YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 84: A Pain and a Serious Pan

The wind was still and so there was barely any noise to be heard. The Headmaster's office was blanketed in a tranquil and silent atmosphere. Peace was all over the place as the Headmaster continued his work.

Yet, despite how quiet the office was, just a few hundred meters from it, it was the exact opposite. Constant screams of students as they were chased around by monsters echoed throughout the training ground. It was pandemonium.

While he was a little concerned about the new instructors' training regime, the Headmaster couldn't really say anything as it was a very effective method. A far more effective method that any teaching style the Royal Academy had ever used.

The Headmaster's eyes were glued to the students as he watched them struggle against opponents much stronger than them, all while being watched by their new instructora just a few dozen meters away from them.

"Practical training, huh..." [Arnelius]

The Headmaster mumbled to himself as he continued to watch the students' training. And when his curiosity was satisfied, the Headmaster took his seat and then continued to work with the paperwork.

Three days ago, the Headmaster received a summon from the King. The summon was of course in relation to the new instructors for the Royal Academy which will temporarily replace the injured instructors.

As the Headmaster, it was Arnelius' responsibility to answer the summons, and so he went to the castle as soon as he finished with his work. It was already almost evening by the time he arrived.

During his way to the castle, there was one thing that bothered the Headmaster greatly. It was the fact that he had to be summoned rather than being told by a messenger. It was then that his intuition told him that there was something more to it than just a simple summon.

Another thing was that he was not summoned to the throne room. Rather, he was summoned in a more private room much deeper into the castle. It meant that it was going to be something along the lines of a great secret.

"Ernes, I'm here. What's this summon all about?" [Arnelius]

"Hahaha, still as casual as ever, huh, my friend." [Ernes]

"Well, it's just the two of us anyway. And didn't you hate formalities? Don't tell me you've actually become a proper king now." [Arnelius]

"Hey, I'm still a king, you bastard! At least show some respect!" [Ernes]

"Sure, sure, You Majesty... So, why did you call me?" [Arnelius]

From serious to casual to serious again, the atmosphere in the room after the Headmaster entered changed frequently. It was because there were no prying eyes around that they were able to be so casual.

"Well, take a look at these." [Ernes]

The King handed the Headmaster a file as he drank a little glass of alcohol with the other hand. It was a file which contained information about the temporary instructors which will serve the Royal Academy for three weeks.

Upon receiving the file, the Headmaster quickly scanned through its content and found nothing unusual. All the new instructors were knights, adventurers, or former ones. All were at least at F-rank with three even at D-rank.

"Hmm... They all look decent, but... aren't there too few of them? There are still two slots empty." [Arnelius]

"That's why I called you here." [Ernes]

Said the King as he handed another file. It was much thinner and only contained two pages, each of which contained information about a new instructor. They were for the alpha classes of years 2 and 3.

Only a few moments after reading it, the Headmaster's eyes quickly widened in shock after seeing their information. While them being young played a part in his shock, what really did it was the fact that the new instructors were S-rankers. Both of them were S-rankers.

They weren't by any means normal. They were people beyond the words "genius" and "prodigies" could describe. They were many levels higher than the cadets that the Royal Academy boasts.

"Ernes, this is..." [Arnelius]

"I know how you feel, Arnelius. That's the reason why I summoned you here. I know that it's already obvious, but let me tell this straight to you... Never, at all cost, let either of them be offended." [Ernes]

The King's words were quickly engraved into the Headmaster's heart. It was the first time he saw the King act so seriously, and knowing what his usual self was, it gave him a little bit of a shock. But he could fully understand where he was coming from.

Alfrione's military power could only boast one A-ranker, five B-rankers, and a little more than a hundred C-rankers. Even if the kingdom asks the help of retired officers and uses all their forces, they will have no chance of beating two S-rankers.

If those two S-rankers were to be offended and run wild, it could cause the kingdom's destruction and the death of millions of innocent citizens. The Kingdom of Alfrione will be wiped clean off the map in just a matter of years.

"Arnelius, I want you to make sure that that never happens. The fate of Alfrione lies on your shoulders." [Ernes]

"I understand." [Arnelius]

With no other choice to take, Arnelius accepted the burden and went back to the Royal Academy. Just the thought of the responsibility alone made him restless and prevented him from sleeping peacefully for days.

Due to his nervousness, during his first time meeting the said S-rankers, his face froze with a menacing smile and he subconsciously released his aura. Thankfully, he was able to laugh it off and prevent the worst case scenario.

When Beldon's spoiled brat started speaking rubbish about them, the Headmaster really thought it was the end of Alfrione. He was so nervous that he felt like his life had been shaved by a couple of years. Fortunately, the incident was quickly resolved.

Knock Knock Knock

Just as the Headmaster was recalling the recent happenings in his life, a gentle knocking echoed throughout his office. It made him snap back to reality and stopped his flashbacks.

"Headmaster, someone is looking for you."

"Tell them I'm busy with filling out the paperwork. Let them make an appointment if they want to meet me." [Arnelius]

"I already told them that but..."

The staff member's showed signs of trouble as she tried to explain things to the Headmaster. Just from her actions alone, the Headmaster was able to determine what the situation was.

While he was the Headmaster of the Royal Academy, his social status in the kingdom is not amongst the ranks of what one would call as influential. There were still people that he couldn't just turn away.

"I understand. Lead them to the conference room. I'll be meeting them shortly, I'll just fix myself." [Arnelius]

"Yes, Headmaster."

The staff bowed her head and then left to carry on with the task the Headmaster gave to her. She looked somewhat pale as she walked away, clearly fearing the status of the people who wanted to meet the Headmaster.

After changing his attire into something more formal and presentable, the Headmaster then headed to the conference room. As soon as he entered the conference room, what greeted him were two women who were nothing but trouble.

One of the women was the wife of Marquess Beldon, wearing a ridiculously gaudy outfit, while the other one was one of her servants, who was also wearing some expensive jewelry.

"A pleasant afternoon, Marchioness Beldon. How may I serve you?" [Arnelius]

"Don't act like you know nothing! You were there when it happened!" [M. Beldon]

Although the Headmaster greeted her with utmost politeness and respect, the Marchioness immediately went on the offensive and lashed out in response to his question while yelling.

The Headmaster was greatly irritated by the Marchioness' difficult attitude but he needed to endure it. The fate and reputation of the academy could crumble in one single mistake.

"Pardon my rudeness, but what might Her Excellency mean by that?" [Arnelius]

"Are you stupid?! I am talking about how one of your new instructors ridiculed my son in front of everyone!" [M. Beldon]

Irked veins popped in the Headmaster's face as he tried to control his anger after hearing the Marchioness' words. After all, what happened was the opposite. It was her son who ridiculed them.

"Pardon me, Your Excellency, but no such thing happened. Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding." [Arnelius]

"Are you calling my son a liar?!" [M. Beldon]

"Pardon this one if I implied such. What I was trying to imply waー" [Arnelius]

"I don't want to hear any excuses from you! My son is not a liar!" [M. Beldon]

The Headmaster was near his limits with the Marchioness' belittling attitude. If it weren't for the fact that she was a Marchioness and that he was the Headmaster, he would have retaliated already.

No matter how hard the Headmaster tried to reason with the Marchioness, all his efforts were futile. The Marchioness wouldn't listen to him and was stubborn on her stance, not budging a little bit.

"I want you to fire her from the academy, and I don't want to hear any nonsensical reasoning! That is final!" [M. Beldon]

Or so the Marchioness said, but no matter which angle one would look, the one who was nonsensical and unreasonable was her. She was the type of person who is blinded by pride and power.

It also didn't help that the servant the Marchioness brought with her was also looking down on the Headmaster. The disgusting smile she tried to hide and the irritating look on her face made the Headmaster choke the living soul out of her.

Thankfully, the Headmaster has a lot of patience and could endure such humiliation, otherwise, the current scene would have been much quieter but uglier, something no one would want to see.

"I'm afraid I can't do so, Your Excellency." [Arnelius]

"You can't what?! Do you know who I am?! I am a marchioness! Do you understand that, you peasant?! I am a marchioness!" [M. Beldon]

"Then in return, let me ask you this... Do you know who was the one who employed her to the academy?" [Arnelius]

A threatening glare issued from the Headmaster as he uttered those words. His eyes were cold and menacing that even the prideful and arrogant Marchioness jolted at his sudden change of attitude.

"I-I couldn't care less about who they are! I want you to fire that instructor right here, right now!" [M. Beldon]

"I understand." [Arnelius]

"Took you long enough. This is the problem with you peasants. With your minuscule brains, it takes long for you to understanー" [M. Beldon]

"Then I shall relay your complaints to His Majesty." [Arnelius]

"His Majesty?" [M. Beldon]

When the Headmaster mentioned the King, the annoying marchioness immediately became perplexed and her face became cramped in shock. Not just hers but also of the servant's behind her.

The Headmaster had never really used the King's name to threaten people. This was the first time he did, and unsurprisingly, it had a great effect on them. It made her completely change her attitude.

Just the mere mention of the King was already enough to scare the living lights out of them. The Headmaster could only begin to imagine their reactions if the King was informed of the scandal.

"W-What does His Majesty have to do with this?!" [M. Beldon]

"His Majesty was the one who employed that instructor. In other words, it was a royal order from His Majesty himself." [Arnelius]

With that statement added, the Marchioness and the servant's faces turned from pale to ghastly white. Not to mention they were starting to sweat profusely as despair started to creep in their hearts.

"Shall I write a letter stating such, Your Excellency?" [Arnelius]

"O-On second thought, I think I need to still clarify what George meant by what he said. Rita, do I have an appointment today?" [M. Beldon]

"Y-Yes, Madam. You have a meeting with the landscaper today." [Rita]

"Then, If you would excuse us, Headmaster, I still have an appointment to attend to. I hope I can invite you for tea some time." [M. Beldon]

The Marchioness gave an excuse with her servant helping her out. They were still sweating profusely, and their faces were barely struggling to maintain a smile after learning about the King's involvement in the matter.

"I would love to do that. Maybe when I have some spare time, Your Excellency." [Arnelius]

A large smile was showing on the Headmaster's face as he said those words, but he didn't mean any of his words. He would rather die than attend a tea party with the arrogant Marchioness before him.

Of course, the Headmaster also wasn't just going to let the matter go. He would surely write a report to the King after his duties are finished. After all, the Marchioness' recklessness could have cost the fate of the kingdom.

"Well then, we'll be going now." [M. Beldon]

"Please take care on your way to your appointment." [Arnelius]

"We will." [M. Beldon]

With her servant opening the door for her, the Marchioness left after showing a gentle-looking smile to the Headmaster. Her servant also followed suit and then exited the room after her.

"Tch! That peasant headmaster will have his day!" [M. Beldon]

A low voice coming from the hallway echoed throughout the conference room. The owner of the voice was undoubtedly the annoying Marchioness who has been totally defeated by the Headmaster.

Of course, the Headmaster heard the Marchioness' cursing loud and clear. The only thing he wished was that she keep her voice down if she was going to curse him. It only made his day more bitter.

'Haah... What an annoying lady... I think I need a week-long vacation...' [Arnelius]


"Instructoooor! Please have mercy!"



Screams filled the training ground as the students tried to fight back against the monsters Yuna summoned. Their ratio was 2:1 with the monsters double the number of the students.

Some of the students tried to run away from the battle, so as a solution, Yuna erected a wall of ice on the training grounds. The walls were at least 20 meters high and were cold enough to the point it would give blisters to those who happened to touch it.

Although they were complaining and screaming almost all the time, the students were actually fighting back, and with a little bit of cooperation, they were able to take a few monsters down time after time.

Currently, there are only 8 high orcs left. About half of which have already sustained quite the amount of damage. With a few more blows from the students, they would be quickly taken care of.

"Geyser!" [Elise]

"Lightning Bolt!" [Elaine]

With Elise and Elaine's attack, two high orcs were pushed towards each other and the water from the attack drenched both of them whole. The high orcs were about to recover from the attack when lightning came down from the sky and electrocuted them into ash.

Yuna was happily and carefully observing her students from afar when she quickly detected a mana spike in the vicinity. Not only mana, the temperature in the surroundings also spiked with it.

⟨⟨Fire Trident!⟩⟩

Out of nowhere, a mid-level fire-attribute spell broke through Yuna's wall of ice and annihilated five high orcs on its path. It was like an unstoppable spear which destroyed everything on its path.

Strangely enough, the spell came straight towards Yuna and so, none of the students were hurt. It was so unprecedented that Yuna canceled all of her summons and turned them back to mana.

⟨⟨Barrier!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Of course, it went without saying that Yuna was able to defend against such an attack with just a simple barrier. While it was strong enough to kill the high orca in a single strike, it was something which won't even threaten Yuna.

"Cough, cough, what happened..,?"

"What was that?! It just came out of nowhere!"

"Is anybody hurt?!"

The students and Yuna searched the vicinity for the source of the spell, and when they found it, or rather, her, all of them were shocked by it. It was none other than the unpredictable Vanessa.

"Yuna~!" [Vanessa]

Vanessa waved her hand happily while wearing a large blooming smile on her face. And like usual, she greeted Yuna with a large and warm embrace which, also like usual, almost suffocated Yuna.

"B-Big Siー I mean, Lady Vanessa, what are you doing here?!" [Yuna]

"You can just call me Big Sis, you know? And I just came here to see you. I'm getting a little lonely so I wanted to see my cute Yuna!" [Vanessa]

"I... I see... No! That's not the point! What you did was dangerous! Someone could have been hurt!" [Yuna]

"But everyone is safe, aren't they?" [Vanessa]

Yuna tried to protest against Vanessa but with how she reasoned it out, her protest instantly became useless. Vanessa's mind was just too absurd for Yuna or anyone to comprehend.

Vanessa was so happy to see Yuna that she completely forgot to mask her real self. The students who were witnessing Vanessa's real personality were in great shock after seeing how carefree and mischievous she was.

"Haah... Everyone. You can take a break for now. We'll continue once you've rested well enough." [Yuna]

"Yay!" "Finally!" "Thank God!"

The students cheered as they collapsed to the ground. Some were so happy that tears started flowing out of their eyes. Some were even thanking Vanessa for arriving at the training grounds.

"Um, Big Sis Vanessa, what are you really doing here?" [Yuna]

"Didn't I say I just wanted to see you?" [Vanessa]

"Is that really all there is?" [Yuna]

When Yuna asked that question, Vanessa's eyes quickly went swimming in directions away from Yuna's eyes, only proving that it wasn't just as simple as what she was trying to imply.

"Big Sis Vanessa..." [Yuna]

"Alright! Alright! I came here to have a match with you!" [Vanessa]

It was only when Yuna stared at her very intensely that Vanessa gave her real reason, but even when she did, Yuna was still completely stumped and shocked by how unreasonable Vanessa's reasoning was.

Although Vanessa knew full well that she didn't stand a chance against Yuna, with the gap in their threat levels, she still wanted to fight against her. In simpler words, she was a battle junky.

"Ever since I met you and Grey, I've always wanted to have a bout against each of you! Now is the perfect moment for it!" [Vanessa]

"Wait, wait, wait! I still have work to do. And not to mention that you're pregnant right now! There's no way I'll accept it!" [Yuna]

"Please, Yuna~! If that's what's bothering you then we can do it without moving. We can just fire spells towards each other!" [Vanessa]

"No! That's still too dangerous for your baby!" [Yuna]

"Plea~se!! I'm begging you!!" [Vanessa]

Yuna refused with all her might but Vanessa didn't back down either. she went over the top once again and clung to Yuna with all her might. Needless to say, they garnered everyone's attention. It was really embarrassing for Yuna.

"Vanesaaaa!!" [Edward]

While Vanessa tried to convince Yuna, a loud and hoarse familiar voice suddenly boomed throughout the training grounds. The owner of the said voice was none other than the kingdom's General.

Wearing a very angry expression on his already scary face, the General approached Vanessa steadily, and when the latter was inside his range, he grabbed her ear and pinched it tightly.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" [Vanessa]

"What are you thinking, skipping out on your job?! Just because you're pregnant, it doesn't mean you can skip out!" [Edward]

"Sorry, please let me go..." [Vanessa]

"Not until we get back to the castle and you learn your lesson! You're not going to fool me with those innocent eyes again." [Edward]

"Yuna~, save meee!" [Vanessa]

Although Yuna can easily overwhelm the general on her own, she didn't want to help Vanessa out. It was because if she did, there wasn't a single speck of doubt that she would be bothering them.

A few moments after that, Vanessa and the General were out of sight from Yuna and the students. Everyone who was a witness to such a scene couldn't describe what just happened before them. They were all at a loss for words.

"Umm... Let's just forget that that ever happened, okay?" [Yuna]

""""Y... Yes..."""

As if nothing ever happened, the students' training continued until dismissal time. It was an eventful and productive day for all of them. An unforgettable day for sure.


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