You are the Pearl, Mo Mengchen

Chapter 85 - Like the little sugar man 1

  After Kidd returned, the Mavericks had a spot on the field that could suppress Mo Mengchen, and they regained control of the situation.

  Mo Mengchen’s strength at this stage is far inferior to Kidd, but he can also be equalized in organization through the attack power of Hill and Houston.

In the first three quarters, Kidd was outstanding on both ends of the offense and defense. The only thing he did badly tonight was a three-pointer. In the first three quarters, he shot 0-for-5. Even so, he still scored 19 points and 11 rebounds in the first three quarters. A triple-double with 10 assists, compared to Mo Mengchen’s 12 points, 5 rebounds and 10 assists, his performance is undoubtedly a victory over the latter.

   He performed so well, but could not give the team a decisive advantage.

   At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Mavericks only had a slight lead of 4 points.

   “Can you make a three-pointer tonight?”

   Kidd’s three-pointer is not on the table compared with Mo Mengchen. Today he missed five good three-pointers.


  Mo Mengchen seized the only three chances and made all three 3-pointers.

  In Kidd’s view, shooting is not necessary, as long as he can seize some good opportunities, although now he can’t even grasp good opportunities, but what does it matter?

   He suppressed the thriving rookie in front of him, and had the opportunity to completely explode it in the fourth quarter.

   He glanced at Breston on the sidelines, it was time for her to look at my spirit.

  Jim Jackson thought he was dazzled, and repeatedly confirmed that Kidd was indeed calling him to pick and roll, and it was still a pick and roll that passed him.

   Kidd is extremely good at catching opportunities through a pick-and-roll. One piece of data shows how much he likes to pass the ball after the pick-and-roll.

This data is called the pick-and-roll pass rate. We can affectionately call it the so-called pass rate. The more arbitrariness people, the more they like to be stronger after the pick-and-roll. They have no teammates in their eyes, and the offense is for them. Is everything.

   Kidd is a diametrically opposite example. His pick-and-roll pass rate is as high as 80%, which fully shows that he is a selfless passer.

   Jackson got the ball and heard Brayston screaming on the sidelines.

  His fake tricked Houston. The latter got up and jumped into the air, but he slapped the ball and went straight to the basket. A relaxed pick helped the Mavericks lead to 6 points.


   “What are you?”

  Mo Mengchen put the ball in his arms: “Serve.”

   “Actually, my defense is not so weak, just an accident just now, you must believe me!”


  Houston held Momengchen’s hand earnestly, and if Momengchen didn’t believe him, he would look for his short-sightedness.

   “You serve first.”

  Houston served and said to Mo Mengchen: “Mo, I want to play the scalpel tactic.”

   “The time is not ripe, but you need to be ready.”

  Mo Mengchen’s answer made Houston wonder if he agreed or refused.

   A good tactic, there must be pick-and-roll and cover, the person responsible for pick-and-roll and cover is extremely important.

  On the Pistons, there is only one person with the best quality of pick-and-roll screens, and that is Otis Thorpe.

   His pick-and-roll is also Mo Mengchen’s favorite use.

   This round, Thorpe moved forward and Kidd’s pupils contracted. He wanted to judge the piston’s play in an instant, but he couldn’t understand it.

  Mo Mengchen called the pick-and-roll, and instead of breaking through, he pierced into a crowded place.

  What is this operation?

  Kid followed him, Thorpe moved laterally to the right at the moment he blocked him, and then helped Houston make a high-quality cover.

   is so close that the side is around. Houston takes advantage of the defender and straightens the free throw line. His back is facing Momo Chen with long eyes and one-handed back pass.

  Houston hit a shot.

   “Damn, the original point is here!”

  Kid was sulking, and his judgment was wrong.

   than tactics, I will not lose to you.

   Kidd does not regard Mo Mengchen as a rookie, the average rookie will not have such a high degree of maturity.

  Even if he has many flaws in his body, he is using his strengths to do his best to influence the game. This is an extremely dangerous player, and this is only the first year of his career.

  Mo Mengchen saw Kidd dribble around the right, which was by no means a random move.

Marshburn is just outside the three-point line on the right. If there is no accident, Kidd will hand over with him, and then use his strong body to help Marshburn block Hill, and then make Marshburn against himself. Bit…

  No, no more.

  Mo Mengchen heard the footsteps behind him. In order to make the offensive success rate higher, Kidd also called inside to do pick-and-roll.

   “Grant!” Mo Mengchen shouted.

  He desperately will also delay the pace of Marsh Ben, Hill will quickly catch up after breaking free from the pick and roll, and this guy will be caught on the outside.

   Sure enough, Kidd did exactly the same as Mo Mengchen’s judgment.

   Give Marsh a pick-and-roll, and then help him hang Hill, there is nothing wrong with it.

  Looking at the thin Mo Mengchen, Marsh hadn’t put him in the eye from the beginning, thinking about drying him up with a rush. Unexpectedly, the young rookie point guard was completely afraid of his iron elbows, and greeted his body with a body that seemed to be unable to resist his one impact.

  Mashburn and Mo Mengchen had a fierce confrontation, he found that the other party’s power is far less than he imagined.

   This guy is not a scarecrow who can fall down!

  Marsh was about to be cruel, Hill came over.

  The two of them worked together. Kidd watched and yelled beside him, hoping that Marsh would pass the ball to him, but it was too late. The more anxious, the easier it was to make mistakes.

  Mash had made a stupid mistake. His passing intention was so obvious that even the little boy on the side of the court knew that he was going to give Kidd a five-pointer from the three-point line. How could his opponent not know?

  His movements were like slowing down countless shots in Mo Mengchen’s eyes-Mo Mengchen raised his hand like a big meat knife and cut off Mashburn’s ball.

   “Dor.Mo steals!”

   “Detroit’s counterattack!”

  Mo Mengchen is in front, Hill is in the back, and the two advance at the same time.

  Mo Mengchen is not a man of greed, accomplishing a wonderful counterattack by Hill can not only increase his morale, but also suppress his opponent’s arrogance, so his right hand hit the ball on the ground.

   Devil Mountain Tengyun rides the fog and catches the ball with one hand, showing a flat basket scimitar clasp that makes people sigh that humans can fly.

   “Grant Hill dunks freely, the two sides are only 2 points away!”

   “I must praise Dor.Mo! His selflessness is reflected in all aspects, he is the most ideal teammate we can imagine!”

   Hill joked: “They actually said that you are the most ideal teammate.”

   “I am indeed.” Mo Mengchen was not humble at all.

   Hill hummed: “They should really listen to how you spray garbage to your teammates.”

  Kid’s anger was uncontrollable. He patted the ball and shouted: “ISO!”

   “I will score where you hate the most!”

  After dribbling, Kidd said to Mo Mengchen.

   At this time, the left side of the frontcourt was empty, and the remaining eight people of the two teams all gathered on the right side.

   The left side became the duel of the two.

Kidd’s left hand vigorously shoots the ball. Although he doesn’t move much, he has an amazing momentum, just like a beast to be hunted. His hands are not stained with blood, but you can feel from his eyes that he has hunted Killed countless prey.

   This momentum is made up of the souls of countless prey.


   underweight, fighting against being crushed, speed is not enough, athletic ability, physical fitness in all aspects have no advantage compared with Kidd.

   Singles Mo Mengchen is indeed an excellent choice.

  Mo Mengchen’s only reliance was his prejudgment on the defensive end. He had to judge Kidd’s breakthrough direction, otherwise, everything would be rested.


   The moment Mood started, Mo Mengchen made a correct prediction. The weak body tried his best to stop him, and Kidd failed to knock him off.

   shocked, Kidd used other methods, he chose to play.

  With his weight, it was no problem to sit outside the paint area from this position. Mo Mengchen was repeatedly pushed back, and finally turned around that was particularly fatal.

  Kid’s body used Momengchen as the fulcrum, made a gyro turn with great strength, directly disintegrated Momengchen’s defense, came to the paint area, and turned and jumped.

  Momon Chen, who was keeping up with the defense, waved his hand involuntarily, hit Kidd’s arm, and the whistle arrived as expected. Kidd lifted the ball comfortably, flicked his finger, uh!


   “Remember tonight, Dor.Mo!”

  Kid spoke to Mo Mengchen in a low voice.

   “Jason rarely spit **** to his opponent!”

   “Daily meets opponents and will meet Liangcai, Dor.Mo is indeed a rare Before Kidd hit the free throw line, Mo Mengchen had a meeting.

  Hill hesitated, and finally didn’t get over.

  The only people who participated in the meeting were Thorpe and Mills.

   “You can’t stop him.” Thorpe said definitely.

   “I really can’t stop it, but I’m not without a fight back, I need your help.” Mo Mengchen said.

   Mills patted his chest and said, “What do you need to say!”

   Watching Thorpe and Mills bow their heads to Mo Mengchen, Houston said dryly: “What whispers do they say there all day? Is there anything you can’t say together?”

   “You can also go to a meeting…” Hill laughed.

   “I don’t want it!” Houston said, “naive!”

   Kiddgar made a free throw and scored his 22nd point. The Mavericks’ lead reached 5 points.

  Mo Mengchen picked up the ball and threw it to Thorpe: “According to the original plan.”

   “I didn’t do much about that pick and roll, are you sure?” Thorpe said.

   “No problem, just like the usual pick and roll.” Mo Mengchen said.

  Kid found that he had just lost his sense, and even sprayed garbage to his opponent in order to achieve greater pleasure.

   The other party was not defeated by him, deaf to his rubbish, he came again.

  What is this cunning rookie trying to do this time?

Kidd thinks he has more tactics than the head coach, but their coach is a veteran who has been in the league for decades. He has his own set. What can he be ordered to do, not to exceed the rules, Mo Mengchen It’s different.

   Their head coach is like a dead man.

  Thinking of this, Kidd glanced at Doug Collins who only knew how to shout like a little sugar man.

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