YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 89: The King’s Summon

The cheers and bustling noises of the populace echoed towards the vast blue sky and into all sorts of directions and the smell of steaming foods wafted the marketplace as the sun reigned proudly at its zenith.

By the time Fritz's lengthy and tedious lecture ended, it was already noontime, and as usual, Yuna and Grey were the ones who cooked lunch for everyone as per Elise and Elaine's previous request.

Although neither Grey nor Yuna hate the idea of cooking for somebody else, the two seemed like they have become some kind of part-time cooks, and without pay as well. They already have enough money that they don't know what to do with it.

As for their lunch, Grey and Yuna decided to cook zebra crab stew, chicken filets, hamburg steak, spicy curry, beef skewers, and of course, rice to accompany them. There was also the juice and smoothies which had yet to be finished.

As for the meat they used, they only made use of normal ingredients from the mansion's pantry. Fritz didn't allow them to use precious ingredients without much thought a second time.

With the dishes at hand (inside Grey's "Inventory") Yuna and Grey returned to the garden table where everyone was waiting for them. The children were especially excited to have lunch and enjoy a meal with everyone.

"Elder Sister Yuna, Older Brother Grey, what are we having for lunch?" [Eliza]

"You'll find out soon, but have you washed your hands yet?" [Yuna]

"Un! I did!" [Eliza]

"Me too!" [Galvin]

Following Eliza, Galvin also raised both of his hands with extreme enthusiasm, trying to show Yuna that he already had them washed cleanly. Elnart also followed along, albeit more timidly.

"My~ What good children you are!" [Yuna]

Yuna said, patting their heads gently as if giving them a reward and the children received it with delightful expressions evident in their faces. Especially Galvin, the youngest one among them.

"Then, shall we have lunch? We had already set the table." [Elise]

"Ah, be there in a second." [Grey]

With the plates and eating utensils ready, Grey slowly retrieved the dishes he and Yuna cooked and served them on the garden table. They were still smoking hot and the drinks were still chilled.

Elise and Eliane's eyes searched for certain things but failed to find them. They were looking for desserts, but since they didn't find any, they soon focused their attention on the smoothies and grabbed some for themselves.

"""""Thank you for the meal!"""""

Their voices in unison, everybody grabbed their spoons and slowly fed themselves one alter another. As the tender and juicy meats melted in their mouths, delightful expressions were drawn on everyone's faces.

"Delicious as always." [Fritz]

"Grey and Yuna really are good cooks. I wish I could hire you two... Do you want to work for us?" [Eleanora]

"Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline. We still have other works to do." [Grey]

"Hmm... That's a shame..." [Eleanora]

Even though Eleanora was half-joking with her offer, she was still a little dejected that she won't be able to get Grey and Yuna to cook for them at any time. She had taken quite a liking to their cooking.

Like usual, Galvin and Elnart eat their meals happily. Elaine was smiling as she drank her smoothie which was a different flavor from the one she had for breakfast. As for Elise and Eliza...

"So dewishoosh!" [Eliza]

"Hey, Liz! Don't talk with your mouth full!" [Elise]

"Showwy!" [Eliza]

"You're doing it again!" [Elise]

... there was a bit of scolding going on as the latter kept talking when her mouth was still full. While it happened, the parents were watching over them with eyes filled with warmth. It was a happy scene.

Of course, Grey sat beside Elnart, sandwiching the latter and Galvin between him and Yuna. The two acted as the children's parents as theirs weren't present. Veronica was still busy with some of her work while Cedric wasn't even in the royal capital.

"Elder Brother Grey, I want another smoothie!" [Eliza]

"Me too!" [Galvin]

"Same here!" [Vanessa]

"Oh, sureー Ehhh?!" [Grey]

Before anyone could have noticed, Vanessa had already appeared behind Grey's back without making any sound. It was as if she just appeared out of thin air. Kurt was also with her.

It was such a sudden occurrence that every fiber of Grey's body, whom she suddenly grabbed onto the shoulders, was scared half to death. It was to the point he saw some form of light for a quick second.

"Bi-Big Sis Vanessa?! And Kurt too! Why are you two here?!" [Grey]

"Heyo~! I just wanna see you all again!" [Vanessa]

"Good noon, everyone. Sorry for the sudden appearance." [Kurt]

While everyone reciprocated Vanessa and Kurt's greetings with a smile or a slight bowing of the head, Grey was still recovering from surprise and was still a little pale with cold sweat running from his forehead.

Grey really wanted to yell at Vanessa, but since there are still children present at the moment, he couldn't. He doesn't possibly become a bad influence for them, especially since they look up to him as an older brother.

Well, there was also the fact that he can't actually go against Vanessa as the latter has quite the overbearing attitude. Not to mention she was also pregnant at the moment so he doesn't wanna stress her out.

"So, Grey, what is this "smoothie" Veronica's kid is talking about? I assume it's some kind of food?" [Vanessa]

"It's a kind of cold dessert or drink made with fruits, milk, and shaved ice. It's good in case of hot weather." [Grey]

"Oh~! That's interesting~! Say, Grey, you still have some left for your Big Sis, do you?" [Vanessa]

Before even Vanessa said it, Grey already knew that that question was coming from a mile away. Thankfully, he still has some extra servings left and so it wouldn't be a problem to give Vanessa a smoothie or two.

"Yeah, I still have some left. Kurt, you can have some if you want, too." [Grey]

"Ah, thank you." [Kurt]

"Yay! Thank you, Grey!" [Vanessa]

"Y-Your welcome..." [Grey]

With more people joining everyone for lunch, Grey brought out more smoothies and since it was lunch, he also brought out some of the fruity pudding he previously made for the Galvin and Elnart when they traveled towards the capital.

The moment he brought out the colorful and chilled pudding, Elise and Elaine's attention was quickly grabbed. They even started choosing what to eat before Grey could even tell them to have some.

"Elise, Elaine, don't even think about having those desserts before you finish your drinks. You too, Eliza, finish your smoothies first." [Eleanora]


But of course, Eleanora reminded them and Eliza to finish what they were drinking first. Elise and Elaine quickly finished theirs, while Eliza was a little crestfallen as she had just asked for another smoothie.

Vanessa also kept tabs on some of the pudding, even when she also had a serving of smoothie for herself, and since she and Kurt were present, a servant was tasked to bring another table in the garden.

"Mmm! It's so delicious!" [Vanessa]

"I love this strawberry pudding, too!" [Elise]

"Elise, try some of these grape ones as well!" [Elaine]

Although Vanessa was drinking smoothie and Elise and Elaine were eating pudding, their expressions of delight were one and the same. Kurt was also delighted but wasn't as expressive as them.

Seeing how happy her older sister and Elaine were happily indulging their share of pudding, Eliza also sped up drinking her smoothie to have some pudding, causing her to have brain freeze and get scolded by her mother.

Not even a minute after she started drinking her smoothie, Vanessa had already finished and started indulging with the puddings, taking only small bites as she kept her baby's health in mind.

"Mmm~ Mmm~ Mmm~" [Vanessa]

"Elder Sister, please stop humming while you're eating. It's an ungraceful act unfit for a lady." [Kurt]

"Kurt, you're too stiff. It's best to do something you enjoy while eating such an enjoyable meal!" [Vanessa]

"Elder Sister..." [Kurt]

Kurt tried to scold her older sister regarding her attitude but it was useless. He couldn't do anything against her when she was not in public. She just continued to hum as she swung her head left and right in joy.

The merry lunch continued as everyone had their fair share of dishes and sweet delights. It was only midway that a sudden realization stuck Grey like lightning. He totally forgot to ask Vanessa and Kurt why they were there.

"By the way, Big Sis Vanessa, Kurt, what is your business here? Do you need something from Fritz or Missus Eleanora?" [Grey]

"Ah, no, we're here for you and Yuna." [Vanessa]

"Us...?" [Yuna]

"Yes. His Majesty had asked us to summon the two of you. As for the reason for the summon, His Majesty, he... wants to tell you himself." [Kurt]

Kurt said, with a tired expression accompanying the latter part. It was an omen that nothing good will come out of the King's summon. Grey and Yuna could already tell that it would be troublesome again.

There wasn't any further explanation needed. After all, every time Grey and Yuna met with royalty or nobility for that matter, it would always be a request or something along those lines.

"Mnm~ These desserts really are delicious!" [Vanessa]

"They surely are." [Kurt]

After lunch finished, Grey and Yuna took Galvin and Elnart back to the Aldridge mansion, telling Veronica beforehand where they were heading and leaving the familiars to play with them.

When Galvin and Elnart were back to their home, Grey and company then headed to the castle to answer the King's summon. It was about 2 o'clock in the afternoon by the time they arrived.

"Please tell His Majesty that we have arrived." [Vanessa]

"As you command, Lady Vanessa."

Heeding Vanessa's orders, the knight went inside the throne room and conveyed to the King that the four of them had arrived. The heavy metal doors creaked as it was opened slowly.

Moments later, the doors opened once again and knights marched out of it, leaving only the King, the Prime Minister, and a new face inside the room. The new face was a woman who was apparent to be the Queen.

Unlike the King, who was obviously in his late forties, the Queen looked much younger and didn't look a day over thirty. Grey had initially assumed the King had remarried, but he was completely wrong. The Queen was just a couple of years younger than the King.

For reasons unbeknownst to Grey and Yuna, as soon as they entered the throne room, Vanessa and Kurt also left, leaving only them and the kingdom's leaders in a slightly awkward atmosphere.

"It's good to see you again, Grey, Yuna. It has been a week, hasn't it?" [Ernes]

"Yes, it has. It's also a pleasure to meet you again, Your Majesty, Your Honor, and... Her Majesty, I suppose?" [Grey]

"Nice to meet you again." [Yuna]

Yuna and Grey bowed their heads politely, accompanying their greeting. It was only proper to at least greet members of the royal family and the prime minister that way, especially since a new figure was present.

"My, how polite..." [Queen]

"Oh, right. This is my wife, Talia. Although she looks young, don't be fooled by it. She's already past 40." [Ernes]

"Dear, that's unnecessary information." [Talia]

"No, I need to add that one. I don't want them to think that I took someone way younger than me as my wife." [Ernes]

"..." [Talia]

Towards the King's comment, no one amongst the people present had any comments. Although it was understandable why he said it, like what the Queen previously said, it was unnecessary information.

Well, if there was someone a little concerned about it, it would be Grey. After hearing the King's words, he realized that he was actually almost 15 years older than Yuna if his age back on Earth was to be considered.

Although it wasn't uncommon in Merusia for people to marry with a large age gap, Grey was still a little conflicted after realizing that fact. After all, if he was back on Earth, he would have gotten arrested.

"Grey, something wrong?" [Yuna]

"No, nothing. I'm just thinking about a random thought." [Grey]

"I see..." [Yuna]

After hearing Grey's response, Yuna's eyes slowly shifted back towards the throne where the Queen still looked at the King with empty eyes. She didn't ask any further questions and Grey didn't want her to ask either.

"Anyway, you're Grey and Yuna, right? I've heard so much about you from Ernes. It's good to finally meet you." [Talia]

"It's a pleasure to meet Her Majesty as well." [Grey]

"It's nice to meet you, Your Majesty." [Yuna]

"Fufufu, you really are nice children." [Talia]

The Queen said whilst looking at Grey and Yuna warmly. She was relaxed like the King but her movements were undoubtedly more graceful. She was someone worthy to be called the Queen.

Now that the Queen was present, the Prime Minister also looked less haggard. He was happy that she was present to handle the King's antics which he was usually subjected to.

"So, Grey, Yuna, how is your time at the Royal Academy? You haven't encountered any problems, have you?" [Ernes]

"Well, not really. At first, the students were doubtful of our abilities, but after some demonstrations, they all became obedient." [Grey]

"There were also some problem children, but they didn't try to bother me during my discussions. The cafeteria also had really good food!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha! I see... It's good to see that you enjoyed it." [Ernes]

Although the King laughed boisterously after hearing Grey and Yuna's responses, he was actually really relieved to hear that the two before him didn't encounter any sort of problems. It was as if he just dodged a bullet.

The Headmaster had already reported to the King what happened, and needless to say, he was greatly shaken by it. Even when he knew Grey and Yuna weren't the type of people to rampage from being offended, he was still worried about the worst possible outcomes.

It wasn't only the King, the Prime Minister was also greatly relieved that Grey and Yuna were still themselves. But well, no matter how perfect they tried to hide their nervousness, Grey still noticed it with his eyes, though he didn't dig up the matter any more. He could understand where they were coming from.

"By the way, Julius wasn't causing you too much trouble, was he?" [Talia]

"Well, at first, he incited the class to test out my abilities, but after that, he was just as obedient as the rest of them." [Grey]

"Amelia was a really good girl. She always keeps His Highness in check." [Yuna]

"That child... He's really such a troublemaker. If it wasn't for Amelia and Iris, I wouldn't know how to control him." [Talia]

The Queen commented while wearing a worried and exhausted expression about her face. After all, it wasn't only at the Royal Academy, even at home, Julius was a great troublemaker.

The King, the Crown Prince, and the Second Prince, all of the men in the royal family were troublemakers. One could only imagine how stressed the Queen was when dealing with these three.

"Iris?" [Yuna]

Yuna asked as he slightly tilted her head. She was curious about the unfamiliar name the Queen previously mentioned. All she could figure out was that the owner of the name was a lady of high pedigree as well.

"She's the youngest of our children and our only daughter. She's still ten years old but she's much more mature than Julius and Galleus." [Talia]

"She's really inherited Her Majesty's grace and personality." [Anderson]

"Huh? What about mine?" [Ernes]

When the King asked that question, silence quickly swallowed the room and an awkward atmosphere loomed over it. The reason was obvious. It was because the King asked a dumb question.

Neither the Queen nor the Prime Minister knew how to respond to the King's question. After all, they were thankful that the Princess Royal didn't inherit the mischievous personality of the King like the two princes did,

Realizing what the Queen and the Prime Minister were trying to convey indirectly with their silent treatment, the King immediately became dejected. It was as if he was betrayed by them.

Once again, Grey and Yuna realized how dramatic the royal family was. Actually, rather than dramas, comedy bits would better describe it, and for some reason, Yuna was eyeing them with eyes full of interest.

"Umm... Your Majesty, if I may ask, what was the reason you had summoned us? It wasn't just about the academy, wasn't it?" [Grey]

Asked Grey as he decided to break the deafening silence and awkward atmosphere enveloping the throne room. Though, because of what he did, Yuna became a little dejected that the interesting scene had ended.

"Ah, right!" [Ernes]

As if nothing ever happened, the moment Grey asked the King about that question, he returned back to his former relaxed self, and seeing him act like that, the Queen and the Prime Minister heaved a sigh of exhaustion.

"Actually about that, how do I say this... Umm... How doー" [Ernes]

"We wanted to ask if we could serve the pudding you made at the party after the awarding ceremony." [Talia]

"Hey, Talia, I was supposed to be the one to say that." [Ernes]

"Sorry dear, you were hesitating so I thought I'd take it upon myself to relay it to them." [Talia]

The King and Queen bantered like how Kris and Aria usually would, and while they were doing so, Yuna and Grey became frozen as they looked each other in the eyes, trying to confirm whether they heard the same thing.

While the fact that they were called only for such a simple task played a part, there was one more thing which was more disturbing. It was the fact that there was going to be a party after the awarding ceremony that they would probably need to attend.

Worst of all, it wouldn't just be any normal party, it's going to be a big luxurious party that's going to be attended by nobles and all kinds of important people. A party no normal person would attend even if they had the chance to.

Meanwhile, while Yuna and Grey were greatly worried about what to do about the party, the King and the Queen continued with whatever they were talking about as if they were the only people in the room.

"Umm... Your Majesty, we don't need to attend the party, do we?" [Grey]

"What do you mean? Of course you need to. You're the two of the guests of honor, after all." [Ernes]

Hearing that shocking announcement, Yuna and Grey couldn't help themselves but freeze in shock. Especially Yuna who hasn't even attended a single party all her life, not to mention being a guest of honor in something both nobles and royalties attend.

Towards the King's sudden and nonchalant announcement, Yuna and Grey were only able to voice out one response. It was short, expressive, and easy to remember. It was...

""Ehhh?!"" [Grey and Yuna]


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