You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 43 - New York Gorilla


   New York City has bright lights, and the city has never been dim.

  The light of the whole city illuminates every corner of the city.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, the Pistons came to the visiting team’s locker room at Madison Gardens. Even the locker rooms here are much more upscale than other away games.

  Mo Mengchen took off his clothes slowly, and took away the dark jersey for away from the hands of others.

   No. 9’s back number was set on him.

Before going out of the dressing room, he went to wash his hands again and again. Although he would fight against the opponents who did not pay attention to the sanitation, he would sweat and exchange tens of millions of bacteria with each other every second, but this It is still an essential step.

   “Detroit’s starting lineup is the same as before. Dor.Mo, who has performed well since the start of the season, is still a substitute. It seems that the rumors are false.”

  ESPN’s commentator Scott Owen said.

   His partner has a great connection with the Pistons. This man is the one who created the Bad Boys Corps.

  Whether as a coach or an narrator, Daly always performs his due diligence in his post and is blameless. He has different views on this sentence of his partner.

   But he is no longer a coach, and his old man Joe Dumars is also involved in this matter, so he chose silence.

   Let the highly respected veterans play the bench and replace them with young and full of talented young people. The Pistons were facing such difficulties.

   In order for Rodman to start, Daly wanted to score the scorer Dantley as a substitute, but the latter thought it was a humiliation to him and he would not accept it.

   The conversation was fruitless. In the end, Dantley left the Pistons, and after he left, the Pistons won two consecutive championships.

   Although Dumas is not Dantley’s player who affects the team’s performance, but now there is a better starting candidate than him, the Pistons need a bold decision.

  Daly knows Dumas and he will be ready.

  Before jumping the ball, John Starkster ran to the Pistons bench and shouted: “Australian guy, I’ll wait for you to play and see who will kill whoever!”

   “Go back, John, this is not your place to go wild!” Mark West helped Mormon dust.

   Starks walked onto the field in a big way, shouting with open hands: “This **** is where I am wild!”

   After a few seconds, the game started.

   Ewing jumped to the ball, and Starks came up with a tactical jumper with a 45-degree angle on the right of his personal ability.

   3 to 0

   Riley stood on the sidelines, seeing such an unreasonable play, he had no opinion.


This personally created the “performance moment” Lakers, and the head coach of the **** defense of the Knicks, is undoubtedly the first coach of the 1980s and 1990s, some people will question, after all, he does not have as many as the Zen master. champion.

  Did not mention his success in the 1980s, entering the 1990s, he tailored the best defensive system for his team, but he has never belonged to him.

  The chief peripheral attackers under his command are John Starks and Tim Hardaway.

  He led the trend, but in the nineties, the grains were not harvested, which did not undermine his greatness.

   “Watch the defense! Watch the defense!”

   Riley shouted suddenly, with blue ribs protruding from his face, as if he would burst bleeding at any time.


   “Reposition! John, are you **** defensive?”

   is his voice throughout the field, and as long as someone makes a mistake, his anger will inevitably follow.

  Hill wanted to attack with his personal ability, but the Knicks gave him a confrontation that others could not imagine. Under such a defense, let alone an offense, he can’t even play the ball.


   The Pistons off the field stood up. They hoped someone could catch up with the Knicks who started the counterattack. As a result, no one caught up. Derek Harper countered the dunk and scored.

   5 to 0 start.

   “Detroit’s concentration is not very high.” Owen said.

   “No, they are not as strong as New York, and they are not prepared to deal with this intensity.” Daly said, “Need a pause.”

  Hill enters the low post, catches the ball and turns over to shoot.

   still did not enter, his feel was taken away by the demon.

   Dumas grabbed an offensive rebound and flicked backhand. It was a powerful agent for the piston that was so tight that he could hardly breathe, but it was not enough.

   “Detroit pig, wait to die, you useless waste!”

  Ewing’s position affected other people’s hearts, and Madison Garden screamed violently at this instant.

“give him!”

“give him!”

   Spike Lee, who was sitting in the front row, jumped up and shouted, “Pat, **** the fat man!”

Fat at this moment became Mills’s burden. When Ewing took the ball, the body’s center of gravity was fixed on him. This fat did not bring him extra strength and speed, but let him The flexibility is much reduced, but Ewing is not the kind of violent bulldozer-style backplay.

Ewing turned and stepped inwards, like a sudden repercussions of Jamaican reggae, Mills’s defense completely collapsed, and the gorillas who had guarded New York for ten years broke out in the restricted area and made a note riding Mills’ body. The rider dunked the climax.

   “Ferocious dunk from Patrick!”

   “This is for you, New York!”

   Ewing roared, this was not just a crashing dunk, but also a foul that caused Mills.

   Collins chewed the chewing gum constantly, the form turned sharply, he did not react, he felt that the game had just started, they had enough time to recover.

   his idea is the source of many garbage games that enter the garbage time from the first second.

   The head coach didn’t realize that the game was going to destruction. They thought everything was under control. When they found out that the situation was wrong, the team had already been beaten.

   added free throws, 8-2.

   When no one could open, veteran Thorpe took the initiative to beat the card.

   This is the only tactic in the Pistons field, constantly changing heads-ups until you find someone with a touch.

  As a representative of the 84th generation, Thorpe did not reposition his position like Jordan and others. He is a typical blue collar.

   Olajuwon’s best helper, if he needs to score, he can stand up and play a few balls, he can average 20+10 per game at the peak, and now he can still firmly occupy the starting position in the Pistons.

   Thorpe pushed Oakley up and pointed at the basket to get a hook.

   But for ten seconds, Harper played Ewing with a pick-and-roll in the frontcourt. The gorilla from Jamaica did not go down after blocking the man. He stopped at a high place and waited for the ball to come over.

  Harper got the ball, Ewing shot and shot.

   “It’s like two teams of different levels.”

   “Finally, Detroit requested a timeout.”

   Watching the piston be beaten by the Knicks, Daley felt very uncomfortable. Now, the Doug Collins, who had been defeated by him many times, finally called a timeout.

   He hopes that the other party can make a good adjustment.

   Collins made more regular rotation adjustments, Mo Mengchen and Ratliff went up, and Dumas and Mills went down.

   “Mo, be careful of their defense!” Dumas said.

   “Strong than the bull?” Mo Mengchen asked.

   Dumas said: “More fierce than a bull.” “I know.” Mo Mengchen nodded.

   “Game Mission:”

   “Get at least 7 assists.”

   “Do not allow opponents to get more than 10 points.”

   “Mistakes are less than 3 times.”

   “Personal technical score reaches B+.”

   “Team technical score reached A.”

   A row of missions flew in front of Mo Mengchen.


   “Theo, don’t cut in after the pick-and-roll, just in the high position, I will pass you the pass!”

  Mo Mengchen pulled Ratliff and kept telling.

   Ratliff has doubts: “But my shot is unstable.”

   “If you don’t shoot, you can never practice a stable shot.” Mo Mengchen said, “Don’t hesitate!”

  Hill served Mo Mengchen.

  Mo Mengchen rushed across the half with the ball, and as soon as he met, Harper came to him with a defense full of strength and confrontation.

  The Harpers of the Knicks are different from the Harpers of the Bulls.

The Bulls’ Harper suffered a serious injury, and then became a good defender after focusing on defense. Jordan Moppen faced this Harper, who was actually selected for the second defense. Defender.

   “Yo, be careful! I won’t be merciful because you have suffered so many injuries!” Harper said rubbish, defensive action and intensity are not reduced.

  Harper was about to press further, but then he was blocked by Ratliff who didn’t know which one came out.

Mo Mengchen’s speed is not fast, or rather, he deliberately slowed down, only to attract the attention of others, his breakthrough brought many defenders, and his only passing object-Ratliff high ball , Hit the ball.

   “Theo has the worst pick-and-roll quality in the league. You were blocked by him, huh.”

   Mo Mengchen who played tactics did not forget to add fuel to the opponent’s fire.


   heard this, Harper was angry, and Ratliff was wronged.

  Is my pick-and-roll quality bad?

   The Knicks’ offense is not much different from that of the Pistons. They rely more on strong singles. The gap lies in defensive pressure.

  The pressure provided by the Pistons is far from comparable to that of the Knicks, and it is also Ewing. As long as he gets stuck in the low position, the fans on the scene will shout as excitedly as they are poked at the G point.

  If the ball cannot be given in time, the person holding the ball will be booed by the fans.

The space was completely opened. At this time, it was too risky to enter. The teammates of Ratliff could only stand on the spot and watch Ewing tear Fortunately, Ewing was not a violent man like O’Neill , He doesn’t like rushing like a bulldozer.

The two’s bodies were stuck together, and suddenly, Ewing stepped on the ground, his strong body jumped up like a spring, like a **** rabbit, the ball was pulled out of his hand, and Ratliff did not respond. Not at all.


   “Tonight’s gorilla is extremely brave!”

   “No one can stop it! This is not Pat in 1995, this is Pat in the 1989-1990 season!”

  Mo Mengchen continued to pick-and-roll with Ratliff. This time no one let him go to the open, but the person who came with him was not Ewing, but Oakley.

   “What are you going to do?”

  Mo Mengchen didn’t go in the direction of the pick-and-roll. His breakthrough intention was seen by Harper, who always followed, and the confrontation continued to strengthen.

   His **** was just spoken. Suddenly, Mo Mengchen drew his right foot forward, dribbling the ball with his left hand behind him, flashing a line straight down to the basket.

   “This is not the place you should be!”

  Ewing’s roar lingered near his ear, and Mo Mengchen clearly realized that his shot was equivalent to a hat.

   The long arm of the gorilla is getting closer and closer, and Mo Mengchen’s pupil shrinks instantly.



   Everyone has questions, what is he doing?

  Mo Mengchen threw the ball to a height that could not rebound into the basket at all, but that height was also unreachable.

   When the ball fell, Thorpe under the basket jumped up to catch the basketball and finished the slam dunk, so everyone understood his intention.

  Mo Mengchen fell to the ground because he lost his weight, remembering his history of injuries, he couldn’t help but let people squeeze cold sweat.

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