YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 97: The Final Day (Grey’s End)

Some had swords, some had spears, and some even had warhammers. Every student present was equipped with their own weapons and was adorned with light armor. Even though they were just cadets, they already resembled true knights.

A few days have passed since Grey and Yuna met up with Kris and Aria, and the day has finally arrived. Today is their last day at the Royal Academy and it was time to test out how much the students have improved.

"Are you all ready?" [Grey]


With determination burning brightly in their eyes, the students sang their resolves with passion throughout the training grounds. They have become different from what they were three weeks ago, they were now filled with fighting spirit rather than arrogance.

For their last day, the students would need to battle against a horde of goblins, and the leader of that horde will be a Goblin Chief. That would also mean that there will be a number of G-rank hobgoblins amongst the hundreds of goblins.

It wasn't just a normal horde of goblins either. Grey had buffed them to become stronger than usual, allowing goblins who were normally on par with pre-teen children in strength to be on par with adults.

It was a feat that only those at the higher end of D-rank and above above it can accomplish alone. A feat that not even a dozen full-fledged knights can easily accomplish even if they have been working together for years.

Initially, Grey wanted them to fight a lesser golem like what happened on the first day, but with how powerful the students had become, it would become a piece of cake for them. He needed something more difficult.

Grey had only trained them for three weeks, and their combat powers only increased by about 5 to 7, increasing their overall strengths by at least 20% which is admirable knowing how short the training time was.

But that wasn't the determining factor in winning. What they improved the most in those three weeks was their cooperation and strategic skills, something that can only be honed by real experience.

Grey already designed the final test so that the students will be at a disadvantage. He found it interesting to anticipate how the match will play out, to see if the students have really grown.

⟨⟨Horde: Goblin⟩⟩ [Grey]

As soon as Grey invoked the spell, mana quickly gushed out of his body and assimilated into the air. A few moments later, mana swirled around the air and condensed into a myriad of beings, taking the form of green-skinned nightmares.

Just by eye, it was easy to tell that there were at least 200 of them, with the goblins almost taking 90% of the population. As for the rest, they were composed of hobgoblins, and of course, the leader, the Goblin Chief, an E-rank monster.

The students' eyes opened in shock after seeing the large number of goblins summoned before them. It was only natural since Grey didn't tell them the contents of the test beforehand. It was a test, after all.

Fear and anxiety shook the students' resolve, but after recollecting the harsh days they had experienced because of Grey, the determination in their eyes burned even brighter and sharper. There were no traces of fear left, only passion.

"In 3... 2... 1... Begin!" [Grey]

With Grey's signal resounding all over the training field, the shrieks of the goblins and the roars of the students clashed ferociously in the air, creating a pandemonium of noises not bowing down to one another.

"Everyone, focus on the higher variants!" [Julius]

Before they could engage in close combat with the goblins, the students took the opportunity to exterminate the vanguards with long range magic, cutting down their numbers slowly but surely.

Although they were targeting the higher variants, because of the nature of the magic spells they used, some of the goblins nearby were taken out by collateral damage such as explosions.

⟨⟨Fire Arrow!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Frost Coffin!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Wind Cutter!⟩⟩

Unrelenting barrage of spells rained down upon the horde and when it was time to clash directly, the clanging sounds of metals hitting one another filled the battlefield along with battle cries.

One after another, the goblins were slashed down to the ground by the students, and the students themselves received blows from the goblins. It was a full-scale war on a small-scale battlefield.


⟨⟨Fireball!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

⟨⟨Thunderspark!⟩⟩ [Julius]

Amelia and Julius blasted purposely weakened basic-level spells towards the hobgoblins without the intention of killing them. They repeated such tactics, slowly but surely shaving down the hobgoblins' lives and making them go mad.

The moment one of the hobgoblins went on a rampage, the others followed suit and also started swinging their spears recklessly, cutting down their kin as a result. The battle has become more chaotic.

It wasn't just Julius and Amelia, the other students also performed such tactics. It was a good strategy that will not only shave down the enemies' number but also let them conserve their mana.


A hobgoblin tried to slash Julius down with its sword, but before it could hit, there was a sudden and gentle quake in the ground, and an earthen wall abruptly appeared

In front of Julius, stopping the attack midway.

The one who erected the wall was none other than the student just a few meters away from Julius. She immediately stopped attacking when she saw Julius in danger and prioritized his safety.

"Are you alー"

⟨⟨Lightning Bolt!⟩⟩ [Julius]

A bolt of lightning bored through the hobgoblin's chest, stopping it from thrusting its spear towards the girl who just saved Julius. The lightning bolt, after boring through the hobgoblin's chest, killed a couple more goblins along the way.

"I'm alright, thank you, but don't let your guard down again. We are still engaging in a dangerous battle." [Julius]

"Ah, yes..."

After that short exchange, the two immediately resumed their previous positions and continued with their own battles. Time after time, more and more of the goblin horde's numbers have been cut down

"Cadet Amelia, please target its wrist. We need to disarm it." [Julius]

"Yes. ⟨⟨Fire Arrow⟩⟩!" [Amelia]

While Julius and Amelia's battle continued, the other students also continued theirs. A group of three in particular was near the middle of the horde, trying their best to slow down the Goblin Chief.

"Hey, the walls are getting destroyed!"

"I'm on it!"

With all of them working as one, they managed to keep the Goblin Chief at bay, all while dealing with the goblins trying to assault them. They were playing the most important role amongst the class.

When a goblin is about to assault the middle group, students from the vicinity would fire a spell towards the goblin if they were available. It wasn't the best strategy, but it was an effective one.

It was even more difficult with how much dust there was scattered across the air. If it wasn't for Grey's "Divine Eyes", all he would have seen was clouds of dust and particles of mana swirling in the air. It was a really extreme battle.

"Behind you!"


⟨⟨Mantis Cross!⟩⟩

Griieeekkkkk Griieeekkkkk

Although the battle had been dragged on for almost half an hour, slowly but surely, the students were able to shave down the goblins' numbers. And with them watching each other's backs, none of them were hurt badly.

Some students have received minor wounds and scratches, but it couldn't be compared to what happened to the goblin horde. Just by rough estimates alone, their numbers have been reduced to a quarter of its original.


⟨⟨Lightning Bolt!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Flame Burst!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Gust!⟩⟩

One after another, the hobgoblins fell to the ground with a loud resounding thud, vanishing into thin air just a few moments later. The same also went for the much weaker goblins, they were quickly exterminated

All that was left from the horde was the Goblin Chief, which was still caged in the massive earthen walls, trying to break its way out by repeatedly. Unfortunately for it, the students repaired the wall every time cracks appeared, trapping it inside an endless cycle.

It was almost time for the climax of the match. With their current strength, they could fight on par with the Goblin Chief, but that was when they were still in peak condition. Now that they were tired, there was no telling what would happen.

"Huff... Huff... How long will those walls last?" [Julius]

"It should still last for... Huff... about two more minutes..."

"Alright, then let's use that time to rest and plan something. Everyone, gather near me, we'll come up with something." [Julius]

Heeding Julius' instructions, the students formed a circle to create a plan to take down the Goblin Chief, with their meager mana and stamina remaining being the most important variable.

They could go all out, but chances are, they would run out of mana before they could defeat the Goblin Chief. Doing that would just be reckless as it would waste all the effort they have poured into the battle.

'Hmm... They sure are taking it easily, huh...' [Grey]

Grey said on the back of his mind as he leisurely sat by the bench, enjoying the cool shade of the tree. It was his first time seeing people huddle and plan something whilst in the middle of a battle.

The students would have undoubtedly been wiped out if they were in a real battle out in the wild. Even Grey and Yuna moved their bodies while they coordinated plans with one another.


With debris blasting over all directions, a deafening screech accompanied a loud crash echoed through the sky as the Goblin Chief finally broke free from its earthen prison, its eyes full of rage.

It knew full well that its kin was slaughtered yet there wasn't a single ounce of sorrow in its eyes, only rage towards those who encaged it. It was to be expected of a monster born solely for destruction.

And as if seeing the students as nothing more than obnoxious pests, the Goblin Chief slowly walked towards them with the ambition to eliminate them. With each of its steps, a loud thud resounded in the air.

Thankfully, the Goblin Chief was just a summon of Grey, and he wishes for it, he could stop it on its tracks when it has gone too far. It was nothing more than a moving dummy to test the students, after all.

"Everyone, get into position!" [Julius]


Not wasting any time, the students quickly scattered throughout the training grounds and surrounded the Goblin Chief in all directions, all while maintaining a safe distance from it.

Although their plan looked like the reckless "Let's gang up on it" plan, Grey was able to notice something peculiar from it... There were four students which are much farther than the other six.

While it may have looked like they were just trying to maintain their distance, all of the four that were distancing themselves were capable of using the earth-attribute and weren't raising their weapons as if they were still trying to rest.

The group of four was composed of the girl who previously saved Julius from a hobgoblin's attack, and the other three who once kept the Goblin Chief in check by surrounding it with walls.

"Hyaaa!" [Julius]

With Julius' battle cry as the signal, the students immediately rained down their barrage of attacks towards the Goblin Chief, but unlike their previous strategy against the lesser golem, they were taking turns in attacking.

One attack hits the Goblin Chief and when its attention is drawn towards that attacker, another student will attack it from another angle, drawing the Goblin Chief's attention away from the previous student.

Although such a strategy wouldn't work towards people, it is effective towards beings such as monsters whose intelligence is not that sharp and bright. The students made the Goblin Chief dance at the palm of their hands.

⟨⟨Iron Vine!⟩⟩

⟨⟨Flame Burst!⟩⟩

⟨⟨Frost Breath!⟩⟩

Time passed by quickly, and with each passing second, the Goblin Chief sustained more and more damage. At the same rate, the students also lost more and more mana with each attack.

The students' strategy was effective at the start but when the Goblin Chief had gone berserk, it stopped minding the attacks thrown into it and charged towards whoever it eyed first like a mad bull.

"Watch out!"


The students have forgotten that despite its size, the Goblin Chief was a quick opponent. A monster that can easily cover dozens of meters in a couple of seconds, and with the size of the training grounds, it was a terrifying speed.

His reflexes not being to respond quickly enough, a student got hit by the Goblin Chief's sword and he was knocked off the ground towards the air. Thankfully, he was wearing durable armor.

The Goblin Chief was about to land another attack mid-air, but before it could jump towards the student, another student leaped into the air and caught her classmate, saving him from danger.

"Can you still stand?"

"Ah, yes... Thank you..."

"Don't worry about it."

Seeing their classmate getting hit, rather than feeling afraid, the students raised their guards and minded the Goblin Chief sharply. The one who was hit only rested for a very short while before standing up again to battle.

The battle between the students and the Goblin Chief continued, and during that time, the students received a number of blows from the Goblin Chief. The same also went for the latter.

The students were clearly gasping for their breaths and the Goblin Chief glared at them with eyes full of bloodlust while bathing in its own blood. Its whole body was covered in wounds left behind the student's sharp weapons.

In spite of such a tough battle was happening, the four earth-attribute students still didn't move from their spots and continued with whatever that was tasked upon them. They were so focused that they didn't even react when their classmates got blasted towards oblivion.

When the Goblin Chief noticed one of them, it tried to charge towards him, but just as it was about to do it...

"Stop it at all costs!" [Julius]

... two of the students used their own bodies to stop its track, making them get blown away more than a hundred meters from where they previously were.

Although they received a large amount of damage, because of their sacrifice, they were able to distract the Goblin Chief and buy enough time to let the others shift its focus away from the four.

'Hmm... Are they courageous or just reckless?' [Grey]

Grey couldn't help but doubt the students' sanity in sacrificing their own bodies just to protect their classmates and their plan. It made Grey more curious as to what their plan actually was.

⟨⟨Lightning Spear!⟩⟩ [Julius]

Lightning assimilated with Julius' spear and with all his might, he threw it towards the Goblin Chief, and like a bullet, it pierced the Goblin Chief's left shoulder blade, making it shriek wildly in agony.

Enraged, the Goblin Chief charged towards Julius and with a swing of its broadsword, it made Julius get blown away all over the place like a rag doll. Thanks to his armor, he didn't sustain any bone fractures or serious injuries.


Still not satisfied, the Goblin Chief once again delivered a blow towards the now unconscious Julius, making the latter suffer a large wound on his shoulders.

⟨⟨Flame Burst!⟩⟩ [Amelia]

As fast as she could muster, Amelia burnt the Goblin Chief's arm, preventing it from landing another blow to Julius as she rushed towards him and took him away from danger's grasp.

Without even much effort, the Goblin Chief endured the flames Amelia created and tried to pursue Julius, but just as it was about to, a sudden rumbling reverberated in the ground.

The sudden shaking stopped everyone on their tracks. It was akin to an earthquake but noticeably different. It wasn't a natural phenomenon, but rather one caused by manipulating the ground with the use of magic.

"Everyone, fall back!" [Amelia]

As if running for their lives, the students escaped away from wherever they were towards outside of the perimeter of where the four earth-attribute students have been stationed all the time.

Defying the laws of gravity, the soil on where the Goblin Chief rose from the ground and solidified midair, leaving the Goblin Chief stuck inside a wide 10-meter deep pitfall. It was deep and large enough to house a few cargo trucks.

'I see... So that was their plan.' [Grey]

Grey had finally connected the dots after seeing the large lump of earth floating above the training ground. It was indeed one which needed a lot of time to prepare and a lot of mana.


With all their might, the students dragged the large chuck of earth to wherever it was before, and with the amount of force and pressure behind, the Goblin Chief stuck in the pitfall was ultimately crushed into oblivion.

Silence swallowed the training ground as the students froze in anticipation, not knowing whether the Goblin Chief really had been dealt with. After all, it was their first time using that strategy, there was no guarantee that it worked.

"Haah... Haah... Haah... Is it over already...?"

"Did we win...?"

The only one who knew the answer was Grey. As the summoner, he knew full well the state of his summons. He already knew the results and was really proud of his students.

"It's over... I declare the Class Alpha of year 3 as the victors of the battle!" [Grey]

Upon hearing Grey's declaration, the students froze in disbelief. Seconds later, screams of happiness resounded in the training grounds. It was something they did unconsciously in unison.

Some were so happy that tears started forming in the corner of their eyes. Not even the boys were exempted from those tears of joy. They have never felt so accomplished in all their lives.

⟨⟨Perfect Heal⟩⟩ [Grey]

Large halos appeared midair and beams of warm light shone upon the students, healing up the student's wounds while blanketing them in gentle and lulling warmth to calm them down.

The students were surprised at first, but they quickly put the pieces together and figured out it was Grey who casted it. It was their first time feeling so much warmth and comfort from a holy-attribute spell.

"Ugh... What happened..." [Julius]

"Your Highness... We won...!" [Amelia]

Julius was worried at first, seeing his beloved cry while he rested on her lap, but when he heard her words, a smile of reassurance quickly sprouted on his face as a surge of relief gushed inside his heart.

"Ahh... I never knew that fighting would tire me out that much... But well, I'm really happy to have defeated such a strong opponent with everyone." [Julius]

"Fufu, I'm happy too." [Amelia]

Seeing how happy the students were, Grey felt a little guilty for letting them experience hell and back. There was only way he knew that he could reward them.

"Alright, everyone, listen up! To celebrate your victory, you can order as much food as you want in the cafeteria, it's all on me! I could also give all of you a cup of pudding if you want." [Grey]

Silence quickly swallowed the training ground when those words rang inside the students' ears. They looked at each other's eyes, trying to figure out what they would feel over Grey's announcement.

"Hey, Instructor, make it 2 cupsー no, 3 cups and some ice cream too!" [Julius]

One student was really daring. It was none other than the second prince who looked at Grey with eyes full of seriousness over such a silly topic. The other students also bore the same will.

"Haah... Alright, but only 3 cups each and a single serving of ice cream. Nothing more, you hear that." [Grey]


As if they just won the lottery, the students filled the training grounds with screams of unrestrained elation as they heard Grey's promise. They were even much happier than when Grey announced their victory.

'Seriously, what a bunch of kids...' [Grey]


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