YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 81: End of the First Day

Donggggg Donggggg Donggggg

A deep resonant sound echoed throughout the whole academy and into the vast blue sky. The noises have settled down and the students have started to disperse.mIt was already late in the afternoon, and the time to go home has arrived.

"Alright, that will be all for today. Any questions?" [Grey]

"None~" "None!" "Nothing."

Answering Grey's question, the voices of the students overlapped with one another's. The way they expressed their answers were varying but they were similar in essence. All were evidently excited to go home.

Even though Grey put them through the wringer in the morning, the students just got along with him during the afternoon. His teaching style and new theories were something which captured the students' attention.

The students also learnt about spiritual energy, which other than Grey and Yuna, Eliza was the only other person to know. Linking the relationship of spiritual energy and mana to that of magnets, the students were able to get a tighter grasp on mana than they previously had.

"Then you're all dismissed. See you again tomorrow." [Grey]

"Bye, Instructor~" "See you tomorrow, Instructor." "Bye~!"

Upon being dismissed, everyone in the classroom stood up and left energetically with smiles blooming on their faces. Well everyone except Julius and Amelia who was waiting for Grey to clean up.

The three have gotten closer after the lunch they had together. Julius and Amelia had also stopped addressing Grey and Yuna as "Instructor" when they were not in class. The same went for Elise and Elaine.

It was also revealed during their lunch that Julius and Amelia were actually engaged to one another. Amelia came from the Redlocke Ducal household so it wasn't strange that they have that sort of relationship.

Thriving in an aristocratic society, political marriage between nobles isn't uncommon in Merusia. But even though they were tied into a political marriage at first, Julius and Amelia are lovers through and through, just as intimate as Grey and Yuna when the two of them are alone together.

"Grey, wanna go home with us?" [Julius]

"I'd like to but I still have reports to make. Also... wouldn't you hate it when other people tag along on your way home together with your fiancée?" [Grey]

"Hey! I'm not that petty!" [Julius]

Julius lashed out on Grey with a flustered face. As for Amelia, she was bright red and was as acting shy as Yuna when she was also embarrassed, not being able to deny Grey's words.

"Sure, sure, you aren't. Anyway, like I said, I really can't do that right now. I still have to meet with the Headmaster and report about today's events." [Grey]

"Haaah... Such a shame... Then, we'll be going first. Bye~." [Julius]

"See you tomorrow, Grey." [Amelia]

"Yeah, take care." [Grey]

After bidding their farewells, Julius and Amelia slowly exited the room and headed to wherever they were going to head, leaving Grey alone to check the documents and make sure everything was accounted for.

As for Julius and Amelia, they were actually going to head home at first, but after Grey declined their offers, they then decided to head to the carnival to have some fun. It was, of course, Julius' idea, but that's a story for another day.

After closing up the classroom, Grey then headed to Yuna's assigned class to get her. There, he saw her chatting friendly with Elise and Elaine, as if they were in their own world. A girl's world that is.

"Yuna." [Grey]

"Oh, Grey, you're here!" [Yuna]

"Hello, Grey." [Elise]

"Hello~" [Elaine]

Yuna on the lead, the three ladies greeted Grey with a wave of their hands the moment they saw him. In response, Grey also waved his hand accordingly as he approached them slowly.

The way Yuna interacted with Elise and Elaine, one would think that they have been friends for a long time already. Although they have only known each other for less than a day, they were already addressing each other with great familiarity.

"Are we going to the headmaster now?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. I came to get you." [Grey]

"Elise, Elaine, see you tomorrow~!" [Yuna]

"Bye, Yuna~!" [Elise]

"See you tomorrow~." [Elaine]

With sweet smiles plastered on their faces, both Elise and Elaine waved their hands goodbye to Yuna as they saw her coming towards Grey. They then slowly vanished in the long hallway.

A surge of warmth bloomed inside Grey's heart as he warmly watched the interaction between the three. Yuna has managed to get more friends during the first day. He felt like a proud father rather than a boyfriend.

"Grey, is there something on your mind?" [Yuna]

"No, nothing. Nothing at all." [Grey]

Grey said as he patted Yuna's head gently, and as the person subjected to it, Yuna became a little puzzled from Grey's sudden gesture. But well, it was something she enjoyed Grey doing.

"By the way, Yuna, what were you talking about with Elise and Elaine before I came? You seem to be having fun." [Grey]

"Oh, it was about food, desserts, and some other stuff..." [Yuna]

Yuna answered as she counted with her fingers, recalling the topics she talked about with Elise and Elaine. Yuna's eyes were sparkling brightly as she talked about it like a little child telling her mother what happened at school.

Though they all started with Eliza, whom they all knew, their topics slowly shifted to other things as they got closer. And since Yuna was involved, those topics soon turned to that related to food.

"I see... Oh, speaking of food, what would you like for dinner tonight? Let's celebrate our first day as instructors a little." [Grey]

"Really?! Then let's have curry. hamburg steak, omelette, beef stew, fried rice, roast pork, andー" [Yuna]

"Wait, wait, wait! Yuna, aren't there too many?!" [Grey]

"Don't worry, we can finish it all! Please, Grey, please~!" [Yuna]

Yuna pleaded with eyes full of innocence. It was something similar to Galvin and Eliza's pleas, something Grey couldn't stand against. Well, even if she didn't, Grey would still have granted her request anyway.

Well, there was also the fact that they really could finish all of them, and since it was still about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they will have all the time they need to prepare and cook them. There weren't any problems.

"Haah... Alright, I'll cook all of them, but you also have to help me out." [Grey]

"Yaa~ay!" [Yuna]

Yuna jumped for joy as soon as she heard Grey's words. If it weren't for the fact that they were still in public grounds, she would have hugged him out of pure happiness. Thankfully, she managed to restrain herself.

As for Grey, he was reflecting on himself if he was spoiling Yuna too much. There weren't that many people he could compare himself to so he really wasn't sure, though he does have a feeling that he really was spoiling Yuna.

After that short exchange of theirs, the two of them headed to the Headmaster's office where they witnessed the Headmaster dealing with a mountain load of paperwork on top of his desk. A familiar situation for Grey.

"Sorry for the mess. I hope it doesn't bother you two too much. There's just too much work to do." [Arnelius]

"Don't worry, we understand your circumstances. Right, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un. But... are you always this busy, Headmaster?" [Yuna]

"Not really. It's because of the terrorist attack a few weeks ago. Because of it, the paperwork that the injured instructors were supposed to finish was left to me to take care of. It's been like this ever since." [Arnelius]

The Headmaster said as he gently massaged his temples, a look of exhaustion evident on his haggard face. It has been weeks since he started yet there was no end in sight, only a mountain load of paperwork.

Other than Guildmaster Althea's situation, it reminds Grey of the project he had back on Earth when he was a college student. It made him sleep deprived for days. It made him sympathize with the headmaster in his situation.

"So... how was your first day at the academy?" [Arnelius]

"It was fun! The students were very obedient and attentive. I really enjoyed being an instructor today!" [Yuna]

"It was the same for me. Although it felt a bit weird at first, the more time passed, the more I enjoyed it. It was a good experience for the both of us." [Grey]

"I see... I'm glad to hear that. That's the best news I've heard today." [Arnelius]

The headmaster still managed to pull off a smile although the exhaustion on his face was evident. He was trying his best to entertain Grey and Yuna, even though he looked like he might collapse at any moment.

If it was any other instructor, the Headmaster wouldn't have done so much. Grey and Yuna was a special case, not only because they were S-rankers, but because they were assigned by the King himself. He needed to mind his manners with them although the two in question were fine with him being casual.

"Recuperate" [Grey]

Just as he did with Althea and Fritz before, Grey extended his hand out to the Headmaster's direction and casted recovery magic towards him, producing a warm and gentle light in the process.

Mana particles exited Grey's palm and warm blobs of light formed before them. As if they were just illusions, they melted into the Headmaster's body gently, healing his tired and aching body.

"What was tー huh...? Somehow, my body feels much lighter than before..." [Arnelius]

Commented the Headmaster as he checked out his body by rotating his shoulders and twisting his torso left and right. He looked much more energetic than before, even his facial expressions brightened up.

"Instructor Grey, did you do this?" [Arnelius]

"Yeah, I hope it helped you out even a little." [Grey]

"A little? There is more than a little! Thanks to you, I am feeling much better now! It was as if my fatigue just melted away from my body." [Arnelius]

The Headmaster continued to check out his body as he punched the air time and time again in quick succession. Of course, Grey and Yuna reminded him to not overexert himself too much.

"I'm glad to hear that, but please don't overwork yourself just because you feel better. It would be a problem if you collapsed suddenly." [Grey]

"Un. Headmaster, please take care of your body." [Yuna]

"Hahahaha, you worry too much, you two. Don't worry, I know my body's limits better than anyone else. I'll rest whenever I have the time for it." [Arnelius]

The Headmaster reassured Grey and Yuna as he took his seat and temporarily set aside the paperwork on top of his table. He then invited Grey and Yuna to have a seat so that they could start their short meeting.

For a few minutes, the Headmaster, Yuna, and Grey talked about some things which had occurred during their first day. The Headmaster then dismissed the two so that he could continue with his work.

"Yuna~! Grey~!" [Elise]

Grey and Yuna were about to head out of the Royal Academy when two familiar figures waved to them by the academy's front gates. They were Elise and Elaine who looked like they were waiting for some time already.

"I thought you two went home already." [Grey]

"Well, it's still some time from nightfall so we thought we'd wait for the two of you to finish and head home together. Right, Elaine?" [Elise]

"Yes. We also wanted to continue our chat with Yuna." [Elaine]

Elise and Elaine explained themselves as they approached Yuna with excited faces, obviously wanting to continue their chat even when Grey was present. It made Grey feel a little left out.

"Is it really okay to continue your talk though? I'll be able to hear it if you do." [Grey]

"It's alright, Grey. It isn't anything secret anyways." [Elise]

"Like I told you before, we were only talking about food and desserts. You could even join us if you want." [Yuna]

"Yeah, that would be great!" [Elaine]

Grey felt a little overwhelmed hearing the three ladies' statements. It was so different from when Yuna chatted with Helen which was usually about romance or girly things. He felt a little conflicted.

Even when Grey was still back on Earth, most of the girl talks he accidentally overheard were about romance or gossip. It was especially true in the stereotypes he saw in dramas and fictional works. If there was one which involved food, it would usually be about recently famous sweets.

Grey thought a little about it, but after remembering Yuna was a part of them, he immediately gave up on thinking too much about it. If there was something Grey could consider his rival for Yuna's love, it would be food. A very strong opponent.

"Alright, I'll join you." [Grey]

"Great!" [Elise]

After agreeing to join in on their little talk, the four of them then started heading back towards the noble's district, all while chatting merrily about various topics, mostly encompassing food.

Throughout the whole time, Grey felt a little conflicted about what to feel towards Yuna's love for food. Though he knew it was so petty of him, he just couldn't stop feeling a little envious after seeing how bright Yuna's smiles were.

"Grey, you were the one who made the pudding, right?" [Elise]

"Yeah, why?" [Grey]

Elise's question managed to pull Grey back into reality. He answered Elise's question with another question, one full of curiosity why Elise would bring up such a topic.

"Nothing really... I'm just thinking how lucky Yuna is, being able to eat it anytime she wants..." [Elise]

"Right...? Uuu... I'm so jealous..." [Elaine]

"It must have been nice to have a boyfriend like Grey. Right, Yuna?" [Elise]

"Eh, why so sudden?" [Yuna]

Out of nowhere, the topic shifted from something food-related to something romance-related. Although both topics had a lot of flavors, there was a significant difference between the two.

Hearing their words, Grey felt a little proud being complimented for his good cooking. Though he also felt a little conflicted once again when a sudden thought entered his mind. A thought that his cooking was what made Yuna fall for him.

"Yuna... You're such a beauty. It must have been easy, huh..." [Elise]

"Instructor! Please teach us your ways!" [Elaine]

Elaine and Elise said as they each clung to Yuna's arms, making Yuna embarrassed since they were still out in the open. And it was safe to say that they became really conspicuous with their display.

"Eh?! W-W-Wait, please stop! It's embarrassing!" [Yuna]

"No, we're not letting go until you tell us!" [Elise]

"Y-Yeah!" [Elaine]

Both said boldly even though it was evident in their faces that they were also pretty embarrassed. They just kept drawing more and more attention as they walked in the streets with such loud voices.

As for Grey, he just stayed quiet, not wanting to be involved with the girls. Having been under Vanessa's whims, he knew full well how terrifying girls could be. Unfortunately for him, his wish wasn't fulfilled.

"By the way, Grey, how did you confess to Yuna?"[Elise]

After interrogating Yuna, Elise and Elaine focused their attention on Grey who has been keeping quiet the entire time. Their eyes looked like that of predators ready to pounce on their prey.

As for Yuna who was the target of their interrogation, she looked extremely worn out by what the cousins did to her. She was grasping for her breath, all while struggling to remain standing.

"I heard you confessed in the Labyrinth of Gale." [Elise]

"Grey, please tell us in full detail!" [Elaine]

Whilst asking such questions, the two of them closed in on Grey from both sides, ensuring that he wouldn't be able escape no matter where he tried to go. A tense atmosphere came boring down towards Grey.

"U... Umm... Please go easy on me..." [Grey]

Grey became powerless in front of the two. Although it just lasted for less than 20 minutes, it felt like he was in hell for a long time. It made him feel tired, more exhausted than fighting in the labyrinth for a whole day.

Grey was almost collapsed to the ground when they finished. As for Elise and Elaine, they looked really satisfied after it. It made Grue realize how much girls loved talks and gossip. Girls were frightening in their own ways.

"Waah~ Confessing in the labyrinth~ While it isn't the the most ideal place, Yuna must have been so happy." [Elise]

"Aww... I also want to be confessed to, and I want a passionate one if possible! I want to experience love as well!" [Elaine]

"I wonder how it would feel... I also want to receive one... A confession, that is... I wonder how dating feels too..." [Elise]

The cousins got lost in their own world as they imagined a romantic scenario where they would be confessed to. Thankfully, they were already in the noble's district so there weren't that many people around.

Seeing their actions and expression, a sudden question floated above Grey's mind. It was something he had wondered the moment Elise and Elaine interrogated Yuna, and solidified after seeing their current state.

"Hm? Don't you have fiancés, Elise, Elaine?" [Grey]

The moment Grey's question rang inside Elise and Elaine's ears, the two immediately froze as if they were statues and their eyes changed into a different color as some tears formed. Grey had stepped on a landmine.

While nobles usually get engaged at an early age, not all noble households follow this culture. The Geldoria and Landevar households were a good example of this. They were families who usually married later than their peers.

Elise and Elaine's parents wanted them to marry someone they love, which is good for them. But in exchange, they weren't allowed to date until they finish with their studies and graduate.

To two teenage girls who were dreaming of romance, such a condition resulted in them being single their whole lives. Even when they were very beautiful, it was no use since they weren't even allowed to date.

Of course, there were boys who fell for them, but being the prideful nobles that they were, they didn't have any courage to confess to them. The reason was simple, it was because Elise and Elaine were at the top of their years. They couldn't reach them no matter how hard they tried.

While Elise and Elaine think it's unfair to them, there was nothing they could do other than obey their parents and work hard. Though because of them working hard, the gap between them and the boys chasing after them only became larger. It was an endless cycle.

Grey received the brunt of Elise and Elaine's frustration as tears trickled down the faces of the two ladies. Grey had brought up something he shouldn't have, and suffered because of it.

"Grey, there are things you shouldn't bring up so carelessly. A maiden's heart is very fragile, you know?" [Elise]

"That's right, Grey! You shouldn't bring up such topics so easily!" [Elaine]

"S... Sorry..." [Grey]

For several minutes, Grey was scolded by Elise and Elaine without break. And while he was being subjected to that, Yuna only remained quiet in the background as she too understood where Elaine and Elise were coming from.

It was on this day that Grey learnt how he should be careful with his words, especially around girls. He once again learnt how terrifying women can be in ways more than one.


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