necklaー" [Yuna]

Before Grey even realized it, his body moved on its own and embraced Yuna as if there was no tomorrow. His heart was beating insanely quickly, it could explode at any moment. He was really happy.

"Thank you. I'll treasure it." [Grey]

"Un..." [Yuna]

Although it was usually the man who was supposed to be the one who should give something to his girlfriend on their first date, what ended up happening was the opposite. In spite of that, Grey's heart wouldn't stop pounding madly.

It was one of the happiest moments of his life that he was sure he would never forget. He just couldn't stop embracing Yuna, wishing every day would be as happy as today, full of happiness and warmth.


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