You can’t escape their Love.(Yandere Harem)

Normal Day


"Wakey Wakey Otouto (younger brother) !!!  You're going to be late for high school again, " my elder sister woke me up.

With blurry vision, I wrapped myself in the blanket again as my sister pulled it back.

(sfx- thud )

"Ouuu," I yelled as my butt stung like crazy. I fell from my bed and now my sister who already wore her uniform is dragging me by the collar of my pajama (nightwear)  to the bathroom without giving a second thought about my stinging butt.........

My name is Touya Sato and My older sister's name is Akari Sato. Our parents are fashion designers so they travel the world and visit us barely. Eventhough they send us a lot of money regularly my sister goes for a part time job after school and reaches home before dinner.

AKARI SATO----- older sister

AKARI SATO----- older sister     

-High School 3rd year

- Excels in all subjects

- Extrovert ( sociable )

- B- 81   W- 60   H- 83  (cms)  173 cms

- Violet straight Hair (often ties a ponytail)

- Strong enough to lift Touya


She handed me my toothbrush and goes back to cooking. 

Lazily I brush my teeth followed by a hot shower. The food was freshly set on the table as I sat on the chair after wearing my uniforn. She sat on the opposite side of the table and slowly started to chewed her food.

"Touya..... Do you have any girlfriend?"

"*spitting* What! What are you asking me from nowhere ?" I said wiping my mouth.

" Answer me..."

" I don't have yet...."

"Hmmm, " She hummed as she took the plates and placed them in the sink . For some reason she looked happy.

"Are you laughing at me ?,"

"No..... Why would I... Of course I am not happy that my cute, innocent little brother don't have any girlfriend yet." She replied and hugged me from behind. I felt something soft touching my back which turned my face red.

" Stop it Nee san I am in 2nd year of High school now."

"How much ever you grow... You will still be my little brother"

"Let go off me," I gushed. She let me go at last .... and I ran into the main hall.

After finishing tying my laces we together exit our house as she locks the door and we head to our school. 

She wished everyone on our way to school as I maintained a low Image because i am ashamed of all that. Before entering my school gate she checks my collar and sees whether if i looked fine. Then she greets her friends waiting for her at the lockers and she heads to her classroom. I am not an extrovert nor and introvert... I have quite a few friends but they were all guys... Whenever i try to befriend a girl for some reason she starts avoiding me or stops coming to school. I guess its a curse which befell upon me due to my previous reincarnation who migh possibly have been a playboy.

I slowly open my classdoor and there awaited my 3 friends near my desk.

"Oh Touya boy, Whatsupp" Fuji greeted.

"Had fun with your sexy sister." 'Haruto teased.

"Shut up! I don't have a sister complex like you......Pervert" , I fired on him.

"I got a girl friend yesterday." ,Dai  dropped a bomb.

Everyone including me uttered no word.

"Did I hear girlfriend?"

"It's a bad joke"

"Don't say anything......"

"It's true..... I got a girlfriend yesterday." , Dai reassured us.

The atmosphere suddenly turned gloomy.

"Oh.......Nice for you"

"You no longer need to hang with us guys"

"You are no longer a normie like us."

"Don't forget this friend of yours *sobs*"

"By the way who is it, and who confessed first.?" I asked.

"It's a girl from the same year but from A class" Dai continued with a smug look "Out of nowhere she confessed to me. Receiving a confession from such a beautiful girl no guy can reject."

"Good for you.. So how far did you reach"

"We kissed" , Dai said shyly.

We silently returned to our seats and sat on them ignoring Dai. A minute later our class started.

From the starting of the class, my gaze always shifted towards my classmate Rin Adachi

RIN ADACHI- classmate

RIN ADACHI- classmate

- 2ndyear High School

-Light brown straight hair

-Not sociable (introvert)

- B-76   W-57  H-78  (cms)  162 cms


My seat was the last beside the window whereas she sat 2 benches ahead of me on the row on my right. She is a silent girl and prefers to be alone, I really like girls of her type. Even though i can manga conversations with other girls, I never spoke even a single word to her from first year of highschool. I shifted my gaze towards the window when she looked behind. Maybe she noticed me, my head was pulling my gaze again to her but my will was too strong for it.

After a minute, I was sure she no longer was looking behind so when i turned my head towards her, she was staring me............ OH SHIT...... I got caught...I pulled a normal face to make it look as if i glanced at her accidently...... But, She smiled........ 

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