YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 95: Summoned to Summon

Clack Clack Clack

The sound of footsteps echoed in the barren hallways as heavy metallic boots hit the surface of the cold stone floors. There was barely any light inside, making the atmosphere gloomier than it already was.

Traversing these lifeless hallways was the King of Alfrione, escorted by two knights cald in heavy armor and equipped with sharp swords. Even though they were wearing helmets, one could still see the fierceness in their eyes.

The King of Alfrione, like the dark hallways, wore a stern and dark expression as he carried himself proudly. He was completely different to how he usually was. He now wore the dignity and honor of a king.


A short-lived sound was born in the gloomy hallways as the heavy metallic doors were opened. On the other side of the door were more people, surrounding what seems to be a woman tied to a chair.

At a closer look, the woman no longer moved. In fact, she was not even breathing as her head hung low towards the ground. Her body was as cold as the floor and her complexion pale as snow. She was already dead.

"Your Majesty..." [Edward]

One of the people present in the room was the General. Upon the King's entrance, he quickly lowered himself and bowed before the former. Following his gestures were the Lt. Generals, Albert, Ranzel, and Vanessa.

"Raise your heads." [Ernes]

"As you command." [Edward]

The King only needed to say three words and the others followed at his behest. Even then, the King's eyes were fixated on the woman on the chair, his expressions greeting more grim as time passed.

"Edward, how was it?" [Ernes]

"I apologize, Your Majesty..." [Edward]

"I see... Another failure, huh..." [Ernes]

"Yes. She died even before we had the chance to interrogate her." [Edward]

An exasperated sigh left the King's mouth as he held his head with one of his arms, an irritated expression about him as he gritted his teeth in anger. He wanted to slam the walls with his hand but didn't. He tried to maintain his dignity.

The others present completely understood how the King felt. They also wanted to vent out their frustrations as it was not the first such a thing had happened. They have already met numerous cases, yet all of them were failures.

The woman in the chair was none other than Rita. After being captured, she was brought to an interrogation chamber to extract information out of her, but before they could even start, she was killed with the use of contract magic, like how other members of Iblis did.

After their headquarters was destroyed, the remaining members of Iblis had become more aggressive. The kingdom had increased vigilance all over the kingdom, but it was not enough. There are still rats left around causing mayhem.

While no one present knew when Iblis was going to strike, they had already predicted when they would. The biggest possibility is during the founding festival next week when the largest number of people will be gathered.

In lieu of what might happen, security around the capital has been strengthened multiple folds, especially after what happened in the Royal Capital. They cannot let the same disaster happen again.

It was also out of the option to cancel the founding festival, not only because it was part of Alfrione's culture, but because it might cause unwarranted panic to the citizens and alarm the enemies. They wanted to avoid it at all cost as they didn't know how many enemies were lurking nearby.

"Your Majesty, I know we're already indebted to them so much, but I think we will need the heroes' help once again." [Edward]

"Haah... So it seems..." [Ernes]

The King could only sigh as closed his eyes, his face covered by his large hands. The only thing on his mind was the safety of his subjects. He could only blame himself for being an incompetent king.


The weekdays had ended and it was time for Grey and Yuna to enjoy their free days. Like last week, they had once again brought Galvin and Elnart to the Landevar mansion to play with Eliza.

Over the past few days, Elnart, Galvin, and Eliza would always visit one another's homes to play. Because of it, they had grown closer to one another, with Eliza acting as their older sister.

Being with children younger than her, Eliza had grown more reliable and responsible. There are even times when she takes it upon herself to escort the two home. Of course, there were also guards escorting them.

"Liz~ we've come to play again!" [Yuna]

"Un! Coming~!" [Eliza]

It only took a single call from Yuna and Eliza came rushing over. Following behind her was her mother, Eleanora, who was taking a breather before heading to her office and starting working.

There was no presence of Elise as she was still asleep in her room, resting the fatigue she accumulated over the week. Elaine also wasn't present as she was in the Geldoria mansion, still sleeping like Elise.

"Good morning, Missus Eleanora. Sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning again." [Grey]

"Fufufu, I don't mind it. Liz and the children are enjoying themselves and that's all that matters." [Eleanora]

Eleanora said as she looked at her daughter who had already started playing with Elnart and Galvin. The three were playing tag and were all over the garden, smiles blooming brightly on their faces.

Everything went well like how it usually did when just a few moments after the children started playing, a guard came running towards the adults. The guard's face had a trace of urgency looming over it.

"Y-Your Excellencies, t-there's a me-meー!" [Guard]

"Now, now, calm down for a moment. We can't understand a word with how heavy you're breathing." [Eleanora]

"A-Ah, y-yes..." [Guard]

The guard let loose with Eleanora's words and gasped for air as he tried to calm himself down. It didn't take too long when his complexion turned healthy again.

"Now, can you tell us what you were trying to say before?" [Eleanora]

"Y-Yes... There's a messenger from the castle waiting outside the gates. The messenger said that His Majesty is summoning Lord Grey and Lady Yuna for an important matter." [Guard]

"Us?" [Yuna]

"Yes, that's what the messenger said." [Guard]

Neither Grey nor Yuna understood what the King was summoning them for, but they instinctively felt nothing good would come of it. After all, they were summoned last time just so that the other latter could serve pudding during the after party.

Still, it was a summon from the King. They couldn't ignore such a thing especially since they have yet to officially announce their ranks. They also didn't want them to lose face either. Their only choice was to show up in the summon.

"Alright, we'll be there in a moment. And... Missus Eleanora, sorry, but we're leaving the children to your care once again." [Grey]

"You don't have to be. It's a summon from His Majesty. It's not like you have any other choice. Don't worry, I'll make sure the children are alright." [Eleanora]

"Thank you, we'll make sure to repay you later." [Grey]

"Well, if you're that insistent, a serving of ice cream would be nice. I've heard from Elize that they had some yesterday. I'd also like to have some myself." [Eleanora]

Eleanora smiled cheerfully whilst she reminisced about the taste of ice cream. Just like her daughters and niece, she was a woman who was fond of sweets. She preferred eating them over actual dishes.

"Alright. We'll send enough for your Eliza and Elise to enjoy." [Grey]

"Fufufu, thank you~!" [Eleanora]

Eleanora giggling softly, Grey and Yuna soon left the manor and headed to the castle with the messenger. It was quite the brief trip since the messenger brought a carriage along with him.

Grey and Yuna tried to ask the messenger why they were summoned but the latter had no answers. He was only tasked to summon them but he himself had no idea why. Only the King and a few higher-ups knew.

The moment Grey and Yuna arrived in the castle, they were immediately escorted to the throne room with haste. There was no problem with their entry as some of the guards were already familiar with them.

"His Majesty has been waiting..."

One of the knight's said in a low voice as he bowed his head to Grey and Yuna. The other knights also followed and soon after, a creaking sound reverberated all over the castle as the large doors were opened.

Just like their previous visit, there weren't any knights stationed in the throne room. The only ones present were the King, the Prime Minister, and the top five of the military, the General, the 3 Lt. Generals, and Kurt, who was a commander.

"Grey, Yuna, you're here!" [Ernes]

"We came as quickly as we could... And it seems to be a serious topic this time around." [Grey]

Commented Grey as he observed the King's solemn and haggard expression. With just a single glance, it was easy to tell that the King hadn't been able to sleep well. Even the tone of his voice was less lively than usual.

"Haah... It's a long story. Would you care to listen?" [Ernes]

The King rubbed his temples once again. This time, he looked even more haggard as he remembered all the problems the kingdom is facing. They were problems which could cause the safety of the citizens.

The King had previously explained everything to Grey and Yuna during their first meeting, but this time, he explained it more thoroughly. Starting from the time the Headmaster was confronted by Marchioness Beldon up until yesterday's happenings, there was no detail left behind.

Predictions and inferences about Iblis' next moves had also been shared. They were supposed to be national secrets only accessible to a select few, but with the situation as dire as it is, they needed to inform Grey and Yuna about it.

A heavy heart was bearing down on the King as he explained everything. He was a little ashamed and frustrated to ask the help of two youngsters who weren't even affiliated with the kingdom. Not to mention that they had already been saved by them before, he couldn't help but feel ashamed by his powerlessness.

While the awarding ceremony has yet to happen, Grey and Yuna had already become heroes who will be engraved in the kingdom's history. Repaying those heroes with more responsibilities made it seem like the kingdom was ungrateful and selfish. The King and the others greatly hated that fact.

"So it's Iblis once again, huh..." [Grey]

"Your Majesty, are you asking for our help in dealing with them?" [Yuna]

"Well, that and one more thing... If you can, I would like your help in summoning familiars." [Ernes]

Grey froze as soon as he heard the King's words. Although he would like to help out the kingdom and save the innocent populace, he felt conflicted whether or not he should go as far as to summon them familiars.

After the raid, the beast crystals have been divided equally to the participants. This meant that the kingdom received 4 of them. It was only understandable why the kingdom would use them to summon familiars and build up strength.

There was only one thing which bothered Grey. It was that if that very power would be used in wars. Although the resulting familiars would be weaker than Grey and Yuna's, they would still be at B-rank. They are powerhouses which could equal thousands upon thousands of soldiers.

While Grey was almost certain the King and the others present would never do that as they were judged "good" by his eyes, he couldn't say the same for the succeeding generations. It could cause the lives of many if something goes wrong.

"Vanessa said you had summoned your familiars. I was hoping we could get your help in this matter." [Ernes]

"Sorry, Grey, Yuna. We really need your help right now..." [Vanessa]

"No, it's alright." [Grey]

"Un. We understand your circumstances." [Yuna]

Although it was a little worrying that their personal information had been pried on without their consent, it was not like they didn't understand the other party's situation. Desperation was already evident in their voices.

"Alright, I'll help you summon familiars, but in exchange, I would like you to promise me one thing." [Grey]

"W-What is it?" [Ernes]

"Promise me that you would only use them to defend the kingdom and never use their powers to wage wars. This is my only condition." [Grey]

A bright glint of seriousness shone in Grey's eyes as those words left his mouth. It was one of the few times that he became serious. He was serious enough to send shivers down everyone's spine.

Even Yuna who had been with Grey the most was taken aback by the dangerous glint in his eyes. The power dynamic inside the room had completely turned around. Grey was now the one who held the most authority within the ones present.

Grey didn't even release his aura yet everyone present already felt suffocated from the pressure of Grey's words. They were all powerless in front of someone who was meant to become a true king.

"Consider it done. I agree with your terms..." [Ernes]

The King slowly stood up from his throne as he faced Grey's pressuring gaze. Even though he was still shaken by the youth before him, he didn't back down and face it head on. He wore his dignity as king and stood his ground.

"In my name as King, I, Ernes von Helvior Alfrione, swear upon the kingdom's pride and honor that the Kingdom of Alfrine shall never use the familiars as tools of war and cause needless bloodshed! Everyone present in the room and the heavens above shall bear witness to this oath!" [Ernes]

"I, General Edward von Sallerta bear witness to the oath!" [Edward]

"""We bear witness to the oath!"""

One after another, everyone present in the room swore to the oath the King made. They also casted contract magic at their own will, thus creating absolute conditions which has a heavy price to pay.

Grey had already ascertained that they were sincere as he used "Judgement" on them. He did not expect them to go as far to use contract magic. It only proved how serious they were with their words.

"How is it, Grey? Was that enough to prove our words?" [Ernes]

"Yeah, it's more than enough." [Grey]

The stern expression on Grey's face quickly faded away with time and was soon replaced with a content smile. It was only then that the King and everyone else breathed out a sigh of relief.

The contract and terms settled, everyone headed outside to the training ground to start summoning the familiars. It was a special, enclosed space where people can't easily gain entry.

"Is this space wide enough?" [Ernes]

"Yeah, or rather, it's too spacious." [Grey]

Grey once again looked around and examined the area. It was one which could easily fit more than three basketball courts, surrounded by high walls on all sides and void of any plant life.

It was not any normal training ground. It was one which only the highest ranks in the kingdom can access. The walls were enchanted to withstand the attacks of those below B-rank, allowing high-rankers to let loose without prying eyes from the outside.

"Hooh... Alright, let's begin." [Grey]

Incomprehensible words were uttered from Grey's mouth as mana started to gather from the surrounding, concentrating in front of Grey as if a whirlpool was drawing every ounce of water nearby.

Dim lights started to shine as a magic circle formed from thin air, taking a physical form using the mana gathered from the surroundings. Soon after, magic runes appeared as they engraved themselves into the magic circle.

Just like before, the magic circle grew bigger and brighter with the passing of time. The intricacy and sophistication of the runes also improved with it. It didn't take long before the outer layers started to turn like the needles of a clock.

Everyone marveled at the sight unfolding before them. It was like thousands of stars glowed at the same time, blessing the ground with their light. It was the first success from the dozens of failures everyone experienced.

There were a handful of summoning experts in the castle, but none of them could make the same summoning circle Grey made. They were simply lacking in both knowledge and mana.

A summoning circle changes in complexity and form depending on the strength and attribute of the familiar to be summoned. The stronger the origin of the beast crystal was, the more mana was required to kickstart the summoning circle. It was the main reason why the kingdom's experts failed no matter how hard they tried.

"Alright, it's done. Just place the beast crystal in the middle and drop a few drops of your blood in the magic circle. Just remember that the owner of the blood will become the familiar's master." [Grey]

"Ah, y-yes..." [Ernes]

There were still traces of shock and awe present on the King's face as he answered Grey. It wasn't only him, the Prime Minister was also amazed by how quickly and perfectly Grey made the summoning circle.

Following Grey's words, the General soon stepped forward and placed a beast crystal at the center of the summoning circle. It was the best amongst what the kingdom possessed, an A-rank beast crystal which has been stored inside the treasury for decades,

The four beast crystals were to become the Lt. Generals and Kurt's familiar. The strongest shall be given to Albert, while the three which were on par with one another are given to Ranzel, Vanessa, and Kurt.

The reason why it was made that way was because of the requirements to summon familiars. The familiars will only obey those who are at least on par with them, if the summoner is weak enough, they might go out of control and attack the summoner.

Another requirement was compatibility. Although it doesn't matter much when only one summoner is involved, it is the deciding factor when there is multiple. Poor blood compatibility between summoners can lead to failure and destruction of the beast crystal.

In Grey and Yuna's case, not only were their bloods of the best quality, Grey also possessed the blood of divine creation which was not only compatible to all types but complimented them as well.

Soon after the General placed the beast crystal, he then took out a small dagger from the hidden compartment on his belt and cut a wound in one of his fingers. It was only deep enough that it allowed a few drops of blood to trickle down the magic circle.

Upon coming in contact with the General's blood, the inner layers of the summoning circle which were previously still, started to rotate fast. It became even faster when Grey chanted the final chants.

"Oh Great Beast who once walked the lands of Merusia, I hereby call you forth! Throughout the sky, the lands, and the seas, let your brilliance be known!" [Edward]

A loud rumble spread like wildfire throughout the ground as the General's words recounded with the summoning circle. Soon after, the beast crystal broke and a storm of mana swirled in the surroundings.

Like vapors condensing into snowflakes during snowfall, the swirling mana slowly took a shape, becoming more intricate as the scene reached its climax. The disastrous scene only stopped when a pair of eyes glowed inside the dust cloud formed by the wind.

The one summoned was a Quetzalcoatl, an A-rank beast which looked like a winged serpent with patches of its body covered in feathers. It was a great match for the General who also happened to be of the wind attribute.

"Are you the one who summoned me?" [???]

"I am. My name is Edward von Sallerta. I ask for your assistance in protecting the kingdom. Please stand by my side." [Edward]

"... Very well... This one shall help fulfill the Master's goals..." [???]

As it finished its words, the familiar bowed his head towards the General. Soon after, it was granted a name and fully became the General's familiar. One which was on par with him in strength.

After the General's familiars, Grey made new summoning circles for the others to be summoned. Even though they were from the same origins, the resulting familiars weren't High Dragons like Grey and Yuna's.

What was summoned were four Vangirs, B-rank beasts which resembled golden tigers, only much bigger and equipped with a large pair of black wings. All were named by their respective masters.

"I've done my part. Remember to keep your promise," [Grey]

"We will." [Ernes]

As the sun reached its Zenith, large shadows were casted along the barren ground as five magnificent beasts stood proud. They will become Alfrione's shield which will continue to stand proud for the centuries to come, but that's a story for another day.


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